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tv   Africa Direct A Future With Fish The Queen  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 11:30am-12:01pm AST

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the where we are going is simply to seek a better life. the truth is, we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh, it will be heading up was it's called the government tides does not take responsibility. yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies and above all, not allowing them to get some buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to say so many people. so many children working on the sunday. last month, the us border patrol reported more than $140000.00 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december. the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration as
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national elections near in both countries. with it up a little al jazeera, donald trump social media company has made its stock market debut on wall street to the trump media and technology group ended the day at nearly $16.00 a share, giving a market capitalization of nearly a $1000000000.00. however, some analysts are still not predicting a successful future if truth social can not increase its 5000000 user base. and trump launched it 2 years ago after he was banned from major social platforms following the insurrection, the us capital. if you, because largest bank says it has recovered nearly 80 percent of money, immediately withdrawn by customers during a computer glitch. the error allowed users to take out more money than they actually had in their bank accounts. up to $14000000.00 were withdrawn or transferred from the commercial bank 2 weeks ago. a bank manager say that 15000 customers have voluntarily return the cash. or is it the way the money was taken is
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not healthy? it's not good for society. the lesson is not a good one. i look at the remaining 178000000 barrels as a 178 b and b or it has to be returned. we will make sure that even those are always one bill with return the money. thailand's lower house of parliament has voted to legalize same sex marriages. the bill paved the way for thailand to become the 1st southeast asian nation to allow unions between people of the same sex. it must now be approved by the senate and endorsed by the king before it becomes law. that's it from me. so then yea, then use continues here on our 0 after africa direct and will be back at the top of the hour with a full slate. the world, the why have american evangelicals become? is real strongest. backer is us president joe,
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find the right to stand with israel with no red line. as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real? solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line, the, the, the
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van in to, to this you on to the you know, so a way, you know, one of them, the diva the and that's it can be hooked off. i'm going to vary, i know you got as you might be and i thought as you know, you didn't, you know guys are good enough either they'll be more about having a good idea and then i got the boat and uh hey, i got a good idea the other day they can get a nickel. does it just missing
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another thing you need or what? the little one, the lady folks in the amount of the movies you shuttle us that's not something that you guys can. how to continue doing. and then one of the main on the, on some lines as you do not on this, we don't have it in the po is, you know, we're here to find accommodated wasn't unfortunately known when i, i mean, as you know them. yeah. hopefully that was the 1st thing can do to the university, deb, this is my new throughout the week is just don't do this is to me it was you know,
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obtain the me to these are the 2 big in the sense i just don't do this is you man a and must have 2 years. this is human up in easy to use it there. but he said this dash, this does of the day. do you do go see the rule you, you see i'm gonna do crazy. you miss you do when you find to find you didn't get to the lives you do the the fit on the sheet of the temp support a local one. they live a ongoing and i know the tools i saw the
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center, the pc, which is what i mean. so that's basically fine. so woof, woof. and listen to the nice people not done. they're doing a little work on it. so when you're doing the excellent sort of my showed me what it is uh i will close the one on the cpg and the fun way, months in didn't don't the i really do come so local and roughly about go with the look at a little black and white as well, nice house and by the, by the i how would in know, you guys suspended. i don't know. i'm from that i'm a may go and read him. what on why them we can make them so i'm good game. i'm once you wedding done that in the really easily addressing what, what so, so what can i do the learning process of assess if the the
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limited well thank us. you more i live in mind is you need the amount of little pressure any definitely meant the cell phones you mean the what it should do find this to see says yeah, she had a day if she needed the field on. if you know my on my been pre approved for that is all this to them with all my family for me, does it, does he need to pass in to the agenda? the
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issue that i'm going to graduate from jimmy d. s. she was a through them with the actual denies she recently, she made them the fun to play and i'm of my cases produced at contest who was whom lady gives you a piece of autumn if it is on the phone to tell them on today's the
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80 i do not know the fact that i do mean a for my strong in the beginning to obtain, gimme a just kind of secure on through. so from the main me a school have maybe i didn't get to new. i mean, that didn't even do it for the tenuous time to see if that's good meant to beautiful. ok. and i can for now didn't the guy down when you what do you guys you guys should. i don't get got, don't fix, turn the think show see exclusives. now what we're going to say is this is so ok with that level when they say to me the implement when with the, the
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just to make up the budget and add the names of the money before i think you know what it is. can you can give me one is thinking about how to go away and get the funds to defend. uh no gosh, yes. the
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woman who she is united human password to do my son. could you please give me a bottle of the list? how can you she's keeps on faith from the 2 forces do new. so for the day she was getting it confused, fema usefulness and things you cause you piece of it a month brenda made it to, to us here. you of the the
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clinic to that when do i so when do you send them home where it's in regard to the when and what else do you need them but i see the data that oxygen cannot be my home. now if you know, if you don't, i don't was i need to the so you know, for, for the total is that you can live for, i mean good that there was a certain time is that for the fence and to left the ends. so i will see little will continue to do so via so how would i know where they can,
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but when they need to upgrade them, what do you guys have on this would be helpful? the deep, the point, the buttons at the well creating gigabyte. this one is a window of the mobile and doing any, jumped it on the
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phone. if you can, that's fine. you just come into this one the to this you
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of the, the was your, the more then to do what became a proper from so when, when these why that is the family of demise, you download it for what, what i'm
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a do we need this done for the ocean ocean for the new cottage data finding the end, if she had any final is over them on the bus yards up to where to move. what was your the the she is the the the, the
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. ringback the, the on the tune for over 20 is i started in england and america and came back that to 8 years ago. when i became dom i made when the 5 elderly women. and they told me that's is going to extinction.
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the div that's in suffolk, i use that to all 4 or 5 that's 822 years ago. set up a true on for a woman that the woman will have a police on high cheese. i've been done and the amount will be the spiritual guide, even though you need say, 200 entities 2 years ago. yes. is only a 100 years ago. that's the width. i'm was such a we many solution to what's on the stage, the development of women in africa, nigeria, woodland. and i know my using clement of european europeans came widia ideology
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until the people that i was is. but i'm, so our people need wholesale acceptance of forwarding ideas the, our for, for that. so we mean, as you mentioned, meaning that's our full fund as well. we mean for in india wisdom, the wise old man settled this is to show and said that he never yeah, knew my community. there has to be a charge on a ruler who is in charge of main menus. and the land has to be, i'm always the one that she's in charge of women female use. and because they didn't know do much more importantly, our fault does gave these 2 drug items, because we need to deal with sort to find out why the, the off 4 or 5 does do that. and the research showed, again that's our 4 or 5 that's fair, that's a minor reason is to check it for
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a new one minor huizenga multiple was the i am i g, g i n i g m i z z say listen, i need those dates. um i did you say a tiny desktop case? um i do see, i mean when you know my d. c. i know my me now my g g. i know but um beyond what are the points of coordination, these base towed made right. she becomes the a mind 90 woman put together. that's where you who the front desk. ordinarily a woman does multiple that if i'm those, that's where, where he read come. that way you have the fitness which no other woman with except them. because now as the more they have this told you wouldn't be right on the manual for money on your back. well, when any time you went alone and you've been busy, can you be i'd be home depot or those. yeah. and yeah,
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i need those. yeah. i knew going, do i need to get those? yeah, i mean, kindly those young over there doing any 9 years. yeah. or those young, sincerely speaking when you become them, you don't have friends anymore. you don't have fun media anymore because your family festival lives you. because of the nature of these traditional people are afraid of these edition. for example, when i became dom somewhere, genuinely worried because of dean 3 cases on the spiritual somewhere. convinced that in 9 months that we die. because i might not be able to give to the rules of thundering to the shrines of the do's and don'ts. some said she's to west on the same people i say now she's too conservative. right? yeah. well nadia in your and i kind of board you being all, you see the calamities for on the new thing we use for the you
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see the x to cool. i know here you see that useful. this is female. this is mill, easy sweep or so there are 3 moves yet and so it isn't. that's wonderful. and all that didn't i am i remember i knew and usually i knew with largest 190 with always you know, my with long as i knew when you know religion. so yeah. right. lots of challenges. one easy 5 that's almost i most paid for for that skipped to the market for the i'm going through this. i live here by the local governments. i am the market collect in griffin. so if you need them to include to who would take care of i when she think the policy i've seen is my personal pro but and that was because for 38 years i came back,
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i was in business. if you look at the photograph the that's what we show you at pads or what my life was like. i explode my life in nigeria. i explode my life, eating lunch, i explode my life in america. i lived lives to do for less into i just don't know. why should we make the bill to the news so that it was been so good. you mom's use that to arrogance. that's why we make the door should be low . i mean, we all do what that or then into what i went through the what type of if i'm the right, that's why i have these them this side is
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what size of i'm yamma these periods of i knew my nation this i do what as of i know i'm a new representation on what the find the on on the left hand side is what us. ok. the state because when i became on why was he made those deeds so well calling on these dates of do was that one done them on the the, on the almost emulator they gave me all the media and the media. i need the, the 70 percent of the almost walk you page 10 percent. you to look at the women 10 percent. you to look at that in my case, i know that 10 percent is to settle issues. example in my community over the years ago. every way i was wondering how these web buns, 3 people were killed and demand could not handle it. i need to, i just don't, i relax logan and so you can you bring your minds toys to eat?
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and i did. i submitted all the villages the bundle is causing issue to be no villages fights, india that because a bunch the way you find like what do you do in like 3 minutes way? it's easy to get back to me is that we go down there and then come back to lights. there's nothing to fight because every day i'm in the temple, i'm busy praying to god. and the answer to us the most we do will go to mind to one thing to do the way i was as those wants me to do, i can be gods, but anyone i cannot get jump pulled up on what i would say there was a point where i was seriously challenged,
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that i started thinking of the impossible of the impossible is leaving the drawing, but not as i regrets it will be coming. do okay. you regret when god gives you an assignment to kind of regret the purchase of munitions and regrets. he says seem because god, we live on fund issue the this institution is 822 years old and nobody knew about these to you on, on to like him on board the. and for me, as the me, once i have tried to do is to fuse the good of the or good or the new
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for once with this, you need click on the bright new d. the a ask like a narrative from africans perspective. nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries
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from canyon africa direct on, i'll just be around 2 weeks ago, the government of china and i was to hike in the price of fuel was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the world foot program size, the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people for depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out, especially now the ages is couple of to or no money to help you which reserves of alysia used in electric batteries and fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. fly be nice to vast ideas. so player or unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from
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a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's wife goes on to just the at least 10 palestinians are killed in rasa. as israel ignores calls by the un security council for an immediate cease fire in gaza or the, i'm sort of any a good to have you with us. this is elsa 0, live from doe, who also coming up in the program charities are doing their best to provide food and gaza. but hundreds of thousands of people industry are starting as the law fire as a barrage of rockets into northern israel. laughter and is really strikes killed 7
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people in 711 on.


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