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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us. commer takes the bottom line, the the hello. this is in use our own algae, 0 for the back. people live in to coming up in the next 60 minutes. it strikes hits residential areas in southern gaza, as israel leaders ignore the demand by the un security council for an immediate cease. 5 charities are doing their best to provide food in gaza, but hundreds of thousands of people in the strip astonished hezbollah fires
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a barrage of rockets into northern israel. after these really striking 7 people in 711 though, also dissolved almost all of the driver in putting the problems. and i'll tell you how people are finding it difficult to access health care and remote talk. so one is for the praise football team qualified for that 1st major tournament. and since the russian invasion, they fall back to the ice into one in the playoffs is the tool that placed at the zeros for the full time in the right. the thank you for joining us. we begin this news with these rouse continued war on guys as it ignores a un security council resolution demand for an immediate cease. fire is really a tax. have again been widespread and relentless series of strikes, targeted residential areas across the street because of the health ministry says at least 10 palestinians were killed in
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a rough uh 5 others were killed. in oper raised in central garza, any occupied westbank is really soldiers rated several cities getting 3 people, including 2 teenagers in jeanine and wounding others, ne annapolis. they've also been cross border attacks between israel and 11 on and is really as try killed at least 7 people in the lebanese village of have a ria, one person was killed as has been left side, a barrage of rockets into israel. let's get an update on the situation in gaza 1st and speak to, i'll just hear his honey, my hold was improper for us. so honeys been 48 hours since that you end security council resolution demanding a ceasefire in gaza. it hasn't happened. bring this up to speed with the latest strikes on rafa and alice way across the gulf stream. the yes, well, it hasn't happened yet. and it haven't deterred the israeli military. and is really
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a war cabinet from going on with the threats of expanding the ground invasion dropbox. it in this we got the breakdown of from the polls ministry in the gaza strip. we have 16 people in the central area just within the past few hours of being killed with a close to 22 people have been critically injured, reported and transferred to unlock the hospital. they attacked what were residential homes, as well as were people who work who gather of areas, waiting for fluid. uh 8 to be delivered. 2022 people have been killed and rough alone, over crowded rough city with more than half of the population have been pushed and cornered in this small part of the gaza strip with a please. it's one is due other injuries across the city. the targets were residential homes and lots of stock farm and agriculture landing nathan parts of the city. meanwhile, and the northern part we're looking at 38 people are being killed by attacking
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drones in our killer setting. and more of the air strikes as is really military continues to operate aggressively at the super hospital in its vicinity and so far have destroyed and severely damaged and burned tens of the, 10s the homes and the houses around the vicinity of a super hospital, a seeds fire was welcomed as seen as a positive it too, but on the grounds, the tragedies, gibson folding as they are struck, continue on to run it loosely pound palestinians across the district. so residential buildings, but also medical facilities targeted across the gas and strip honey my, who would thank you for bringing us the latest. the from rafa is really soldiers have rated several cities across the occupied westbank. at least 3 people have been killed. 2 of them, teenagers, and 9 others injured in jeanine, photos as destroyed rose and facilities during the raid. several lot of people were
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wounded in operations. the novelist, these really ami has killed more than $450.00 pounds simians in the occupied westbank since october. the 7th, let's get an update on the situation in the occupants of westbank and speak to me that you, brian was in ramallah for a fet stock. neither would the slightest raid in jeanine and 2 teenagers killed that in separate incidents. what do we know happened a yes, the 3 pallets to these have been killed, as you say. there are 2 of them. 19 year olds. they were killed in 2 separate incidents, but the uh, both happened in g need. so what happened is just before midnight is ready for us, has a rated in a neighborhood in judy and city where confrontations have been up to them. these really forces have it try to confiscate some surveillance cameras, which is that with it. and also the mother's a monument that belongs to a palestinian and will, has been killed earlier by these really forces now fast forward. these really forces also re, did the janine refugee cab, they withdrawn but came back with
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a bulldozer and started demolishing and destroying the infrastructure. of the g need w g come that's when the some locals tell us that there are fighters inside that you need refugee cup will start that's confronted with these really forces military, the specific a as these really forces with a 3 thing. know what they did is they brought back at their own. they did not come back and that drone has struck and killed 2. how the city is one of them, a 27 year old who used to work at the p. s. customs please. the 2nd one in 19 year old luther believes to be part of the palestinian armed resistance groups. inside that if you jacob, you know, when we talk about palestinians who have been killed since that the 7th of october, we're talking about more than 453 palestinians, at least 106 of them are from the area surrounding and in do you need need of these daily raids on the occupied westbank we've,
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we've talked about them every single day here now to 0. the rest rates. what impact is it having on the lives of people of palestinians in the occupied west? back that we can talk about the feeling or lack of security. you know, when we talk to palestinians in the street, they tell us, no, we need to. these really forces raids with their armed vehicles with their soldiers . what heavy the arm. but also we're seeing a growing trend of under cover is really goodness, who grew inside palestinian communities, pretending to be palestinians wearing those clothes that would look like they are members of that community. and then they would start to know that still petition or either assess the nation as we've seen in jimmy and. ringback imagine the feeling of the lack of security, the feeling of tensions that you have, those where it's happening at night. and in the morning, people who are just trying to go to school or tries to go to work. or also at surprised to see those as really forces in addition to the feeling of being,
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you know, injured, be to being invested by these really forces. you talk about the a sense of palestinians that they feel that there's lack of security. but there's also, you know, the slow violence of keep happening day in and day. 1 it's very pleasing and there is a sense of impunity. they feel that israel has been getting away with all of those ways with all of those killings that they look up because of the see the world you, we really not doing enough to support the palestinians. they are, they fear that this really is also why it's focusing. it's targeted a campaign in gaza. it's also trying to change the staff as quote in the occupies westbank by making it difficult for palestinians to go about their daily lives and have lack of security. one at the same time is really suck. there's are increasing the presence need to thank you very much for that. that sounds as there is need to abraham reporting that live from around my law in the occupied westbank stand on
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these really as striking 711. no one has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village of how the re it targeted, how center used by the lebanese group. gemma is let me in response has one that has flight a barrage of rockets, injuries, ready territory. it targeted the city of carry out a small not in northern israel, at least one person has been killed and is really media is reporting that a number of people are trapped in a factory that was damaged in the attack. these really military and has well i had exchanged cross border fire since the war on guys that'd be gone. then a harder has more from high berea in 711 on behind me was the health center of this village. as you can see, it has been totally destroyed and that overnight is rarely strike 7 paramedics were in that building and they were killed. people here are in grief. there is a lot of anger. this is the 1st time this village has been targeted,
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but it is not the 1st time a health center. a medical facility has been hitting the ongoing confrontation. it's not the 1st time power emetics volunteers. a young men really who go to the front line to help people, whether they're sick or whether they were wounded in attacks, even to retrieve bodies, have been killed. you talk to people here and they tell you that they believe this is part of as well. strategy to show for us to show that it can be populate these areas and the, you know, forced people to leave because, you know, people still live in this village where approximately 5 kilometers from the border . much of the border zone up to 4 kilometers is largely empty now. and many of those people who left those regions are now here. so people will tell you, this is part of, of israel strategy to push people away. but there's really military said they hit a military compound and that the limitations eliminated what they're calling a significant operative. but people in this village say they were young man in the early twenties, university, students, and volunteers. it is in
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a harder that in 711 on now, while local charities are doing their best to provide much needed 8 hundreds of thousands of people are going hungry in gaza. and during this fasting month of ramadan, display spotted students in rafa reflect on the dramatic shift in their lives since this time last year. mom involve reports. the sound of cutlery embassy relief. kitchen must be music to the e is of hundreds of thousands of policy space and stop ation. it's been nearly 6 months since these video funds to become coupled with any a total seat. the majority of these palestinians have been forced from that holds even of the holy most of them upon the minds to move the days of the past. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reaches for the for the month of ramadan is here. the situation is different, and as you can see,
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everyone depends on the 8th and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month or from a dental. we were living in our houses, the markets were full and we can buy anything for children. but the situation was kind of trimming. done is different because of the war. instead of bank 1st, fruits and vegetables from the markets. now we only can from with only tiny amounts of a guessing if the local effect is crucial. a hospice charter to is one of the local groups about to have to the survivors and thousands of people himself. we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the holy month of ramadan, we need to exit or if we divided ourselves into 2 teams. the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat and the 2nd for cooking. other things such as be peas, lentils, et cetera, we try, i'll base to provide food top to the displace people shy and rough bottom. but it
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hasn't always been easy with the sheaves camp secure supplies. 6 we face them difficulties, such as the lack of meat, rice, an oil at the beginning of the roll. we used to cook 5 calls, but now this is difficult due to the lack of calls. and the very high prices is found. one is facing the double set of families and the potential is ready to go into effect. see, what's the situation is for the project on sunday is are you informed that you and thought it was no longer a low food convoys to be finding it, just close the families that are forced to to die sources. first of all, the need for safe and too many to support husbands. it'd be more at and how much fun of disease. lots more ahead on this sounds easier and use our including as for the most of and social media accounts for teenagers,
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we ask whether it could become a trend elsewhere and world tennis number one. novak joke of h make some big announcements, jo. be here to tell you what's in the 1st e amount of fluid which is wasted, continues to hurt the global economy and fuels. nature loss and pollution, as well as climate change. the united nations estimates that household worldwide waste more than a 1000000000 meals a day on average, each breast and waste 17 on keels of food annually as the equivalent of $1.00 meals every day for everyone in the world suffering from hunger as 718000000 people are affected by hunger and a 3rd of the world population faces full shortages. the united nation says 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from both the loss and waste of food. that's 5 times higher than the total emission is on the ocean sector. while i
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speak to call you on iraq when off and about this, she's a research fellow at the national food research institute and he's joining us from new delhi. thank you very much for being with us on out to 0. so more than 1000000000 meals wasted when in some parts of the world like gaza, people, children, a dying of hungry, it's very difficult to reconcile this what, why is this so much food waste or yeah, absolutely. the 1st thing, so inviting me, i would say that uh, i mean if the problem obviously and got the problem and many other parts of the world and you. and so if you report estimates at about 40 percent of the people who cannot afford to help you digest i to india for example. one thing to keep in mind is that the global production of food bought exceeds the builders requirement. but it's not a question about net supply and demand. it's more to question about distribution of the food. and we didn't to see that a lot of the food we state is concentrated in higher income countries. so we see
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more afford lost in, in lower income countries, and that's the bottom of the food. it gets large between production and buy that. and i do the story. but of the food we have to part of it, which says from retail, up until you consumption tends to be concentrated in, in hide and from countries and particularly at the house level. and so i think there's a need to kind of dive on. the 2 problems is not just to do for you to reduce food, we amount high income population that that food would be automatically available for low income population, right? and the report also highlights that food waste is not only a rich country problem. and, and this happens in, in, in 4 countries. also talk to us about your experience in india. you talked about india in the beginning, how prevalent is food, waste a and ways to food production loss. the most is a, during harvest in household or in retail. a. yes, i just distinguish, looking for loss and lead to the terms are offering you interchangeably for, for loss is the amount of food that is produced that doesn't make it through to the
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market. so if i, if it's referring to, you know, food cops produced or, or livestock that i saw, that they don't actually make it to, to being sold treated. but it's sold, we kind of picked up from the very day in point and the amount of food that is that is sort of that is not can do. and so these 2 concepts actually looking at 2 different parts of the, of the value chain. there's very little data globally on, on food, lots and for waste. and particularly in developing countries like india, the action already, which is about how much food is being wasted in india. specifically the fuel studies that do exist have look, you know, isolated. but most of these on, on food we have to, to do that to waiting till the celebration for the fact the majority of the, of the food kind of being lost along the value chain is actually coming. or at least the estimates in india are coming from food, not for that. you know, i, the p a p,
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have it due to clockwise to do the best of these either or both. have it blocked it . and that came to be the trend or the globally, you feed it into the income countries, the majority of, of you losses along divide the chain uh, concentrated into the doctors rather than food. we try and ad technology improve of what's for transportation, you know, gold storage, as well as the packaging and distribution. you actually see a drastic reductions in losses. and then as the, you know, boarding higher income populations, but in the countries is better than in higher income countries use the corresponding di, okay, and full sized states at the company. so i, i a different to you and it's important to highlight this between food ross and food ways. now, what are the adverse effects of this way switch not just on for security, but on, on natural resources like water and, and the environment of course, or yeah, so, so as you pointed out in the introduction to this, so it's estimated at about 8 to 10 percent of the enhanced gas guy who's actually
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produced from who that is produced look knocked in june. and so the significant in item and the impacts of steps that are offered, obviously also the dimensions that we should get about in terms of nutrition, security, because desires the, the types of foods that are being wasted on the types of foods that are reaching nutrients. that'd be want people to eat or beast and to be animal thoughts, food, betty, and test for, as well as to have been vegetable. and so what tends to happen is then you have heidi with fish, you have nowhere to availability of these new ginger tools that they are available at higher prices. which means that, that part of the does kind of consider them and kind from you today that, that gets the new change requirement. how, what actions, what actions, kindly on a, do you think governments should prioritize to, to reduce food waste and you know, what will be the global benefits of that? yeah, absolutely. it's a great question. and actually we know very little about the strategies at work to reducing food risk. so you can uh, sort of dorothy category item and retrieve the type,
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the information. i know really what these would be, things like anything to do. my benefit on ford's food with a notification program that i picked and i just put their benefits and i talked about refrigeration being the one that bought the consumer end as well as in, in before jane and john for the board. and then then i also want the system, my policy change it with things like the life changing. you know that it by or you may be on, on packages it, some people call it the ugly ford movement. so you have a station with the food that means aesthetic, sanders that are also very as long as the measures that can be taken at the level of hospitality sector, which contributes about a quarter or movies, including things like reducing subbing size. there's a number of bosses, it cetera. but what are the evidence on all of these? this is pin a lot of related to it on food. we is actually going over the last decade or thank you more than a decade. but we still only have very little evidence on what we're thank you so much for talking to us about this. thank you for inside. come down a rug or not,
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and research fellow at the international food research institute live there from you, denny. thank you very much. for joining us on august here, thank you. now to the us, way investigators are examining the dates every quarter of the container ship the costs of baltimore bridge collapse. their checking is contaminated, fuel costs are loss of power. divers are due to search the bridge wreckage for the bodies of 6 workers. they were repairing potholes on the bridge when the ship crashed into it on to say that springing john henry and who is near the scene of the collapse bridge in baltimore. what's the latest and drawn in this investigation? fully, it's still early in the morning with a divers are back in the water. they are searching for 6 workers from central america and mexico who were on that bridge. now the boat, the crashed into the bridge, the ship was able to give a warning enough warning, so that the doherty's can close off each end of that bridge 2 cars. but the workers
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who were feeling potholes and that bridge remained on there. and those are the ones who were missing and now presumed dead in those very cold waters. they've got the black box recorder, the national try traffic safety board or transportation safety board. rather, he's got the black box data recorder that was on that ship and they're looking at it to confirm reports if that ship lost power. and that's what caused it to drift into this ship. and if you look at the video, you can see the lights flash off just before that collision. they're also looking for perishable materials, documents, anything that might be on board that could disappear in the course of its best investigation. and they're trying to just piece together what exactly happened now . this was a shift that had previously had a collision in antwerp with a wall. and i asked the governor of, of maryland west more about that. he said that so far they have seen nothing
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surprising out of that. but he did point out that there was a massive economic impact. this is what he had to say when we seen how the entire country has rallied around maryland and round around baltimore, it's because i do understand that the port of baltimore is not just impacting maryland. if you look at this, we are this, this port is responsible for over 51000000 tons of foreign cargo. that's the largest in the country that for everybody who was buying cars for everybody who was buying farm equipment. where you the largest port in the country that does that. so this is not just impacting marilyn. this is impacting that farmer and kentucky. it's impacting that auto dealer in michigan. and so it is imperative that we get this bridge rebuilt. it's imperative that we get the part of baltimore back up and going so this is the biggest port for transporting cars in the united states. so that is going to affect the supply chain much as we saw during the pandemic. that means cars will be quickly getting to their
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destination. they are being diverted to other ports here on the east coast and transported to the midwest of the united states and elsewhere. but the loss of this bridge is going to gum up the supply chain for some time. john, thank you very much for that. john hendrick reporting a line from baltimore. now it's on clear how long the port of baltimore will remain shut before engineers managed to pay the wreckage. but as john mentioned, their supply chains already being affected with ships stuck in port an inbound vessels diverted elsewhere. baltimore handled $80000000000.00 worth of trade last year. it's america's largest sport vehicles and also handles launch volumes of coal chips and lumber, that all needs to go elsewhere. now, the shipping industry is already being disrupted. who's the attacks and the red sea of cause and increasing prices on goods from asia? oh, yeah, i spoke to guy plate and who's the secretary general of the international chamber of shipping? he says,
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the culture of baltimore for brought on by the collapse of the bridge will cause some delays in the short time. the localized, disappointing disruption katie, the portables. more close. we don't know when it's going to reopen. you've got a lot of a bridge wreckage, which is now loading the c bed with the mind you can move in and out to baltimore is that's going to take some time to get the results has in place to lift that to clear that. so we're talking die, is it not weeks for baltimore to be closed? the ship stuck inside baltimore, harvard like the con sale. and so obviously it will drop it to other pools which will cost the lights. and the fix companies going have to bundle tend to pulse because they can discharge. another thing they call goes the problem. so that's going to, in the short term, could creates a buffle next small ships will be gone to the other ports which will go up to the next and delays. so these things will work themselves out of the time. but clearly, for the next a period of time, there's going to be disruption to the, to the, the maritime supply chain in that area as they dislike,
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is taken up by other places. and hopefully both will pull low sooner rather than later. and send a ga, the president elect is promising a clean break from the past by seo july 5, pleasure taco corruption at all levels and govern with transparency. he said to be the countries youngest leader, following his victory and sundays the late election. nicholas hungary, for some of the car, we were in downtown to car not too far from the presidential palace where after 12 years of mackie. so change is coming despite a delayed election that brought so much turmoil. the outcome of the vote did not divide the people. but instead, united the senegalese people, you have to get us to be very proud to be senegalese, and to belong to a great democracy. today we have shown on proven to be a country that will stand by our democracy. we have proven to be a silver in under our destiny is in all hundreds of i'm hoping for change in the economy and the use unemployment will be addressed by
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a dollar dollar status election. when 12 it took place in peace and stability. and the best has one for a peaceful single ad for the whole of africa, from the european union into the african union. and most importantly, the reasoning body echo was all have commended the authorities for organizing what they described as a free and fair election. this is important because it's a region marked by democratic setbacks with a number of who is in the region program he, he did, but we live tv. so similar of what is, what did you need from prison on the eve of the elections contributed to their lively these web was where we set out of their conduct or the 1st visit. and they had to go in at a cross road, taking a new direction away from a routine that had a lot of police repression. an authoritarian over tone to
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a new president that has spent the last 11 months in prison for a facebook post. he is relatively unknown. he's not from the political leads, and people here hope that he can deliver on this promise to bring justice more freedom and fortify senegalese democracy, nicholas hawk. alex's the right, the car. a tropical storm is lashing northern madagascar, his jeff with a check on the website a certain here's a washout for ne madagascar. all has to do with this tropical storm, just locked into play over these ne slice of madagascar. the storm is just going to wobble around your ring out. it's moisture. it is moving incredibly slow. dr. the blue and the yellow. that is a more intense rain. let me paint on the red line. let's see. potentially. the storm could look to impact nourishes over the next several days. so certainly we'll keep tabs on it. i think this is more of a rain maker as opposed to powerful winds. looking at potentially have
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a meter of rain in this ne portion of not a gas card. let's go to the top end of africa right now. there had been some sand storms in morocco. we've now seen them it now, jerry. a certainly the possibility is therefore to easier and especially libby, i'd say over the next 24 to 48 hours for the european side health and header training. and what whether really point in to italy here from amelia romano rate down to relevant. so by the time it's all said and done room. yeah, you could see half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours, but we're talking about warmer air from africa. so your temperature is will shoot up once the sun comes back out so well above where it should be. and it's also roaring and pouring across portugal and spin wind gusts up and down the coast of portugal could exceed 85 kilometers per hour. thank you. jeff, still ahead on this news, our tony chang on the time in boulder with thousands of military age. men and women are expected to flee in the coming months to escape the
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drops and an historic knife of george's football team. as they qualify for major tournaments for the 1st time, that's in sports with joe, stay with the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct action. water sheds, moments international law is vehicle b, this modest so on. so the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenged conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does that affect community? a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront without 0 reporting from the action
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rate. when i'm hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbnb content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the, the the, [000:00:00;00] the plug in, you're watching the news, our on ology is here with me for the back people. a reminder of our main stories this hour is really forces continue to target in residential areas across the
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causes and strip gases. health ministry says at least 10 people were killed in the latest of time on rough or 5 of those were killed in and these really strike on operation. central gas. 10 is really a striking 711 on a scale that me 7 people, the attack hit, the village of have a real it targeted a health center used by the lebanese uncle to my is. let me add in the us. investigators are examining the dates a record of the container ship that costs a baltimore bridge to collapse their checking if contaminated fuel cause a loss of power drivers are due to search of rage wreckage for the bodies of 6 workers. for on a 20 it collapsed. start staying in the us, teenagers in florida, face being banned from having their own. social media accounts of golfing to yvon. desantis says he's signed the legislation to protect children. the law is due to come into force in january and advanced under 14 year old and creating new accounts 14 and 15 year olds will be allowed as long as they get parental consent. legal
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challenges are expected as critics a bands are unconstitutional. well that speak to a ministry nissan about this, he's an associate professor at the department of information studies at u. c. l. a . and is joining us from the science list. thank you very much for being with us on i'll just see or verify use as ages is often tricky. how difficult do you think it will be in force to enforce this and can for to ban this ban on mine is work. it was next to impossible to enforce this for many different reasons. i mean, for as, as we all know, what we see online is we're not clear where it comes from. and it's very difficult to ascertain any sort of realize entity when it comes to being online. so i don't think the, this bill is likely to go through and it's likely to be challenged constitutionally and it's extremely difficult to implement. so i think it's, it's ultimately a very flawed to measure for a number of reasons. most importantly,
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because remember, most teenagers grow up on social media. so to cut off sort of their main, oregon, if you will, of communication with the wider world is not only disenfranchising and alienating for them, but it actually will, it will, it will appear like a hydra, you know, you cut one organ off, google find other ways of getting online and so i just don't think that's the right approach. it's very restrictive and it plays to the governor's culture wars sort of platform. yeah. and it's policy and as you say, it's expected they'll be legal challenges on office because of the free speech rights in china in the us constitution. florida is not the 1st day to enact to consider this law. they are out of states who have indicated that they want to do something similar. let's imagine that it, which stands legal challenges. what happens then when different states have varied loss? well, it's going to create even more kiosk, most likely, right?
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and, and, and we know, i mean, and we know fully, well, that social media, as it stands, is not necessarily healthy for young people. it may not really be healthy for any of us. we know that social is correlated with depression amongst young people. but it's also sort of like fundamental in our lives. it's become like a pipe, just like water or electricity or the internet itself. so the question is, is how do you regulate those technologies? so you ensure that they serve and support the safety of younger people. and those forms of regulation can't be piecemeal, they can be statewide approaches or even, you know, local ornaments as they have to be enshrined on a federal level. and they have to be applied by nation states to all of their citizens. and so we can really think about regulating social media so that the most heinous and hateful content, including face content, a, i content, box, content, all of that as watermarked is transparent. and the most heinous content is not made
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most visible on these platforms. that's the worst part of it. younger people are often exposed to the worst of that, which is on social media. because the platforms themselves algorithmically often serve content that's predicted to arouse engagement. they're not looking for the most hateful concepts and the platforms, but the things are predicting what will grab people's attention and all of our attention always goes to things that are most outrageous. right? and as i say instead of binding social media access, it would be perhaps better to improve parental uh, oversight tools improve access to, to data at just don't bad actors. now there's also if there's the right regulation, as you said, there's the question of course of who should be enforcing social media for children who should regulate. ok, it's social media use? is it the government or is it a suspect? it should never be the government's right and again, it because that's it. it's very far removed. it's very far removed from the actual
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lives of a young being great. so at the, at the end of the day, i don't know if it's a regulation in terms of policy restricting these platforms. so these are the civic purpose. they serve democracy which is about constructive discussion. it's not about hates being by role. that is the job of the state, but the actual relationships young people have, are with their parents, with their teachers, with their communities, with their peers. it's those groups that really have to be the ones that are, you know, in are provided with the tools to into so that they can. and they can mentor one another and support one another to recognize that a lot of what they see online is not real. it's designs to kind of provoke them. and, and i think it's those groups that actually have to be the ones that essentially mediate experience for younger people. so it's not about restricting, like i said, it will be like a high drop. you cut one on one head, all other heads grow. so we have to find something more and more tolerance of the
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realities. young people are facing all around the planet. indeed, so interesting to talk to you about this. thank you so much. ramesh sweeney voss on from seeley for joining us on audra 0. thank you for your time. thank you for having me. is not to have done is done with the health care system is in crisis hospitals and clinics, a fully equiped and medical staff off and leave the country for better opportunities abroad. a lot of international support is adding to the problem as osama bin java tree for some cannot promise. this is not a try for tennessee because an adventure travelers even be a good driving conditions without much still a landslide. narrow mountain road with just one car composite, the time is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey . most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulance as the sun since the volleyball and take over of 2021. there's been
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a shop dropped in donor funds, which helped together improve and public health. just the lack of instruction and support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now, the 150 bed sent for the hospital. not when you said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from newest on problems. that's where i'm on the low travel from because he cannot afford to go to a private hospital. his son suffers from the moody, easily people under the right circumstances are different than facing without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. and the doctors don't know how to treat patients with pneumonia. there was not a big hospital like this about the current government, which calls itself the slumber cameras, faced multiple bands and women, and have also scared of a many health care professionals. although women are now allowed in the health sector, it is still a shortage of doctors and nurses. do not offer this. that's not how that's coming
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from the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we referred most of the critical patients to jello, but if we had a standard i see you for critical patients. we would not need to send them away. a, an unforgiving terrain and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. pensive diet picture. most of gums believe corruption in pbc is dropped them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this hospital either remain incomplete or only existed on paper because i'm on the corner when i had a basic problem is are 200 fed hospitals. i'm finished building since we had been reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon. and patients in corner have basic demons. on the, to the model,
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we want this road to be booked an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable head of this journeys just to see a doctor. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. i said about ne and a lot of stuff. a dietary supplement in japan has been re cold. i have to be linked to the death of 2 people. more than 100 others have been in hospital. the read the supplement was marketed as an alternative to drugs to reduce celestial manufacturer says it's investigating the possibility that the supplement may have been contaminated. moore has held his annual military parade for armed forces date, but the military strongly defined to reclose casualties in the oregon. several forces, these ocean and low morale have defeated the ranks mandatory. conscription is due to be re introduced next month. many young man are choosing to join the resistance
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forces to free the country and state. tony chang met some of them dodging the draft in timelines for the time of mason. really, who will choose from the opposite banks, the more he river young men, some of military age splash around in the water. a well the way the river divides thailand, m u m. and he crossed it illegally last week to escape the military. draw financial on if i stayed to pick up my name along with the fact i was involved in the civil disobedience. we've looked that considering the a criminal. even if i receive a conscription notice, i don't think they would put me to military service. they will arrest and imprison me. in some areas the draft lottery has already begun. many, don't want to leave the state to jones. in recent weeks, long queues outside embassy isn't young. go. but legitimate visas on to an option. the most people in me, i'm
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a going to the most government connect so made up of the elect to them. peace is wanting that tens of thousands or more will flee into a neighboring countries getting in the door. these numbers are going to increase more rapidly because conscription has now started. now they are collecting data and going to knock on people's doors in april and may have so many more people would try to avoid being taken. nobody wants to be a slave of the military when to type the mazda and forces are in desperate need of new personnel possession low morale and casualties of taking a total and the ranks only fight to civil war on numerous front, there are still quite a lot of people coming across into thailand for me, i'm up with these a trade is people with special comments nowadays, if you're an old re tourist, you need a special visa from the embassy. that is very all to get the crossing, the loan employers board or into thailand isn't hard. look guessing there is
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dangerous. that's what this mother did with a son who's just 1019 father me. so i bought natural, didn't the precious know parents, ones that are children to face dangerous of beings conscripted as our family is involved in political movements exhibited accrued. my son is a priority, so i decided to leave the country and i know she and has some face nonsense in future. illegal immigrants with limited funds and no support, but they have no doubt. the alternative is west tony trying out to 0 on the time. yeah. and my boredom, thailand is said to become the 1st country in southeast asia to legalize same sex marriage and peace in the lower house of parliament has given their approval. the law will be inactive if the senate and the king also agree religious and right wing groups in croatia ramping up pressure to ban abortion. vigils have been health outside clinics,
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as well as protest marches by thousands of demonstrators. abortion has been legal in the country for more than 50 years, but doctors have the right to deny women forcing many to travel abroad. as a town of holly springs in australia, has decatur nighttime curfew for under 18 year olds to try and cub vine and crime. police say the death of an 18 year old mine has led to family feuds, one fight involved around a $150.00 armed people. 5 arrests were made and dozens of weapons seized. police reinforcements are being sent to the area. and so i had on the news, our protesting against what they say. ok for integration most we have the latest on the holy week march in mexico and the sky's the limit for this british cape border showing off for olympic metal scales in the heart of london. that's coming up next in sports with joe. stay with
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the the the welcome back time. not for sports. he's jo holly. thank you. you kinds president let him is the link that and sky has praised the countries football team for qualifying for the 1st major. told them, and since the boston invasion, i see a west spot with victory in the playoffs along with poland and georgia. david stokes round up the action array, moments of celebration, fee crane, the own guiding will, with russia to secure the full successive appearance of the euro. is with a to one play a factory of iceland. the game has to be paid in poland,
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which has the largest concentration of ukrainian refugees as a result of the conflict back home, which is now incident stood. yeah, the, so in these for, for our support is what our country for people for all sold, dear squeeze, police know, protect, and i'm afraid in this case i think the everybody's understand how we supposed to, how was important this, this we know, hold on and so much i know why, despite old at home games being spread across europe unfolding a goal behind this game, ukraine still found a way to win chelsea's behind a boot. drake with the window 6 minutes from time to ukraine, emerged from a qualifying group which included european champions it's late. and one is up england. the euro still be up against belgium's to becky and romania, russia. appendix and taking part because of the invasion.
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the also heading through a poland, despite fighting, it's gonna shut on target. in a 120 minutes. they beat wales on penalties and caught it. it means robot levin duffy and his side will learn to put the euro's against prince, the netherlands in australia. and for the 1st time, we'll see georgia at the rise, it's in, it's not it's, they also want to shoots out against the 2004 champions grease, the waiting dining group. it's a key, a quote to go and the czech republic or of the faults or level outlook we put in the last for years. we go to the back today and that's an amazing feeling. it's the 1st time georgia have qualified for a major tournaments. and that's to the game the play is joint friends to celebrate in the countries capital city tbilisi. the euros kick off in germany on june 14th, david stokes, which is 0. 10 as well. and one of our ciocca,
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which has split with coach corps, and even this of it's the form of wimbledon champion, join jokes, which is team in 2018 before becoming his main coach in 2022. in that time working together, jacob, it's 112, his 24 grand slam titles, announcing the news on social media. drugs at church, on quotes, chemistry had its ups and downs, but our friendship was always rock solid. this up and has had a disappointing start to the season having failed to win a title. so i fall in 2024. let's bring in sports and it's tracy tennis. rice a john was, i'm in amsterdam. john, does this come as a surprise to you? what do you think? joke of it. she has made this decision. now. it's been a disappointing start to the year and the end of 2022. i'm going to get this. so this is a player who won 3 of the 4 majors last year. this year he has yet to win a single tournament, and he has recently partnered with his agent with his manager. and now with
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a coach surprising in the sense that this year has been beneath his standards. but i also think because of maybe a good sign that there is no capitulation to suggest that he wants to make a change is not satisfied with where things are going and is committed to continue play. and even if that means breaking up uh, this relationship, how instrumental has, even if even a switch been for joking batch, what does he bring to his game? a? it's a great question because you mentioned that been for $24.00 majors, which is the most immense tenants in the household. those came north of age 30 when he was with gore and even east of it. some of this is about the tactics and, and that's his nose, but i think a lot of this is just about culture and companion ability. it was interesting that even needs of, it just is probation in joker. which of course is serbia and, but i think they had a real chemistry that, you know, maybe the coverage was 30 years old when they started working together. so it's not as of the coach is telling him how to grip the racket. i think this is much more
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about a level of comfort and rhythms. i suppose that at this stage of tennis, you know, the recruitment pool for new coaches probably quite small. so any would as to a replacement coach now for joke ridge, it's a really good question. he had a practice partner, he's very close to a player spencer, across gomez, who now is his manager. so that was someone who might have been a candidate, but he seems to have a different role within the job and which campus, i'm sure there are a lot of coaches who would love to work with a player of this stature. i wonder though if joe maybe doesn't try and sort of going alone. i mean he's, he's almost 37 years old. he's one more major than any other male. he, you know, as by nature is sort of a very on honda medicine, very independent. i'm not so convinced that he will have a formal coach necessarily. right, and looking towards joking, which is future federal is going to dallas on the budget, retiring? no titles the ca, yes, the joke of it. so we entering a new era,
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perhaps intent is dominated by call us out for us. and it's funny you say that because 90 days ago we would say job which 13 of the 4 majors and very nearly one all for the size of his slowing down and all of a sudden the last 90 days or so. it been a very different story of 2 young players have a merge carlos out there as, as you reference and unix center, or just one of the really know. but i have a sense that joe commit isn't wayne done winning, but there is no doubt that this year has not done the se intended. all right, john was on the sports in his trying to tennis. right. so thank you very much for joining us to thank you. while you had mentioned that call us outcries. uh, he's pieces eastern, probably his best tennis in months of to reaching the quote to finals of the miami open. the world. number 2 was up against thailand. 20 said c, lorenzo, i'm 50. both players were doing their best to put on a site for the crowd. but if the top see to came through in straight sets, 6363, often use when at indian wells last week across is
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a need to become the 1st time to find the sunshine. double since project phaedra 827. i was standing open champion, the on extend that is also into the courses the 2nd see getting pos, christopher a tunnel and it was 31 down in the 1st set but came back to when it 6 cool. before taking the 2nd 63, the italian will 5. how much then with that remains on close to successfully defended tool level title for the 1st time. last is miami, open champion or became a slow start to beat germany. so many helpful that have took a tight fuss such and the tie break before racing through to the 2nd. 6 low in the attic chosen new york ranges half the time, the 1st team's page of play ups for this season by beat. the philadelphia fly is also wild 3rd period into safe game that seems, traded 7 goals, and that periods take it to over time with adams, 446 seconds in the are 6,
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like when the ranges are also the 15 to 100 points this season. a little that's what stone and come back in the n b a is the lights has rallied from 19 points down into 44 to the beach, to miami at milwaukee fox. the lake has well without the images and the for on james, but the davis in austin reeves put into what reset a triple double and made a tie. breaking 3.2 with 37.8 seconds left and the 2nd time. and they just replacing of drilling turnarounds between 128 to 124 business with us and 4 months to go until the power. so lympics, british skateboarder, sky brown has been showing off the move she hopes to get her gold metal. at this, she has games. the 15 year old who took the bronze in tokyo, in 2021, has been writing a huff pipe between 2 w w. that could buses in the middle of london's tens river is not so useful. so now, but it's a fully thank you very much for that, jo, 9 to southern mexico,
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thousands of migrants are heading towards the us border on what they call a holy week. march has become an annual tradition to protest against immigration policies in the us and mexico. new arrival reports. the city of death, latuda in southern mexico, the starting point for new migrant care van, heading north toward the us border. we want to leave the temperature low because to put you, let us turned into a large migrant scale. this latest caravan is comprised of migrants and asylum seekers of various nationalities, including venezuelan, ecuadorian, and hunter, and many of them traveling with young children where we are going as simply to seek a better life. the truth is we face many dangers in our country, and that forces us to flee with our children. human rights activists say the care of it during holy week has transformed into an annual tradition to protest against
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immigration policies in the us and mexico. uh it will be heading up was it's called the government tides does not take responsibility. yet the suffering of migration remains the same. take stations the robberies above all, not allowing them to get on buses. it seems criminal to me. criminal to say so many people. so many children working on the sunday last month, the us border patrol reported more than 140000 migrant encounters. while that number is significantly lower than the nearly 250000 reported in december, the governments of mexico and the us are feeling the pressure of curbing migration as national elections near in both countries. by the way, that up a little al jazeera and saying in mexico, why fires are spreading across the country scorching force in 18 states. the countries forestry commission says more than 3000 hector as has been effected. the
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state of bar codes is report to be the hardest hit. i have one use for you on algebra and just a few minutes. stay with us. the in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times. stuff on an awesome arrested . a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination discrepancy, restricted disguise. above, had brought a witness documentary on a jersey to todd hitch. i mean to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. it's because it's troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the bone in this the limits weeks
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the total no content the his radio strikes heats residential areas in central and southern guys like getting at least $76.00 policy ends in the past 24 hours. the play you're watching out you 0 live from to have with me for the back. people also coming up has butler fires. a barrage of broadcasting to northern israel. option is
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really striking. l 7 people in 711 on the star charge to everybody. investigators for the container ship which


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