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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 27, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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with negotiations and wyatt's promise piece has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the price of all is low. on notice here, the is really strikes hit residential areas and a central and southern gaza, killing at least $7.00 to $6.00 college vineyards. in the past 24 hours. you're watching off the 0 life from headquarters in delphi. i'm telling you navigate the also coming up. because of the fires of a rush of rockets into northern israel, foster and is really straight killed. 7 people in southern loving on the
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start. everybody know us investigators for the containers, set that crossed into a bridge in baltimore and recover its dot out record or loss of a job in printer properties. and i'll tell you how people are finding it difficult to access health care and remote pumps of, of the israel is keeping up it's wide spread on relentless attacks across the gaza. ignoring a un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. so a number of air strikes, targeted residential areas across the strip and gaza, as health ministry says at least 10 palestinians were killed in jeff off. that's in the south. 5 others were killed in the i'm but a is refugee camp and central guys. up until the occupied westbank is really soldiers rated several cities killed and 3 people including 2 teenagers in jeanine,
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while others were wounded. your novelist, there's also been cross border attacks between israel and arm groups and 11 on and is really your strike killed at least 7 people in the lebanese village of anybody. yet one person was killed in israel and a barrage of rockets fired in retaliation by his bundle. while there been more air strikes on garza in the last few hours of his ears, started up as soon as the latest from the i think is very a fine to just have to talk to a residential house here. and on the vicinity of, of the way to hospitalized, we have been reporting that there was a clear, active, military driven surveillance movements. and when the central air is a rough on in the vicinity of a way to hospital residential building has been destroyed, where shrapnel had hit a the make shift filters that were adjacent to this house that had been targeted were one palestinian women has been killed with
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a number of casualties have to report to and do is have been injured happy in terms of that search bar to you to have to wait your hospital to receive medical treatment. and now casualties are arriving to the hospital. as empty lenses are returning back from the location of the target gland to see until the bucket ground . so this saves that had been multiply targeted in the course of the past couple of hours and a couple of days. but recently, 11 palestinians have been killed in open nights strikes on the residential houses that being targeted. and it's worth mentioning that all of the houses that have been targeted were targeted in areas that considered to be very populated with if i q reason on the same time that are adjacent to agricultural land that are crowded, would make shift filters for a vacuum. use when had be natively displaced from separate areas and the gaza strip and ending up right here now is rough off, which has been on the constant. is benny from apartment within the past 24. 24 hours from giovanni moss and fluids has more on the attacks in northern gaza.
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is where the forces continue with the incursion in the uh, ship, elizabeth and the surrounding area of how she brought us with them. they also there was, uh, the enforcement indeed. nothing is there for ship house because which is uh, the new kind of, of a new military. and in that area also there is, uh, uh, accompanying over resting too many of all the seniors while living in death area. and men are being garbus at the end room and honest taurus. to be at noon to the southern of garza through auto see the street. so this, this situation to a people inside the safe house because i kept inside small room in the human resources development building, which is basements. and some of that kind of stuff is always fun and which is not true, but it all to be a for me because well,
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israel continues to bombard garza in defiance of the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire that was passed on monday. let's speak to our corresponds and gabriel is on the gabriel joining us from the united nations in new york to tell us whether any delegates of the you and have been saying anything. a gabriel about israel, simply ignoring that resolution. yeah, well i can tell you all members of the security council are watching closely is really actions. we're hearing a little bit of reaction. but mostly diplomats at this stage are just watching closely watching literally every hour that goes by gathering information on what's happening on the ground. but rest assured they are watching it very closely. this comes just less than 48 hours after the security council passed as the adopted this resolution demanding an immediate cease fire that was allowed to be adopted because
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the us did not use its veto power instead of staining. so this morning, just within the last hour or so, the us deputy ambassador to the u. n. was heading into a meeting. we specifically asked him, what will the us plan to do, what will the us, how would the us respond? now that is really is continuing its attacks and gaza in the face of this a security council resolution that was adopted. this is what he told us. is relays of saw that resolution. they didn't like it of course, but i think there's great and growing concerned about the situation on the ground in gaza. and of course there's a lot of concerned about a potential operation into process. so i'm there and we have, you know, we talk to them all the time about this, and we're going to continue to push to make sure that this resolution is implemented by all sides. we also did speak briefly to diplomat
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from france, and he didn't want to speak too much about it, but did say that they're watching it very closely and that if israel does not abide by it is security council resolution, france is a prepared to call another security council meeting regarding this in the coming days if possible. now it's important point out as well, the us and bastard during her remarks on monday, said that the us that this resolution is non binding, that has been completely rejected by almost all major countries here in various quarters. it's important to point out again to any decision by the security council, not just resolution, but any decision adopted by the security council must be accepted and carried out by all member states. that's of course article $25.00 of the un charter. all right, so that's an important point you make. thank you so much. gabriel is also thanks for that reporting from the united nations in new york. meanwhile,
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and is really our strike in southern lebanon, has killed at least 7 people. and it targeted a health center zayna for the reports from the village of and her body years. that's near the border with israel high the sub system. you thought $34.00 total. that's why any 21 year old mohammed mode was among paramedics killed and the overnight is really strike. his mother is grieving, but defiant. 7 young men, university students, volunteers, were in the emergency health center that was completely destroyed. it wasn't the 1st time is real hit, the medical facility and village is close to the border. during the conflict, it began when hezbollah opened a front line against his ready forces in support of garza, previous attacks of also killed medical workers of mamma. not much of that, these young men were our friends, we grew up with them. this is a civilian target,
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and it's a military one. but we don't shop. this is what the enemy does. the center was run by a mile is let me a group that has participated in attacks on as well. people here tonight is really army claims that jets targeted a military compound belonging to the group and eliminated what it's called. a significant operative at the end of the month of this center used to serve the whole region. these volunteers help those were sick and one that is really attacks . the nearest hospital is kilometers away. people here tell us they believe this strike is part of as well. strategies to di, populate the region close to the border. already an area of up to 4 kilometers is largely empty of civilians. tens of thousands have been forced from their homes. simply to move to february, which was hit for the 1st time on tuesday night. people here are trying to make sense of their loss in a conflict that's still largely confined to military targets and tied to the
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outcome of the war on garza so they know who their owner is either. so their 11 on well in response to that attack has boulevard a barrage of rockets into northern israel and a target at the city of curious mona. at least one person was killed their hands assumption, which was more details from occupied east jerusalem is really army is essentially saying that they targeted what they're calling quote, a significant operative inside of lebanese territory. now we do know from reporting by our colleagues in a for the 11 on that all 7 of those killed were paramedics. b is really, is, are also saying around 30 rockets were launched into northern israel, specifically into the city of pdf tional. now this is an area that has seen repeated rocket fire from lebanese territory since the war began. and since these exchanges of fire with his bowl, it began on october 8th just yesterday. we're looking at at least 50 rockets that
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were fired into all different parts of northern israel, but also insecurity actual. now it's an area that has been largely evacuated by as really, authorities, though some people still remain there by their own. well, so the is really, haven't been saying for quite some time now that this is an escalating situation on his roles, northern border, and they are trying to see how they're going to deal with it. if it's not on the diplomatic front is roles defense minister you'll have go on, has been repeatedly saying throughout the last 6 months, but he's not afraid to turn loving on into another, gaza, if the situation does not scale down is really soldiers have rated several cities across the occupied westbank, at least 3 people were killed in jeanine, 2 of them teenagers, and 9 others were injured. bulldozers destroyed roads in facilities during that range. several other people were wounded in another operation near nablus is really army. his kills more than $450.00 policy indians in the occupied westbank since
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october. the 7th floor con, as following developments from de la c is right, ami rate is jeanine. the city center also tool the south and also to need refugee cut a state that for around 5 to 6 hours altogether. there were fish confrontations throughout janine one pound, a senior man was shot in the back just outside the refugee camp. they also confiscated where they quote some surveillance technology from somebody and they destroyed among events that was pushed up a to remember a policy and who being killed in this ray, the ray. they went into jeanine refugee camp where they were, as we usually say, fears, confrontations with flights is that they were made for many hours. they've been sent in an almost full days where they begun to destroy much of the infrastructure inside the account. again, we're seeing is taking place for almost a year now, and this being continuously destroyed as they were leaving the count. they then
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sent in an alma tried it with a killed to people in a strike. but it's important to say jeanine really has to be in the epicenter of find the rates for the past 2 years. 43 people since some type of something killed in s tried and drone attacks and out the 450 people has been killed across the pipe . westbank since that date, almost a quote to have been from jeanine. the for us, investigators are examining the data recorder of the container ship that caused the baltimore bridge to collapse their checking if contaminated fuel cause a loss of power drivers are due to search that bridge right there. the bridge records, rather for the bodies of 6 workers, they were repairing potholes on the bridge when the ship crashed into it on tuesday
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and caused it to collapse. so a 100 as near the front as scott, cambridge, and baltimore with an update. the divers are in the water, we haven't heard that. they have a found any of the 6 workers who are believed to be down there believed to be deceased at this time. and national transportation safety board officials are going through that data recorder, trying to see if they can confirm reports that that ship was losing power as it crashed into the bridge. and if you watch the video, you can see that just before that collision occurs. the lights go out on the ship and of course that is what people on that vessel valley were reporting at the time . and the dispatchers were able to get cars off of that bridge with about 90 seconds to go before disaster struck for they weren't able to talk to those construction workers who were filling in those potholes. you were talking about. so
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those are the people who are missing at. meanwhile, the court of baltimore is shut down. and westmore, the governor of maryland says that is a major economic problem, not just for this region, but for the entire country. when we've seen how the entire country has rallied around maryland and route around baltimore is because of the understand of the portable, it's more is not just impacting maryland. if you look at this, we are this, this port is responsible for over 51000000 tons of foreign cargo. that's the largest in the country that for everybody who is buying cars for everybody who is buying farm equipment. what are the largest port in the country that does that? so this is not just impacting marilyn. this is impacting that farmer and kentucky. it's impacting that auto dealer in michigan. and so it is imperative that we get this bridge rebuilt. it's imperative that we get the part of baltimore back up and going. one of the things that investigators are looking for is whether it was human
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error or whether there were some kind of mechanical error going on in that vessel. now that same ship, the jolly at was involved in a collision with a wall in 2016 in and to where it bit past 24 and 40 inspections last year. but one of those inspections found that it had propulsion and machinery deficiencies still ahead on al jazeera while millions go hungry around the world. a staggering amount of food is being thrown away every day. we'll have to jesus coming to the . now scientists, the prime needs remain crucial for biomedical research the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22
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retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot and yet on counting the cost and you play a pallet is back in the energy debate, is it on the edge of a come back to you has pledged funny, as of dollars to cash strapped egypt, what's behind the deal? and how could it potentially bad all takes all the math and creations and businesses counting the cost on algebra. why have american evangelicals become his real strongest factor? is us president joe find the right to stand with this really with no red line, as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop is real simple on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line,
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the on the, on the top stories on how to 0 this hour is really forces are still targeting residential areas across the gaza strip. health ministry there says at least 10 people were killed in the latest attacks on rough off 5 others were killed and it is really struggling to engage in central johnson and the occupied westbank is where the soldiers have rated several cities. at least 3 people have been killed in 2 need. 2 of them teenagers, others were wounded in military operations. and is where they are striking, southern lebanon has killed at least 7 people. the attack hit the village of body here at target at a building housing health center. israel's warren garza has killed more than
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14000 children, while others are left suffering from severe mal nutrition and the hydration. come on, odd one, hospital in northern garza has warren's that it's receiving multiple infants every day. who's wait does not match the rage. doctors are appealing for desperately needed supplies. at least $27.00 children have died of malnutrition and the hydration since october. 6 now, a local charities are doing their best to provide much needed age. hundreds of thousands of people are going hungry. and during this fasting month of ramadan displaced palestinians and rosa reflect on the dramatic shift in their lives. since this time, last year, mohammed val reports the sound of couplet nbc relief. kitchen must be music to the e is of hundreds of thousands of policy space and stop ation. but it's been nearly
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6 months since these are the officers began. couples with any adult astute the majority of these policies have been forced from their homes even of the holiday. most of them are on the minus them. but today's of the cost. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reach us for the for the month of ramadan this year. the situation is different. and as you can see, everyone depends on the 8th and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month or from a dental. we were living in our house as the markets were full and we could buy anything for our children. but the situation was cutting. some of the done is different because of the war. instead of bank 1st fruits and vegetables from the markets, now we only need to can from with only tiny amounts of a guessing if the local effect is crucial off a hospice child or to is one of the local groups about to have to the survivors and
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thousands of people himself in a pool, we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the holy month of ramadan, we need to exit more efforts. we divided ourselves into 2 teams. the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat, and the 2nd for cooking, other things such as beans from peas, lentils, et cetera. we try our best to provide food to the displace people in rough uh but it hasn't always been easy. with the shoes, camp, city supplies. 6 we face them difficulties, such as the lack of meat, rice, and oil at the beginning of the war, we used to cook 5 calls. but now this is difficult due to the lack of called spirit, and the very high prices is found. one is facing the double set of families and the potential is ready to go into effect. see what the situation is for the project on sunday is, are you informed that you and thought it was no longer a low food?
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converse to the finding edges closer families that are forced to, to die chose to specify the need for safe and too many to support husbands. it'd be more at and how much fun of disease what would turn out to the global problem food waste, which is hurting economies on fueling habitat loss. a report from the united nations estimates the households worldwide waste more than a 1000000000 meals a day. on average, each person waste $7.00 to $9.00 keels of food annually. and that's the equivalent of 1.3 meals every day for everyone in the world suffering from hunger. while 780000000 people are affected by hunger. and a 3rd of the world's population face food shortages. the when says 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions comes from both the loss and waste of food. and that's 5 times higher than the total emissions from the aviation sector. kelly on
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a rug and a fun from the international food research institute explains how food ways differs around the world's they build the production of food, but exceeds the builders requirement. so it's not a question about net supply and demand. it's more the question about distribution of the food, and we do see that a lot of the food, the state is concentrated in higher income countries. so we see more food loss in, in lower income countries. and that's the part of the food that gets large between production and ready. and i do the story later, the food waste part of it, which is some redo up into the consumption, tends to be concentrated in, in hiding from countries. and particularly at the house level. and so i think there's a need to kind of diebold with the 2 problems is not just the do for you to use and food we among hi income populations, that that's what would be automatically available for your income verification. by just distinguish, looking for glossing food with your,
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because i think the dorms are often you interchangeably before. last is the amount of food that is produced that doesn't make it through to the market. so it's, it's, it's referring to, uh, you know, food cops produced or, or life store that i saw, that they don't actually make it to, to being sold at g to it is for the kind of picks up from the $3010.00 point and track the amount of food that is, that is store, that is not, can do the but the majority of the, of the food for thought of being lost along the value chain is actually coming. or at least the estimates in india are coming from food, not for that. you know, i, the p p have, if you do comp nice to do the best to do things, those are force habit losses and that tends to be the change. also, globally, you'll see that in low income countries, the majority of, of these losses along divide the chain uh, concentrated in for the doctors rather than wait for me in mars. how that's annual military parade for armed forces day. but the military struggling to find new
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recruits casualties in the war against rebel forces. the search and aluminum are all have depleted the ranks mandatory. conscription is due to be reintroduced next month. the of the stones health care system is in crisis. it's hospitals and clinics are poorly equipped and medical staff often leave the country for better opportunities abroad. and the lack of international support is adding to the problem as a sama been job aid reports from kuhn our province. this is not a try for tennessee coast and a bunch of travelers even be a good driving conditions without much still a landslide. narrow mountain road with just one car composite of time is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey. most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulance as the sun since the volleyball and take over of 2021. there's been a shop dropped in donor funds,
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which helped together improve and public health system. the lack of instruction and support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now, the 150 bed sent for the hospital, not when you said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from newest on problems. that's where i'm on the low travel from because he cannot afford to go to a private hospital. his son suffers from the moody, easily people under the right circumstances are different than fatal without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. and the doctors don't know how to treat patients with pneumonia. there was not a big hospital like this about the current government, which calls itself the slumber cameras faced multiple bands and women and have also scared of a many health care professionals. although women are now allowed in the health sector is still a shortage of doctors and nurses. i do not offer this that's not how that's coming
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from the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we referred most of the critical patients to jello, but if we had a standard i see you for critical patients. we would not need to send them away and unforgiving terrain and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. been to die picture. most of god's believe corruption and pvc is dropped them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this hospital either remains incomplete or only existed on paper because i'm gonna go to canada. what i have on basic problem is 200 fed hospitals. i'm finished building. so we have been reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon . and patients and corner have basic demons. what's the matter? we want this road to be booked an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and
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specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable, headless journeys just to see a doctor. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. about ne and the son. we'll have more news at the top of the hour on al jazeera, but it's coming up next. it's counting. the cost does always have a line for more information on to 0, sum by the the route to you by visit capital. let's go and with your weather report beginning this one off in asia and buckets. time we've got whether dancing around the north here that energy is going to spill into northwest india. this will give us some showers in storms here. so think punjab state right down to the national capital region. so
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new delhi. so mark, whether in the forecast for you over the next 24 to 48 hours, otherwise it's quiet through india and maybe in the shower through care, less downpours across or longer look at this heats and beyond. mar, 40 degree is on the nose in young. gone on thursday. we can all of this what, whether from 20 province in china, it straight through to shanghai, some pretty big downforce there. but once it moves out this temperatures on the rise junction, let's go 30 for you 20. it will han and young joe at $28.00 degrees. all this rain the will pour into the korean peninsula watch as it moves into japan's kyushu island, dark. the blue and the yellow, the more intense that rain needs to be just a few days ago to shoot was dallas. with quite copious amounts of rain, there could be more landside alerts issued temperatures on their way up points. again, in pul cats, you've been sitting records really on and off for the month of march. it's definitely been a hot months, march and heavy falls of rain for what strive of providence on indonesia is may not
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length of java on thursday. the weather brought to you by visit castle sciences and couldn't see the changes going to occur. when you turn that science into policy, you got to go to court to get people in trouble, a dying coming soon. the hello, i'm elizabeth put on and this is counting the cost on ellington, sierra your weekly looks like a world of business and i.


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