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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 12:00am-1:01am AST

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a business like this, this will to you, i guess is a line supply on one of your this makes model and plates the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i, my name's site. this is the news outlined from the coming up in the next 16 minutes . exclusive video obtained by on to 0 shows on ons, palestinians being killed and very using bull nose is fine. is there any forces in northern godwin? at least 9 people are killed by moiz ready strikes on 711 on among the dead, a full,
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paramedics just fell out. start started wherever can everybody in the whole region? the words, these are working to reopen baltimore poor so also contain a ship knocked down a major bridge. 6 people albany have been killed both same ahead from brazil on about a new investment plan to protect the amazon. right. the and on pete the same as with you'll suppose, to miami, i've been saying this is currently on the go and the next center has just reached the semi finals and it was a wrinkled full day in the indian premium. the for the highest, the total shifted by the sun rises high. the, so i'll just narrow it hasn't changed, such as showing is really forces in gaza shooting to on the,
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on the palestinians dead at close range. one of the men repeatedly waves, what appears to be a piece of white fabric to show that they are not a threat. this of course is an international symbol of surrender and bodies of the 2 palestinians of then buried fight and is run a bulldozer. that's 10 to tar cowboys in who is in rough and southern gaza tarik. these pictures are very distressing. their exclusive to all just there in in the last few minutes. what more can you tell us about what we can see in these pictures on the yes, smelling in fact, a completely disturbing and distressing images that the v do that in just the or has obtained shows how to on that was sending is have been killed by these body forces, they have been completely disarmed. they did not impose any significant stress on
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the is body forces as they were, as they were completely a waste, with a distance from the east valley forces who were taking a cub up behind sun piles. and that's absolutely terrifying as blues palestinians have been killed. and we completely see how is very, what they'll do is those have been buried them on the coastal line of the b. c thing to leave and from the video that has been obtained. it's absolutely clear that the location where those 2000 sentience have been killed in short phase where the forces was completely next to the recent a p a that had been established by the world since so kitchen in order to facilitate a pro says that they delivering process to the gaza strip on the us, gaza city. i'm that incidence wasn't absolutely the 1st to print. it's kind of within the past a few weeks we have been multiply, i see. and how these very pieces have been carrying out, see what the executions against my product. thomas thing is in the another,
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at parts of gauze where they are. the bodies have been remained alone and laying on the roads and sometimes being piled up with a different kinds of garbage as what have been happening in other parts of gauze and big la, he a town where the majority of those did bodies have been decomposed without being rescued and that's absolutely terrifying. it's. it's completely a new breach of the humanitarian of the international humanitarian low that deuced palestinians were completely on on. it did not impose any significant threats as the is what it meant to. um, it has been always, it justifying the minute your actions on the ground. the people who are trying to approve to the ministry work is subject to be at least threats for the moving troops. but there was, as we can clearly see on the video, they were completely on palms. and they were using a white stop break in order to show for the is what is to just that they are peaceful. and they have no intention to harm the military. your rights tara,
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here it is documented in black and white for everyone to see at now despite that un resolution passed earlier this week, there's also been no less up in the is ready bombing of gauze that tell us about the latest asteroids. yes, it's absolutely inevitable. that they can pass without incomplete and certification of military attacks, of course, much of areas in the territory. and in particular, in the past, i would have been seeing more attacks on guns, a city where a full palestinians have been killed with members of the local committees that were responsible for securing a deliveries to the. i know that positive causes the attack has because on as a student neighbor who is on the coastal own, the saw had dean road that links between the north and the southern part of a territory. it's as we'll move a tax on the city off. can you just in the past hour, specifically on the southern parts of the city as a residential building alongside with the most has been completely destroyed, introduced to the russell,
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but roughly in default into further points of the to 3 had been why the attacks were in the past 24 hours, at least 15 palestinians have a report that killed including 6 children 1000000. okay, thank you so much for that topic of assume that 1st and rasa in southern gauze. i. what would join in this to you about? is there a senior for this plan is more one discharge to my one. what do you make of these extraordinary pictures that we all, that we've just been playing a tare? couple assume it's telling us that this incident taking place in the north, the northern gaza, very close to the area where that pier was built to bring and humanitarian aid from the sea. i mean, it's just so distressing, isn't it? i mean, you know, probably certain words should be invented for this sort of thing. i'm not sure we
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do have sufficient vocabulary to describe this sort of um, twilight zone really. so it's a, it's quite the twilight zone between um, israel is fantasy of the most model army and here it is now in black and white for everyone to see that there's, there's, there's no hiding behind these pictures about what is happening. there's absolutely no hiding, and this is the thing, right? i mean it's, that's why i don't because there is, remains to day, every day we hear these rubies, boasting of where they are most more alarming. it's a fun to see that these 3 ology of general sites an attempt to gain or destroy much of palestine and the palestinians there and to hide the
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evidence and to lie about it every time you think over the past 5 months, that is right. it has hit bottom, it somehow finds a new, lo, it hits a new lo, you don't know how and continuously lies about it and accuses the world of hostility. and i'm to submit this. and so adding this, i'm talking about it and really questioning the mortality of this is there a lot of me. and i suppose that we should also make us up to some medic, this is what it is. i mean, it's speaks for itself in the sense that there's a situation now, it has been for decades whereby is ready these try to disseminate an entire people by some mean or another,
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whether it is through starvation, through destruction, cj hunger, simon displacement, ethnic cleansing. and so on, so forth. so this has been going on and now we see the scenes and you could definitely underlined the fact that this is the combination of impunity when the is really army can do. all of these things can get away with it. it can only then do more of it, knowing that it will not meet any punishment. you know, i was just listening on the few moments ago to an interview by one of the doesn't now is administered one of his judgments, the drummer for strategic affairs, believe it or not and he was expanding on fox news. why is the just got back to ship a hospital with a commander unit? i'm courting him now. is there? i've killed a 170 federal wrists in a ship, a hospital,
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and captured 700. that arrests a ship, a hospital, this commando unit. and it's killed, no civilians, no civilians. i just, i mean i guess probably be people are, these are the officials and people need to start watching. i'll just see basically that's the problem, right? they don't watch, obviously they don't watch the scenes. the facts that we show in real and real in real time, in real life, what is going on, what they are doing, and gosh, so the problem is once again, it's infinity on the section. the do it. they think they can get away with it and has they do more of it? we've seen it. how does this war unraveled? now we see it on the beach of garza, but let's remind ourselves that this has been the war on children and women. $20000.00 killed and probably $10000.00 more are under the rebels. it was
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and fees a war on hospitals. one civilians and doctors and nurses, and professors academics, engineers on young people, old people, it's just been going on. the united nations has said it must stop. it instead is right, is intensifying the kidding machine and got some more on stay with us because i, i am going to come back to you. i just want to move on because it's ready. prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office has told the white house that it was to reschedule a council meeting, and is there any delegation was due to visit washington to discuss, as well as planned, ground, offensive, and rough? uh, but nothing else. cancel the trip to the us, refuse to veto a un resolution demanding an immediate cease font and gaza. that's got the latest with him to salute. she's it. ok, potties tourism for us hemmed up. so how did we hear that israel had changed its mind on this? initially,
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anonymous american officials had spoken to was really medias saying that indeed is roles. prime minister's office had reached out to the white house to reschedule. this visit, buying is really delegation. what else does either reached out to the prime minister's office? they said they had no comment on the matter. however, the white house press secretary put in john pierre, confirming this afternoon and a briefing with press saying that these really prime minister's office did reach out to the white house. and they are looking at a date that is convenient for both parties. and when that date is reached, there will be an announcement from the white house. but it's interesting because earlier on wednesday, these really prime minister had the essentially boasted about canceling this meeting. not only because the us didn't use their veto power in the un security council when there was a measure calling for a ceasefire in gaza that was both lasting and sustainable. but these really prime minister also said it was a message to him,
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asked that in the face of international pressure, israel is not going to case even if it's from pressure from israel's biggest ally like the united states. and that the americans were quite upset about the cancellation of this visit. in fact, the national security council spokesperson john kirby spoke to his really media tonight and said that the americans were hoping to hear from his really counterparts on how exactly they plan to invade garza southern most city over. that's off and what exactly they plan to do when it comes to evacuating nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who were asked to go there by these rarely army as the rest of the palestinian territory was being besieged. the is really prime minister has said that with or without american support, this invasion instead of law is going to happen. but it shows you the changing dynamics between the 2 allies and how the united states has spoken quite publicly about being against this ground evasion instead of like saying, but it would clearly be a mistake, but these were always remain adamant that it is simply going to happen,
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so this meeting with the is really delegation as requested by the american president joe biden. we'll take place at a future date. okay, thank you for that update. honda southern that 1st unoccupied, east jerusalem, let's pretend to out is there as senior political analyst, more one of the shar, what do you read into what's going on here? and that's in yahoo. now we're investing course and wanting to reschedule the meeting with the united states. i think, yeah, you're understands that he made a mistake. it was foolish, stupid, short sighted on his part. and in fact, some of his own coordination partners like guns pulled them out on it. he said this was wrong. what you're done, we cannot give up on. and we cannot turn our back to and we cannot to humiliate our patrons, our partners, our prospectors. oh, our bankers, right in washington,
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the by didn't ministration. and i think got nothing. you all realize that then he wants to reverse what he's done. but instead of doing it diplomatically, i see should have, honestly, as he is not capable of by saying i made that mistake. he instead lied as usual. you know, birds fly, snakes bite, nothing the whole ice. it's his nature. he's a liar, that's a logical liar. everyone knows him to be a lie of his own partners. it's not my words. his own partners call him liars. one of his ministers smart, which called him the life. out of all liars. he saw he is all the lice, not for long. he believes america a stupid, he thinks americans do, but and he tells is really public opened the only icon 100 america. i know how to he actually said that i know how to manage america winking at these early,
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such as he knows. and in fact, america did act numerous, congress time, stupidly when it comes to this, i don't know for some reason american officials go, god, go where it comes to is nothing else. things are stupid. but at this point, 5 months in florida and driving in general side on tv screens in the united states and elsewhere the by the sion decide. but it's time to wind down towards the dime to don't talk to going down the general side. so they actually are staying for, for the united nation, was a new issue in where the entire international community came and said the word muster. so that the now was angry at that because nothing else, things by them, fix orders from him. he thinks america ethics oldest form is right, that is a rogue state that's dependents under united states has been given by them special orders the past 5 months. what to do was not to do how to behave, how much money they should send, how much arms they should, the, how they need to vote. which basis they should build in them, at least on not and so on,
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so forth. what the bike on the session has got bit tired of this general side of getting the bad drop for it. terrible standing in the world and in the region and so on, so forth. so now the thing i was trying to fix it right, by lying by deceiving, by meeting with the republican senate, there's the likes, scott, the rick scott that he was talking to about that that this was the message to him. us. i don't think my how much got the message because didn't think it to us for them. i don't think anyone in the united states believe that not sending to invoice to washington was that message to him? us. every one understood that was a message to buy did nothing. yeah. oh new. which was that message to buy the guns with all the we shouldn't do that. knew it was that much of the way. so by so nothing else. lying about it again, he fixes a line with another line with another lie, thinking that he can always deceive
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a world that has basically looked the other way as is ready to get along with the general side. we would say if the by the administration keeps it cool, does not receive the store invoice and decides to slap is red with sanctions. but then, you know, that's probably wishful to, well, we'll have to say thank you for that. i'll just share a senior, but it's quite on this bar one. bashar that dive is have been searching, baltimore's top sco river for 6 people presumed dead off to choose days bridge collapse the 6 missing on workers for mexico, guatemala. i'll solve it though. and when doris plans are being made to remove the data, shipped and clear the channels so the port can open. let's go to nbc is news corresponding j greys live for us in baltimore, jacob, to see what is the latest in terms of this search and rescue operation. now, as well as you can
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probably tell the conditions today have been a mess. we've had low clouds of fog rain heavy at times as well as when so recovery teams as well as federal investigators working through those elements. really just the initial stages of what's going to be they say a very long, very difficult process. let's talk a little bit about what divers are dealing with under the waters here as they search for those missing and presumed that they've got the twisted steel from this bridge along with a ripped cables. they've got really boulders of rock and con, fried. most of them with sharp edges, there's a concern for divers that the debris that is really just a super of a mess and this river could cut their wet suits, could cut their airlines. and so they're having to proceed very slowly, very carefully. it is, it's black underneath the water. you're,
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all of that is the investigation is really intensified. now we know that they've recovered the data record or the voids data recorder from the ship, and they are interviewing the crew members who are on board at the time of that accident. but again, they stress that there will be no quick answer here. there's a lot to one cover a lot to work through. okay, i appreciate that. jay gray from nbc news tokens has died from baltimore. the united nation says it is gravely concerned about the humanitarian situation in the north eastern democratic republic of congo. congress forces have been battling on groups including m. 235 is in the minimal rich area. m. 23 have taken several towns from government troops and the threats and government of the main city in the region. decades of conflict have displaced more than 7000000 people within the country. of the know this if i may, i would like to now tons of these to monetary and situation and sound in the long
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given the dissolves to which is unfolding before of very own eyes. especially with regard to the escalation of the crisis as m. 23 in those cases. and also protected onto violence in a to re on south. because according to the un office for coordination of humanitarian, a says move in 7100000 people have been displaced within the country. 23.4000000 people suffer from food and security, which means the one called lease pus and alta. full face has hung up on while nutrition, making the d all see the country, which is the most affected by food and security on the as well among the displaced in the democratic republic of congo. there are many muslims, the struggling to find food to break the false during the holy month of ramadan. catherine sawyer reports around 10 percent of the company's population, mosley and of durham monkey kennedy is one of them made me struggling to get
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a problem meal. during the whole, the month of ramadan, his family moved to dis, displaced bosses comp in the pro visual copies to goma from the town of socket, about 25 kilometers away. saki has been forced to move off a month by government forces and the on to group m $23.00, most of its residents. now you've rough, you make soup to tens with little fluids, water, and other necessities, close up with them. so i'm going to the fact that my wife is not fasting is a grease. the right sound good for. it's good wanted my wife was pregnant to escape the pain of having no food. this helps me because i'm the only one fasting in the house. that's bearable because i don't have enough food for most people. nearly 2000000 people in the eastern province of north cube who have fled. she's a 5 team begun 2 years ago. aid would cause do their best to help,
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but they see the needs are too many had the job. abraham has just received tough food, the russian and the we are fasting, disgruntled on in very difficult conditions. our children have neither amused to start the fast, nor one to break the fast. we have nowhere to find flint, and if we go back to saki to look for it, we are attacked by the rebels. the cumberland government, un experts and other international organizations blamed neighboring run to for baki entity 3 and causing this latest flare up on a to z ation. rhonda to nice so many qualities. stocking comes also blame m $23.00 . the fighting is not matching up and the spreading to different areas, but it appears the group keeps advancing and taking more territory. that means the holding less such as a door a month, a set to stay here until
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a solution is found. katherine saw you all to 0 in the health care system in afghanistan is in crisis. hospitals and clinics are poorly equipped and medical stuff often leaves the country for best health, but unities abroad. and the lack of international support is adding to the problem as a summer, been debated reports from canal provence. this is the track for tennessee coast and adventure travelers. even be a good driving conditions without much still a landslide. narrow mountain road with just one car composite, the time is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey . most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulances in the sun since the volleyball and take over of 2021. there's been a shop dropped in donor funds, which helped together improve and public health system. the lack of instruction and
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support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now, the 150 bed sent for the hospitably. not when you said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from new list on problems that's with the low traveled from. because he cannot afford to go to a private hospital. his son suffers from the moody, easily people under the right circumstances are different than fatal without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. and the doctors don't know how to treat patients with pneumonia. there was not a big hospital like this about the current government, which calls itself the slumber cameron faced multiple bands and women and have also scared of a many health care professionals. although women are no allowed in the health sector, it is still a shortage of doctors and nurses. i do not offer this that's not how that's coming from the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we referred most of the critical patients to jello, but if we had
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a standard i see you for critical patients. you would not need to send them away and unforgiving terrain and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. it's a diary picture. most of gums believe corruption in pvc is dropped them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this hospital either remains incomplete or only existed on paper cuz i'm gonna go to canada. what i have on basic problem is all 200 bed hospitals. i'm finished building so we have been reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon. and patients in corner have basic demands about us about how do we want this road to be booked? an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable, headless journeys just to see
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a doctor. so i'm going to drop it down to 0. about ne, in the sun still has on the al jazeera, we meet the palestinian. don't that who left gauze f as in crane now facing fit on on substance 8 on to from a score i'm going to survive in argentina is forward to continues to rise onto the new government. alternative number one, novak jokers, which has made a big announcement piece, and we'll be here with all the details in the the hello. well, strong systems continue to slide off the atlantic, chugging further east across the continent of europe. lots of active, whether it's talked about in this one. so let's go with this winfield coming into england. it wheels,
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but specifically london itself. i think you're going to see wins pushed past 80 kilometers per hour on thursday, still boring and boring across portugal and spinning, getting into some pretty good rounds of rain here, and then up and down the coast of portugal your way. and so it came to exceed 85 kilometers per hour. and so as a result, the waves off the coast of portugal pick it up to 12 meters while the wet weather pushes away from italy, now moves integration and sylvania. but we're talking half of warm air is far north . is berlin in warsaw? warsaw 18th degrees for you on thursday. for turkey. yeah, we've got let's go son, clark combo in the capital on. correct. but you got 20 degrees on the nose warm in athens to with that warmer air. at 25, i'd seen some sand storms in algeria, but i think the best bet on thursday will be ne libya northwest egypt there and got to take you to the south and update on our tropical storm, which is just giving a deluge to that ne slice of madagascar, it's going to wobble in this area over the next several days and stuff, a region producing up to half
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a meter of rain. or why have american evangelicals become this real strongest back, or is us president, you'll find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues. is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us government takes the bottom line. body a has just started ye 7 at school. she dreams of becoming an arabic teacher. one day. tends to your often sponsorship. she can now with, for the tuition fees, screen phone station, we have book, she needs to excel. her dream is fast becoming a reality. she's one of the top student class. human appeal makes the
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most of your massey a mechanic knows a motor home from a career and so do we. it's why we work with bill cuz to make a big business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the, [000:00:00;00] the working out is there a mind at the top stories based our knowledge is there, it hasn't changed footage showing is really forces in gaza shooting to on all these products to me instead of close range. one of the men repeatedly waves want appears to be a piece of white phosphoric, and bodies of
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b. 2 palestinians are then very fine as really full days. as well as all the white house that it wants to reschedule. a council meeting with us officials delegation was set to discuss as roles planned to ground, offensive, and rough, which washington opposes israel's wound. garza has killed over 14000 children while others are left suffering from severe non nutrition on de andrea sion come out at one hospital in northern gauze. as we wound it's receiving multiple infants every day is weight does not match. the age doctor is appealing for desperately needed supplies. at least $27.00 children have died of non nutrition on the hydration since october. 6 6 the mean part of the i see you stuff as come out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn baby suffering from acute now nutrition and it wants to be a d hydration. this is mainly due to absence of for me the milk cause then as
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a result a these reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration. and s a. d, me i disorders and ultimately test. on a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweight babies, for instance. so we just received this 2 month old baby go way or the 2 kilograms. this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby. ringback there's really ministry has carried out more as strikes on board of towns in self 11 on at least 9 people have been killed in the kora and tire half near the border with his route along them. his bullet sizes. israel has described the attacks as retaliatory earlier. now that is really a strike. the target to the health center installed the 11 on killed that me 7 people say to hold a reports from the village of how berea, which is near the border with israel high the sub system you thought the phone call
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. that's why any 21 year old mohammed, her mood was among paramedics, killed in the overnight is really strike. his mother is grieving but defiant, 7 young men, university students, volunteers were in the emergency health center that was completely destroyed. it wasn't the 1st time is real hit, the medical facility and village is close to the border. during the conflict, it began when hezbollah opened a front line against his ready forces in support of garza, previous attacks of also killed medical workers of mamma. not much of that, these young men were our friends, we grew up with them. this is a civilian target, and it's a military one. but we don't shop. this is what the enemy does. the center was run by jamal this. let me a group that has participated in attacks on as well. people here tonight is really army claims that jets targeted a military compound belonging to the group and eliminated what it's called. a
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significant operative at the end of the month of this center used to serve the whole region. these volunteers help those were sick and one that is really attacks . the nearest hospital is kilometers away. people here tell us they believe the strike is part of as well. strategies the d. populate the region close to the border. already an area of up to 4 kilometers is largely empty of civilians. tens of thousands have been forced from their homes. simply to move to a february which was hit for the 1st time on tuesday night. people here are trying to make sense of their loss in a conflict that's still largely confined to military targets and tied to the outcome of the war on garza so they know who their owner is either. so their 11 on well in response to that attack has boulevard the barrels of rockets into northern israel and talk to the city of caveats small. now at least one person was killed
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that among palestinians worldwide following events in gauze of as a sizable community living in ukraine out. is there a met? one don't say who left this trip to study medicine in ukraine and now finds himself quotes between the 2. conflicts. is his story. my name is yes, are outside of the listing, and dr. living here in ukraine. i'm the head coordinator for all of the human to cheer you an evaluation activities in ukraine, connecting with almost all of the international, let's say, a national organization that you'll be here and you're great for me. it was just like turning back to what's happening in both dying and see if you guys so i fill the pain, i sold what's happening here. so i decided to help in a maximum way that account a lot of these patients game,
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let's say through the really station without even any documents, without even just like clothes and not money, not anything, not medications. i started here, i graduated with honors and general medicine, and after that i continued as near surgery. i lost connection with my family for several weeks. our actually our home, it's now destroyed. i lost more than 10. my family members, a dyslexic relatives. at the moment my father is just like and really bad health condition. my mother to and i'm and i'm worried every single day and i'm helping people here and i'm thinking about my family. so my heart slaking bane. doing any human being is just like, not the right thing. i do know it just to fight killing any human being. that's why we are here. if we are talking about wait few, geez, you do not care about what's nationality. it is. if it's palestine, syria, iran,
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iraq, or ukraine, all of them, they must have abroad, but food protection will to or until they can turn safe to their homes. this is a once in a generation moment when all nations must bolt together. ukrainian president loderman savanski has aust allies to speed up the delivery of fi to jets of to one person was killed and 12 officers wounded in russian strikes on call. keys. authorities say the russia carried out to as strikes on residential areas in the city on wednesday. your tax partially destroyed upon what able to include enough for those to do to deal with people in the yacht we know about teen with when did including for children. it's a fee of 3 months old and 19 months old, a 10 year old and a 13 year old child. unfortunately, one man died. it seemed to be
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a tech was carried out using a new type of width. and this is something between a guided aerial bone which the russians have used recently, and a miss honestly, it's a flying bomb. so to science only because the here for all this, um brazil have unveiled a $1000000000.00 green investment plan to protect the amazon rain forest announcement was made by the leaders of the 2 countries during a visit by the french president and manual law chrome. the plan proposes a reward system for countries investing in so called carbon sinks, such as the amazon rain forest, which naturally absorbs c o 2 emissions the lease. i am please today that with the president, due to there is a federal government that is to the protection of the amazon, the development of the by economy and the future of indigenous peoples into a cause. that is not simply a close up resistance where you have to rely on the rest of the world, but a cause that is well supported by the federal government itself. about that we
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promote forward, you know, finding gate no and hospice, no for us in government. what decided that we're going to take the fight against deforestation as a professional for think they have moved or we were proof that it was that they're going to feed up. so i'm excited to back up by us being lots of petra shut belly's campaign. advise that amazon wants. she joins us now from resilience. thank you for your time. in speaking to us are now to sierra your reaction to this news about this many in your investment program that's been launched today by my call and new to a hi. thanks for having me. well, for my reaction, i would quote what chief, how need the inducing his leader that you just show them the image is the one with a round and thing his lips set to line my ground. my girl was a rewarding chief pony with the highest owner of from friends. and in that
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ceremony chief pony pointed his finger to both flew in my crone and told them that law has to meet at lee can. so the fat hope ground project, but it is a try again to re weigh that the big i were business traders such as card you are pushing the prison in government abuse in the middle of the amazon, to further exports saw you encore and production that is destroying the amazon and the serrato. why i'm referring to what chief pony side? because no, no the commitments on bio economy that top market on and lula are pledging to will be able to made to become a concrete. if there are, if there is no far is if there is no amazon, if there is no sorratto and this huge infrastructure project, but he's now threatening to amazon and it's people's is really uh, across words where we stand. and we live to the future of the amazon. the announcement indeed was
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a for investment on bio economy projects. there's one billing is to you to be raised. and it includes a technical assistance, which means that we don't know yet how this money will be allocated and how it would be distributed by the banks and private and public funds that will come from bows. this fund. we don't know what the definition of bio economy they will use and there's a key points here. and by how could i make, i mean, money thanks by comes either by would kind of be willing to both social and environmental. biodiversity is from the mental that we hear chief, how many, and that was stopped the destruction of the amazon ring forest and other by all means in our country. if not, that would be no room, no ground for by the economy to develop. can i us pedo, how successful do you feel new that has been since he came to power
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a few years back in reversing some of the damage done to the rain forest and the amazon by the previous regime? quite successful in regards to the ring. far as the flurry station has significantly dropped, however, in regards to serrado, this neighboring biome i was mentioning the flourish station is to, to be controlled. there is a huge gap bush and that will destroy all the social environmental policies. so we know how to read a lot of effort to be viewed with both snyder destroyed. but now there's time to do more. this big agribusiness are pressuring the government, and the government doesn't have the majority in, in, in the national congress, the, the, the voting around might good thing. but all of the, the time pieces that wants to take the land out of things using this people is approve of that. love vetoed some aspects of these legislation that are very, very dangerous towards the environment and indigenous people. but the congress
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managed overgrow those, you know, so this means that we need right now to the pressure to government and all the amendments may, i mean, call apologize for interrupting that. but as you say, i mean, he's in a tricky position as a new to because uh, his government is, he's, congress is conservative dominated, and he is struggling to get around that. i mean, what options remain open to him. but i would say that he needs to govern with the people and he needs to govern on the right uh, baths. and he's trying to do that in several areas. and the environmental area is the one that they agribusiness is pushing more whenever the government advances, they attack the government in the legislative. so this is why it's so important that things isn't as movements are so strongly mobilized,
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and they are preparing for a huge mobilization. now, in a peruvian brazilian bridge, it was kept up with thousands would take the streets, the mending landmark ation demanding that the government can sales. the dangerous bro jumped off, fell ground is re weighed. that literally translates a grain right away. it's a product pushed by cargo, clear, big trade, or is just to explore more solid and corn. there are devastating serrato in the amazon and explored that the amazon, sorry to to, to that you as a, to china and europe. and even when we talk about bio diversity, uh this concept is in dispute. the agreement that both lulu, i'm a could own present it is. 3 presenting a concept that is not uh crystalized by economy, can a lot of things. and if the adverb business is embedded in that we're not going to advance unprotected, seem to forrest occasion carpet market and personal excluded agribusiness from its
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regulations. okay, i appreciate it. explain that to us at our shop. our campaign advised that amazon watch speaking to us that from virginia. apologies on the rise in argentina, an independent study by the catholic university puts the rate at close to 60 percent and that's nearly 20 percent higher. and what present javier milli took power at the end of last year, promising radical economic reforms. teresa vote has moved from buenos aires. a garbage dump outside of window site is, has become the livelihood of hundreds of people. 14 hector's of trash. justin now were away from the capital. the last at abbey i used to work. so security guard, but it was laid off. he comes in search of scrap metal and anything else he can recycle. you seem to know the situation is very difficult right now and with the 5 and with what i get here, i have 3 children. one of them with down syndrome that i can make around $10.00
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with a full day of work for routine argentina is running that almost 60 percent. those here just a few of the millions of people in need of a to rates are the highest in 20 years. the main reason is the sewing inflation that makes it difficult for people to be able to buy food and other items. and that's why many and up in places like this one, trying to find plastic metals and things to sell, so they can make extra money. the devaluation of the origin time basal applied by libertarian president, have you had any last year. we started feeding and increasing the price of leasing good laces. he's moving forward. we strategic reforms to measures to improve argentina's and that's only going on me. the categories is $61.00. he says, coming here is the only way he has to make a living rainbow. we think we're gonna come here and try to get what i can think of going off the lift stopped eating. think it's unavoidable. i'm not sure what will
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happen with the new government, but i hope things start to change soon. working here is huge. damaging to people's health, the constance smoke generated by the trash being burnt. and the decomposed garbage . many cannot afford to buy gloves. said it shouldn't. mother has been fighting to transform this place into a recycling facility, but not single month americans because of the crisis more and more people come here . this dump is 20 inches deep and it's already 10 meters. high. contamination is high. we have to do something and provide people with decent jobs. argentina has been struggling with an endemic economic crisis for years. we need to cost is almost 4 months ago and vowed to transform the nation with his liberal economic measures. those in desperate need can only hope he will succeed.
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80 several as if he didn't win a side by side were deal may fi has officially been declared. the when of senegal is presidential election with just over 54 percent of the vote. the accounts and commission says, telling from pony stations is now complete. the constitutional council is expected to ratify the results in the coming days, paving the way for an official and of the police into guy's capital. lou may have dispatched amazing cooling for protest. quoting for a new constitution, opposition need is. don't want proposals to extend. president file, right, and that's the base put into news haldeman. costs the legislation earlier this week . now it just needs a cent from the cda the rules, but also given piece power has to point the president and remove direct elections. a group of female activists have gone on a 10 day hunger striking india is ladet,
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korean, to demand the territory be given, stay to the activist. so we'll say want tribal stages for that area which would allow them to form administrations without the state. himalayan region has seen frequent st. purchase substitutes between local need is on the indian government broke down to, i guess still it has on out, is there a younique's center and an impressive form as the miami open? that is coming up next for peter, the this business uptake these voltage by the city bank growth partner of on the
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dashboard to use the these business uptake these roads thought no bundle dash football is he is
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the side of the sports his pizza money. thank you. very much tennis. well, number one, know that talk of it just split with coach, go rent, even this of age, former wimbledon champion, joining joking, which is team in 2018 before becoming his main coach in 2022. in the time working together talking to each $112.00 of these 20 for grand slam titles, announcing the news on social media. ciocca which roads out on cold chemistry had its ups and downs, but our friendship was always rock solid. the serbian has had a disappointing stock to the season having failed to win a title. so for in 2024, 24 majors which is the most immense tenants. and half of those came north of age 30 when he was with gore and even east of it. some of this is about the tactics and, and that's as knows. but i think a lot of this is just about culture and companion ability. it was interesting that even if it is probation and joking, which of course is serbian,
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but i think they had a real chemistry that we are meeting the coverage was 30 years off and they started working together. so it's not, as of the coach is telling him how to grip the racket. i think this is much more about a level of comfort and rid of i'm sure there are a lot of coaches who would love to work with a player of this stature. i wonder though, if joe could, which maybe doesn't try and sort of going alone. i mean, he's, he's almost 37 years old. he's one more major than any other male. he, you know, as by nature is sort of a very autonomous and very independent. i'm not so convinced that he will have a formal coach necessarily 90 days ago. we would say joe, which was 3 of the 4 majors and very nearly one all for the size of his slowing down and all of a sudden the last 90 days. and so it been a very different story of 2 young players have a merge carlos out there as of as you reference and unix center who are just one of the really know. but i have a sense that joe commit isn't white and done winning. but there is no doubt that
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this year has not done the se intended as well to that new generation of play is now and younique's, and that has continued these remarkable year. as he reached the miami, opened the semi finals, the threatening open champion has only lost once a year and eclipse. any shots to sum up just fell while it's gone. 8, be this one. this is the improbable when a against that's how much that much in the 1st 6 the 2nd see to 10 in wins on 2 in the 664 and then the next 16 to to reach philosophy. he's already one twin team. actually, this is 20th victory. danielle collins has reached the miami, evan sammy finest for the 2nd time. and it has to be 2013 catalina ca in straight fits. it's called him his family here on the 2 of the female through the time in which he's making account. this is the 3rd when the games to see that the player in
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5 matches will number 53 last the 1st set of a tournaments, but haven't dropped 1761636 to prosecute at spain's high code is seeking a prison sentence of 2 and a half years for form a spanish football presidency, be cer, be all is off the he's unsolicited the case on play. a jenny, him also really alice was charged with one council of sexual assault. and one of corrosion on him also to approve he's legit actions offences that can carry one you and one of the off your terms respectively. the incident occurred on to spend one of the women's world cup and sydney and all this stuff to be honest, has denied any wrong doing, arguing that it was consensual in addition to the jail, to prosecute those ones would be all is to pay more than $50000.00, compensation to him also, or ukraine's presidents have allowed him event zalinski as praise the countries football team foot qualifying for the 1st major tournaments. and so the russian invasion, they steal baseball with victory and the payoffs along with poland in georgia.
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david stokes rounds of the action re moments of celebration, feed crane bit, the ongoing role with russia to secure the full successive appearance of the euro is with a to one play a factory of iceland. the game has to be paid in poland, which has the largest concentration of ukrainian refugees as a result of the conflict back home, which is now incident stood. yeah, the sweeney's for 4 hours support is for the country for people, for all sold. dear squeeze police now protect, and i'm afraid in this case i think the everybody's understand how we supposed to, how was important this this we know, hold on. and so it was in hawaii despite old at home games being spread across europe, unfolding a goal behind this game. ukraine still found a way to win chelsea's behind a boot drake with the window 6 minutes from time to ukraine, emerged from
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a qualifying group which included european champions. it's late and one is up england the roast they'll be up against belgium's to becky and romania, russia. appendix and taking part because of the invasion. the also reading through a poland, despite fighting to get a shuttle charge and a 120 minutes. they beat wireless on penalties and caught it. it means robot live in dusty and his side will loan to put the euro's against prince, the netherlands in australia, and for the 1st time we'll see georgia at the arise. it's in the it's, they also want to shoots out against the 2004 champions, 3 sisters awaiting them in groups f. it's a key, a quote to go and the czech republic, each or i will uh, before its uh, or the outlook we put you in,
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in the last for years. we go to the back today and that's an amazing feeling. it's the 1st time georgia have qualified for a major tournaments, and that's to the game to play is joint friends to celebrate in the countries capital city tbilisi, the euros kick off in germany on june 14th, david stokes. how does era the sun rises hydra, but have made history by posting the highest of a school in the indian premium. the best thing 1st against the moon, by indians habits head took a liking to 17 year old print on my part to the babies on conceding the sea roost. i appeal figures here. so he says $66.00 runs a piece for eva's products. awesome smash these weights when on the atl 2034 bowls, the sunrise is hosting a mammoth 277. for 3. nobody gave the choice of public day, but the mean social 236, the 5. and surprising me, this is the highest number of guns in an i p o match and
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that's it is full so useful to knock money, things pizza. and that's it for me, my lean sides of the sneeze. i'll be back that way. and just a moment with much more today's needs to stay with us. the 2 weeks ago, the government of tried to now was to hike in the price of fuel, was made to it, declared an emergency in areas of food and nutrition. the united nations listed chide is one of the world's most insecure countries in terms of food supply, mainly due to the impact of climate change. the one foot program size, the food in these warehouses. it has 4017 percent of child support the nation. that's 2900000 people for depend on the toner supplies. it's for, for flushed out,
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especially now the ages is couple up to 4 normandy drill. and on several times upfront takes on the big issue. that is the context to what is happening now. it says a question about 5 unflinching questions, rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing has taken place. augusta, nothing goes into gauze, or without us of permission. nothing leaves casa without permission to allow me to push back for a moment, demanding a ceasefire, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront without to develop drugs. but humans, scientists conduct tests on animals. monkeys are in high demand for the global associates has led to assuming black markets. one. 0, one east travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on i'll just say around in the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out
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to and let the giving begin with. okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you. okay. now let's also show you we'll deliver it so donates with confidence, donates without calf foundation. with every packed on 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the the hello, i'm my insight. this is the news ally from coming up in the next 60 minutes exclusive video. obtain biologist. busy shows on, on the palestinians been killed and buried using folders is why is there any forces


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