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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every pack done 19 with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine, we share the, [000:00:00;00] the low on money in sight. this is the news ally from coming up in the next 60 minutes exclusive video obtain biologist. busy shows on, on the palestinians been killed and buried using folders is why is there any forces in northern gaza? hospitals in northern gauze, a one day receiving multiple infant stating,
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suffering from severe non nutrition and village racial. millions go hungry around the world was staggering. amounts of food is being thrown away. we'll have the details, the star star where everybody in the whole authorities in the us where to reopen the baltimore course. office and cheese is blocked when a container ship. nope. down and major the a which is era has obtained forces showing is rarely forces in gaza, shooting to on, on the palestinians, dead at close range. now one of the men repeatedly waves, what looks to be a piece of white fabric to show that they are not
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a fritz. this is an international symbol of surrender the bodies of the 2 palestinians of a laser buried by and is really full days. a sorry couple resume has moved from rafa and southern gaza. completely disturbing and distressing images that do that in just the or has obtained shows how to allow us to indians have been killed by these body forces. they have been completely disarmed. they did not impose any significant stress on these body forces as they were, as they were completely a waste, with a distance from the east valley forces who were taking a cub up behind. sun piles. and that's absolutely terrifying as to palestinians have been killed. and we completely see how is very, what they'll do is those have been buried them on the coastal line of the b. c thing to leave and from the video that has been obtained. it's absolutely clear
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that the location where those 2000 years have been killed in sure place where the forces was completely next to the recent a. p, a that had been established by the world since a kitchen in order to facilitate a pro se. is that a delivering process to the gaza strip on the gauze was city i'm that incident wasn't absolutely the 1st to print. it's kind of within the past a few weeks we have been multiply. i've seen how the is very pieces have been carrying out, see what the executions are games? no problem. thomas penny is in the another. at pots of guns where they're the bodies have been remained alone and laying on the roads and sometimes being piled up with a different kinds of garbage as what had been happening. of another part of gauze and big la here town, where the majority of those did bodies have been decomposed without being rescued. and that's absolutely terrifying. it's. it's completely a new breach of the humanitarian of the international humanitarian low that those
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palestinians were completely on, on the do not impose any significant threat as well as well. and also it has killed a 14000 children, while others are left suffering from severe non nutrition. and the hydration cannot add one hospital in northern cause a has worn to its receiving multiple infants daily whose weight does not match that age. doctors are appealing for desperately needed supplies. at least 27 children have died off non nutrition and di hydration since then for the being part of the i see you stuff as come out out one hospital. we clearly noticed the influx of huge numbers of newborn babies suffering from acute mel nutrition and it wants to be a di hydration. this is mainly due to the absence of for me, the milk cause then as a result, eighties reach critical and severe degrees of dehydration. and s a. d, me i disorders and ultimately test on
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a daily basis. we receive $2.00 to $3.00 cases of underweighed babies, for instance. so we just receive this 2 month old baby go away or the 2 kilograms. this is mainly because of the total absence of the for me to milk need for this baby from to body and the last all color it has most of the attacks in northern gaza. that is why the forces continue with the incursion. indeed, as she paused with it and the surrounding area of how she falls with them, they also is there is uh, the enforcement. indeed. nothing is there for ship hospital which is uh, the new kind of a new military. and in that area also there is uh uh, accompanying over resting to many of all the seniors while living in that area. and then i'll be in your office at the end room. and our server has to be at noon to the southern of garza, the through. i don't see the st to so this, this situation the
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a people inside the ship house because i kept inside small room in the human resources development building, which is patients. and some of the kind of stuffs are fucked, and which is not the pre but it all to be a for me because care is there any prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office has told the white house that it wants to reschedule? a council meeting and is rarely delegation was due to visit washington to discuss as roles, plan, ground, defensive and rasa. that's in yahoo! cancel the trip off to the us, refuse to veto a un resolution demanding an immediate cease fire and gaza. i'm dissolute. has been following the story from occupied east jerusalem to initially anonymous american officials had spoken to was really medias saying that indeed israel's prime minister's office had reached out to the white house to reschedule. this visit, buying is rarely delegation. what else does either reached out to the prime minister's
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office? they said they had no comment on the matter. however, the white house press secretary put in john pierre, confirming this afternoon and a briefing with press saying that these really prime minister's office did reach out to the white house. and they are looking at a date that is convenient for both parties. and when that date is reached, there will be an announcement from the white house. but it's interesting because earlier on wednesday, these really prime minister had the essentially boasted about canceling this meeting. not only because the us didn't use their veto power in the un security council when there was a measure calling for a cease fire in gaza that was both lasting and sustainable. but these really prime minister also said it was a message to him, asked that in the face of international pressure, israel is not going to case even if it's from pressure from israel's biggest ally like the united states. and that the americans were quite upset about the cancellation of this visit. in fact, the national security council spokesperson john kirby spoke to his really media
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tonight and said that the americans were hoping to hear from his really counterparts on how exactly they plan to invade garza southern most city over. that's off and what exactly they plan to do when it comes to evacuating nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who were asked to go there by these rarely army as the rest of the palestinian territory was being besieged. the is really prime minister has said that with or without american support, this invasion instead of law is going to happen. but it shows you the changing dynamics between the 2 allies to engage so while local child sees the doing the best to provide much needed aid, hundreds of thousands of people going hungry. and during the state law, fostering month of ramadan space palestinians, and rough, it reflects on the dramatic shift in their lives since this time last year. how many of our reports the sound of cutlery in this relief kitchen
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must be music to the b is of hundreds of thousands of paula tvs facing stop ation. it's been nearly 6 months since these video fuzzy because couples with any adult astute. the majority of these policy you need, have been forced from that holds even off the holiday. most of them are on the minus them, but today's of the cost. normally we have spoken preparations and declarations and reaches for the, for the month of ramadan is here. the situation is different, and as you can see, everyone depends on the 8th and support from others. we lived in peace and security during the last month of from a dental. we've been living in our house as the markets were full and we can buy anything for our children. but the situation is kind of trim and done is different because of the will. instead of bank 1st fruits and vegetables from the market. now we only need to can from with only tiny amounts of
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a guessing if the local effect is crucial. off a hospice child or 2 is one of the local groups about to have to the survivors and thousands of people himself. in a pool, we prepare food for the people here since the 1st day of the war. during the whole, the month of ramadan, we need to exit more efforts. we divided ourselves into 2 teams. the 1st for cooking, rice, and meat, and the 2nd for cooking, other things such as the peas, lentils, et cetera. we try our best to provide food to the displace people in rough bottom the but it hasn't always been easy with the she's cap, city or supplies. 6 the we faced them difficulties such as the lack of meet rice, an oil at the beginning of the goal. we used to cook 5 calls. but now this is difficult due to the lack of called spirit. and the very high prices is found before is facing the double incidental finding. potentially things are going to affect what's
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the situation is for the project on sunday, easily informed you and that it was no longer a low food convoys to be finding just close the families that are forced to, to die, chose to specify the need for save. you money to support husbands, it'd be more urgent. how much fun does your fonts? starvation is being made. weapon of flu in gaza. food waste is now being cooled and global problem, which is hatching economies and fueling habitat laws. a new report from the united nations estimates that households world wide waste over 1000000000 meals a day, on average, each person waste 1719 days of food annually. that's the equivalent of 1.3 meals a day for everyone in the well suffering from hunger. that's well, $708000000.00 people are affected by hung up on
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a said if the wells population face food shortages, the one says that 10 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from both los and waste food as 5 times higher than total emissions from the ation sex to a mission forms is a lead unless at wrap a climate action and g o in need also, as the reports, he says it's a global problem. we will have a role to play. it's not just about rich countries, it's not just about one region, it's every sector. and every country is, you know, from shops in shanghai, to restaurants and re add to the households at some. but it's really a global problem. and we have to come together and collaborate to achieve a reduction in, in food waste. you get all the benefits for people to the planet and for economies from getting so. so householders are maybe suggest to key phrases to remember,
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i'm not 1st phrase is buying what you need. and this could involve making a shopping list, maybe resisting some tempting purchases in the supermarket that you didn't set out to buy. but also perhaps buying fruits and vegetables loose so that they're not in plastic packaging. you can reduce your plastic consumption, but also buying exactly how much you need for the recipe you're following. and the 2nd phrase is, eat what you buy, something to check what you've got in the house, ensure that you're using things you know before they kind of multi ensure, you're storing things in a way that keeps them good for longer. but also as part of the learn to love you left those as you know, creative cooking to use up whatever is left in the fridge. but it's a great holiday to get into it, taste good, it's fun. and it saves you money as well. overseas on the rise in argentina, an independent study by the catholic university post, the rates are close to 60 percent. that's nearly 20 percent higher than the end of
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last year when president harvey relate to power promising radical economic reforms . theresa by reports from buenos aires, garbage dump outside of window site is, has become the livelihood of hundreds of people. 14 hector's of trash just to now went away from the capital side of the i used to work as a security guard, but it was laid off. he comes in search of scrap metal and anything else he can recycle. you seem to know the situation is very difficult right now and with the finding with what i get here. i have 3 children. one of them with down syndrome i can make around $10.00 with a full day of work. over 18 argentina is running at almost 60 percent. those here just a few of the millions of people in need of a to rates are the highest in 20 years. the main reason is the sewing inflation that makes it difficult for people to be able to buy food and other items. and that's why many and up in places like this one,
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trying to find plastic metals and things to sell. so they can make extra money. the devaluation of the origin time face, so applied by libertarian president, have you had me last year we started feeding on increasing the price of lease. it was late says he's moving forward with strategic reforms to measures to improve argentina's about the economy. the categories is $61.00. he says coming here is the only way he has to make a living rainbow. we think we're gonna come here and try to get what i can think of going off the lift stopped eating. think it's unavoidable. i'm not sure. what will happen with the new government? but i hope things start to change soon. working here is huge, damaging to people's health. the constance smoke generated by the trash being burnt, and the decomposed garbage. many cannot afford to buy gloves. said it shouldn't. mother has been fighting to transform this place into
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a recycling facility when the market is because of the crisis more and more people come here. this dump is to meet is deep and it's already 10 meters. high. contamination is high. we have to do something and provide people with decent jobs . argentina has been struggling with an endemic economic crisis for years. we need to cost is almost 4 months ago and vowed to transform the nation with his liberal economic measures. those in desperate need can only hope he will succeed. 80 several as if he didn't win. a site is 11 form the officials in argentina have been convicted of crimes against humanity during the ministry leadership since the 19 seventy's and eighty's, the families of victims and survivors were in court to hear the verdict. 10 defendants with jail for life on another for 25 years
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for that roles and vine and repression that include in killings, torture and right. the phones has lifted a 170 if its nationals from hazy is. yvonne is the i guess was 1100 french nationals were told to contact the embassy and porter prince. if they wanted to leave, the french ministry sent had helped us to pick them up from several locations as all safe transport and 70 citizens from other countries. meanwhile haitians sufferings, serious shortages of food and medical supplies as they wait for a new transitional government to be formed. the capital has been devastated by gang violence, the escalated in late february, leading to the reservation. if the prime minister ariel henry is to punch it, was a crucial demand by an alliance of armed gangs that now controls most of the city.
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investigators of probing just what happened to cause a call the vessel to crash into a bridge in the us city of baltimore and leading it to come crashing down the dissolves to lead to the death of 6 people. and also for spain, definite closure of support of baltimore, john 100 filed this report near the collapse bridge that a drone camera shows the submerged wreckage of baltimore's francis scott key bridge. police manage to stop traffic entering the crossing with just 90 seconds. notice before disaster struck. hold on traffic on the bridge. there's a ship refers, you know, just lost their steering. so then to the that under control, we got stop off having a radio dispatcher captures the moment early tuesday when a single port flagship, apparently powerless, and laden with cargo, collided with the structure, said to get crumbling into the perhaps go river. the just found the whole region just to let the dispatcher head start to warn workers feeling potholes on the
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bridge. there's a crew out there and i went to the other 5 in the form and then see if we can get them off the bridge. then for that warning, did not come in time. divers are now searching the water for the bodies of those workers presumed dead. we use every resource to bring them a sense of closure. we think that's important. and, and we think these families of herndon investigators are looking for clues on the ship. the daily, especially in the black box data recorder, from the vessel. 2000 investigators from the national transportation safety board are focusing on documents, pictures, and interviews with crew members looking for clues as to what caused the crash. we will be looking for any sort of electronics documentation. we will want to take pictures. we will want to look at the engine room of the vessel, the bridge, and then we will want to look at the highway structure itself and said to now that it has collapsed. the galle about the size of an aircraft carrier was involved in
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a previous crash colliding with the wall in antwerp in 2016. are you finding anything surprising the ship has been in a collision before wherever the investigation leads that we will follow and we will make sure those read there's to account ability to route it. you cannot make impact is mess with the bridges collapse that leaves the baltimore, the largest port in the us for transporting vehicles, largely shut and other east coast ports are picking up the slack. but it leaves a major kink in the supply chain at the white house, us officials say the top priorities are reopening the port and rebuilding the bridge. about 8000 jobs we think are directly implicated. and over a $100000000.00 of cargo moves in and out of that port today, the vessel passed to 4 in port inspections in 2023. but in inspection and julie that you're found what it's called propulsion and machinery deficiencies, john henry and l g 0. baltimore. it's unclear how long the ports of baltimore will remain shot before engineer has managed to class,
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wreckage bought supply chains already. busy infected with ships stuck in ports and inbound vessels, diverse and elsewhere, the poor which itself handled a $1000000000.00 worth of trade last year. it is america's largest vehicles and also handles large volumes of coal, gypsum lumber that will needs to go elsewhere. the shipping industry is already being disrupted. the attacks and the red sea have cause an increase in price is on goods from asia, guy plots and is the $60.00 general of the international chain. the shipping, he says the closure of ultimate port will cause delays and the short term the localized, disappointing disruption katie, the portables. more close, we don't know when it's going to reopen. you've got a lot of a bridge wreckage, which is now loading the c bed with the mind you can move in and out to baltimore is that's going to take some time to get the results has in place to lift that to
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clear that. so we're talking die, is it not weeks for baltimore to be closed? the ship stuck inside baltimore, harvard like take on sale. and so uh, obviously it will dump it to other pools which will cost the lights. and the fix company is gonna have to bundle attentive pulse, which i can discharge. and another thing that cause problems. so that's going to, in the short term, could creates a buffle next small ships to be gone to the other ports which include bottlenecks and delays. so these things will work themselves out of the time, but clearly for the next a period of time, there's going to be disruption to the, to the, the marathon supply chain in that area as they dislike is taken up by other places . and hopefully both will pull low sooner rather than later. let's go straight to nbc nice. corresponding j gay is live for us in baltimore. i believe you have an update on the latest on the search and rescue operation j. what can you tell us? yeah,
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within the last 15 to 20 minutes. so summer news, we have learned that the recovery teams have identified the bodies of 2 of what's the lead to be 6 missing construction workers who were on the bridge at the time of the accident. uh, those 2 workers found inside of a pickup truck a that had a green to off of the bridge as it collapsed after being struck by that container ship and. and so working through what were just brutal conditions today, not only here outside and and above the water, which is where the heavy rains at times low clouds and fall, the water temperature drops significantly. they were also diving in an area filled with what was basically a soup of debris there. they had twisted metal with sharp edges. the cabling that had snapped a boulders of rock and concrete,
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many of the personnel. they're saying that it's one of the most dangerous dives they've had to take part in the sharp edges in an area where they can't see at all pitch black. ready could terror wetsuit could tear in airlines. so they had to work very cautiously and, and very precise with what they were doing using stone are obviously to try and identify the vehicle's under the water and, and did find this truck with 2 victims inside. so now it appears there are still at least 4 of the victims of this collapse a missing and they are continuing the recovery effort at this point as now the investigation intensifies as well into how and why all of this happen. yeah, if we go any more details on what could have caused this incident to take place this yeah, at this point. so what we know is limited. we know. busy that apparently the ship
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lost not only power but propulsion just ahead of the crash. so that would lead you to understand that the pilot, the crew had no way of steering this massive vehicle. the special that ultimately slammed into one of these center expansions of this bridge. and, and caused it to collapse. we also know that the teams have recovered the voyage data recorder and they're beginning to analyze that. so that should provide some real information as they move forward. and they've also taken the opportunity to start interviews with some of the crew members that are on that ship that were there that night and remain on the ship. by the way, they were staying in their quarters there and said to be cooperating fully with this ongoing investigation. they also want to talk of course, to some of the witnesses who may have seen what happens here and work through all of that. what we do know is this is going to be a very detailed and probably
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a pretty lengthy investigation here. it's something available have to work through along with a clean up of this area, which is at this point. crippling what is the 11th busiest port in the united states and, and so obviously there's some push to get things cleared away. so some of the river traffic can begin to flow back and forth here. but none of that cleanup removal of debris can really begin until investigators clear that area say they've got everything they need there. okay, i appreciate that. and they say news correspondent, j grey that for us in baltimore is still a head on algae. is there at least 9 people are killed by more is really strong lights on something 11 known among the dead, off full, paramedics and false thing in the shot of conflicts. the congolese muslims, displaced by fighting,
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now struggling to find the there's heat coming to china. harvey, when we get into those details, but 1st you got to get through the storms from glen g province to eastern china once that clears out, the sun returns. and that allows temperatures for example, and move on to closing on 30 degrees, almost doubling up on where you should be for this point in the year. so we track out where that weather goes. the korean peninsula, japan's kyushu island, likely to see some landside alerts re issued again here, because this is going to be copious amounts of rain around a new china. no temperature is up. once again in that $38.00 degree is pretty much the entire month of march. your temperature has been sitting at that 38 degree mark . no real relief there. and we're going to get some pretty solid bands of rain set up over into an easy as main island of java. and that's going to strike jakarta as well. on thursday. frustrating of the weather has moved away from alice springs, still dry and
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w way and still dry in the southeast corner. i think your next shot at rain will come early next week and with this breeze off, the coral. see here, it's going to produce some showers and storms up and down the coast of queensland. when this weather report in new zealand is cool, wind out of the south means temperature is on the low side in need and 12 degrees for you on thursday. bye for now. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no. there is no one nor of international uniting, tanya, no, this has not been violated. it's been one of some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's well, it has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially, morally. they all look at how the international news of being applied and ignore to me is real cause of conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera,
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huge reserves of alysia, used in electric batteries. i'm fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels . live, be nice to vast audience, so place are unique ecosystem. the condition is communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on. just the the you're watching out. is there a line that boss helps or is this our israel has told the white house that wants to reach and do
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a council meeting with us officials. their negation was set to discuss as well as planned, ground, defensive, and rough. uh, which of washington opposes out of there has obtained footage showing is rarely forces in gaza shooting to on, on to protest. and instead at close range, one of the men repeatedly waves what appears to be a piece of white fabric to bodies of feet, to palestinians, all then varied by his writing full days. well, honey, i spoke to our senior political analyst, my on bashar about the kenning of these 2 on on demand in casa. probably certain words should be invented for this sort of thing. i'm not sure we do have sufficient vocabulary to describe this sort of a twilight zone really. so it's a, it's quite the twilight zone between um,
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israel is fantasy of the most model army. and here it is now in black and white for everyone to see that there's there's, there's no hiding behind these pictures about what is happening. there's absolutely no hiding. and this is the thing, right? i mean it's, that's why i don't because there is remains to day, every day we hear these riley's boasting go for their most mortal army. it's a fun to see that these 30 ality of identified an attempt to gain or destroy much of palestine and the palestinians there and to hide the evidence and to lie about it. if any time you think over the past 5 months, that is right. it has hit bottom, it somehow finds a new, lo, it hits a new lo,
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you don't know how and continuously lies about it and accuses the worlds of hostility. and i'm to submit this. and so adding this, i'm talking about it. and really questioning the mortality of this is very the army i suppose that we should also make us on to so medic, this is what it is. i mean, it's speaks for itself in the sense that there's a situation now, it has been for decades, whereby is ready these try to disseminate an entire people to buy some mean or another, whether it is through starvation, through destruction, cj hunger, simon displacement, ethnic cleansing. and so on, so forth. so this has been going on and now we see the scenes and you could
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definitely underlined the fact that this is the combination of impunity when the is really army can do. all of these things can get away with it. it can only then do more of it, knowing that it will not meet at any punishment. you know, i was just listening on the few moments that go to an interview by one of a dozen now is administered. one of his judgments, the drum or for strategic affairs, believe it or not and he was expanding on fox news. why is the just got back to ship a hospital with a commander unit? i'm courting him now. is there any 270 federal wrists in a ship, a hosp, but them and captured 700 that are rest at a ship, a hospital this commando unit and it's no civilians? no 7 years. i just mean, i guess probably the people in israel officials and people need to start watching.
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i'll just see basically that's the problem, right? they don't watch, obviously they don't watch the scenes, the facts that we show in real and real in real time and realize what is going on, what they are doing and gosh, so the problem is once again, it's impunity and deception. they do it. they think they can get away with it and has they do more of it? we've seen it. how does this war unraveled to? this is really ministry is carried out more as strikes on board of towns in southern lebanon. at least 9 people have been killed in a cora and a half or near the border with israel. among them has been devices as brown, has described the attacks as retaliatory earlier. and all the is really as strong that talking to the health center in southern lebanon, killed at least 7 people saying ahold of reports from the village of how berea, which is near the border with his ro, hey, the sub system. you pull off the phone call,
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that's why you need 21 year old mohammed mode was among paramedics killed and the overnight is really strike. his mother is grieving, but defiant. 7 young men, university students, volunteers were in the emergency health center that was completely destroyed. it wasn't the 1st time is real hit, the medical facility and village is close to the border. during the conflict, it began when hezbollah opened a front line against his rated forces in support of garza previous attacks of also killed medical workers. and not much of that. these young men were our friends. we grew up with them. this is a civilian target, and it's a military one, but we aren't shots. this is what the enemy does. the center was run by jamal this . let me have a group that has participated in attacks on israel. people here tonight is really army claims that jets targeted a military compound belonging to the group,
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and eliminated what it's called. a significant operative at the end of the month of this center used to serve the whole region. these volunteers help those were sick and one that is really attacked by to the nearest hospital is kilometers away. people here tell us they believe this strike is part of as well. strategies to di, populate the region, close to the border. already an area of up to 4 kilometers is largely empty of civilians. tens of thousands have been forced from their homes. senator moved to february, which was hit for the 1st time on tuesday night. people here are trying to make sense of their loss in a conflict that's still largely confined to military targets and tied to the outcome of the war on garza and their elders, either. so their 11 on to the okay. by the west bank. now. what palestinians in the janine refuge account say they live in fear of almost daily incursions by the
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israeli ministry. while the army says it is losing out sizes civilians say they feel trapped in the ongoing waves of finance. lower account reports from ramallah, smashed gloves and shrapnel. last it was evidence of enough to find those nights in janine on tuesday before midnight, these writing note treat entered the city reading homes called sketching, goods and destroying ammonia. on the outskirts of the refugee camp, they shot a 19 year old man before entering the town with an armed with both of those uh, up turning roads and destroying infrastructure. just on the ground. say these radio and we were treated among violence. confrontations with fighters before sending in armstrong road the bloss coming 3 bull man. people here city live in fear. some refuse to leave out the say that he forced to play
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a man. that is what i mean. what a safety we're not safe anywhere. they can, patient has destroyed our life, that we will stay here and they can patient will leave one day. if those advocacy of ca i needed cause enough the o as, as tracks and know safety at all. any date is in his track. if it is a funeral, the camp is not safe anymore. people are running away. for 2 years, the thomas being the epicenter of violent and cousins by these right military and confrontations with palestinian fighters. just one week ago, a troy destroyed kids to find to another, but what it targeted the car, at least 40 palestinians have been killed in air and joined strikes. and janine alone since october, the 7th. and just under a course of full posting is killed in the occupied westbank were also killed here. so you said that kidding the fights is by drawing because they can't find them on the ground. every week we bid farewell to
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a group of young men from the cap. it is difficult to leave our homes and everyone is afraid of the state buried their loved ones, palestinians of challenging, but any chance of peace is also dead. this being a major increase in his writing of the tree writes in the occupied west point since october the 7th. that's on average, around $42.00 rates every single day. israel justifies this by saying that wishing out fi has and preventing violence posting and say this doesn't work as they already bind to tax the worse and already bullets whole situation. north on, i'll just say we're ramallah. we all tied west find the, you know, as a nation, says it is gravely concerned about the humanitarian situation in northeast and democratic republic of congo, phone galleys forces, baffling groups including m,
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23 fighters in the mineral which area m. 23. have taken several towns from government troops and a threatened government. the main, especially in the region, decades of conflict have displaced more than 7000000 people within the country. gabriel is on the it has moved from you and headquarters in new in recent weeks, the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to k to the secretary general, special representative for the country said the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more than 7100000 people have been displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people since my last briefing was about 3 months ago. to 3400000 people now suffer from food and security,
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which means one out of full companies is suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un cold on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00. i'm a huge disease, but for us as a judge we do when faced with the lower repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon of impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. but the real one didn't, ambassador said it's for rudy. and the d. r. c that are at the root of regional tensions. according to the group of experts on the data, see most countries of fighting alongside the f. d. a genocidal melisha against implementing city in an attempt to end a political program through military means for one that takes do. so that's a very to said yesterday. this is why we built for the cut and so you get the issue
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has to be dissolved politically among the commonalities. all these people come said a delicate moment as the un lead peacekeeping force known as a new sco, is pulling out of the country at the request of the congolese government. the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april. and all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year. gabriel's on don't out. you see it at the united nations in new york. among the displaced in the democratic republic of congo, there are many muslims, they are struggling to find food to break that foss during the holy month of ramadan. catherine, so i put around 10 percent of the companies population, mostly and of durham monkey kennedy is one of the many struggling to get a problem meal during the whole,
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the month of ramadan. so he's finally moved to this displaced box. so this comes in the pro visual capital goma from the town of soccer about 25 kilometers away. socket has been for 2 of our for months by government forces and on to group and 23 . most of its residents now leave rough in make shift pens with little food, water, and other necessities, close up with them. so i'm going to the fact that my wife is not fasting is a grease the right. thank god for it's good wanted my wife was pregnant to escape the pain of having no food. this helps me because i'm the only one fasting in the house. that's bearable because i don't have enough food for more people. nearly 2000000 people in the eastern province of north cube who have fled. suffice to be done 2 years ago. aid would cause do their best to help, but they said the needs are too many had the job. the abraham has just received
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tough food, the russian letterman, when we're fasting, disgruntled on in very difficult conditions, our children have neither a mule to start the fast nor one to break the fast. we have nowhere to find flint. and if we go back to saki to look for it, we are attacked by the rebels. the cumberland government, un experts, and other international organizations, blame neighboring run for baki entity 3, and causing this latest flare up on a position rondo denies. many companies, stock, and comp, also blame m $23.00. the fighting is not matching up and the spreading to different areas, but it appears the group keeps advancing and taking more territory. that means the holding less such as a door a month, a set to stay here until a solution is found. kathy saw you all to 0. as it were,
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you may find it has officially been declared. the winner of senegal is president election with just over 54 percent of sundays national. those very accounts of commission says, telling from old polling stations has now been concluded. the constitutional council is expected to confirm the results in the coming days, paving the way for an official hand of a pallet from the incumbent mackey cell. the health care system. and i found this down is in crisis. hospitals and clinics, supposedly equipped, and medical stones often leave the country for best to open trinity's boards. and the lack of international support is adding to the problem. as osama been debated reports from cannot prevents a this is not a try for tennessee coast and a bunch of travelers. even be a good driving conditions without much still a landslide. narrow mountain road where just one car can pass at a time,
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is the only way to the hospital loaded on vehicles capable for the journey. most of those needing medical help don't have the luxury of ambulances, including the sun. since the thought it won't take over of 2021, there's been a shop dropped in donor funds, which held together in broken public health. this the lack of instruction and support also resulted in shutting down basic health units and many clinics. now the 150 bed central hospitality, not only said half a 1000000 people from corners, 14 districts, and also patients from newest on problems. that's very rough on the look traveled from because he cannot afford to go to a private hospital. his son suffers from the moody, easily treatable under the right circumstances. but it's in good faith without proper care. why didn't use the whole lot of the younger we have doctors, but not many. and we don't have medicine. but some of the doctors don't know how to treat patients with pneumonia. there was a big hospital like this about the current government,
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which calls itself the slumber cameron faced multiple bands and been in and have also scared of a many healthcare professionals. other women are now allowed in the health sector. it is still a shortage of doctors and nurses. i do not offer this. that's not how that's coming from the patients arrived here in a critical stage and some are dead on arrival. we were referred most of the critical patients to jello, but if we had a standard i see you for critical patients. we would not need to send them away. a, an unforgiving terrain and unpaid roads like this being people have to travel hours to get medical help. it's not just corner problems in other places or occupation forces spend more than $300000000.00 a day every day for 20 years. pensive di picture. most of gums believe corruption in pvc is dropped them of basic services and facilities. projects such as this hospital either remain incomplete or only existed on paper because i'm on the corner when i had a basic problem is are 200 said hospitals. i'm finished building since we have been
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reassured that the construction of this building will restart soon. and patients in corner have basic demons. on the matter. we want this road to be booked, an ambulance for the clinic and both doctors and specialist until that happens, they must take an affordable, headless journeys just to see a doctor. so i'm a job with the data. about ne and the son, a group of female activists have gone on a 10 day hung restaurant. i can indeed loc region to the amount of the territory of the given state codes. the active as it will say, one tribal states has for the area that would allow them to form administrations within the state. this purchase comes off to a prominent activist. so now i'm long choke ended, a 21 day hunger strike on tuesday. the himalayan region has seen frequent street purchased south talks between local leaders on the indian government broke down to
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so head on out is there will tell you about this new initiative by presenting friends to protect the amazon reinforce
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the the among palestinians worldwide following events in gauze that there is a sizable community living in ukraine, which is there a met, one doctor who left his trip to study medicine in ukraine, now finds himself cool between 2 conflicts. hear his story. my name is yes sir. i saw you de, um,
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of the listing and doctor living here in ukraine. i'm the head coordinator for all of the humanitarian and give a question activities in ukraine, connecting with almost all of the international, let's say, a national organization that you'll be here and you're great for me. it was just like turning back to what's happening and by this time and 60000. so i filled the pain, i sold what's happening here. so i decided to help in a maximum way that, that account a lot of these patients game let's say, to the really station without even any documents, without even just like clothes and not money, not anything, not medications. i started here 9, graduated with on ours and general medicine. and after that i continued as near surgery. i lost connection with my family for several weeks. our actually our home,
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it's now destroyed. i lost more than 10. my family members, a dyslexic relatives. at the moment my father is just like and really bad health condition. my mother to and i'm and i'm worried every single day and i'm helping people here and i'm thinking about my family. so my heart slaking bane. doing any human being is just like, not the right thing. i do know it just to fight killing any human being. that's why we are here. if we are talking about we few, geez, you do not care about what's nationality. it is. if it's palestine, syria, iran, iraq, or ukraine, all of them, they must have abroad, but food protection will to, since, until they can turn safe to their homes. this is a once in a generation moment. when all nations must bolt together. ukrainian president
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belonged to mister lensky. has aust allies to speed on the delivery side to jets off to one person was killed and 12 others wounded in motion strikes on concave. authorities say russia carried out to strikes on residential areas in the city on wednesday. the attacks, partially destroyed, apartment blocks. meanwhile, ukraine's president below him is it, as he has praise the country's football team from qualifying for that 1st major tournaments since the russian invasion. they feel this bullets with victory in the playoffs along with poland and georgia. david stakes rounds up the action. the x ray moments of celebration, feed crane, the own guiding rule with russia to secure the full successive appearance of the euro is with a to one play a factory of iceland. the game has to be paid in poland, which has the largest concentration of ukrainian refugees as
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a result of the conflict back home, which is now incident stood. yeah, the so in these for, for our support is for the country for people, for all, so dear squeeze police now protect and i'm afraid in this case i think the everybody's understand how we supposed to, how was important this, this we know, hold on and so much i know why, despite old at home games being spread across europe unfolding a goal behind this game, ukraine still found a way to win chelsea's behind a boot. drake with the window 6 minutes from time to ukraine, emerged from a qualifying group which included european champions it's late, and one is up england. the euro still be up against belgium's to becky and romania, russia, a band from taking part because of the invasion. the
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also heading through a poland, despite fighting to get a shuttle charge and a 120 minutes. they beat wireless on penalties and caught it. it means robot levin duffy and his side will learn to put the your rights against prince, the netherlands in austria. and for the 1st time, we'll see georgia at the arise, it's in it's, they also want to shoots out against the 2004 champions grease, the waiting dining group. it's a key, a quote to go and the czech republic, or i will uh, before its uh, or the outlook we put in the last for years. we go to the back today and that's an amazing feeling. it's the 1st time georgia have qualified for a major tournaments and that's to the game to play is joint friends to celebrate in the countries capital city, tbilisi seo rose kick off in germany on june 14th david stokes l g 0. problems in brazil have unveiled
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a $1000000000.00 green investment plan to protect the amazon rain forest. the announcement was made by the need as of the 2 countries during a visit by french president emmanuel, not chrome applying, proposes a reward system for countries investing in so called carbon sinks, such as the amazon rain forest, which now actually absorbs c o 2 emissions as their shovel as campaign advise at amazon watch. he says it's not yet clear at how the plan would be allocated. macro was a rewarding chief connie with the highest owner of from friends. and in that ceremony chief pony pointed his finger to both lou the n monochrome until then the law has to immediately cancel the fat hope ground project. this is a gigantic re weigh that the big agribusiness traders, such as card you are pushing the prison in government abuse in the middle of the
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amazon to further exports. so encore and production that is destroying the amazon and the threat of why i'm referring to what she's pony side. because known of the commitments on bio economy. that market on and lula are pledging to will be able to, uh, mate, to become a concrete. if there are, if there is no, far as if there is no amazon, if there is no serrado and this huge infrastructure project, but he's now threatening to amazon and it's people's is really uh, across boards where we stand. and we will live to the future of the amazon. the announcement indeed was up for investments on bio economy projects. there's one billing is due to be raised and it includes a technical assistance, which means that we don't know yet how this money will be allocated and how it
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would be distributed by the banks and private and public funds that will come from bows this fund. okay, that's it for me, by the inside for this and use our carriage also be in the the latest news as a critics. people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost their lives. vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with detailed coverage. so many people are out tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the sending of these people from around the world. joe biden says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin hod, who came into the use of the oil c suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler sees thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house. thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era foster a 10 year journey in which it has become the most important translation award from? i'm into the how to rubik language world wide shaped come out of old for translation, and international understanding of dumps is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024 starting march 1st to may. 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving one. are you a generosity town, presided slowly to support to those west effected because they met doggy style with your mercy showing the brightest, gave mercy. now terminate. today. the exclusive video obtained by al jazeera shows on, on the palestinians being killed and then buried using food. isis is very forces in northern guns the carry johnston. this is i'll just hear a lot from the house that coming out hospitals in northern dollars. i have one day receiving multiple instances, dating suffering from severe malnutrition,


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