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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 8:00am-8:10am AST

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furnace portal and traffic on the cube ridge radio exchange has made public indicate to dispatch a head sold to war and the workers willing potholes on the bridge. there's a crew out there and i want to notify the foreman to see if we can get them off the arrangement for the warning did not come in time. so where is this? well now the whole thing is just the last investigators from the national transportation safety board of game boat at the ship and began the process of interviewing the $21.00 members of the crew and the 2 pilots would be on board. our entire focus on seeing is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up, we need to collect that information for investigation. the n t s b says it will release a preliminary report within a months. but the final conclusions will take between one and 2 years. my kinda,
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i'll just era washington. patients are suffering serious shortages of food and medical supplies as they wait for a new transitional government to be formed. but capital has been devastated by gun bonds, but escalated in late february, leading to the resignation of prime minister ariel only. his departure was a crucial demand by an alliance of games that now controlled most of the city. but a rep hello has the latest on what's been happening on the ground. regarding the ongoing security situation in haiti as violence link to gaines continues to grip the country, the governing council, which seeks to oversee the political transition in the country, has issued its very 1st statement. that statement reads, we are determined to alleviate the suffering of the haitian people trapped for too long between bad governments. multifaceted violence and disregard for their perspectives and needs. though the group has vowed to restore democratic order. the
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statement did not outlined a timeframe or specific actions that need to be taken in haiti. evacuations or for nationals from the country. continue and international observers ward over a worsening humanitarian crisis for the 10s of thousands of patients that have been displaced as violence in the country continues to search. by the way that i follow al jazeera mexico city, the united nations says as gravely concerned about the humanitarian situation in northeastern democratic republic of congo. companies forces are battling groups including m, $23.00 fighters, and the mineral rich area. them $23.00 have taken several towns from government troops out of threatened government. that's the main city in the region. decades of conflict of the space, the more than 7000000 people within the country obviously is gabriel is on though has more now from you in headquarters in new york. in recent weeks,
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the m 23 has made significant advances, expanding territorial control in fighting against the congolese military. been to k to the secretary general, special representative for the country said the security situation is deteriorating rapidly and the humanitarian situation is reaching near catastrophic levels. so the more did not feel the need for more than 7 point. 1000000 people have been displaced in the country. that is 800000 more people. since my last briefing was about 3 months ago, to 3400000 people now suffer from food and security, which means one, not a full companies are suffering from malnutrition. d. r c's ambassador to the un cold on the security council to take a stronger stand against rwanda. widely believed to be supporting the m $23.00
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as huge. it throws these above us as a judge we do when faced with the lower repeat offender, the security console has to cross the rubicon of impunity just to impose on dwanda the sanctions that are commensurate with its repeated criminal offenses. the. but the rwandan ambassador said it's per room d and the d r. c. that are at the root of regional tensions, according to the group of experts on the data, see most countries of fighting alongside the if data genocidal melisha against implemented city in an attempt to end a political problem through media type of means for when the techs do so that's a very to said yesterday a, this is why rep bill, for the cutting sector to the issue has to be dissolved politically among the commonalities. all these people come said a delicate moment as the un lead peacekeeping force known as a new sco, is pulling out of the country at the request of the congolese government. the un said the 1st phase of the withdrawal should be complete by the end of april. and
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all the peacekeepers will be out by the end of the year gabriel's on to how does it at the united nations in new york to send a golden out web. i see the july fi has been officially detailed the window of the presidential election with just of a 54 percent of sunday's vote. the electoral commission says counting, come on, holding stations has now finished. the constitutional council is expected to confirm the results in the coming days. he's in the waiting for an official hand of power from incumbent. microsoft. i'll just say it was nicholas hawk is in the center of these capital co with most as we are outside the cars tribe, you know, where moments ago in the appeals courts, the provisional results of the presidential elections were announced with 54 percent of the votes. it is a comfortable victory for opposition candidate busing,
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which in my fights a score that has never been matched before. this is the biggest lead in which an opposition figure has ever won and election is for that has done many people including members of his own. 1 already, meanwhile, the ruling party candidate, and i do best gord only 35 percent of the vote. the people of sending gold clearly made their choice. they want a break from the past now by sir, we do my 51 in urban areas in the cars salary, but also is the guy shaw, which is the strong hold of his mentors. opposition leader, eastman sancho. but in the rural area, that's where a lot of work needs to be done. we met with his father, both of your wi fi, his father in his village, outside of the car. he said that his, his son will work with honesty and hard to work to try to deliver on the promises
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of greater justice in greater equity. for the senegalese people, the hanover power will take place on april 2nd, where it will be the end of the 12 year long rule of president, microsoft and the beginning of your new era. for the senegalese people, nicholas hawk alger 0. the cars ukrainian president loved them is the landscape as asked as allies to speed up the delivery of 5 digits of to one person was killed and 12 others wounded in russian strikes on hockey. as far to say russia carried out to ed strikes on residential areas in the city on wednesday. they have tons of positive destroyed apartment blocks properties on the rise in argentina, an independent study by the catholic university puts the right up close to 60 percent. that's maybe 20 percent higher than the end of last year when president the late to power promising radical economic reforms. obviously are stories about
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reports in the capital. when, as iris a garbage dump outside of window site is, has become the livelihood of hundreds of people. 14 hector's of trash just and now we're away from the capital. the last at abbey i used to work. so security guard. but it was laid off. he comes in search of scrap metal and anything else he can recycle. you seem to know the situation is very difficult right now and with, with 5 and with while i get here, i have 3 children. one of them with down syndrome i can make around $10.00 with a full day of work for routine argentina is running that almost 60 percent. those here just a few of the millions of people in need of a to rates are the highest in 20 years. the main reason is the sewing inflation that makes it difficult for people to be able to buy food and other items. and that's why many and up in places like this one, trying to find plastic metals and things to sell. so they can make extra money.
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that evaluation of the origin time base. so applied by libertarian president, have you had any last year? we started feeding and increasing the price of leasing good laces. he's moving forward. we strategically forms 2 measures to improve argentina's, and that's only going on me of the categories is $61.00. he says, coming here is the only way he has to make a living. see very, very different going on. let me go to a, come here and try to get what i can. things have gone off the lift stopped eating. think it's unavoidable. i'm not sure what will happen with the new government, but i hope things start to change. so working here is huge, the damaging to people's health. the constance smoke generated by the trash being burnt, and the decomposed garbage. many cannot afford to buy gloves. said it shouldn't, mother has been fighting to transform this place into a recycling facility when the.


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