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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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then finding, did you find everything is much more difficult? ukraine has accused both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian fantasy f made things even worse. the shot dead while waving white flags. den bulldozed video obtains bio to 0 chose is really false. is coming on the palestinians in golf. so the colors that are relevant, you are watching of civilized headquarters here in the hall also coming in they're struggling because they're exhausted. they run out of the resources they may need. the team of international adult does in gauze or describe the dire situation facing
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medical stuff, facing thousands of palestinians. from the front lines in level with you and troops trying to keep the peace as far as it gets, connects between his body forces and has the sciences and listing food shortages in the democratic republic of congo. the united nations williams with disastrous humanitarian crisis. as the titles rebels the welcome to the problem they want and waving white flags before is why the soldiers opened fire. then the bodies bulldozed ultra 0 has obtained video sharing the unprovoked killing of to palestinians and garza. these really ami says it's investigating the warning that some of the images in alexandra by this report may be seen as distressing. these unarmed men are trying to return to their
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homes in northern gaza. the only way to get there is along the beach, west of gauze of city. near the nipple sea round about south west of the city is rarely forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these rarely soldiers. he raises a white flag, an international sign of surrender, and is rarely troops allow him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he too raises a white flag. here the 1st man disappears from view and the footage then is really soldiers use an armored vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waved his small light flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire on him. at close range and is rarely bulldozer arrives on the scene. and here we see the body of the
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1st man on the ground. in a final in dignity, the bulldozer shovels the 2 bodies and berries them in sand and litter. these rarely soldiers attempts to conceal the executions. alda 0 managed to obtain this footage shot with a long distance camera. the whereabouts of the group of palestinian witnesses is unknown. hamas says in any ceasefire agreement, the right of palestinians to return to their homes safely without being shot at by his really troops must be included. alexandra buyers al jazeera. you know, they have correspondence on both sides of the story and the payment will get these binding reaction, selling button con, in the occupied east jerusalem. but that's, that's towards the honeymoon. who's in ross? i'm in the southern gaza and honey people in the gaza strip might not have actually
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seen these pictures because communications relatively down across the whole strip. but if any news is getting out of what might have happened here, a yes, very horrified right now by the footage on the scenes of the 2 on arm on approved vaults killing of these 2 civilian trying to get to their homes in the northern part in garza city and this is not the 1st time it is happened. and there are countless numbers of atrocities committed by it is really military, whether it's the center execution of the people inside the residential home and the big the mass a respite. and then later on the demonized asian and then the killing. but it happens to be one a couple more that happens to happen. be date to be documented on the camera. and that is really monitor, as we've seen in the photos of trying to conceal the crimes that committed of this to on, on civilian by varying them with dirt and letters. as the below their ran over a,
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the area where the, where their bodies were laid on the ground. now, this is happening right on the 3rd day after the, you on security accounts of hosta resolutions demanding an immediate c as fire. and what we see on the ground is a quite a cons riding more of bombings going on more destruction. and right now with this video, emerging more of the execution of unarmed civilians at palestinians. and just put in creating a sense of fear and panic. guns with the possibility of, of the ongoing, afraid of expanding the ground and visual it might be seeing this 1st hand in rough i city happening if the, if the are the military expand and if the ground, the operation and drop by city 2 weeks ago or the overs last week, another scene of the on arm for young been where it's struck by uh, by a drawn with it fired 2 missiles a 2 months ago. there's really a monetary account. it's on a captive inside the gaza strip. wouldn't fire to them it from
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a close range. would it had in fact time to verify the characters of every single person that they had targeted so far. the 1st time in russia. thanks so much the latest honey. let's go say the to occupy these truce. them let him on con, it's standing by for us a name and we always wait to hear from the israelis when such footage seems to him the job. he's saying anything as well, what we did was we send to these really all meet the 1st agent to austin for their response. we now have that response. i can just tell you it says, the video in question is edited and does not show the context of the instant a thorough professional examination is required in order to assess the details of the incidents. upon receiving the report on the incident, it was transferred to the relevant professional bodies, full review. that's a fairly standard on. so from the is really all me by normally say we're aware of the incident. we are investigating it. but the investigation is very rarely. if
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ever made public a, this is likely to be the only response we're going to get for not going to say a government response as long as your response from prime minister benjamin netanyahu. for example, this is a military matter and it's being handled by these is already military. but like i say, we don't going to see any investigation any time soon if it ever becomes public. also, very rarely do is rarely so just actually face any kind of discipline your reaction, nevermind any kind of military call to civilian cold for their actions either any occupied westbank oh, and gaza income force that offense for us to place him in the fire. soc is a spokesman for the polish time, but present society. she says the video shows how israel continues to operate with impunity. a yes or good. i'll try to find the seals because we are located off an external edition killing of high think the evidence is giving
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away of this because of the finance of the international community. no accountability. since the beginning of the olga is they killed, more than $32000.00 palestinians. 72 percent of them are children and women. how many $1000.00 should be killed before the world to fix, to use the steps to hold the account to the, to have an immediate it also seemed fees for we are fee civilians, health care workers out of human nature areas being killed, international being by the israeli occupation forces. so yes. what is your ele uh, continue to create more civilians? before i have almost 6 months of the trending apple burden is that is taking place across the o gulf was to the international give the international community and law as cliff
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the clear civilians health care workers should be projected under. i've talked to existing concept from abroad, say they've witness. catastrophic seems at hospitals as a result of as well as from boston. and they say the 11th circuit, seeing a constant stream of engine palestinian children controls in some medical treatment between gave me has more. tanya hatch has son is a pediatric intensive care doctor from jordan. she's part of a team of 7 medics volunteering at the alex. similar to the hospital in the town, if the alba lot in central garza, our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the the been here for a 162 days. doing this. $24763.00 days without resources is dealing. you asked me whether they have the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to see 1st hand,
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how causes destination with health care system is coping only around 12. it's $36.00 hospitals, or even partially functioning. the rest of run out of fuel of medicine and have been damaged by fighting and his rating rains. those last dwanda unbearable pressure. this hospital has 800 patients, but only a 160 beds. seriously ill and injured patients supposed to lying car doors on mattresses or blankets. a few members of staff left to working around the top while often coping with a room grease unemployed. there was to be a time and which of these medical teams are working hard and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on with their work, the shows, the psychological pressure they're facing in northern gauze, adult to say, the seeing many events every day who on to wait for the rage therapy link, the desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k unit. so i used to use the, the, the i c,
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u stuff that come all odd one hospital are seeing a huge influx of newborn babies suffering from acute mound nutrition to advance severe dehydration. this is mainly due to the absence of formula milk. as a result, babies reach critical levels of dehydration and ultimately the outbreaks of disease along with mountain nutrition. to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza, increasing number is if people need medical health, these doctors have dwindling resources to what this. victoria guy can be algae there. in the occupied westbank of goodman has opened fire on 2 buses carrying is really satellites. 3 people of wounded children were reported to be on the bus, near jericho in the jordan valley is where the forces have blocked right stuff, and say amends them to them to wait for the attack. these are the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose office has told the white house that it was to reschedule, a cancelled meeting on his way the delegation was due to visit washington to discuss, as well as planned ground defensive in the rough
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a lesson. yahoo cancel the trip after the us refuse to veto a un resolution to the ending of the mediates e sign in gauze. and what i can say on israel more broadly, as you asked me about meetings that we, that, that were held here. they were constructive discussion with israel's defense minister over the last 2 days. russell was one of the many topics discussed with jake sullivan. tony blinking, lloyd austin and the burns of the prime minister's office has agreed, has agreed to reschedule the meeting. dedicated to rafa. so we're, we're now working with them to set to find a convenient date. that's obviously going to work for both sides. but he's his office has agreed to to reschedule that meeting, that would be dedicated to russell, which is a good thing. even though it's just very strong sense of 11 and reported as killed at least 9 people, including full sizes from the group has blog. it's all on the amount they've been
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said at last 2 bits, then this has blog has repeatedly said it wouldn't stop attacking is room until a c 5 begins in casa, the pulls from gemma in southern lebanon. you in troops are trying to keep the peace as we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest contingent and the un peacekeeping force una feel. their base in southern lebanon is a few kilometers from the border with israel since the war on cause that began in october, the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since the lebanese armed group has beloved opened a front line against is really forces to support palestinians in garza. the unit phil judy continue to carry out as usual, according with the 1701 resolution. what change it was our boss to death was the
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setup, accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted following the last war between israel and has beloved in 2006. it task is gonna feel with helping lebanon to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has beloved up to 20 kilometers from israel as border. it never happened, and as well as now threatening a wider conflict until it does but 11 ounce government says, isabel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdrawal from disputed areas along the border. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border, but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that would involve a political process based on the full implementation of un resolution, $1701.00 that should involve a beast of presence of leaven onto army in the south,
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which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers are proposing to help strength and the army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so 70, no one in terms of support of the liberties army is ongoing. that's a long process and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring more liberties army, to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be a supplement to this conflict, but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues to enter for their address either southern, let the non a well still a head, hey, on the else is there a dive as look over the bodies of 2 workers from the baltimore bridge collapse. as investigators began examining the ships black bones and mongolia as the magic. so
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to say they've lost boost up that lifestyle came one of the worst winters on record . the a political, the bank, pony farmers are angry, people have starving and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments on addition to the highest level they've been using games for this policy. let me cut out. so we can submit a course the right inside story on al jazeera. what constitutes extend? so we generally talk, you will see i want you to start with just the facts rather as to what happened as independent. we won't be, we want the education my wants to freedom. we don't have to lead them in the policy
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of it's meant to get 50 percent representation and accountability and benefits. know what that was and services, this placement, and then you're saying you don't have your reports that i should just trust too much as the community austin is 5 times the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness. and i'll just the integrity in the pursuit of the the book about 2 weeks ago just released the whole robin in a reminder of all this helps stories these ready? um, it says its investigating the shooting of to palestinians in garza. alta 0 has obtained
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exclusive video showing the kidding of the bed while waving white flags of surrender. the bodies within full days. a team of international doctors in goal is to say, a witness still succeeds in hospitals as the results of, as well as the above. and they say that is a constant stream of the engine of a city and children eating treatments by understaffed and over what metrics and they've got been in the occupied westbank because they've been far on buses coming is rarely settlers. 3 people have been wounded. this by the forces of blocked roads in sight. amendment is underway. island says it will intervene in south africa's genocide case against israel at the international court of justice. the country's foreign minister says israel's actions in gaza as well as how much is october the 2nd, the tax on israel represent blatant violations of international humanitarian law,
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a number of other countries of the states. it's a dire intention to join the case in january the i c j o did as well, to refrain from any acts that would violate the genocide convention. well enough in use in the us divers, have a cover the both the use of to because he wasn't missing when the multiple bridge collapsed. the last and looking for full of those who disappeared when the contained the ship plowed into the bridge on choose day investigates is of quest of the crew. under examining the ships they took hold of, but the report could take 2 years to complete. mike had the reports at sunrise, the dive teams resume that search the smooth set this up, the river, concealing the has the dis, conditions below. and the 1st bodies were found shortly before 10 am. divers located the red pickup truck, submersion approximately 25 feet of water in the area of the middle span of the bridge. divers,
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recovery to view 2 victims of this tragedy. a trap within the vehicles. full victims remain on, accounted for, but old have been identified in coordination with our f. b i. partners. we've determined the countries of origin of those that are presumed, the ceased to be mexico. what the mala will salvador and hunters, the notifications. so these individuals, family members and loved ones outside of the united states is being handled by the federal bureau of investigation in accordance with their establish protocols, will use every resource to bring them a sense of closure. we think that's important. and uh, and we think these families of herndon port on traffic on the bridge re give exchanges made public indicate to the spectra head sore to vote. and the workers willing potholes on the bridge. there's a crew out there and i want to notify them over the form and then see if we can get
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them off the arrangement for the warning did not come in time. so we just found out the whole thing is just the last investigators from the national transportation safety board, the game boat at the ship and began the process of interviewing the $21.00 members of the crew and the 2 pilots would be in on board our entire focus on seeing is to collect the perishable evidence that's documenting the scene. it's taking photographs, it's taking any sort of electronics or components. whatever goes away once the scene is cleaned up. we need to collect that information for investigation into s b says it will release a preliminary report within a month. but the final conclusions will take between one and 2 years. my kind of, i'll just era washington. you're the visual st gravely concerned about the worst
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thing. humanitarian crisis, an east and democratic republic of congo. government troops saw boxing um groups including the m, $23.00 fighters in mineral rich areas of the east. 20 and 23 has taken control of several times and is expressing the potential capital of both key through provenance, okay, but the gates of conflict have displaced more than 7000000 people. price rises in the shop. st. techie, are affecting everyone, especially pension is now that's the best struggling to make ends meet despite the government increasing state pensions 3 times some consider repulsed from the capital anchor. this farmer's markets in the district of port sackler in colorado is popular with retire 86 to 3 year old son in law is a widow and a mother of 3, and is having to choose what she buys carefully. as the price of sor across the country, she says as a retired with children trying to make ends meet is proving too difficult. and
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that's the sport of government having increased pension since a general election last year on us to somebody's in the if the president gives us one race, then the price is double. he might as well shut down the markets. total them up, i have to been good on this days that i've collected from building sites no matter how cold it might get during the day. i stay wrapped up in a blanket all the time. and in the evening when my sons come, i turned on the stove, but make sure it turned off before we go to sleep. i'll tell you. truth, here's latest economic problems are disproportionately affecting retirees occurs. the crisis and sewing installation have drastic. the lowered seniors purchasing power, the government is trying to improve their living standards. the government has increased pensions of 3 times this year and overall annual rise of 33 percent, but that's still far below inflation. that is estimated to be a 6 to 7 percent as of february of this year, who was
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a special police force officer for more than 30 years and as mile retired, while showing us the old photos of himself in uniform. the father of 3 says he's always economized and has liked it with his life. before we commit to get a ton of stuff, i served under several governments and i've never been concerned about salary, or whether i can make ends meet of manage somehow. i've never had issues. of course, some people are working for very low salaries, but usually more than one person works in households that i know of. but people spend money needlessly to, to has just over 16000000 retirements under a new as a law allowing people to retire early. that number is expected to rise to 20000000 before 2013. as the country's largest social group pensioners are target motors and local elections this march for both the ruling party and the opposition. despite the resort showing most on loyal voters of president project type ad on the
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election results will indicate whether that's changed. c, noncustodial al jazeera on carter instead of go a bus, i lose you, my 5 officially being declared. think what else sunday's presidential election, but just stay the 54 percent of the vote. the actual condition was the thing from old polling stations is not finished. the constitutional counselors expected to concern the results and the coming days paving the way for the official and the power from the incumbent. lucky so then by the code as among galia, accounting, the cost of one of the most severe winters in a half a century. many communities of last mold and half of that livestock has temperatures dropped to minus 50 degrees celsius. katrina here how's the story? stuff can but the but still has lived as a no matter code for his entire life. but this past winter has been one of the harshest he's ever experienced. no, i don't. is i totally, on november,
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the 4th a sport and began and snow started falling from day until nightfall. this continued no stop for 2 days. the snowfall was immense up to one metre high. this was the beginning of what mongolian school the tude a disastrous cold spill, which coated most of the country and stick layers of snow and ice. in rural areas, temperatures plunged to as low as minus 50 degrees. an estimated 5000000 grazing animals died from the extreme cold and being unable to feed tens of thousands of families have been effected. some have lost 70 percent of the livestock snow covered roads have also prevented many from accessing food and medical facilities. a previous use not all probably is all the of high probably is just 10 provinces, so i'm going to be affected by speed in good condition. um now 80 percent of my holding to the 282 percent of language in colored this company g.
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i pick the by severe b a and how to clone success though the magnolia and red cross is climate change has led to when to conditions last thing, as long as 6 months, making things very difficult for a quarter of it's 3300000 population who make a living as hard as selling meat and catch me. well, the organization has been visiting families in need and is pleading for international support dot com. but todd lost 200 of a 700 animals this winter, but he considers himself lucky. he knows how does who last many more still he worries about the health of his remaining animals, fearing he may not have enough newborns this coming year marshal this winter was very difficult for us. people couldn't leave their home up and people ducks know with shovels and even with their bare hands. and he says the worst of the extreme
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when to conditions are bought. he must soon make preparations to survive. the next katrina you out a 0, a lot sites from me as a hill around and i'll be back with my own use in hot knob and next on that which is a it's inside storing the had that was solved in east asia and it is set to be around the clear and calm we can across much of the region once this front pulls its way for the east, it's going to bring some very heavy rain across japan in the days ahead we could see some flooding. i'm possible and slides unloved slides there little so bring a bit of a wintery edge to the korean peninsula and rushes far east. it trails down and you can see that rain pouring into taiwan into hong kong as well. but for much of china,
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a very sick old story was sunshine and temperate, just sitting well above the average. for this time of year, let's have a look at we had, we should be around 16 degrees celsius maximum high. but with touching $29.00 degrees celsius, with more sunshine to come on sunday. and it's very hot and sunny for much of india or across the south asia. we have put some warning salt for very high temperatures across central areas con nashika as well, the friday into saturday. a much cooler feel, however, up in the north and what's the weather systems pulling across from pakistan. i've got this done as well working. it's moving parts of india so we could see some snow as well as some stormy conditions west of weather as well. creeping into the coast of carroll. i'm pretty wet for the north east with some rain from bangladesh on friday. the, the heroes from i'll just on the go and need tonight,
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i'll just there is only mobile app. is that the, this is where we, the sex allies from out is there is a mobile app available in your favorites apps to just set for it and type the move the new app from alta 0 new at using. is it the report via you in special rep or tour accuse is real of genocidal acts in garza, the entire area has been classified as a military objective, making all palestinians there are potential targets. so how does the report reflect the reality on the ground? this is inside story, the .


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