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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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has been done before to be done even bit as long as a human being is doing it, you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords you to the israel's latest victim. a 5 year old boy size of malnutrition and gaza has come out and lodge long on the you're watching out to 0 light from a headquarters and del 5 getting obligate. also coming up shot dead while waving white flags. then photos, video obtained by ultra 0 shows is really forces showing on the arm. palestinians in dawson were on the front lines and 11 on with the you. and we're trying to keep
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the peace as fighting escalates between is really forces on because from the fighters plus one time for 2000000000 air sam banks, winfree. it is sentenced a 25 years in prison, over the collapse of s t. i. the beginning guys all were an acute food shortage caused by israel's blockade. on a trucks is now leaving more palestinians starving and malnourished children across the strip or suffering a painful and slow death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim, victoria gate and b begins. are coverage in the mesa body of 5 year olds, mohammed al new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't face him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's
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restrictions on a trucks into the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say that seeing many instance every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then tell us whether or not i'm a product. and so we've received this case about an hour ago, a mama, which in case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients you can see her age doesn't match her weight dope. does visiting goal, is that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of israel's bombardment and blockade? tanya hutch assigned as a pediatric intensive care doctor from georgia and our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the, the been here for a 162 days doing this 24763 days without resources is dealing.
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you asked me whether they had the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is coping of the around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest to run out of fuel medicine, of being damaged by fighting and his rating. raise those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients between the a 160 beds seriously ellen and you, people are forced to lie and call reduce. a few members of stuff less to working around the clock, while often typing with a room grease unintelligible to be a diamond. which of these medical teams are working hard and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what's their work causing the shows the psychological pressure . they're facing outbreaks of disease along with male nutrition, to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick and dingy need medical help. these doctors have twiddling resources to treat them.
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victoria gave some, b, l, g as they're also zeros law center, which isn't a bad idea and northern gaza following developments there. the story was called the him, the 9 a, a job a he's suffer from, uh, severe, uh, my little tradition. he's been 10 days and came on. those was all, it was the trying to bring his life back end as you know, get his life is health data. but they couldn't because of the s a v for page of a and for the style fence was material here. and then also because there's another case, a called jenna and then come out of the one hospital is suffering from the same as the seas. the so this smells nutrition a are reaching unprecedented. they go see nothing because it,
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because it would be severe as cj can boast up and did all the sinews while living. and also because by that is what it is. and these numbers are, it continues to climb because of the as solving policies in bows. i wanted to buy this thing is here. one more thing, as you know, i'm understanding and, and, and in the market, the streets, which is, as you can see in the back around, which is totally destroyed by that is why it is, uh, these souls were selling a food and, uh, you know, hiding the theaters and the human to try and eh, materials for the people. as you see, it's totally destroyed. also, sarah has obtained a video showing the unprovoked killing of 2 palestinians in gaza. they were on arms and they were waving white flags before is released soldiers open fire. and then
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their bodies were bulldozed. is really army says it's investigating honey my from which has more from but i fell off under warning. his report contains some distressing images. these an armed men are trying to return to their homes in northern gauze. the only way to get there is a long the beats west of gauze, a city near the num, both around about south west of gauze. the city is really forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these really soldiers. he raises a wide flag, an international sign of surrender, and his regular troops allowing him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he appears to run back, raising a white flag. here, the 1st man disappeared from the view in the forty's. then his really soldier used name or armored vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he
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waves the small white flag at them, but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire in him at close range and is available. those are arrived on the scene. and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground. you know, finally in dignity, the giant, both those are shovels, the 2 bodies and bears them in san a letter. and these really soldiers attempted to conceal the execution. the whereabouts of the groove of palestinian witnesses is unknown. how mazda has cold days, really arm is action, he is a crime, and is a feeling today knighted nations and the international criminal court to take urgent action to stop the systematic killing of the palestinian people. they say it is, these fire agreement must include the right of palestinians to return to their home safely without being shot at by israeli troops. hunting more via the
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rough uh, southern gauze, ultra zeros homes, us on which isn't occupied east jerusalem with more on the is really a response. this is not the 1st time, but an incident like this has happened and attacked itself. the 1st time people waving white flags inside of gauze that have been shot and killed by these really military, most notably, it was when israel shot and killed 3 of their own captives were waving a white flag asking for help. after that in december, this prompted these really army chief of staff to say that these rarely army does not shoot people who are surrendering, whether they are is really or whether they are palestinians, if they are fighters or civilians. so this is in contrary, in contrast, really to what we have been hearing from these rarely armies. so it's really not known yet. if we are going to hear back from them, we will certainly be following up. but again, these really army often just absolves itself of any sort of playing. we've seen
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this in repeated incidents back in december when his role was accused of executing 19 palestinians in northern gaza just around a months ago when his role said they killed on, on armed man in his seventies, who was dead. they had shot and killed him even though he was on armed an investigation from that we never heard back from. so this is a pattern among these really army in the occupied westbank and gunman has opened fire on 2 buses. carrying is really settlers. 3 people were wounded. children who were reported to be among the bus passengers near jericho in the jordan valley is really forces have blocked roads and they say that a man hunts for the attacker is now underway. the palestinian authority has formed a new government. expect it to be sworn in on sunday. prime minister mohammed will stuff i will also serve as for administer, president my mood i bus appointed him this month. most of us proved assessor
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resigned in february, citing the need for a change in that, but he has more details from it on the law in the occupied westbank. as the most important thing that palestinians are looking for when they talk about their leadership, is that their ability to stop these really aggressions against palestinians. when we talk about the occupied with bank, we're talking about the de needs, the league. it is really supplements and that expansion, we're talking also about the arrests and the killings of palestinians. but palestinians have long lost hope. the beer government, the deadly, the ship is able to really put those as really actions on hold or even taking israel and put thing is real accountable for what it's doing. and this is why if you ask people industries, now if they know that a new government has been assigned by the palestinian president, many of them might not even know. and many of them would ask when we, we get page. as we know,
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the palestinian authority's public employees have not been getting full salaries for years now. and that has put a cast shadows on the palestinian economy. basically, palestinians are we looking at the government as, let's say, a big minister policy. so there's little hope that this government could change on the street. it's indeed a new government with a lot of challenges when it comes to the situation on the ground heated the occupied with bank, but also in the besieged. because this trip as well. we noticed in the list of ministers, 22 ministers in addition to the prime minister, 8 of those ministers are from the causes through 5 of them were living under the current is really aggression in war, on the palestinians. they are. so there is a heavy impact of the war and gaza. still the challenges are huge. and there's, you know, a lot of the adults about what this government can do to create change the
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now the former crypto currency tyco in some banking for need has been sentenced a 25 years in prison for his role. and what's been described as one of the largest financial frauds in history. the 32 year old was found guilty of defrauding customers out of billions of dollars. that was the founder of the f t x crypto exchange. and he was convicted on old towns after a month long trial in november, christmas. salumi has been following the story for us out on new york. so he's sentenced a 25 years present. but this was less than what prosecutors had been asking for. yes, absolutely. and in fact, he could have received up to a 110 years in prison under sentencing guidelines. the judge did say that he was concerned about the brazen list of sam bagman freeze actions and his flexibility,
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his words with the truth and also the risk that sam backin freed if let out of prison too soon. he is just 32 years old, 25 years he'll be in his fifties. if he was let out too soon that he might be tempted to make similar mistakes and be in a position to do similar things again. now that said, he imposed a sentence that was more than the 6 and a half years that bagman fried defense team had requested they made the arguments that he never intended to steal. he just got in over his head and taking $8000000000.00 from his a f t x crypto currency exchange to cover money that was needed in his hedge fund. they also claim that the customers who lost money will eventually get that money back through bankruptcy proceedings. but prosecutors took issue with that. they raise the question about whether or not he even fully apologized. they said that he
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hadn't accepted full responsibility for fraud or for lying. they have wanted 40 to 50 years behind bars sam back and redid apologize in his court in the court. however, saying that he did let a lot of people down. so the judge here attempting to strike a balance between punishment deterrence, making sure this didn't happen again, and some hold for a young man by all accounts, very intelligence and by all accounts struggling with autism in a prison environments. but someone who does something very, very serious on a scale that the world has seldom seen billions of dollars loss. yeah. so chris, and so what kind of reaction can we expect to this development, considering that the story has really been getting a lot of attention of the for a lot of people are very interested in what happens here. the victims of this crime
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and the prosecutors were very clear to call it that fast of $8000000000.00 from f t s. customers who were told repeatedly by sam bags and fried that their money was saved. in fact, he helped the elevate crypto currency industry, the prof, the currency industries appearing with celebrities appearing with politicians, donating money to politicians, testifying before congress, all on this concept that it was safe to invest in christo, kind of see, and there are people around the world over 200, we learned today this an impact statements were sent to the judge for consideration . people had lost their life savings all over the world as a result of this collapse. and while they may get some of that money or even all of that money back through bankruptcy proceedings, it's been a very painful process for those people who are still suffering financially and emotionally as a result. ok,
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thank you for sending me reporting from new york. still ahead on i was a 0 correct down on criminal gangs in el salvador. but there are fears that the country is turning into a police states the the brought to you by visit capital. i had low that let's get the web, the full costs for south asia of the next few days. and starting with the satellite image, you can see dennis cloud lingering across the move west and also the north east to so some very heavy rain with thunder storms and the potential for some snow rolling across from us got us down into northern areas of pockets done and we have those a lot out as well from northern areas of india as the edge friday into the weekend
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for the sol. so this is, i'm cloudy, conditions, bits and pieces of rain effecting central areas remains raw, the west along the coast, pushing down into care that few showers for for lanka, and some whether to come for the north east for baton, as well as bung with dish over the next few days, we have a look at the 3 day for data. you can see those thunder we saw was a 3 to saturday, but improved a picture with lots of sunshine and a heat on sunday. and the heat is going to dominate cool central parts of india. we have got some warnings out for places like con, next friday into saturday for above average temperatures. and to have just offset to climb above average across its central areas of china. because much of the region actually asked that whether front pushes its way for the east clearing the conditions behind it. lots of sunshine and heat for places like we had into saturday of the quote to you by visit customer. why have american evangelicals become? is real strong as back or is us president,
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you'll find the right to stand with this real with no red line. as long as us support continues, is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera, the the, how are we going, the top stories on this our, the is really, are these shows that it's investigating the shooting of 2 on arms palestinians and gaza. the men were killed despite waving white flags, officer friends or their bodies were then bull. there was
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a 5 year old boy who has died of severe mal nutrition in gaza, almost 30 palestinian children died of non attrition. i'm the hydration says israel's war began. is really forces for me to choose the fusing starvation as a lesson a for the international court of justice has just issued new orders for israel to ensure that food a deliveries and through the besieged gaza strip on hindered. let's bring on gabriel. is on though he's our correspondent joining us from the united nation. so gabriel, what more you hearing about what exactly these measures entail or yeah, that's right the so the i c j just released to these new provisional measures. there's 3 of them, so we've been going through it, it's only about 3 pages long here. so you've been sifting through it. they just came out within the last 20 minutes or so. the bottom line is this is that they are
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3 new provisional measures, similar to 3 of the permit visual measures that were announced by the i c, j in january. but these are sort of new ones, if you will. number one is it calls for a renewed effort to get a into guys, it says, take all necessary and effective measures to ensure without delay. the full cooperation with the united nations of the unhindered provision at scale by all concerned a urgently needed basic aid. that's part of that provisional measure, basically calling on his real to get more a to the people that needed the most and hindered 2nd provisional measure that said, added here is it also it's calling on these really military to stop with immediate effect. any military action that could violate the crime of genocide. and then also the last new provisional measure is that the i c j is calling for a israel to submit an updated new report on how they are responding to the
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provisional measures in one month's time. which would be 28th of april. now, these sound a little similar to the provisional measures that were already announced. it's because they are similar. this is meant to be an enhancement, if you will, or a, highlighting of some of the provisional measures that were already announced. so gabriel, is there something to be said about the timing as to why these measures were introduced now? yeah. yeah. and to be honest with you, that might be a very important part of all of this in the report in the introduction part of it, they say you say, well why are these new provisions coming out now? and they're similar to the ones we've already seen. so why the answer is given to us by the i c j. they say that these are meant to be modifications to the per previous provisional measures that were announced due to the change in the situation in gaza. they say that when the 1st provisional measures came out,
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late january, uh, fam, and it was a feat, palestinians, and guys were facing risk of famine. and the i, c, j is now saying that famine is now setting in. and so this is why they felt they needed to add these new provisional measures. kind of as a way to tell is real. you have 6 provisional measures. the situation has gotten a lot worse since we issued those. here's 3 more. take a close look at them. we expect you to abide by them. okay, thank you. gabriel is on the reporting for us from i think us well overnight is really strikes in southern lebanon are reported to have killed at least 9 people, including 4 fighters from has been low. it's live, the amount of movement said it also last 2 of fits members says by law has repeatedly said that it won't stop attacking israel until a c spar begins in gauze up as in also the reports from southern lebanon un
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troops are trying to keep the peace that we are with italian soldiers. the 2nd largest contingent and the un peacekeeping force una feel. their base in southern lebanon is a few kilometers from the border with this route. since the war on cause that began in october, the peacekeepers have been in the middle of an escalating conflict here. there's been daily exchanges of fire since the lebanese armed group has beloved, opened a front line against is really forces to support palestinians. in garza, the unit phil judy, continue and carry out as usual, according with the 1701 resolution. what change it was our boss to death was the setup, accordance with a stability of the periods. un resolution 1701 was adopted following the last war
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between as well, and has beloved in 2006. it task is gonna feel with helping lebanon to army. and the presence of arms groups such as has beloved up to 20 kilometers from israel as border. it never happened, and as well as now threatening a wider conflict until it does but 11 ounce government says, isabel must 1st stop violating lebanese sovereignty and withdrawal from disputed areas along the border. western diplomats have presented proposals to bring an end to the hostilities along the border, but they have said it is no longer enough to return to the relative calm and stability that prevailed before october. that's what involves a political process based on the full implementation of un resolutions, 1701 that should involve a beast of presence of leaven onto army in the south, which is not involved in this conflict. official say the army faces financial and
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logistical challenges to carry out its tasks. but there's also a lack of political will to western powers are proposing to help strength and the army so that it can deploy in numbers and serve as a buffer force to restore stability, no one else. so 71 in terms of support of the liberties army is ongoing. that's a long process, and that's what the international community is trying to do to bring more liberties army, to the south of lebanon. first, there needs to be a supplement to this conflict, but has the law is refusing to come to the negotiating table as long as the war on gaza continues to enter for their address either southern left or not to the russian rock bands. technique has received a standing ovation at a memorial concert in saint petersburg. it followed a shooting at their show in moscow. on friday, the gunmen killed at least a $140.00 people in injured more than
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a $180.00 in the attack on the croakers city hall music venue in moscow. i so, and i'm going to san claims responsibility president vladimir putin as blames which he calls international terrorism and radical islamists. and in the past hour, russia has said that the moscow attackers had links with you for indian nationalist . so in a statement is set to the attackers would receive significant amounts of cash on crypto currency. from ukraine, chief has denied having anything to do with the attack. we have the white house, in fact has just given its response to these russian allegations and kimberly house it is the one who has now from washington dc to tell us what the us the thing about this us. yeah, well the united states is vehemently denying these allegations that the western spike agencies and any ties to ukraine were involved with these attacks. in fact,
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the national security council spokesperson john kirby holding a call with reporters calling me allegations nonsense and propaganda for russian political purposes. now, what the white house is saying is that it's abundantly clear that i still is responsible, given its claims of responsibility. but it goes even further to say that it has evidence that the white house and the united states specifically went to great lakes to war. russia about these attacks that they were eminent in some form or fashion, the white house detailing but as far back as march 7th. it sent a written memo to moscow at 1115, moscow time, 11, 15 am in the morning saying that it was wise to avoid concert halls and large gatherings due to some sort of terror threat. further, the white house saying that it alerted american citizens on march,
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8th of this grave danger. still russia is suggesting that western spies and seas may have some involvement something the united states is vehemently deny. all right, thank you. kimberly how good reporting from washington. thank you. and now columbia has ordered the argentinian diplomats to leave the country, and that's after argentina's. presidents have gave me lay cold, has columbia and counterpart, gustavo petro, a terrorist and murder malay, made the comments during an interview with the us news channel, which is yet to be broadcast, columbia recall that's a basset, or from argentina in january after millay called petro a murderous communist. it's 2 years since the state of emergency it was imposed in el salvador to crack down on long running gang violence. the clean up is regarded as a success with tens of thousands locked up as crimes reduced. but critics say that
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innocent people, i've also been arrested and the seemingly never ending emergency is now turning the country into a police state model, right below reports in the capital san salvador, the police incense, of other words enforcing a state of emergency a policy that grant security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal gains. the crack down is the cornerstone of the countries security strategy gnostic, who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you bo kelly well and only until every member of this terrace organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as
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a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a fact that help salvador in president know you get a when a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests, indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop in gonzalez, say that while she no longer worries over games, there is now a different kind of concern expedite for her last monday. yes. they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that. but even the word of god says the righteous will pay for the sinners.
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busy experts of war and that the ongoing state of emergency is not sustainable and that it's transforming the country into a police state. security officials here.


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