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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 28, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm AST

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a business like just is free to you believe i guess is an ice fly on one of your just makes modern pleads the has another child size of non nutrition in gas or the wells top cold orders as well to take action to allow food aid into the stress, the, i'm on the inside, this is out of their life and uh, also coming up, salt dead, one waving white flags and full. those video obtained by al jazeera shows is where the forces kidding on the, on the palestinians in gauze and on time crypto billionaire sam bagman fried as
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sentenced a 25 years in prison over the collapse of s t x. and we report the transit counsel sounds to dawn and well thank you and says is well largest displacement crisis, the ones top court has ordered israel to ensure on handed food. a deliveries to the receive goal is to strip. it comes as food shortages caused by israel's blockade on a truck. so leaving mold, palestinian starving and malnourished children across the strip of suffering a painful and slow death. a 5 year old boy is the latest victim. victoria gave some v begins coverage, or the may say to body of 5 year olds, mohammed al new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't save him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's
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restrictions on a trucks into the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say that seeing many instance every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then tell us whether or not i'm a product. and so we received this case about an hour ago, a mama, which in case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients. you can see her age doesn't match. her weight. does visiting goal, is that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of israel's bombardment and blockade? tanya hutch assigned as a pediatric intensive care doctor from georgia and our team has been doing this for 5 days, were exhausted. i can't imagine what the been here for a 162 days doing this 24763 days without resources is dealing.
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you asked me whether they had the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is keeping me around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest to run out of fuel of medicine or being damaged by fighting and his rating, raise those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients during the a 160 beds seriously, ellen and you people are forced to lie and call reduce. a few members of stuff less to working around the clock, while often typing with a room grease towards the diamond. which of these medical teams are working hard. and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what's their work causing the shows the psychological pressure . they're facing outbreaks of disease along with male nutrition, to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick
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and dingy need medical help. these doctors have twiddling resources to treat them. victoria gave some, b, l, g as there. well, as we mentioned, the us top coat has ordered israel to take additional measures as the humanitarian situation. wesson's across casa international court of justice has told israel to without delay, provide the on handed provision of just needed basic services and humanitarian assistance to palestinians. throughout garza, it also does as well to increase the capacity, a number of line crossing points and for them to be kept open for as long as necessary. gabe was under his mon, why the course has chosen to issue as to what s they said that these new provisional measures are meant because of a change in the situation on the ground in gaza. they said when they issued their provisional measures of january 26th, at that point there was only
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a risk of famine in gaza. and the i c j says now that but now famine is setting in. and that is why these provisional measures needed to be updated if you will, to taking the fact of the changes on the ground in guys just as justifying the modification of these measures. essentially what the i c j is saying is that things have gotten worse and guys have particularly with, with a famine in gaza and they're now calling out israel to put it into that and do whatever is real, can do to get a to people that need it basically this is you could look at it almost as the i c j raising a red flag if you will, to the israelis say we're watching what's going on. here's in some new provisional measures. we expect you to abide by them. let's go to honda civic cheese and ok potty stores, some for us home. that hasn't been any reaction yet from israel on b. i. c j's latest move. a no
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reaction from these really is on the eyes these days. a latest provisional rulings and measures, but we can talk about how these realize have been reacting to rulings that have been brought down by the international court of justice. in the past, remember 2 months ago when the issue of genocide was brought up in front of the i, c. j. israel had slammed the court's ruling and said that it was the post outrages defamatory and also falls initially. ness and yahoo had instructed his cabinet members to not comment on the i c j's findings. and then later and as an yahoo himself had released the statements saying that israel actually does provide humanitarian aid and tries to keep civilians out of harm's way. all while following international law. however, we do know that israel has been accused of violating international law, not just in this war, but in previous wars in gaza as well. we also know that this in yahoo has said
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himself, he's letting in the minimum amount of humanitarian aid necessary in order to prevent a dire humanitarian catastrophe. but again, that humanitarian disaster has unfolded before our eyes. over the last 6 months, you're looking at more than 32000 palestinians who's been killed nearly 75000 others who been injured and not to mention the thousands who are still missing under the rumble and as the entire population now faces sam and b is really is, are going to have to answer to the international court of justice, though there has not been any official is really reaction. we can expect them once again to slam the i c j's conclusions. well, thank you for that. i'm doing a study to that for us and occupied east jerusalem out is there. a meanwhile has obtained video showing the on for vote was killing of 2 palestinians in gaza. they were on arms and waving white flags before his riley soldiers opened fire. then the bodies were bulldozed, is ready on the says it's investigating honey,
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my mood has moved from rough or i'm wanting his report does contain some distressing images. these an armed men are trying to return to their homes in northern gauze. the only way to get there is a long the beats west of gauze, a city, a near the num both around about south west of garza city is really forces are deployed a palestinian man approaches these really soldiers. he raises a wide flag, an international sign of surrender, and his regular troops allowing him to approach safely. meanwhile, the other young man turns back to where he came from. he appears to run back, raising a white flag. here the 1st man disappeared from the view in the forest. then his really soldier used name or almost vehicle to chase down the young man walking away from them. he waves a small white flag at them,
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but his white flag does not prevent the soldiers from opening fire in him at close range and is really bold. those are arrived on the scene and here we see the body of the 1st man on the ground. in a final indignity, the giant, both those are shovels, the 2 bodies, and bears them in sand and a letter. and these rarely soldiers attempted to conceal the execution. the whereabouts of the groove of palestinian witnesses is unknown. how mazda has cold days, really armies action. he is a crime and is a feeling today knighted nations and the international, the criminal court to take urgent action to stop the system, not a killing of the palestinian people. they say it is, these fire agreement must include the right of palestinians to return to their home safely without being shot at by israeli troops. hunting more via the rough uh, southern gaza and the occupied west buying. a gunman has opened fire on 2 buses.
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caring is riley settlers. 3 people with wounded children were reported to be among the bus passengers near jericho in the jordan valley. is ready, forces have blocked the roads and say, the searching for the attack of the palestinian authority has formed a new government expected to be sworn in on sunday. 5 minutes to mohammed. most of our also sub as foreign minister. the president, my boss appointed him this month, most of us read assessor resigned in february. so i think the need for change. paula sydney and children, trump in gaza, have come out to fly the kites on the beach. it's been organized as a show of resilience and peace, but also to give them it free for us. spite from the devastation of full tire. couple assume reports from russia. the hundreds of palestinian children came here
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today to fly that kites into the sky of the besieged in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which aims to alleviate to be psychological pressure being a into with 5 palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october . and also they want to show the message display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief here in the parents we had the mother. and i mean, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they are feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children and make sure they are happy with the they only find fun in slicing carts, which implies the majority of freedom and peace. i'm only here right now in order to state from the grimace, every other streets were palestinians. children here inside the guards and stuff had been killed on an hourly basis. the only wish that they could pretend back to
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the house was full. and even old with days until it peacefully, like the council paused around the blue star cup as do oh, just a rough, rough southern cause of the form equipped the car and see to like you and some bank been afraid has been sentenced a 25 years in prison for his role and what's being described is one of the largest financial fluids in history. besides a 2 year old was found guilty of the forwarding customers out of billions of dollars as the founder of the s t x crypto exchange. he was convicted on all accounts off to a month long trial in november. christmas lead me has moved from new york or citing the raising less of sandbag winfrey's actions and his flexibility with the truth. the judge gave the former c o the crypto currency exchange f t x 25
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years behind bars. that is significantly less than the a 110 years that he could have received. but more than the 6 and a half that his lawyers had requested, they said he never intended to steal that his customers would eventually be made whole through bankruptcy proceedings. and that at his heart, he wanted to be good and donated his money to philanthropy and helped people around the world. the prosecutors took exception to that characterization. they had requested 40 to 50 years behind bars, saying that he hadn't accepted full responsibility for his fraud or his line and could be in a position if let out. to do something like this. again, sam bagman fried, said little as the sentence was read. she did tell the judge that he was sorry for letting people down, sorry for
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a series of bad decisions. and he left the court room and a hand costs just 32 years old. now we'll spend the next 25 years in prison. the judge did suggest that he'd be allowed to be remanded to a prison near his parents in california where his needs, as someone who suffers from autism could be addressed in new york. this is salumi. i'll just hear a in the united states. divers have recovered the bodies of 2 workers who went missing when a bridge involved small collapsed, fall off as also disappeared when the container ship hit the bridge on tuesday. investigators have question the crew on or examining the ships data recorder. report could take 2 years to complete. a c now from nbc news correspondent j grey, who's in baltimore with the latest this community is still in shock that they're still trying to understand exactly what's happened here and how they're going to
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move forward. and a lot of people looking at this situation across the country and wondering what about the ridges in my community, and what do we need to do to show those up and make sure they're safe. all of that things that the n t s. the investigators as well as other operations, other federal agencies on the ground or now looking into as we just heard there, they're going to take a year perhaps to, to finish the full investigation. but we do expect to have some preliminary information, some preliminary results within the next few weeks. i can tell you that we know the navy will take the lead as far as the salvage effort is concerned. and we've learned today that the u. s. navy is bringing in a 1000 ton capable lift on a barge, and it will be able to lift a 1000 tons to help move some of that debris. they're also complimenting that with the 2 ships that will have uh, 401-0860 ton revolving cranes. all that along with the board support
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vessels in route to the site right now. but again, they can't begin that until the n t s b relinquish is this site and that's going to take some time there on the ship. they're not only interviewing the crew, they're also detailing uh what they find there. as far as the huge deal structure piece of the bridge, this laying across the, the ship, they're really spending some time. i am told in the engine room as well, wanting to see why that ship lost power. so head on the al jazeera, 2 years off to el salvador, launched is cracked down on criminal gangs. they off is the countries turning into a police state. and we look at how cubans live, take boxing team is fighting back against and economic crisis to make it to this. he has games in power. the
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had a lot of that is more windy weather to come to europe over the weekend. thanks to an area of low pressure, you can see him on the satellite image. bringing some very heavy rain as well as gusty winds to the north west of western parts of year as a very heavy rain that will flood instead library and peninsula pushing across into front the low country to bring some gusty conditions as. 8 to southern parts of england, winter weather here, but friday in to saturday we will see more in the way of some flights of spells. the wind picks up across the mediterranean and the age reactor got that, whether working it's way across. the news is, is we with some snow falling on the outset, but an improved picture for the north of this, the scandinavian war, the wave sunshine from norway and sweden low in the way of sunshine, further east of its bits and pieces of rain across the western pots of russia moving into you crazy, but it's wise up there on saturday. so long as you drive for the balkans and on was
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to to kia grease as well, seeing lots of sunshine and it is going to get a lot cooler. however, in the west north, for the east, we've got lots of heat coming in for places like bell grade in. so it'd be lots of sunshine taking all 3 to sunday. we're much cooler, feel in madrid, new 12 degrees on saturday. now let me tell you about safari decal results. the 1st of its kind in west essex. we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like common here, sits on to play with a large tires basically, but look in my private for me now. thanks. royal. i can also somebody probably equal, resorted in, gone the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the watching out. is there a mind on top stories this our, the united nations top court has ordered israel to insure on handed food, a deliveries to the besieged, gone to a strip, holding a 1000000 people well facing catastrophic food and secure sea and agencies all warning of immune and simon, a 5 year old boy in garza has died of severe non nutrition. my specially palestinian children have died of non nutrition and t. hi, jason. since israel's will began joining forces up and accused of using salvation as a weapon to form
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a crypto currency tycoon. some banks and fried has been sentenced to 25 years in prison. such a trio was found guilty of to forwarding customers out of millions of dollars as a found to f. b s t x crypto exchange. the united nations says the dogs will, has cause the wills launches displacement crisis. millions of people have been forced from that homes and all facing acute food shortages, heavy funds. it continues hundreds of thousands of fleeting to neighboring countries. welcome web reports from a transit camp and south sea don's board, a town of rank every morning, selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing throughout many biases in this transit camp in south see don fulton hall familia and people have arrived here in the last year. things
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to don civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to my assignment evil. today. they said fighting in c times capital cost 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren. the you, the not got a phone kind of to use. the one is the con i often we arrive to, we took my son to the hospital, he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital. he died, i was told to come here and register selma and her family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to a remote loan to rescue g settlement, whether a people from community frequently from the new but mountains and sit down. she said they're so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government phone civilians for the money from the sale, buys amiga meal 6 months ago,
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there was no market here. many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting, and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people. but everything here is from seed on the onions a grown, the lentils rise old, transported here, and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to the town and ring even no well connected to the rest of south suite. done. don't keep costs bring goods from the buddha. well, the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food, off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing and people do whatever they can to get by roughly moss, as she saw children killed, people raped when she fled to done. fishy, depends on the sony scrub near the camp. so 5 will get this if you this is actually
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harming my body, cutting my hands and arms. if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stain this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement, but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border. so we're ready to go back to down, civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping for the best of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web. ouch is era rank south see don to russia has said that the government who attacks a concert venue in moscow on tuesday have links with ukrainian nationalists. government killed at least a $140.00 people and injured more than a 100 and ac in the attack on the croakers city hall. i saw a knock on the stone claims responsibilities and the statement, the equipment says the attack is had received significant amounts of cash in crypto
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currency from ukraine. cave has denied having anything to do with the attack. the white house is dismissing allegations from the equipment is that west, in spite agencies when bold in the attack, can we help it has voted from washington on the national security council spokes person, john kirby, holding a call with reporters early on thursday, saying that in fact the united states views this rhetoric coming out of the kremlin is nothing more than nonsense and propaganda. in other words, trying to deflect lame from the attack for political purposes. now we should point out that the united states has said very clearly that the attack has been accepted responsibility by isolated in fact, as recently is just the last hour or so i still has gone even further to issue a statement. praising the attackers and on
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a telegram saying that it is now urging supporters of my soul to attack so called through cedars in the united states, europe and israel. so that certainly underscores the points that the united states is trying to make as well. now, the white house is also offering up as evidence that it had nothing to do with this attack by saying that it didn't even issue a warning to russia. as recently as march 7th, they say even have the time. they say it was a issue that in writing to the security services at 11 15 am moscow time saying that there was this concern about large gatherings and that there could be imminent danger. they further followed up with a warning to american citizens on march 8th, saying to avoid large gatherings due to a potential threat. meanwhile, the russian rock band picnics that was due to play out the console in moscow when it was attacked, has held
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a memorial concert in saint petersburg. the crowd gave degree a standing ovation, or proceeds from the council going to victims the attack. columbia has ordered argentinian diplomats to leave the country itself to argentine as president harvey, a miller, who lives colombia in counts of park. the stop, a petro, a terrorist, mad or malay. but the comments during an interview with us news channel, which is yet to be full cost. columbia recalled at some vasta from argentina, back in january optimal, a cold petro 8 murderous communist. it's been 2 years since the state of emergency was imposed in el salvador to crack down on the long run and gang violets. some see the policy of success. success with tens of thousands locked up an crime,
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reduce the critics. a innocent people have also been arrested. the seemingly never ending emergency is turning the country into a police state. my newer apollo reports from the capital san salvador, the police incense, of other words enforcing a state of emergency a policy that grant's security forces unprecedented authority and resources to fight criminal games. the crack down is the cornerstone of the countries security strategy. gnostic, who fund the, you know that this phenomenon is born of one to port a gang member, which in 30 years become 75000 game members. it's because of this responsibility that the state of exception under the leadership of president. now you bo kelly well and only until every member of this terrorist organization is captured. though controversial, the state of emergency is seen as
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a success and popular with many salvadorans. today, el salvador has the lowest homicide rate in the western hemisphere. a fact that help salvador in president know you get a when a landslide re election victory, the price of peace, critics say, has been thousands of arbitrary arrests, indefinite detentions, and torture. even residents of neighborhoods that have been pacified like aesop in gonzalez, say that while she no longer worries over games, there is now a different kind of concern as it gets to that's what i last monday. yes, they've captured gang members, but not only gang members. they've taken away innocent people to and i don't agree with that. but even the word of god says the righteous will pay for the sinners
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experts of war and that the ongoing state of emergency is not sustainable. and that it's transforming the country into a police state. security officials here in el salvador, tell us that while the gang presence in neighborhoods like this one has all but been eliminated, regular patrols which include searching people's homes and searching people themselves will continue to be a vital element in the broader security strategy. the only problem is as a short term emergency measure in instead of other words, the exception certainly appears to have become the rule. amendments that up a little alger 0 sense out about the philippine president says his government will take counts and measures against china off to what he called dangerous attacks. and the south china sea follows months and confrontations between philippine um chinese vessels in disputes and voices budget on mall because june, it didn't specify what action the government would take,
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but said it would be proportionate unreasonable. china is promising to defend what it calls it. silver and territory china is lifting its punitive tassel in australia in wine, in full taxes of more than 200 percent were put in place from years ago. and followed australia as cool for probe into the origins of caving 19 on the bond on chinese companies. australia has now dropped the case against china at the world trade organization. the powers olympics are less than 4 months away. and as usual keepers main middle hopes will light with bed boxes. but the team has been hatched by the countries west economic crisis in 30 years. the statement states reports of this boxing gym in havana. the hard work is well on the way to these island pick. hopefully who sees on a cruise knows what it takes to succeed. he's already one to go metals in rio and


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