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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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the test on animals, monkeys are in high demand, was available, associates has led to assuming black market. one and one east travels to cambodia. whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on i'll just say around the same the well as the top court orders israel to urgently allow delivery of food. they didn't have guns that as more palestinian children die from malnutrition, the carry johnston. this is, i'll just hear a lot from the whole set coming up. even if it is going to study the cost i will from the way of because there were a, i've under, assessed by the as right. is that the israel and makes the old city in east jerusalem and no go areas for christians looking to celebrate easter an 8 year old
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girl is the sole survive off. her bus plunges into a ravine in south africans. kidding. 45 people and we report switch trends. it's calvin sounds to dawn. what you and says is that wells, not just displacements, crisis the you and stop quotes has ordered israel to ensure on hand to the food a deliveries to the besieged goals. this trip, it comes as food shortages caused by as well as located on 8 trucks on leaving more palestinians, starving and malnourished children across the strip of suffering a painful and slow death. 5 year old boy is the latest victim victoria gates and begins coverage of the mesa body of 5 year olds. mohammed al new job. he was brought to come all at one hospital, the northern garza suffering from severe mound nutrition doctors that couldn't face
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him because he's the latest victim of food shortages caused by israel's restrictions on a trucks into the strip. at another hospital in northern garza health work and say that seeing many and since every day to underweight for their age under appealing for desperately needed supplies, especially in intensive k units. and then tell us whether or not i'm a product. and so we received this case about an hour ago, a mama, which in case we've become used to receiving cases like this every day. this child is generally suffering from malnutrition because of the lack of nutrients. you can see how age doesn't match. her weight does visiting goal is that from a broad say they'd witness catastrophic scenes in hospitals as a result of israel's bombardment and blockade. tanya hatch assigned as a pediatric intensive cad hope to from jude and our team has been doing this for 5 days. were exhausted. i can't imagine what the, the been here for
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a 162 days doing this 24763 days without resources is dealing. you asked me whether they had the resources to, to deal with these cases. no. the team is being on a 2 week visit to central garza to see 1st hand how the ruined health care system is coping of the around 12 it's hospitals or even partially functioning. the rest to run out of fuel medicine, of being damaged by fighting and his rating. raise those laughter under intense pressure. this hospital has 800 patients between the a 160 beds seriously ellen and you, people are forced to lie and call reduce. a few members of stuff less to working around the clock, while often typing with a room grease unintelligible to be at diamond. which of these medical teams are working hard and most of them have lost their children, their wives or their parents. but despite this, they're carrying on what their work kindly shows the psychological pressure. they're facing outbreaks of disease along with male nutrition,
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to compounding the problems facing medics and gaza. increasing numbers of the sick and dingy need medical help. these doctors have twinkling resources to treat them. victoria gave some, b, l, g as in south africa, originally requested that the international court of justice considered additional measures this month. and it's case against israel. it accuses israel, a breach, and the un genocide convention as it continues from bonding because this trip, i'll just say, was gabriel. as on the reports from new york, the world is watching his palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on guys a. it's now clear the i c, j is watching as well. on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine. there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water
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to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with immediate effect to hold any military action that prevents the delivery of that aid. the secretary general has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe, as a matter of principle, that all member states need to a by divide by an implement decisions that the court the court said famine is now sitting in, in gaza. best justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges considered that israel was not really complying with the order and, and also given the specificity of the order itself, when it comes to
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a to increment $108.00. i think that it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward. this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how did you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossen. the i c. j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is on do out here at the united nations in new york city. i'm. i couldn't make money and i saw you, you despite some stuff about good team, the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative party. she started my asking him if the new measures introduced by the i c. j. will make a difference on the ground in goss that it's unimportant, stepped,
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and it should be followed actually by another. it is a notion to enforce a complete i'm to think, secession of all the military activities by itself. which means fund or the data from the international court of justice, demanding immediate cease fire. and the language that they usually use, which association of military activities or the old hosting elective it is. i think this is now very important to achieve. and the, i think this would have an impact at the, at many levels. but it is clear that is that it will not stop on this sanctions are imposed on his or unless punitive x out of taking the forces that are interested. nathaniel wants to proceed with this type of a lot, and he is now even promising even a much bigger massacre. but that can grow from the reaction from the international community to the last i. c. j routing, which was back in january,
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was muted. in fact, the day off to the focus of many countries was on putting funding. asif unrra, are you disappointed in how the international community has reacted to the events and also what is the way out of this? i pointed specially by wisdom, governance, and especially by the united states, which by the way, that i to even the mute, the most recent decision of the security council resolution by creating a debate about whether it is like i told you or not the got to the i mean, and, and this was not the part of the discussion, of course, i mean, a security council resolution obliges all members of the united nations to implement it or to respective the united states as playing a game here. and continues to support as it is. and of course the that has created the very dangerous moment and then the national community, this particular aggression by is it or in this particular genocide that is or is practicing. and the fact that so many of us 10 governments are providing for the
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protection to is it and allowing it to continue is going to the state of the whole international or to simply send the message to the world that there is no more international law. we did finally see a very pos at the usc quoting for a ceasefire at does that give you hope so that that's something has changed just a little bit that the international community is now funding starting to wake up to what is have to get gaza. yes, but so it gives me hope really, i've loved these governments that have been so lazy and so much delay in the decisions you should, they should have made 5 months ago. but what gives me hope is the people of the world, the people who forced many governors to change their position, the public pressure that made canadian government suspend on stops supply and visited with military equipment. the same public professions that this taken place now in britain and france and europe everywhere in the world. and that public
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pressure, in my opinion, will lead now to wide range of sanctions and the punitive ext i guess, acts against is or sanctions. and boy, this is what worked in the case of south africa. and this is what would work in the case of was that i look at what's happening there. they are having some sort of collapse indemnity. they are even unable to make decisions because the world is for them with their crimes or at least 7 people have been chosen and is rarely striking a residence. north of rafa, several people were injured in the attack, including women and children. the victims were taken to own that john hospital for medical attention is ready. bombing has increased in rafa raising fears among palestinians sheltering in the last refuge on this trip. i placed a new 30 is formed. a new government is expected to be sworn in on sunday for a minister mohammed with stuff of will also serve as foreign minister. present box
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with the best of pointing this month. stuff is pre decisive, resigned in february, citing the need for change is to should be one of the busiest times the old city. you know, keep, are these truce them for the one goal is it has meant to us to stay the way these route is making it difficult for palestinians who wants to send it right and wrong con reports from occupied these truce this is the stuff in the land where christianity was born, israel's war and goes that has impacted this important christian holiday. very few of the faithful, your trouble from all over the world have arrived this year to visit the church of the hung chapel and the whole city of occupied east jerusalem. by as the cock runs, this family still selling religious souvenirs. the shops open me, wipes away the dust ready for the day's trading. but he's not expecting to make any sales. he says the war is on everyone's minds. he's been here for 20 years and
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tells us the situation is fault was that he can remember, we've been feeling a lot more uncomfortable this time. because, you know, there's, there's a profile that, you know, if you're passing by any gate, whether it's domestic escape, new gauge off the gate. if the police officer or the, you know, the soldier feels that to you, you are not, is really your stop to a check. sometimes most of the time it's not very pleasant either. some of them are, you know, just straightforward, very from that me say somebody, some are a bit more violence and the economic impact is clear. most shops aren't even bothering to open the beyond dollars and shackles. there's another impact as well. roughly is a christian youth coordinator and says that is really sad, lives have made the old city and almost no goes on to christians even before the war started. we. so how was the settlers eh, attacking the church is the, even, even the summit through the russian cemeteries that were taking any freeze or onion
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on was that working inside jerusalem, even defeated guns who are cutting the cost and working the way of because they were a under attack, by the uh, is right, is that lives you will keep patient is visible everywhere, but as well as taking a step further this year and effectively banned an entire group of questions from celebrating the stuff in the old city. despite the lack of questions from all over the world who would normally be head during this period, that is a community that is desperate to visit this place best palestinians from the occupied westbank. but as. busy is restricting the access during this time to come even to the old city. they actually want to come, but israel is allowing them both the eastern and western churches will celebrate eastward different times in the next few weeks. but one thing unites them and that's the lack of people coming to pray. but despite that, each to is still a time for reflection and thoughts. and israel's were on cause
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a. is it the full front about reflection and thoughts and wrong. com? oh, to 0, the old city occupied east. recently, to the certain minutes he has said that several people had been killed, including military personnel in as many as strikes the strikes. targeted several areas, the northern city of a laptop was photos, a similar attack on damascus, which left at least 2 people wounded. this very minute treat has previously known as carrying out strikes on targets and syria. and it says on link to around fact on groups. for testers and supports of palestinians of interrupt to the stall started the campaign fundraiser for us present. joe biden. from a process brock, o'bonham and bill clinton were interrupted during the speech is demonstrates as yelling at 5 and has held on his hands on hinge and has moved from new york on the marquee at radio city. music hall is a trio of presidential power to former president,
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garage obama and bill clinton supporting a 3rd democratic president in trouble in the polls. and that is current president joe biden is being billed as the biggest fundraiser ever in political history. they've raised $25000000.00 and that might not account for the $100000.00. some people are paying each to get a picture with all 3 presidents of the $5000.00 people went in there. they paid as little as $225.00 and as much as half a 1000000 for those prize front row seats. would it cost you nothing to stand out here outside and express your opinion about the president and that's what hundreds of people have done is you can see from designs. they are almost entirely protesters of the war in gaza. they've been changing genocide, joe, and they've been saying he's got to go. so hundreds and pro gestures have come out here on jo biden's biggest fundraising night in order to express their views of the
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president, john henry l. g 0 new york. the a bus has plunged off a bridge in south africa. kidding. 45 of the 46 people on board the vehicle further into a ravine and quote, 5 and the northern province of improvement. some of these were but beyond recognition, the only survive it was an a to go to transport ministries promising a thorough investigation into the incident cold. and then b. c is a spokesman for the department of transport in south africa. he told us more about the youngsters who survived the instant to go down to the details we. we do not have the, the update as yet in terms of how she is doing. but tomorrow morning. that's one of the things that we plan to do. uh, we know that our out of tennessee, which is that old testing management corporation,
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is on the scene and it's time to do the investigation day. so we will be having some reports coming in in the 8 hours of the morning tomorrow morning. so we should be able to, to look at the details during this time of the yeah, these is quite a huge x. it goes to the maureen, which is one of the biggest churches in south africa that cc. so they were going to attend the, the, the, the, as part of the pilgrimage. so that's why i basically, and that we would normally, on the pace is unfortunately, some of these accidents do happen. but this has really been quite a shock for us. it's quite a huge number of people that have lost their lives done so. so it's, it is quite a tragic floss of the country and not a nation says the war. and so don has caused the wells, not just displacement crisis, millions of people not been forced from the homes and the facing acute, the food shortages. malcolm lab reports from the south sit on board
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a town or break. as every morning, selma adam sends her granddaughter to maya to try and sell some of the few remaining items of clothing around many buyers. in this transit camp in south see don golden hall familia. and people have arrived here in the last year. things to done civil war. most everyone struggling to get by the sale means to minus somebody will eat today. they said fighting and see times capital cost 2 months ago to my father died soon after arriving here and left selma to look off to her grandchildren. the money to you, the now got a phone and you went to the con i, after we arrived to we took my son to the hospital. he'd been ill for months without any treatment. and he became, was on the journey of to 5 days in the hospital, he died, i was told to come here and register selma and her family a waiting in the transit camp for un transport to
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a remote loan to rescue g settlement. where there were people from our community team to originally from the new, the mountains in c time, so that the so cost to move in 20 years ago when the government from civilians or the money from the sale, buys amiga meal 6 months ago, there was no market here, many of the traders themselves have to flee the fighting, and they set up stands to sell food to the growing population of displaced people. but everything here is from seed on the onions a grown, the lentils rise old, transported here, and because of the war, the price is just keep going out to the town and ring even though well connected to the rest of south suite on don't keep costs, bring goods from the buddha will the possessions of those on the run un gives new arrivals. money for 7 days, food off the top. they meant to go to the long term settlements for other
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communities, but many doesn't want to. so the transit come keeps growing. and people do whatever they can to get by rush moss, as she saw children killed, people raped when she fled to done. fishy, depends on the sony scrub near the cabinets as a 5 out of this. if you, this is actually harming my body, cutting my hands and arms. if we were not selling firewood, we would not survive. it's the war that forced us here. we've been told not to stay in this transit account and to go to the refugee settlement. but we don't want to go there. we want to stay near the border. so we ready to go back to the on the civil war has forced more than 8000000 people from that homes more afflicting every day. last month and the family hoping for the best of times, picking phones out of their hands every day as they wait. malcolm web, ouch is era rank south c done. so it's
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a come off to the break on christmas salumi in new york where a judge has sent in sam bagman fried for one of the largest financial frauds in history. i'll have that story coming up. c and we look at how cubis, elliptic boxing team is fighting back against, so he cannot make crosses to make it to this. he has games in paris, the tattler. they, let's get the weather full cost for south asian over the next few days. and starting with the satellite image, you can see dennis cloud lingering across the north west and also the north east to so some very heavy rain with thunder storms and the potential for some snow rolling across from i've got us down into northern areas of pockets done and we have those
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and that's out as well for northern areas of india as the edge friday into the weekend for the sol. so this is i'm cloudy conditions, but some pieces of rain effecting central areas remains around the west along the coast, pushing down into care that few showers for, for lanka as a move. what whether to come for the north, east for baton, as well as bung with dish over the next few days we have a look at the 3 day for deca. you can see those thunder we saw was a 3 to saturday, but improved a picture with lots of sunshine and a heat on sunday. and the heat is going to dominate close central parts of india. we have got some warnings out for places like con, next friday. into effect today for above average temperatures and terms is all set to climb above average across its central areas of china. across much of the region actually as that weather front pushes its way further east, clearing the conditions behind it. lots of sunshine and heat for places like woo hahn into saturday. the
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hey listings in the gaza strip, as is continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media, and it needs to be question, sustains coverage that actively humanize as is readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for just a ton of ways. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news conference can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing past, the i'll come back to headlines for you now. the palestinian health industry says 22nd
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children and gaza have died of severe malnutrition this month. a 5 year old boy in the north for the strip was the latest victim is very forces have been accused of using salvation as a weapon to you and stop court has ordered israel to ensure on handed to, to a, to different east to the besieged casa street, more than 1000000 people that are facing catastrophic food insecurity agencies and warning of imminent farming. at least 45 people have died often the bus. so i'm just off the bridge and south african vehicle fell into a ravine and caught fire in the northern province of pope. suffice, it was a 12 go to me, come out as an indonesia of apologize to the people of the popular region of the video image of an indigenous man being tortured. 13 soldiers were arrested in questioned ami. come on to say the man in the video was
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a member of an armed separatist group who was planning to set fire to a health center. human rights group sites, the latest or many foundations in popular jessica washington reports from jakarta. this is what spunk outreach, any donation taken by an asian soldiers video shows and indigenous pop wasn't being tortured out to 0. has decided not to show the graphic video. the man was forced into a barrel beaten so hard that he is glad to come for peter's leave with the nice water around him. tons of ridge, the soldiers love and saint keep causing him all over a popular human rights abuses, impunity, torture racism, they keep on going out and being committed by inclination so which is an interest in police. they open apologize, but they repeat the torture again. the abuses again again and again. there's
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been decades of conflict between security forces and separate and scripts and entities has east and most provinces. human rights advocates have only cues to the military and police of violations in popular, including torture and extra judicial killings. they say they on some wrong thing, just the victim evidence of violence by security for their own. so calling for in the, in the military operations or in the region. the students, a high ranking command, is need to be held to account as well as soldiers on the ground. the more troops are deployed to the more complex will occur on top one land. they have deeply hurt our hearts with criminal act. 13 soldiers were arrested following the incident. the audiologist, the man in the video was a member of an armed separatist group planning to set fire to a health center he has since been released for we had it all for him to the family
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. we also treat them with the medical treatments we give. we gave him a medical treatment for us, so we have to convince that they put that in a good condition. and we also tried to build a good relationship. also with the family. the incoming president proposed to be in to his place to strengthen the presence of security personnel info. plus, he has been accused of human rights violations during his time as a special forces commander in the late ninety's, but never charged rights groups accused indonesia is government stunning international media and ranks mortgages from one say that means there are many more violations that go on seen and on heard jessica washington out to 0 to casa, to the philippine preston says his government will take counter measures against china of to what he called dangerous attacks. and the south china seen it for those
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months of confrontations between, for the pain and chinese vessels. in disputed waters, china is promising to defend what it calls its suffering territory. the former crypto khan c tycoon, son bank winfree, has been sentenced to 25 years in prison, for his role in what's been described is one of the largest financial fluids in history. $52.00 wells was found guilty of defrauding customers out to billions of dollars as a founder of the s t x. crypto exchange for since lately has moved from new york, citing the raising less of sandbag winfrey's actions and his flexibility with the truth. the judge gave the former c o the crypto currency exchange f t x 25 years behind bars. that is significantly less than the a 110 years that he could have received. but more than the 6 and
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a half that his lawyers had requested, they said he never intended to steal that his customers would eventually be made whole through bankruptcy proceedings. and that at his heart, he wanted to be good and donated his money to philanthropy and helped people around the world. the prosecutors took exception to that characterization. they had requested 40 to 50 years behind bars, saying that he hadn't accepted full responsibility for his fraud or his lying and couldn't be in a position if let out. to do something like this. again, sam bagman fried, said little as the sentence was read. she did tell the judge that he was sorry for letting people down, sorry for a series of bad decisions. and he left the court room and a hand costs just 32 years old. now we'll spend the next 25 years in prison. the judge did suggest that he'd be allowed to be remanded to
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a prison near his parents in california where his needs, as someone who suffers from autism could be addressed in new york. this is salumi, i'll just here on the paris and then pick so less than full months away. and as usual, cuba is at maine and metal hoops, with guy with the boxes for the team has been hit by the countries worst economic crisis in 30 years. as david stokes now, with this book, seeing jim in havana, the hard work is while i'm the one you so these island pick hide souls. julio sees on a cruise, knows what it takes to succeed. he's already 12 gold medals in rio and tokyo. and he'll be going from number 3 in paris late to this year. so we'll have a commitment with myself with the cuban people.


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