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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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is no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the the humans talk cold world as well to a lot of most due date. and the goals are at least 70 palestinians, a coupon and strikes in the past 24 hours. the products of several life headquarters here in the all coming up in the next 30 minutes. the is there any will play target goals and syria, military personnel and civilians on decimals killed. 45 people die after the bus
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plunges into a ravine in south africa, 980 go is the sole survivor. and the white house proves a 60000000 dollar emergency funds to help san saving the wreckage from the baltimore bridge plan. the welcome to the program, the winds top colt as ordered as well to ensure food aid gets delivered to the gaza strip. south africa also as the international court of justice to accurately consider imposing additional measures against israel is many of the forces are accused of breaching the un genocide convention as they continue to attack garza gabriel and his older reports from you and a headquarters in new york as the world is watching is palestinians go hungry due to israel's war on gaza. it's now clear the i c j is watching as well.
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on thursday, the court unexpectedly announced new orders on israel to try to prevent famine. there are 3 new provisional measures, but the most significant one calls on is real to without delay, ensure and hindered provision of humanitarian aid. everything from food and water to clothing and shelter throughout garza including increasing the capacity a number of land crossing points and maintaining them open for as long as necessary . this additional provisional measure also calls on israel with an immediate effect to hold any military action that prevents the delivery of that aid. the secretary general has no say over the decisions made by the primary judicial oregon of the un, but is following the case closely. we do believe, as a matter of principle that all member states need to a by divide by an implement decision. so the court,
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the court said famine is now sitting in, in gaza. that's justifying the additional provisional measures. many of the judges consider that israel was not really complying with the order um and also given the specificity of the order itself when it comes to a to instruments are in a i think it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward, this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to gossen of the i. c, j has also requested israel issued a report on all of the measures it is taken to abide by the new provisional measures. that report is due by the end of april. gabriel is onto out just here at the united nations in new york. here on con,
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how small from the occupied east jerusalem. the thing is, is being ignored by the is really, is a, there's been no official is really reaction to this. in fact, one of the major newspapers has described the i, c, j rolling as a yellow code. that's something that they can actually ignore and is always very good at ignoring anything that you and does. let's take a look at just the last week. there was a cold in the un security council for immediate ceasefire as well. it's a big note that then there was the you in special rapids tools on human rights report accusing as role of genocide. they simply felt that as well. so this will be something that they'll ignore as well, but there is a lot of international pressure building and anything that happens in the un goes on the record. so at some point, if there is enough of these resolutions, if none of these court rulings then israel may will be pressure to do something by it's key. i like the united states. but right now, united states
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a standing firm is public and critical of the is ratings, but it's still supplying $3500000000.00 in military assistance. a year to be is right. these. so there's not a huge amount these readies need to do right now. in terms of actually responding to all of this, that's probably not going to happen with the next 24 hours. there is a deadline hit the i c, j have said a report needs to be issued by the end of april. let's see if they even commit to that. this is what resources are continuing to target residential areas across cause. so despite the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire, at least 12 people were killed in a strong sort of house, in rough uh 70 across the street. in the past 24 hours is really probably use of the southern city. tends to find is $1500000.00 falls to be displaced, palestinians, a sheltering inside. many floods that to escape fighting for the rules of to being told by israel, the rough estimate, it was
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a say. so that's cool. say about 200 monthly. it is long for us in rough. i, in southern garza, there's overnight raids across the strip of continue. just tell us why we should be focusing all retention on friday. yes. well, let's just start with the fact that it has to be less than a week where we have 2 bodies of the united nations that you want us to create a council demanded of these fire when it passed a resolution on the ground. none of that happened, no, these fire, there is a surgeon the tax on earlier that today. the ruling by the eyes. these j demanding the flow over given a tree and 8 to the northern part and gone city as famine to spreading very quickly and causing a great deal of the whole damage to people there. and people are in fact dying and israel on the ground just stepping off. it's a toxic for us. the guns are just in a new, fresh attack on a sport club, and intervals center in eastern part of gauze and stated that this is your neighborhood,
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the neighborhood that'd be reputedly attack. and we were told that were people inside the for the club, the murals center old from different parts of the city where sheltering inside 7 people reported killed it from the type or multiple other injury is not those after not the tragedy of this attack is the fact that there is no health care facility is available right now in galvan to notify the oldest place that is running at the lowest capacity possible right now is a lead baptist hospital that's been gaza squared and centered. part of the city already over one doesn't have the capacity in terms of rooms, medical to stop and medical supplies. choose to treat the injuries which puts the lives of many of those injuries at risk in han you and is these really military continue with the constant artillery selling of these been part of the city where it coupled with the a the, the presence of attack of drugs and surveillance to drones and fighters did across the city and get ready. a group of people were injured in the,
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in the missiles that was fired from the drones transferred to guys are your fee and hospitality. overnights a toxic flux is roughly 50 here. and where are we looking at? at least at 12 people, children inside a residential home we were told by paramedics and civil defense, the crew that people who are in arriving doing the job hospitals, they arrive in terrible terrible conditions are bleeding severely. the kind of injuries are from the winds wrap, those in the breeze are very difficult to treat and, and, and in fact, with the lack of medical supply becoming increasingly difficult. but so far, 12 people have been, have been killed in those attacks. mostly women and children displaced families inside this residential home. so far we're looking at within the past 24 hours, the close to $62.00 people have been killed despite the demands where it is fired. and despite for the ruling by the top corner of the united nation, to allow more smooth,
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loving humanitarian aid and remove the band and from delivering a to the know the parts and gaza city. i mean my move that for us in the rough. uh, thank you honey. but also in rafa show of resilience and peace by hundreds of palestinian children topic i assume how's the story of hundreds of palestinian children came here today to fly that kites into the sky of the besieged in place. this event is organized by the american friends service committee, which aims to alleviate to be psychological pressure being a into it by palestinian children since the beginning of this conflict in october. and also they want to show the message display spouse, the children who desperately in a very desperate need for relief here in the parents we had the mother. and i mean, we are just trying to have some fun because the current situation is tragic. children are tired, they are feeling lonely. so we need these type of events to entertain the children
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and make sure they are happy to hear. they only find fun in slicing carts, which implies the majority of freedom and peace. i'm only here right now in order to state from the grimace, every other streets were palestinians. children here inside the guards and stuff had been killed on an hourly basis. the only wish that they could pretend back to the house was full. and even old with days until it peacefully, like the council paused around the blue star cup as though oh, just a rough, rough southern gauze as well as old. so another attack across the northern border into a level. and it's really true and he caught in the town of a studio, one person is confirmed to have been killed and these right is right sole. so hit northern syria, if not killing at least 37 people, including military personnel did not talk to the city of alaska. they followed some of the strong some a couple of damascus, which we did at least 2 people. these maybe ministry has previously acknowledged strikes in this area, talking on groups, but it runs that ahold of
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a small from david's works well for years now as well. strategy has been and they've declared this numerous times. they want to prevent iran from military entrancing itself in syria, iran, or is allies because area borders as well. they consider this a security threat. but as of late, they have a much more aggressive pastor. more attacks their even being less restrained when it comes to casualties. they're going after members of a bronze revolutionary guards. in fact, a member of the revolutionary guards was killed in the strikes a few days ago in, in their zoo up. so this is israel, stick to a, it is to the grades and we can iran and syria, and they're doing the same and loved and all. they're going after a rounds, a lie hezbollah, which opened the front against israeli forces to help palestinians in garza. the last of october,
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and since then we have seen targeted killings against has one of the fighters and commanders. in fact, just a short while ago, we're getting reports of a, a car being targeted in, in southern lebanon. and they have been hitting what they're calling military compounds home, more often than not their homeless because the force and they've been hitting weapons to oppose in eastern 11 on very close to the syria border. so israel structures and she is to prevent syria big becoming an iranian base, or a rear base for hezbollah, or if friends, with route for weapons to reach lebanon from iran. so this escalation, not just 11 on, but the neighboring syria as well. which with the bible, kevin joe's associate professor, ultimately studies at how about been police at university hearing? how good have you back on the program? so i wish to get through right now we just saw on israel's methodology at the maybe to have a wall ring calls. they have an ongoing conflict in the north of the country where that circled fighting has blog. and now they've opened yet another from ongoing,
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from the syria. new besides have got out of syria into israel, yet israel feels that needs to target syria. what's going on? i think it's important, as you said, to, to know that this is an ongoing one since 2011 israel have been bombing targets in syria. this has increased, notably since october the 7th. and as you mentioned was that might be no rockets going directly is where it was certainly argue that, you know, has the law will supply is ro, lebanon has been around 11 on with rockets. right. and apparently the latest strike has been an attack on a rocket death, at least that's what the is ready to say, right? so they're doing a number of things here 1st, but again, i'll get to try to deprecate, as well as ability to fire an attack from northern lebanon by attacking target storage targets in syria. but also best sending a clear message now, because israel now on the international scene, look fairly weak. they've been sort of reprimanded by the us. the. i suggest that this really is one to reaffirm that they are still willing to attack syria so that
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they don't look weak given the current situation to attack, all of these local regional areas needs munitions and for that they look to the us. now there is talk of this meeting that was cancelled or postponed because of the us not vetoing the resolution, all the ceasefire in favor of israel office. that thing that if that is actually going to go ahead world of the things as well as going to ask for is the green light in terms of more munitions and also that assault into rough. uh, which is what the main point is of the potential meeting. yeah, well, this is an a really interesting meeting. i really need to remember 2 things. last, b u. s. as a pressure on israel recently by, you know, upstanding from the un vote, the urine resolution and wants to be in increasing the critical, publicly. we need to bear in mind that only a few weeks ago the us passed a federal funding spending bill a massive one within the bill was invited to things. right. that arguably fav is
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around. well, one of them definitely does as a re offending of us military 8 as well, of a $3000000000.00, but also a cutting of 8 to the united nations releasing what's agency. so despite the pressure that we're seeing build on as well, the policy in the us, the direction of that is just business as usual. and so it's great, very interested to see how immediately after approving this 3000000000 aids military h as well, biden is going to be able to say, hey, listen, you need to dial back, you know, your, your potential bombing of rafa. right? because nothing, you know, who can just clearly see that in congress that they've got, you know, this, this, this, this kind of commitment now is disappointment at your age. so bite and we'll have to do a lot to try and be able to threaten that in yahoo too. i think sees himself having the opposite handedness negotiation. there is a scenario as well as a binding that he is breaking several domestic loans even though congress has approve this amounts of money in for israel. and yet the resist the current to the
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very large and, and coming in us public opinion that was this will to stall and they want to look to go to as well. so leading tools as a general election is that this president election event. this is a crucial time for by and it's really important to, to, to, to, to remind ourselves that the support or the, the criticism of israel from the democrats is always been a majority. right. so the majority of democrats, even since december, have a post, as well as the actions of that number has increased. the numbers also increased amounts of public republicans. this is really going to sound like a message to joe. by no means he losing the democrats. but even republicans occurring increasing the tide of as well. so he will have to address those concerns and he is breaking to laws or he is not enforcing to laws. and this is really key, right? because if he's trying to re position us as the moral authority of the world which is try to do, then he's basically violating the law. he knows which prohibit america from supplying weapons to countries engaged in possible human rights abuses. not only that, but they shouldn't be supplying military
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a to countries that are deliberately trying to, in the us, to monetary unpaid, which they are doing. so how is by and going to position itself is any moral authority? when is the culture of reading laws, thought i meant to defend the human rights of people like those in palestine, and good to get your insight into dollars as well to enjoy and thanks for joining us. thank. still a head here on out. is there a, the indonesian military apologize is up to 2 video courses help? right. the had a lot of that was not in south east asia, that is a story of sizzling heats across the region in particular for pots of indo china. now we've seen much temperature records broken in protests thailand, both in the day the night and they're going to be rising up once again in the days
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ahead for places like bang cook. and as we go into next week, it is going to get hot. so we've warnings of excessive heat. you can see the sunshine and clear skies the through to wednesday, but it's not just across northern areas, but we'll sit down in the south of the likes of indonesia. that's despite some very what, whether you can see the yellow peaks the taking us from saturday into sunday for the likes of small tra, as well as java. now the good news in australia, years of the rain has eased the course. we'll central areas. we have things very heavy full. however, for queensland, we will see more in the way of west the weather for the northern territory on saturday. because the, the rain stops to ease as we go into sunday. it's going to be a much why a picture across w waived and with just a few showers clipping into the very self lots of sunshine and settled weather for the southeast of the likes of sydney and a settled story for the south island in new zealand. but some very wet weather sweeps into the north island with heavy rain, so it gets been by sunday. the
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brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western powers supports of, of israel's actions. he's well is the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially am tomorrow the day i look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel goes to conflict. israel above the low on al jazeera, the
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you watching, i'll just say that with me. so he'll run the reminder of all told stories is really false, is still talking residential areas across concepts. despite the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire, at least 70 people being killed across the strength of the past 24 hours. israel hospital to to ensure amended to deliveries to goals that by the highest quotes of the united nations agencies. a warning of immune and 7 with more than a 1000000 palestinians facing catastrophic food shortages is very strong, signaled, and serial. have killed at least $37.00 people, including the test. now, the text talks davi is the city of a lot, but you know that he is the us president has approved a 60000000 dollar emergency fund following the multiple bridge disaster. the money will be used to help clean up on reconstruction efforts in maryland. 2 bodies of also being recovered, but the remains of 4 of the bridge repair work is remain trapped in the sunken
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wreckage in front of the account. as will the remnants of the francis scott key bridge, remain twisted above and below the tops go river. it's blocking the entrance to the port of baltimore along with the stricken container ship to dolly, a request for $60000000.00 in federal emergency relief funds has been quickly given the green light by us president joe biden. efforts to rebuild the bridge will be executed in stages and work is expected to begin soon. we need to rebuild the francis scott t bridge. but i want to be clear. this work will not take hours. this work will not take days. this work will not just take weeks. we have a very long road ahead of us. we understand that. and we're preparing divers, have found the bodies of 2 workers who are repairing potholes on the bridge when that disaster happened. but the bodies of 4 of their colleagues,
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all immigrants from mexico and central america haven't been found. salvage teams say they're trapped in vehicles that are encased by heavy concrete in debris. their families say their bodies and rebuilding of the bridge are both the top priorities planned for walker. we were informed that the government who decided to stop the search to begin removing debris from the bridge. it means that the search for bodies is being put on the back burner. we understand that the us government is losing millions of dollars because the boats are not moving. but we believe that they should not forget the suffering of the families. and the 4 victims whose bodies have not yet been found was around 4000 tons of steel and debris sitting in and around the container ship. removing it is a massive job before reconstruction. where can begin on one of marilyn's major transport links and ronald han elders. here. a bus has plunged off a bridge in south africa, killing 45 people. an 8 year old girl is the only survivor. but i have a much set difficult emissions address. give us
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a was one of the most difficult they ever had to undertake. and when they got to the scene, they found remnants of bodies bent beyond recognition. the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it punched into ravine, carrying 46 passengers. the pilgrims on board. we're heading to east to celebrations at the headquarters of design christian church. the driver liked the loss control of the bus, which had registration plates from the able to inputs i'mma millions usually make the pilgrimage. at this time of us, did the accidents from the increased traffic all come on. last year we lost about 225 people who are joining this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crush. so you can use it, you can just imagine how appropriate, much of this issue is offered safety in the country. it's the ministry has promised to help perpetuate the bodies of the victims as well as conduct a thorough investigation. i haven't looked at that, i'll just say ref small,
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the 130 school children kidnapped in nigeria being reunited with the families. the students have ducted in the state of kaduna on march the 7th before being fried by the army. the communities a cooling for more accountability as katia left as jose and ripples excited and relieved. an entire community welcomes back the fried students. army convoys make wait for the celebration with students for uniting with their families. for the 1st time since they were kidnapped. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just give them the problem and that's we were only given 2 meals a day in the criminal beach just before the sewage was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the slapping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to reuse north. they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 was not cheat goes yeah,
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because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children. morning and night it was the same. life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of the kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to collect and to undermine the end for the discrete agencies and the good. and then what it takes is they'll put dies in the lives of properties. but why? you know, so security isn't the good objections that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group local, her rom. since then, other criminal games have followed suit,
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demanding ran sums and raising alarm as families. welcome back students communities across northern nigeria are again calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability katia lope. this is lillian challenges here. i'll be commend. doesn't indonesia have apologize to the people? lovely pa, for region of the video must have an indigenous man being tortured. 13 soldiers have been arrested. human rights groups say it's the latest of many violations in papa. but we do warn you that the images in jessica washington's report a disturbing this is what sparked outrage. any denisia taken by an agent soldiers, video shows and indigenous pop wasn't being tortured out to 0 has decided not to show the graphic video. the man was forced into a barrel beach and so hard that he is bled and confir repeatedly with the knife of which we are bound, team tons of ridge. the soldiers love and saint keep causing him all over
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a popular human rights abuses, impunity, torture racism, they keep on going out and being committed by inclination so which as an engine police, they open oppose us, but they repeat the, the torture again, the abuses again again and again, there's been decades of conflict between security forces and separate and scripts and entities just east in those provinces. human rights advocates have only cues to the military and police of violations in pa, 4, including torture and extra judicial killings. they say they all, it's one thing just to the victim, to evidence of violence by securing their own. so calling for in the, in the military operations or in the region, the students say high ranking command is need to be held to account as well as soldiers on the ground. the more troops are deployed to the more complex will occur
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on pop on land. they have deeply hurt our hearts with criminal act. 13 soldiers were arrested following the incident. the army alleges the man in the video was a member of an armed separatist group planning to set fire to a health center he has since been released for we had it all for him to the family . we also treat them with the medical treatments we give. we gave him a medical treatment for us. so we have to convince that they put him back in a good condition. and we also tried to build a good relationship. also with the family. the incoming president provo sabean to his pledge to strengthen the presence of security personnel in pop plus he has been accused of human rights violations during his time as a special forces commander in the late ninety's, but never charged. right to groups accuse indonesia is government
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a standing international media and ranks mortgages from pop one and say that means there are many more violations that go on seen and on. heard jessica washington out to 0 to casa, as the rush. it says it has evidence. the gunmen, they were tight and a concert venue in moscow. hot links with ukranian nationalists, 143 people were killed. and more than $180.00 engineer to go to the creek. a city hole i saw and i've got installed claims responsibility equivalence as the attack is received, significant amounts of cash and click to kevin c from ukraine. keith has denied all involvement. the major fire was engulfed, a building under construction, and northeastern brazil. daybreak was seen folding from the high rise and receive the media that says that emergency crews evacuated people from day by buildings. the casualties have been reported. thank you. fee for infections across the americas tripled and the 1st 3 months of this year compared to 2023. at least
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a 1000 people have died this year. the u ends at penn, american health agency says it could be the regions was outbreak of the virus which is covered by most key types. so many palestinians in gauze were coming together during rather than to break that fast and pray. but some of the traditions of proving more difficult to carry out this year as homes of a home that explains before is what is what comes out of the right mind. hudson of fun is cafe and russell used to sub hot coffee and t. now, it also acts as a mixture of cinema, where displace palestinians, comfortable with distributed one modern cities. it's one of few places in rough. natasha electricity and internet. so we're going to go, no, 1st of all, most us as a fungus, the one i want to try. now people joined the whole time. this case i is good for the displace people who come from the north and from different parts of the gaza strip. the case i will check.


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