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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 29, 2024 6:00pm-7:00pm AST

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diminishing with every passing day, frank assessments for the additions of the page, the often in the highest level have been using games for the policy. let me cut out . so we can submit a course the right. inside story. on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the gentleman has withdrawn him and this is a news our life from coming up in the next 16 minutes is where are the tax 11 on and syria has ball come on. the and 6 fighters are among the dead strikes on gaza. 2, at least 22 palestinians are killed and as well as a licensed attack on the city of con eunice setting, all especially has
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a new president to let the constitutional council confirms the victory of positive jo. my 5 and more than a $130.00 school children kidnapped in nigeria of the united with their families. on his football, uh, one of the football is most in demand, had coaches accessories going nowhere. chevy long. so he's staying at by level accusing ending speculation. every taking over at on the live a poor old fine the to begin this news all with as well as claim that it's killed. a senior has been look, i'm on the in, across the board, a strike and 11 on that attack came shortly after an earlier rate and syria killed thousands of people 6 of those victims. what is so hezbollah flies is zayna, hold the reports from the root. they're becoming more frequent,
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apparent is really strikes on iranian and iranian link targets in syria, the, the latest what are believe to be weapons deposed and the northern province of a level, a few dozen people were killed among them, syrian military personnel and members of the liberties arms group has been lock. israel is basically if i to establish itself as the body that has the upper hand in this complex. and i don't think it's very the politicians to understand that you're wrong. here's the law and the regime are not interested in military fires. israel has for years said it will allow you run and its allies whose influence in syria has grown to entrench themselves in the country militarily . in recent months it's targeted commanders and members of the runs revolutionary
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guards no longer just focusing on weapons storage sites and convoys carrying arms along israel stated goals is preventing syria being used as a transit points for weapons to reach has beloved and the occupied palestinian territories there is what has been described as a shadow war between israel and iran in syria for years now. and in recent months, since hezbollah opens a front line against israeli forces to help palestinians and garza, israel appears to be employing the same strategy against hezbollah. he runs a life in loving on up here in lebanon on targeted killings by a parent is really drones strikes are increasing more often than knock members of hezbollah. and at times, field commanders are killed. many here see a strategy of israel diminishing its enemies operational capabilities. has the law for its part, raised the costs of the conflict for israel by forcing it to empty much of its
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north of many of its people. it has yet to escalate to the level of full scale conflict. but the warrant it is ready. israel expands the war the events of uh, the last few days have been wider than what we've seen in quite some time. so i expect only further escalation. unfortunately, we're in a regional situation where the prospects of de escalation are, are, are, are quite limited. and while much of the world's focus is on the war on garza, the violence between isabella and has beloved is beginning to intensify center for their eligibility to beta. and zeno holder has this update on those. is there any claims that it killed the hezbollah? come on the in southern lebanon. this is rose says that he is a deputy field commander of a projectile unit in hospital law, responsible for rockets and drones. his name is ali 9. now hezbollah did say that
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ali 9 was the person targeted in that vehicle and the southern village advisory earlier today, and that he was killed. but husband lot does not mention his right now. this target to killing it's really has become quite quite frequent. we've seen this over recent weeks as well. uh, excuse me, as well, relying a lot on technology. it's a drone surveillance aircraft tracking down whether, you know, fighters or field commanders doing their best really to try to degrade the capabilities of hezbollah. hezbollah is not praise. they have repeatedly said that they do not want a full blown war, but they're prepared for one if as well, expense the war uh and that, that, you know, they are ready for any events wirelessly. but hezbollah too has been treading carefully because it knows it can hurt as well as can ship. it has thousands of rockets that can hit anywhere in israel with israel to can, hurts 11 on and targets areas where it's supporters lives. so this conflict is the
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large, the contains and fine to military targets, but it is on a slippery slope. and well, joining the studio and via especially when he's a senior diplomatic correspondent at house post. great to have you with us and al jazeera in the studio sufficiently wise as well. escalating its attacks on his bullet and 11 on, on his bullet and syria on yvonne's revolution regarding syria. i think we're seeing a moment where it's really planning. so benjamin netanyahu is facing a huge political problem at home. he has not brought home is really hostages. we promised he would because that was extremely controversial around the world. and i think he thinks, who is an old enemy, who, when you, what can we draw attention to? all of that said, of course, that have been rockets was launched into israel and then he is resolved if that homes. but this cycle of escalation is not what's going to bring is really is back to safety and to that home. it's an incredibly dangerous calculation. is it not because how many, you know, senior members of hezbollah,
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senior members of the rounds revolution regard can israel to before they really retaliate? right. and this brings in the question of the us, right? which of israel's main sponsor, source of supply is diplomatic umbrella? i was speaking to a us official earlier this week, who said that us intelligence has actually been providing what they call a quote. along the alarm bells and warnings consistently saying israel is trying to track us as an america into a pro, a us around more especially in election. yeah. it's precisely what presidential by the doesn't want to see. yeah. we know that joe biden hasn't been willing to use any real pressure when it comes to limiting. how is run is conducting the vote on gaza. they keep saying the us administration, that they don't want this to spill over into the region, but are they willing to use any more leverage that they have in containing what as well as doing 11 on a syria. we've seen it at the start of the war present bite and did stop these readings from going in and actually in lawrenceville tracking level and they wanted to do then we've seen defense minister,
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you will go on to be called to washington and given what a full missing answer, the official quote is a very quote shala from the americans. but beyond that kind of verbal pressure, we haven't seen any full docs, american notary support right now. instead, the americans are kind of putting the investment into diplomacy. i'm thinking we can get his the line as we all to reach a deal. but for a deal, how misguided are they? i mean there's been trying this for 6 months now. i think the willingness is not there on these really side. does a, does it hope that these really government will wake up to their own military and security establishment, which understands how damaging a 2 front, what would be for israel? but this may not be a strategic decision for israel, right? this may be political and that's why i present tightened is at a loss or i that is i thought it should have asthma. thank you so much for your analysis. really appreciate, appreciate it. thank you. i or is there any forces out continuing to target residential areas across gauze? despise
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a un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease fire. 22 people died in the southern city of con units when ms. solve a 5th story building that was home to around 5 families. victoria gates and b has the details of the reading relatives more on the death of a palestinian child who was killed when and is ready. asked roy case an apartment broke in the southern city of hun, eunice resident sage, ready for these gave them no warning upon the size of the building houses more than 50 people, including mostly women and children. civilians who were confined to their apartments . suddenly a rocket was dropped on the 4 story building without any prior notice. among the dead are infants, some as young as 6 or 7 months about the lobby of. these ruins used to be a series of apartment blocks. many palestinians fled fighting in northern gauze, hoping they would be safe here. hon eunice was designated as one of his rail, so called safe stones in the south. but his ready forces are intensifying that bombardment of the city that human
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w a door. we urge all countries around the world to come and witness the ethnic cleansing that we're being subjected to. this is a war of extermination. trees, animals, houses, schools, children, and women are all being exterminated. this entire square was exterminated without any reason. as more families, more on the death of loved ones, then he will say question, how many more innocent children will die before israel cool, so hold. so the violence, victoria gates and b l. g. is there any of my colleagues funny about you? but i spoke with my wife out of hollywood season jamalia and northern gaza is where the strikes have destroyed and tie and neighborhoods, the people here and also because a cell phone, some severe shortage of everything through florida infrastructure. and that is the thing. as you see in the, in the, in the background uh, fully disclosed,
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a residential, if look and allow me to show you, allow me to show you a, a, the background, a fully here. so this is a residential uh, blog, as i say. yeah, also uh well not a talking about all the residential houses is also there were stores in this house is about 400 people have been displaced from this street. you know a, those are the forces kids of this trees. and so it was to be able to evacuate to come out, it was one hospital and was the people it came out of the house without the booby trapped, as well as the forces booby trapped all the houses. here, as you can see, more than 15 houses or maybe more than this, had been booby trapped and uh, uh,
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destroy totally by that is what it is. and 17 palestinians, including children, have been killed in 2 separate attacks on gauze. the city is where the forces bombed a local splits club and be sure to a neighborhood gauze as media also says police officers and well, that securing the humanitarian aid with the main target. that's bringing on, correspondent thought a couple assume he's joining us live from profit and southern gaza. multiple strikes and be sure to in neighborhood of gauze and city. thought it. what more can you tell us? yes, elizabeth, it clearly is what it meant at trees expanding its military attacks on kansas city where it is the neighborhood has been one of the main central areas that are widely targeted by the use by the auditory and also fight to just the past couple of hours referencing a police search admitted to attacks where the is where the forces had targeted us boot plots where tend to be an evacuation center for
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a number of palestinian assemblies would at least 15 palestinians that have the report of killed. now those families have been escaping from death compartments from every single corner of the dogs was trip ending up in a u. s. pool club. and right now we have been seeing more attacks on civil costs, where 2 costs had been hit. one cut includes at one of the police officers who was responsible for securing humanitarian invoice. then it varies to the number of pots of garza in a very systematic on different targeting for every single state guy who is the discover to be taking pots and securing such a humanitarian comb. voicebox we have been receiving within the past few hours. terrific. testimonies from highway ssl on the ground describing the situation. not only anastasia, yeah, neighborhood, but also owns the facility over. she felt hospital to be completely tied up for a time has happened. drop dead. they are saying that these body forces are flowing, complete residential flux. i'm neighborhood stuff, but they're ongoing oppressions for more than one week. so now when it's worth
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mentioning for the audience that issues. yeah, yeah. neighborhood and the pacific hospital, both areas that the is by forces have operated before that. and they have announced that they militarily control the entire neighborhood. but right now i can see that a strikes a move, confrontations have resumed again in such areas as the garza's health ministry saying is that more than $70000.00 is have the result of killed, which is the cost 24 hours. of course the 2 or 3 product. thank you very much for that. that is tied to other was the the latest live in alpha to the international court of justice has ordered israel to ensure unhindered food deliveries and to gaza. israel's foreign ministry denies its limits and any aid and accuses him off of holding supplies, hundreds of thousands of palestinians, of facing salvation this spring, and on the sun whose she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. so how has israel responded to the i?
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c j's and basis routing home the well, we've received a statement from the foreign minister, israel accounts who has said, quote that south africa has failed at exploiting the international court of justice who is trying to obstruct israel from. it's inherent right to defend itself. this is a sentiment we've been seeing from these really is the entire time. there have been either decisions that the one or decisions the i c j. additionally, he said that his role is doing what it can in order to produce new means of delivering humanitarian aid. and to expand the ones that already exist. however, the you want to have said that famine is there in gaza. additionally, that's simply not enough. humanitarian aid is going in, this is something we not only see and images, but here from sources on the ground them in the numbers and statistics that speak for themselves. additionally, there's been a lot of pressure on these really is from allies like the united states who have
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said that israel needs to do more when it comes to humanitarian aid and gone. so, but again, the foreign minister deflecting saying that there is a lot of a that goes in what, how massive quotes feels it towards it and boots it. so these really is a getting deflecting the blame on anyone but themselves. abolish a absolving themselves rather of any sort of lame when it comes to the cemetery and the prices and the goals and strip and as they come on to the increasing international pressure homes of death and young has given his approval to as well as intelligence chief to attend, to, don't want to take part in the ongoing negotiations, sees funds for the release of captives just as days after the loft folks found a pos, what were you hearing? these are all the prime minister's office, releasing a statement saying that the head of israel should bet that's the internal security services and the head of israel's most on that's the x terminal security agencies will be departing later next week to go to both doha and cairo. to meet with
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mediators for another round of negotiations. now the statement also said that the prime minister discussed with them the mandate for which they are able to negotiate with. but what that looks like, we don't exactly know just yet. these really said previously blames her mouth for the top falling apart. well, her mom has also blamed these really for the talks remaining segments. so there's still a lot to be seen in these discussions. mediators say they remain optimistic even though an arm is really officials last week had said that there was no real progress made on these talk slide home. the thank you very much for that home. the sun, who was with all the days as live and occupied east jerusalem. israel's one gaza is also affecting palestinians of the occupied territories. good friday is normally a busy time in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. but this is east of celebrations, all taken place under the shadow of his rarity restrictions. and does it run con report stores for staying away? the this is what
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a tiny fraction of the people that would normally be hit at easter because of his rose will and goes the international tours have stayed away. also there are restrictions on palestinian christians coming in from the occupied westbank for the 1st time in recent memory. listed in person's haven't been given permits to actually take part in eastern now. uh, 200 religious figures from the occupied west bank allowed to come here, but then i'll have to come here with the congregation palestinians of very use to restrictions when it comes to religious worship. likes the most cuz just the met, weight is the 3rd friday enrollment of ramadan. apollo, sidney muslims have also been restricted, only men over the age of $65.00 and women of the age of 50 are allowed to go and praise. so the parents and you, most of it's all very used to being restricted that they understand that that does happen. sticking in the case of, of the but the east,
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the normally posted in christians get free access. they simply haven't been given that they should run, come out of their occupied east jerusalem. the hold on 130 schoolchildren kidnapped in nigeria had been v united with their families. the students were abducted and it could do an estate on march the 7th before being free to by the ami now communities, according for more accountability, katia lopez, 40 on reports of excited and relieved an entire community welcomes back the fried students. army convoys make wait for the celebration with students for uniting with their families. for the 1st time since they were kidnapped. many are still trying to make sense of the are deal. let me just give them the problem and that's we were only given 2 meals days in the criminal basis
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before the suit was given to us as a teacher died because of the beating and the slapping by the bonded the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were targeted by gunmen from a school and i to reuse north, they say the ransom of nearly $700000.00 was not tate goes. yeah, because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our children morning and night. it was the same, life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of the kidnapped test ways concerns. at one point, teachers said they were 280 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the if we don't disagree,
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which is in the good and then what it takes is they'll put dives into lice, punch as well. you know, so security isn't a good addictions that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group local her rom. since then, other criminal games have followed suit, demanding ransoms, and raising alarm as families. welcome back students, communities across a northern nigeria, oregon, calling on the government for stronger security measures and for accountability katia lope. this is lillian challenges here to the boss has plunged 50 maces off a bridge in south africa, killing 55 people. an 8 year old girl is the only survivor. the boss was travelling from gabriel and across the board. and that's want to, to a church and boy russell east to celebration my mother how they have not set their reports emission. the address give us say was one of the most difficult they ever
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had to undertake. when they got to the scene, they fund remnants of bodies bent beyond the commission. the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fire of to it plunged into ravine carrying 46 passengers. most the mean we were at the same. we tried to help and there was nothing we could do because they were flying. looking at surroundings ambulance as a 5 of guides, all had to come from the find the programs on board. we're heading to the east, the celebrations at the headquarters of design christian touch. the driver liked the loss control of the bus, which had registration, plates from neighboring boots on millions, usually make the pilgrimage at this time of year. did the accidents from the increased traffic all come on? last year we lost about 225 people joining this is the weekend. so right now we're sitting at this $45.00, just one and the crush. so you can use it. you can just imagine how appropriate my to this issue is
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a food safety in the country. the ministry has promised to help perpetuate the bodies of the victims, as well as conduct a thorough investigation. my husband wants to, i'll just there are some allow me now with the village around his clothes, the government, to declare a stage of disaster. the president, as appealing to international health as grain was of run out, which also reports like how to assist as a harvest pharmacy for a may see to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at what she finds, can i email the, have somebody more, you can see how the maize looks, the grain is of low quality because there was no way as long as government has declared a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts, we had to slow on said to friends, and when there is care people blunted. and then we had the dry spill or bloomed dry
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. spill. richard is that did in most of the crops we're doing in the fields, i do, i try to some other places completely dried up and people have a good time listed below is prone to natural disasters such as flats and droughts. and m p. say the country doesn't have any gamers, as a country, we do not to take care of our grain. we lips, most of our claim as law side of the country, we sort of, most of a drain to private traders, to she can any more fee to produce as this has drained on our stops. and as i'm talking to you now know we as a country, as does not have a great even though it deserves and abundance executives, 0. the government saves around 2000000 households will need to manage here in the assistance. if the drop listens, that number will rise. president lazarus tell clara is already asking me, it's a national community for health,
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such as money and food 8 part of my task. so i'll just just kind of go now with the constitutional counsel has ratified the presidential election victory of bussey to withdraw my 5, the consummation pays the way for a transition of pol from president to monkeys. so increases his success a at the presidential palace and the capital of the com. 5 was accompanied by opposition data. it was months on code. nicholas hawk, from polls from senegal, as appearing and settled after a victory that's done to everyone, including himself from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days. at the age of 44. plus you, jim, i fi is the youngest elected head of state in africa, and it's promising change to the people, the west african nation, depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope inspired by our project of
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a new society. not previously no, to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest on a range of charges including endangering state security opposition, reduce men so good chose him as his down did after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation. bose to night the charges instead, they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go with joe mike selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus death wants to. we negotiate for gas and mining contract. it could use a new currency and forge equal partnership with friends. the former colonial power su is the, it's from the project. we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah years is his father. we met him in the village of in jag on. yeah. where
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the gym. i grew up in 2022, the former tax inspector round to become the village mare but lost his father believes, overcoming failure led to his success. he is extremely honest, i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where the villagers come to grow. millet look at it now and it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby. and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live in poverty. president jim, i will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goals well to
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a people's thursday for change. nicholas hawk alger 0 and check on you said to go and the cars joining us life on the capital of the con, our really important moment to send a goal like off to so much on the session to or oh, definitely a historic moment. he's won a land slide election with 54 percent of the vote. something a score that has been on heard of incentive goals history. and there's a lot of expectations for him to deliver on all those promises he made. now we saw him at the presidential palace yesterday and traditional it's higher meeting president my key, so the outgoing president and what an extraordinary scene for many people observing this. know, in a lot of cities, people have witness these 2 men, these 2 parties of fighting each other and creating so much turmoil to see them
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shake hands was an incredible moment, a sigh of relief from any sickness that democracy in this country is functioning. and that there will be a handover of power on april 2nd, after a much delayed and anticipated election. now we're hearing that he's organizing a government. now what's interesting is that by sewage, a, my fi is linked to the opposition leader who's mine, sancho, what role will he have in an upcoming governments and who will organize this come in, who will be members of it? technocrats were told, civil society members, members of the diaspora that had an important role in getting him elected. a lot of the financing of his campaign came from the senegalese living abroad in europe and in north america participating in, contributing to the victory of busing root. jim, i 5, the young man has a lot of work ahead and on april 2nd,
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she will take over as the 5th president of the country. like thank you very much for that. nicholas hoc live in dakota. the still ahead on the news our, the united nation says more than 5000 specially trained police officers and needed to tackle the gang violence in haiti. and they also, when a movie about the atomic bomb, finally resistance releases in japan, audiences in head ocean. i have mixed emotions about oppenheimer and sports, the low numbers to face, to shop the phase of the miami. listen, and it says that the had low, they will stop by have a look at south america. and despite the shuttle called, you can see across moving parts of the region on the satellite image, we're still seeing lots of heats,
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particularly for places like so we're them. and the guy on is we've had record breaking temperatures for march and those temperatures are going to sit high of the next few days on that. so spike some wet weather locking its way for the west of northern parts of brazil, some very intense thunder storms coming into play here friday into sack today and more heavy rain stretching across from columbia into equity on was to bolivia, rushing out to was rio de janeiro, the for the south of this a launch the dry and hot picture for power, why? central pots of chile and also for origin tina of windows. there is, is going to see demetri rise of the next few days. once again, lots of heats coming through on friday, but some relief on sunday with those showers. now he is a story across central america and the camera being we've had, and also i'm temperature high for march percent of america in guatemala and temperatures are going to be picking up here over the next few days. it'd be rising old way from monterey down to most southern areas. we'll see some heats come back
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into havana. that's off to the west to where the moves across his spend your law and on the federal tax upfront takes on the big issue. that is a context to what is happening now. it has a question about 5 unflinching questions. rigorous the bank that he added to 2 days that another cleansing is taking place. augusta. nothing goes into garza without his real permission. nothing leaves also with offers roles. permission allow me to push back for a moment, demanding of these fires, demanding an end to the root causes of all of this violence upfront. without 0. examining the headlines, is there any, is hopefully today for the forms of life and got unflinching john and is awesome the just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create
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a world where women come and feel naturally released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on elegies era in the the, to watching i was as a, as a man, as was put on and don't have a mind to about top stories. the south is there any strikes have hit northern sylvia killing more than 40 people, including 6 hezbollah functions as well. so says it killed a has bullock. i'm a honda in 711 on the us health industry. it says it is rarely as truck has killed a 22 people in the southern city of calling us and had
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a full story building that was one to 5 families. and the highest course of the united nations has ordered israel to ensure on handed food deliveries into gaza. israel's foreign ministry denies limiting any aid unexcused has come off of holding supplies. russian authorities have made another arrest in connection to the attack on the moscow concert hall. the announcement comes is found because archie said they've held 9 people over the shooting. they have gone to san branch of the iso. the group is claimed responsibility. but russia has blamed you find something behind the massacre in which more than a 140 people were killed last week. that's bringing a correspondent dosage a bar a. she's joining us live from moscow dose that took us through the lakes us to rest . well, we just saw a video of a 24 year old at tajikistan native being brought into bus monte court here in moscow where he was charged with conspiracy of terrorism related charges. now, according to his attorney,
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he's pleaded guilty to parts of the charges that are brought against him, but maintains innocence, in other parts, not clear which parts of the charges he is a deny he had any role. and what we understand is this gentleman was arrested the day after the attack took place. so that would be on saturday. the attack happened on friday evening on march 22nd. there are 11 people in custody and now the 9th person has officially been charged. and he will be in administrative detention until at the next 15 days were waiting to find out whether or not they will be further arrest made. of course, this all comes as we hear from the countries investigative committee that they are now as evidence which they have not shared with the public about connections between of funds that were received in terms of cash and crypto currency from you printing. uh, people or nationals,
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we don't know to the perpetrators of this attack. they are linking a role between ukrainian nationals and these attackers that carry out the deadly attack that has claimed already $144.00 live so far as this also comes as to be sure so far the government in tajikistan has the rest of now 15 nationals for allegedly trying to plan and plot another terrorist attack over the no ru celebration, that would be the beginning of spring at an earlier march. we don't know yet if there was any connection between those 15 people that had been detained into some b, and the perpetrators of the caracas city hall attacked here in moscow to also thank you very much for that dosage already with the latest live in moscow. are you crying attack on the russian border? city of belgrade has less one person dead. russian forces say they've repelled 15 shelves from that ukranian side belgrade has come on a frequent attack by your claims and small score is full scale invasion. in
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february 2022 and your clients is around a 100 russian drawing and missile stripes of target. the electricity good across the country. emergency blackouts have been imposed in some areas. health, lots and central and western regions were attacked some severely damaged child stress. it has moved from the capital keys and all the massive attacks, right, the way across ukraine, the ukranian all me saying that the russian policies launched 99 so called kind of calls the drawings and missiles into 10 regions or targeting 10 regions across the country for them to be in the west to the new pro in the east, a game the target seems to be energy infrastructure. one of the main energy providers in ukraine saying at least 3 of its facilities suffered severe damage in the attacks. now the ukrainian asked what was the saying the majority of these projects allows were intercepted. they saying that $84.00 of them were taken out.
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but we understand that some of the following debris from those intersections fell on civilian, profiting, civilian infrastructure, at least 5 people injured, including 15 year old go. now the big question of course, is why we seeing these escalation in recent weeks? well, the kremlin, who come out with a statement the last couple of days describing these as revenge attacks for attacks, they blame ukraine full on and then around the town of bellwood road that's inside russia, across the border around about 30 kilo, which is newest of the board a close to the ukrainian city of car cube, and that's one of the reasons why we understand the car key if it suffered some of the worst attacks. interestingly, in the last few days, and we're going to see pictures of the ukranian ministry building giant gate, great trench structures, a trench complex's knowles, of the city of car keeping in big defensive positions. and those lines are actually spreading knowles now into so me assuming province to the north west,
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also many travelers to saying that russian was trying to exploit the deficit the ukraine is suffering at the moment in terms of the ammo and the, the. busy defense systems that it has available to it at the moment, trying to get the ukraine to use as much as a defense capability, as it can at least will tell you that it is not inconceivable that we will see many more attacks like this potentially in the coming days and nights, charles, drop it out to 0. keys in the united nations is wanting that hazy is close to collapse. but us hazy experts is up to 5000 specially trained police officers and needed to tackle what he calls catastrophic. again, violence, gangs, control most of the capital for us get what's happening to us has nothing to do with the country's interest, the country benefits and no way from this point. the size of the presidential
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council must be set up to come. the situation, if the people's demands are not met in 2 months time, there will be no way out. it's up to hastens to unite to resolve this crisis. we must take our destiny into our own hands. if the country is to function. the i go to rent of the latin america and the caribbean consulting to the international crisis group, and he's joining us live from paris. the more on this. thank you very much for your time. the latest report by the un paints and extremely grim picture of the situation in haiti, the un security council approve the haitian government's request for an international emission in october of his last year. why hasn't happened or well for different reasons. first a well the, the international mission was a comb by the by maybe i can find me in a search in 2022. then there was a whole, almost a year and all the country searching for a nation that would lead that effort because these, none of you envision, but
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a multinational mission then kenya offered in the lowest and july to lead the nation. but then. ringback was and legal obstacles in kenya and to be able to send the police officers abroad as a all posit openings a on the government said that it wasn't constitutional. so. busy now, and there has been receiving the arrangement that has been signed between the haiti and kalia, and that is supposed to have a lead to these legal obstacles for the, for is to be the billing in haiti. but there are, there is a, a remaining heard of which is very important, which is of course funding in kenya estimated the cost. busy of the emission out about 600000000, and then there is only around 10000000 in the trust fund right now for information to start being deployed, given to just how much is at stake in haiti. who should be providing this funding as well?
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does several countries that have committed funds, for example, the united states has committed to 300000000 to 200000000 mean time and logistical age, and 100 direct. then we go directly to the multinational emission, also canada friends and other countries have committed funds. but these funds haven't been made available yet in the trust funds. so there are many questions of a why these funds haven't been being deposited to the trust fund. and one of the reasons is that, of course, there is not yet a new government in place. that's right. without the government, it is impossible to sentence officers. and in fact, the canyon prime minister william rudo has said this, hasn't he? that the way down to the transitional council is established in haiti to deployed police. but you know, that hasn't happened because of internal squabbling. can the international community wait for this transitional counsel to be formed before sending troops? well, we have been seeing, we have seen in the past couple of weeks,
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a efforts to bring together these new government to establish in your stories. and that has been a huge steps that i have being made that taken into account. that's a political. busy and these parents have been and, and busing in over 2 years. and so right now in 2 weeks that has been huge steps that have been made. and there is homes that a new go and transition shuttle government will be installed in some. okay, so after that, then there will be other obstacles and to, to overcome. and so the mission can be the plugin. and again, if we just focus on the situation and hazy un officials said in july last year that it needed the hays he needed between a 1002000 international police. it's gone up to $5000.00 now. how and why has the situation deteriorated so much? i as well when we have seen in the past a month in haiti is something unprecedented. these,
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the rival guys that were battling each other for the control of the capital have come together to join their forces to form a united front, not only to call much the haitian state but also to the 3rd countries that would be . and that would want to send police officers to haiti for not to do so to deter them from doing so. all right, diego, darren of the international crisis group joining us from powers. thank you very much for your expertise on this. we appreciate it. thank you. thank you to india now with climate change would use production and wage increases have falls at least 20 t factories in the stage of westbank gall. to close. this has left hundreds of workers looking for other jobs. nelson and as reports based notes on these trying desperately to provide for his family or 5. he's one of hundreds of t workers who don't have what you do is state closures. he's applying for an $18.00
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monthly allowance. the government pays 20 states close. i'm local, kind of, we make up what i hear. it's very hard to be for the children's education and manage our daily expenses. many drop out of school before the high school exams. and the future and arch seemed dark and leak united. he could read in recent months, his lift keep donations dry and dusty. lou, a use combined with pest attacks and salary increases for workers have made it difficult for as states display of fluids, about a dozen d factories and to us and dodging hills of close to the phone. once a growth happens, then the 1st happens. it becomes a vicious cycle of drought, best spring, best suits. and so by the time you get one that's like in the ones go and if you're into the once ones with the fist activity still under bush's,
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then the crops also going to be cute options. maybe like 20 works crushing stones at the river bank for just over a dollar a day. it's back breaking work in sweltering conditions. but so many, it's the only way to make a living. a scheme to help the unemployed is being suspended due to a dispute between the states and central government. after that's done, it says you've been following for the past 4 years. he says the prices have not increased in proportion to wages, which accounts to 70 percent of production costs. but unions see another side of job of the states are shutting down because the owners mindset is moving to treating then running the industry properly. last year, india is premium t drawing region g links recorded it's lowest production in 50 years. and with the conditions becoming increasingly difficult to you, maybe see a the was 2nd largest, the producer will suffer more plantation closures and job losses. and that for the
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end is just the euro and depend the number of death linked to a dietary supplement has risen to 5. the easiest product used to local restaurant was the cold last week off for 2 people taking it died and more than a 100 needed hospital treatment. the manufacturer says it may have been contaminated. as the leader of northern islands, maine, pro brushes, union. this party has step down off to being charged with historical facts offensive. jeffrey donaldson was to do you peace, most senior and pay in westminster. the potty says he's been suspended, pending the outcome of the judicial process. donaldson is due to appear in court next month, along with the woman accused of aging, and the best thing, the alleged crimes. almost 9 months off the global release, the hollywood blockbuster about the mazda mind, behind the atomic bomb is finally available in japan for residents of hiroshima.
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oppenheimer has opened to mixed reviews and emotions. so the economy reports that the piece memorial in hiroshima begin backing down is preserved as a reminder of what happens here and, and negative saki in 1945. the 2 atomic bonds draft by the us air force killed and estimated 200000 japanese. now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists to help develop the weapons, has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else. audiences in hiroshima, have mixed emotions. this film was telling the story from the american perspective, from the slide who invented the atomic bomb hiroshima and nagasaki, where they told me films were dropped to certainly the victims. but i think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators of victim co, tough in the will, the oppenheimer sweat the academy awards earlier this month,
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including best actor for irish actor kelly and murphy hooper trades. the conflicted physicist the films initial release in japan was delayed after a public backlash against an advertising campaign critics, a trivialize to bombings based upon what i really like christopher nolan's feelings . of course, this was an amazing film which deserves to win the academy awards in the united states. but the film also to fix the atomic bomb in a way that seems to price it. and as a person roots in her wash, and i found it difficult to watch, i'm not sure this as a, maybe the japanese people should make a special effort to say oppenheimer reflect on the impact on the so called father of the atomic bomb. in hiroshima, the memory of its victims will still cast a long shadow, long after the movies run and for the car out to 0. they
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also winning american act to louis costa junior has died. he was 87. every time i say i understand i was a whole group to say yes, so understand the goal. so it was the 1st african american man to win a supposing act to academia wants his performance as a marine instructor. and the 1982 failed an officer and a gentleman. he also won an emmy for his role and the tv series roots. so that's we have a sports news to the head on the news out again, winning shots on the final 2nd part of the time. and even be here of action from the n d a. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by
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the business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the
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the conference for his n d. thank you so much, elizabeth. well, one a full is most in demand head coaches is going nowhere. shelby on site says he's staying at by level accused and it end speculation that he could be taking over it on the little pool or fine unit next season. the spanish is taking a lot of keys and speech so because the german from this league with the same 10 points, clear of title holders bind that i feel that's my job is not, is not over here. i want to help them. i want to have the 3 and i want to have the young players to develop on the found part of a post process. i'm happy with that show putting all the things together. and i've taken these this important issue and hopefully inconveniences that, right? when i copy on i'm still john, so that was there about that right now i i feel like that you know it's tennis top said carlos out across that he was made to say like a schoolboy voc are going to meet trophies just knocked him out of the miami open from
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a world heavyweight champion books up mike tyson. they're using the crowd source this one to make sure of landing the blogs throughout the 30 serial. taking the 1st set, 62 across was on a 9 match winning streak and coming for the title. when asked indian wells well suited? sure. a few moments of brilliance this funding had no inches for the new trophy, closed out of my 6 bullets to reach his 1st money. i can find a way to get any work since the top 10 for the 1st time in 6 years. it makes the final when again, same it's a dr. blatt's are best. that's just how it is. i mean i, i came into the match very focusing, the thing extremely clear when i had to do so, you know, sometimes simplicity is genius. it's not, it's very, very hard to do it, especially when you play against an opponent like that. but i was able to, to really dictate the game. yeah, i don't know, frustrations. uh right now because the heat,
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she made me feel like i'm 13 years old. you know, it was crazy. uh, i was uh, talking to my teen uh saying that uh, i don't know what's uh, what i have to do a show. hey i, tony was the star attraction as a flight is 1st and we will be going to the la dodgers on us soil. tony putting in a relatively low key performance, but it seemed more comfortable when the skins decent loose called those. and they keep that some pretty frequent heading home runs, is that they'll just secure a 71 victory in the n b a. the atlanta hoops be the, it's been conference meetings both to sell 6 the 2nd. so i'm going to wait jason sites and i missed what could've seen game winning 3 points in the final 2nd of regulation sign when it's over time, then the final 2nd jones. i'm already made that jump shots. so when it full atlanta practice, our scope of public harrington down on his knees at the houston open, it was worth the effort to the 3 to i'm 90 champion,
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as he managed to save paul at this hold during his opening round. he's by 6 shots of the lead. you almost got a few of the race to stay ahead of the pack has got a bit more serious at the lights this round of the wills radi championship in 10 years. they will need a share and you will jump down to 6 that the a and this call had a few problems we'll talk later. kind of a roofing power is known. first event continues 3 to something of a whole. the month of ramadan is full of religious and cultural traditions in pakistan. late night st. cricket has become a popular pastime as john it goes or else get reports. it's close to midnight in karachi. but the floodlight store dozens of men for a game of ramadan crickets, late nights the street pre kit has become something of a tradition over the last few decades in the city, in pakistan, during the muslim hardly months. and the pious say it helps,
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and stay awake until the pre don't meal. notice the whole next day spa speaking, feel free to accept it or not. so i can know that we are free in the night, and we have to keep ourselves awake until the whole. if you sleep, we can miss the whole. if you missed the whole, it's difficult to fall. so it's better to get involved in the game of cricket i'm playing with on mobile phones. you have to give you that you're looking at was during ramadan, usually shows the impact is done. so players and fans have a few hours to rest before the big game. the tarmac is repainted to mock the crease tennis balls a typed in whites to give them greats about speed and visibility and the lights. and then it's time for the 1st to do to is that like the most about people often sleep during the day during fostering that'd be much physical activity during the day. physical activity is essential for good health that is walking binding, etc. covers all of this hearing one across the cheese pool neighborhoods,
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around $200.00 spec paces have turned out to run the place. i'm gonna be making it big now just them well no, i don't play i watch the game with great and dress. so i like to watch crickets. some of these boys go to the jobs during the day. well, some other sleep during the day time. they don't have much time. but in run the time they get to play cricket into the night. the narrow streets define the physical boundaries at this game, but the appeal of st. cricket during the heavy month goes way beyond the willows. the pump not do you want to get real sca out to 0. right. move for me in a couple of hours time, but is it for now is on the thank you very much for that now. finally, some catching pictures from iceland of 2 of nature's most spectacular events at the same time and erupt in volcano and the northern lights full of options and as many mountains the rest of the nearby fishing town of grand a. vic flows of lava and now being seen against the backdrop of the aurora, while creation disruption full locals,
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the views as something else. that's it for this news. i'll stay with us. we a back in just a few minutes with an anxious updates. thank you for watching the as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and needs to people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth rising for as nothing in nature growth, griffin, dying uh, coming soon is the biggest global that actually out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic. so don't join main street of oxygen for
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a new for bought be focusing on india. in this episode i'll be examining where the democracy is being undermined as political opponents of crime. and the bodies are facing an avalon of corruption charges even before full talk. com, being the 4th spots due on the ask like a narrative from african perspectives. is you know, the want him to do what came up proper folks, according to short documentary spine, african filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 is future with fish from the ship and the queen from nigeria, a new series of advocate direct on colleges sierra reporting for the action. have you have a great winning hearing to fox?
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how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators? if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say was teens of across the world. when you click send to the fonts at the store, the as well, the tax 11 on and syria has bullocks, mazda and 6 functions are among the no, i'm, and as we put on them, and this is all just they are life. and also coming up strikes on gaza to at least $22.00 palestinians are killed. and israel's latest attack on the city of con eunice. also ahead send the goal, especially has a new president elect as the constitutional counsel confirms the victory of boss to


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