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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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as easy as so doing it's why we work with bill, cuz to make it their business to know your business. yep. we all, we, you all the the hello until mccrae. this has been use our line from coming up in the next 60 minutes. final farewells of the day, the serenity of tags and thousands of palestinians are killed across the kansas through the israel and tanks. living on in syria has black. amanda and 6 spices are among the dead. for
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both sides, the u. s. is about to send thousands mobile homes to israel is part of a multi $1000000000.00 package. and the climate crisis across the southern africa is listening. trouts in malawi, leaves millions needing humanitarian assistance. the is ready for us as a continuing to target residential areas across gauze. and despite the un security council resolution demanding an immediate cease, 522 people died in the southern city of con eunice. when miss house had a full story building that was home to 5 families. victoria guy, somebody has the date house reading relatives more on the death of a palestinian child who was killed when and is ready asked roy casing apartment block and the southern city of han, eunice, resident sage, ready for these gave them no warning about on the side of the building houses more
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than 50 people, including mostly women and children, civilians who were confined to their apartments. suddenly a rocket was dropped on the 4 story building without any prior notice among the dead or infants, some as young as 6 or 7 months about the law of these ruins used to be a series of apartment blocks. many palestinians fled fighting in northern gauze, hoping they would be safe here. hon units who's designated as one of israel, so called safe zones in the south. but it's really forces are intensifying that bombardment of the city. that humans, that me a daughter. we urge all countries around the world to come and witness the ethnic cleansing that we're being subjected to. this is a war of extermination. trees, animals, houses, schools, children, and women are all being exterminated. this entire square was exterminated without any reason. as more families, more than the death of loved ones, then he will say question, how many more innocent children will die before israel caused
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a hold to the violence? victoria gates and b l g 017 palestinians including children have been killed in 2 separate attacks on kansas city. is there any forces bombed to local sports club and the shoot? yeah, neighborhoods causes media officers, police officers involved for securing communitarian aids with a main targets. erica bozer and has more on the strikes. he reports from rossa in southern gaza. within the past 24 hours, we have been seeing a clue side is where the military attacks on this, in some areas of cause a city where it's huge and neighborhoods has been massively attacked by the is verified to jets and also onto their units that are stationed on different sides of the city there as confrontations, also raging, and that's very densely populated neighborhood. now they've been seeing that separate strikes. i've targeted, spoke lot munitions. yeah, yeah. a neighborhood where it has to be an evacuation center for thousands of
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palestinians. families as of a 16 palestinians, the have to reported killed by you to and to separate incidents and attacks to civil cause have been hit. one of them had a can included and contains one of the police officers who was responsible and playing a very integral room and securing the humanitarian pulled voice deliveries to the another. at pontiff concerts is released as domestically. in fact, is it chasing everyone who can play a role in terms of security and the sides? um it's, it's ongoing efforts to create a state of kansas in the another. it positive causes specifically with it's ongoing restrictions on 8 deliveries to the, to that very desperate part of the territory part. yes, we can see more specific ation not only in a she's a neighborhood of s strikes, but also on the vicinity of a she felt hospice, and one of the latest had killed 10 palestinians from the same family. in the street. this family has been trapped for days and they did not manage to get a safe access to the south. they have been targeted as they were inside their
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residential house. and that's absolutely a part of the reality of what, what's going on in the vicinity of a she felt hospital or 15 people. and now it can send data off to and as rarely as tri county residential square and jamalia in the early hours of friday, one of the few months still standing and gaza was also target, says, and people been trying to retrieve bodies, still trapped onto the rebel how does arizona cell show a for pull? it's from northern garza got a slightly items at all of these really a real environmental northern gauze. i haven't gone on non stop the last night. they targeted this side been, i'd be walk us most in your body. a refugee come to the mosque has been completely destroyed. hold on, i'm really a heard measure the triple ration still ongoing at the buildings nearby and targeted the mostly as we can see here, people are still looking for the missing traveler under the rubble of disability.
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you know, for me to send out a loud explosions, woke us up and the date of the night, 5 minutes late to another miss. alt struck and completely destroyed the residential square. we didn't want to find the mosque because we didn't want these riley forces to destroy and such an aggression shouldn't be done in the holy mountain of ramadan . and i'm with this riley forces don't care. i don't distinguish defeats the civilians from others. and besides the targeted or the most from rough estimate 100 of these relays, having destroyed all the most even to hold on was tongue unbuttoned with this is a war against islam. it's a war against the religion. it's a war against a hold of what are we tied up in wisdom countries to take care of us and take care of the court on the left in the stomach are all composite as the war on gaza rages . these really is bombarding everything that's good. even most of us are not sped and it's a chevy deal. some of the, as the united states has reportedly approved
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a new um package as well. that includes thousands of bones. 1800 pounds. the way 900 kilograms have been signed off by the by the administration. also authorized the transfer of 500 on the swing 250 kilograms age. the multi $1000000000.00 package includes 5 digits for the is randy miller trace. uh, white house correspondent, kimberly health that has moved from washington dc to despite increasing pressure from high profile democratic senators and members of congress on capital hill to limit military aid to israel to help the number of civilian casualties as a result of israel's war on gaza. the white house was signed off on another routine transfer of bonds and war plains to israel. now last week, the state department authorized this. this was initially authorized in 2008. it amounts to about $2500000000.00 in not only fighter jets,
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but also in support of the bombs that they would carry. this, despite a growing risk between both is really and us government, you will recall that earlier this week, the is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu abruptly castled a planned meeting between us and his really officials. that was to review these really military campaign plans for procedures and military plans for as round invasion into rafa. something that the u. s. is strongly opposed to without any sort of plan for the more than a 1000000 palestinians who are currently sheltering there. now the reason for the cancellation was because the united states refused to veto a un security council resolution calling for a temporary cease fire in gaza. as a result,
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now we do know that the meeting has been rescheduled, although the date of that has not yet been determined. what we do know, however, is that the united states is hoping during that meeting to discuss with is real possible alternatives to any sort of military campaign into rafa. kimberly help it out to 0. washington, a deposit administration support as well, has prompted decisions within the state department earlier this week of foreign affairs officer who'd promotions human rights on behalf of the us government became the latest employee to leave her job and protest. my colleague elizabeth cronum, spoke to n l a. she line, she said she could no longer be an accomplice to crimes against you. menissi i thought about resigning every time is real, violated international law hitting hospitals and schools,
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and killing civilians with impunity. and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. the, the, the, the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did it. i owed an obligation to the us government. i received an arabic scholarship and so i owe the government a year. so on, on, on the 300 and 65th day i ended in my resignation. i also, i thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved in the human rights reports. and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we, we'd completed that work before i left. and how has, you know, america support for israel affected your work in the region. it was already difficult. um, you know, american quite a bit. busy the understanding of for human rights in the middle east was hardly spotless to say the least. however, um, it has become incredibly more difficult in the aftermath of october 7th. whether
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it's that and using the region, we're not willing to engage with us any longer or it would just put them in a much greater risk. now then, and then in the past, and it just the us as lost all credibility on, on trying to advocate for human rights, or even those individuals who would meet with us would bring up guys 1st, even though these are individuals who are facing extreme levels of oppression in their own society and you've said elsewhere that many of your colleagues feel betrayed just how widespread is that discontent and the state department over the government support as well. it's hard to say, i mean, the state department i believe is, is the 2nd largest institution after the department of defense and in the us government. so as far as the people i was in touch with, you know, people that i would consider friends and colleagues and when i said that i was going to resign to initially i was going to do it privately and, and people said,
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you know, please speak out for us and cents resigning, i've had that gotten a lot of messages of support and there are organizations, feds, united for peace is an organization, there are other other groups trying to, to mobilize and, and also there are many people who are still inside the state department we're doing very important work on this, but until the, until president bided is willing to, to really make, make a and to take a new stance here. their work inside state is, is not really going to make a difference. he spoke about why you resigned on the 300 and 65th day of your time and the state department of the spokesperson mastery. miller said that you were a fellow at the state department who finished the 1st year of a program with the option of a 2nd. yes, seemingly down playing your role at the department. what's your response to that? i mean, you know, i've, i've been upfront about the fact that i totally been there for a year, but my office had asked me to stay, you know, beyond the initial 2 year contract they,
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they would have been happy to have the stay and i did resign you know, i, i completed my obligation of, of a full year and i, i would have, i'm, if, if this were not happening i would have been very happy to stay. i really believed in the work that i was doing. so, you know, i think it's, it's very important that the united states actually uphold the values that it claims to, to, to believe in. and that it, that american model moral leadership around the world depends on america actually standing up for, for these values that we, that our leadership likes to talk about, but doesn't necessarily like to hold. you have made this decision at a great personal cost resigning public today. from the us state department, wallet supports one of the most brutal was of odd times. why was the southern portion for you? why was that risk worth taking fees? i, i think the, sorry i use the main reason is that i have a daughter and she's too very young. but if,
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if in the future she were to ask me about what i did as this has happened a i just, i want her to know that i didn't stay silent. i i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i, i couldn't continue to watch but that happening and just keep going to work everyday. is rouse more ongoing so it is also affecting palestinians in the occupied territories. good friday is only a busy time in the old city of occupied east jerusalem. but this he is east of celebrations, taking place onto the shadow of his riley restrictions and is around con reports tourist. this thing way. this is what a tiny fraction of the people that would normally be hit the east because of his rose will and goes the international tourist have stayed away. also there are
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restrictions on palestinian christians coming in from the occupied westbank for the 1st time in recent memory. published a new person's haven't been given permits to actually take part in eastern now. uh, 200 religious figures from the occupied west bank allowed to come here. but then i'll have to come here with the congregation palestinians of very use to restrictions when it comes to religious worship. i like the most is just the met, weight is the 3rd friday enrollment, ramadan apollo, sidney muslims have also been restricted. only man of the age of 65. and women of the age of 50 are allowed to go and praise sort of house. and you must, with all very used to being restricted that they understand that that does happen. 16. in the case of, of the eastern, normally sending christians get free access. they simply haven't been given that they should run come out of their occupied east jerusalem. believe we spoke with
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reference a month to isaac hayes, the evangelical lutheran pasta, and basically him, he says, the more threatening the presence of christians and casa, most of our friends and family with us to tell us that their homes are already destroyed. so they have to know where to go. most of it is a connection and because i live in the sense that all of the sit deals by so, and as i said, they bought that their homes are destroyed, they'd be traumatized beyond belief, and most likely they will see the 1st opportunity to leave us a, this is one of the side tragedies of this one, among many, many times of these thought this war will most likely bring an end to the cushion presence. and because this isn't what it, because it feels like not to be honest. we feel that many have forgotten about us and um, especially now that it's being modeled almost 6 months to this war. we said no one's talking anymore about about because i wouldn't message this that we cannot
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amount to shanty in the place what it all started to turn into a museum for the goods to come to the people here not is it again despite everything and believe me, you know, i looked at the images from the celebration of palm sunday evening and because in the midst of the seas, even somewhat smiling, i don't know how given that they just lost another member of that community for sickness 2 days ago. but that's also a disease that shows uh, the commitment to phase the commitment to the costs we live in. and that's the, that's it. that's so many to that just as a whole lot of goals. so despite everything we can spend whole in the midst of his thoughts. israel says it has killed a senior that has black come under and across the board. a strike and living on the a tech came shortly after a series of is rarely strikes on targets in syria that killed thousands of people. 6 of them reportedly, hezbollah 5 is saying
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a hold of reports from favorites of the they are becoming more frequent. apparent is really strikes on iranian and iranian link targets in syria, the, the latest, what are believe to be weapons deposed, and the northern province of a level, a few dozen people were killed among them, syrian military personnel and members of the liberties arms, group, hezbollah, israel is basically trying to establish itself as the party that has the upper hand in this conflict. and i don't think it's very the politicians to understand that you're on has the law and the regime are not interested in military fires. israel has for years said it will allow you run and its allies whose influence in syria has grown to entrench themselves in the country militarily . in recent months,
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it's targeted commanders and members of the round. the revolutionary guards no longer just focusing on weapons storage sites and convoys carrying arms along, isabel stated goals is preventing syria being used as a transit point for weapons to reach has been lost and the occupied palestinian territories. there is what has been described as a shadow war between israel and iran in syria for years now. and in recent months, since hezbollah opens a frontline against israeli forces to help palestinians and gaza, israel appears to be employing the same strategy against has belong, iran's life and loving on. up here in lovely non targeted killings by a parent is really drawn, strikes are increasing more often than knock members of hezbollah. and at times field commanders are killed. many here see a strategy of israel diminishing its enemies. operational capabilities has the law
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for its part, raised the costs of the conflict for israel by forcing it to empty much of its north of many of its people. it has yet to escalate to the level of full scale conflict. but the warrant it is ready if israel expands the war. ready the events of the last few days have been wider than what we've seen in quite some time. so i expect only further escalation. unfortunately, we're in a regional situation where the prospects of de escalation are, are, are, are quite limited. and while much of the world's focus is on the war on garza the violence between israel and has, the law is beginning to intensify center for their eligibility to be. some of the salute has moved from occupied east jerusalem on as well as the expansion of his helper oceans against his blah speaking on friday. israel's, the defense minister, jo, i'm go on to said that israel is quote no longer on the defensive,
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but actually actively pursuing his beloved wherever the group operates. whether that's in 11 on invaded with the capitol, any where else meaning damascus. and he also said it would be as far reaching as is really needed. you're looking at a series of cross border fire in the last week that has resulted in the depths of at least one is really there's been a lot of this back and forth exchanges of fire since october the 8th, within the last week or so they've really been intensifying just on thursday, these really army actually conducted an extensive drill. they say to raise their preparedness for a war on his roles. northern border, it's something these really defense minister has been talking about for months and most notably. he said that he's not afraid to turn living on into another gone. so at least $27.00 children have died of meal nutrition and di hydration and gaza. since israel started it's for on this trip in early october that this but parents
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that having to go to extreme lengths to try and find food for the children. i'm a to fish, told us about the challenge he faces each day to provide to his family. the and i remember how i ran with such a man is by the hour i'm always in 9. 0, by the love i'm gonna say honestly, i'm not like i should have thought of rest and have to come up on it or something.
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i'm gonna give you a hug out of the hey, i'm gonna let exactly how much stuff it was probably blog or something, you know, sort of it's food. i was listening to your buddy. yeah. the i've seen the, the low level and then sometimes i pretty much push me the, i don't know. i don't remember the seems, remember,
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i don't have money on that's not from a few. not so yeah, no, it's not the can and trouble because some of the or the severe drought in malawi has caused the government to declare the state of disaster . the president has a painting for international health is grain reserves run out. i remember, tulsa has more like how to assist as a harvest. if the pharmacy operates, may cease to survive the droughts from those that struggled. she's worried at once she finds, can i email the, have somebody more, you can see how the maize looks, the grain is of low quality because there was no way a lot is government has declared
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a state of disaster because of the drought in most districts. we had to slow on said to friends, and when there is term people blunted, and then we, i did dry spill or bloomed dry. spill. richard is that did in most of the crops we're doing in the fields, i do, i try to some other place is completely dried up and people have good visited, malawi is prone to natural disasters such as flats and droughts, and m p. say the country doesn't have any gamers, as a country, we do not to take care of our game. we live most of our game as law side of the country. we sort of, most of a drain to private traders, to she can any more fee to produce as this has drained on our stops. and as i'm talking to you now know we as a country, as does not have a grant,
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even though it deserves and abundance executives, 0. the government saves around 2000000 households will need to mandatory and assistance if the drop lessons that number will rise. president lazarus, tell clara is already asking the international community for health such as money and food. 8. part of my task out is that what kind of a lake has a closer look at the weather, events that are contributing to this record dry spell. and now the main factors that are causing this brought in southern africa, or lack of rain full and of course, very high temperatures. and that's driven by what scientists cool 9, a climate change, but also the new weather phenomena. now that's a naturally occurring warming of the sea surface temper does not have an effect on the weather around the world that was a clad in july. and we have the west of those conditions from november to april. so very high temperatures. and of course, very dry conditions, a lot of range from now. the last time we have the 2015 to 2016,
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we have the worst route in southern africa in 35 years. so this isn't new to the region. but this time we for the twice february and for 2 years was down b as in bob went on board swan a severe rain for deficit as well in on goal in malawi and zap and mozambique comforters across the region of sitting about 4 to 5 degrees above the average and that's not going to go away any time soon in terms of rainfall. what we'll look at 2 examples. zambia is well below the average for the 1st 3 months of the malawi a little better, but still nowhere near where it should be. now we're going to see some rain coming to a long way of a tuesday through to the weekend. that's what we can do to help the areas that need it. the good news is, is that we are expecting el nino to we can instead we cut to the emergence of the nino from june to august as a 55 percent chance of that. and that means more rain, but it isn't a given. and we are entering the driest period for this part of the world. split in
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india, climate change reduce production and wage increases have forced at least 20 t frank treason westbank. i'll cite to close that this is, they've hundreds of workers looking for other jobs nelson and this has more vision . it's on fees trying desperately to provide for his family or 5. he's one of hundreds of t workers who don't have what you do is state closures. he's applying for an $18.00 monthly allowance. the government pays 20 states close. i'm local kind of make up what i hear. it's very hot to be for the children's education and manage our daily expenses. many drop out of school before their high school exams and the future an arch seem dock and leak. b 90 good reading. recent months has lift, keep donations dry and dusty low. a use combined with pest attacks and salary increases for workers have made it difficult for as states to stay afloat about a dozen d factories and to us and dodging hills of close to fun. once
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a growth happens, then the 1st happens. it becomes a vicious cycle of drought, best spring, best. so by the time you get one that's i can the ones go and if it into the ones, the ones with the fist activity still under bush's, then the crops on top of the queue options, maybe like 20 works crushing stones at the river bank for just over a dollar a day, it's back breaking work in sweltering conditions. but so many, it's the only way to make a living a scheme to help the unemployed is being suspended due to a dispute between the states and central governments. after that's done, it says, news have been following for the past 4 years. he says the prices have not increased in proportion to wages, which account for 70 percent of production costs. but unions see another side of
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job of the states are shutting down because the owners mindset is more into creating than drawing the industry properly. last year, india is premium t drawing region d g link recorded it's lowest production in 50 years. and with the conditions becoming increasingly difficult to you, maybe see a the was 2nd largest, the producer will suffer more plantation closures and job losses. and that for the end is just 0. it's still a hit here, ronelle just there that you in says thousands of specially trying to police officers and needed to tackle the gang violence and hazy. and we report from sales to don. we've refugees, the mocking ramadan and the desperation and uncertainty the the
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had a lot of that was dropped down on the in australia and it's still some very heavy rain to be found across mold and an eastern area. is it dried up for alice springs that didn't take away the flood was because rivers off flowing very high with rain pouring across the moving territory down. it's an ordinary is of southern australia and of course into queensland and a new south wales. now there's showers. will ease as we go into sunday, but they don't go away. instead, it'll be much dry across the western australia with a high pressure in charge. just a few spits and pat spots of rain flicks into the very south the path holding onto the high twenty's a temperature wise, lots of settled sunshine that and so that southeast corner. now it's been very successful for southern parts of the south island in new zealand. cloudy conditions in christ church for the rain manages to stay away. instead we'll see those heavy fools and stronger wins effect gibbon. but oakland sees a son of a we tend to jump just slightly below the average. but we will see sunshine through
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to monday when the cloud takes over and things are looking rather settled across indo china. lots of heat is coming through for thailand. we've got excessive heat warnings, taking us free from such a date into sunday. the, with every donation given with every hops that cancel, we're changing lives and palestine showing that's loved as you donated to we deliver to a partnership we'll be in bringing you home and love to palestine for all to see so donates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world one hawks that's time the,
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[000:00:00;00] the watching, i'll just say a reminder about top stores. the ssl is ready as trunks have killed 22 palestinians and con eunice when in the south had a 4 story building and the shoes, a neighborhood, and gaza city, at least 17 people were killed in 2 separate attacks. the us has reportedly signed off on the new um package as well, that includes thousands of bones, bits according to the washington post, the packages with billions of dollars and also includes 5 digits and these to celebrations them uses. and then as well as ongoing for on kaiser palestinians living in the occupied territories facing severe restrictions on entering
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easterwood slims old city to mock the holiday for the leader of the roman catholic church has decided to skip the traditional good friday. precision and from the vatican. says 87 year old poke francis did this in order to save his energy for other events. he's expected to preside over during the easter weekend. they will be a visual on saturday and the mess to mock is to sunday. last year it prompts us missed the same event you to extremely cold with explicitly as yet, since fighting broke out between saddam's army and the paramilitary weapons support forces, the civil war has fullest. more than 8000000 people from the hundreds and 1000000 of them to displacement camps and neighboring chad themselves. sedan. malcolm, with reports from a transit camp in the boat, a town of rank. we're refugees, observed ramadan and difficult conditions off to their friends and neighbors were killed and homes looted the people he ran for their lives. many of them lived in
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saddam's capital cost to then fled to this transit camp in south sea times for the town of rank. the lines have been turned upside down to one thing hasn't changed. coming together at sunset to break that foss during ramadan. exhausting here isn't easy, so i'm going to people this what i've done here and just place a light. it's a very hot this one. uh this uh that says it is on the he has very hot. busy second today is on lots of people here. there what it is, vic, i'm in witness. there's no one going to big for him, for the meals on something like this. when people arrive at the transit come to you and provides enough money for a week. suit off to the people depend on the savings for money send by relatives. in fact, the circumstances pres that would usually be held in a most well hosted in homes, take place between the shelters that are now home to thousands of people. within
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half a 1000000 of crossed into south sea down since the conflict again nearly a year with a life in the account of a lot of pain. more so many people here, it costs food enough to 3 who have told us the circumstances is even more important than usual. to celebrate rama them to come together to share what little they have . people here have to leave almost everything behind possessions homes and livelihoods. the heat, her mind had just finished training to be a medic. when she said the will. she told us a dream is to help people graduate from the university. and i didn't get my it's, it's very sad. i just the chance to think and even in my studies, i hope that i gave
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a fine work has no much to celebrate in ramadan, in the transit come. the heat says her face helps to hold on for a better future. but nobody here knows when will, even if their lives will ever go back to normal malcolm web address era rank south see don. in senegal, the constitutional counsel has ratified the election victory of bustle. redeem, i find the confirmation pipes away for a transition of power from president. make you so he greeted his successor with the presidential palace in the capital of the con. the 5 was accompanied by opposition . data has been sancho nicholas hawk has moved from the con. the african union has congratulated president elect by through jim i by. we saw him yesterday at the presidential palace wearing traditional attire meeting the outgoing president present. mackie saw a man that was in prison for over 11 months, over
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a facebook post that authorities had deemed dangerous to the sovereignty. and the security of the state is now at the helm of one of the fastest growing economies in west africa. but who is bus you, jim? i fight. well, we went to his home village in jamaica now on the outskirts of the car to meet his family and find out who he is. take a look at this report to appearing and settled after a victory. that's done to everyone, including himself, from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days at the age of $44.00 by sea. with jim i fi is the youngest elected head of state in africa, and is promising change to the people of the west african nation depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope inspired by our project of
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a new society. not previously no, to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest under range of charges including endangering state security opposition reduced mental good, chose him as his down then after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation, posted in only the charges instead they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go, is your mind selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus death wants to we negotiate for gas and mining contracts and use a new currency and forge equal partnership with friends, the former colonial power to proceed with the it's from the project we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah years is his father. we met him in the village of in jug on. yeah. where
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the gym. i grew up in 2022, the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes, overcoming failure, led to his success on it. he is extremely honest, i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where the villagers come to grow. millet look at it now and it hasn't rained for the last to 8 months. there are no wells nearby. and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live in poverty, president jeremiah will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goes well to
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a people's thursday for change. because hawk alger 0 and check on, you know, setting all the united nations this morning, that heidi is close to collapse of the 5000, especially trying to police officers and needed to tackle what it calls catastrophic gang violence and gangs control most of the capital. puerto prince, 2000 police, profess requested in july last year. diego darren is from the international crisis group. he says international police officers haven't been sent a hazy because of a lack of funding. as there has been. busy received hotel arrangements that has been signed between the haiti and kalia, and that is supposed to have lifted these legal officer for the course to be drilling in haiti. but there, there is a, a remaining heard of which is very important, which is of course funding in kenya estimated the cost. busy of the emission at about 600 median,
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and then there is only around 10 median in the trust fund right now for information to start being deployed. there are several countries that have committed funds. for example, the united states has committed to 300000000 to 200 media meantime, a logistical aid and 100 direct done would go directly to the multinational emission, also canada friends and other countries have committed funds. but these funds haven't been made available yet. in the trust funds, so there are many questions of why these funds have been being deposited in the trust fund. and one of the reasons is that, of course, there is not yet a new government in place that you training and to tackle the russian border. city of belgrade has left one person. did prussian forces say they repelled 15 shelves from the ukrainian side that ukraine has frequently attacked belgrade since most goes full scale invasion in february 2022 and you cry and says around
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a 100 russian drone in this house strikes of targeted the electricity grid across the country and the agency blackouts have been imposed in some areas. power plants and central and western regions were attacked some, a severely damaged child. stratford has moved from the capitol cave another night of massive attacks, right, the way across the ukraine, the ukrainian, the, all me saying that russian policies launched 99 so called kind of calls the drawings and missiles into 10 regions or targeting 10 regions across the country. from the be in the west to the pro, in the east a game, the target seemed to be energy infrastructure. one of the main energy providers in ukraine saying at least 3 of its facilities, summit survey damage in the attacks. now the ukranian air force is saying the majority of these projects allows intercept today saying that 84 of them were taken out. but we understand that some of the following dep re from those intersections
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fell on civilian profiting civilian infrastructure, at least 5 people injured, including 15 year old go. now the big question of course, is why we seeing these escalation in recent weeks? well, the kremlin, who come out with the state and the last couple of days describing these as revenge attacks for attacks, they blame you playing full on and then around the town of bellwood road that's inside russia, across the border around about 30 cologne, which is newest of the board a close to the ukrainian city of car keys. and that's one of the reasons why we understand car cube has suffered some of the worst attacks. interestingly in the last few days. and we're going to see pictures of the ukranian ministry building giant gate, great trench structures, a trench complex's knowles, of the city of car keeping in, in big defensive positions. and those lines are actually spreading knowles now into sumi, assuming province to the north west. also have many travelers to saying that russia
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was trying to exploit the deficit the ukraine is suffering at the moment in terms of the ammo and the, the. busy defense systems that it has available to it at the moment, trying to get the ukraine to use as much as a defense capability, as it can at least will tell you that it is not inconceivable that we will see many more attacks like this potentially in the coming days and nights, charles, drop it out to 0, keep the process is made. and now the arrest in connection with an attack on a must go a concert whole. last week, the afghanistan branch of the ice allowed group is claimed. responsibility. russia has blamed you crying to being behind the massacre and which will the $140.00 what kills? and to g. kasan has made more risk and potential attacks, most of the suspects and cassidy in russia, of our, of to seek origin. what they'll send you, barry has moved from mosca. the 9th person has now officially been charged with
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conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism in russia. the 24 year old native of tajikistan was brought into best money court here in moscow on friday afternoon where he was now, he was placed on administrative detention for the next 15 days. now, according to his attorney, he has pleaded not guilty to parts of the charges that have been brought against him and it's not clear which parts he's actually not guilty to. what we do know he's now the latest person in this attack to be charged. we've also been hearing from the investigative committee as we say that they have a evidence that there was a funding from ukraine, provided to the perpetrators of the attack in terms of cache, as well as crystal currency. they haven't shared the details of the evidence that they've uncovered, and of course ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack. we also heard from
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a government officials in subject has done they have arrested now 15 people for allegedly parting and planning to carry out further. terrorist attacks around the no rou, celebrations, that is the 1st day of spring at earlier in march. and those arrests have now been made public. it's not clear whether there is any connection between those perfect and to the people arrested in tajikistan and the a legit perpetrators of the caracas city hall attack. the doors of jabari l 20. moscow affiliated here on the al jazeera, the oscar winning movie about the atomic bomb, finally releases in japan, audiences, and how russian i have mixed emotions about oppenheim and game on onto the lights. we looked at the popular from it on past time of light 9th street crickets.
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the the investigation is underway in south africa into a bus crash that killed 45 people on thursday. the vehicle plunged 50 maces off the bridge and caught fire. an 8 year old girl is the only survivor. but the bus was travelling across the border and bolts wanted to a church and more of the east to celebrations by the hobby. let's say the reports. admission that risk you will see was one of the most difficult they ever had to undertake. when they got to the see, the fund remnants of bodies been younger, technician, the wreckage of the bus was engulfed by fi a of to it,
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plunged into ravine, carrying 46 passengers. most you mean we were at the same, we tried to help and there was nothing we could do because they were flying. looking at surroundings ambulance as a 5, it guides all had to come from the 5. the programs on board. we're heading to east to celebrations at the headquarters of design christian touch. the driver likely lost control of the bus, which had registration, plates from neighboring boots on millions, usually make the pilgrimage at this time of year. did he accidents from the increased traffic all come on? last year we lost about 225 people shooting this weekend. so right now we think of this 45 just one and the crush. so you can predict, you can just imagine. ready how appropriate my take this issue is of old safety in the country. the ministry has promised to help perpetuate the bodies of the victims, as well as conduct a thorough investigation. may not have been much. i'll just 0 us more than 100. and
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so these school chosen kidnapped to nigeria have been very united with their families, the students with doctors, and continued to stay on march the 7th before being freed by the ami. now communities the cooling for more accountability because he looked as hold of younger ports of excited and relieved an entire community. welcome back. the freed students, army convoys make wait for the celebration with students reuniting with their families for the 1st time since they were kicking out. many are still trying to make sense of the ordeal. let me just give you the problem and that's we are only given 2 meals a day in the criminal basis before the food was given to us as a teacher died because of the breaching and the slapping by the bundle. the army on sunday rescue students and staff who were abducted by gunmen from a school and i to re is north. they say the ran some of nearly $700000.00 with not cheat goes. yeah, because i haven't slept for weeks. i've just been waiting for the release of our
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children morning and night. it was the same. life was full of grief and sadness until now. but a minute. the relief, there's also criticism discrepancies over the number of kidnapped headspace concerns. one point teachers said they were $280.00 captives. the government says the number is much lower, stating 137 people had been kidnapped and all of them fried. the governor has been accused of using the release as a publicity stunt by hosting the students that a state government house. just a day after their release was announced, an attempt to put in to undermine the effort of discouraged agencies and the good. and then what it takes is they'll put dies in the lives of properties. but why? you know, so security isn't a good abductions, that nigerian schools were 1st carried out over a decade ago by the armed group local her rom. since then, other criminal gangs have followed suit, demanding,
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and sums and raising alarm as families. welcome back students communities across in northern nigeria are again calling all the government for stronger security measures and for accountability. katia, low facility in colleges here. the oscar winning american act uh louis goes to junior, has died. he was 87 every time i say, i understand. i want to hold people say yes. so understand. no, because it was the 1st african american man to win the supposing act academy award for his performance as a marine and strong to in the 1980 to film and office the end of the gentleman. he also won an emmy. so his role in the tv series roots almost 9 months off through his global release, the hollywood blockbuster about the man behind the atomic bomb is finally available in japan for residents of how russia often. honda has often to mixed reviews and emotions for the
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a kind of reports at the pace memorial in hiroshima. again, back to don't is preserved as a reminder of what happens here. and, and mega saki in 1945. the 2 atomic bonds draft by the us air force killed and estimated 200000 japanese. now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists to help develop the weapons has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else. audiences in hiroshima have mixed emotions. this film is telling the story from the american perspective from the slide who invented the atomic bomb hiroshima and nagasaki, whether you tell me comes with drop to certainly the victims. but i think even though the inventor is one of the perpetrators doing so, victim co, tough in the will. oppenheimer swept the academy awards earlier this month,
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including best actor for irish actor, kelly and murphy, who portrayed the conflicted physicist the films initial release in japan was delayed after a public backlash against an advertising contain critics, a trivialize to bombings. based upon what i really like christopher norman's feelings. of course, this is an amazing film which deserves to win the academy awards in the united states. but the film also depicts the atomic bomb in a way that seems to price it. and as a person roots in her wash and i found it difficult to watch, i'm not sure this as a movie, the japanese people should make a special effort to say to someone oppenheimer reflects on the impact on the so called father of the atomic bomb. in hiroshima, the memory of its victims will still cast a long shadow, long after the movies run and for the car, how to 0. as the holy month of ramadan is full of the unique cultural traditions. and in recent years, like 9th street cricket has become
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a popular pastime in pakistan. is joanna, i guess, a rough skid reports. it's close to midnight in karachi, but the floodlights drawer dozens of men for a game of ramadan crickets, late nights the street pre kit has become something of a tradition over the last few decades in the city in pakistan, during the muslim hardly months. and the pious say it helps, and stay awake until the pre don't meal nestle. the next day spa speaking, feel free to accept or not. so i can know that we are free in the night, and we have to keep ourselves awake until the whole. you sleep, we can miss the whole if you missed the who, it's difficult to fall. so it's better to get involved in the game of the cricket i'm playing with on mobile phones. the i'm gonna give you that you're looking at was doing ramadan usually shows the impact is done. so players and fans have a few hours to rest before the big game. the tom mike is repainted to mock decrease
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tennis balls a typed in whites to give them greats about speed and visibility and the lights. and then it's time for the 1st to do to is that i feel about people often sleep during the day during fostering didn't do much physical activity during the day. physical activity is essential for good health that is walking by any cetera, covers all of this hearing one across the cheese pool neighborhoods around $200.00 spec paces have turned out to run the place. i'm gonna be making it big now just them. well, no, i don't play. i watch the game with great interest. i like to watch cricket. some of these boys go to the jobs during the day. well, some of the sleep during the daytime, they don't have much time, but in run the time they get to play cricket into the night. the narrow streets defined the physical boundaries at this game. but the appeal of street cricket during the whole month goes way beyond the was the pump. do you on
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a casual sca out to 0? well, i said for me, tell mccrae for this news. my colleague, carrie johnson will be here in just a moment with much more of the day's news to stay with us, the hard he came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not something to say, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house, thought provoking on to who that you say know double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular? i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you, it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does their families and garza are facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dr. stella your mercy showing his brightest, gave mercy, now donate today. in 2018, a john listed for 2 days of civic action. it goes beyond the union government. i'm president sockets. young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square and documentary follows. he's non violent campaign to bring down to corrupt regime, tarnishing out really good, a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media as velvet revolution. on alex's era in the bigger global that net can you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own an epic soto join me seen of us in jan,
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on a new port bought cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drops of press freedoms in india, and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley on august the, the, the final farewells after dave is really a tax. doesn't just kind of students are chose across the gaza strip, the phone carry johnston. this is i'll just share a life from dave. also coming out of look for the israel attacks lebanon and syria. and it has been


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