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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 3:30am-4:00am AST

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us zeros system the and targets certain customers. so when a vehicle is you mean on and yet they continue to report. the cost of this is the story of just $1.00 of the shop be should be a little bit higher for the level of cuz on that's just the you know, the international court of justice tells israel to allow supplies into guns the same time in assessing in that but as previous orders in the war have so far been ignored. so what's the significance of this latest ruling and kind of help causes people? this is inside story. the hello again on jane space is not just palms and bullets getting palestinians and gaza. starvation is now claiming lives in the ballpark conditions imposed by israel
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on 2300000 people trapped him. one of the world's most densely populated areas, more than 52000 palestinians have been killed and over 75000 injured. and almost 6 months of relentless is riley attacks. now the entire population faces danger to from hunger and the lack of basic medicines. the situation is lessening so false that just weak soft a previous so what is the international court of justice? has made new ones. they direct israel to allow aid and food supplies into gaza and stopped simon from spreading the decision by the court judges underlines the increasing isolation of israel, and it still won't challenge for us. but israel's ignore the quotes previous rulings on the wall as well. so you end security council resolution for c spa, so what difference will the i c j's new owed is may, can, will they be of any help to the people have gone? so we'll be discussing all list with all panel of guess in a moment. but 1st this report from and we close, ensure safe it's
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a long walk sort of bowl of food. also, mohammed must move up to a hope. she won't return empty handed. he and his family, northern gauze of a fine to survive on lemon pebble of water for love. that rather unless i see the situation here is very difficult. there's no food or drink. we moved from place to place. we have been without food or drink for the past day. our houses and schools have been destroyed. our neighbors and loved ones have been murdered. when i go out, sometimes i fear i won't come back. tens of thousands of palestinians across casa, are in a similar situation. it's prompted the international court of justice to issue new meshes, or bring israel to immediately add to address the catastrophic humanitarian crisis . call us by to go on garza and to open moorland crossings to loud, desperately needed aid into district i. c. j judges said the palestinians in gaza
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or no longer facing only a risk assignment, but that simon is setting in. the order is legally binding, and the cold has told is road to take all measures to insure on hindered humanitarian assistance, to palestinians and gaza. of the new measure is a part of an ongoing case brought on by stafford to accusing his route or failing to opponents commitments. and in the 1948 genocide convention the court in january, the c. j ordered as well to guarantee humanitarian assistance to siblings and gaza . i think it is clear that this is going to be a key aspect of the discussion for south africa going forward. this is potentially what might make or break the case in terms of like, how do you decide whether genocide is happening is going to be this whole debacle of the $98.00 to golfing agencies accused as well of severely of restricting supplies of humanitarian aid and took also with lend the security checks,
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creating cooking shortages, the food supplies get only a ride to to border crossings. is one has been widely accused of ignoring the icy g o the is made in january. we haven't seen any change off of this is illusion on the golf. we haven't seen any impact in other people's lives the other day. we haven't seen any inputting. uh what uh, ways of delivering document 88. despite the united nations security council, calling for an immediate cease file, these riley military continues its assault on casa, the crippling 8 supplies are you and exposed triple this week has also choose this route of genocide deluxe. and the strip the i. c, g has almost as we have to report by the, in the paper on all the steps it's taken to abide by the new provision emissions. in the meantime, palestinians like mohammed, my move up the l face
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a daily battle to find food and to survive. me consumption leave on to 0 for inside story. while we're going to get deeper into the legal and political sickness can. so the cost assistance with all gas today. and also all the in the says is professor international laura queens university and all 3 of new books, the united nations, in the question of palestine and the hague. in the netherlands. i'm going to, i will fool as an international law and research for publish send you an human rights group. i'll hack another assignment here in dough act. bob shaheed, ahmed, senior diplomatic correspondent at huff post. he's covered us policy on garza since the obama administration. welcome to all of you. i think i'm gonna start with you today. um and you are the in the, hey, this is where this happened. but let's just take a few steps back because i think people are aware of the international court of justice is doing this case under the genocide convention. i think that'll be some
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thinking, well, didn't we already have this story in it making its ruling in january. so explain what happened in january 1st for us as well. i am. thank you for having me again. in january, the decision 26 of january was the court ordering. so the provision mentors deciding that is wrong, is committing and as plausible of committing the genocidal. asked that it listed in, in that order and ordered israel to stop. and it's made a treat person from committing these acts and stop incitement to age and aside, and allow me to turn a and south africa. then went to the court again and asked for other and provision majors. and the decision for provision measures of this time is focused on humanitarian aid. and that can be a turn situation and, and because it's true, of course, in part south africa asked about consequences and on other states, 3rd party states. but the court predicted a to answer this question for the simple fact that it cannot rule on the
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responsibilities of states that are not potty to the current proceedings, but on human tearing aid with the court rule. that thing was a pretty significant and different from what the court ordered uh before. first for 1st of all, let me just explain to find that the court accepted this request. it means that the situation has changed and remains in the way of plausible cause for genocide. it's an indication of the duration of this situation specially on the military front wall and 26 of january 2 months ago. the court called on his route to enable, he made carrying an aid. and this the ruling. the court is cooling it, doing as well to ensure human sharing aid in cooperation with united nation agencies and referring and particular to allowing him to turn and buy land, including increasing a line cross things that would allow him to turn
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a in the got the strip and i think this is a recognition by the court of the necessity of a lot to minutes. aaron, a, a by land is also a slab to all western states that are complicit in this genocide. then try to whitehorse their complicity by and dropping some air from a see here. and they're thinking that be all it cancel this, this problem. but the ruling also shows the evolution of opinion by judges and the court. so some judges that did not even vote for a certain proficient measures, including on human turn in or other situations. their position has evolved now like the judge subject into from gun to who voted for the current provisional measures. we see also more and separate opinions by judges that chose frustration by this, by the judges. so i have 6. okay. okay, well, what are the, discuss some of the details of what the judges. i'll saying about this in
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a moment. but 1st, all the just before we get on, i want to go through the details of the ruling with, with each of you in a moment. but how long use, i mean 1st it's on usually is it not that this international court of justice is dealing with the case like this. it happens that is the genocide convention, but normally they're dealing with pretty dry cases about between countries about treaters. but how unusual is it the cool comes just 2 months off the one ruling and comes up with another routing as well. everything is going to be determined on the facts of the case. and the facts of this case necessitated in the be with the court a revision, if you like, of the provisional measures. the situation on the ground has become much worse and it has been since the 26th of january order was initially given. and the court sets out in nature as your previous segmented of the fundamental changes that have taken place rather than, for instance, famine being merely or wrist. it is in the courts view now setting in articulately
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in northern gather malnutrition, among children under the age of 12 to rather is spreading unprecedented levels of food in security and so on. and so as a result of these, this fundamental change and circumstance, the court viewed it as perfectly reasonable and within its purview to respond to south africa's request for a revision of the professional measures order, which, which he did. all right, well you will the no lawyer on the panel today. how do you think this will be seen diplomatically and politically before we go into some of the details of the really, i think that's a few important implications. james. i think the fact that the court is getting so specific about land crossings and the un in ways that didn't kind of reflects the broader political conversation around 50 us factors. really operation. right. the fact that we've gone from talking about humanitarian assistance broadly to think how many trucks is a drill, letting in for the full outside parties to have to get into the menu shop is
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a reflection of how much do you have really gotten in 6 months since this war is really being stubborn, new, less, right, and they'll be the other documents would not facing the scrutiny. so that's an important reminder, i think, to this, this mention of simon setting in is really important because that gets us to a conversation, not just about food, right. it's such a calories. you can't prove food at starving people, which is what's happening. do you need to get the medicine, right? they may die of non nutrition. so this opens up a whole big conversation, james, that i think international governments international eat organizations reading needs be having and are going to be leaning on this. we're going to have it, let me read you the very 1st part of the order. it says the israel needs to take all necessary and effective measures to ensure without delay in full cooperation with united nations. the on handed provision at scale by all concerned of urgently needed basic services on humanitarian assistance. it goes on, we'll come to that in a moment. but that line about the united nations comes at
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a time with the head of on road, which is the main body of, of, of the united nations has been delivering most of the aid. it had commerce the general fleet was there any wilson to allowed him to go there last week. it's not being allowed to deliver aid. took also on role has been demonized by israel. busy claiming that it's, it's people who are involved on october the 7th, but has provided the un no, no proof of that. no evidence. what do you think quite deliberately that, citing the you and in that part of the order a no, absolutely. i think that absolutely the, this is the top court over the you on the quarter lies and for found the on the information it gets from you and agencies and you and agencies and other agencies have been abundantly clear that there is assignment looming. and because of strep, and his role is the one responsible for an beating humanitarian aid. so the court is directly responding to the situation and the ground. and as we mentioned it's,
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it's going in details what needs to be done. so it's also listing what kind of humanitarian aid needs to be done and what needs to be allowed to the people throughout the guys this trip. it reaffirms the need for this him ethernet to access the guys this trip through land and always saying that there is no alternative just to that. and through united nation agencies in particular on our law, we have been c, c, h. i'm here in service statements that there is no alternative for on or what. so i think this should be a signal to all states that in my view, shane shamefully cut the funding or suspending funds suspended funding from on or want to review this decision. now we start seeing, seeing it's happening, some of these days have already and, and restarted their funding to, to honor why, because to be on is the way this funding was thought is in and by itself is problematic. at least they didn't receive any evidence before suspending funding to
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enter why they just entertained. is there a the lies a lie after lie? if there was any doubt that israel has been lying for the past 75, he's, i find that we're, we, the policies are very familiar with. i think now it's obvious to the war that israel pathologically lying. a lie after lie is our lives and the west advise, and in my view, not because the wish believes israel, but they tried to find any excuse for the month, for his actions as committing, i guess, as being population and gaza audio as well as being a professor of international law, you are a former un, a official. why do you think israel is demonizing the un in the way it is? i mean, the prime minister of in israel benjamin netanyahu is refused to cole. the un secretary general antonio terrace. he's tried to the sex youngest, tried to make calls to him since october the 7th, and he's not picked up his coat once. now you have this attack on, on real. what do you think is the, is really a strategy here with regard to the un?
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i have found, eventually to politics of distraction. these rabies have been under the microscope of the united nations for decades now in respect of the policies and practices they've been pursuing in the occupied palestinian territory. this settled that territory to the populate the territory of it's past and in native inhabitants to use torture against them, ended out now in gas to starve them to indiscriminately bombardment in the late. and because the united nations called israel aloud as it would most, any member state within its purview for these violations of international law, israel's attempting to shift and to blame or shift the story by focusing on the messenger being the united nations. this is a longstanding practice of, of, of the israel in respect of its policies and practices in the occupied policy and territory. when i was legal counsel at honora, i literally don't for at least a decade and a half in trying to manage a these, these spurious claims. and then going back to the i c,
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j a provisional measures order. no one might ask, what is going to happen next? the all one needs do is look at what happened with the previous provisional measures order on the 26th of january, for the last professional measures order that was issued within 24 hours of that order. having been issued sprays allegations against honor staff. some 12 we were alleged to been told by the 3 of these staff were alleged to been engaged in the events of a 7 october. and that gave rise to all manner withdrawal by western states of support for audra. so at a time when the icy j called for the increase of humanitarian aid to the beleaguered people of gas or the starving people of gas on the western states pulled out. and so you see that there is this, this claim against the united nations that it's various and it's part of the, israel's management of the situation as a whole. i bought your austin based uh at the state department in washington. um,
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let me ask you what, what, what the us view it is of this because on capitol hill, they are not kind of fund done right. any time soon? do they realize of the point that we, the we, the, we just heard from audi that these are spurious allegations. and i think the audio is a good point that shooting the messenger as a tried. and so i said, you know, tactic for diverting from the actual you mentoring situation, i think, and run as an agency is going to still face. and i pulled baffled that said, i think this i c g, or to comes that a really interesting time for the us administration because the state department actually is facing a ticking clock for an assessment the have to do on israel's provision of humanitarian assistance by early to mid me, the state department has to certify, but it'd be agreed. israel is making real assets to supply humanitarian a. now, as has been mentioned, of course the prior i c j auto all sauces reality. israel said oh, by doing
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a great job. right. and then simon wants to play this doesn't mean that that's going to be a magical shift. but it does mean that the public scrutiny and the pressure is growing. we've already seen since the i c j or to israel has out of the blue set or surprise, we were able to that in 9 low food program trucks into northern casa. right. so like going to see some steps from the $35.00. i think it's really important for low me because for officials, experts within the us government to say these steps are kind of drops into bucket. right. so 9 trucks is all can change the scenario. these really civil side, although by going to rely on the palestinian plans instead of you and agencies that instead of unreal, that's really been roundly denied by all 8 organizations locks us. if you i'm saying that's not a way to distribute aid. so i think we're reaching a real crunch point change because if the. c us down, not certified by mid me, that israel is credibly delivering aid. that is a real conversation that has
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a thought about whether us military assistance for israel and gaza is even legal. and so while the us can disregard international, of course they've loved to do that right. for decades. this is u. s. domestic law by talking about and this i c, g, or what we're seeing in terms of conditions on the ground, deteriorating, seed into that whole debate to ahmed. if you look at the 2nd part of the ruling, it says in show with the major the fact that it's military do not commit acts which constitute a violation of any the rights, the policies and goals as a protected group. on the convention on genocide, do you think this helps us in any way? because of course the court, these are provisional measures, the court is still trying to decide the basic thing. it's been off to decide whether there is a breach of the genocide convention. and i know you've read the individual opinions of judges, i'm going to do all we're beginning to get some idea of that thinking on the big case here. yes, absolutely. but if you allow me just sit on their web briefly, i think that tackling r y is not necessarily on their organization proceed,
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but what it represents, i think this is a tag on the palestinian and everybody's ride to return. i don't know, i represent the living memory for the war that the policy is still hold onto the right to return to their homes and villages from which there were ethnically clinton spies on his gains in 1948. and as also the colonial verdict, one ends this ride by ending on there was on the important, unimportant points on the white of the, on the why the case don't genocide case. do you get any, any, any feeling of, of where perhaps these judges are going now? i absolutely, i think we're witnessing, i never lucian, of, of the positions of judge's reading the separate opinions. you see, even the, a german judge for example, seems to be leaning more to the fact that there is a special intent for his route to that is right, is committing genocide. it's important to know that this stage the cord is not asked to determine that is run is in fact committing genocide. but to determine there's a plausible co case for genocide and this has been determined and the courts seem
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to be at or the judges now relying heavily on the fact that as well as using humanitarian a at to establish the genocide on 10. so not necessarily only the genocidal acts that have been listed and the brief is a provision measure order. but now the fact that is right deliberately preventing humanitarian aid and creating conditions calculated to bring about the destruction of the palestinians as a, as a group in whole or in part. but also some judges refer to the fact that israel has been using a humanitarian. is it as a bargaining chip or the fact that israel has been using him in turn, a not allowing it to so they did this and in a way used by a judge is an unusual language and give you an indication how the judges are thinking. now i think let me bring, you know, let me bring an id now on this order. one thing that's nothing, there is a cold for
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a see saw. is that something already they could have done if they wanted, because i've heard some legal experts say no, it's not possible because a mouse is not so states and it's not represented that the hearings you of you will not please audi that. quite right. and you can see that based on the opinions offered by members and the court, and the majority of the court, you can see there's been a discussion between the court on whether or not they can call for a cease fire. and it appears based on that discussion, the members of the court do not believe that they can call for a cease fire because one party to the conflict and ass is not before the court is not a state is not a party to the proceedings. and therefore, it would be folly in the view of these judges to call for a general seatbar. notwithstanding. there is a good number of judges, 7 of them, in declarations that they issued separately. they call for very clear ceasefire that urge and express dismay and disappointment with the fact that the court did
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not find it within it. permit you to call for a general cease fire judge use it, for instance, says all the indicators and genocidal activities are flashing red in java. this can only be achieved and it can only be achieved through suspension with immediate effect of israeli military operations. the australian judge, judge charlesworth, and mind me, she said, the court should have made it explicit the called for a ceasefire, precisely because it is the only way in her words to ensure the basic services and the amount of tearing assistance for each the palestinian population. and so there clearly is, as was discussed earlier by accident, and the evolution of the court. more and more of the judges of the court are demonstrating that they're becoming impatient with the actions of the occupying power and require in their own views a ceasefire. but there is a technical reason as to why the court could not call for that. and the reason is that mass one party did the conflict is not party to the lawsuit. and i need to
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take a step back, however, not look at it so technically sorry, james. and we need to take his take a step back and not look at it. so technically, we know that the population is starving. we know that based on united nations, including the ice, and jason is family that is setting in. we also know that occupying power is blocking humanitarian aids for at least 6 of its land crossings to the gas a strip. and that this, this air dropping is not enough. so there's no question that a reasonable person looking at the situation on the ground shouldn't be able to say that there should be a ceasefire as the security council. the united nations has already called for. and hopefully this is opinion and the separate opinions of, of members of the court will help push in that direction. okay. it's was noticing that the international court of justice is still discussing and advisory opinion on israel is long occupation. and there's another case coming up, nicaragua is taking germany to court, saying it's participating in the genocide, but then that perhaps um,
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it breaks the question, what's the other very important course in the, in the, in the time where you are right now in the, hey, what's the international criminal court doing because they're the ones who are supposed to bring will crimes charges on may. absolutely, and it is our position as to how we made it appear and on multiple occasions that is long overdue for the international criminal court to start issuing a risk. barnes, it is becoming abundant. the gear that the persecutor of the criminal court, mister kreme hand is dragging his feet and we speak of confidence because we, because the requested information and documentation of such crimes that he has enough evidence to start issuing ever as far as far as where a war criminals include in many different personnel, but also leaders of the highest level, including the scenario. and so it is long overdue, and it is quite as strange as shocking. but until now we still don't have and these are as far as. but if you allow me just to, to clarify something here,
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and i think guys is he understands very well that it can play all the diplomatic maneuvers it wants. it cannot jump over the posting institution. so there will be a re, as far as i am sure of that, and there will be a risk more assume. but the ways in which the court will move forward with this investigation is also the particular importance there need to be, i think particular focus on which the cases will be selected, which crimes will be advance. and okay, the only time will tell i'm on the, i'd like to bring an act about just one more time if i can. because i think not many people think that israel is likely to comply is not comply with the so the zip to the security council resolution earlier this week, probably not like to do that, comply with this court order. but do you as you look up the diplomatic climate right now, do you see israel more divided the knife or is it developing prostate us quickly? yeah, i think james, israel is under a huge pressure at home and abroad rides at the front. i mentioned that in yahoo is
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deeply unpopular. the hostage is not enough home families are deeply upset and is really not ready coach even on its close to the front of the us. so i think from an is really point of view. it's clear that this strategy and this approach to the war is not working. so while they can continue blocking a, they can continue saying, but next we're going to stripe ross on the even tulsa that still know on. so from the really side of how any of this gets any better, and that's what we need to see. and i think that's what the american administration is dying to see from the is really side, ideally from that perspective, from someone other than benjamin netanyahu. but i think right now it's on clear how that change with a code within israel, whether his government will for the thought that all these outside pressure of reading and circling israel. and i don't see who's showing them up at this point. i mean, you've even seen from style come out and see a friend who is really sole just could be liable on. the french law says a whole network as a whole framework. us more crimes potentially could be implicated right as
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a whole network of kind of obligations and potential prosecutions facing israel that they don't have a good response to write them. st. jude gentleman, so much more digit discuss sometimes i hope this program which this program was an hour long. it's not all the in says i'm it. i will full. and i bought shaheed ahmed i, which is arrows, has teams on the ground and gone. so you can watch their reports and get plenty of analysis and context by getting to our website out. is there a dot com? what should we discuss next time? tell us on facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a inside story. and you could also find as one x, well at a inside story for the team here and go home, please stay safe and healthy and i'll be back in this chair again very soon, bye for now. the, i think it's, this is a privilege to get to the heart of the story amplified the voices of those who have
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been found out by the noise is a 4 is my driving force is what pushes me to take risks facing the trying to find that challenge and a huge responsibility. we keep politicians and decision makers in check. so the devastating human cost of their decisions working about 0 enables me to make the other voices relevant to so that there's more that unites us then divide the past. we can narratives from africans perspectives, which are the want in terms of what came up proper from to show documentary spot for. can filmmakers have been on the to, on for over 20 years or future with fish from the share
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and the queen from nigeria, new series of africa, direct on colleges here. the carry don't spend doha with the top stories on elders here is ready as strikes of kill 22 palestinians. and con eunice missed all hits a 4 story building an issue julia neighborhood in kansas city, at least 17 people were killed in 2 separate attacks. power as it has more from rafa within the past 24 hours rep and seeing please give is where the military attacks on the central areas of cause a city where it's huge and neighborhoods has been massively attacked by these verify tickets. and also.


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