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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 10:00am-11:01am AST

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sofa and a visa cleanser me on and yet they continue to report that list of this is the story of just want to be head be let me know that had been hired for the love of cuz on that just the you know the the whole rahman you're watching the old, is it right and use our license coming up in the next 60 minutes. these rarely tax residential areas across concept. even though i to define a un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. and all of this is reports that the us is about to send multiple items on site to jets, to as well as part of the multi $1000000000.00 package. also, palestinians market lend day. the illegal is really supplements and occupied
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territories are expanding us over at cold rates and another new style thing. it's a change of time to, to back to the store. that hunger strike is in critical condition. in the hospital, she was charged with harassing the royal family. the welcome to the news, we begin in goes, what is right. the full series have been bombing residential areas across the strip . and that's despite a un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. at least 2 people were killed in today if not the attack and a house they out of the house. the refugee camp in central garza palestinians a digging through the rubble by hand searching for survivors and bodies. while in gauze of city, at least 17 palestinians were killed in 2 attacks. is there any forces? palms, a sports club in the should j, a neighborhood? the government media office says police offices involved in securing humanitarian
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aid with a target. honey, my mood uh, corresponded as live for us in southern gauze in ross. uh, good morning honey. lets just begin with those. uh, overnights and raids and strikes. what more can you tell us about the is good morning. well, uh, the pattern that we're seeing over night routine of massive waves of attacks on the central area and the northern part of the gaza. the city and the gaza strip, just creating a maximum psychological, tortured couple with constant bombing. and if lee, for resulting and further display spending on civilian casualties, we're looking at a more residential buildings being targeted and destroyed in the in major part of the central area, including the refugee camps. both of the other of the account as well as the eastern part of their but i say be an area where people initially were told it is safe and they, they would be much safer. and if you move to that area,
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but end up being bombed, in their residential home, civil defense, the group terminates, are finding extremely difficult with the lack of equipment and with the lack of proper machinery to use. bear hand the, the, the, the, the mobilize, volunteer, the from local, the air just to help remove these large pieces of concrete. and at the same time, the northern part of the gaza strip. also seeing a massive wave of aerial attacks as well as artillery showing and adjust the air the hours though, of last night's work. it coupled with the, the earlier attacks on a and a law enforcement, a pose that is a station on slide being road very close dosage and neighborhood securing the delivery of humanitarian aid. in what seems to be a deliberate attacks to create a civil collapse then a state of k us when it, when it humanitarian aid delivered to the northern part on god the, in an earlier attacks, the an intramural center and us for the club,
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where hundreds of families are from not only to your neighborhood, but the surrounding neighborhoods in areas where it showed during we're looking at least 10 people, mostly women and women and children as large number of casualties or to transferred to allow the baptist hospital giving the difficulties. and the risk of going to achieve a hospital as this really military still operating aggressively. not only within the complex itself, but causing a great deal of damage of destruction to the surrounding residential buildings and systematically demolishing at homes and, and visit and public facilities and setting number of the buildings at the city of the area on fire. of course the ongoing overview that you've given us of us strip is what rings everybody that's, that's but place it's a home way. you uh, honey in rafa that resists ongoing dread that the rasa incursion by these reilly's could happen at any time. what is the feeling right now on a day to day basis?
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yes, yeah, it's a very, very risky right now. and on the ongoing defense of expanding the ground invasion throughout my city, not only pausing, people do get exhausted, i'm tired of the state of panic, but also the fear that the faith of rough ahead is going to be similar to the northern part then golf is it in the city of han units where we've seen an entire city, including it's public facilities that infrastructure a been, it will be obliterated here. the disappointment is that the un security council resolution is not implemented yet. and more frustration disappointed after the us decision to supply arms, then a more ours then i'll do that is really military. what scenes were a lot of people here? it is a preparation for a mass of the ground invasion to rough estimate. honey, my, me, the 4th a in rough,
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a cost will be touching base with you through the day, honey, thank you as well. so as it's killed, a senior has block commander in a cross board, a strike on southern 11 on the hunt came shortly after a series of israeli attacks in syria that killed thousands of people. 6 of them has been all fighters and the city has moved from occupied east jerusalem. speaking on friday, israel's, the defense minister, jo, i've go on to said that israel is quote no longer on the defensive, but actually actively pursuing his butler wherever the group operates. whether that's in 11 on, invaded with the capitol, any where else meaning damascus. and he also said it would be as far reaching as israel needed. you're looking at a series of cross border fire in the last week that has resulted in the depths of at least one is really there's been a lot of this back and forth exchanges of fire since october the 8th, within the last week or so they've really been intensifying just on thursday,
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these really army actually conducted an extensive drill. they say to raise their preparedness for a war on his roles. northern border, it's something these really defense minister has been talking about for months and most notably. he said that he's not afraid to turn living on into another gone. so the united states has reportedly approved a new multi $1000000000.00 package for israel. that includes palms and fine to address the us ends about $3800000000.00, military assistance to its satellite. every yeah, washington post says that the by the administration has signed off on the package that includes $1800.00 bombs waiting 900 kilograms. each also will arise for trans sort of 500 buttons waiting, 250 kilos. and the data apparently includes 5 to trips. the whitehouse has declined to comment on the weapons transfer. kimberly how kit has moved from washington dc, the despite increasing pressure from high profile democratic senators and members
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of congress on capital hill to limit military aid to israel. to help the number of civilian casualties as a result of israel's war on gaza. the white house was signed off on another routine transfer of bonds and war plains to israel. now last week the state department authorized this. this was initially authorized in 2008. it amounts to about $2500000000.00 in not only fighter jets, but also in support of the bonds that they would carry. this, despite a growing risk between both is really and us government, you will recall that earlier this week be, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a broccoli cancelled a planned meeting between us and is really officials that was to review these
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really military campaign plans for of procedures and military plans for at ground invasion into rafa. something that the u. s. is strongly opposed to with out any sort of plan for the more than a 1000000 palestinians who are currently sheltering there. now the reason for the cancellation was because the united states refused to veto a un security council resolution calling for a temporary cease fire in gaza. as a result, now we do know that the meeting has been rescheduled, although the date of that has not yet been determined. what we do know, however, is that the united states has hoping during that meeting to discuss with is real possible alternatives to any sort of military campaign into rafa. kimberly help it
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out to 0. washington as to what i'm doing i've, i have the right associate professor of history at georgetown university here in cost on kentucky with us on the program. again, the americans keep talking about want to try and find a way for it whether fighting can stop. and folks can begin, and that's a 2 state solution is they want, it can be seen to be formalized yet they all still packing israel. they are still in theory, according to the washington post, sending more munitions and also to israel. so what's coming on? well, i think what's going on is the only shift that we've seen on the part of the, by that administration going back several months is it shifts a slight shift in tone and rhetoric, but no change whatsoever in terms of policy. and i think this is, this is just simply owing to a lot of the pressure that's been building up both domestically political pressure within the us, on a popular level that may actually end up costing biting his re election later this year. as well as the growing international pressure of growing condemnation,
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the list of countries that have continued to express their outrage on top of, of course, all of the i c j provisional measures that have been issued and that kind of the ongoing proceedings. so there's certainly a recognition that there's this deep concern that's, that's building up and the pressure that's building up. and at the same time, the us continues to, to push full force in terms of its complicity and its role in ensuring that this done aside goes on unabated. and i think, you know, part of it is, is there is this kind of not you've assumption that the audiences are simply uninformed, that we don't have access to this information that we're not obviously keeping up to speed with everything that the us is actually doing in practice versus what the words of a few officials might be saying. indeed these look well that expanded notion of, of information that the americans have. i mean, for example, the defense minister, so as well, you have to learn to said that the military operation will be or could be expanded against has the law. and i think i quite to, we will reach wherever the organization operates and they route domestic us at
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a more distant place has not. and i'm just wondering the whether these re, these are risk of, of dragging the americans into this a bit of a, you might say a rabbit hole of conflict within the middle east, which is some people they don't want to do according to d. c. but yet they are still beholden to tel aviv. it seems. yeah, i mean there's, there's been absolutely no serious break between the us and israel in terms of the actual conduct of the war. again beyond kind of hollow words and rhetoric. i think the idea of constant re arguments that we've seen, even bypassing a very enthusiastic congress, i think, speaks very much to the very deep level of commitment on the part of this administration, irrespective of the operations that it's launched, irrespective of how many countries are it continues to bomb and subject to to this for ethic level of violence on these fairly part. i think there's certainly an assumption that an expanded um you know, theater of war that includes its northern borders. what creat potentially the,
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the necessary cover, a fog of war. so to speak, that would allow for the mass expulsion to palestinians on the order that we haven't seen. going back to maybe the next above 1948. and which we've heard from multiple is really officials that they've envisioned the outcome. and gaza is one of mass expulsion of hundreds of thousands potentially of palestinians. well, we'll come back to you. we will comment on the published and using a few minutes time, but don't go away. say allow me to think about most of the 30th is observed as land a and the occupied palestinian territories on this day in 1976, 6 palestinian. his writings were killed for protesting against plans to ex prepaid ex. take that land is legal settlements. have been expanding more rapidly in the occupied westbank showing the will of calls earlier this month followed right minutes the best allows smote. each announced that the seizure of 10 square kilometers was going to happen mostly in the jordan valley. lower con has been speaking to be affected, families, towing ready to plug in the city. yes. but this fall and that can only reach
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a fraction of his land. the see that landscape, it stretches, and the value of the hill belongs to 15, posting in families. this is that green mall to the weight of this one now is belongs to melissa. you called access that yes, he took this line most. that is the ship letter is gum. about the $21.00 only boost. his real name is mostly shot of age. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k. for being a dangerous environment. sutler, he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers in october. he full of the families from that home when the guy is using a hug on august loose or a talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife when i told them they were there to hit me in the head and directly into the house with the other settling. my thoughts heard me screaming. blood was everywhere. red. that'd be
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a flight. i should have these lifted the bolted 90 years. so the island up a little thermal. he came at night, the settler moved so 7 others. he kicked us out into cold our belongings, he left it with nothing. he also kicked our neighbors out. we own this land and we have proof about our club. she shows us proof of ownership for palestine. israel and georgian hosting is, can only reach the edge of this hillside beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty fines and stolen lines. and even here, that being prevented from completing the building, even though most of this area is on the palestinian civil control. it's this gate to finding the people from that line that had put generations while we were filming . while she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land that was tried. he's not speaking. it's just that he's a spelling us. he starts making cools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not safe for us to say massage to you. is it going through
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the as again to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why it looks like the is a thought, a good thing, this area. now i shouldn't have been that be a live in a metal outhouse. old it's around. so i was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tile floors doesn't know if she'll see it again north on out to see or of the for the, the occupied west bank of the iran from georgetown university is still with us here on. so let's talk about monday, obviously, you know, the anniversaries come and go each year. the idea ology is set in stone as far as the is right. these are concerned and all of the palestinians can do is remember a. yeah, i mean, you know, all of us, i think i'm quite familiar with that map, that famous map of the shrinking of palestine going back from 1948 until the
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present. you know, so there's, there's something to be said about the fact that the stuff of land has been part and parcel of these rarely state going back to its establishment. the 1948 very soon after this, fairly state stablish certain laws that basically permitted them on under this, this massively wide umbrella of security concerns to be able to seize any land at any point specifically from palestinian residents and citizens of the states. and so we've seen this, of course, over the years, 1976 was the very 1st collaboration of land day with the with regard to a specific incident in which the, you know, a parcel of land was taken from palestinian. those who were happen to be citizens of the state of israel and yet obviously had no rights whatsoever to challenge the theft of their land. and since then we've been seeing this marked on an annual basis and we'll continue to see it today. you just mentioned, i think before the break about this new announcement of yet more land that's being confiscated, unilaterally by the state,
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as announced by one of these really ministers, something we haven't seen, at least not on that scale in decades really. so we're, we're continuing to witness this happening not just, you know, 4050 years ago, but even today, because it runs in time to with exactly what's going on in the war and garza, so the policies on the front that they have to deal with in a conflict, i'm land grabs and it's not lost on, on our, the arab community in the region. i mean, we're seeing demonstrations what enjoys nobody any last night on friday evening, yet, the question is, can, that's continually asked even to me when i'm away from camera by people across the you are from what i visit is why to the arab countries that have agreements and recognize as well look up that diplomatic ties seems it's always left to central american countries. but if you take the lead, well i mean, i think to, to understand that question, we have to really look at the state of what the arrow politics looks like in this day and age. i mean, if we think back just a decade ago, we had mass uprisings in which the will of hundreds of millions of people was being
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represented in the streets and in these attempted revolutions. but what happened after that, of course, is that there was a kind of in a, thor terry and retrenchment we have these, you know, on representative monarchical and dictatorship regimes that are essentially installing their well and imposing their well at the expense of their populations, demands. and they're doing this in part, obviously as a means of securing their own power. all of them are quite deeply unpopular. but in addition to that, because of just their absolute dependence economically, militarily, diplomatically on western countries. and so they are completely beholden to the whims of not just israel, but the united states and the u, and many other countries. and so in that sense it's, it's quite understandable that they would be simply echoing the same policies we see coming out of washington in london and paris. so, but we'll leave at that close. we'll keep your analysis going throughout the day of doing. all right, and thank you for joining us. see by the administration support for israel has prompted to send within the us state department. earlier this week, an official who promoted human rights on behalf of the us government became the
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latest employee to leave her a job in protest. my colleague elizabeth per on them spoke to emily. she line, who says that she could no longer remain silent. i thought about resigning every time israel violate. busy international law, getting hospitals and schools, and killing civilians with infinity and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. the, the, the, the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did, i owed an obligation to the u. s. government i received an arabic scholarship and so i owe the government a year. so on, on, on the 300 and 65th day i handed in my resignation. i also thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved in the human rights reports and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we had, we've completed that work before i left. and how has, you know,
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america support for as well affected your work in the region? it was already difficult, but you know, american credibility on standing up for human rights. the middle east was hardly spotless. to say the least. however, um, it has become incredibly more difficult in the aftermath of october 7th, whether it's that and using the region, we're not willing to engage with us any longer or it would just put them in a much greater risk now than and then in the past. and it just, the us has lost all credibility on, on trying to advocate for human rights, or even those individuals who would meet with us would bring up guys a 1st. even though these are individuals who are facing extreme levels of progression in their own society. and you've said elsewhere that many of your colleagues feel betrayed just how wide spread is that discontent and the state department over the government support as well. it's hard to say, i mean,
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the state department i believe is, is the 2nd largest institution after the department of defense and in the us government. so as far as the people i was in touch with, you know, people that i would consider friends and colleagues and what i said that i was going to resign to initially i was going to do it privately and, and people said, you know, please speak out for us and cents resigning, i've had that gotten a lot of messages of support and their organizations subs, united for peace isn't organization. there are other other groups trying to, to mobilize and, and also there are many people who are still inside the state department. we're doing very important work on this, but until the, until president biden is willing to, to really make, make a and to take a new stance here. their work inside state is, is not really going to make a difference. he spoke about why you resigned on the 300 and 65th day of your time
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and the state department of the spokesperson mastery. miller said that you were a fellow at the state department who finished the 1st year of the program with the option of a 2nd. yes, seemingly down playing your role at the department. what's your response to that? i mean, you know, i've, i've been upfront about the fact that i totally been there for a year, but my office had asked me to stay, you know, beyond the initial 2 year contract they, they would have been happy to have the stay and i did resign you know, i, i completed my obligation of, of a full year and i, i would have, i, if, if this were not happening i would have been very happy to stay. i really believed in the work that i was doing. so, you know, i think it's, it's very important that the united states actually uphold the values that it claims to, to, to believe in. and that it, that american model moral leadership around the world depends on america actually standing up for, for these values that we, that our leadership likes to talk about, but doesn't necessarily like to uphold. you have made this decision at
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a great personal cost resigning publicly from the us state department while that supports one of the most brutal was of all times. why was the southern portion for you? why was that risk worth taking fees? i a, i think the see, sorry i, the main reason is that i have a daughter and she's too very young. but if, if in the future she were to ask you about what i did as this is happening. i just, i want her to know that i. ringback didn't stay silent. um i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i, i couldn't continue to watch what was happening and just keep going to work every day. and then make sure you learn speaking. so let's problem areas. at least 27 children have died of malnutrition, funding, hydration, and gold systems as well started as well on the strip in early october and skate
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extreme length to find food for the families and stuff. ash told us about the challenges that he faces every day to ensure his children have something to eat. the and i remember how i ran with such a man just by the hour. i'm always in 9. 0, by the love. i'm gonna say honestly, i'm not like i should have thought
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a rest number or something. i'm gonna give you a hug out of no, nothing to providing a hey the readings that are much stuff. a lot of problems with blog or something, you know, sort of it's food always listening to your buddy. yeah. the stuff i've seen that you all the levels are good. that's all i need. so pretty much push me. this isn't what i don't know. i don't remember the teams remember on the phone
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a few minutes ago. it's not the can and trouble because some of the are still head here. all the news on russian authorities may, can you are asked in connection with the calm. so total attack in most of the had a lower that let's have a look at the weather across your for the east, the weekend. and it isn't looking very spring like suddenly across the west. and there is what and when the weather. but it's an improved picture out in the east. we'll see temperatures rise up and lots of settled and sunny conditions. but that's
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when, when the weather, once again slipping down into the library and potentially bringing some heavy falls to portugal and southern parts of spain. also a wintering mix in some very strong winds that have also effected parts of france and britain and the island of island. they'll be more in the way of sunny spells and some several conditions coming in on saturday. but that rain doesn't go away. you can see it moving across most central areas. they'll be some good news. the most snow falling on the out. some went to weather, affecting southern parts of france, however, and the winds suddenly pick up across the mediterranean and the adriatic. we help with warning stop some of the islands, like a sicily and sardinia that we are an approved picture across the east through lots of heat is coming through some high temperature warnings. false via the temperatures would also pick up the scan today. if you are also seeing 10 degrees celsius, the but for madrid, what it is going to get a lot cooler. and we will see that rain carry a through into the new week that she weather update of the
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to develop drugs. but humans, scientists conduct test on animals, monkeys are in high demand for the global associates have led to assuming black market. 101 east travels to cambodia. whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkeys. on our, just as the sunsets individuals within the occupied west bank, the better ones, the family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together in that . but lucy was the rest of the week before the start is read. you officials have not given their reason yet for detaining her during 8 of the home. a few kilometers away in the look that the has one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank,
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at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one at the start table. the book about to the, i'll just say it renews with me. is the whole rahman in the hall remind to of all the top stories is really full. sales have been bombing residential areas across gauze. that's a strength of the house and out of massage the compass killed at least 2 people. alice damien's that digging through the rubble by hand searching for survivors and parties. the united states has reportedly approved a new multi $1000000000.00 package, but israel that includes palms and site to jets. washington sends about $3800000000.00 in military assistance to his allies, as we saw today. marks land
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a in the occupied palestinian territories. that commemorates the day is rarely fold, says kill 6 palace to be in his writings, in 1976 demonstrations that held annually to protest against seat and legal annexation of palestinian bland protest. as in jordan of march towards the israeli embassy for a 6 consecutive night to the says wells war and garza, demonstrators have been running into into the embassy and suppose that palestinians and garza, they're also demanding the jordanian government. and now it's peace. tracy with israel is where the soldiers arrested thousands of palestinians during the war. in garza, i'm, it's husband was detained in battle here. northern cause of on december the 9 she hasn't heard from him since. this is her story. in her own words. i'm, i'm a little bit the, some of the, the, and the,
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the some siding of the whole or with allows of a little confusing is there was the money and the jump, but we ended up getting less of the sudden i get home if laws and. busy men. busy come on faster and i'm seeing those own go come so i mean for somebody and they never told telephone that no problem. now they are what am if it goes through know a little so yes, i can do them all the. ready 10 percent from the so not familiar with this have besides the back of us, the 2nd, the shuttle on the other hand or the legacy and have them on the yeah the the said that i know nothing about no and the most of them is get the know who your
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w w by is most up laws in one but the for the works is the one in the world for this one. i got the to well, but guess of we so what has it got the problem is that for you? oh boy. yeah, yeah, yeah. so do you say a 100 and then a month for the news? a lot of money to the more money mom is the what is there? what about this guy? the name. so what i, how do i follow this system so low when the system, if i had the spring and some of the days of the news now and russia says at least one person is
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being killed in a ukrainian drug, depending on the boulder city of belgrade. the mass size is at least 5 apartments, and the car would damage russian forces and say they shut down 15 charles fine from ukraine. ukraine has repeatedly attend belgrade since most goes full scale invasion . in february 2022, russia has made a 9. so rest in connection with the attack of the columns, the total of the outskirts of moscow, like most of the other suspected attack is in police custody. this man is also from to jacob stump, state media reporting that he plead guilty the crime and accuses ukraine being involved in the shooting. accusations that keep denies at all, the group linked to iso pain responsibility that was the worst attack in russia in decades. 144 people over possibly being killed, dosage already. how small from moscow the 9th person has now officially been charged with conspiracy to commit acts of terrorism in russia. the 24 year old native uptake a son was brought into best money court here in moscow on friday afternoon where he
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was now, he was placed on administrative detention for the next 15 days. now, according to his attorney, he has pleaded not guilty to parts of the charges that have been brought against him and it's not clear which parts he's absolutely not guilty to what we do know he's now the latest person in this attack to be charged. we've also been hearing from the investigative committee as we say that they have a evidence that there was a funding from ukraine, provided to the perpetrators of the attack in terms of cash, as well as crystal currency. they haven't shared the details of the evidence that they've uncovered, and of course ukraine has denied any involvement in the attack. we also heard from a government officials in subject consent they have arrested now 15 people for allegedly parting and planning to carry out further. terrorist attacks around the
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no rou, celebrations, that is the 1st day of spring at earlier in march. and those arrests have now been made public. it's not clear whether there is any connection between those perfect and to the people arrested in tajikistan and the a legit perpetrators of the caracas city hall attack dorset jabari l. 20. moscow. the new york city of baltimore, a group of workers. this paid tribute to the 6 people killed with a bridge clubs. the victims with my guns were lots in america. meanwhile, the 1st of several cranes has been set up to clear the wreckage. my kind of reports of this describe is the largest crating on the eastern seaboard, but experts expected to take as much as a month to create a new channel through the wreckage and reopen bolton. well, how about we can see the engineers and the divers and the survey boats out there on the water in these difficult when conditions doing their job, doing their work,
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to assess that bridge to figure out how we can cut it up into the pieces we need to be able to lift by can't say right now, this is going to be if this how, what's the time period? i can tell you, it is not going to be days or weeks or months. this is going to take time. every single phase we have to focus on safety of the people who are doing the work. divided administration has already approved 60000000 dollars in emergency funding to get the quote open as soon as possible. and the president says he'll go to baltimore and coming days the central american solidarity association of mary landel casa, held a press conference friday in memory of the maintenance workers who died when the bridge collapsed. here we are reminds once again about the nerve, most contribution that they may run to make to this country how it together. we us
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bar workers. we bill this country is slightly, i'm here today in the memory of the 6 workers who lost their lives that day. i'm here to honor the memory and the contributions to the city. a contribution to vital immigrants are essential. there were many immigrants among the workers who built the francis scott key bridge 47 years ago. and it will be again, when the bridge is rebuilt in the years to come by kind of, i'll just say era, washington, a topical cycling. the monday has swept across madagascar killing at least 18 people. now the storm is cause major flooding in the northern parts of the island nation mold and $20000.00 people were displaced. disaster management officials moving affected residents to safety. they say full people are still unaccounted full as high student activist is in a critical condition in hospital mold in the month into
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a hunger strike that she was arrested in february on charges of harassing the royal families, make decayed human rights act of advocate say that the case demonstrates how laws are being used to suppress freedom of expression. jessica washington nipples, the bank of semester hospital and mother weeds for the 22 year old daughter that was going to end up paying that the ones what's going on. why not known as stolen, and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february when the pan repeatedly santa did come on as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess much ugly city and home was passing
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. they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student. and after this campaigning for form of community says, defense should be considered a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident, that such action said a bad example for others as young people must respect a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about medicaid violence broke out when pointless to coaches confronted extra. this conducting the stolen was already facing charges for insulting groups of to she discussed moody type case. human rights organizations say, nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i
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watch, we have not seen significant improve, man, regarding respectful, fundamental freedoms, freedom expressions, if you don't assembly, people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bail. and we have high people seeing the country, right? group say tiny authorities use proved and vague. our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute us to this. and this case should not be considered citizen. someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington, i'm just 0. instead of all the cold institutional counselors, right, if i had the election, vic trail boss 0 is on a c. b calculation takes away for a transition of power from present. becky: so nicholas tuck, how's the latest from setting up as appearing and settled after a victory that's done to everyone,
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including himself from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days. at the age of 44 by c with jim, i fi is the youngest elected head of state in africa, and is promising change to the people of the west african nation. depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope inspired by our project of a new society. not previously no, to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest under range of charges including endangering state security opposition. reduced mental good chose him as his down. then after he was disqualified from reading because of a conviction for defamation bose to night. the charges instead, they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go with joe by selling a project of a just society d
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n t establishment party bus death wants to. we negotiate for gas and mining contracts, introduce a new currency, and forge equal partnership with france. the former colonial power su is deviates from the project. we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah years is his father. we met him in the village of in jug on. yeah. where the gym. i grew up in 2022, the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes, overcoming failure, led to his success on it. he is extremely honest, i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where villagers come to grow. millet look at it now and it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby. and this is the
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challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live and poverty. president jim, i will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goals well to a people's thursday for change. nicholas hawk alger 0 and check on you said to go. but i assume a yes and slicing break up between so those are me and the power military rockets portfolio is the conflict has full small than a 1000000 people from the homes. the 1000000 are in displacement comes and they've been china and south saddam bulk of what i propose. so from the transit company bought a ton of ink, well, refugees observing ramadan in difficult conditions off to their friends and neighbors were killed, and homes looted the people he ran for their lives. many of them lived in saddam's
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capital cost to then fled to this transit camp in south sea times for the town of rank. the lines have been turned upside down to one thing hasn't changed. coming together at sunset to break that foss during ramadan. exhausting here isn't easy, so i'm going to people this what i've done here and just place a light. it's a very hot this one uh this. it says it is on the he has very hard. busy second 3 is on lots of people here. there what it is, vic, i'm in witness. there's no one going to big for him. full meals on something like this. when people arrive at the transit come to you and provides enough money for a week's food off to the people depend on the savings or money send by relatives in better circumstances. pres, that would usually be held in a mosque will hosted in homes, take place between the shelters,
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the now i'm just housings of people. within half a 1000000 of crossed into south sea. done since the conflict began nearly a year. okay. life in the account of a lot of pain, more so many people here. it costs food, enough, food, sweet people have told us that the circumstances is even more important than usual . celebrate rama them to come together to share what little they have. people here have to leave almost everything behind possessions, homes and livelihoods. the heat, her mind had just finished training to be a medic. when she set the will. she told us a dream is to help people graduate from from the university. and i didn't get my it's, it's very sad. i just say the chance to think and even in the, for my studies,
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i hope that i gave a fine work. there's not much to celebrate in ramadan, in the transit come the he'd says have faith help to hold on for a better future. but nobody here knows when will, even if their lives will ever go back to normal malcolm web address era rank south see don. so still a head here, all the news out every time as i understand our, the whole say just so on the staff we take a look back at the career of award winning actor lee. we go sit to any of these statements of cable. we look at the popular rather than the past, the time of late nights, the kitchen focused on the huge reserves of alysia used and electric batteries. i'm fine to for reducing
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a reliance on fossil fuels. live, be nice to vast audience. so place are unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on. just examining the headlines is there is a felicity for as far as of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel naturally released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligible era. these people of practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they
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are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right cycle, logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man. as a dentist, again, a has registered for possible military service if needed, or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with the medical background, i have to know what to do. this ukraine begins the 3rd year of his full scale war. there was a growing awareness of the need from old military posts and now i do believe women have a high volume in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my mil come on. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand else that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as the we're trying zone, it's a decision increasing numbers of women, maybe cool down to make the
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the book, the book and hate the people that are trying to keep that restrict traditions alive despite was thing done, violence. children and adults are making the trading colorful paper tights and that's done every easter weekend. games control much of the capital poultry prints the security prevent to the engine prime minister from its heading and led to his resignation. the you and human rights office says that little than 1500 people have been killed in the 1st 3 months of the c a. and then as well as have read that to decrease the section of jesus christ to mock good friday. and one of the one of correct is as poor as neighborhoods does the tradition we got in 1996 more than 90 percent of the country's population is catholic though they lead to all the roman
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catholic church has missed the traditional good friday procession in room the vast concerns of 87 year old pipe francis and savings energy for other events. he's expected to preside a vigil on saturday and mass to mock east. a sunday put funds escaped the procession last year due to extremely cold weather. he's been suffering from were spirit republicans academy award winning act uh louis golf at junior has died at the age of 87 who became racism and discrimination to make his mark on stage film and television role bundles. looks back in his life stuff i bought in the board. if you add those who was gospel juniors, most unforgettable rule was as a terrifyingly intense drill instructor. opposite richard year in 1982, 10 officer and a gentleman. if thought of them wings, they only one you're going to leave here with me on knees. gossett became the 1st
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black man to win an oscar for best supporting actor for that role. one of many very risky broken his life. you go running off in the hills, you know what's gonna happen to me. i just the st. bottom. what fold? i forgot that one an emmy award for playing and then slave demand called fiddler in the stereotype. breaking 1977 television mini series roots more than 100000000 viewers tuned in making it one of the most watched tv shows of all time. what sort of getting to diving into concepts. other film rules included a menacing gangster in the deep and heavily made up alien stranded on an uninhabited planet with a human adversary an enemy mine. but despite his talent and towards major rules, often did not come gosset's way and outcome. he blamed partly on races,
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typecasting in hollywood gossip fell into depression and drug use for a time. after recovery, he threw himself into work for los angeles based charities, and started in anti racism foundation losses. it was born in new york city and had a successful broadway stage career before turning to movies. he appeared in dozens of tv shows, including hbo was the watchman. i should be said. his favorite role was as egyptian president armoires, the dot in the 1983 t, the minix series of the same name in his memoirs louis casa junior, wrote. sometimes i believe that the reason i have been able to do such a exemplary work on the screen is because this is the only place i can be free. almost 9 months after its cable release, the hollywood blockbuster about the man behind the atomic bomb is finally available
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in japan. in her russian oppenheim, it was open to mix reviews and emotions. as said he had caught, explains, of the, at the pace memorial in hiroshima. again, back to the dome is preserved as a reminder of what happens here, and then negate saki in 1945. the 2 atomic bonds draft by the us air force killed and estimated 200000 japanese. now the blockbuster film about the american nuclear scientists to help develop the weapons, has finally been released in japan almost 9 months after everywhere else. audiences in hiroshima have mixed emotions. i mean, this film is telling the story from the american perspective, from the slide who invented the atomic bomb hiroshima and nagasaki, where they told me to come to a drop to certainly the victims. but i think even though the inventor is one of the
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perpetrators of victim co, tough in the will oppenheimer sweat the academy awards earlier this month, including best actor for irish actor kelly and murphy hooper trades. the conflicted physicist the films initial release in japan was delayed after a public backlash against an advertising campaign critics, a trivialize to bombings based upon what i really like christopher norman's feelings. of course, this is an amazing film which deserves to win the academy awards in the united states. but the film also to fix the atomic bomb in a way that seems to price it. and as a person roots in her wash, and i found it difficult to watch, i'm not sure this as a movie, the japanese people should make a special effort to say oppenheimer reflects on the impact on the so called father of the atomic bomb. and here she met the memory of its victims, will still cast a long shadow, long after the movies run and for the car out to 0. so
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ramadan is a soul of unique cultural traditions. and in recent years, late night street cricket has become a popular pastime in bulk, as well as during the casual skipping falls. it's close to midnight in karachi, but the floodlight store dozens of men for a game of ramadan crickets, late nights the street pre kit, has become something of a tradition over the last few decades in the city, in pakistan, during the muslim hardly a month. and the pie is say, it helps them stay awake until the pre don't meal. notice the whole next day spa speaking, feel free to accept it or not. so i know that we are free in the night, and we have to keep ourselves awake until the whole. if you sleep, we can miss the whole. if you missed the whole, it's difficult to fall. so it's better to get involved in the game of cricket. i'm playing with mobile phones, you have to give you that you're looking at was during ramadan, usually shows the impact is done. so players in science have
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a few hours to rest. before the big game, the tarmac is repainted to mock the crease tennis balls a typed in whites to give them quite to bounce speed and visibility and the lights . and then it's time for the 1st to do to is that i feel it's about people often sleep during the day during fostering that'd be much physical activity during the day. physical activity is essential for good health that is walking binding, etc. project covers all of this hearing one across cheese pool neighborhoods, around $200.00 spec paces of ton doubts chair around the place. i'm gonna be making it big now just them well, no, i don't play i watch the game with great interest. i like to watch crickets. some of these boys go to the jobs during the day. well, some of the sleep during the daytime, they don't have much time. but in rama time they get to play cricket into the night . the narrow streets defined the physical boundaries at this game,
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but the appeal of st. cricket during the heavy month goes way beyond the willows. the pump not do you want to get real sca out is even and that's it. sold the most of the boxes won't use all the other side of the news until informing these team here. and i want to see you in a few minutes. i saw the protests against policies from brussels. ok escalating? these farmers increasingly consider the debt and then me only 2 years ago, thousands of ukrainian refugees were warmly welcomed at this border. now it's blocked. pharmacy use support for ukraine has gone too far. so ukrainian green is flooding. poland, and we're getting for and poor. we don't know what to do with our products anymore awhile. the problem is i saying that they like military and humanitarian a past. these protests of seriously damage your brains relationship with the one
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country. that's how this most sense in faded ukrainian drive has helped locate tools and they have 0 loans that have everything and i still carry advantage complaining and you find everything is much more difficult. ukraine has accused it both testers of having a political motive, especially with you elections coming up. images of farmers carrying pro russian banners have made things even worse to develop drugs, but humans, scientists conduct test on animals. monkeys are in high demand for the global associates has led to assuming black markets. 101 east travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on al jazeera in the land of palestine. hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay, foundation. you donated with kindness? you showed you. okay. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so donates with
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confidence, donates without kat foundation. with every packed on 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the israel, the types of residential areas across garza, even though i define the un security council resolution calling for an immediate cease fire. the thoughts of alarm and you're watching, obviously life my headquarters here and also coming up report is that the us is about to send more problems and fight to just as well as part of a multi 1000000000 dollar package. palestinians mock monday is that equals where the sacraments and occupied territories are.


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