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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm AST

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the community austin aside from the cool that used to produce outstanding gentleness and elders, the integrity in the pursuit of the electronics residential areas. across garza, it's not being 5 days since the un security council cooled for an immediate seats. find the console rama you'll what you'll have to do in life. but headquarters here in the whole, so coming up, reports of the us is about to send multiple items and 5 to just as well as part of a multi $1000000000.00 package. allow us to use mach land a as an eagle is riley, supplements, and occupied territories, have expanded as a record rates plus,
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solving for change, a student activist, online good, strong cause of a critical condition. in hospital she was charged with harassing thailand's royal family. the spoken to the problem we'd be getting calls. so why is why the full series of being bullied residential areas across the street? and that's despite a un security council resolution this week, calling for an immediate cease fire. these 2 people were killed and the overnight to tackle the house and the other mahovski's refugee camp in central garza palestinian solid thinking through the rubble by hand searching for survivors and follow these goals. a city, at least 17 palestinians were killed and to the times. is there any forces from the schools club in this? a giant neighborhood? the government media office says police officers involved in securing humanitarian aid with a target penny, my mood is long for us in rough for its being another bloody night really across
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the strip. how do you just bring us up to speed on what we know? the yes, well, the latest we're getting confirmed that the way the traffic circle 7 people being critically injured as they were attacked by what it looked like. and our tillery showing of the area these people gather at the way the traffic circle circle, waiting uh, 48 to be delivered through the northern part. and god zillow, with a group of 8 workers who i've been, uh, it station there in order to secure the delivery of humanitarian aid it trucks to the northern parts and gauze, and city. but overnight, a tax, the buttons that we have seen within the past weeks, across the central area and it goes to the city and the northern part of the gaza strip, causing further civilian casualties. and it's your level of destruction. and the latest we heard from the front, paramedics and civil defense,
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the crew in defense from area about the difficulty of, of removing the level, then save the whole might have survived the attack under the levels we're talking about. it made the big residential buildings. the motive story buildings that have been targeted invoicing us, a lot of them are as the and eastern part of the city, an area large, the describe and designated a safe via area for evacuated. and this ways families are from the northern part and guys have to evacuate, you know, in order to not to get bond in gathered in the northern part, the usual kinds the non stop our dealers should think of the eastern part of the gods as of the of the northern part and eastern part of garza city where the vast majority of residential buildings that describe would one local resident who went to inspect the level of destruction. to the point that he did not know whether that was his actual neighborhood or not. beyond recognition, the level of, of destruction and damage that it costs through the area. but it, it,
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as of and within the past 24 hours, we're looking at least 17 people only in a gaza city. mainly the eastern part of the city were killed as a result of a tax on us for the club and intern bureaus center works. hundreds of families display families have been sold during and meanwhile in the vicinity of north of the house. but the more of the surroundings, buildings have been destroyed or being a severely damaged by setting them on fire or by the constant artillery showing of these buildings. rough city is not away from what's going on the eastern parts. we could hear clearly the sounds of explosion, of the ongoing guards gallery selling honey. my mood that for us in the rough uh, thanks for the update. honey is ready for us is they've killed a 13 year old boy during a raid on the time that could buy a new engineering to palestinians also into joining cash and the areas of sun today into bus consultations. also breaking up between posted in groups and it's really
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trips to people who have been the rest of the world in 450 pounds of stadiums have been killed in the occupied westbank since of teva they've palestinian none has been arrested outside the alex and most can occupy these teresa is what any trips detained the man as he was leaving them all scave to completing his morning prize. the rest comes as his radio forward. he has continued to tighten restrictions. the palestinians traveling to alexa, joining the holy month of ramadan. these really military says a rocket fired from lebanon has landed in northern israel. the casualties are being reported. it comes a day after these really military kill 7 members of has belong the tax of lebanon, and syria is really defense minister. you go out and says israel will expand operations against has block and one called so this updates from occupied east jerusalem you will have to and has said, and he's been very clear about this. perhaps the clearly statements that we've heard from him when it comes to the northern come on in a very long time. he's like she said, we will expand the campaign and increase the rate of attacks. and the know his role
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is turning from being driven to pursuing his beloved and will reach wherever the organization operates and they route in damascus and further field. remember they've actually or. busy the hit they would be full just a few months ago with the killing of sali already the senior. how much lead up in the docking and neighborhood in the south? so they've actually already hit they read this is a threat gets has bullet members. those are, they are really was a member of how much that they did, a senior commodity, then hezbollah has to re x. now speaking to a lot of military analysts say, this is also coming off the back of your glance visit to the us, where he got his agreement to get the americans to speed up weapons and homes deliveries a to is wrote. this is despite the fact that america has real concerns when it comes to rough with a safe area supposedly safe area in the gaza strip. where some things like 1300000
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palestinians or the americans don't want a mass ground defensive. they aren't opposed to these where it is going into rough . uh, and the reason i bring up rafa is because village here let's just if they get away with a major operation in rough us that open the floodgates to going into 11 on a much bigger for them. perhaps we say uh since 2006 still the lines insights as opposed to be approved a multi $1000000000.00 homes package as well. that includes bones and fights jets. the us ends about $3800000000.00 and military assistance to its ally. every yeah, the washington post says that the bite and ministration has signed off on the package that includes $1800.00 bones weighing 900 kilograms. each also authorized the transfer of $500.00 buttons weighing 250 kilograms each. on the day of the power lane, please find to jets to the white house has declined come in to all the weapons transfer can be how kit has moved from washington dc,
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the despite increasing pressure from high profile democratic senators and members of congress on capital hill to limit military aid to israel to help the number of civilian casualties as a result of israel's war on gaza. the white house was signed off on another routine transfer of bonds and war plains to israel. now last week the state department authorized this. this was initially authorized in 2008. it amounts to about $2500000000.00 in not only fighter jets, but also in support of the bonds that they would carry. this, despite a growing risk between both is really and us government, you will recall that earlier this week be is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. a roughly cancelled
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a planned meeting between us and is really officials that was to review these really military campaign plans for of procedures and military plans for as round invasion into rafa. something that the u. s. is strongly opposed to with out any sort of plan for the more than a 1000000 palestinians who are currently sheltering there. now the reason for the cancellation was because the united states refused to veto a un security council resolution calling for a temporary cease fire in gaza. as a result, now we do know that the meeting has been rescheduled, although the date of that has not yet been determined. what we do know, however, is that the united states is hoping during that meeting to discuss with is real possible alternatives to any sort of military campaign into rafa. kimberly help it
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out to 0, washington as the administrator and support for as well as prompted descent within the state department. natalie this week, an official who promotes and human rights on behalf of the us government became the latest employee to leave her a job in protest. my colleague elizabeth cronum, spoke to emily she line who said that she could no longer remain silent. i thought about resigning every time. israel violate. busy international law hitting hospitals and schools and killing civilians with impunity. and the us government did nothing to try to hold them accountable. so. busy the timing of my resignation reflects the fact that i did it, i owed an obligation to the us government. i received an arabic scholarship and so i owe the government a year. so on, on, on the 300 and 65th day i handed in my resignation. i also,
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i thought about resigning sooner, but also my, my team is involved in the human rights reports. and it's, it's a very labor intensive process. and so i wanted to also make sure that we had, we'd completed that work before i left. and you have made this decision at a great personal cost resigning publicly from the us state department wallet support. one of the most brutal was of odd times. why was the southern portion for you? why was that risk worth taking fees? um, i think the, sorry i, the main reason is that i have a daughter and she's too very young. but if it's in the future, if she were to ask me about what i did as this has happened a i just, i want her to know that i didn't stay silent. but i, i, i, i just, i don't think i could i,
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i couldn't continue to watch what was happening and just keep going to work every day. i marks the 30th is observed as a land a and the occupied palestinian territories. homeless, stay 19766 posted in his writing. these were killed 12 protesting against plans to take that lands. and now with the war in garza illegal settlements, expanding again. little com has been speaking to families who have lost style and earlier this month. 10 square kilometers in the jordan valley, towing and ready to plug in on the 30th, but this phone but can only reach a fraction of his land, the scenic landscape that stretches into the valley and up the hill belongs to 15 hosting in families. this is that green mall to the weight. this one now is voted on. so most of you called access that yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum. about the $21.00 only boost. his real name is mostly shot of age.
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he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k for being a dangerous environment. sutler, he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers. it will tell you that he full, the families from that home when the guy is, you know, hold on, i'll just loose or talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife. when i told them they were there to hit me in the head and direct me into the house with the other settler, my thoughts heard me screaming. blood was everywhere. red. that'd be as wise. i should have probably lived in that home for both and 90 years. so the island up a little thermal, he came at night, the settler moves, so 7 others. he kicked us out into cold our belongings. he level with nothing. he also kicked our neighbors out. we owned this land and we have proof of our club. she shows us proof of ownership of palestine. israel and georgian hosting is can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that,
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they say they can only look down the empty fines and stolen lines. and even here, that being prevented from completing the building, even though most of this area is on the palestinian civil control, it's this gate to finding the people from that lot. they've had put generations while we're filming more. she pulled up. i ask him why he's taking the land that we've tried. he's not speaking. it's just that he's just filming. he starts making cools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not safe for us to say. massage to you. is it going through the as a get to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why it is a thought, a good thing, this area. now i shouldn't, and i have been that be a live in a metal out house. old it's around to was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tiled floors doesn't know if she'll see
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it again. north on, out to see or of the for the, the occupied westbank. so it's very soldiers of rest and thousands of palestinians during the war and goals of the home. it's husband was one of them, detained to northern goals. on december, the 9th. she's had nothing since this is her story in the right words i'm, i'm a little bit the, some of the, the, the, the plus sign in or the old or the last of the country with me is yours, the money and the jump. but are we and to begin, let's hope the side in the home it los and the. busy men. busy busy come on, pause and some see those don't go come so i mean somebody and they level to level and i know from now they are what i'm,
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let's look us through know a little so yes i can move them all the. ready 10 percent from the so not familiar with this had put his head in the back of us the 2nd mitchell on the other hand of the legacy and just have them on the yeah, the, the said that i know nothing about no and the edmonds most of them is get that is on the know who your w w, vice most auto plaza and what is the, what would that be for the, what is the and the pulling in the world for this one? i got the to well, but guess of we so what has it got the problem is that god awful you. oh boy. yeah, yeah. yeah. so do you say a 100 and then a month for the news? a lot. i'm on do the more money, mom is the,
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what is the guy the name. so what i have, how do i follow this system so low when the system, if i have still have, hey on, i'll just say what they contribute to the migrant workers killed in bolt most bridge clips a 16 and the kids plus every time i understand yes, i understand that we take a look back at the extraordinary career of the award winning actor living junior the the hey there. well, it's very likely that they'll burn in australia as victoria state is going to walk away with it's dry is march on record. so here we go. sunday, last day of march,
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still sunshine in the mix here at 24 degrees. no rain but watch what happens on monday, the 1st day of april we got some downpours coming in to victoria state, extending down into tasmania. that's certainly good news. because this area has been parched to new zealand, we go what, whether shift away from these k, but we've got the, some of the breeze here, that's a cool wind. so temperature is on the low side for this year and do an easy and more flooding west calum intend on borneo island and same goes for south. so the ways a lot of some pretty big storms on china is kind of an island tear watch visibility knocked out like that. we saw there was winds roaring and the pouring rain, and really this storm system extends around southern china. so let's go in here for a closer look, i think the worst of the rain will actually be just to the north of hong kong, around gwen jeep province. pretty close to shanghai dark in the blue and the yellow . that is the more intense rain fall. it cherry blossom so finally bloomed in tokyo
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were bouts latest blooms here in 12 years. but those temperatures certainly shooting out. so tokyo, 26 increase for you on sundays here. a unique perspective that plays students up and does told the palestinians to go to on heard voices to humor. i try to highlight the absurdities inconsistency, but upon proceeding the landscape, connect with our community and tap into conversations you will find elsewhere to take every day. this is going to unspeakable horror as to really alone about what's happening because of the tasks and media attention. the stream on out to 0 the,
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[000:00:00;00] the book about kill watching officer with me. so he'll run the reminder of all the top news stories is really false. is that being bombing residential areas across concepts, a strong kind of house, the other because you come to school that leads to people, palestinians digging through the rubble by hand, such as the survivors unfolding the united states as opposed to the approved another multi $1000000000.00 package as well that includes funds, i'm fine to check on some today marks lands day in the occupied palestinian territories. that commemorates the day is rarely forces killed 6 palestinian, his writings in 1976 demonstrations of health emulate to protest about the legal annexation of palestinian land springs through the days of the news now. and russia has made a 9th arrest in connection with an attack on the cold. so totally outskirts of
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moscow. like most of the other suspects, the attack is about in police custody. and this man is from, he gets to a state media reporting that he's plead guilty the pregnant accuses you claim to being involved in the shooting accusations that the key denies of the group. like ty still claimed responsibility. it was the, was the talking russia, in that case, $144.00 people were killed in the us city of baltimore, a group of walkers, those pay tribute to the $6.00 people killed, where they bridge collapsed the victims with migrants from lots of america. meanwhile, the 1st of several cranes has not been set up to play the wreckage like kind of ripples. it is described as the largest crating on the eastern seaboard. but experts expect it to take as much as a month to clear a new tunnel through the wreckage and reopen bolton. well, how about we can see the engineers and the divers and the survey boats out there on
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the water in these difficult waiting conditions, doing their job, doing their work, to assess that bridge to figure out how we can cut it up into the pieces we need to be able to lift, i can say right now, this is going to be if this how, what's the time period? i can tell you, it is not going to be days or weeks or months. this is going to take time. every single phase we have to focus on safety of the people who are doing the work the by didn't. administration has already approved $60000000.00 in a book and see funding to get the pull to open as soon as possible. and the president says he'll go to baltimore and coming days the central american solidarity association of maryland dual cas a held a press conference friday in memory of the maintenance workers who died when the bridge collapsed. here we are reminds once again about the nerve,
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most contribution that they may run to make to this country how together we us bar workers. we bill this country is slightly i'm here today in the memory of the 6 workers who lost their lives that day. i'm here to honor the memory and the contributions to the city or the contributions of vital immigrants are essential. there were many immigrants among the workers who built the francis scott key bridge 47 years ago. and it will be again when the bridge is rebuilt in the years to come by kind of, i'll just say era. washington, a topical cyclic them on a has set the costs madagascar killing at least 18 people. that the storm is calls major flooding in the northern parts of the island nation. well then, 20000 people are displaced as asset management. officials on moving affected residents to safety. they say full people, i'll still unaccounted full. instead of all the constitutional counselors rectify the election, the victory of a bustle,
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joe may say the conservation pays the way for a transition of power from president. lucky so nicholas hun, how small from the capital appearing unsettled after a victory that's done to everyone, including himself from political prisoner to president in less than 10 days. at the age of 44. plus you with jim, i 5 is the youngest elected head of state in africa, and it's promising change to the people of the west african nation, depending on the and electing me is their president. the senegalese people have chosen a break from the past to give way to the immense hope inspired by our project of a new society. not the previously i know to the public jim. i stepped into the limelight after being released from prison following his arrest on a range of charges including endangering state security, the opposition, reduced men so good chose him as his down. then after he was disqualified from
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reading because of a conviction for defamation, bose to night, the charges instead, they were politically motivated. you might campaign with the slogan, jeremiah sancho. and so go, is your mind selling a project of a just society d n t establishment party bus death wants to we negotiate for gas and mining contract . it could use a new currency and forge equal partnership with friends. the former colonial power su, is the, it's from the project that we will pull his ears and tell him, come back because the country does not belong to someone else that has been pulling . jeremiah, years is his father. we met him in the village of in jug on. yeah. where the gym. i grew up in 2022. the former tax inspector round to becomes a village mare but lost his father believes overcoming failure led to his success on it. he is extremely honest. i'm courageous and he's been working hard all his
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life. jim, i had a modest rule upbringing working of a land in this a hell. this is where villagers come to grow mill. it. look at it now. it hasn't rained for the last 8 months. there are no wells nearby, and this is the challenge for the next president to ensure that not only his village, but the people of this country have enough to eat. despite a booming economy, almost 40 percent of senegalese live in poverty, president jeremiah will now need to deliver on his promise to reduce economic disparity and bring a greater share of sending goals well to a people's thursday for change nicholas hawk algebra and check on, you know, setting all to say toys, truth dr. vista is in a critical condition in the hospital more than a month into a hunger strike. she was arrested in february on charges of harassing the royal family's medicaid. she would rise advocate say that the case demonstrates how laws
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are being used to suppress expression to freedom. tricycle washington reports a bank of semester hospital. i'm other weeks for the 22 year old daughter that was going to end up paying the 112 i don't known as stolen and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept a medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february when they had repeatedly santa did come on as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess much ugly city and home was passing . they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did
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not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student. and after this campaigning, some form of community says defense should be considered a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident that such action said a bad example for others as young people must respect a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about medicaid violence broke out when pointless to coaches. confronted after this, conducting the pony stolen was already facing charges for insulting boys of to she discussed moody type case. human rights organizations say, nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch, we have not seen significant improve, man, regarding respectful, fundamental freedoms, freedom expressions, if you don't assembly,
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people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail. i did not. i that bell. i'm. we have high people seeing the country, right? screwed. see, tiny authorities use prude and vague. our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute us to this. and this case should not be considered citizen. someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington ultra 0. the leader all the roman catholic church has missed the traditional good friday procession in room. the vatican says that 87 year old put funds as a savings energy for other events is expected to preside over vigil on saturday in the mass to monkeys. to sunday. pope frances gets the possession last year due to its stream, the cold weather. he's been suffering from respiratory problems prove, you know, if i were to use a rated present data velocities,
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how you move under glad luxury watches around 40 offices broke into the residency using a sledge hammer. the police say that they were searching for ro, alexis government agents, lotion, investigation following a newspaper report about velocity wearing a range of watches that are not being disclosed publicly. the kinds of people would with the ad. so let me go said junior, has died at the age of 87 here, became racism, and discrimination to make his bulk on stage film and television. rob reynolds looks back cause his life bothering me, boy. and if you add the newest gossip juniors, most unforgettable rule was as a terrifyingly intense drill instructor. opposite richard year in 1980 two's an officer and a gentleman. he thought of them wings. the only ones you're gonna leave here with me on these gossip became the 1st black man to win an oscar for best supporting actor for that role. one of many barriers the broken,


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