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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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no double standards to all of us. any anyone in particular, i say to all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the full united nations personality in good while out on patrol on so it's in southern 11 on these really all me says it's not responsible the phone. so robin, you're watching all just evan line headquarters in the coming up in the next 30 minutes. these are electronics residential areas across garza. it's not being 5 days since the un security council code for an immediate cease fire palestinians mcclung day as
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a legal is riley settled then said i'll keep high type of trays are expanding to a record. right. the cycling that unexpectedly fade into the island nation, madagascar kills 18 people and displaces thousands. welcome to the product i'm. it's just going to $1100.00 gmc and we begin with breaking news coming onto the southern level. but 3 united nations minute trips of us and the lebanese translates, have been injured. the un personnel on a foot patrol in the town of remish when the explosion occurred near that position . so i think it's right in the military has issued a statement and i got a responsibility for the incident. the u. n says it's investigating the best bringing is a to hold a in baby to join us out is a now what we know about the circumstances behind this incident
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while the united nations peacekeeping force has released the statement just for a short while ago, we know is that 4 people were injured, 3 military of servers, along with a lebanese translator. they were close to the blue line. that is the border between 11 on an as route. what we understand is that they were information in that statement. there was no mention of their location. now, according to unit fell, there was an explosion close to them because these men were on foot patrols. they were not in their vehicle and according to view. and they are now investigating the origin of the explosion. so united nations, not saying whether this was a drone strike shell, or, or even who was responsible, earlier reports initial reports in lebanese me the claim to israel and said that in one way or another, this was
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a direct hit. so we do not know that we do not know who is responsible. we did not know, even if this was an intentional, a strike, whether the you and force was targeted or they were in, in that conflict the area. we have to understand that there have been confrontations between as well as the last for the past 6 months. now, this is not the 1st time do, and peacekeeping troops have, in one way or another, come under fire. in november, there was automatic fire close to their patrols in a border village of idaho, and there were no casualties at the time. you get a feel of condemned the, the incidents which is ralph was blamed for that. incidents, of course, any full view is who are watching, who may not be aware of why the u. n. has a presence in southern lebanon. can just give us a little bit of background as to why a service this presence well those involved in this incident, they belong to the u. n. of server mission,
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which has been deployed at 11 on since 1949. uh, they have a presence here in that as well. and they help the un peacekeeping force the unit field, carry out their mandate. now, unit phil has been in southern lebanon since 1978. their mandate changed over the years. the last time their mandate change was in 2006, following the last tour between israel and hezbollah, they were given the task of helping the lebanese army create a t, militarized stone, some 20 kilometers from the border so that there would be no presence of arms and fighters outside the states control of un reports have said that they did not complete their mission. and the very fact that the, you know, there's, there's a lack of political will, if you like, on the part of, of lebanese a sore. so these troops really faced a lot of challenges. they've been criticized by these radios for not being forcible enough for not. so you know, you're forcing has but lots of pull back from the board. or even though they do not
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have the mandates to do so, they were deployed under chapter 6, which means they need a cooperation of the parties on the ground in order to carry out their mission. and they've also come under criticism by has the law. some of their contingents have been accused of spying for israel. these troops are not liked in many villages when they venture in some villages alone. um, you know, they face tensions over the local community. so this is a force which finds itself in the middle of a conflict and, and really a very challenging situation to hold up with the lights that force, thanks very much say that is a baby can, will mother to of events for us as the i was progress that's close over to andre. it's an antique specimen for the united nations entering falls in love. i don't know. we're going to feel as we've had jordan's not live from a baby. mister timothy, thanks to joining us here on. i'll just say what i mean. what more can you tell us about this incident involving unit field trips? yes us, after you say no, was the record in the way that this morning, a group of a 3 or jail and which is a military observers and one lebanese,
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a language assistance to eh, and where i'd say was we still left lots of days. exactly. the dynamic that they weren't available that they weren't getting else available during that moment and they, and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, they were injured. as we settled in our statements, we are investigating the origins of the, of the, of the explosion. the moments about, of course, uh, where the same for the last 6 months. that's uh these uh, as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 you're a much wider conflict then it's important for the parties to understand it and to come to a, to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it and people magic and the, and political solution to this uh to these conflicts. i mean these, right? these are denying it categorically a moment,
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then assume that if it's not in time who else? yeah, this, this right? as i said, this has happened this morning. it is very important to make sure that we get all the, all the facts, all, all the, for me, mr. to that, to we seem to have lost the connection that with august. but i think we got the general gist of what the human representative not to say that let's go say if it's a wrong code is occupied each to reach the most that monitoring events. uh im run. this comes obviously after the is really defense minister said that they would expand their attacks on has blogs or related to the war on garza. i mean, have these really said anything more about this developing incident in the knowles of israel? certainly in southern level these ready, i mean you have issued a very swift and very strong to know they've said country to repulse. we did not have a unit the vehicle in a mesh. that's all the statement says, but it is a strong denial. now we'll have to wait and say, well,
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you photos of response to that is unit for that. now the ones that are actually going to be handling this investigational though it was a different you an agency that was involved in this incident, but this one comes off the back of it. you'll have guidelines being very clear, it visited the northern command that's on the, he's ready side of that. lebanese border where he told his troops, they were going to go off that has bullock, whether it was a baby, whether it was in damascus, they were going to go on the offensive. now that's something that will be concerning to as well as beloved did issue a statement saying that they were ready for any event relative. but hezbollah voice has been very clear, they will move back possible autonomy river, which is where these ladies want them to move factories about 40 kilometers within lebanese territory. if there is a permanent ceasefire in garza as long as that doesn't happen, then these tensions will be, will continue to take place along that boat at some fault. they have been contained
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along the border areas. some parts of the obviously been disputed plus the language coming from these ratings is certainly very strong. and if they do start hitting has bullied has been a root for example, in damascus that it has the has to react. i remember these readings, i've actually hit, they read before, but they told how much lead us all in a hurry. they didn't kill any handful of leaders. his bullet leaders will be a red line. and that's something that is go, that has got the international community, very worried indeed, as the one called that far as lucky by the story. so the best thing, so let's go back over to they read. we couldn't join andrea, tennessee again from the un inspect specing fee. and if i let you see the $10.00 fee, let us both down so it's good to have you back with us from be root. can i just expand already? the role of unit fell in love with on how difficult has it been over the years suddenly to monitor southern life and all that. and so you might say, keep the peace and how difficult has it been in recent months with the obviously
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ongoing will ring. garza, which is impinging, called the security of southern 11 on right. now, is definitely the last 6 months. have been uh, very concerning uh for the mission for the region. uh, most of the exchanges of buyer that we have been witnessing. and i doing experience that besides a few sporadic escalation has been very much, 456 kilometers along the line. let me also add that initial now with the resolution . 1701 has been the same. so can 2006 before since 1978 now from 2006 on this last october, the south of level known as witness. why don't we supply this period in recent history and we will really. busy team to trying to move, move forward until the conflict and guys have started in a 4th of the 3 good at day exchanges. a fire along the line. we have 10500 b. c bus working at 247. even now along the line to try to monitor the situation,
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de escalate the situation and trying also to prevent a dangerous misunderstanding listed working with the moneys army, our strategic partners, and also assisting communities. but the commitment of the parties is necessary. you can order not only to move forward, but at the moment to try to have a diploma to canada and the political solution not to bring these exchanges. a fire to an old. when you have an incident like this on the board, and you have to start investigating it and then reporting back to your superior is how is how quickly does that happen? because obviously you want to deescalate the tension but also find out what actually happened. and it's, of course, it depends on a case by case incidents and, and as i mentioned earlier, we need to be very, very careful in order to get all that information verified information from our own source. it from our people on the ground in order to finalize it and, and investigation we bought and presented to the,
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to the security council. this is something that we have been doing until and he's now at the investigation reports to us for uni, feeling un policies and procedures. they have submitted to the parties and they have not to populate, but they are submitted and that, and that's what we have doing. and that's what we would be doing today for these a very serious incidents that were for the people where in judge indeed, i mean is such a un peacekeeping force has many nationalities involved from argentina to noise from islands canada, from denmark, to fiji. obviously, you will want to get in touch with the national governments 1st to tell them who is involved and who's injured. how difficult is it to keep? you might say the lines of communication open at the time like this when that raw mold and a dozen countries very worried about that military personnel working under a neutral flag. or there is
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a very strong for the nation between the mission. now the head of mission, uh, you've done a generalized at all and, and know the trip contributing companies the stage is we own so, which is that a un at truce supervision organization with their observers that that's been as being hit and they're under the organization with commander of unit field, and that's what we are doing and trying to also in florida, families 1st before providing this information to the public. but the coordination has been ongoing for a long time. there are 47 categories at the moment. a sparked up uni. feel that also shows a strong commitment from the international community to ensure that these area uh, we go back to the, the, the, the, the situation that we were leaving before october 2023 and also to move to move forward. but the commitment is there, but we need the commitment of for the boxes in the conflict to, to find a solution and to stop. uh, uh, these exchanges are 5 that would be witnessing since october. well, this is
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a developing story, i'm sure we'll be speaking to you again very soon for the moment. 100, send it to you from the un entering full same level. thank you. thank you. meanwhile, there's any full sense of being bombing residential areas across the calls a strip. at least 2 people were killed and move and i tackled a house in the house, the refugee compton, central gaza, at least 80 to palestinians have been killed. a 98 injured in the past 24 hours. been garza city, at least 17 palestinians were killed into a tax is ready for his bomb. they sports club in the should j, a neighborhood. the government media office says police officers involved in securing humanitarian aid with a target. in the past few hours of 84 states have carried out most strikes in gauze of city, honey about mates, and this update from alpha. were able to get confirmed reports that the numbers able to work critically injured ad and both of these. sorry, as the way the traffic circle has reached 10 people who were able to transfer to
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get transferred to the ali baptist hospital. and that's in central parts of garza city. meanwhile, is really military still at the ship uh hospital and its visits with vicinity operating aggressively not only damage and destroying the properties and the equipment inside the complex itself. and ordering tables evacuated immediately, but also setting large number of residential homes that the vicinity of the hospital is to running on fire, just rank large number of it for think many people to start the league from the area all the way through the syndrome part that's on top of what happens uh, within the past 24 hours where its 17 people were killed, some of them were still getting inside of for the club and interview role center in a she's yeah, yeah. neighborhood. as well as a post for law enforcement that are securing the delivery of a to the northern part and gaza city the central area. however, for an overnight to talk,
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it was the side of relentless air strikes in both and not as the end of the review time as well as the city of the eastern part of the city. the eastern side of the law had been rather than the fact it's happening and during the night just increasing the level of the psychological torture i still had here. all the i'll just say are starving for change. want a ties. student activist is in critical condition. after getting all the hung, destroying the examining the head line, unflinching journalism, sharing personal stories with a global audience, explorer and abundance of world class programming. on alex's era, african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been there some way my child to show documentary spine african
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film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa, direct on algebra. in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture water sheds, moments international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions. the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that andy out of bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hate upfront on how to do the,
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[000:00:00;00] the welcome back here. what you'll just bear with me. so robin, in the reminder of all the new stories in southern lebanon for united nations ministry of service under lebanese translate to have been in just the you in touch now. well, on a slip patrol in the time of a mish, when an explosion to come near that position, he's really ministry's issue, the statement denying any responsibility for the incident is what the full says have been bullied residential areas across because that's a strike on a house the other because the compass killed at least 2 people, palestinians are digging through their level by hand searching for survivors and politics. since the will, hong gauze have gotten files of the palestinians have been left buried under rubble,
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and israel's attacks. rescues have been resulting to digging with that hands as he just mentioned his one boy whose had a lucky escape been gone to the city, the guide you online after them and then to lucky in the investigating the should be. do you those couple of hurtful hardware, football?
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i am the good at the dealership to the end of the news. tropical cycling gummy has swept across madagascar killing at least 18 people. the storm is caused major flooding in the northern parts of the island nation mold and 20000 people are being forced from the highest disaster management officials are moving affected residents to safety. they say full people are still unaccounted for. showing me now is unknown yet. you know, lots to melinda, and he's secretary general of the la ga seat. red crescent. she joined us online
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from augusta could help you with this uh, on the program. uh, can you just bring us up to speed on the situation on the island right now? a thank you, as you have already mentioned uh with regards to the segers on the, the toner office. the 2nd until because the monday the situation is not put because because we are seeing a challenging facing the flout. as you know, it does sprinkle more water then we saw some fruit that's too hot and the government is no restoring some internet and communication network in the area. and that brings us to, to half the, the situation on the feed that us so mobilization and also uh from right across spots that work for the use of presenting the same as being the government
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undertaking local authority. and they can evacuation and student, that's something you guys in before. in terms ofa, spray the disease for example or intern sofa. i have issues. let me, let me just jump in the just for a 2nd. is the whole island defected, or all those specific areas of the know the central parts of the south? can you tell us what the west effected pod saw a way you're trying to get to, to locate the eastern and the north eastern. but the most effective? we for uh, for regions. so the road that i got it, everything on the delivery is undertaking by plugging all the money you money to the on the actual um, mobile device since uh since uh, they want to fix this image its response especially restoring communication network . you know,
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they have to have the situation on the 5th and also restoring the electricity in terms of the rescue operation, you talk about help getting to these locations biplane, do you have enough results? is i'm has an appeal will be made to the international community to know what the government is handling the situation because the government essentially support we've, it's a partners is mobilizing s line to get a very, uh, image it items and the take, you know, so i'm already on it for the ration. so you the 2 weeks to reach these and yeah we are you the government that's localized to uh, implant in terms of the numbers of people that are affected. can you estimate how many are affected by the storm? is more than the 40000 people are affected. more than
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20000 people are displaced. 18 for some bids for uh, uh, these appear to person and 3 in your best on all of these people as being accommodated in 758. but if i tuition site the that that's, i repeat this up as over the be installed by the government in which we red cross, we all have been to a couple of days before and to manage people in this electrician se sick sites. you say that at the moment you are able, with a government services to be able to deal with this situation. what is the timeline for you as an organization to decide that you need will help if not, is required? how many hours or days will you be waiting? no, we are on the way to be now because we are working on t is
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a in the sam tweeze going to send us the formation and we are square with the empty space. so action to be undertaken. once we have the code to nation, we took over no meant to, to the, to, to the supports to the most vulnerable. so we cannot define but to this and the, so the sooner the sooner the better. and even though we are still not in the image of c, we've been a for the, we've seen the 24 hours or the money to an actors has been already moved for life to re skills these people by their means. they having their own hands in their home capacity. we will leave it that for now, knowing that you have a lot of work on your hands right now. hopefully we'll get back in touch. in the coming hours or days miss wrapped in my mind. from the malik, i see that the cross. thank you for joining us. thank you very much. i a, a tiny student activist is in a critical condition in the hospital load in the mountains into
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a hunger strike. she was arrested in february on charges of harassing the royal family's medicaid. human rights advocate saying the case demonstrates how those are being used to suppress freedom of expression. jessica washington has the story. a bank of semester hospital amount of weeks for the 22 year old daughter that was going to end up paying the one what's going on? i don't, i don't i stolen and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. no one's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept a medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february when they had repeatedly santa did call phone. as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess much ugly,
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sitting home with coughing. they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student and active is campaigning for form of community says defense should be considered a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident, that such action said a bad example for others as young people must respect a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about royal motorcade. violence broke out when pointless to coaches. confronted after this, conducting the pony stolen was already facing charges for and still things were after she discussed the emergency case. human rights organizations say, nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch,
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we have not seen significant improvement regarding respectful fundamental freedoms . freedom expressions, if you don't assembly, people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bel a i'm. we have high people saying the country. right group, say tiny authorities use proved and vague. our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute as to this. and this case should not be considered citizen . someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington, i'm just 0. so hazy people are trying to keep that restrict traditions alive despite was thing going violence, children and i don't. so i'm making the training of color, whole type of kind says they've done every easter weekend gain control, much of the capital pull to prince. the in security prevented the intern prime minister from attending and not led to his resignation. the course you can follow
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all of his stories on the website and i'll just say that don't. com is updated throughout the day. you helped me want, you know, just it renews off of me. so rahman, the weather was next and then on inside story we looked at the decision by the international court of justice ordering as well to allow aid into the entire costs . a strict to stay with the sit on the of the let's get going with your weather uptake. right to see what wasn't so great conditions on china is happening. island visibility wiped out with the storms rolling through the rain, falling sideways just because of how powerful those wins were. now these storms are pretty much extending right across southern china. gwen g. providence, northeast, and west of hong kong is going to fill in as we head toward up monday as well,
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so still more stormy weather to go. cherry blossoms finally blooming in tokyo. it's the latest star to the season in about 12 years there, but things are warming up trying this capital b jane up to 23 degrees, a lot of warrants and this part of the world is go to the me. the leads seen a lot of storms in western saudi arabia, medina, mecca around to you as well as some hailstones. there must be no windows or the same to be expected on sunday. these winds are fueling the storms. we've got some warrants up and down the gulf temperatures in the thirty's, which is actually pretty well where we should be for the assembly here, especially in consider. it's almost april weather in northern bucket stones brought him fresher, error so low for a 27 degrees, but different story in india. many spots under heat alerts tonight and cold cutter . we've got this breeze off the bay then goals, so very humid here feeling in the forty's, the


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