tv NEWSHOUR Al Jazeera March 30, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST
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and begin the the hello, i'm real about this and this is the news on life from dell hun coming up in the next 60 minutes, 3 united nations observers. the translator are injured while i was on patrol in southern 11th is where the military says it's not responsible. israel attacks residential areas across jobs. it's now being 5 days since the un security council called for an immediate cease far demonstrates as a gathering in central london for a march in support of thomas time stopping for change of student activity, hunger strike is in a critical condition in hospital,
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she was charged with hottest and pilot hands, while family and support after a 2 week break, the english henry league is back in action. west time are taking on new castle right now in a crucial match in the race for your team. please talk to the, we're going to be getting this news are in southern lebanon and for 3 united nations, military observers, on the 11 east translator have been injured. and he wouldn't personnel with on foot patrols in baton information when there was an explosion near their position. is there any military's issue to stipend the 9 responsibility, but you're right in the says it's investigating blevins prime minister and actually mccarthy has condemned what he called the targeting of un forces absorbers or from the you and it, truces supervision organization which assist you an intern force and 11 on unit
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fellows it's known was created by the security council in 1978. its original mandate was to confirmed is rarely withdrawal from the country in 2006. the mandate was updated. the force was tasked with monitoring the cessation of hostilities, supporting the 11 these armed forces of the size and ensuring humanitarian access for civilians. the total number of units sold, personnel deployed as of 2023 is $10285.00, indonesia and india are the 2 top contributing countries to the force projects and then t as a unit for those folks pass. and he's told us the exact circumstances surrounding the incident are still long, clear a group of a, a 3 or jail, or which is a really dirty observers. and one lebanese, a language assistance a. and where i'd say was it was the left of us of a exactly the dynamic that the wording of a will that they were getting off the vehicle doing that moment. and they,
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and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, they were injured. as we settled in our statements, we are investigating the origins of the, of the, of the explosion. the moments about, of course, we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh these up as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 you're a much wider conflict and it's important for the parties to understand it and to come to a, to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it and people magic and the, and political solution to this uh to this conflict. gonna bring ends in a corner who's been very rude for us. i'm talk us through what we know has happened zayna and what the reaction has been of the 11 on is calling this a targeted attack. but united nations is calling this a serious incident that is still under investigation. what we do know is that 4
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people were injured, 3 of them, u. n. military of servers, along with a 11 east translator, according to the united nations. they were on a foot patrol very close to the border and the village of formation, when there was an explosion near them. that's according to the nfl space. make saying adding, just say, are investigating the origin of this explosion. but before you're a noun failed, it should that statement lebanese media quoting security source to set that. and it's rarely drone, was responsible for quotes hitting a un patrols close to the border. now this is not the 1st time the patrol has come under fire. in the past 6 months since has below opened up front lines to help palestinians and saucer last october. in november, they came under fire is rarely fired in the border village of items of the united nations condemned us and said the peacekeepers should should be protected. now it
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wasn't clear at the time whether this was intentional deliberate, or if it was unintentional or a political message, because this is a un force that has been criticized by both the warring size as well believes it doesn't do enough to pull. she has follow back from the border and has been. 8 has accused some of its contingents of spying for, as well as in a just focus through the importance of this, of the role of this un mission and level of the world. their job is to keep the peace to monitor the cessation of hostilities along the corridor. they also claim the tension and it was a relatively quiet border for many years since the last 4 between israel and hezbollah and 2006 since october. since that front was open, triggered by the war on drugs. us with this is the u. n. force that is deployed under chapter 6 of the red chart that which means it needs the cooperation of the
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conflicting parties on the ground in order to carry out its mandates. its mandate is to help the lebanese army extend this authority of frost, southern 11 on a decrease at d militarized zone, where no non state so armed to actors operate up to 20 kilometers from the border. it hasn't been able to achieve that mandate, according to un security council reports over recent years. in many ways, there's a lack of political will on the parts of lebanese authorities, but also with hasn't been able to stop israel from violating 11 on sovereignty. continuing to breach 11 on the aerospace and not which i'm not withdrawing from contests with areas along the border. so no child just has an important role to play. but this is a largest largely toothless force. right now, western nations are putting proposals on the table to try to end the hostilities along the border. it does involve beefing up the presence of the lebanese army. with the help of the un peacekeeping troops say no, thank you very much in
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a folder environment. meanwhile, is was denied involvement to the incident. even on con has more on us from occupied east jerusalem as these ready. all mean you have issued a very swift and very strong to know they've said country to reports, we did not hit a unit fil vehicle in a mess. that's all the statement says, but it is a strong denial and i will have to wait and see well uniforms of response to that is unit for the now the ones that are actually going to be handling this investigational, but it was a different you an agency that was involved in this incident, but this one comes off the back of the off kalonde being very clear. he visited the northern, come on that's on the, he's ready side of the lebanese border where he told his troops, they were going to go off that his bullet, whether it was a baby, whether it was in damascus, they were going to go on the offensive. now that's something that will be concerning to hezbollah as well. that did issue a statement saying that they were ready for any event relative. but hezbollah voice
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has been very clear, they will move back possible autonomy, rid of which is where these ladies want them to move back to about 40 kilometers within lebanese territory. if there is a permanency supply in garza as long as that doesn't happen, then these tensions will be, will continue to take place along that board at sofa. they have been contained along that border area. some parts of the obviously been disputed, but the language coming from these ratings is certainly very strong. and if they do start hitting has bullied us in a route, for example, in damascus, then hezbollah has to react. i remember these readings. i've actually hit that they read before, but they killed a how much lead us all in a hurry, didn't kill any, has bullied as his bullet. leaders will be a red line and that's something that is go, that has got the international community. very worried indeed. so meanwhile,
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there's really forces have been bombing residential areas across the gaza strip, but these 2 people were killed and an overnight attack on a house and no more cause these refugee camp in central gaza. i've used 80 to palestinians have been killed. a 98 are being injured in the past 24 hours on him, off his life for us in a rough i just took us through what's been going on with the strikes over the last several hours or so honey. the yes, rob. well, the past couple hours cnn intends is really air strikes not only in the in the city of han you and is the western part of city. but that includes also the northern part on gauze video. we're talking about the vicinity, the rest of the hospital where it is really monetary is still operating aggressively inside those complex. then in doing so, destroying the vast majority of the residential building around the hospital on setting large number of these homes on fire and, and we, we heard it from civil defense. the crew are unable to reach to the area main roads
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. leading to the main gates of this, you have a hospital that's the way the road. the unity road in the middle of garza city, leading to the unsafe complex, where as they describe tens of people are in the road and under the levels of the building they've been targeted. within the past 2 days, they're unable to reach to pull these bodies from under the levels that separately i'm around to die yet juncture where a car was targeted and civil defensive pro managed to get at least 8 bodies of from the area in a previous that's todd to the neighborhood and flip sick loudly as for the club and intramurals center in the area were targeted yesterday and 10 people weren't killed . those among the people were sheltering inside the sportage swap. and at the same time, a law enforcement co securing the delivery of a to god. the northern part was also targeted on 7 people where it goes to among them the security person. i was volunteering with the clans in gaza to secure the
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delivery of, of 8 in hon. you and is just within the past hour and entire residential building made of at least 7. the story, or 7 of floors was, was targeted and destroyed that we were told that we're able to inside this building and i've been shows are a since the beginning of the war and the expansion of the military operation in hon . you and is that's what the, what parts of honda is and that's only making it very difficult for paramedics and civil defense that go as movement is very restrictive. giving the, the, the presence of it quest copper, these are attack drones and the, the shooting at every moving objects in the area and making it very difficult. also for evacuated, who are constantly order sharpie to leave the area, but unable because of the constant. vondik a definitive nozzler hospital. 5 people around the end of the vicinity because your danny and field hospital were pulled from the area as a result of the, the past 2 days of the intense bombing in the area. i mean,
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not good enough or honey. thank you very much. i us, or protests. those are again marching in london to show support for palestinians and gas. so they're demanding an immediate cease fire. it's the 11 demonstration of its kind of new phase capital. since social began its war on the stripe roy, the challenges that, that protests, the united nations security council, of course having voted for the resolution, demanding an immediate cease fire, at least for the uh, the remainder of ramadan. this is the 11th time people have been on the streets in london. what are they saying to you? the yeah, every other week, off the mountains come rain or shine these demonstrations being so i can play some of them and bring some, some kind of feedback. this one i think, looks to be a pretty large one. certainly thousands are on the streets of london today. now these marches had to disapproval and at times the out wrong whole standards. each of the u. k. governments are full of my heart and sex every so what
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a problem. and i missed the call to say my tooth government 2 weeks ago. tell you see its working definition of extremism and gave yourself quite a powers to label groups that it doesn't like, particularly as x. 3 mysteries also that signs off the police of london to come down more heavily on any monitors they think car exhibits a semitism. or, you know, the most part, i think the police have insight on software products that have been monitoring things up for the place. they know the market themselves well, they are holding, as i have done for months and months and months for ac spa and going with it. now, just before this demonstration button, jamal is the head of the product guns protest on solid hours. he can fight and said it's a clear, do you see the you take government to end is proficiency. in his rouse genocide, he settings the sites that the guy said spends export licenses and supplies to
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israel. and then i have the resumption of funding to unravel that can prevent a 5 minutes taking holes in gaza. now he's the western political stones changing well, as he said, i just now rob we have had for the 1st time in the un security council, a bug policy including so i see spot in gaza increase in the relying on an extension from the united states, which easily visa is id, sat stating, so signs, at least for the 1st time that will protest this fear according to her on the streets and what western governments, how very simple. so things are aligned really thank you very much indeed. role each other. and so can choose from london. i think it was being held for the 13 year old boy killed by his very forces near janine and the occupied westbank. what is it was somebody else died during an overnight to raise and the ton of come back to you to
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other people were injured more than 450 pounds. a students are being killed in the occupied westbank since october upon a city of mine has been arrested outside the locks, the law skin occupied east jerusalem. is there any troops to change him as he was leaving off to finish and this morning, prayers as the rest comes, as is really authorities, tyson restrictions for palestinians traveling to all accent during the drum and on march 30th is observed as long day in the occupied palestinian territories on this day in 1976, 6 pablo standing as early as were killed for protesting plans to seize their lands and legal settlements. so been expanding more rapidly in the occupied westbank during the war. on garza, any of this month to fall right minister, best out loud and smart, which announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers, mostly in the jordan valley. con has been speaking to affected families, the towing of ready to plug in of the city. yes. but this fall and look, and only reach a fraction of his land, the sea dig landscape, it stretches,
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and the value of the hill belongs to 15 hosting in families. this is that green mall to the weight of this one now is belongs to melissa. you called access that yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum. about the 21 only lose this real name is mostly started date. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k. for being a dangerous environment. sutler, he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center, bring both settlers in october. he full of the families from that home, one job job because the guy is using a hard on august loose or a talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife when i told them they were there to hit me in the head. and directly into the house with the other settler. this is my daughter is heard. we screaming blood was everywhere, grand. that'd be a flight. i should just have families lived in
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a home for both 90 years. a dollar and up a little thermal. he came at night, the settler move, so 7 others. he kicked us out into cold our belongings. he level with nothing. he also kicked our neighbors out. we own this land and we have proof about our club. she shows us proof of ownership from palestine. israel and georgian hosting is can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty homes and stolen lines and even hear that being prevented from completing the building. even though most of this area is on the posting and civil control, it's this gate to finding the people from that line. they've had put generations while we were filming, while she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land. that was tried. he's not speaking, this is so he's the spelling of. he starts making cools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not safe for us to say massage to you. is it going through
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the as a get to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why it is a thought, a good thing, this area. now, i should never have been that be a live in a metal out house. old. it's around to was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tiled floors doesn't know if she'll see it again north, on how to see or of the for the, the occupied westbank to major decisions, an international law relating to guys. i've been checking in the past week, the united nations security council passed a resolution demanding an immediate cease fire during the month of ramadan. and the international court of justice. the you and the top court is issued additional provisional measures, the audit israel to guarantee the suppliers, humanitarian aid, and open more land border crossings. neither as often as long clear what steps if
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any, be taken by the international community to ensure compliance with the legally binding directives. drawing me down in the studio is most of a bundle to the secretary general of the palestinian national initiative party. thank you very much indeed for being with us. as we've just mentioned that are to there's a building from the united nations security council saying there must be an immediate cease fire for them on the international court of justice says that it must be more humanitarian aid. but our correspondent honey was telling us on the wrong about the litany of attacks and strikes and, and the devastation that's been happening in gaza just in the last several hours. was that up at a point to which palestinians do think, had any face that the un security council in the rulings by the i, c, j, would actually make a difference. and unfortunately, we have good doubts not only about the ability of the united nations, but about the international. and that's an option of community in general and specially wisdom community because it is allowed to act with complete impunity.
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it is behaving as if it is above the little above, international above, international humanitarian though, it is government in genocide in front of the hood. uh we're talking about 59000 people can not septic 259000 if we count the 7000 under the but including almost 15000 children. and the forgive me for interrupting these. the numbers that are coming from the guys are far too. yes. yes, but, but the cortex, we have the names, the names of these children, the names of these people. nobody's any good to them. even the and i have to states of america, which did end up in the beginning. but this is the entity genocide, collect of punishment, a terrible act. so it gives the population and also to been siege. and the terrible ethnic cleansing, we're talking about no less than 700000 people are stopping now in the notes of
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guys, including 350000 children and many of them have stopped it today. but in addition, the viciousness of those early attacks, i have uh, a lot of medical teams in the notes of guys and they did report to, to us fundable things. how is there any army in the near the ship, elizabeth and shift elizabeth allows impacts executed. people i have been, samuel is liked about that. you are familiar with the bend them to this by been exec house. why they were inside them by kidding so many other families, 20 to 2325 by bombarding or the whole neighborhood around the ship hospital. and it goes on. and the inputs, the 200 people would execute it from the people who. busy hiding or the thing to fix it, to take shelter from the civilians were taking shelter, industry falls, but the ended because on the big question here is for how long visited would be allowed to be and punitive. and the other big question,
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why is that international community and especially the wisdom countries in pause don't rush. i live in thousands functions in the 1st 2 months of the world with ukraine. and no single sanction has been imposed on as well. i do not think nathaniel would stop and his freshest. the government will not stop unless that i've sanctions and the threats of boy cut the investment and section. the closest of the you ahead of us has got to so far to expressing its concern with the situation in gaza is to abstain from the un, which a lot of that un resolution to go through, given what you said. and then that, that i to turn it down by clement that that was not obligated to me, which was a strange phrase which has got a lot of the diplomatic community. and in some consternation, people are still trying to work out what that meant. because of course, un security council resolutions are legally binding and of course the bind for us and that by the way, of the language of that, that is the loosen. it is 10 times stronger than the language of the distribution
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to $42.00 on 338th, which are used as the bible for peace processes. given what you said. and given that it seems to be done to the us a to be able, if i told to be able to have some leverage against israel. how concerned are you as we now look towards the situation in the off, are these really threats to move into the alpha? do you regard that, given the fact that nothing yahoo has no said that he will send a delegation back to tools for the seas for how much of that do you think is, is leverage as far as those talks are concerned and how much of that is a genuine sweat of the remaining towards the remaining people injured off. it's very dangerous situation because the united states is not saying that is what it is . must not at that cutoff or the out of say into they have to attack it to attack it in a certain way to reduce the number of people can. but you're talking about 1400000 people stuck in an area that there's no more than 40 square kilometers. of course,
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if you're through the stones on people, there was die. what the, i'm they out of sending us a lot of bumps, unload just fighters if that the 5 digit fighters and the, the sending contradict of messages from one side. they say they care about the civilian population from the other side, the encouraging cause of it and to attack by giving them the funds. and by not saying, just as successful, not at that kind of why. so there's a lot that could offer. what do they want to achieve to have that he was my 2nd, the greatest, maybe in, in, in the, in the whole human history and modern times. or to try to actually achieve what nothing, you know as being threatening so which of which is to try to evict people from gaza . could hear things that was kind of ethnic cleansing. that there's this, these, these are the entities and the one community must stop at that cool enough because it would mean a harder big part of been my 2nd. i wanted to ask you about the,
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the potential involvement of the palestinians in the, the governing of gaza when the war eventually ends given the structure of the policy and in the thoughts as you see it at the moment given the day, the lack of trust that there is exist on so many different sides. what role or what shape do you think a palestinian a palace standing authority should take in order to have a role in running garza low cars at west united states and particularly books about democracy everywhere except in palestine. speak of a democratic elections inside of b. uh, maybe in china, but nothing by this time as we have to do with our selves as people we don't need anybody to do it us from outside, definitive, we don't want and, and the activation of those of a new patient of guys but missed that our bus went on on the phone,
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a government by his own, i mean, on his own, without consulting with other political forces. and i would open you in the best solution is a national consensus doesn't then put any government that would be acceptable to everybody. and that would, of course, unify doesn't list the bank and but event, the continuation of is that i look your patient, but it should be temporarily because it has to organize for the democratic elections. something we didn't have since 2006, and it is our right as people to elect our lead, the democratic most of the day. we appreciate that. thank you very much indeed. thank you. or what since the warrant guys have begun, thousands of palestinians help being buried under rubble. by his way, the attacks rescuers have been resorting to digging with their bare hands. here's one boy had a lucky escape and gauze, assessing the
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good at the dealership to be checking the ball after a month for very little rain and mobile and there's a change coming. here's jeff for the check of the weather. so hey there. well, it's very likely that they'll burn in australia as victoria state is going to walk away with it's dry is march on record. so here we go. sunday, last day of march. still sunshine in the mix. here at 24 degrees. no rain but watch what happens on monday, the 1st day of april we got some downpours coming in to victoria state, extending down into tasmania. that's certainly good news because this area has been parts to new zealand. we go, what weather shifts away from these k, but we've got a southerly breeze here. that's a cool wind. so temperature is on the low side for this year and do an easy, a more flooding, west calum and 10 on borneo island and same goes for south. so the ways a lot of some pretty big storms on china is kind of an island tear. watch
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visibility knocked out like that. we saw there was winds roaring and the pouring rain, and really this storm system expands around southern china. so let's go in here for a closer look. i think the worst of the rain will actually be just to the north of hong kong, around gwen g. providence. pretty close to shanghai dark in the blue and yellow. that is the more intense rain falling cherry blossom so finally bloomed in tokyo were bouts latest blooms here in 12 years. but those temperatures certainly should not. so tokyo 26 degrees for you on sundays here. the still ahead on knowledge azeta. why some such as i can farmers say they expect to harvest absolutely nothing this spring and the impact that's having on the entire region. take the mattress into their own hands, how some hospitals soften the rocks. are dealing with a rise in drug use by young people. amid a shortage of rehabilitation centers, guidance for to some food for rookie breaks, 13 year old, and be honest without the details coming up
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the huge reserves of alysia used and electric batteries. i'm fine to for reducing a reliance on fossil fuels. live be nice, can fast ideas, salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on that. just the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very fit data on the grounds. the graves pulled over gauze and now from the house of the story,
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one in 3. its children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to for the hydration of the we want to know to 0 reminder of our top stories. this in southern lebanon, 3 united nations ministry observers and a translator of being injured the one personnel. abraham patrol in the time of a mesh, one of the explosion occurred nearby is really mandatory is denied responsibility. is there any forces have been bombing residential areas across jobs striking the highest and all because the campus kills at least 2 people. at least a 2 tooth on the students have been killed in 1918 inches in the past 24 hours.
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saturday, march lunch day in the occupied palestinian savages if the memories of the day is ready, forces killed 6 palestinian authorities in 1976 demonstrations of how i'm going to protest against begin legal and extension of protest. any ty, student activist is in a critical condition in the hospital, more than a month sent to a hunger strike. she was arrested in february and charges of how to sing the one families motorcade. human rights advocates say the case demonstrates how laws are being used to suppress freedom of expression. jessica washington reports the event goes to my said hospital, i'm all the weeks for who 22 year old daughter that was going to end up paying the one what to do. i don't known as stolen and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept
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a medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the citizen challenges relate to an incident in early february, when the pan repeatedly sounded the call phone as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess my check, the city and horn was passing. they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student and active. it's campaigning for form of community says defense should be considered a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said off to the incident that such action said a bad example for others as young people must respect a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about medicaid violence broke out, when pointless,
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supposes confronted extra. this conducting the stolen was already facing charges for and still things were also she discussed the medicaid case, human rights organizations say nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch, we have not seen significant improvement regarding respectful fundamental freedoms . for them, expressions, if you don't assembly, people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bail. and we have high people seeing the country, right? group, say tiny authorities use brewed and vague our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute us to this. and this case should not be considered citizen . someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard. and
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thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington ultra 0. the us funded the radio free asia shut down as bureau and hong kong over safety concerns following the passing of new national security legislation. but new services, the law makes it hard to protect and stuff and it's left it with no choice but to close. critics savvy and not going to of article $23.00, gone so far. he's grateful. pause to stifle dissent. before it is without borders. it's called the closure. consequence of the chilling effect, the new law has had on media and the city of baltimore, a group of workers has paid tribute to the 6 people killed when a bridge collapse. the victims were monuments from latin america. meanwhile, the 1st of several cranes has been setup to clear the wreckage. my kind of reports is described as the largest crating on the eastern seaboard. but experts expect it to take as much as a month to clear a new channel through the wreckage and reopen bolton. we'll have a,
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we can see the engineers and the divers and the survey boats out there on the water in these difficult when conditions doing their job, doing their work, to assess that bridge to figure out how we can cut it up into the pieces we need to be able to lift by can say right now, this is going to be if this how, what's the time period. i can tell you, it is not going to be days or weeks or months. this is going to take time. every single phase we have to focus on safety of the people who are doing the work. divided administration has already approved 60000000 dollars in emergency funding to get the quote open as soon as possible. and the president says he'll go to baltimore and coming days the central american solidarity association of mary landel casa, held a press conference friday in memory of the maintenance workers who died when the
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bridge collapsed. here we are, we mind once again about the nerve, most contribution that they may run to make to this country how it together. we us bar workers. we bill this country is slightly i'm here today in the memory of the 6 workers who lost their lives. that day, i'm here to honor the memory and the contributions to the city. a contribution to vital immigrants are essential. there were many immigrants among the workers who built the francis scott key bridge 47 years ago. and it will be again, when the bridge is rebuilt in the years to come by kind of, i'll just sierra washington in southern africa drive. it is pretty millions of risk of running short of food. the regions software does lowest rainfall and more than 40 years, south africa's the regions largest producer of cereals, but a heat wave, a scorched crops caused some prices to rise. somebody is declared national disaster
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with around 40 percent of planted areas destroyed by the intense heat power cuts the last thing for hours because water levels are too low to sustain the hydro electric powered rate and the neighboring some bump way. food shortages are predicted because of an estimated 62 percent shortfall in the green harvest, the government set out to russian supplies to help vulnerable households. here's a south african farmer explaining the difficulties that he's facing in his own words. my name is picked him a table. i am a crop farmer from free state province, south africa. i've been fined me for 14 years. uh before that out. now everything looked good. that was not why it's showing the and this way. but in yeah we, i now think just as just changed, i've never seen this kind of throughout the 2 weeks we are going to help us and
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nothing. and i mean nothing. in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area picked on mays. but to this yeah, we are like we are going to have is nothing just about this effect that me financially that have employees. i need to maintain that from i need to maintain that mission mattie, and i must expand this or do this quinn dishes is going to be a big problem. and we will have one buy expect cronum east about to, to come in a nino. but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this and you know before but the to us not this, this like the truth. yeah. i don't know if people are being picked it by this route . so or not people don't be afraid. they'll pay more money to buy food too because of this throughout sunday. on the long when a is minister,
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your trustee and vice chairman of the mays trust is also director of the green farm and development association is joining us live, not from johannesburg. thank you very much indeed for being with us. this is trying to get everybody equally or are some assignments being affected more than others to thank you very much for having us is yes indeed. you know, and the big effects of climate change definitely being that it's not. and it really does that. i think the effects are excellent, not spell. let's do monday, and they have suddenly dist, properties need especially against those who can ex, i need you to call it, which is now especially audio black from us as a way, you know, be both small. and as you may be aware that i'm in pre 1994, there was the support, at least for the white to call miss out of bottom us, which is probably not as much currently with the black from us as a way federal yesterday. as a deal with that, we attended rhodes to government as
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a plaza, basically, really saying to them that add to government, that gets important, that they are interventions that that's what it mitigate and makes up that it is better is um, adopted asian and we're talking about issues, but in a sense relating to at the disaster defines but also he shows it relates to making sure that the ease of for the instructions that to promise because most of the black from that sometimes there is that desire to the, that lives in that, that would be most of that back, they did that, they don't getting shot, they have crops because they can't afford to die. but one of the key issues of the so is to make sure that both the government as well as the private sector and come up put in the stands with the top, with some a job to visit with their dad at this dent. calling 2 of us and so that even if that is valid because it's, it's a likely going to be a phenomenon. now. thank you,
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bob with a this, the conditions that farmers in south africa were facing before the dr. half a just being highlighted by the dried or is this a very different thing as well as suddenly i think i'm and i was listening to one of the foremost beads. yeah. it's just indicating the bad separately. and the need not expect has actually been there before, but he has actually not been as harsh as it is now. but to now mom is cutting leap. i actually read leading from the facts of buttons as developed by us. and those fate of fi as well also is as that is knowledge of drought. and they affect to, to begin trust structure at many of the issues getting the funding set up. so, so it'd be funded by us also affect it. now it has a he was actually engaging, but when, for instance, they is back to low my, my jobs,
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it does affect to the governments of the, of the crops as well. let me just ask you, um you said that you made about um, applications to the government, we only have about a minute or so left. but what kind of response have you been getting from the government when you've been applying to the that we, we actually have just written to them. because that have been a number of suggestions coming from the private sector in terms of what meet needs to be done and of yesterday is best for you to kind of waited. but uh, because of some of the, you know, fees, cost challenges. the government has not necessarily been able to to meet us exactly where would one to them to the is sound and supports that is given to from us. but he just started getting subsidies and things like your cost and added the as well and distribution support. but they will also be selling the support in terms of the inputs, but to when it comes to getting sorta ends in selling the things that is really still being driven by the private sector. and was saying that it would be good to
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that the government somehow does subsidize that even though it would have to be from us themselves who actually saw spot, but at least it should be affordable as of right. somebody on the wrong one it, we appreciate you being with us. thank you very much indeed for your time. thank you very much. have a right of the home, a present in about a walk to looking for what they describe as undeclared luxury watches, around 40 offices broke into the residence using a sledge hammer, i believe, said it was searching for rolex watches the government agent's loss of investigation. following a newspaper report, a boat bought a warranty wearing a range of luxury watches that are not being disclosed publicly. drug trafficking has been on the rise among young rockets in recent years. a shortage of substance addiction rehabilitation centers as prompted some hospitals to launch their own recovery programs. and the other one has reports from book that of
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the work out. so i'll post a very happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction to this hospital and about that exercise and counseling. go hand in hand with the talk. c. 22 year old about could describes the program as a jew at any of resurrection. and i'm gonna have to own i'm on hold on it now. i started smoking crystal meeting 2017. it destroyed my life. i'm in a different opinion level and turned into how stop us and fighting and my family every day to give me money to buy. it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. i don't, they don't know how to revise the patients from the southern and eastern regions of what you all call you, judy mentor. i'm system and users addicted to this to me, that the speeds of the bodies nervous system causing the high those from the west of northern regions tend to be users of kept going pills which have a similar effect fishing. and we've got
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a corklin. claremont that she can in this hospital alone really see between 60 and 70 cases every day. different cost started behavior. a nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients, and also deep but in an office has some dysfunction and hot and kidney failure. to cover that, keep going over the, an unemployment of major factors. doctors, he has a 3600 drug addicts have been treated at this hospital since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of his to miss addicts. the drug used to be smuggled into the lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. as the administrator has at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated this year, the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in
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a few. your walk has been increasingly steady since 2000. i see some networks reportedly have links to political parties in a groups. lots of looking ahead out if you set that up. you do have to do the diamond field. a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross mode and it was, i don't, and apprehended more than 1400 suspects. it's generated while you're some of them who've been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the dock. and they're also suspects working from a broad, but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families. doctor say that only a fraction of the number of drug addicts, any loc, many more feeding social stigma. isolate themselves from friends and family, offering die alone without the engines, your body still ahead and i'll just eat another impressive display from one of the tennis is bryce. his youngest daughter's actions in the miami opened,
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coming up next and support with fox. the, the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. then while you have some western powers supports of, of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and morally. they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel cause of conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, in an increasingly complex world. it's paramount to be direct action what their should moment international law is vehicle be this model. and so to the discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under a climate of absolute impunity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community?
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a sense that message that and the out of bigotry, that a sama for you. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront without using the sort of the sport as far. rob, thank you so much. part of the leak is back after a 2 week break in newcastle, a currently an action against west ham, in the flight for european places, new castle were in front after just 6 minutes. anthony gordon was brought down by vladimir seph fall in the penalty area. it took v or over 3 minutes to come to a decision for the alexander eustace, essentially with nope, steak from the spot. 15 minutes later though, west ham wise with how antonia scored his 4th goal of the season, deepen to add
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a time in the 1st half west ham completed the turn around. mom of kudos make me to one. the 2nd half is underway. it's now $31.00 matched united are one place above west time and they'll be looking to continue their push for champions league places against brent serve. later air 10 hog side or 6 points behind 5th place, talk them which could be enough to qualify for the tournament. next season, 18 year old colby avenue made his england debut during the international break kind of hog size. it was a proud moment for the club. a. we're not surprised. lose file. we have seen where he's capable of and that the can for a quick adapt to high levels and is look, it looks very natural and we are very, very happy. are you happy for him? and of course, we also are a little bit proud. i will say if i proud to, it's
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a great for the academy for me. it says you and i did that to bring up a play and then so you'll going to let you know team that is a big compliment. i think for the whole clip on sunday, manchester city houses are small and a match that could have huge implications on who will win the seasons of primarily titled tom sideline. pass moore. it's set to be one of the closest time to races in primary history. with 10 games remaining, one point separates the top 3. 2 of them go head to head on sunday. manchester city targeting a full time full in a row. austin were looking for the 1st title in 20 is change. yeah. he said must have game for both teams and that's for sure because um he will give his a huge post. i can and we go with it and when it, it's all small who have to narrow the voltage at the top and go into this looking to make it 9 wins in a row mattress. the city might be in fluid, but the still the favorites to go in and when the league make a lot test,
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it says they've that rights to everybody believe that they're going to do it again down given no reason to anybody else, to saying that they cannot do it. so we have 2 different services. yes, it's a, it's a challenge to change. the narrative isn't going to be spoken about like city, all right. now, you know, we haven't done it. so we kind of respect to the top like c, t, o lube at the moment because we haven't done it. and it's that type of winning experience. that puts claudio a cited advantage. they've already won the supercop on. the club woke up this season, waiting trophies has become a habits mentions to city. and the manager feels confident that they can keep doing . it's good to be here. this season have been really good reading to titles and after what happened last season. being the inclination towards this very important details of the titles of the season and less than get into the family canal or start to know the important think. and the leaders of the families of
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decision at home with people. and i'm pretty sure they will give us what we need to perform our best assess, have worked with guardiola for 3 years at the city and he's given his spanish counterpart, the ultimate complements, going into this match. my opinion is the best coaching along by mine and um, and is one of the nicest person that i have made in football. and so it's only one of the ones that i have 5 more fun i love working with and does are gonna stay there forever. but really i would rose of the moment of why they are going to and you have to adapt to a situation that friendship will get put to one side on sunday as often look. so when the dnc had for the 1st time in 9 years come size and i was is 0 or 5 match ends and you draw it presents a big opportunity for liberal pool. when you're in club side house, brighton, victoria, and field. let's see. liverpool moved to the top of the table just before us to these match against arsenal. crops, those 3 points will be vital as he looks to end his 9 year spent at the club with
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a 2nd lead title. the the, the old finals for us. it is like that, so it does mean you can not lose one or whatever. it just means it is a fine each of these gains, but that should not put us in a rush or whatever that'd be have to when the finally the for us 3 minutes be did. so we have to play them next and all the football games to yeah, like center has underlined his status is one of the fastest rising players in world kind of the italian dropped his free games and his semi final way, you know, for daniel met with jazz at the moment this match was the receipt of january's australia opened the final in center one, his 1st grandson type. usually the more you go on and off the man, the more comfortable i feel, and i'm very happy about that is performance. i think that me and didn't feel this well today. he, you know, he made a lot of mistakes, which usually doesn't make so i just took the chance center. well face agree? gord demitria off in the funnel that's up to the bulgarian well,
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number 12 defeated alexanders of rappers, germany, the match went with deciding 3rd set, which demetrius one clenching his 1st victory over to the for i have since 24th. you know, it just said it was the same as the like adult side on both ends. i mean, i think we really one of each other, especially after that 1st said such it was, i felt like he ups up his uh, his game a little bit. and he was very, very strong throughout the whole 2nd set and even in the tiebreaker. so he was, he was going to be putting a lot of pressure on me, a victor, a women yamma scored a career high, 40 points to lead his team, the san antonio spurs to victory over the new york next, which is seconds left in regular time. the french international tie became often subject to overtime for women. yamaha started again for this 1st san antonio holding off the next a 13226 to 20 year old becomes. so it's worth you just for 40 points and 20 rebounds and a game. since shaquille o'neal did back in july,
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it just shows what he's going to be when he understands all the physicality just coming at him all the time. and what to do about it. fortunately, he's also a hell of an instinctive passer and he's willing to do what he needs to do in that regard. so he's, he's pretty special. so have autonomy and his the team yearly daughters are continuing to sean. is these an opening series against the st. louis cardinals, lucky that's for the home runs to get the daughters of one, nothing leaving the 2nd game series found, he didn't have much luck though. he failed score, but the dodgers did go on to win. okay, and that is all your support for now. back to the rock fire, thank you very much indeed. and the questions around the world of the mocking easter weekend in different ways and hate people are trying to keep their traditions alive. even though game violence is getting worse, frivolous. gro, making and swapping colorful paper type says they've done every easter weekend on
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gains control, much of the capital impose the products, the interim prime ministers designed officer who was blocked from returning from a funding trip. and that as well as of re enacted the crucifixion of jesus christ to mock good friday. and one of the colors support his neighborhoods. tradition began in 1986 more than 90 percent of the country's population is conflict. and meanwhile, as a leader of the roman catholic church has missed the traditional good friday procession in rome, the vatican says 87 year old pope funds this is saving his energy for other events is expected to hold a match to mot easter sunday. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget the website. of course i'll just eat a dot com. i will matheson stay with us on august the
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it that the united nations observers and the translator are injured while i doing patrolling 711 of these really minutes. we says paper notes responsible the know about this and this is our to 0 life and still have also coming up, palestinians mark land a is illegal, is really settlements and occupied temperatures are expanding. i don't records. right. the sizes of demonstrators are gathering an essential.
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