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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm AST

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the family drama drama. chuck jago homes, ramadan kids shows. cooking shows you a for you, right? 2020 full top europe. the leads and much more. don't forget to use the promo code from it that the united nations observers and the translator are injured while lodge and patrolling southern 11 of these really minutes. we says paper notes responsible the robots and this is the 0 live from. don't have also coming up on a city is mark land date is illegal, is really settlements and occupied temperatures are expanding. i don't records right. the sizes of demonstrators are gathering essential london to
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march the support of palestine and starving for change as a student. occupational hunger strikes isn't a critical condition in hospital she has been charged with hottest and timelines. while finally the we're going to begin a southern lebanon for 3 united visions, military observers, on the 11 east translator. i've been injured the human personality, but on foot patrol. in the time of the mesh, when there was an explosion near that position. is there any other transition to stipend, denying responsibility venue and says it's investigating level known as prime minister and actually mccarthy has condemned what he's called the targeting of un forces absorbers, or from the un trust supervision organization which assists the un entered in force in 11 on the stone as unit fell and it was created by the security council in 1978 . its original mandate was to confirm these ready withdrawal from the country 6 and
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20 or 6. the mandate was updated. the 4th was tossed with monitoring the cessation of hostilities, supporting the lebanese armed forces and the size, and ensuring humanitarian access for civilians. the total number of units sold, personnel deployed as of 2023 is $10285.00, indonesia and doing the other 2 top contributing countries to the force under 10 empty is a unit for those folks pass. and they told us the exact circumstances surrounding the incident or unclear a group of a 3 or jail of which is really dirty observers. and one lebanese, a language assistance. and the where i'd say was it was the left of us attain exactly the the dynamic, the wording of a bullet. they weren't getting off the vehicle during that moment. and they, there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, and they were injured. as we settled in our statements, we are investigating the origins of the, of the,
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of the explosion at the moment. but of course, we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh these up as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 you're a much wider conflict and it's important for the parties to understand it. and to come to a to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it. and people magic and the, and political solution to this, to this conflict in accordance with the latest from valence a cus peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter and they were powerless to stop the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah, hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help us indians in gaza. and do you on forces, can not implement you and resolution 1701 which calls for
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a t militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats, unless it gets cooperation from 11 on so source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from storing sides as well, has accused it of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro wants and has. well, i has a queue, some of it's contingents of spine for israel and turning this course as turning the people that are in the south against this force. so we have to wait for the outcome of that investigation. but to no doubt, the one is calling for both sides to lay down. fearing that is, this escalation continues along the border. it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theatre. they don't, we while issues denied that it was involved, even on con, has more than that from occupied east choose. are these ready all me have issued a very swift and very strong to know they've said country to reports,
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we did not hit a unit fil vehicle in a mess. that's all the statement says, but it is a strong denial and i will have to wait and see, well you photos response to that is unit for the now the ones that are actually going to be handling this investigation on the it was a different you an agency that was involved in this incident, but this one comes off the back of the off kalonde being very clear. he visited the northern, come on that's on the, he's ready side of the lebanese border where he told his troops, they were going to go off to his bullet, whether it was a baby, whether it was in damascus, they were going to go on the offensive. now that's something that will be concerning to hezbollah. his beloved did issue a statement saying that they were ready for any event relative. but hezbollah voice has been very clear. they will move back possible autonomy river, which is where these ladies want them to move factories about 40 kilometers within lebanese territory. if there is a permanency supply in gaza,
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as long as that doesn't happen, then these tensions will be, will continue to take place along that board at sofa. they have been contained along that border area. some parts of the obviously been disputed, but the language coming from these ratings is certainly very strong. and if they do start hitting has bullied us in a route, for example, in damascus, then hezbollah has to react. i remember these readings. i've actually hit that they read before, but they killed. i'm asked me to solve it already. they didn't kill any his bullied as his bullied as will be a red line. and that's something that is go, that has got the international community. very worried. indeed. we want is very forces have been bombing residential areas across the gaza strip. and these 2 people are being killed in an overnight attack on the highest and on because these refugee camp is central gaza, at least 80 to kind of students have been killed and 98 incident in the past 24
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hours. that a couple of resumes. joining us though, from rough on topic, just talk this through. what's been happening over the last several hours? yes. in fact trop. and within the past 24 hours, the use wait. a minute tree has been showering the entire garza's trip with different bombs and also living shows that have destroyed and i'm for presidential house as well. the main concentration of such attacks have been carried out from the gauze of city, where every metal neighbor who's in the best it's a range of residential houses, completely destroyed, as they used by the forces are still operating and she felt hospital. but clearly we have been seeing most smokes rising on the horizon and from the city of han unit, specifically in the southern part, the with it is what the force of us to operating on the have been destroyed and complete residential neighborhoods. one off to the other, the other and this, this toxic had been widely used by these very a military troops, as they are operating in such areas fall according to the cause of the health ministry. they're saying that more than 80 palestinians have to report that killed within the past 24 hours and attacks are expected to raise and also to raise within
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the coming hours. but relatively right now here in rough i the situation sounds a critically and relatively calm. i'm a to office of patients, all of the attacks that could be carried doubts inside that target. in the far south of the 2 or 3, i'd try to stay with me for a moment cuz that one was grabbing another part of the story. this humanitarian aid side does it a 3 ship convoy carrying humanitarian a fall, guys left cyprus. it's coming $400.00 tons of food. the 1st trip to use the root delivered to 100 times the supplies 2 weeks ago. but the un says the moving supplies by land remains to be only effective way to deliver large amounts of a needed and the strep tonic. what do we know about the a that came off that 1st ship in where it ended up and how much impact is actually high? yes, rob. in fact, the 1st ship that had a rough on set, so the goal is a stretch throughout the you marry time career door that has been established under
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the supervision of the world since what kitchen had in fact offload it. it's a cargo that had completely contains $116.00 tons of humanitarian supplies that included. com pro dots. that's cool. so i can change it comes a cool campaigns. unimproved uh, fluid flow. i'm 4 wheel uh, bags that it, oh it contains that where that's have been delivered to the white house of the world, central kitchen, but yet it's not really sure if these items have been distributed as there was no any vigil confirmation had been filmed by the uh, what central kitchen box it practically this amount that had been delivered by the world. simple kitchen here to the cause of chip cannot be really helpful to the needs of hundreds of thousands palestinians. and then other parts of garza, and that comes in lights of the ongoing restrictions as well being and placing on humanitarian supplies deliveries to the another and parts of the church we on the new shipment that is predicted to reach for the territory. it talks about $400.00
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tons of humanitarian supplies, but practically, it's not yet sure if these $400.00 tons will be practically transferred to the gaza strip as the it's expected to arrive within the coming days. but at the same time, palestinians see that these are service sent. you cannot be a profile of tenants for the humanitarian cool boys that are being allowed to get into the gaza strip from land. corey doors on the are asking for more loans. clarissa was a for move points from which a, from which aids could be allowed to get into to the 2 or 3 as they have been completely disappointed from the a dropping impulse of the married time for rachel was shipment that had been delivered within the past a few days that could not be till now. a proof of alternative for such humanitarian cool boys by land cory those tonic, thank you very much indeed. as well as that of being 2 major decisions, an international law regarding jobs in the past week. the united. busy nations security council passed a resolution the monday any immediate cease 5 during the month of ramadan. the
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international court of justice, but us top court issued additional provisional measures, ordering israel to guarantee the supply of commodity, hearing aid, and open more lines. border crossings, neither as often as i'm clear what steps if any, cannot be taken by the international community to ensure compliance with these legally binding directives. toby cabman is a specialist and international law and he says, the judges at the international court of justice are running out of patience with israel. and i think it is one of the difficult things that we have um is the israel has a longstanding history of ignore it. and you and resolutions and effectively continued to use the argument that the biased one sided and bordered on semitism. and so it does obviously makes the, the process a very, very difficult. of course, what we have seen a different in the international court of justice is that is relative engage in
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that process. we've seen the items that we put forward. i'm not particularly compelling response to the patients that have been made and we can see now with the, the new provisional measures the, the test that i've been ordered by the court of justice at a very different time been struck by, by many of the judge is effectively run here to patients with, with israel. and also what we do say is a very chain, a clear changed position as united states, but not excising has to be to but abstaining from the part so, so that you can see that there it is very much a change in the international response. and i would imagine that there are many discussions by and place those going on right now to try and get his route to engage with them to be effective for adults. is there any point but anyone's guess i feel is being held for a 13 year old boy killed by his really forces me as
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a name and the occupied west style was killed german overnight raising the time of a box here. 2 of the people were injured more than 450 pounds as to needs to be killed in the occupied west point. since october on march, the 30th is observed as long day and the occupied palestinian territories on this day in 1976, 6 pablo standing and his writings were killed for protesting against funds to seize the lands and legal settlements. so been expanding more rapidly in the occupied westbank turn, the water and gossip of this month far i administered best no smoke which announced the seizure of 10 square kilometers, mostly in the jordan valley. thought account has been speaking to affected families, towing ready to plug in on the 30th, but this farmer can only reach a fraction of his land. the sea to columbus cape, it stretches into the valley and up the hill belongs to 15, hosting in families. this is that green most broad weight. this one now is voted on
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2 more. so you called access that? yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum. about the $21.00 only boost his real name is mostly shot of age. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k for being a dangerous environment. sutler, he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers. it will tell you that he full, the families from that home when the guy is, you know, hold on, i'll just loose or talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife. when i told them they were there to hit me in the head and direct me into the house with the other settlers. my thoughts heard me screaming and blood was everywhere. red. that'd be of twice i should have probably slipped enough of bold and knowing 2 years so darling up a little thermal. and when he came at night, the settler moves, so 7 others. he kicked us out into cold our belongings. he level with nothing. he
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also kicked our neighbors out. we owned this land and we have proof of our club. what she says is, proof of ownership of palestine. israel and georgian hosting is can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty hundreds of stolen lines. and even here, that being prevented from completing the building even though most of this area is on the posting of civil control. it's this gate to finding the people from that lot that had put generations while we were filming more, she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land that we've tried. he's not speaking. it's just that he's just filming. he starts making cools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not stay for us to say massage to you. is it going through the as again to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss,
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a space of the valley. so that's why that is what it looks like to them is a thought, a good thing, this area. now i should never have been that be a live in a metal out house. old it's around to was given to her is charity. and it's not much. she dreams of her brick house and tiled floors doesn't know if she'll see it again. north on, out to see or of the for the, the occupied. westbank is still the head and i'll just see that why some south african farmers say they expect to harvest. absolutely. nothing is spring on the impact that's happening on the entire region. the the, it's a fresher feel in northern bucket strong. however one that's where we begin this, whether story all had to do with the wet weather that we saw move through here
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hills storms as well. so it's freshen up the atmosphere in the $427.00 degrees. different story though, for india, most of the country under weather alerts for heat hot both by days and nights and submitted the being pumped in off the bip and golf on eastern india. so for each die and coal cut to its feeling in the forty's some pretty powerful storms road through china's highland island here. so tough to see much of what was going on in front of you just because of how powerful those winds were within the rain around. and these storms still continue locked into southern china. so i'd say pretty much anywhere from one g to jung provinces were seen it so one duncan fuji on his wall dark of the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is high, supple alerts issue for some of these thunder storms as well. well, cherry blossoms finally get know in the, in tokyo latest start to the season in 12 years, but those temperatures have shut out. so you're up to $26.00 degrees. also looking good and chinese capital beijing sunshine with a height of 23. and off to indonesia,
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there's been more flooding in west cal them in time on borneo, and also for sauce through the way as a and more rain to come on sunday. the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct. water sheds, moments international law is vehicle. be this model on sort of discussions. customer, the noise is real, operates under a climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community a sense that message that antibiotic bigotry, that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront one out to 0 of the
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the origin or does it a reminder of our top stories? this is southern 11 on 3 united nations military observers and a translator of being injured viewing personnel were on control and a ton of amazement and explosion occurred near fog. is there any militarist denied responsibilities to be answered? is very forces have been bombing residential areas across jobs on astray kind of house and home because income is kills at least 2 people, at least 80 to chronister needs to be killed and 98 injured in the past 24 hours. saturday monks lunch day in the occupied, palestinian intelligence that commemorates today is really forces children 6 palestinian, his writings in 1976 demonstrations are held items to protest against the legal annexation or policy since the war on guns have begun,
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sizes upon this to me is to be left buried under rubble and israel's attacks. rescuers have been resorting to digging with bare hands. here's one boy to have a lucky escape in gaza city. the god, i need to be a line after them. then to let the the investigating the of the the, the 3, those couple of hurtful hard walkable. i
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may not be a good at the dealership to be checking. the protesters are getting marching in london to show the support for palestinians in gaza. it's the 11th demonstration of it's kind of the case capitalist and says ro began its war on the strip. but we challenges that the protest every other week, most often months come rain or shine these demonstrations that have insights in place. some of them are being smooth, some of them kind of be big. this one i think looks to be a pretty large one. so that'd be thousands around the streets of london today. now
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these marches have had the disapproval, and at times the outright standards of the u. k. governments are full of my heart and sex, terry. so what a problem. and famously colton st. my tooth b u. k. government, 2 weeks ago, chain the states working definition of extremism and gave itself a powers to label groups that it doesn't like, particularly as x 3, miscellaneous, also that signs off the police of london to come down more heavily on any monitors . they think car, it's everything the same, it isn't. or you know, the most part, i think the police have been taking on software products that have been monitoring things pretty place. you know, the market themselves well, they are holding, as they have done for months and months and months for ac spa and gauze. right now, just before this demonstration vend jamal is the head of the products going out of science on the tower. so you can find said it's a clear of the you take government to end is proficiency. and israel is genocide
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designs that says that that you guys have to spend export licenses on supplies to israel and then have the resumption of funding. so under uh with that can prevent a family and taking holes in gaza. the students active. this is in a critical condition in hospitals, in a month, into a hunger strike. she was arrested in february on charges of how to sing the. busy families most okayed human rights advocates say the case demonstrates how laws are being used to suppress freedom of expression. jessica washington reports us and then goes to my said hospital and mother weeds for the 22 year old daughter that was going to end up paying the $1.00 to $2.00. i don't know and i stolen and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of
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sedition. no one's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept a medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february when they had repeatedly sounded, they call home. it's a royal motorcade, caring thailand's princess, much ugly, sitting at home with coughing. they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer cohen, a law student. and after this campaigning form at the money t says the offense should be considered a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident that such action said a bad example for others and young people must respect
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a tradition. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about flu motorcade. violence broke out when boiler supposes confronted after this, conducting the stolen was already facing challenges for insulting goals of the she discussed. they're going medicaid case, human rights organizations say nearly 2000 people in thailand have been prosecuted since 2020, the exercise and the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch, we have not seen significant improvement regarding respectful fundamental freedoms . freedom expressions. if you don't assembly, people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bel, and we have hired people saying the country rice group, say tiny authorities use proved and vague. our schools in the criminal code related to security, to prosecute as to this and this case should not be considered citizen. someone has
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said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington, which is 0, but a separate row have right at the home of presidents. dana blocked a looking for what they describe as undeclared luxury watches. around 40 offices broke into the residence using a sledge hammer, the police, and they were searching for rolex watches. government agents launched an investigation and following a newspaper report divided by the watch a wedding, a range of luxury watches that had not being disclosed publicly. drug trafficking has been on the rise among young rockies, and recently here is a shortage of substance addiction rehabilitation centers is pumped to some hospitals to launch their own recovery programs. lock me down to what kind of reports from bike that. 6 the work out a part of the happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug
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addiction to this hospital and about that exercise and counseling. go hand in hand with the talk c. 22 year old about to describe the program as a jew at a new of resurrection. and i'm a, has their own. i'm on hold on it now. i started smoking crystal meeting 2017. it destroyed my life and left me painless and turned into a hostile person. fighting with my family every day to give me money to buy. it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. and when they are a 100 miles, you the patients from the southern and eastern regions of a walk of you, judy miss, i'm such a many users addicted to this, to me that that speeds up the bodies nervous system causing go high. those from the western and northern regions tend to be users of kept, took on pills, which have a similar effect. fishy, and we've got a corklin. claremont this week is in this hospital we to see between 60 and 70
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cases every day. different cost started behavior and nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients, and also deep breathing and offices, some dysfunction and hot and kidney failure to cover that. keep going over d n unemployed. just thought of major factors doctors, here's a 3600 drug addicts have been treated at this hospital since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of his to miss addicts, the drug used to be smuggled into a lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. as the administrator has at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated this year, the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in a flu. your walk has been increasingly study since 2000. i see some networks
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reported. you have links to political parties in a groups, lots of looking to head out. if you set that up, you get to do the diamond feeling. a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross vote, and it was, i don't, and apprehended more than 1400 suspects since january. while you're some of them who've been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc. and they're also suspects working from a broad but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families, doctor say through only a fraction of the number of drug addicts any lot, many more feeding social stigma isolate themselves from friends and family and offering di alone. would that be well under the boat that in southern africa driver is threatening food shortages for millions. the region has suffered its lowest rain fall of more than 40 years. it's driven price increases in damaging
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livelihoods. here's a south african farmer explaining the difficulties that he's facing in his own words. my name is peter table. i'm a crop farmer from free state rovers, south africa. i've been find meaningful for genius. uh before that out. now everything looked good. there was no way of showing the and this way, but in yeah, we, i now think just as just changed. i've never seen this kind of a to cut out the heat which we are going to have as nothing. and i mean nothing in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area, the heck the on mays. but this yeah, we, i like we are going to have is nothing that out this effect that me financially that have employees.


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