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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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all together, we are changing the world. one halts at the time, the, [000:00:00;00] the alarm elizabeth put on them, and this is a new zone life from jo. how coming off in the next 60 minutes escalating violence on the israel 11 on board to 3 united nations. observe is at a translator or injury divine explosion in southern lebanon, as well as some other trick denies responsibility. destruction on the streets of gaza as strikes have killed at least $82.00 palestinians in the past 24 hours. the alive among the rubble rescue is the council who is from the remains of gauze,
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has broken buildings, would they have their hands also ahead the police and provide the president deena board, a lot of this part of the corruption investigation involving luxury watches in schools have the right to week, right, the english premier league with tons, with a 7 goals. thriller all the phones with the light went up newcastle, the west time, full 3, some changes the beginning. this news all in southern 11 on west 3 united nations military instead of us and of translation have been injured. they were on foot patrol and the town of the mesh when there was an explosion nearby. the israeli military has issued a statement of denying responsibility. but within the last few hours,
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it's really as strikes have has at least $411.00 east towns including the kuda hunting and she bought as well and has, well i have exchange fi regularly since the one gaza began in october. the zayna holder has the latest from day roads. a cus, peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter. and they were powerless. to stop the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah, hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help palestinians in gauze up. and do you on forces, cannot implement you and resolution $1701.00, which calls for a t militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats, unless it gets cooperation from 11 on so source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from during sides. israel has accused beth of not doing much to,
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to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro once and has. well, i has a cue, some of its contingents of spine for israel and turning this course, turning the people that is in this house against this force. so we have to wait for the outcome of that investigation. but to no doubt, the one is calling for both sides. fearing that if this escalation continues along the border, it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theater. they don't but you in the interim fulsome level and was created by the security council in 1978. its original mandate was to confirm israel's withdrawal from lebanese territory in 2006 that was updated to include monitoring for a tax, supposedly lebanese on me and insurance, humanitarian access loss to you in full numbers. more than 10000 personnel. andrea 10 n t is the spokes to us and full. the un interim phillips and 11 on it says the
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exact circumstances surrounding the incident to unclear and remain under investigation. a group of a 3 year old yellow, which is a really dirty observers. and one, lebanese, a language assistance a and where i'd say was it was the left russell james, exactly the, the dynamic that they were in the big role that they were getting off the vehicle during that moment. and they, and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, they were injured as we settled in our statement to, uh, we are investigating the origins of the, of the, of the explosion at the moment. but of course, we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh these up as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 go a much wider conflict, then it's important for the parties to understand it and to come to a to a to do a ceasefire, and to open up for
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a diploma to can the and political solution to this, to this conflict. since we're going home to south hope she's joining us live from kind of even home. the israel denying responsibility for the incident involving the un himself is that they have been a number of as rarely attacks in southern lebanon on saturday. this is really military releasing quite a short statement, saying the contrary to the reports, their army did not hit a unit fil vehicle in lebanon. and additionally, there were several towns in southern lebanon that were hit by is really air strikes . and it was followed by rock and alerts in several different parts of northern israel. this has been a continuation of the exchanges of fire that we've been seeing since the war began on october 7th. but the exchanges of fire from southern 11 on started on october. the 8th just on friday we heard from israel defense minister jo, off kalonde, who said that israel is quote,
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turning from the defensive to now pursuing his velo wherever the group operates. whether it's beta, damascus, or any cities in the middle east or beyond that. so just to give you an idea as well, these really army conduct a to quite an extensive drill on thursday. they say to raise their preparedness level for a war with 11 on. should that happen? the is really defense apparatus has been talking about this for quite some time, saying that they are preparing themselves for any sort of escalation with his ball law on the northern border and that they are prepared saying, but now it's no longer on the defensive. it's no longer just going to be exchanges of fire, but in fact that these really will be pursuing his vala targets. not only in southern lebanon, but all over the world. thank you very much for that. i'm the son who is the latest live in tennessee. as the palestine red crescent says, 5 people were killed and a chaos like attack doing and
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a delivery and gauze. a city on saturday. the . the red presidents has thousands of people have gathered for the arrival of 15 trunks counting flour, and on the 8th of the crazy round about witnesses save one and shots were fired by those organizing the delivery. but that is really troops also opened fire their report. some moving trucks hit people trying to get food around about has been the scene of multiple deadly incidents since january. this is very forces have been bombing residential areas across the gaza strip. at least 2 people were killed in an organize attack on the house and the out in the gauzy refugee camp and central the gaza. at least 82 palestinians have been killed in 98 injured in the past 24 hours. that's bringing our correspondence out a couple of them. he's joining us live from it off on southern gaza product.
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there's been no less house in in his really strikes across the gaza strip today. yes, that's absolutely correct. elizabeth is specifically that within the past hour, we have been seeing more attacks on the south here, rough off, where these valley and military drones have. so i'll get to the house in the eastern part of the district, leading to the injury of to palestinians who have been transported to and that to our hospital to receive medical treatment. well, again, the bombardment continues and all the parts of the territories, specifically in golf. and city where a complete residential house is being destroyed as a minute your peroration on a ship at hospitals did not stop till now. as far as 2 doses of palestinian families being dropped. some of them had been partially gains access to fleet to the south of the intense department. they have been reporting about cause this tropic a consequences on defense being taking place in that very desperate part of the territory and the gun we have for hearing more attacks on the southern parts of the city of con eunice as the confrontation stuff is to raging between almost fights is that it used to the soldiers and one of the latest hot targets,
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a residential house and the southern part of the city the pot. recently these various offices have been focusing in the middle. the area of the gaza strip specifically to is a village, is that so that's racing between the news, the southern part of cause us i'm talking about some of off and also as a hot town, which is where the f one, which is where the forces are to surrounding gaps trying to push forward to the main open areas to to take full control as the cause is health minister have to say is that most an ac palestinians have for both of killed? well, most annoying to others, being wounded within the past 24 hours, elizabeth and each and every one of those attacks of close exacerbation to die a humanitarian situation particle here and another con, what of ships carrying aid for gaza has left the cypress? what do we know about this laces? convolt and also how the aid from the 1st convoy. it was distribution the yes elizabeth the into the the 1st come for
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you that had been allowed to get into the cause of step through. then you recently established a married time, corey to has a flow with that within the past few weeks. and it has been delivered under the supervision of the world central kitchen, this organization, which also has been responsible for distributing 8 of the verifying and the for out their own government. and so it's on the ground. and the w. c. k has said that they have money is to distribute a 200 tons of humanitarian supplies being delivered throughout the latest ship that had the right to the gaza strip. to people in the northern part of gauze was tribute, desperately, palestinians have received a tones of cruise from supplies that includes that flow of oil and also comes foods that had been completely deprived from since the beginning of the conflict on palestinians have been partially receiving these kinds of humanitarian supplies that could not be completely sufficient for them as the expect to the new shipments
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will carry around $400.00 tons of humanitarian supplies. that also will be delivered to the in other parts of jobs. and this is, this expected i ship will help to personally bring kind of response for those people who are completely suffering from high rates of molly attrition and food insecurity. elizabeth products that you very much for that thought a couple of them with the laces. joining us live from dasa and since the war and gaza began thousands of palestinians have been buried under rubble. and israel's attacks. best jews have been resulting to digging with their bare hands. here's one boy who had a lucky escape and gauze assess a good . i need to be
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a line for them then to let the the the to be do you those couple of holes or hardware football. i like to do it at the dealership to be checking a funeral has been held for a 13 year old boy killed by his very forces near janine and the occupied westbank
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with us. i'm coming and was killed during an overnight rate and the town was called it the 2 other people were injured. at least $450.00 pounds indians have been killed in the occupied westbank since october. a. and a palestinian man has been arrested outside the locks, a mosque, unoccupied, east jerusalem is where the troops detained him as he was leaving off to finishing his morning prayers. for the rest comes as various ology is a tightening restrictions on palestinians traveling to alexa during the holy month of ramadan. now march the associates as observed as land a and the occupied palestinian territories on this day in 1976, 6 palestinian as rallies were killed for protesting against plans to seize bare lands and legal title them for being expanding more rapidly in the occupied westbank during the war and gaza, early of this month found lights minister beds and those smart functionals, the seizure of 10 square kilometers, mostly in the jordan valley or com has been speaking to affected families,
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towing ready to plug in on the 30th. but this farmer can only reach a fraction of his land. the see the clouds escape it stretches into the valley and up the hill belongs to 15, hosting in families. this is that green most broad weight. this one now is the building. so most of you called access that yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum about the 21 only i lose this real name is mostly started date. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k for being a dangerous environment, settler. he posted on social media, his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers. it will tell you that he full the families from that one job job because the guy is using a hog on august loose or a talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife when i told them they were there to hit me in the head and direct me into the house with the other
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settled. my thoughts heard me screaming. blood was everywhere. red. that'd be of twice i should just have to have these lift enough of bolted, 90 years. a dollar and up a little thermal. he came at night, the settler moves, so 7 others. he kicked us out into our belongings. he left nothing. he also kicked our neighbors out. we owned this land and we have proof of our club. she shows us proof of ownership from palestine. israel and georgian hosting is can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty hundreds and stolen lines and even hear that being prevented from completing the building. even though most of this area is on the policy and civil control, it's this gate to finding the people from that lot. they've had put generations while we're filming where she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land that we've tried. he's not speaking. he says that he's failing us, he starts making tools and i'm told he has
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a concealed weapon. it's not safe for us to say massage to you. is it going through the as again to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the, you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why that is what it looks like to them is a thought, a good thing, this area. now i shouldn't, and i have been that be a live in a mess. who out house, old it's around. so i was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tile floors doesn't know if she'll see it again. north on out to see or of the for the, the occupied westbank a having 2 major decisions on international your, regarding gaza. in the past week the united nations security council passed resolution demanding an immediate cease 5 during the month of ramadan. and the international court of justice is that the international court of justice, which is the us top court,
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issued additional provisional measures ordering as well to guarantee the supply of humanitarian aid and open more land border crossings. need that has happened and it's unclear what steps if any, can now be taken by the international community to ensure compliance with these legally binding directives for joining us here in the studio to discuss all of this as our senior political analyst model on the side of mind one very, very good to see you. so when we last spoke about a week ago and it was before the un security council was hearing this resolution that was put forward by and that because it wasn't past. and one of the ideas that you talked about is that one of the ways instead of threatening as well by, with withdrawing age, the, one of the things that america would consider is giving them more military age as an incentive. and that's exactly what we've seen happen since the un security council pos that resolution since the i c j told as well to allow more humanitarian
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aid into gaza. it's not doing either of those things. and yet the us has approved more weapons to israel. it's, it's mind boggling. i put on a photo no bizarre letter for an objective observer. it's mind boggling for a student of international relations and of american positive them at least there's hardly anything surprising there. that's why it wasn't genius on my part to predict that. i think there's a pattern that in us is read for nations and in american relations, whether it's uh online is that on the war then usually they're not exactly the good guys that the most autocratic regimes usually. but the way in the united states uses leverage is possibly to use a special committee to read for aquatic regimes. and i think the occupational regime is probably one of the most with the practical issues or increase a military. and i think the united states generally lean starts increasing gauge
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for 2 reasons. one, that has even more leverage on the country. and it's use of that 8 that me to 3 to because it's very good for the military industrial complex in the united states. but is it effective if the united states really wants israel to scale down as operations and gaza if it wants as well to protect somebody is not going to it off of where at least 1500000 civilians saw is giving them more weapons going to deter them from doing those things that the us says they want as well to but does it, does it the last 6 months has shown us that the by doing an assertion, speaks out of both sides of it's not on the one hand director. okay, is we want less civilian casualties. we want the genocide to be able to to main contradiction in terms we want you to have maybe a few positives. we want you to be a bit more reasonable. we're not looking good that on the world,
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our standing and the reason is that you're, you're writing the international public opinion is open arms. they are investigations of the i. c j. busy is a you and council, you wanna stick with a concert. that's also that's the rhetoric in reality. and you have been on you on, i have been looking at this for the last 6 months. america has never stopped supporting israel policy on the ground in real times since october 7 us from the very beginning by the end and nothing else agreed that they gonna have to defeat from us, that they must have become us. and that america will protect is right, if others which step in like has more law or whoever the whole seasons also, america did executive. yeah. and now is that is bombing syria bomb accessible on others of syria and so forth. and i'm not, is increasing the mandatory a because america new sort of strategically speaking, they are still in agreement. politically speaking,
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they might have some minor disagreements. yeah. but strategically speaking, unfortunately, and i say that with, with heavy hearts, that bite in has been dealing cynically with this question. i was shocked to day before yesterday or 3 days ago when president for my president obama said that by didn't deals with is read. it was more of a calamity model. clarity, it seems to me like more model bankruptcy. yeah, it's really surprising coming from president obama knowing how he felt about nothing. yahoo, was there any chance that israel was ever going to follow a un security council resolution? what the international court of justice asked it to do if america was just going to increase. what happens when that is perhaps the gracious leverage that the us has for this? well, that's exactly what i was. that's why i sounded like i was the odd man out the past few days because i was quite, you know,
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skeptical about the un security council resolution having any meaning or any effect on the ground because that was definitely not going to abide by it. and the united states is not gonna do anything about is not doing anything about it. and the fact is that it is going to speed up. it's been borrowed from, i think guys, and they would, would probably be investing it off. so not only has not that helped over the past several months, but in fact, everything got nothing, you know, and his genitals band of generals and fascist and fanatics in the cabinet. everything they said. and i say that again would truly have the heart about the process of humanity we live in nowadays of the 5th, 2000 children women. and so what ends up happening is that everything they said from the very few 1st days in october, there's continue to do it today, despite all the public process, despite all the international law international community you, under solutions on so forth. everything just spoke with you about the invasion,
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the line division, about the bombing about the destruction of garza. i bought a heavy price that goes, i was going to pay about the fact that they're gonna stay there, that they've got to create a security to his own, and that they're going to bring the items in, in order to police on them. they are secure with their supervision. yeah. all of that is happening today. it is incredible and all of it has been allowed to happen level on thank you very much. that's our senior political analyst lawanda shadow. it was all since a fee for the marching in london to show support for palestinians and also the demanding and immediate seas fine. it's the 11th such protests in the city since israel began on this trip that's bringing my calls, funding, or challenges. he's joining us live from that protest. we've covered a number of them for a what's happening there today? well, the much is coming down to to 5 to square. so we're on study right now. uh, from russ's right. no, very long distance. only about
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a mile one point. busy 6 kilometers or something like that. so short distance, it's a journey that many of these people have done. uh, at least see a similar chinese lot time off the time of the time because every other week for months, these demonstrations of being taking place come rain or shine in the u. k. it's sometimes that small, sometimes the largest, one up say is a pretty big one. certainly tens of thousands of come out today. these demonstrates is a not approved of by the government. sometimes they get the out, right. i'll get a 3 to send it to you as a u. k. government, the former home secretary, that's the one of bravo claimants. we called them hate marches. uh they, the government has, uh, redefines extremism giving yourself powers. all right, so label groups that it doesn't light isaac's previous and it's on the police to take it's up stones against those marches who we think are exhibiting anti semitism
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or hate speak scripts. so much is have carried on or they've kept on going. and so we can speak to one of them now, who is in the rants and you all i can tell you and then just to have set up and organize, i told you they were going to station is ready to commit to get house emulation. so why do we believe that governments do not do the right thing unless bush by civil society? so we are here in our hundreds of, i was going to say, we want a better world. we want the rule of law file though, we want palestinians to be given $330.00 and $3.00, the standard, saddler colonialism all these years. then here's time we say enough, the tide mustard. that's why we're here and how many of you being on and how many need our own? yeah. how many, what do you think? well, i will be here as long as they go on. i think there's been 10, the now i've been at the 9 of them had the hard right power organizations
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representative. it has every single one and many others are, you know, if there's a very large block here, we carry such an important message that the hired was you that do not believe and what the state of israel is knowing they would be living in peaceful, social justice to the kid in any way by the use and it is ways you insecurity the time. oh, i see my you know, some sort of see things that are made by the we have to take the we have to push our government to cover. that
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doesn't mean that today that is ralph isolated really bad. why? why do we believe it or not? the state of people are going to die out of the blood in their homes and cannot continue the world. and we want to, i said have a thank you very much the rest of the, the same. so was why these professors are coming now the time of the time all the time. thank you very much for that. the only challenge ripple's in line for me to follow the square in london to the head of the news. now how a lack of rehabilitation centers and a rock is making life honda for young drug addicts and the doctors south african thomas expect to have us absolutely nothing. the spring will tell you how that's affecting the entire region uninstalled us. and now that i'm pressing display from one of tennis is verizon young stop action from the miami us and coming up with them the,
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the low grade to be with you. let's get going with your headlines for the americas. another pacific storm comes in to california. a heavy use of the rain will be from los angeles to san diego flood alerts in place here. and this is brought in cooler era. but once you shake the rain, got a stellar structure of weather come and temperature shoot. up to $25.00 degrees, we will be in the month of april, so that's actually above average for this time of the year. nice for bc, south coast pacific northwest. it's warmed up across the canadian prairies, temperatures and now on the plus side of things pretty much all day, the around the great lakes and the us northeast. we got some rain working across here. and let's go to the southern states with this breeze off the gulf of mexico. here, temperatures quite warm on the high side, i should say. and some storms will get going through missouri and kentucky over the
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next 24 to 48 hours. paint the colors on dark is the red, the heart of the temperature. nicaragua is capital managua, set, and it's seeing it's hot as march tate on record at $38.00 degrees, and that heat will continue out a lot going on through central america. so let's move to south america, where most of brazil is under weather alerts for funder storms here. and we also see there's thunderstorms get going around argentina through the river place. and those will really bubble up as we head toward sunday by of the pod came in to be used as the oil c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to stay, tyler, to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double standard to all of us. any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to
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whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era as the well plunges into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth, griffin, dying. coming soon, the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching the news, our man is on and of the mind to of, on top stories. the summer, 3, united from nation, some of the tree of service and a translation have been injured and 711 on the do on person. now will on foot control of the town of the mesh when there was an explosion. nearby is waiting, military has issued a statement, denying responsibilities. the palestine red crossman says 5 people were killed in a camp, took attack during an 8th delivery in the city on saturday. witnesses, a warning shots for $55.00 organizing the delivery, but that is really troops also up and 5, and does very forces have been farming residential areas across casa, astride, bought a house in the oligarchy, kept in central, gaza, has killed at least 2 people. $82000.00 and so been killed and $98.00 injured in cost 24 hours. the world health organization says around 9000 patients and in
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gaza urgently need to be evacuated and pooled for live saving treatment, many a suffering from chronic illnesses. one international medical team has traveled to the north district to rescue a critically ill 12 year old girl. latoria gazing the reports news office room, cystic fibrosis condition has deteriorated because of his rails restrictions on life saving medical aid, getting into gaza. a. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. atlantic scanning instead of humans. i'm a how about i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment or broad designs of no sickness, a hard to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that most of the sex belongs. those with you and this need
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a specific nutritional diet along with constant medical treatment. no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dia complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the u. n. field hospital in russia, it was a pretty heavy mission, but we are really happy that it was successful. we all ready for the crate to patients last setup day and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are going to be in need met. so medicare does confirm no, is critically ill. they'll transfer her to the hospital, approved in the coming days, and the last with them. she has week blood and has chest infections as a result of the nature of the disease she has brought with things, she will receive full care and the necessary medications. doctors a confidence that with the right medical treatment no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be
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evacuated. and time is not on this side. victoria k, some b, l g 0. the to the us now and migrant workers have paid tribute to the 6 people killed with a bridge collapsed in baltimore. the victims were old from latin america. meanwhile, the largest floating crane on the east and see for what has arrived on the scene authorities upon is to clear the wreckage but one it will take time. mike, hanover pools is described as the largest crating on the eastern seaboard, but experts expected to take as much as a month to clear a new channel through the wreckage and reopened baltimore hava. we could see the engineers and the divers and the survey boats out there on the water in these difficult when conditions doing their job, doing their work, to assess that bridge to figure out how we can cut it up into the pieces we need to be able to lift by can say right now, this is going to be if this how,
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what's the time period. i can tell you, it is not going to be days or weeks or months. this is going to take time. every single phase we have to focus on safety of the people who are doing the work the by didn't. administration has already approved $60000000.00 in a book and see funding to get the quote open as soon as possible. and the president says he'll go to baltimore and coming days the central american solidarity association of mary landel casa, held a press conference friday in memory of the maintenance workers who died when the bridge collapsed. here we are remind once again about the nerve most contribution that they may run to make to this country how it together. we us bar workers. we bill this country is slightly
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a key. i'm here today in the memory of the 6 workers who lost their lives that day . i'm here to honor the memory and the contributions to the city or contributions of vital immigrants are essential. there were many immigrants among the workers who built the francis scott key bridge 47 years ago. and it will be again when the bridge is rebuilt in the years to come by kinda oh, just the era washington. the police and provo have right of the home of president and dina, but a lot of the looking for what they describe is on the clint luxury watches around 40 offices into the resident, searching for rolex watches government agent's launch the investigation following a newspaper report on for the last a ware and luxury watches she hadn't disclosed publicly. but let's get more on this correspondence money on a sanchez's joining us live from lima. so the president is a suspect and the case of in the sit in richmond,
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the breaking down the door to search for evidence while the out of why such a strong measure will elizabeth a precedent do you know a lot of the apparently was not in she's in her home last night, when the police broke in looking for evidence of elicited, which meant those watches that she had been using and the press have identified, the local press identified that she had been using at least 2 or 3 very expensive watches. and they have, after waiting to get some how to just pay for them and they, as she would not respond. so the attorney general stop on her to his office to explain exactly how did you get them? how did you pay for them? why did she not declare them? and she did not go to this location. so uh, her lawyer asked for an extension for 2 weeks, but a judge decided that the police should not wait and that they should break in and
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look for the evidence before it was lost or destroyed. and has there been any reaction from the president's office ludhiana as well? president the what they have said in the past days that she had worked since she was 18 years old, that she was able to buy herself a watch that it was old and that it was a product of effort in life. but experts have been looking at those watches and have said that, in fact, they're not old. a piece, one of them is a very modern model, and they're very expensive. and so they, there's also being reaction by the prime minister who announced the just about an hour ago that the police had already did inside the president's office of the presidential palace that she was there that you would cooperate for already.
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there's voices from the opposition from members of her own party who are collecting signatures. we teach her, some members from other parties, worries that this is not clear yet, and that they will not give the government of course of confidence that was supposed to happen next week. and some of them are saying that if she doesn't turn in everything, not only the watches, but other jewelry that we've been seeing, all the things that she's been using and explaining everything so immediately that she should resign immediately. marianna, thank you very much for that money on a sanchez with the latest live in lima. tropical. so i think i'm on has swept across madagascar coming at least to 18 people. the storm has caused major flooding and the northern part of the island nation. well been 20000 people have being full, strong, de hones, disaster management officials and moving affected residents to safety. they say full people are still accounted for us. and my colleagues had ramos spoke to unto
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nia in about same among us. she's secretary general of the mulligan, see red cross, and on top of that eva, and she says that the government is still dealing with the aftermath of the cycling, which mainly affected the communications network. the situation is not political because we are speaking a challenging, facing the flout. as you know, it does think more. what to then we saw some through testing and the government is no restoring. so internet and communication network in the area and it brings us to, to have to the situation on the scene that has so mobile exemption also from right across both the word for the use of presenting the same as being the government. and they're taking look the local authority and if they can evacuation and student that's subsidizing before, in terms of spread those disease,
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for example, or in terms ofa have issues, is the whole island affected or all the specific areas of the know the central parts of the south, can you tell us what the west effected pod saw way you're trying to get to the eastern and the north eastern bought out the most effective we've for uh, for regions. so the road that i cut it, everything oh, delivery is undertaken by plugging all the money you money. so the and the actors are mobilized since the, since they want to fix this image, it response especially restoring communication network. you know that to half the situation of defense and also restoring the electricity to south africa. now the country is the regions and biggest serial producer about a heat wave has been scorching crops for long drought is fueling price increases and damage and livelihoods. it's also true that water shortages in the country's economic comp,
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johannesburg. here's the south asked and pharma explaining the difficulties he's facing in his own words. my name is between the table. i am a crop farmer from free state province, south africa. i've been fined me for 14 years. uh before that out. now everything looks good. that was not why it's showing the sway in here we are now. i think just as just changed, i've never seen this kind of a put out for the 2 weeks. we are going to help us nothing. and i mean nothing. in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area, the heck the on mays. but this, yeah we, i like we are going to have is nothing about this effect that me financially that
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have employees. i need to maintain that from i need to maintain that mission mattie, and i must expand this or do this conditions is going to be a big problem. and we will have one by expect a criminal mist about the coming a nino. but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this and you know before, but due to us, not this of this much the truth. yeah. i don't know the people being picked it by this route. so all enough people don't be afraid they'll pay more money to buy food too because of this throughout up to a rock now withdrawn, addiction has been on the rise among the young people in recent years. and a shortage of rehabilitation center has prompted some health specials to launch their own recovery programs. the hold up and why have the reports from baghdad dd work out a close to
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a very happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction . at this hospital and about that exercise and counseling, go hand in hand with the talk see 22 year old about couldn't describe the program as a jew, the new of resurrection. and i'm gonna have to own i'm on hold on it now was started smoking, crystal meeting 2017. it destroyed my lifetime and left me penniless and turned into a hostile pass and fighting in my family every day to give me money to buy it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. and when they are a 100 miles you patients from the southern and eastern regions of a rock, i'll usually miss. i'm such a many users addicted to this to me that the speed of the bodies nervous system causing go high. those from the western and northern regions tend to be users of kept, took on pills, which have a similar effect. the fishing was started quickly, clermont the she can in this hospital alone, really see between 60 and 70 cases every day. different cost started behavior. a
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nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients, and also deep breathing and offices, some dysfunction and hot and kidney failure. to cover that, keep going over d n unemployed. just thought of major factors doctors here say 3600 drug addicts have been treated at this hospital. since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of crystal meth addict, the drug used to be smuggled into the lot of narcotics. what is now reported to the manufactured locally, according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs, any rock. d administered, he says, at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated. this year. the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in a flu. your walk has been increasingly steady since 2000. i see. some networks
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reportedly have links to political parties in a groups. lots of looking to head out a few things a lot easier to do the diamond field. a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross mode, and it was, i don't, and apprehended more than 1400 suspects. it's generated on while you're, some of them who've been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc and they're also suspects working from a broad. but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families, doctors say through only a fraction of the number of drug addicts, any loc, many more feeding social stigma. isolate themselves from friends and family, an offering di alone. would that be well, hey, and is your body to the us funded radio free asia has shut down as bureau and hong kong love safety concerns following the passing of new national security legislation. the use of it says the little makes it hard to protect itself and has
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left it with a choice. but to close, critics say the enactment of article $23.00 go onto the policy, is going to polish to cub, to send voters with on board at school. the closure, a consequence of the chilling effect the new norm has had on media. we have the sports news still ahead on the news, out of the canyon landscape continues to take its toll on the drivers and the costs of the world rally championship. and these here with that story, the image as the content creators have become journalists, rescuers, heroes, and targets to to customers. so when a visa comes to me and yet they continue to report the close of business,
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the story of just want to be had be let me know that had been hired for the love of cuz on that it just ita. this is the 1st students saw that we see the real time. it's the victims themselves long before there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. news the time she has ended. thank you so much, elizabeth, for last to a 2 week break,
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the english premier league returned to the 7 goals, sort of it's a new castle in west time. so the and the 2nd off, west town is taking a $31.00 lead on our international and having to create a setting of jericho. and for this go, i said you can sort of hit back and a couple of light stripes from the substitute hobby phones secure a full 3 when you can. so move up to 8 just to point behind west time in 7th. well, much as you know, instead of one place above west time, they'll be looking to continue that push for champions league place it gets brenson a little light to ericsson hawks. i 6 points behind 5th placed tottenham, which could be announced to qualify for the tournament next season. 18 year old coby made a, made his england that he, during the international break. we're not surprised when we have seen where he's capable of and that the can for a quick adapt to high levels and is look,
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it looks very natural and we are very, very happy. are you happy for him? and of course, we also are a little bit proud. i will say if i proud it's a great for the academy for me, it says you and i did that to bring up a play and then so you'll going to let you know team that is a big compliment. i think for the whole clip on sunday, manchester city house also landmark sticks it out. a huge sign. who when this seasons title thompson has no it's set to be one of the closest time to races in primary history with 10 games remaining. one point separates the top 32 of them go head to head on sunday. manchester city targeting a full title in a row. austin, we're looking for the 1st title in 20 years change. yeah he's, i must have game for both teams. and that's for sure, because um he will give his a huge post. i can and we go with it. and when it,
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it's all small who have to narrow the voltage at the top and go into this looking to make it 9 wins in a row mattress. the city might be in foot, but the still the favorites to go in and when the league make a lot of test, it says they've that rights to everybody believe that they're going to do it. i can down given no reason to anybody else, to saying that they cannot do it. so we have 2 different services. yes, it's a, it's a challenge to change. the narrative isn't going to be smoke about like city, all right. now, you know, we haven't done it, so we kind of respect to the top like c, t, o lube let him on because we haven't done it. and it's that type of winning experience of puts claudio a cited advantage. they've already won the supercop on the club, woke up this season, winning trophies has become a habits mentions to city. and the manager feels confident that they can keep doing . it's good to be here. this season have been really good reading to titles and after what happened last season,
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being the inclinations was this very important details of the titles of the season and less than get into the family canal or start to know the important think. and the leaders of the family for decision at home with people. and i'm pretty sure they will give us what we need to perform our best. all sorts of worked with god. you look for 3 years at the city and he's given his spanish counterpart, the ultimate complements, going into this match. my opinion is the best coaching along by mine. and um, and is one of the nicest person that i have made in football. and so it's only one of the ones that i have 5 more fun i love working with and does are gonna stay there forever. by thursday, i would rosa, the more my know why they are going to and you have to adapt to a situation that friendship will get put to one side on sunday as often look. so when the dnc had for the 1st time in 9 years come size and i was, is there a lot of making the decision to start by level keys and next season headcount chevy? a long 2nd? i folks, i'm winning. this is german bundles league along. so i same are at home against
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hoffman heim, they have a 10 point lead at the top of the table. this came into the 2nd hall. it is let accuse and now often heim, one younique's center has underlined his site. this is one of the up and coming to kind of stalls in the world. he's a 3 to the fine with the mind. me open it dropped his 3 games in a semi find a way of a dental method of this. not sure face of january is frustrating. i've been final when center one, his 1st grand slam titles, and it will 5 scared of the mutual in some nice usually the more you go on and i turned them in the more comfortable i feel, and i'm very happy about that is the form of assessing that me and didn't feel this well today. he, you know, he made a lot of mistakes which he was really does make. so i just took the chance to meet your office. i was the back of his quarter final whenever call us alcaraz, with the bulgarian of the facing amazon deserve of jeremy is best semi dimitra of
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clement his 1st. when i reserve and a decade and he is the worst top 10 for the 1st time since 2018 chevy. hey or tony? when hit listen, his latest and seems to be like they'll just instead it was new. keep at stepping up to break a franchise record. that was his 29 lead of home run for the don't use. that's a hard one. hit 5, the 1st pastor of it see our tony know quite so impressive. but the so interested when this game against the st. louis cardinals, $63.00, on the kenyan terrain, continuing to take its toll on drive is on the calls that the latest round of the world rally championship. well, many of his rivals are struggling to time world champion. kelly roof and pyre of finland continue to build his lead at the front. the rice finishes on sunday. all right, but his high school is looking for now and the thank you very much for that. christians around the world to be mocking the east,
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the weekends in different ways and hated people are trying to keep their traditions in life to spot the gang violence that's plating the country. children and adults have been making and trading colorful paper costs. guys, control much of the capital, poof, a pause. the interim prime minister has resigned. doctor he was blocked from returning from a foreign trip. and venezuelans and cut off cause have an act of the crucifixion of jesus christ, a monk. good friday. that tradition began in 1986 more than 90 percent of the country's population as catholic the academy award winning actor lewis golf. that junior has died at the age of $87.00. he only became racism and discrimination to make his mark on stage film and television. reynolds looks back as life is defined following the board. and if you add those who is gossip juniors, most unforgettable rule was as a terrifyingly intense drill instructor opposite richard year in 1980 two's into an
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officer and a gentleman. if out of them wings, they only want you're going to leave here with me on knees. gossett became the 1st black man to win an oscar for best supporting actor for that role. one of many very risky broken his life. you go running off in the hills, you know what's gonna happen to me. i just the st. bottom would fall. i forgot that one an emmy award for playing and then slave demand called fiddler in the stereotype. breaking 1977 television mini series roots more than 100000000 viewers tuned in making it one of the most watched tv shows of all time. what sort of getting the diving concepts of other film rules included a minutes in gangster, in the deep and heavily made up alien stranded on an uninhabited planet with
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a human adversary in enemy mine. but despite his talent and towards major rules, often did not come gosset's way, an outcome he blamed partly on races, typecasting in hollywood, gossip village, depression and drug use for a time. after recovery, he threw himself into work for los angeles based charities, and started in anti racism foundation losses. it was born in new york city and had a successful broadway stage career before turning to movies. he appeared in dozens of tv shows, including hbo is the watchman. i should be said. his favorite role was as egyptian president armoires, the dot in the 1983 t, the mini series of the same name in his memoirs, louis caustic, junior wrote. sometimes i believe that the reason i have been able to do such exemplary work on the screen is because this is the only place i can be free. stay with us on out, just a little back in
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a moment with all the license developments on top stories. the in 5 months of continuous funding, israel has destroyed nearly all of the cost is higher education system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231, teachers and administrators. all palestinians describe witnessing apparel, low and systematic, more on education designed to wipe out the cause of schools and universe. how it is an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work, obvious attempts administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for free. all the campuses and activism go head to here and rumble like it's no different. this is exactly what it is really just
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trying to stop. israel's motives are clear, read campuses suppress students crush hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power. stein's greatest resource, it's people do which reserves of alysia used and electric batteries and find to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. live, be nice. can fast ideas, salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white go on just now let me tell you almost suffice. cold results the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon, occupied right now able to practice what the now be used, only elected very close here. like common. yes, it's of large tears faced with
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a look in my private now thinks it's a royal i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone, the escalating violence on the israel 11 on to 3 united nations of service at a translator or engine vaughn explosion as well as military denies responsibility, the prom elizabeth put on them and this is elena 0, live from doha. so coming on, the 5 killed in dozens wounded at quite roundabouts in gaza. city as an aged delivery tends to count


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