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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 30, 2024 10:00pm-10:30pm AST

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most of these beautiful months. trust us with your mercy, this ramadan, the anti government protesting tele viva ceasefire. talks between israel and homos are expected to resume on sunday. the play you're watching l g 0 live from bill ha. with me for the back to the also coming up the 5 killed in dozens wounded in gaza. city as an a delivery turns into chaos. escalating violence on the israel 11 non border 3 united nations observers and a translator injured by an expulsion in 711 on israel's military denies
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responsibility. and the police in rage the home of president dina bowed. want to ask one of the corruption investigation. the thank you for joining us, it's just going 19 gmc and we'd begin with negotiations between israel and homos to bring about a cease fire in gaza. the docs are expected to resume on sunday and will be held in egypt, some capital cairo. those meetings come as pressure mound sony's ready prime minister opinion minutes now to reach a deal to secure the release of is really captives being held in gaza on government protestors and the families of those captives have been gathering for another week of protest. seeing tel aviv they've criticized those. yeah. who's handling of the war and calling for his resignation? that's bringing alger 0, his home, the sound hooters in tennessee for is so rising tension 9 to sound home to between
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police and protesters in the last 2 hours in tennessee. talked to us about what's been happening because the families, it would seem want to be heard of the families of israeli captives held what they say is going to be their last rally apostage square saying that after 6 months on calling for something from the government, they feel that their demand have not been heard. instead, they say that they want everyone to make cities. and so for lights, the country on fire, then after that brawling had ended both price as the anti government demonstration . and the rally for the families that was really captive had merged into one gigantic demonstration intel, a beep blog walking the major highway in an attempt to send the message to the really government they're saying, but not only should mind but nothing else. in fact, the older sharon and they're going to continue with protesting until that happens.
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so this is happening these demonstrations ongoing intensities, another weekend of protests. and at the same time we are hearing reports that sci fi talks are due to resume in cairo on sunday. what more can you tell us about that? what are the expectations? well the is early prime minister's office released the statement saying that he had authorized these really negotiating team to head to meet with mediators both in the egyptian capital and to tell how we can see those negotiation starting in cairo tomorrow. on sunday. his statement also said that he discussed with them the mandate for which they would be allowed to negotiate with. no mediators like the united states say they remain optimistic that it can be reached. but there are still heavy sticking points from both sides and huge non negotiable, thomas has said that they want a comprehensive ceasefire, meaning an end to the war, while these really subset, even if there is
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a long pause in the finding that is simply not going to happen until the mass. so while there are these speaking points, mediators say that it's positive signs, but these talks are going to be ongoing. thank you for that. honda son who applied for his that in tennessee. let's pick this up now with that tommy a comm mode to his assistant professor of public policy at the doha institute for graduate studies joining us. and i'll just say we're good to have you with us again time and i just wanted to get your thoughts based on the protests we're seeing. and telling me again and not a saturday of demonstrations with some caches between police and that protest is a, do you think these demonstrations pause any threat to netanyahu and his coalition fully that important. but the, i mean, but i don't, i don't think that leads to a tipping point or critical point where they pose the threat or nothing. yeah. so sadly, those that are society by law just for what they want to see the goals, nothing you know, has to embrace achieved coupling of how mass ending creating
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a new governance structures such as an, as an set them. so i think he's been safe. i mean, nothing, you know, leads the science coming from this very easily to speech very well. his condition has been solid. dotted line, the so we're not the 30th, of course, that important. also the carry, the legacy of the divisions before the, the sub to the work because the, the was, is it a study was divided over many issues and before the stop of this war, but still, i mean, by large, these are the society assess the 4th has exactly upset the rest of the state. there's been criticism of mex now of the way he's conducted the war. now, while this is happening, we've heard him say that the find defensive on rasa, the invasion of ross. i will go ahead despite the american objections. and at the same time, they all these talks resuming in cairo on sunday, c 5 talks. what does that suggest to you? what does it indicate?
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are you at all hopeful that they could deal with something positive and also have to it also is that i received the measure of shipment of weapons from the us as well. so if you put all the some complex i'm, i'm system mistake. i don't think there is any, just going to be any big throw in this negotiations around because again, it has been reported. and as soon as i lead me to that, the negation that is going to kind of been coming to the ha has been slipped from. it's monday to strike a deal. so getting nothing, nothing else than holds the ultimate decision. and it has also been reported, but induced by the cabinet. he's the only one who's been more or less standing behind one condition, which is not allowing the but i've seen that if you choose to reach the end that's picking balm. that's sort of the for how much, how much has more of this uh, give some compromise, especially on dependency side. i mean, they are not projecting uh, they don't demand that at this phase of this early stage of negotiations. i mean, but they are, they're willing to engage with advocate to stick to this other condition when the
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2nd phase of negotiation stop. so basically the only sticking points now is the template fisheries. and if you take this away from him as well, and you have, they have nothing to offer thomas the more incentives, whatsoever for how much to do it, except what's a fund on the table. so again, nothing else is the main and p opposite going to this, it's 10. now it's up even other members of his work cabinet because these people have changed that opinions according to certain media. it's only him right, holding the stick. and so, i mean we, we've heard of a criticism of him not fails at times, even public criticism of him from the americans. he's flaunted the un security council resolution was called for a ceasefire front, a d. i. c j's request, a formal aid into guys a, it seems that like there's nothing stopping him right now. no one stopping him. why is this, do you think, why the americans not doing more as a, you know, criticize him to stop it? to be frank, i mean fully it's,
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it's an election to get into your system. i think the administration, of course is concerned. it has views concerns about as far as military conduct in this world. but it's still kind of the same time sending them the exact same thing . so they voiced the concern as they even go ahead and embed as it is a negation which went to a to the us. uh, we're headed by got up and saying, well if you, if you're unable to, to allow 50 trucks of 8 to enter the guns that are probably gonna handle, manage the needs of 1400000 to produce and dropped off if you plan to conduct them an interpretation, but then again, couple of these, let's have this and this huge major ship with a flip. and so it's, i mean, yes, what does matter, but what about that is really more actually is actions. and this is not the right time. it is always very good to hear your thoughts and, and insight. thank you very much for joining us. thomas. tom wood from the doha institute of graduate studies. 7 use the palestine red crescent size. 5 people were killed in a chaotic, a time during an a delivery in gaza city on friday night. the,
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the 8 organization says thousands of people had gathered for the arrival of 15 trucks, scaring flour. and on the 8th, i'd be coates round about which links to northern gaza to the south. witnesses say warning shots were fired by those organizing the, the delivery but that he's ready to so so open fire very for some new moving trucks, hit people trying to get the food. and the rhonda bon has been the scene of multiple deadly incidents since january. that spring in, i'll just here is time. otherwise them in ron for, for is so seen said tyrique of people desperate to get aid and more aid has just left the fibrous. this will be the 2nd delivery of 8th through the maritime core adult. how effective has this been? how was the a from the 1st convoy of ships distributed?
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of the yes uh, fully a new ship is expected to arrive to the gauze check, which is the coming days that is loaded with different food items and humanitarian aid supplies. that will be also transposed by the world central kitchen, and will be distributed again to the people who are suffering from severe melanie attrition in other parts of the gaza strip. while the previous one has practice has been practically distributed according to the w. according to the world, a central kitchen, they have been saying that they have distributed 200 tons of humanitarian supplies to desperate families. and another a gone find that's practically a very essential step, that palestinian see it as a positive one but cannot be a proper alternative for the humanitarian homeboys that are delivered to the throughout the land. of course, always under the same time, they are urging the international community to force much more pressure, which is about in order to allow for the flow of a humanitarian supplies. as the latest resolution being made by the international
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court of justice is a holding as well to increase and take prop images in order to increase the capacity of all humanitarian assistance to the gaza strip. yet they are still hundreds of humanitarian chromeboys are stationed in that direction. slide we think so, said the permission to get into garza as every single day. more children know that part of the cherry tree are reaching on the rising to the hospitals, the suffering from city. mon, you, christian, new, urgent, international, and medical interventions have been made in order to rescue their life. but as we have been told, the people that they're saying that very limited amount of humanitarian supplies being delivered now assemblies are struggling abruptly and each day for survival in order to file at least one meal to feed their children with. terry, thank you for that. terry. cup was a lie for us, the in a rasa. 7 garza, the world health organization says around 9000 patients in gaza,
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urgently need to be evacuated abroad for life saving treatment. many a suffering from chronic illness is wanting to national medical team has traveled to the north of the strip to rescue a critically ill 12 year old count. victoria gates be has a story, a highland new se from cystic fibrosis to a condition has deteriorated because of his rails restrictions on life saving medical a getting into gaza. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. atlantic dining room set of humans. i'm a how about i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment abroad. the signs of no sickness, a hard to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that mostly a sex belongs those with you and this need
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a specific nutritional diet along with constant medical treatment. no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dire complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the u. n. field hospital in russia. it was a pretty heavy mission, but we are really happy that it was successful. we all ready for the crate to patients last setup day. and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are going to be in the met. so medicare dis, confirm no, is critically ill. they'll transfer her to a hospital approved in the coming days. and the last with them, she has week blood and has chest infections as a result of the nature of the disease she has brought with things, she will receive full care and the necessary medications. doctors are confident that with the right medical treatment no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be evacuated and
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time is not on this side. victoria k some b l g 0 is escalating violence on the 11 on israel border in southern 11 on 3 united nation military um service. and a translator of bidding said they were on foot patrol in the time of a mesh, when there was an explosion nearby. these ready military has issued a statement of denying responsibility. and within the last 2 hours, these radio strikes have had at least 4 lebanese bounds, including that cora, i mean, and sheba israel and has been live exchange fire regularly since the war on guys have begun in october. xena harder has the latest from they will see you and peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter. and they were powerless. to stop the ongoing conflict between
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israel and hezbollah, hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help palestinians in gauze up. and the un forces cannot implement un resolution $1701.00, which calls for the militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats. unless it gets cooperation from 11 on so source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from the warring sides. israel has accused beth of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro wants and has while i has a q, some of it's contingent of spying for is ro and turning this course of turning the people that are in the south against this force. so we have to wait for the outcome of the investigation, but to no doubt the one is calling for both sides. fearing that if this escalation continues along the border, it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theater. they don't still a head on algae is 0. i am seeing i'm to solar and assemble coming from syracuse.
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largest city has a nation wide local elections on some. they are more than women specialties and they might change the country's political, the, they're great to catch up. so here's the deal. it's raining in the south and it's feeling hot in the so let's pick up the story there. many spots could actually see their hot it's march day on record. that includes from penny is capital a bucharest number to beats sunday $29.00. and yep, we got your pencil then for a height of $29.00 degrees at once. also through turkey, the bands and iraq as well, but different story for the other side of the med training check out with these weights, northwest, spain, we know off the coast and sun spots 1012 meter high waves,
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not out of the question. and there is all that pointing rate is going to be bad and caused problems, southern spain, through the south of france, and it will chug along into central and eastern spain, with those torrential downpours to the northwest. we go breeze off the north evenings, temperatures knock back a bit in london and there's that warrants extending the roofs and russia 22 immense . let's go 16 in moscow to africa. we go. belts of heat shad nigeria between togo and gone to sun spots pushing past 40 degrees, including chad's capital engineering. at 45. now to the south, we go some verse of rain around the vin talk and remnants of a tropical cycling that were over. madagascar are now moving over maricia. so downforce on the forecast for you on sunday, the huge reserves of lucio used an electric battery, some fine to reducing all reliance on fossil fuels. lie beneath the vast idea of
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salt lake. a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on it. just the the, the watching out. just the red line from don't have reminder about top stories. see slide talks between these around and how mazda is set to resume on sunday in cairo . the announcement comes, assigned me. so is there any captive sounding guys?
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i call on 5 minutes to next. now to spend down at arriving tennessee, they accuse enough blocking of the of the secure, the relative streaming, the prod, assigned, red preston, says 5 people were killed in a chaotic attack during an 8 delivering kansas city on friday. witness this, a warning shots were fired by those organizing delivery, but that is really true. so, so open fire and 3 united nations military observers and a translator has been injured in $711.00 on the un personnel were on foot petroleum . a ton of a mesh when they was a nearby explosion is really military has issued a statement denying responsibility as turn 2 out of wells used now and police improve who have rated the home of president dina. but why say looking for what they describe as undeclared luxury watches, around 40 offices forcibly ended the residents searching sounds low likes watches,
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government agents, launch an investigation following a newspaper report on for the warranty wearing luxury watches she has not disclosed . property please. that's kate moore. with mariana sanchez, i correspondents in lima, mariana. so the president, dean apple watches a suspect in a case of enlisted in richmond. but reading her home in search of evidence. why such a strong measure is a strong measure of fully because she did not attend a citation by the attorney general to explain where she got those watches. and when did you buy them or how did you get them and why did she not declare them? now we're waiting for president fully wanted to give an address to the nation here at the presidential palace. and we've been told that was supposed to be about 2 and a half hours ago now, 20 minutes ago. but now we've been told that it's going to be a recorded message that will be put out quite soon. the few minutes ago we saw some ministers leaving the presidential palace. we really don't know if some of the
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ministers, because the message was recorded were leaving. if some of them have resigned, if all of them support president for a lot of faith in this new unfolding crisis, but there will be an investigation on the investigation, will have to start looking into the serial number. so those very refined luxury watches, all of them have serial numbers and you can track down who bought them or at least where they came from. now the prime minister have said earlier that this measure of reading not only the house of the press the number off the but her office here at the presidential palace was disproportionate and unconstitutional. now of course they will appear. all right, marianne, of course, we'll check in with you once we hear what the president has to say about this raid on her whole, mariana sanchez, di for state in lima steward. took in which is preparing for local elections
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on sunday is stumble is a key battle ground and whoever wins the city could dictate the country's future incumbent. a crime, a memorial is hoping to be re elected as man if he wins that would deliver a blow to the ruling act party and could set him up as a front runner. in the 2028 presidential election, sent him conciliatory for stormy assemble. so this way could be either a hello or a good bye to assemble for the city's major. after voiding ends on sunday, in the municipal elections, the opposition says should be parties, x from in my model is up against a rolling duck parties, former environment minister. well that's cool to extend his mandate for a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019. held him to the 4 phone, both national politics and delta, both the present treasure type of job. and his ruling party had, you know, we love our mail very much. he's fair and treats everyone equally to prevent
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corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern board. it is more than a local election, some for the that he will follow in our don't support steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of a deal for adult position. that's one, but also it needs access to uh, for instance, um it means having termination, the links with both the economy got this and political actors. if you are governing that a major global city, it means really you have visibility, vote and international c. m. all those rival neil, that's cool is a well known techno correct. he argues that a molo has not met, stumbles, needs particular in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue after the devastating earthquakes that affected 11 to cities last year. what are the oh low for me? we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars,
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he's one of us and never offended us after the earthquake. despite the coming, i'm oldest popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragment with opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the curtis party of votes recognized as the maker for the opposition in previous local elections are expected to flow to its own candid so including and assemble. whoever wins will have far reaching implications for circus politics. him all those big for you might let him opposition leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks. hold on. some vix, read, might help present, add on springs and his power base and repair his legacy, particularly the troubled economy and foreign affairs in africa. solar l just there was somebody in the united states dive operations around the collapse. baltimore rates had been suspended after conditions were deemed to unsafe. authorities hope
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to resume search efforts for the bodies of the last full victims on sunday. investigate is also counting for the removal of the bridge and dining ship. the largest floating crane on the eastern seaboard has a ride on the see the army corps and their partners will begin to move forward with the crane operations. today. the north sections of the key bridge are going to be cut off and removed. this will eventually allow us to open up a temporary restricted channel that will help us to get more vessels in the water around the side of the collapse. tropical storm gum mine has swept across madagascar killing at least 18 people. the storm has caused major flooding in the northern part of the island nation. more than 20000 people have been for some that homes. disaster management officials are moving affected residents to safety. they say for people as still unaccounted for early and my colleagues. so rahman spoke to, i'm danina roxy, my mom gosh, she's secretary general of the, my gosh,
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the red cross in continental revel. she says that the government is still dealing with the aftermath of the cycle in which mainly affected the communications network . the situation is not political because we are seeing a challenge in facing the flout. as you know, it does think more. what to then we saw some through the testing and the government is no restoring. so internet and communication network in the area and it brings us to, to have to the situation on the scene that has so moberly session and also the from west coast. both the word for the use of presenting the same as being the government. and they're taking look the local authority and if they can evacuation and student that's subsidizing before, in terms of spray those disease, for example. or in terms ofa have issues. it's the whole islands affected or all
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the specific areas of the know the central parts of the south. can you tell us what the west effected pod saw way you're trying to get to the eastern and the north eastern barked out the most effective. we've for uh, for regions. so the road that i've cut it everything, both any degree is undertaken by blood, all the money you money. so the and the actors are mobilized since the, since they want to fix these images response, especially restoring communication network, you know, to have the situation on defense and also restoring the electricity and south africa drought is putting millions at risk of running shore to afford south africa is the regions biggest serial producer, but a heat wave has been scorching crops for long drought as shooting price increases and damaging livelihoods. it's also traded water shortages in the country's
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economic hub, johannesburg. here is a south african farm explaining the difficulties is facing in his own way. my name is peter table. i am a crop farmer from free state rovers, south africa. i've been fined me for 14 years. uh before that out. now everything looked good. that was not why it's showing the and this way in here we are now exist as just changed. i've never seen this kind of throughout the week. we are going to help us and nothing. and i mean nothing in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area, the heck the on mays. but the, this yeah we, i, like we are going to have is nothing about this effect that me financially that
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have employees do to maintain the funds i need to maintain that mission mattie and i must expand this or do this conditions is going to be a big problem with one buy expect a cronum mist about to come in a nino, but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this and you know before but the to us not this this much the truth. yeah. i don't know the people being picked it by this route. so now people don't be afraid. they'll pay more money to buy food too. because of this, throughout a tie, student activist is in critical condition in hospital more than a month into a hunger strike. she was arrested in february on charges of harassing the royal families motorcade. human rights. soft advocates say the case demonstrates how laws are being used to suffice freedom of expression. jessica washington reports a bank of semester hospital amount of weeks for the 22 year old daughter that was
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going to end up paying the one what to do. i don't known as stolen and typically nothing on has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on charges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept a medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the citizen challenges relate to an incident in early february when the pay repeatedly sounded, they call phone as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess much ugly city and home was passing .


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