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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 1:00am-2:01am AST

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uniform station, we have books, she needs to excel. her dream is fast becoming a reality. she's one of the top students in her class. human appeal makes the most of your massey the, [000:00:00;00] the hello. this is a news. our analogy 0 for the back. people live in doha, coming up in the next 60 minutes. the fire and fury on the streets of his round protesters and families of captives held in guys a call for the immediate removal of 5 ministry opinion. the next hour from our
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the at least $20.00 to $5.00 is can use a keels after is really forces target age to those me a guys a 6 and also this our 3 you and military of service and a translator of wounded in a blast. me, eddie is around 11 non border and peruse president, dean of all the warranty says she will not step down after house was rated as part of the corruption inquiry. the thank you for joining as we begin with launch protests and these rouse, largest city against the government's handling of the war on gaza. families of captives being held in guys that were among the thousands who gather in tennessee, criticizing these really prime minister benjamin. it's now $59.00 does his resignation and accused him of abandoning the captives held in gaza. the protest
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come at a time when negotiations between his room and i'm off to secure a ceasefire and gaza audrey, to resume in cairo on sunday. demonstrations also to place me in this house residence in west jerusalem. there were also calling for his immediate vice if which day with the kids, the benjamin you figure out who i mean, the sort of thing you know is the obstacle between us and getting all hostages back . and we would really endlessly fights legally, of course, heavy removed from fall off and get someone else that can do the job. and would be of this of the, the situation. ok, let's continue, does big our beloved ones. back and did then the new mean if the out is the main obstacle, i push them out to be be do you hear me b, b?
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i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying there every day about the shop. i'll g 0 is i'm to saw who it was at the protest intel of these demonstrators in tel aviv say they're increasingly angry at the government's inability to bring back the meaning is really cap is now there was a rally held by the family members of those still being held in dogs of what they say, they are tired of holding peaceful rallies and are calling for the entire state of israel to point take to the streets and burn the country down. previously, they were calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. but now they're saying that he needs to be overthrown. and until that happens, these protest in massive size and scale will continuously be happening tonight. a lot of violence between demonstrators and is really police as they attempt to clear roads in here until a be trying to block the major highway known as i alone. something that was
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a reoccurring theme or indeed year of anti government demonstrations. but police have come out in the mouse, is in order to try and prevent that. i'm the central identity it on television. when i speak to you see mecklenburg about these protests and their impact on these really politics. he's associate fellow of the middle east, north africa program at chatham house, and he's joining us from london. thank you for being with us. you'll see. so do these protests polls any threat at all to let you know and his coalition government a good evening. thank you for having me. yes, i think she's use your sense the age of believe a year and we know that the most the nation. what to say it is the government, the government stuff is more than a year ago and stopped. i still saw the circled by the news now, and now there is more than one east. the beginning, the, all the folks of the seventy's was dying to compromise. today,
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these are the people to see any action, the independence of the judiciary. now that is also lead and gives the feeling that natalie is the one that stops the release of the hostages. the deal to release the hostages to bring them back home. and you can see the sports is the certainly, or for most of the hostages. oh indeed the and those are supposed and because it's of the assistance and you know, to these points about one thing you want to send only this thing and i think yes it's, it's a good process. but you know, it's, it's, we're going to see 2 things, one division from dallas says united states for reasons, but also those. we see the quotation right now. it's one point beeping, like many done. so i do problems with decided to leave, to go, okay. i was going to ask you about that. in fact, i mean, there's pressure as you say, from the outside,
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from the international community pressure from the families and on the streets in tennessee for example, as we saw. but what about within the coalition government itself? does he still have support with the way he's conducting more? i think it's a really simple condition. see, those are joining, like many guys are nice and close. one minutes, the design doesn't get even the way to do the voice from dr. and, and studies flash of them on, on the gun saying eyes and go to these different solutions. the condition is with it doesn't mean that then the one spearheads coalition is the speed of the 60 full members. massive which is the majority. but that is mounting pressure because the no stays in po and he's east is powers. this'll be finding the account before rising the creating kills 15. can you 2 guys?
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and gradually people tend to understand that this doesn't. so you're always 2 weeks or 6 months. they go, there is no big story before easily scrolling, obviously, if most of it's allies and it's in the holding, the, in the nose, is escalating a bind today. and the speaker would like to want to see, to see, to see change. and i think the pressure when no one is the 2nd bus, we seem to close it. but i think also something the other minutes we seem is only about the to says from new election. so what do you think is going to be his, his next move his calculus right now? will he, as he says, go ahead with applying defensive on ross despite the pressure from, from the international community, from the us a deal us subjecting and the pressure from the street to mr. i. will he go ahead with this that it would be very successful in to do that, because if you do the visits by defense, most of the switch in washington,
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you're kind of and the pressure from the united states is not to do that unless there is a way to ensure that because people are secure and the reality of that is how the way these, these tools to spill the life of thousands of thousands of innocent lives. you basically enter into guys a received more and more countries actually suggesting to, to boycott, to convince sending it to a to is that right at the same time also release between them, you know, and place it in a bind. and i think the specials within the government would make it fairly decent . one of the other choices voices mobilizing into the door to dogs. so there is the monkey crisis, domestic and international. right. it's a bush eventually, also different thoughts of the coalition of you'll see i wanted to ask you about is really public opinion, as you said,
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is quite isn't of nets. now there's also increases and i've been to national level of israel. i mean the accusations of genocide by a top you and official israel being ordered to to cease fire. and guys have, by the un security council is real accused of starting palestinians to death. how is all of that verb raging? and he's ready? society, what is acceptable and not acceptable for? he's ready society today when it comes to pursuing honestly ours will goals. i think the subjects doors because literally sees confusion within days of the society on the one that is the anger. and because the state, the most of the 7 many and these are the society we're looking for for revenge. but at the same time, they blame the meals for what happened in the services that blame him for. you know, the one that states only know that these are the same. the same is number one,
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pennsylvania avenue. so based on defending its own paper, not achieving victorian garza, which was many of us have looked at you have been from the beginning. i know blaming goes to just back. so there is also kind of like the visual which doesn't ever met. makes sense. that's why we need to continue to go to the same time despite to the installation of criticism. but at the same time was that the. busy building rainbow, so this most of these are these dogs watch on, there is names will be watch out. so these are what's atkins. i know him guys of this, the ration that the, that date the easily gets inflicted on the so many of us and the other steam is so their main source to policy and not to show them but the that you would expect them to show. thank you. so much for talking to us st and sharing that to you with us you'll see mac hilbrick from chatham house joining us there from london. we
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appreciate your time. i think, you know, on the ground in gaza is really a tax. are relentless and unsparing in the past few hours at a 17 palestinians where kills me. a guy's a city. 30 others were wounded in these really strike that targeted of kuwait round about palestinian seeking aid have been gathering at the intersection for weeks and have come under is really a talk since january. early at the palestine read, preston said 5 people were killed during an a delivery at the same rhonda about on friday the, the 8 organization said thousands of people gathered for the arrival of trucks carrying flour and how to supplies. witnesses said warning, shawn swift. 5 by those organizing the delivery, but he's really chose also open fire target. god bless them, re for some rasa on what's been another brutal and bloody day. and god,
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the use very military forces have launched a series of israeli attacks on different areas and the guns was the type one of the latest hot target to of the equate around about where hundreds of palestinians were waiting for humanitarian comb, voice to get to the other parts of gauze as an upper stylish city instead, due to the attack, have been killed and also in judge and the situation sounds critically. the of the, as those people who are waiting for a to have been killed and i'm side with those figures will responsible for securing much needed to humanitarian supplies, to the another part of gauze on. similarly, this is not the only attack that they've been carried off. the overnight strikes and a friday also have been carried. does people work some beating and we're fighting them in order to get you monetary and supplies from the humanitarian voice by systematically as well as targeting those people who are waiting for 8 supplies as people have no option to remain. despite all the risk, a journey started the i've been going through an order to get food supplies. they
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are going to have to wait around the box. because if this, if you showed you to food items and the unprecedented levels of mount nutrition and food insecurity back to see what had been going through since october, to alric up as the algebra roof, southern garza, the world health organization says around 9000 patients and guys, i urgently need to be evacuated abroad for life saving treatment, many a suffering from chronic illnesses wanting to national medical team as traveled to the north of the strip, to rescue a critically ill 12 year old. go victoria, gate and b has a story. so how long news office room cystic fibrosis condition has deteriorated because of israel's restrictions on life saving medical aid getting into gaza. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern
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city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. atlantic dining room set of humans in my home . i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment abroad. the signs of no sickness, a heart to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that most of the sex belongs. those with you and this need a specific nutritional diet, along with constant medical treatment. no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dire complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the u. n. field hospital in russia. it was a pretty heavy mission, but we are really happy that it was successful. we all ready for the crate to patients last setup day. and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are going to be in need that some medicare does confirm, no,
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is critically ill. they'll transfer her to the hospital approved in the coming days . and the last with them, she has week blog and has chest infections as a result of the nature of the disease, she has dealt with things. she will receive full care and the necessary medications . doctors a confidence that with the right medical treatment no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be evacuated and time is not on this side. victoria case and b, l, g 0. this is going violence on the israel 11 on border and 711 on 3. united nation is a military of service and his translates are been injured. they were on foot patrol in the town of a mesh when there was an explosion nearby. the is really military has issued a statement, denying responsibility is really s rights have also had at least $411.00 east towns including the core i mean, and sheba is around and has the live exchange fire regularly since the war on guys have begun in october. is zayna hunter has moved from beveled. so un peacekeeping
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mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter. and they were powerless to stop the ongoing conflict between is roland has the law hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help us indians in gaza. and do you on forces, cannot implement un resolution 1701, which calls for the militarize zone along the border 20 kilometer seats, unless it gets cooperation from 11 on so source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from the warring sides. israel has accused it of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro wants and has. well, i has a q, some of it's contingents of spine for israel and turning this course of turning the people that is in the south against this force. so we have to wait for the outcome
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of that investigation. but to no doubt, the one is calling for both sides to lay down. fearing that if this escalation continues along the border, it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theatre. they don't 110. n t is the spokesman for the un entering, forcing 11 on he says the circumstances surrounding the incident on k. a, a group of a, a 3 or jail, or which is a emily, dirty observers. and one lebanese, a language assistance a. and where i'd say was that we still left lots of days. exactly the, the dynamic, the wording of a bullet. they were getting off the vehicle during that moment. and they, and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, and they were injured. as we settled in our statements, we are investigating the, the origins of the, of the, of the explosion at the moment. but of course,
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we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh, these exchanges of buyer and de escalation. the reason escalation can really at 3 you're a much wider conflict and it's important for the parties to understand it. and to come to a to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it and people magic and the, and political solution to this. to this conflict. it seems as well as war on guys that began thousands of palestinians have been buried under rebel rescue workers. i've resorted to digging with their bad hands to find survivors. here's the story of one boy who had a lucky escape and got a c t. the line
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for them then to let the the the to be do you those who coco coco hardware football i like to do it at the dealership to be checking the bench a more head on this and these are including palestinians. ronnie,
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in israel and the occupied territories to protest against the seizure of their lands over many decades and from london to a mine protest denouncing these ras one guys a take basic funds to what the, the i sent 2 out of world news 1st and peruse president dana bottle, warranty has described a police rate on her home as arbitrary and abusive. the police were looking for what they describe as undeclared luxury watches, around 40 offices, forced to be entered, the residence, searching for rolex watches, government agent's launch, train investigation, following a newspaper report on voted. warranty wearing luxury watches should not disclose
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company for local or maybe the either. the measure taken early this morning is opportunity. disproportionate on the abusive situations is extremely save, is affects the rights of my family. portable phone affects the governance of this country. address here is, mariana sanchez, has moved from lima. she spoke on a recorded message to the nation where she does not. we'd be dispelled anything about all the adults that have been generated around the fact that she has been displayed of these watches, another jewelry, very expensive, which she has not declared at the local press has been putting out pictures of these watches and contrasting them with uh, with other pictures of, of the, of the watches that are being sold. and uh, they have a being is that the president has said that she has been working since she was 18
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years old to be able to buy these watches. but she has not declared the turkey is preparing for local elections that are held of being held on sunday. assemble is a key battleground and whoever wins the race for men could decide the country's future incumbent. a credit memorial is hoping to be re elected if he wins. that would deliver a blow to the avoiding act party and could even set him up as a potential us as a potential front runner in the 2028 presidential election. cnn, because they are billie force from the sample this way could be either a hello or a good bye to a symbol for the city's mayor. after voiding ends on sunday, in the municipal elections, the opposition say should be parties. x from in my model is up against a rolling duck party's former environment minister without cool to extend his mandate for a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019 held him to the 4 phone, both national politics and delta. both the president treasure type of job and his
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ruling party had, you know, we love our mail very much. he's fair and treats everyone equally to prevent corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern booth. it is mode that a local acts up, some for the that he will follow in our don't support steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of a deal for adult position. that's one. but also it means access to uh, for instance, um it means having termination the links with both the economy, cactus and political actors. if you are governing that a major global city, it moves really, you have visibility board in the international c. m, i'm old as rival neil, that's cool. is a well known techno correct. he argues that a memo has not met, stumbles needs particular in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue
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after the devastating earthquakes that affected 11 to cities last year. what are the, the oh low for me. we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars, he's one of us and never offended us after the 1st quit this part x. i'm all of his popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragmented opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the curtis party boats recognized as the king maker for the opposition in previous local elections, are expected to flow to its own candidates, including assembled. whoever wins will have far reaching implications for circus politics. him all those big free might let him opposition leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks. vicks read my tell prisons, add on, springs and his power base and repair his legacy, particularly the troubled economy and foreign affairs. soon after solar elders are assembled,
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the rock now with drug addiction has been on the rise among young people in recent years. a shortage of rehab centers has prompted some hospitals to launch their own recovery programs. as my mood after one has a for somebody that do the work out of the very happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction or at this hospital him about died except sizing counseling go hand in hand was the talk c 22 year old about couldn't describe the program as a do it a new of resurrection. and i'm gonna have to own i'm on hold on it now. i started smoking crystal, met in 2017. it destroyed my life and left me painless and turned into a hostile person. fighting in my family every day to give me money to buy it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. i don't they don't know how you advise you. patients from the southern and eastern regions of what you all call you,
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judy mentor. i'm system and users addicted to this to me that that speeds up the bodies nervous system causing go high. those from the western and northern regions tend to be users of kept, took on pills, which have a similar effect. fishy, and we've got a corklin. claremont this week is in this hospital alone, we see between 60 and 70 cases every day, different cost started behavior. a nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients for most of the deep brain and offices, some dysfunction and hot and kidney failure. to cover that over d n. unemployment. the major factors doctors here say 3600 drug addicts have been treated at this hospital since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of his to miss maddox. the drug used to be smuggled into the lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations
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office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. as the administrator has at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated this year, the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in a flu. your walk has been increasingly steady since 2000. i see some networks reported to have links to political parties in a groups. lots of looking to head out. if you set that up, you do have to do the diamond feeling. a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross board and it was, i don't, and apprehended mold in 1400 suspects since january. why some of them have been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc, they're also suspects working from a broad. but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families, doctors say through only a fraction of the number of drug addicts, any lot,
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many more feeding social stigma. isolate themselves from friends and family and offering di alone. would that be? well, hey, under the boat that seat i had on i 1201. explain how the closure of the port of baltimore following thursday's bridge collapse could impacts the us economy. and the report from timeline where a student activity listed in critical condition after going on hunger strikes. and what means full freedom of expression, the there right after that it's been, it's storing this in china is having an island. so visibility was reduced to near mill with these downpours these bursts of rain. yeah, the within wins there. the storms still tough to see much of what was going on in front of you. right? these strong, still locked into play in southern china. so let's go show you the forecast here. we're talking specifically one g,
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one done for gm. providence is dark in the blue and the yellow. those are the more intense bands of rain moving through. and i think over the next 24 to 48 hours, we will be dealing with a pretty powerful storms in this area. tokyo 26 degrees, cherry blossoms getting go. in their latest starts of the season. in 12 years i would take you to enter it easier. right now there's been more flooding, west calum and 10 and borneo island. same goes for a south. so that way easy. and for australia, melbourne and victoria state. you are going to have your driest march on record so well end of the month, more sunshine. 24 degrees, but by monday what weather is scoots in here. these are going to be center ranch will downpours, melbourne by monday afternoon, over a 24 hour period. you could see a month's worth of rain. so that's certainly going to help considering how parts this area has been. what whether moves away from the east cape? so guess been 17 for you on sunday.
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the as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are in planetary flat. it's here, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and needs to people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing unite to growth. dying. coming soon, the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very good data on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, one in 3, its children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around 60000 of
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pregnant women are suffering of the hydration of the the welcome back and recap of our top stories on allergies. this is our last protest have taken facing. these are largest city, tennessee, against the government's handling of the war and gaza. families of captives being held were among thousands who gathered into all of these demanding prime minister nationalities resignation. at least 17 palestinians have been killed in search of those wounded men. is really a tax on this house. we found the balance to gaza. city that's and 6 on the main road that links northern to southern gaza earlier in palestine that creston says 5 people were killed and then
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a time during an a delivery at the same location on friday and in 711 on 3 united nations. many terry observers and that translates we have been injured. they were on foot patrolling the time of the mash when there was an explosion nearby. these really military has denied responsibility. now the british government has reportedly received advice from its lawyers suggesting israel has fresh international humanitarian law in gaza. but us failed to disclose this publicly. according to the observing newspapers, such advice would mean the u. k. has to seize on sales to israel on wednesday more than a 130 m p signed a letter to 4, and secretary david cameron saying that arms x force to israel are totally unacceptable on jeffrey. nice, he's a human rights lawyer. he said the move could make the government complicit in each national crimes. the rest of the tool surprised the government would seek advice
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from as low as it would have to do so. as soon as it became public that many common types is more important. many people, you know, it's all to you in the united nations where come, son about is rose, military attack, not being proportionate. proportionality is locked regard for an attack to below full. so they were bound to seek legal advice. this is a report which refers to an account with the advice. let's just assume 1st of all, there would be an advice. would the advice deal with the question or from ocean ality and loss of this of the attack? yes, it would. it is, there is the advice likely to host found that there could be or was lack of proportionality and therefore criminality. it certainly could reach that conclusion, given the majority opinion, among gro was not me. the people close to the wall and was real sar sheet from the
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united nations and elsewhere. will be on surprising if the advice gave that conclusion. if the advice good did give that conclusion, and if the government acted without regard to that advice, that would be very concerning. not just to those who a lawyer is acting in an international environment, but it would be very concerning to the public. the public's interest in this war is being very substantially arrives. emotions, nothing the motions of very valuable, but emotions are pretty high and the public is in talk. we'd like to know, and i would say is entitled to know, well, the advice this way, all that way. if any government has received clear advice was happening by the competent pocky is unlawful. then in providing weapons for an honor roll for the activity, it runs the risk of being found to be complicit. march and get round that risk by saying, oh, well, you can have these weapons,
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but you can only use them in certain circumstances. difficult. and we understand from the latest alleged provision of this by america is not using that guess how close. so yes, there is a real risk that a government providing alms to a party engaged in other off of welfare could find itself compressor. and that's not very surprising. if you know your neighbor is about to commit a crime from all to gotten a new and the gum will, of course you'll go to with the night, but you can't get out of it. so it's a, it's a big problem for governments of hundreds of policy news release of raleigh to commemorates land de they marched to their honda in the northern israel. mondays house on march 30th in the occupied palestinian territories. and monks today in 1976 when 6 pond, assuming these relatives were killed. fine, is there any forces or protest from funds to see van lines around? he was also held in ramallah to commemorate those killed laura con was se or
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the the about the process of policy and life coming on in
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5621 the best, the most compelling and ready to plug in on the 30th. but this farmer can only reach a fraction of his land the see that landscape, it stretches into the valley and up the hill belongs to 15, posting in families. this is that green mark broad weight. this one now is voted on 2 more. so you called access that? yes, he took this line most that he's us, it low is gum. about the 21 only i lose this real name is mostly started date. he's been sanctioned by the us and u. k. for being a dangerous environment sutler, he posted on social media,
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his plans to build an education center. bring both settlers. it will tell you that he falls, the families from that home when the guy is using the hold on, i'll just loose or talk to me and then asked me about my neighbor and wife. when i told him they were there to hit me in the head and direct me into the house with the other settler. my thoughts heard me screaming. blood was everywhere. red. that'd be of twice i should have probably slipped in the bold and knowing 2 years. so the island up a little thermal and when he came at night, the settler moves, so 7 others. he kicked us out into our belongings. he level with nothing. he also kicked our neighbors out. we owned this land and we have proof of our club. she shows us proof of ownership from palestine. israel and georgian hosting is can only reach the edge of this hillside. beyond that, they say they can only look down the empty hundreds and sold and lines. and even here,
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the being prevented from completing the building. even though most of this area is on the posting of civil control, it's this gate to finding the people from that lot that had put generations while we were filming what she pulled up. i asked him why he's taking the land that was tried. he's not speaking it's, it's, uh, he's just selling us. he starts making cools and i'm told he has a concealed weapon. it's not safe for us to say massage to you. is it going through the as a get to the valley? so when you eh, we can tool unless the you control a boss, a space of the valley. so that's why it is a thought to get things this area. now i shouldn't, and i have been that be a live in a metal out house. old. it's around to was given to her is charity. and it's not much she dreams of her brick house and tiled floors doesn't know if she'll see
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it again, nor hot out to see or of the for the, the occupied westbank a demonstration to us. the sign guys that has been held in many cities across the globe, crowds took to the street in london, calling for an end to his route for it was 11th riley and the k capital seems caesar out again as i saw on the strip or a challenge was speaking to protests and felt among rain or shine these demonstrations that being taking place every other week in the now. so i'm a small and some like this one, thousands of the streets of london today. demonstrations. i've had the disapproval enough times the outward acidity of the take government suite for my home secretary . so what i brought from and famous before them, how much is the government has changed its working definition of extremism allowing it to label groups. and it doesn't, particularly like isaac stream is,
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and this is off the london police to come down on any boxes. so exhibit the services and i'm not going to the will. and so, i mean, it's really, it's a message they say they're going to carry on until at least 4 months. i'm not sure whether we're winning it over the tech themselves. we're just gonna let them know we're not finding any way to try to because that's what it
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is the west indies don't changing. well, obviously it's not. and this weight un security council, both sides in favor of a c spot in gaza at the best time is done that are increasingly that relied on the extension of the united states, which used to the beach. i think you tell you guys in favor, sorry about that signs that walk the launches on these demonstrations. the cooling for and western governments are considering voting for starting to align where we challenge, how does 0 and jordan demonstrate as much towards these really embassy for the 7 consecutive day. the embassy and embassy in a mine has long been a focal point with thousands of on size. really, protesters for been gathering data denounced of at least half of jordan's population is of kind of assumed an origin more than $2000000.00 pounds. assuming refugees lift that in the fact hasanti city of collaging,
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100 have expressed their frustration with mostly in countries, responses for as a tax on gaza. they have demanded more pressure on each round to end this war. in want in new york, 107th, raise it in time square. before heading there, they found it in front of the city hall. odessa is also locks land a and condemned to massacres and gas. and it was also ronnie and francis capitol, more than 2000 people, marshall the streets of paris to call for a ceasefire in gosh, he's really soldiers of arrested thousands of palestinians during the war on gaza. mohammed's husband was detained in bate la. yeah, in northern guys on december, the 9th. and she's heard nothing since this is her story in her own words. i'm come a little bit the some of the, the, the, the some siding or the whole or the loss of a little confusing is there was a mother and the jump,
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but oh we again, let's open the, my society and i get home if laws and a. busy man. busy busy i'm on pause and i'm seeing those on go come so i mean somebody and they level to level and i know from now they are what i'm, let's look us through know a little so yes, i can move them home when i. ready can but since then the so not familiar with this had put his head in the back of us the 2nd, the shuttle on the other hand of the legacy and just have them on the yeah the the, the so that i don't know that now and the evans nice and then let's get the know what the all the w w vice most of applause one, but the what i will that be for the what she's the one in
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the world for this one. i got the to the good because we so what has it got the problem is that for you? oh boy. yeah, yeah, we're yeah, but so it is like $100.00 and a month for the news. i don't know i'm, i do the more money mom is the, what is the guy that him she what i, how do i follow this this i'm so alone when the of the had the town to other world views and in the us dive operations around the collapse, baltimore bridge have resumed. the recovery mission was previously cancel because of unsafe conditions. the francis cott cambridge was struck by congo ship on thursday leading to his collapse. investigators are now starting the process of
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removing debris of the bridge and disentangle the ship from the wreckage. the largest tilting crane on the eastern seaboard has arrived on the sea. the army corps and their partners will begin to move forward with the crane operations today . the north sections of the key bridge are going to be cut off and removed. this will eventually allow us to open up a temporary restricted channel that will help us to get more vessels in the water around the side of the collapse. early i spoke to hump hardwood drake, who was a professor at the department of maritime business administration at texas a and m university. he says the bridge collapse will not hurt the global trade, but will affect the local economies significantly of the impact so far as been relatively limited. that is there some cargo diversion taking place, particularly for north fulton virginia and new york. but get, i would say that the baltimore is mid sized sports. so you have to put this into
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context. there is a capacity to handle different disruptions depending upon what is concerned. you say it's a mid sized sport, but baltimore is also understand the primary point for the auto industry in the us . are we seeing an impact on that? are we seeing supply chains getting solved already more complicated because to handle vehicles such as cars, you need a substantial amount of parking space. and this parking space is a little bit more difficult to find at the nearby major facilities. so as far as the cars are concerned, to disrupt some slightly higher, but still they are adjustment taking place in courtesy. the demand for vehicles was also a little bit in a low. so it happens and a time where this we take the demand is a little bit likely so that it leads some more room to accommodate this disruption . again, we've heard the governor of maryland, one dose of severe economic consequences. what do you see? the economic impact being, is it likely to be a more localized impact,
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or are they likely to be global repercussions as well? i don't expect much trouble recall portion because of this, but little cold and regional would be much more significant. many jobs related to, let's say, warehousing manufacturing which are directly related to the productivity are obviously going to be impact during this uh, blockage of the port. i said i had no knowledge is there a south african farmer is expected hobbies absolutely nothing. this spring will tell you how that is affecting the entire region, the in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history, the world because democracy office on epic showdown join me screen of asking jan on a new full bought cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming dropped, of the freedoms in india, and the future of india. in fact,
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with independent media being the other for foxley on those is either if we cannot agree on how to coordinate space traffic management, we risk post to safety and the sustainability of space and worryingly, the breach of peace and security. you know, to space people empowered investigates the proliferation of commercial satellites and the far reaching influence of those who funded it's at a tipping point. and we have a small window of opportunity to curtail catastrophic event fighting for space on a jersey to the
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welcome back. now tropical cycling, come on, is swept across mount a gas cock killing at least 18 people. the storm has caused major flooding and the northern part of the island nation. more than 20000 people have been forced from their homes, disaster management officials and moving affected residents to safety. they say full people are still unaccounted for early and my colleagues. so raman spoke to and yeah, and the rest of my mind was secretary general of the malagasy red crossing continental revel. she says the government is still dealing with the aftermath of the sites on which main, the affected the communications that the situation is not political because we are seeing a challenge in facing the flout. as you know, it does think more. what to then we saw some through testing and the government is no restoring. so internet and communication network in the area. and it brings us to, to half the,
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the situation on the feed that as so mobilization and also the from rates across both the word for the use of presenting the same as being the government. and they're taking look the local authority. and if they can, if a tuition and student that's subsidizing before, in terms of uh, spray those pieces, for example, or in terms ofa have issues. it's the whole islands affected, or all the specific areas of the know the central parts of the south. can you tell us what the west effected pod saw way you're trying to get to the eastern and the north eastern bought out the most effective we've for uh, for regions. so the road that i've cut it, everything, both any degree is undertaken by blood, all the money you money. so the and the actors are mobilized since the, since they want to fix these images response,
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especially restoring communication network, you know, to have the situation on defense and also restoring the electricity. now south africa is a big serial producer. but persistent, he just scorching crops and damaging livelihoods is a south african farmer explaining the difficulties is facing. my name is pete the table. i am a corrupt farmer from free state rovers, south africa. i've been find meaningful for genius. uh before that out. now everything looked good. that was not why it's showing this way. but in here we are. now. i think this has just changed. i've never seen this kind of put out for the 2 weeks. we are going to help us nothing. and i mean nothing
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in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area, the heck the on mays. but this yeah we, i like we are going to have is nothing about this effect that me financially that have employees. i need to maintain that from i need to maintain that mission, that a and i must expand this or do this conditions is going to be a big problem. and we will have one by expect a criminal mist about the coming a nino. but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this and you know before, but due to us, not this of this much the truth. yeah. i don't know if people are being picked it by this route. so or not people don't be afraid. they'll pay more money to buy food too because of this throughout the sunday lane doing quantity is vice chairman of the mace trust. he says,
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pharma is need more help from the government. the defects of climate change, death method beings bad. it's now and it really to is that i think the effects are absolutely not spell. it's monday. and they have some of the discrepancies as need, especially against those who can actually get a policy which is now, especially audio black from us as a way you know, big or small. and as you may be aware that i'm in the 1994, there was the support that list to the white to call miss out of the problem us. which is probably not as much currently with a black from us as a way. but of yesterday, as a, be a with that we actually wrote to government as a plaza, basically really saying to them that add to government, that it's important that the interventions that that's what it mitigate and makes up that, that is, that is some updates you and we're talking about issues, but in a sense relating to at the disaster file,
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but also an issue as it relates into making sure that that is up for the instructions that to from us. because most of the blood from us, sometimes there is a desire to the that lives in that there would be most of that back they did that they don't get installed, they have crops because they can't afford to die. but one of the key issues also is to make sure that both government, as well as the private sector and come up put in the ends with the top with some ad relativism, the ada. this didn't ecology of us, so that even if that is valid because it's, it's likely going to be a phenomenon. now. 9 time that a student activist on hunger strike is in critical condition. she was arrested on charges of harassing the royal families, motorcade human rights. i've to kids say it shows how long is it being used to suppress freedom of expression? jessica washington has a story. the event goes to my set of hospital. i'm other weeks for the 22 year old
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daughter who's going to end up paying the 112 i don't known as stolen and typically nothing has been on a hunger strike since they were reminded in custody in mid february on challenges of sedition. someone's lawyer says she's weak and feverish, but will not accept medical treatment. she's not my 1st plan. who did this? i'm sure she's not going to be the last one. and i think that all the reason very similar is just about normal justice. the sedition challenges relate to an incident in early february, when they had repeatedly sounded, they come on as a royal motorcade carrying thailand's princess much ugly city and home was passing . they also argued with an officer when they was stopped and later said they did not realize it was the royal medicaid lawyer colon a law student. and after this campaigning for form of community says, defense should be considered
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a misdemeanor. the prime minister's office said after the incident, that such actions that a bad example for others as young people must respect your traditions. later that month to one, organize the public survey, asking people what they thought about medicaid violence broke out when pointless supposes. confronted after this, conducting the pony stolen was already facing charges for insulting boys. after she discussed the medicaid case, human rights organizations say, nearly 2000 people in thailand had been prosecuted since 2020, the exercising the right to freedom of expression and peaceful assembly. humor i watch, we have not seen significant improve man regarding respectful fundamental freedoms . for them. expressions, if you don't assembly, people are still being prosecute that people are being sent to jail and denied that bail. and we have high people seeing the country, right? screwed. see,
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tiny authorities use crude and vague our schools in the criminal code related to security to prosecute us to this. and this case should not be considered citizen. someone has said she will not stop her hunger strike. and her voice is heard, and thailand, justice system is reformed. just like in washington, i'm just 0. well that's it from me fully back to both tom mccray is with you next. some options here. just stay with us. the, as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year, a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and meet the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth dying.
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coming soon, the college's here with the sort of 10 year journey, which has become the most important translation award from, i'm into the outer a big language world wide. shea come out of ward for translation. and international understanding. announce is the opening of the nomination period for the year 2024. starting march 1st to mesa, to fast nominations. i made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during time of crisis. solidarity is
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a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look, your generosity tom presented volley to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. your mercy, showing his brightest, gave massey now donate to day. the fire in fury on the streets of his road protest isn't families of captive schools to the immediate removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu from power the until mccrae, this is all just here. a lie from the also coming up the at least 22 palestinians have been killed,


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