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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 3:30am-4:01am AST

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to fall at stores of no ways in the o as little calls, let us salute the government of norway morris, remarkable in nurturing the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled, a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the price of also on 0 to 0. the tugs go to the pulse again, this time for municipal elections, present new ones, policy hopes to re take control of major cities. while the opposition wants to cement games made in 2019. but what shapes the selections in? what direction could to kia take? this is inside story. the hello again on james basis of the could define the future of turkish politics.
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municipal elections are being held in all 81 provinces, but the real battle is for the city of 16000000 people, the only city on 2 continents as simple as the saying and took as politics. whoever wins the stumble wins took care, and that's why this votes, the tests for present other ones are capacity. which last is done both the position 5 years ago. money is a major factor. whoever controls big cities also controls that budgets development projects and quite possibly the parties longevity. there's a lot at stake in this race height, height, sky, high inflation, political divisions, and international pressures all play a role. we'll take a look at all those issues and how they affect the country speeches with, i'll guess in a moment. but 1st this report from katya lopez hold a young it's the local election with the national implications. turkish president, regent type air. the one isn't running, but he is on the campaign trail supporting his party's candidates. the governing up
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party is trying to win back on caroll and east stumble cities at last. the opposition c. h p in 20. 19. because almost a slot that zip is there, kind of it didn't make it to some people a holding us back not to when, but just to make us lose being who is going to win. if we lose, of course, the fascist c h p, and the pro curtis policy ever the vote is widely seen as a test of the president's popularity and of the opposition functionality. when x m e, my mobile one, the my, your own student is simple. 5 years ago, it was a surprise upset for the ones party band from last year's presidential elections if he wins the 2nd term. as the symbols, major analysts say it's likely field one for the presidency in 20. 28 is good. if, if we win it, we'll send a strong message, a message filled with democracy,
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or what the people say goes. sovereignty belongs to a people who do not about down to pressure oppression. conspiracy lie or slander. the party has chosen 47 year old motor clue, a former environmental and organization minister to reclaim the city of 16000000. order is symbol symbol is an easy in the hands of an incompetence administration. in the past 5 years, unfortunately stumble became a victim of unqualified leaders, is stumbled on caroll, have the largest municipal budgets. whoever controls them also controls their budgets and assessments, job creation, and ultimately popularity on the national stage. air to on has been in power for more than 20 years and says he will not run again, but doubts linger. some analysts say the results of this board could influence whether he pushes for changes to the constitution,
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which could extend his term of office beyond 2028. so this is going to be a test for him. now, whether he will succeed to get stumbled back. and if he does so, that means that he will be able to extend, endorse is power. a lot has happened since turkey is less us municipal elections. there is more attention on the curtis population, which is the country's largest minority group, as well as the role that plays in swing votes. annual inflation has skyrocketed sincerely 70 percent, and hundreds of thousands of people are still homeless after the devastating earthquakes last year. last year, the if the opposition c h p, once this stumble again, it could set to key on a new path. while a victory for the party could further cement error don't want decades, long group on power cuts
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a little bit. so the un elgin's 0 for insights story the well as we've heard in couches report is sample is absolutely key in this selection . that's why all guess, all we've joined by, i'm a customer hom, his professor of political science and international relations. because university that be by son is an let's go on list and the system professor a been how doing university. and mimic chillik is editorial coordinate to the daily sep, a newspaper assigned to all of you for joining us. start with you. i'm at. if i can, these are local elections, so local issues will be a play button that taking place in all i see one provinces, single tiniest lisa how important all day as a political indicator to well, they are really important, obviously, because for after just a couple of months considering things turkey had gone through an election of for
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the presidential race in may. uh, this is probably the biggest jump approval for that. you could carry a anywhere around the world for president as a law who has been elected only a couple of months earlier. and who has not been actually very much able to introduce the new economy program that he intended to introduce by pointing. ma'am, it seems like as the finance minister because of the coming elections because a really the concern for losing the coming elections. the, under the pressure of the economy was to you, which basically are very hard to address my in australia to program as intended to wiley are facing an election that be um yes, they are
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a referendum then in some ways on the president and his government. but he's only just had elections less than a year ago. it was indeed, i mean, probably less than a year to, to consider the happened last of june. and therefore, probably we have no most international interest and attention to the issue. and therefore probably the read and doing everything they can to promote a mr. chrome as a form of administered as a report said to win, dismantled elections. so as, as we can see, a specialist so far as on cut out is stumble, consume, this is far beyond local elections. but this is probably as cementing a, the power of the corporate attitude we sit out of the on. so it's all in, in the, in the same baskets for tomorrow's elections. that's why you can see the public interest is there and with intent the following. the developments as well as the
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promises are made. but of course, there are a couple of issues, especially stumble concerned, be a possible or even over do a quick uh, all these a crisis, which is really to put a notice pressure on the housing sector. um, the house has prices and the rent started going by and inflation and his dad. and of course tomorrow will, will probably, uh, tell us how people feeling boulevard that i know close to add it until this is the rising uh full price is so economy is uh, probably number one issue in this uh, the elections because we have smith looking about the great amount of spot at the time that this but also especially stumble concerns is like the area or the programs that we call them. the smaller the visuals on the city like spotty, for example. it's always been an oc policy,
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but you can see all the kind of this really pushing themselves in making their existence know and really making promises to the future office stumble met. maybe i can take you back to 20. 19 the last local elections. how much of a blo was that to present other ones at capacity? the media, i mean misheard on and that's offered to you was in power and it's. ready hanging on the car for a for about 2 decades. so considering that to their kids who coming to an and i think it wasn't a big blow and it was one of the key successes for, for the alignment position alliance to winning the estoppel. and as well as an uncle and some of the other significant metropolitan municipalities. i think this is the reason why the position has been so keen to win this election because they want to build on that more i'll the more i was and they had in 2019. so we
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should also acknowledge that this 5 deal 2019 wins. here's some of the. busy municipal elections in 2023 last year in the presidential elections. they lost and that's more of what damage and the alliance has also this whole since the source, as to previous speakers, nation economy. i think it's the biggest position at the moment in this summer, particularly, and maybe in on her as well, the biggest opposition to mr harry or otherwise, if you know, of course, there's other economic, his demographic changes and assemble and voters. the tendencies of also shifted in some of the tea districts and this i'm more likely to die perhaps in fuzzy as well . oh, there's you know, in line with that. so physicians more high morale, there's also a dis united position. the only challenge will be,
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is to mr. i don't know whether despite the fact that your position is this united where they're parties like the property gauge g p, or now they call a den, whether they will still support mr. mul. mueller, and also how impactful it will be, and with the new welfare party that comes by to see whether they will some of the total weight as well. so before i head on, despite the fact that they have their own candidates, so there's some game changers in this election, which we did not have in the, in the for presidential election last year as well as in 2019. but yes, it was a blow to mr. edwards power in the summer, but we should also, they still remember that his party won the majority of municipalities across the country. ahmed, if you could perhaps give us a bit of context about it stumble. i think everyone watching knows it's one of the major world cities,
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but how important is it to economic and political life in took here. i was looking at the specifics, i think is a face of took is population and responsible for more than the culture of the countries g, d p as well. basically it's so important that you can really exaggerate the importance of it's uh, let me put it that way. much of the tax revenues are generated and stumble. it contributes to g d, p, as you've said in a very meaningful matter, the industrial bases. in this stumble, the technology curve base of the companies in the stumble, actually human resources. when you come to schuman capital assessing that, then you would say that the spelling are probably your access to the best city that you could find the best of the in, in, in, in voltage, to get. so it's a very important safety as being that he mentioned in your story on a,
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on your background story on assembles. the end is turkey is addictions. i will tell you that when you stumble means so, even though, even though the government right now is trying to diminish the importance of a eh, changing stumbles municipality, uh, as it came in 2019. so not everyone lucian, the thing and trying not to define and direct costs from if stumbles may have shipped to the presidency. all sort of key as, as being the for them to concur euro missed that added on. everybody knows that whoever brings this stumble is at the viable candidates for the annual 15 cherokee inc. mister e, my oldest case that office is undoubtedly the presidential office and that was
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needed tickets for him. it, eh, we didn't get a stumble again with me for at least 3 memo look a ticket. so running into $1020.00. ready elections, the presidential elections. that is the problem here. it is that this will mean that turkey is not going to get out of the election cycle. and this term form is that add on is as i would put in a legacy and consolidation sir. and he would find it very hard to do it in the presence of a candidates who is as heavy handed as i, as i would say, just that he mumbled, that's with me. turnkey is going to get into a lease, it call station or base. and that is going to mean that the election cycle is still there. and this isn't going to have consequences and not very, i would say, suppose it was for the all state you program that is being trying to the person
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right now. i even though integrated fragment of matter very how personal is this full up president the other one and i looked recent quote to the rallies. that is the bill will be returned to its real. oh no, it's his home town. it's where he made his political a set and i think it's almost exactly so 2 years ago that he got his 1st job as the matter of his stumble, 1994. how much this winning and this stumble mean to the president? a lot, fluff. this is native to stumble like city. you wasn't born in one of the area that if the golden harvey can say, well do all the supplements during the order to win them fired fine. and i can understand, read the old, his childhood to his, his, you being and they stumbled. he was active in sports as well, make in this neighborhood teams. and also going in to almost, i think,
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service professionals. and so it means a lot. but let's remind our viewers that the past from mit is stumbled, major shift to that possible, have a strong candidate to purchase a president's office. in fact, probably strongly represented by ad on himself because he became the mayor of the some of the 1994. i, i don't want to really say something wrong, but i kind of be cool. anybody else became so popular as it may role is stumbled, the so in between 1994 to 1998 and done few forms. his own party as the box spring of mr. out of the columns they thought about sounds party. so she was, you know, kind of really came as a shock to voltage, but later they rented a voltage for him. so in fact, probably we don't have any all the may or that. so we stumbled and made his way off
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to cut off, but he takes it very seriously on the issues. so it's in the very post. so for mr. out of the law because he still has his a residential fitness stumble in one of the classical areas you. i don't know how much, but i can guess it's most of his time. i guess the non cut off is it did the city and it's hard. i'm happy to say is that it's, it's stumbled so therefore he's, is this doing everything possible to get the stumble back? it is there for, we see more in his, in the discourse that is stumble is there and he wants to, when it's on, cut out somehow is like secondary. so it's not really that much promoted. so i yes, that are political consequences. no dog. there are economy reasons, no doubt, but also his one of the greatest make up projects. for example, building
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a building a come out in between model model to see as well as the black sea kind of pattern know to the famous boss for us. and hopefully the international academy is passport taishan will take place from there is a debate to issue above still the mega project. still the huge investments include in transport ation is all call centrally to the most of the call center, i think towards the stumble. so it's still okay, is this is it is hold on as a better strong representation. ok. moment if i can ask you about it stumbling the candidates. i read somewhere, there were 52 actual names, but it is really just between these 2. is it not? and can you tell us what are the latest polls say? well, if i may add just a comment about mr. add on the attachment to stumble. there is a personal attachment. there is a sense of mental attachment. i, there is no other legacy interest. i'm, well, i think aside from the,
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what makes it so special for mr. add what is that we need to some of that has a huge political, psychological effect for the rest of the country. and the longevity of his party said that in the future. so, you know, that we have to put in there that yes, there is a, you know, says personal attachment, but what happens in a sample is reflecting across the country in most, in most cases. okay? but in terms of the, if you, if you're in mind moment the, the question about the polls just so that we know it seems to be, am i right in saying is on the knife edge, it is very next to next. and then i have a plan not to offend any of the pollsters, but of course there's a very pull it aside and the biggest problem will be tomorrow. busy when people go to the ballot boxes because when we look at the culture and we see that they have, you know, i, i'm very critical. some, unfortunately the low they tend to be very scientific. but then for. ringback of lesions are very clear in both sides, both of those that say that mr. cool and,
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or on the other side were the costs are the, they say, the mr model is way ahead by, let's say, nearly 10 points. and it's not just, you know, more so, you know, cultures, i'm very skeptical, but it isn't ties and very next to next race tomorrow. i think everybody will find out what the, the actual result. um. okay, so let me, let me bring up. let me bring it in. now i just want to talk about these 2 candidates. we've mentioned number 5 bits. mr. him, i know lou, tell me what is his record? would you say he's been met for 5 years? what's his record as well, of course that. ready is as many said about impose there is a very much voltage size issue. your position, you will say that the memorial was and a successful may or for a stumble, for the past 5 years. and only by virtue of the stopping this kind of the stumble
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project is evil in the hearts of the people on the old position because it made it off. those people see this, the project is the best sense. and so, based on the via, the government is putting a lot of emphasis and it's the development of aspects. and so it is a politicized d b. but what i would say is that uh, in all honesty from where i look, i don't think the extra anymore that wasn't unsuccessful. may or for the stumble, considering that he had to work with the constraints imposed upon him by the government when it comes to the approval for his projects is bigger loans from international lenders for his a fairly large projects. so. so for the end, the end to end the budget budgeting for patients that you was able to benefit from . and of course, of course, at the political leader, whether they would national or regional leaders that had to do with kind of it in
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a very bad economy. for the last couple of years of heavy in terms of the all the candidates, the active policy, kansas more crum, it could he. i mean, is this a spring board for him because president oh, on a, according to the rules called run again in 2028 and hasn't really chosen a pundit to go uh, could he be the uh the uh, the color plate. of course the lot rate of focusing on this issue that's all the was the embodiment minister and people know. busy and it is cost is as, as minister and, and therefore we can see that as long or similarly always want to appear with him to show that you know, this, this is demand. so because, you know, country, this is due to the, a strong polarization. often people, even if they don't necessarily know,
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well the candidate that they both for those who recommended him in this case when people would be to stay the whole much about the girl because of mister ad on they would. busy a david more for him. so it is, it's very hard to oriented in assess for example, when you look at the district candidates, probably many people never even heard of them before. all they don't know their background necessarily, but they would still vote each day in line with the point of view of the party these people representing. so in that regard, i could, i can say probably what i call them. i don't want to speculate because the debate is not there, whether it would be have to miss it at all, or was it all so these and actions, the constitution would change and his term will be again, constitutional approval. these are all on the table. well, i think tomorrow's election results will be a quite significantly in terms of shaping the future will talk to. so
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tomorrow more of a monday morning we'll probably wake up to a very new to our kids in a different direction or probably following the same cost. it's up to people to, to decide for it. but one thing is very important for us. voters is the elections takes place in the fairness square, and actually all the rules and regulations folks are as, as it happens in talk is. so there's all speculation of adults about the med, we've got lots of people in the pos predicting presence of the ones, the demise, political demise. but he actually says this time, these all his last elections. do you agree? that's the case so well, you just have debbie say that if he does well in these elections, does the possibility some of suggesting he could change the constitution and run again. what do you think? well, i think, you know, i mean, depending on what i agreed on this right on the very public pragmatic, and he's
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a political genius not only to get by this when he comes to international relations, his expertise in politics is one thing that i think. busy you all would agree that he has a mind and so whether he will actually go for this, you know, when he said this is my last term, what do you mean by that? why did you say that? what was it, you know, why is it the timing of those so important, you know, doing the election campaign. but he may have really meant that he to, to get some support for his party. but he also wants to maybe see what will be the reaction coming from the people that are closely following his political career at the same time. whether, you know, it is not necessarily him that will be changing the constitution. but of course, you know, i agree, it has the parliament counting the cohort snap selection and still you will be able to run for the presidency for the 3rd term. in addition to the possibility of
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a change in the constitution, if the parties are able to process so you know how, how do you said is the timing of it is the statement i think so it is something that, you know, 3 is political changes. he's able to put somebody out there and everyone discusses it until it becomes the until the end. right? so then you know, settings and it's translated into something that says, i think translate into action. i do think it could work against him. the fact that he says these isn't that last elections in this election. i mean that some, even though he's got 4 more years, might seem as a lame duck, particularly given the very bad economic situation in the country to well i, i would say nobody can source and on hand store energy, elation of any kind, save a snap election to have yourself granted, it's a true a and e's even if that cost, if even if the parliament takes a decision for
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a snap collection to the neighboring surround for the time, which is one of the alternatives. and that would take place very close to 2020 a. not in no way, eh, and, and so as long as it's a memo lovins, and that's, i think, the chris crucial part of this for the outcome of this election. that's me, we'll experience tomorrow. if we're not to go to the loses and it can remember, all the winds that is going to of course, add on. probably wrong himself in 2028 rather than going through the hassle, picking up a, an alternative to an air of some sort. because if you my whole ring this time again, uh, that would mean that he's a very formidable candidates and nobody, nobody in the party circle right now it seems has the ability to, to big touch,
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it came to the other, then add on that. okay, you my earlier for my, i said that the election cycle is not going to be over him on the rims, and that's the most important part of the selection. thank you very much to all of you today. all guess ahmed. cast them hon. that'd be by some the mehmet chillik preliminary results are expected about $1900.00 g m t on sunday will cover them all now to 0. and you can find all the details plus analysis on a website, which is their adult calm. we always welcome your comments, suggestions, and if you must complaints, go to our facebook page, that's facebook dot com, forward slash ha inside story, or find this on x or y as a inside story from a team here and go home, please stay safe. i'll see you very soon by the the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made
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a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very fit data on the grounds. the grapes pulled over garza now from the house of the story. one in 3. its children is suffering from a cue of mountain nutrition, and health officials are saying around 60000 of pregnant women are suffering to the hydration injustice for me is the driving force of why i do this to show people what it's like to live in places where injustice isn't something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. whether it's a war, a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure that they understand. and this simple language is absolutely crucial. the cities already 50 percent evacuated, most of those people actually left in the early days of the world. i couldn't do this job without the best cumberland,
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best produces the best spaces. and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the world, the ultimate cry, and how these are the top stories on al jazeera, thousands, all those rallies have been to the anger against the government. they've called for early elections. families have kept as helping jobs were among the thousands who gathered until a fav. they demanded the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his immediate removal from office, and accused him of abandoning the captives health and cancer. at least 16 protesters were arrested. they were demonstrations and didn't know his residence in west jerusalem. protests were also held in haifa and other cities demonstrate his blames netanyahu for no.


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