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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 5:00am-5:31am AST

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for starting march 1st to may, 30 fast nominations are made on the award official website, w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the fire and fury on the streets of this world. protest isn't families attempt to exclude the immediate removal, the prime minister benjamin netanyahu from power, the ultimate pri, this is owned. is there a line from the house or coming out the at least 20 to palestinians have been killed down to is ready for so target aid
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seek his new guns, assisting 3. you in military service and a trans flush, a wounded and applause. say that israel living on board and using the power of music to live spirits in the darkness, a one man and his daughter doing what they can for the children have gone to the we begin with mass protests and as well as largest city against the government's handling of the war and johnson families of captains being held in cause were among the thousands who gathered in tennessee, criticising israel's prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they demanded his resignation and accused them all the bands and the captives held in gauze. the also demonstrations and yahoos residents and with jerusalem, some of them called for his immediate, from move or from power. the oldest comes at a time we negotiations between israel and from miles to secure
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a ceasefire and gaza. a jew to resume on sunday and clara day with the kids that when you mean it, take you out of any sort of thing, you know, is the obstacle between us a good thing or hostages back. and we would really loosely fights legally, of course, heavy removed from follow and get someone else that can do the job. and would be of this of the situation. okay, this can be the big uh, beloved ones that until then the new mean the thing out is the main obstacle. i push them out with the baby. do you hear me b, b? i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying. their everyday home to salute was at a protest and tele face. the demonstrators in tel aviv say they're increasingly
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angry at the government's inability to bring back the meaning is really cap is now there was a rally held by the family members of those still being held in guns of what they say they are tired of holding peaceful rallies and are calling for the entire state of israel to point take to the streets and burn the country down. previously, they were calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. but now they're saying that he needs to be overthrown. and until that happens, these protest in massive size and scale will continuously be happening tonight, a lot of violence between demonstrators and is really police as they attempt to clear roads in here until a be trying to block the major highway known as i alone. something that was a reoccurring theme or indeed year of anti government demonstrations, but police have come out in the mouse is in order to try and prevent that kind of central don't tend to be on the ground and gaza is ready. attacks are
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relentless and on spearing in the past few hours at least 17 palestinians with hills near kansas city fizzy. others were wounded in these rarely struck the talking to the l. twice round about palestinian seeking. i'd have been gathering at the intersection for weeks and have come under his ready attack since january the palestine rid crisen said 5 people were killed during an a delivery of the same round about on friday. the, the id, organizations, and thousands of people gathered for the arrival trunks carrying flour and other supplies. witnesses said, holding schultz with 55, those organizing the delivery 5th is ready. troops also opened fire teracon bu assumed reports from proffer on well, it's been another personal and bloody day in consul to use very military forces
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have launched a series of israeli attacks on different areas and the guns was the trip. one of the latest hot target to of the equate around about where hundreds of palestinians were waiting for humanitarian comb, voice to get to the other parts of gauze as a number of 1000 instead, due to the attack have been killed. and also in judge and the situation sounds critically die of the as those people who are waiting for a to have been killed. and i'm side with those figures will responsible for securing much needed to humanitarian supplies, to the another part of gauze on. similarly, this is not the only attack that they've been carried off. the oven not strikes on a friday, also have been carried. those people were started beating and were fighting. and in order to get you monetary and supplies from the humanitarian voice by systematically as well as targeting those people who are waiting for 8 supplies as people have no option to remain. despite all the risk. a journey said the, i've been going through an order to get food supplies. they are going to have to
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wait around the boss. because if this, if you shortage of food items and the unprecedented levels of mount nutrition and food in security that people have been going through since october to alric up as the algebra roof. suffering garza, the world health organization says around 9000 patients in gauze urgently need to be evacuated abroad for life saving treatment and many a suffering from chronic illnesses. one international medical team has traveled to the north of this trip to risk you. a critically ill 12 year old go victoria guy, somebody has his story. so how long the news office room cystic fibrosis condition has deteriorated because of israel's restrictions on life saving medical a getting into gaza. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern
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city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. orlando name center humans. emma, how about? i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment abroad. the signs of know sickness, a hard to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that most of the sex belongs. those with you and this need a specific nutritional diet, along with constant medical treatment. no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dire complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the un field hospital in russia. it was a pretty heavy mission. by the way, i really happy that it was successful. busy we all ready for the crate to patients last setup day and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are going to be in need. that's something that you're cap disconcerting. know is critically ill. they'll transfer her to the hospital
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approved in the coming days. and the last and then she has week blog and has chest infections. as a result of the nature of the disease, she has an account with, then she will receive full care and the necessary medications dumped. as a confidence that with the right medical treatment, no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be evacuated and time is not on this side. victoria gave some b, l, g 0. in southern living on 3 united nations military observers and to translate i have been injured. they were on foot patrol in the town to from ish when there was an explosion nearby. is there any military has issued a statement? the 9 responsibility is ready as tronics has had at least full live in these towns including the cora ending and sheba is rattling, has but i have exchanged fi originally since the war and gaza began in october that a hold a has the latest from by route so un peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers
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are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter. and they were powerless to stop the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah. hezbollah, open the front against his really forces in october to help palestinians in garza and the u. n. forces cannot implement un resolution $1701.00, which calls for a t militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats. unless it gets cooperation from 11 on to a source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from storing sides. israel has accused it of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro wants and has. well, i has a cue, some of its contingents of spying for israel and turning this horse, turning the people that is in the south against this force. so we have to wait for
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the outcome of the investigation. but to note out the one is calling for both sides . fearing that if this escalation continues along the border, it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theatre. they don't hundreds of palestinians as riley's have relates to commemorate lands died. they matched through the honda in northern as ro land stays held on march 30th. and monks the day in 1976 when 6 palestinian as riley's, were killed by his riley forces for protesting plans to seize the lands. a really was also held in from iowa to human rights. those killed laura con, was there a launch a inhaler, mom and the all to part of west side of kind of thing is that come together or people in golf. they take care of the company in golf, basic and campaigns of texting every single
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day. it's right in the memory. 19766 by it's right. inside of the main companies uprising every year. yes, but the land cost per creation is only in march. the floaters but very hard to find some of the stuff i know 10 with 12 inches of launch here in the occupied westbank. most of that. and i've also seen last year the announcement of the last number of illegal assessments in the, on the west side in molden. exactly, say that mom is out here. ramallah in the
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occupied west spine capella, cindy and musician is organizing shows good children in the camp that the displaced in the gaza strip. he wants to bring young people some joy in the middle of for ritual. sorta has more dispel, assuming children have survived some of the most due to the attacks. innocent the most have lost friends and relatives position and then have bush and his dr. rima but so he, is there suffering the and give them a chance to be see your face and head, which is to be, but desperately need of these things. can you try to move? there is no human forgive, we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and camps will displace people . we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy
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a few moments away from the scenes of this destructive war. uh huh. the, the bed don't mind is what is the space as an un link directed. you can cool, let me see it out incentive guys because you come home to causes of this place to palestinian. dina, yes, a message says she hasn't seen her father in 6 months and wants to return home because to mississippi and the money i am from northern garza. i like to music the music license, docs, history of war. we always hear the sound, the showing and reads, but the music helps hope to go back to my house one day. in the past, i sent him with the function which is really affects have chilled 17000 children to breathe. so many more injured for orphans schools. have been destroyed
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in education with disrupt. i'm really happy and what, how do i continue forward on? i hope this will help immediately the problem. i want children to go back to the school in normal life and the daily activities. i want these children to improve the time and enough misery, enough destruction. we've had enough to wait. i a while i live out by sort of this performance maybe over, but i'm it and his daughter hope to return soon. if they survive is raz relentless attacks. a business out of that, i'll just say no. so hit hit ronelle, just sarah throughs, president daniel alonzo says she will not step down up to her house was right. is this part of a corruption inquiry? plus i am seeing, i'm consoling assemble, coming up from churches. largest city has a nationwide local elections on sunday,
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are more than willing and how they might change the country's political, the it's a fresher feel in northern bucket strong. hi everyone. that's where we begin this weather. so you all had to do with the wet weather that we saw move through here. hail storms as well. so it's freshen up the atmosphere of the $427.00 degrees. different story though, for india and most of the country under weather alerts for a heat hot both by days and nights, and submitted the being pumped in off the bip and golf on eastern india. so for each die and coal cut a, it's filling in the forty's some pretty powerful storms. road through china is high in an island here. so tough to see much of what was going on in front of you just because of how powerful those winds were within the rain around. and these storms still continue locked into southern china. so i'd say pretty much anywhere from one
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g to jung provinces were seen it so one duncan fuji on his wall dark, the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is high, supple alerts issue for some of these thunder storms as well. well, cherry blossoms finally get know in the, in tokyo latest start to the season in 12 years, but those temperatures of shot out so you up to 26 degrees. also looking good in chinese capital beijing sunshine with a height of 23. and off to indonesia, there's been more flooding in west calum intend on borneo, and also for sauce through the way as a and more rain to come on sunday. a unique perspective. everything is political, you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having
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a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's hot. it's right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching out just here, a reminder about top stories. the south best protests have taken place. and this route is the largest city against the government's handling of the war. and gallons of families of captains being held in gauze among the thousands who gather, then tell a thief to monitoring prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his resignation. at least
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17 palestinians have been killed and through the others wounded in. and this writing is trying to call me out twice around a 1000 kansas city, really at the palestine bridge. prison said 5 people were killed in an attack during an 8 delivery at this time spots on friday and, and southern living on 3 united nations military of service as translated. i have been injured. they were on foot patrol in the town for mich, when there was an explosion nearby. these ready military has denied responsibility the demonstrations for a cease fire and guns. i have been down to wine. many cities across the globe crowns took to the streets of london cooling for an instant. israel's horse, it is the 11th really in the u. k. capital. since as well. again, it's 4 on the street for a gentleman spoke to purchase this at the event, the month of the month, a rain or shine these demonstrations that being taking place every other week in the pay. now some a small and some like this one are pretty large,
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thousands of the streets of london demonstrations. i've had the disapproval enough times, the outward acidity of the take government suite, the home secretary. so you want to draw from and famous. we call them hate marches . the government has changed its working definition of extremism allowing it to label groups, and it doesn't particularly like isaac stream is and this is off the london police to come down on any boxes fios or exhibits. the services are not just going to the will and all right, so, i mean, it's route, it's a message. they say they're going to carry on until at least
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4 months. i'm not sure whether we're winning it over the tech themselves but it might be that we just got a key. let them know we're not finding any way to try to because that's what it is the west indies don't changing? well, obviously the as time this week, the un security council, both sides in favor of a c spot in gaza at the best time is gone that are increasingly that relied on the extension of the united states which use of the beating sex. thank you. tell you guys in favor, sorry about that signs that walk the launches on these demonstrations. the cooling for and western governments are considering voting for starting to align where we challenge,
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how does 0 in jordan demonstrate as have march towards these rarely embassy for the 7th consecutive day to denounce the war on garza, the embassy and amman has long been a focus for protest, as well as well. again, it's a song in the gallons of strip continue see hundreds of people related in the company to this and support the palestinians in casa, they waves flags in terms of slogans. meanwhile, and the hundreds demonstrated in times square before hitting their they realize in front of the city who the british government has reportedly received advice from its lowest suggesting israel has breached international humanitarian lauren gauze. if it has failed to disclose this publicly, according to the observer newspapers such advice would mean the u. k. has to cease um sales as well. on wednesday, more than $100.00 city in p signed the lease. it's a foreign 6th street,
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david cameron saying that um the exports to israel at totally unacceptable. a palestinian christiansen's gowns celebrating east under the shadow of israel. small . the dozens of worship is attended the east of visual service at the church in garza in dock. this is the power supply has been unreliable since the war began, cause it is home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. taking back to the 5th century, this trip is also home to the food oldest church in the world, which was found in october. the at least people had been killed and more than 20 wounded in lip of province in northern syria accomplishments floated in the middle of a mile because of the town of as, as the blast was so launch,
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it cools the number of surrounding buildings to catch fire ticket is preparing for local elections that are being held on sunday. the sample is a key battleground and whoever wins the rice for me, i could dig typed the country's future incumbent. x from in the middle is hoping to be re elected. if he wins that would deliver a blow to the ruling act policy and could even set him up as a potential front runner in the 2028 presidential elections. send them because they only reports now from a sample. this way, it could be either a hello or a good bye to assemble for the city's mayor, after voiding ends on sunday in the municipal elections, the opposition says should be parties. x from in my model is up against a rolling duck parties. former environment minister would have to cool to extend his mandate for a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019 held him to the 4 phone, both national politics and delta,
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both the present treasure type of job and his ruling party had, you know, we love or mayor very much is fair and treats everyone equally. to prevent corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern board. it is more than a local election, some for the that he will follow in. i don't support steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of a deal for adult position. that's one. but also it needs access to a foreign funds. so it means having terms, national links with both the economy got this and political actors. if you are governing that a major global city, if news really you have visibility, vote and intonation will see him. all of his rival, neil, that's cool. is a well known take? no correct. he argues that a molo has not met, stumbles, needs particular in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue after the
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devastating earthquakes that affected 11 to cities last year. what are the oh low for me? we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars. he's one of us and never offended us after the earthquake. despite the coming, i'm oldest popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragment with opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the curtis party boats recognized as the key maker for the opposition in previous local elections are expected to flow to its own candidates, including and assemble whoever wins will have far reaching implications for circus politics. him all this big frame. i plan him all position leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks. the big street might help present ad on springs and his power base and repair his legacy, particularly the troubled economy and foreign affairs in africa, solar l. just erase sambal, peruvian presidency. and
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a lot of i has described to police right on a house is arbitrary and abusive. the police were looking for what they describe is. undeclared, luxury watches around 40 offices, possibly into the residence, searching for rolex watches, government agent's launched an investigation following a newspaper report on the on site wearing luxury watches she had not disclosed publicly for maybe the either the measure taken early this morning is arbitrary, yet disproportionate and abusive situations is extremely serious of affects. the rights of my family. portable phone affects the governance of this country. miranda sanchez reports from lima on what else the president said. no recorded message to the nation. press enter, the number of the not to spell doubts on the allegations of and this is in richmond
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asked, who is the local press, disclose that she was in possession of luxury? good, some rolex watches that did not know that she did not declare. and now she said that the read that has been ordered by a supreme court judge the rates in her home and here at the presidential palace were abusive, arbitrary and disproportionate. and she presented him herself as a victim of discrimination. you know what they said that she did not attend the citation by the attorney general 2 weeks ago to explain where the watches came from and how she had paid for them. and she said that she will now go next friday. she said also that she has come into the government with clean hands, that she's not corrupt, and that she will leave this government in 2026. also with clean hands. by the census, i just see that lima lillia i spoke with paula. you guys an investigative journalist
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based and lima. she says, this is the 1st time in taurus history, the police forcibly into the home of the sitting president. you certainly do through my investigation. and it was another memorable moment for that, and that was a little history of corruption in the good friday where they believe we are in holidays that we saw, the police force seeing their way. don't like this home to be close. they broke the door of her property because she's 50 before you see enrichment. and she, she's like twos from 2 to broke the room, the, the work of the prosecutor's office in the case. and that's why they do that is the 1st time in the booby of history. and she, she doesn't display any scene about the, the clubs, about a jewelry. and that's the main pro, and she doesn't understand the,
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the main protein. and she says in kit truck is the, which is that on the native a languish a through to says i'm not at the but the chip you saw the use of control. that's a has her to been away from the just dive alterations around the collapse baltimore bridge have resumes. recovery emissions were previously called off to the unsafe conditions, but the francisco keep bridge was drunk by a cargo ship on thursday leading to its collapse. investigate isn't now starting the process of removing debris of the bridge and to disentangle, to ship from the wreckage. not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. port handles more cars and more farm equipment, more than any other port inside this country. and at least 8000 workers on the
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docks have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse as somebody is parliament has approve. mission is to change parts of the provisional constitution and of a whole the electrical system, the movements and ground, the president power to appoint and dismissed the prime minister rather than the policy. and the somalia has a clan based indirect electrical system. but the new plan introduces universal voting rights. the move has and get some leading politicians as well as will thirty's. and the semi or ton of the state of fun plans to the government of cumberland has withdrawn its recognition and confidence of the federal government of somalia. until there was a completed constitution, which will someone is there any agreements with? put blonde is a pulse of the constitution of pen plan states. the governments of finland will exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts, in which there is agreements and deals. the constitution got some,


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