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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 7:00am-7:30am AST

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of the, the at least 17 palestinians have been killed off his ready forces. televisions, people waiting to aid in northern johnson the at 11 o'clock. this is out 0 live from the hospital to come a friend to search for survivors in the dock. another desperate unplug the day for rescue workers and does that way. it's really and types of hitting residential areas in refugee camps the inferior on the streets of israel for testers and families of captive schools for
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the immediate removal of prime minister benjamin netanyahu. plus the, using the power of music to lift the doctors how one man is his daughter is doing what? because the children have come to the very beginning goes away as rated types. it'd be relentless and on spirit, at least 17 ac, cuz were killed off to is ready. so just talk to the al q a round about negative switching. is there any forces in times of open fire on hungry, palestinian, and sleeping gathering at that intersection? repeatedly since january earlier the palestine red crescent said 5 people were killed during an a delivery of the same round about on friday. the,
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for the aid organization said thousands of people gathered the arrival of trucks carrying flower and other like saving supplies. what is it said morning shots are 5 by those organizing the delivery and it's ready treat so. so i run about links a southern browser with the northwest from and is taking hold. i am from north to south is ready, forces have targeted residential areas and refugee comes right across the strip. this was the off the mouth of one of the attacks and central gaza. or these 2 people were killed in my cause, the reference you can. you just told him, garza has now gone past 32700 since israel school begun in october. target who was doing reports from rafa is very military forces have launched a series of israeli attacks on different areas and the guns was the trip. one of the latest hot target to equate around about where hundreds of palestinians were waiting for humanitarian comb, voice to get to the other parts of gauze as an upper status indians to due to the
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attack have been killed. and also in judge and the situation sounds critically, di, of the as those people who are waiting for a to have been killed and i'm side with do is if it goes hoover's best will for securing much needed to humanitarian supplies, to another part of gauze on similarly, this is not the only attack that they've been carried off. the overnight strikes on a friday also have been carried. those people were some beating and were fighting them in order to get you monetary and supplies from the humanitarian voice spot systematically as well as targeting those people who are waiting for 8 supplies as people have no option to remain. despite all the risk. a journey said the, i've been going through an order to get food supplies. they are going to have to wait around the boss. because if this, if you shortage of food items and the unprecedented levels of mount nutrition and food in security that people have been going through since october to alric up as the algebra roof. southern garza, when officials in garza say,
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is there any forces of killed, more than 400 people during this age on the else chief, a hospital complex which has been continue infinity 2 weeks where i would assist you managed to please say that i'm balances are unable to reach the area more than 100 patients listed inside the complex with no minutes, no food or 4th world health organization says around 9000 patients and gone to actually needs to be evacuated abroad for life. saving treatment. many is suffering from chronic illnesses. a one international medical team has travel to the north of this trip to rescue a critically ill 12 year old go. rhetoric gave me a story now. so how long the news office room cystic fibrosis condition has deteriorated because of israel's restrictions on life saving medical a getting into gaza. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern
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city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. atlantic name center humans and most of what i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment or broad designs of no sickness, a hard to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder that most of the sex belongs. those with you and this need a specific nutritional diet along with constant medical treatment. no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dia complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the un field hospital in russia. it was a pretty heavy mission, but we are really happy that it was successful. busy we already put the requisite to patients last setup day and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are gently need. that's something that you're cap does
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confirm know is critically ill. they'll transfer her to the hospital, approved in the coming days, and the last for them. she has week blog and has chest infections as a result of the nature of the disease she has brought with things. she will receive full care and the necessary medications does a confident that with the right medical treatment no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be evacuated and time is not on this side. victoria gave some b l just there were thousands of his writings, invented the anchor at gates governance and have cooled the early elections. families of captives held in 1000 for among the thousands who gathered in tell of these they demanded the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. immediate removal from office should come and the care assume of abandoning the captives held in cost. at least 16 protest as were arrested. there were demonstrations the netanyahu's residence in west jerusalem protest rules are held, heifer ended all the city's demonstrate is blaine at yahoo for not doing enough to
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secure a deal. the release of captives is ready. delegation is expected to head to colorado on sunday to continue because jason's day with the kids, the benjamin, the out of any sort of thing, you know, is the obstacle between us and good thing all hostages back. and we were really interesting fights legally. of course heavy removed from paula and get someone else that can do the job and would be of this of the situation. okay, that could be the big uh, beloved ones that and did then mean that the out is the main obstacle. i push them out with the baby. do you hear me b, b. i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying there every day. does it say not from home doesn't it's who was sort of protested tel
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aviv demonstrators, intel evey, they're increasingly angry at the government's inability to bring back the meaning is really cap is now there was a rally held by the family members of those still being held in dogs of what they say, they are tired of holding peaceful rallies and are calling for the entire state of israel to point take to the street and burn the country down. previously, they were calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. but now they're saying that he needs to be overthrown. and until that happens, these protest in massive size and scale will continuously be happening tonight. a lot of violence between demonstrators and is really police as they attempt to clear roads in here until a b of trying to block the major highway known as i alone. something that was a reoccurring theme or indeed year of anti government demonstrations. but police have come out in the mouse,
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is in order to try and prevent that. i'm the central identity. it on television, in southern lebanon, 3 united nations ministry observers. and the translator had been injured. they were on foot patrol, and the ton never missed. where, when there was an explosion nearby is really ministry, has issued a statement to 9 were supposed to get ahold of somebody just from barret a peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are 2 so that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter and they were powerless to stop the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah. hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help palestinians in garza and the u. n. forces cannot implement un resolution $1701.00, which calls for a t militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats, unless it gets cooperation from 11 on so source. so this force really faces
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a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from storing sides. israel has accused beth of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro once and has. well, i has a cue, some of its contingents of spine for israel and turning this horse, turning the people that is in this house against this 4th. so we have to wait for the outcome of that investigation. but to no doubt, the one is calling for both sides. fearing that is, this escalation continues along the border. it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theatre failed. and compared to the d is the spokes person, the for the you an interim of force in 11. he says the circumstances surrounding the incident of unclear a, a group of a, a 3 a g, l. a which is emily, dirty observers and one lebanese, a language assistance
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a and where i'd say was that we still have to also change exactly the dynamic that the wording of a bullet. they were getting off the vehicle doing that moment and they, and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, they were injured as we settled in our statement to uh, we are investigating the origins of the, of the, of the explosion at the moment but of course, uh we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh these uh, as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 go a much wider conflict, then it's important for the parties to understand it. and to come to a to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it and people magic and the, and political solution to this, to this conflict. well, since israel is more and gone so began thousands of palestinians have been buried under rubble. rescue work as a result, as in thinking with that bad hands to try and find survivors. here's the story of
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one boy who had a lucky escape in kansas city. the . ringback good, i mean yeah, line definitely. and then to let the the investigating the should be do you those couple of hurtful hardware, football. i like the shuttle back
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to the dealership to let me check the the at least 8 people being killed in more than 20 wounded in a level provence, in northern syria comp. i'm exposed to the middle of a market in the tunnels as of last a certain logic caused a number of surrounding buildings to catch fine. take a regularly conduct. raids on purchase. price is in the area of the pots on the lease, or on revel. poles of opened kentucky where people are costing the balance and local elections as the bolt is a key, buckle ground and whoever wins the race for mad that could dictate the country's
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future. she don't concern of reports. now from symbol this way could be either a hello or a good bye to assemble for the city's major. after voiding ends on sunday, in the municipal elections, the opposition says should be parties, x from a. my model is up against the ruling doc parties. former environment minister would have to cool to extend his mandate for a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019 held him to the forefront of national politics and delta both to present treasure type of job. and his ruling party had, you know, we love or mayor very much. he's fair and treats everyone equally. to prevent corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern board. it is more than a local extra, some products that he will follow in our don't support steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of a deal for adult position. that's one. but also it needs access to uh,
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for instance, um it means having tons, national links with both the economy got this and political actors. if you are governing a major global city, if news really you have visibility, vote and international c m all is rival neil. that's cool, is a well known technocrat. he argues that a molo has not met stumbles, needs particular in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue after that of a setting. earthquakes that affected 11 to cities last year. what are the oh low for me? we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars, he's one of us and never offended us after the earthquake. despite a coming, i'm all of this popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragment with opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the curtis party boats recognized as the building manager for the opposition in previous local elections
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are expected to flow to its own candidates, including and assemble whoever wins will have far reaching implications for churches politics. a my mold is big for you might let him opposition leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks court on the big street. my tell prisons add on springs and his power base and repair his legacy, particularly the problem, the economy and foreign affairs in africa, solar l. just erase stumble to bruno, where the president dina brought to you has described a police raid on her home and government offices is arbitrary, disproportionate and abusive. she's being investigated a corruption price which centers on rolex watches she's being seen wearing publicly around such as reports. now, from lima, says the forced, there we, in the middle of the night, at least 40 police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence that was
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president, may have been enriching herself while in office at the center of the probes, the jewelry and watches, the number of black thing, wares, and the judge waste no time in ordering the read for home and government offices. the task for me to provide the check this discriminatory behavior. it's not been the case with other presidents. this measure is argued, trinity that this proportion is end up using its effect to cover and abilities. in 2 weeks ago, media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different role next watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns, man, she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the press is harassing her. in my the which case i ask myself. since when does the sector of the press concern itself? what did president, where's or not?
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i hope and i want to believe it's not a question of sexism or discrimination. a spark enough for them also because he never liked it, came to power after former precedent visit castillo was ousted in 2020 to her 1st month. to know if this were tarnished with violent protest. she's facing an investigation for the depth of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest the most peruvians disapprove of what this government. now her opponents in congress are committing signatures in a bid to impeach her use only that 4 days. but do i have to remain silent and away from the cameras instead of 16, i would be attending as soon as possible before the prosecutor's office. to clarify the gorgeous case, i've always said i am an honest woman. i take office with clean hands and those i retire from the presidency in 2026. what is over the weak government?
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me now use political allies, but she denies any wrong doing and says she will not resign madana front just, i just need an email. so it's in now from palo guys who is an investigative journalist based in dba. and she says, this is the 1st time in peruse history that police force to be entered, the home of a sitting president. as you said, anything my investigation. it was another memo moment for the and that was a little history of corruption in the which friday where they believe you are in holidays. it. we saw the police force seeing their way, don't like this home. it. they close. they broke the door of her property because she's 54 you see in richmond. and she, she's like twos from 2 to broke. the lovely, the work of the prosecutor sophie's in the case. and that's why they do that is the
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1st time in the history. and she, she doesn't display any scene about the, the clubs, about a jewelry. and that's the main problem to definitely understand the, the main protein. and she says, you get truck is the, which is that on the maybe a language shampoo. she says, i'm not at the but the chip you saw the use of control. that's a has her to been don't way from the yes somebody is, parliament has approve measures to change parts of the provisional constitution and a whole the like total system, the madman. scrolling the president power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister rather than parliament, somalia has 6 fund based in direct electoral system, but the new plan introduces universal. the 2 rugs movers anchored some leading politicians as well as will start seats in the semi autonomous state. from time to
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place. the governments of template has withdrawn its recognition of confidence, of the federal government of somalia. until there is a completed constitution, which will someone is there any agreements with homeland is a parts of the constitution of pen plan states. the government of finland will exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts, in which there is agreement and deals. the constitution got some, all these accept instead of heading out 0 from london to him on protest denouncing israel's war on, does it take place right across the world? the the,
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this is your weather update for the middle east and africa. good. if you to join us for storms into western saudi arabia, so we're gonna take you in here for a closer look specifically make a profit. and we've seen some hail storms around diet, for example. but seeing that windows or the same to be expected on sunday, those winds are really fueling the storms here. up and down the golf though temperature is around 30. so pretty mail pretty much where they should be for this time of the year. things have cooled off though in northern buckets on with what weather and some hail storm instead of move through. here, they catch a few drops in shares with a high of 20 degrees. and we've got want to go round for turkey, a rate through to the vans on cyprus as well, and they can see how you're pushing past that 30 degree mark. different story though, for the northwest sides of africa. more rain and wind comes pouring into morocco. so for rocco's capital robot, from saturday to sunday, you could see a month's worth of rain has been incredibly what march there storms rolling across democratic republic of congo. we've seen some flooding around the corner of africa
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as well. for example, in booty and big down pores and northern madagascar all had to do with that tropical storm. but that is now heading to ward. maricia is and some downpour is not too far away from vinto on sunday. catch you later. the huge reserves of lucio used an electric battery some fine to for reducing a reliance on fossil fuels live be nice can fast ideas so player or unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on that just or the
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the other day you watching out. these are all top stories. this and at least 17 palestinians have been killed. adam's radio attack on the l. q a. roundabout in kansas city, the the palestine red crescent said 5 people were killed in the time during an 8th and the 3 the same in the section. on friday. there being large, antique govern protesting is around 40 for the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. his handling of the wall families of captives held in garza for among them in southern lebanon, 3 united nations minute trips up as a neutron states have been injured. they were on foot petroleum. and the time for me, when there was an explosion nearby is really ministry, has denied responsibilities. the british government has repeatedly received advice
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from his lawyers suggesting israel has preached international. humanitarian law in casa, was failed to disclose this publicly. according to the observe and use paper, such advice would be due, kate has to cease um sales to israel on wednesday more than a $130.00 m p's, signed to let to the, to the for one sec 3. david cameron saying that, um, is that supposed to his ro, all totally unacceptable? with jeffrey, nice as a human rights lawyer, he says, view k risk spin complicit, an international crime if it fails to hold alms exports to as well. the rest of the tools surprise that the government would seek advice from as low as it would have to do so as soon as it became public that many common types is more important. many people, you know, talk to you in the united nations, were concerned about is rose, middle of tree attack, not being proportionate. proportionality is what's required for an attack to below
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. and so they were bound to seek legal advice. this is a report which refers to an account with the advice. let's just assume 1st of all, there would be an advice. would the advice deal with the question or from ocean ality and low? so this of the attack, yes it would. or is there is the advice likely to who's found that there could be or was lack of proportionality and therefore criminality. it certainly could have reached that conclusion. given the majority opinion among grow is not me. so people close to the wall and was real sar cheap. from united nations and elsewhere will be on surprising if the advice gave that conclusion. if the advice good did give that conclusion, and if the government acted without regard to that advice, that would be very concerning. not just to those who a lawyer is acting in an international environment. could you be very concerning to
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the public? the public's interest in this war is being very substantially arrives. emotions, nothing the motions of very valuable, but emotions are pretty high. and the public, as in tom would like to know, and i would say is entitled to know, well, the advice this way, all that way. if any government has received clear advice, was happening by the competent policy is undergo awful. then in providing weapons for an honor roll for the activity, it runs the risk of being found to be complicit. march and get round that risk by saying, oh, well, you can have these weapons, but you can only use them in certain circumstances. difficult. and we understand from the latest the leg, provision of this by america is not using that guess how close. so yes, there is a real risk that a government providing alms to a party engaged in on an awful lot of that funding. so competitive. and that's not
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very surprising. if you know your neighbor is about to commit a crime from all to gun and you have the gun low cost you're guilty with the night, but you can't get out of it. so it's a, it's a big problem for government of demonstrations. first, these foreign dogs that have taken place of many cities across the globe, hundreds of people marched in london according for an end to as well as for it was the 11th riley in the u. k. capital since israel begun in jordan, demonstrated support towards these really embassy for the 7 consecutive day to denounce a war on garza. the embassy in amman has long been focused to protest as when his real begun sold in because his trip, at least half of children's population of palestinian origin and engineers, the hundreds of people rallied in the capital to seem to for the palestinians. they weigh posted in flags and trumpets legans protested security and to best community of double standards in the treatment of palestine
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dive operations around the collapse. baltimore bridge have received recovery emissions were previously cooled off due to unsafe conditions. the front of scott, key bridge, was struck by a congress ship on thursday, leading to its collapse. not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment, more than any other port inside this country. and at least a 1000 workers on the docks have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse is not, i'm a product. any musician is organizing shows for children and account for the displaced in the gaza strip behaviors to bring young people some joy in the middle of all the people are still sorta as more dispel, assuming children have survived some of the most due to the attacks. innocent
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most have lost friends and relatives position meant that have bush and his dr. rima, i think, is their suffering the and give them a chance to be here for you. which is to be with desperately need of these things. can you try to move that is the human forgive, we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and camps will displace people we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy a few moments away from the scenes of this destructive war. uh huh. the, the bed don't mind as well how to use.


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