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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 8:00am-8:30am AST

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this is sasha, was there should international law be this month on sort of discussions that come through the norm upfront on how to 0. the is ready for us is once again target people waiting for aid in johnson city, killing at least 17 how this thing the but on the clock, this is out. is there a line from the holes that come in the fun and fury on the streets of his room? the testers in front of music, captive schools, the removal of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu, plus the using music to showing the lights and the dog. how one man and his daughter were given
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children and garza moments of joy. the poles i put in the clothes techie, a very to is head to the ballot box in a municipal election that has not invitation news . so to gaza, where it is rarely a tax, it'd been relentless and unsparing at least 17 ac, cuz we had killed off the is ready. so i'll just talk to the al q a round about because the city is ready forces in times of open fire on the hungry palestinians who being gathering at that intersection repeatedly since january as well as the palestine red crescent said 5 people were killed during a delivery the same round about on friday, the
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yes, the 8 organization said thousands of people gathered for the arrival of trucks carrying flour and other supplies. witnesses said 20 shots are followed by those organizing delivery. but is there any troops also from 5 round about link, southern garza with the northwest from in is take the whole and from north to south is ready for us to talk to residential areas and refugee comes right across the strip. this was the off the mouth of one of the attacks in central because at least 2 people were killed in our mike, how does the refugee camp that told has now gone past city 2700 since israel's will began in october. it's a not from target to resume her report from rafa in southern gaza is very military forces have launched a series of israeli attacks on different areas and the guns was the trip. one of the latest hot target to equate around about where hundreds of palestinians were waiting for humanitarian comb, voice to get to the other parts of gauze as an upper side of sidney. instead,
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due to the attack have been killed and also in judge and the situation sounds particularly the of the as those people who are waiting for a to have been killed and i'm side with lose. if it goes, we were supposed to for securing much needed to humanitarian supplies, to the another part of the cars. and similarly, this is not the only attack that they've been carried out. the open not strikes, i'm afraid they also have been carried. those people were some beating and we're fighting them. it's in order to get you monetary and supplies from the humanitarian pulled voice by systematically as well as targeting people who are waiting for 8 supplies. as people have new options remains as quite all the risk a journey started the i've been going through in order to its food supplies. they are going to have to wait around the boss. because of this, if you shortage of food items and the unprecedented levels of mt, nutrition and food and security back to see what had been going through since october, to alric up as the algebra roof. southern garza,
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what is ready for us as a besiege chief of hospital in johnson city for almost 2 weeks. government media offices, more than 400 people have been killed in the rate on the medical complex of witnesses who managed to flee. you say i am present, it says unable to reach the area within a 100 patients and 60 stall foster inside the hospital with no medicine food over the world. health organization says around 9000 patients in gaza urgently needs to be evacuated abroad for life saving treatment. many is suffering from chronic illnesses. when international medical team has traveled to the north of this trip to rescue a critically ill 12 year old go patrol, gave me a story now, a new se from cystic fibrosis. a condition has deteriorated because of his rails restrictions on life saving medical aid getting into gaza. 9 an international team of doctors led by the world health organization is on the way to come all at one
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hospital in northern gauze, from where they intend to evacuate news. they've traveled here from the southern city of rafa. it's a complex and dangerous mission, but news life depends on its success. atlantic dining room set of humans, am i? how about i've been waiting for this news for a long time. i'm hoping she'll recover after treatment a broad designs of no sickness. a hard to miss cystic fibrosis is a genetic disorder. the most v a sex belongs those with you. and this need a specific nutritional diet along with constant medical treatment, no one of which is available in northern garza who has been suffering dia complications for months, including severe dehydration. after a difficult journey south no arrives at the u. n. field hospital in russia. it was a pretty heavy mission, but we are really happy that it was successful. busy we all ready for the crate to patients last setup day and we hope that we can proceed like this because they have many, many, many more people that are going to be in the met. some medicare dis confirm,
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know is critically ill. they'll transfer her to a hospital approved in the coming days, and the last with them she has week blood and has chest infections as a result of the nature of the disease, she has dealt with things. she will receive full care and the necessary medications . doctors a confidence that with the right medical treatment no can recover. but there are many more palestinians suffering from chronic illnesses who are waiting to be evacuated. and time is not on this side. victoria k, some b, l g 0. thousands of israelis have vented their anger against the government and cool for the elections. families of captives held in garza were among the houses he gathered in tennessee, the demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu. immediate removal from office, accusing him of a bad name, the captives police arrested at least 16 protests of demonstrations, also to face near the prime ministers. residents north through them as well as in hyphen and other cities and is ready. delegation is expected to head for cairo on
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sunday to continue negotiations towards the release of the captive day with the kids. the benjamin. it's a yeah, i mean it's the thing you know, is the obstacle between us and getting all hostages back. and we were really interesting fights legally, of course, heavy removed from paula and get someone else that can do the job. and would be of this of the, the, the situation that convened us big our beloved ones. back until then, the new mean at the out is the main obstacle. i push them out to be be, do you hear me b, b? i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying there every day. but i let say not from humble salutes who is one of the protest and television
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. demonstrators in tel aviv say they are increasingly angry at the government's inability to bring back these meaning is really cap is now there was a rally held by the family members of those still being housing don. that's what they say. they're tired of holding peaceful rallies and are calling for the entire state of israel to point take to the street and burn the country down. previously, they were calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. but now they're saying that he needs to be overthrown. and until that happens, these protest in massive size and scale will continuously be happening tonight. a lot of violence between demonstrators and is really police as they attempt to clear roads in here until a b of trying to block the major highway known as i alone. something that was a reoccurring theme or in the deer of anti government demonstrations. but police have come out in the mouse, is in order to try and prevent that from the front. i just need on television,
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in southern lebanon, 3 united nations administrative services and it translates that has been injured. they were on patrol in the time of advice. when there was an explosion nearby, these really ministry has issued a statement. deny responsibility is really strikes if has at least the 4 left in these towns, including the quarter i need and sheba is relatively lebanese onto group has, but i'll have exchange for regularly, some support in going. so if again in october, then a hard to hesitate, just not from beirut to see you in peacekeeping mission as well as those of servers are in a very, they're facing challenging a challenging times because they are tools that they were deployed under chapter 6 of the un charter and they were powerless to stop the ongoing conflict between israel and hezbollah. hezbollah, open the front against israeli forces in october to help palestinians in gauze up. and do you on forces, cannot implement un resolution $1701.00, which calls for
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a t militarized zone along the border 20 kilometer seats, unless it gets cooperation from 11 on to a source. so this force really faces a lot of challenges. it is also facing a lot of criticism from during sides. israel has accused it of not doing much to, to push hezbollah away from the border. this is what is ro once and has. well, i has a cue, some of its contingents of spying for israel and turning this horse, turning the people that is in this house against this force. so we have to wait for the outcome of that investigation. but to no doubt, the one is calling for both sides to lay down. fearing that if this escalation continues along the border, it could trigger a wider conflict center for their ocean theater. they don't, the tenant the is a, the spokesman for the you, an intern force and 11. and he says the circumstances surrounding the incident are unclear. a, a group of a, a 3 a g, l, a, which is emily,
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dirty observers. the n one, lebanese a language assistance a and where i'd say was that we still have to also change exactly the dynamic that the wording of a while that they were getting off the vehicle during that moment. and they, and there wasn't an explosion occurred in the and, and they were, they were injured. as we settled in our statements, we are investigating the origins of the, of the, of the explosion, the moments of. but of course, we have the same for the last 6 months, that's uh these up as changes of buyer and the escalation, the reason escalation can really at 3 go a much wider conflict. and it's important for the parties to understand it and to come to a, to a, to do a ceasefire, and to open up for it at the pro magic and the political solution to this, to this conflict.
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the sorry poles into k, a now open as a nation wakes up to toss the ballots in local elections as their lives, seeing that one of the police and the economic habit this simple and important battle ground, then whoever wins the mass seat could shape the countries future that we all positions candidates ex model is hoping to be re elected if he wins it would deliver a blow to the governing party and possibly position him as a front runner in the 2028 presidential election. seen impulsively reports not from a symbol. this way could be either a hello or a good bye to assemble for the cities mayor, after voiding ends on sunday in the municipal elections, the opposition says should be parties, x from in my model is up against a rolling duck parties, former environment minister. well, that's cool to extend his man dates for
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a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019 held him to the 4 phone, both national politics and delta, both the present treasure type of job. and his ruling party had, you know, we love our mail very much. he's fair and treats everyone equally to prevent corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern board. it is more than a local acts up, some for the that he will follow in our don't support steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of a deal for adult position. that's one, but also it needs access to uh, for instance. um it means having translation, the links with both the economy, cactus and political actors. if you are governing that a major global city, if news really you have visibility, vote and intonation will see him. all of his rival, neil, that's cool. is a well known techno, correct?
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he argues that a molo has not met, stumbles, needs particular in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue after the devastating earthquakes that affected 11 to cities last year. what are the, i'll vote for him. we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars. he's one of us and never offended us after the earthquake. despite the coming, i'm oldest popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragment with opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the kurdish parties of votes recognized as the following may occur, for the opposition in previous local elections are expected to flow to its own candidates, including and assemble whoever wins will have far reaching implications for circus politics. him all those big for you might let him opposition leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks. hold on. some vix, read much help, present, add on, springs and his power base and repair his leg. see,
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particularly the trouble of the economy and foreign affairs. soon after solar l just there was some at least 8 people being killed and more than 20 wounded. and i left the province in northern syria. a comp bomb exploded in the middle of a market and the time it was as the boss was so logic cause a number of surrounding fields to catch fire. this part of syria is controlled by tech, a which regularly conducts rates on code is fighters in the area of the pallets of northern syria, revel health. countries being with the griffith, the civil war, since 2011 as to the head here and out 0. doctors in iraq highlight how the lack of rehabilitation centers is making life even harder for young drugs. the a pod came in to be used as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suff websites. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on
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a guest house thought providing on to who they to say no double stand to all of us . any anyone in particular i said to facing realities. government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful via the story on talk to how does era as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth because rising for as nothing inmate to growth dying coming soon, the showcase of the
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documents resumes from across the network. on the, [000:00:00;00] the are you watching out 0, lots of stories is uh and then the 17 promising into being killed. and so the others, one of them is ready as try company out to a run about in regards to searching the palestine red crescent said about 5 people were killed in the attack during an 8 delivery of the same sort of friday. mass of protests have taken place in israel's largest acute gates. government is handling war and draws. time is
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a conscious being held in god's over among the thousands who gathered in tennessee demanding prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his resignation. poles have opened into case local elections as the boat is keep asking ground that whoever wins the rates for mat could dictate the countries. future demonstrations receives foreign jobs that have taken place in many cities, right across the clay, across the trip to the streets of london. cooling for an end to as well as well. it was the 11th rally in the u. k. capital, since israel begun it's full on the street. the engine is yeah, hundreds of people rallied in the capital tenants in support of pilots and using doesn't they wave posting and flags and johnson slogans. the deal hundreds demonstrated in times square for heading that they had rallied in front of 16 as
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a palace. any musician is organizing shows for children in account for the displace and god's strip. and he hopes to bring young people some joy in the middle of all the war or so. so the principle this palestinian children have survived some of the most due to the attacks innocent most have lost friends and relatives position meant that have bush and his dr. rima, i think, is their suffering the and give them a chance to be here for you. which is to be, but desperately need of these things. can you try to move that is the human forgive, we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and camps will displace people . we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy a few moments away from the scenes of this destructive war. uh huh. the,
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the pendulum on is what is being space as an un linked directed. you can cool, let me see it out in central guys because the from home to thousands of displaced by the senior. dina. yes of message says she hasn't seen her father is 6 months and wants to return home because to mississippi . and that's in the gym. i am from northern garza, i liked the music to music license doc, history of war. we always hear the sound, the showing and reads, but the music helps. i hope to go back to my house one day. in the past, i sent him the function which is really affects have chilled 17000 children to breathe. so many more injured for orphans schools have been destroyed
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and education be strong. the hyphen t one. i hope this will help immediately the problem. i want children to go back to the school, all normal life and the daily activities. i want these children to improve the time enough misery, enough destruction. we've had another way. i a why live out by sort of this performance maybe over but how much and he's the alter hope to return soon if they survive is raz relentless attacks. this who said this was just the to prove that president dina biachi has described a police raid on the home and government offices is arbitrate, disproportionate and abusive. just being investigated in a corruption pro which sent as on rolex watches she's being seen wearing publicly arianna,
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such as reports now from lima. says the forced the we in the middle of the night at least 40 police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence that was president may have been enriching herself while the office at the center of the probe is the jewelry and watches the number of black thing. where's the judge waste? if no time in ordering the read for home and government offices, the task form the object is discriminatory behavior, it's not been the case with other presidents. this measure is arbitrary, that this proportion is end up using its effect. the cover in abilities in this 2 weeks ago, media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different will next watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns, man,
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she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the press is harassing her in my the which case i ask myself. since when does the sector of the press concern itself with what the president wears or not? i hope, and i want to believe it's not a question of sexism or discrimination. or cannot for the most part, because he never liked it came to power after former precedent. visual castillo was ousted in 2022, her 1st month to know if this were tarnished with violent protests. she's facing an investigation for the depths of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest most peruvians disapprove of this government. now her opponents in congress are collecting signatures in a bid to impeach her use only that 4 days. but do i have to remain silent now away from the cameras instead of seeing i would be attending as soon as possible, before the prosecutor's office. to clarify the watches case,
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i've always said i am an honest woman. i take office with clean hands and those i will retire from the presidency in 2026 and a lot of this over the week. government may now use political allies, but she denies any wrong doing and says she will not resign madonna census. i just needed lima to iraq. no way drug addiction has been on the rise among young people in recent years. the shortage of rehabilitation census has prompted some hospitals to launch their own recovery programs as mama a boy had reports from bank died to. 6 the work out, so i've post a very happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction to this hospital and about dad exercising counseling. go hand in hand. was the talk c 22 year old about could describe the program as
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a jew at any of resurrection. and i might have to own i'm on hold on it now. i started smoking crystal meeting 2017. it destroyed my lifetime and left me painless and turned into a hostile person. fighting with my family every day to give me money to buy. it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. and when they are a 100 miles, you patients from the southern and eastern regions of a walk of you. judy, mister, i'm system and users addicted to this to me that that speeds up the bodies nervous system causing go high. those from the western northern regions tend to be users of kept to going pills which have the same of the effect because she almost had a corklin claremont dishes. in with, in this hospital we to see between 60 and 70 cases every day, different cost started behavior nice. felicia not common met, ethics, usually expedients, and also deep breathing and office system dysfunction and hot and keep me from new york. i've done over
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d and unemployment thought of major factors. doctors here say 3600 drug addicts had been treated at this hospital since the beginning of the year. about 90 percent of crystal meth addict. the drug used to be smuggled into a lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. the duty administrator has at least a 1000000 and a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated. this year the world of drug report shows drug trafficking in a flu. your walk has been increasing just teddy since 2000. i see some networks reported. you have links to political parties and a groups. lots of looking ahead out if he's, if a lot easier to do the diamond feeling, a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross motor network. i don't and apprehended mold in 1400 suspects. it's
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generated on why some of them have been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc. and they're also suspects working from a broad. but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to see treatment. others were brought to you by their families, doctor say through only a fraction of the number of drug addicts, any lot, many more feeding social stigma. isolate themselves from friends and family and offering di alone. would that be why under the boat, that small is part of it? does it prove measures to change parts of the provisional constitution and over the whole, the let total system the amendments ground, the president pallets are pointing dismissed, the prime minister, relevant parliament, small it has reclined based in direct electoral system. the new planets uses universal voting rights. the move has and get some leading politicians,
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as well as also attorneys in the semi autonomous state of complex. that's it for me to clock, someone who's coming up. yeah, right off the total balance is here. so you, in a bit of the this is your weather update for the middle east and africa. good. if you're to join us for storms into western saudi arabia. so we're gonna take you here for a closer look, specifically mecca profit, and we've seen some hail storms around diet, for example. but seeing that windows or the same to be expected on sunday, those winds are really fueling the storms here. up and down the golf though temperature is around 30, so pretty melt pretty much where they should be for this time of the year things have cooled off though in northern buckets on with what weather and some hail storm instead of move through. here they catch a few drops and shares with the height of 20 degrees. and we've got want to go
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round for turkey, a rate through to the vans on cyprus as well, and they can see how you're pushing past that 30 degree. mark. different story though, for the northwest sides of africa, more rain and wind comes pouring in some morocco. so for rocco's capital robot, from saturday to sunday, you could see a month's worth of rain has been incredibly what march there. storms rolling across democratic republic of congo. we've seen some flooding around the corner of africa as well. for example, in booty and big down pores and northern madagascar all had to do with that tropical storm. but that is now heading to word marissa is, and some downpour is not too far away from vinto on sunday. catch you later. the in hebron boys bri then slide picture button this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times, $12.00 thoughts,
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an awesome arrested. delicacy told tale fumed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately, restricted disguise above had brought a witness documentary on the jersey to the journalism. at its core is the pursuit of truth, the dissemination of information to the public, and holding power to accounts. in wars, those journalists face immense challenges and dangers and reporting on the realities of war. they risk their lives to bring stories of conflict to the world.


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