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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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was it's a decision increasing numbers of women may be called on to make the, [000:00:00;00] the thoughts, the whole rahman, you're watching the opposite of and use our life more headquarters here in the coming up in the next 60 minutes. so i missed on trial, children enrolled and gauls were wasting away. it's tough to say that we're unable to treat mound nutrition without food or medicine. the killed while waiting for food, 20 to palestinians die into attacks during a deliveries in goals of citrix. the serial. in the streets of his room,
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the families of captives held in go the site. and even in this and you all here is the biggest obstacle to the release of that loved one. plus 2 kias. those poles open in the local elections stakes. the height, the full face, present road ones, policy and the opposition. the built into the news gauze as children, a trapped in a cycle of suffering on the strip feels like a coffin for children. that's a warning from the un children's agency. unicef, doctors say that we're unable to treat mountain utility, malnourished young people, because it's really false is a hampering a deliveries, which is there as visited a children's hospital in northern garza to see the challenges health workers and the patients are facing. victoria gave me, begins on coverage. jenna is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer will come,
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barely has the energy to tool some other shows as jenna before. the jen is being proved to come all at one hospital. the northern garza but its only partially functioning and stuff comp provide the specialist cogent and its much to the dispatch of her mother the kids. they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait your car. so you chose seduce close by. israel is located on a truck, so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low, small bit a quote of his body weight. and the last 6 months, i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of
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me. and i can't do anything to help them. health. what to say? they're seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition. and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies, that they are so many cases of mount nutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely what the problems with children's immune system is. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough, is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive. this will victoria gates and b l g 0. these really ministry is maintaining, is relentless around ground assault. across the goal is to strip from middle to
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south in gauze and city, and at least 17 people were killed while waiting for a humanitarian, a delivery as a major intersection. is there any troops of repeatedly talks with crowds of palestinians, of the quite round about where they wait to receive much needed food parcels. meanwhile, the palestine red crescent society size of 5 people were killed at the same intersection. on friday. the organizations of thousands of people waiting for trucks coming flour and other basic supplies. witnesses said the warning shots were fired by those organizing the delivery. but it's rarely troops also open fine. trucks reported the runs into people as they were trying to grab a packages. the round about link southern, gaza with the knolls, whether you and his goal that simon is taking cold. well in central jobs are the,
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is really striking. the house has killed at least 3 people in the other because the refugee can. several people are still missing after the don't attack and dimensions . the crews are working to rescue. those under the daybreak is really the types of kill mold and $32700.00 palestinians since october. let's close eva to tarik up. it was a metro. is this not from rafa in southern gauze. good morning, tarik, who she was a good morning kind of a strike out the quite the round about. just tell us a little bit more about what people are telling you about what happened the to yes, well good morning. that's why it's completely plugged the text that has been carried out to open nights and equates round about way. these very forces have opened to fire against people who were waiting for 8 supplies to be delivered to the other parts of cars was the trip and according to our witnesses fell on the ground. they have been describing the situation that being completely chaotic as they is ready
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for us as have been targeting. also, members of local unpopular type of committees that are responsible for securing the deliveries of a supplies to the notes, written costs in order to be safely late, distributed to desperate families who are in a very desperate need for a such life saving supplies by clarity. so here it's not the 1st attack that's being carried out against these people who are securing that also waiting for a supplies. it's been had multiple targets that people equate around the balance which has been cooled among palestinians as a death trap. i witnessed just as we have been contacting them. they have been saying that medical teams, along with the civil defense crews are still grappling to evacuate the victims and the injuries from that location to as does to some people name on the ground that without receiving any risk you. yes, because of the intense laughter of the is very compartment and that's absolutely the scene for the people who are waiting for supplies. and mainly this place had been multiple targets at the same time. people keep going the,
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despite the risky nature of the place, because simply they have new options. roommate, they know that might, they might be killed. the know that me about the target said, but the don't want to return back to the house as with empty homes in order to feed their families who have been suffering from high rates of malnutrition. um, its a clear sign of famine is imagined on the horizon. the other cool. so topic it does raise the question, which we're also going to be asking the analysts through the day here on, i'll just say era about specifically how you can safely get aid into the area when these incidents of attacks occurring. and at the same time, incidents of malnutrition are increasing yes, that's absolutely controversial to reality. in fact, so help is better saying that they are facilitating the process of 8 deliveries to the know the parts of jobs was driven at the same time. they have been giving
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a different denial to the majority of humanitarian convoys by the united nations to get access to the north right parts of the territory. and the same time, different countries have been forced to carry out different it dropping preparations. and the met the recent and the established married time can result that has been allocated for a more a deliveries to the garza strip. that's absolutely reflect the don't have reality hit on the ground as people are suffering in order to get so much needed. like saving supplies and mainly right now they are depending on the 8 shopping. they have been completely on safe as death has been fully on the heads of disability and stuff. and also people who are trying to get an access throughout. the mary taught co result. they are suffering to get much needed supplies because of the very limited amount that had been delivered on the course of the past. they even boost were waiting for humanitarian twin boys on a weight. and then up we'll see around about they have been lucidly exposed to the east very far. you giving a clear indication that people that are going slowly,
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they are even being talked to they, they want to get an 8 supply. and at the same time, they have been receiving me orders from the east where the occupation to no longer exist. besides the ongoing denial and restrictions being imposed on humanitarian chromeboys deliveries to the north. i'm a little grubbing cools from the international community on different humanitarian organizations. for the is when a government to leave the so the restrictions being imposed on a deliveries as they are hundreds of humanitarian voice harvest patients or the agents inside waiting for the approval to get into the 2 or 3 in terms of the ongoing bombardment that has taken place, that's also just said that to be a very integral elements. that's also how bring a deliveries too much to meet with areas of the gaza strip. composing that for us in rough ends of the goal is to thank you. the now the goal is government media office says it is really false as killed more than 400 people joining the siege on the ship
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a hospital in kansas city. for the 2 weeks. the troops have surrounded the medical facility, which is the largest and the strip. witnesses who managed to flee, say, i'm building since i'm unable to reach the area of buildings. a line on the ground moles that a 100 patients and 60 staff, a truck in the complex with no medicine food overall to thousands of israelis have again held anti government demonstrations. calling for the removal of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. families of captives held in garza what amongst those who protested in tel aviv, they accuse nothing yahoo, of abandoning the relatives and not doing enough to secure the release of the 16 people were arrested demonstrations also took place that the prime ministers residence in west jerusalem as well, as in haifa and other cities, and his id delegation is expected to hit the cairo on sunday to continue negotiations towards the release of captives day with the kids. the benjamin and figure out who i mean is the thing you know,
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is the obstacle between us and getting all hostages back. and we were really in to see fights legally, of course, heavy removed from fall off and get someone else the can do the job. and would be of this of the situation. okay. that could be the big uh, beloved ones that and did then mean that the out is the main obstacle. i push them out with the baby. do you hear me b, b. i don't know if my husband is alive. don't talk to me about victory. don't talk to me about military pressure. nothing has worked so far. they are dying there every day. that's done definitely was out the protest in tel aviv demonstrators intel of even say there increasingly angry at the government's inability to bring back the meaning is really cap is now there was a rally held by the family members of those still being held in dogs. that's what
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they say. they're tired of holding peaceful rallies and are calling for the entire state of israel to point take to the street and burn the country down. previously they were calling on benjamin netanyahu to resign and for elections to be held immediately. but now they're saying that he needs to be overthrown. and until that happens, these protest in massive size and scale will continuously be happening tonight. a lot of violence between demonstrators and is really police as they attempt to clear roads in here until a b of trying to block the major highway known as i alone. something that was a reoccurring theme or in the deer of anti government demonstrations. but police have come out in the mouse, is in order to try and prevent that defense. i just need on television. the business government, as opposed to the received advice from lawyers suggesting that israel has breached international humanitarian law in garza, but has failed to disclose this publicly. according to the observe,
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and these papers, such advice would mean that the u. k. has to stop selling weapons to israel on wednesday more than a 130 british members of parliament signed alexa to be following minutes to david cameron saying, almost like sports to israel, a totally unacceptable. well, jeffrey nice is a human rights lawyer. he says the u. k. risk being completed in international crimes. the rest of the tools surprise that the government would seek advice for me as low as it would have to do so as soon as it became public that many common types is more important. many people, you know, it's all to you in the united nations were concerned about is rose, middle of tree attack, not being proportionate. proportionality is locked regard for an attack to below full so they were bound to seek legal advice. this is a report which refers to an account with the advice. let's just assume 1st of all,
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there would be an advice. would the advice deal with the question or from ocean ality and low? so this of the attack, yes it would. it is, there is the advice likely to host found that there could be or was lack of proportionality and therefore criminality. it certainly could have reached that conclusion. given the majority opinion among grow is not me. the people close to the wall and was real. sorry, she from the united nations and elsewhere will be on surprising if the advice gave that conclusion. if the advice good did give that conclusion, and if the government acted without regard to that advice, that would be very concerning. not just to those who a lawyer is acting in an international environment, it should be very concerning to the public. the public's interest in this war is being very substantially arrives. emotions not through the motions of very valuable,
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but emotions are pretty high and the public as in tom would like to know. and i would say is entitled to know what the advice this way all that way. if any government has received clear advice, was happening by the competent policy is undergo awful. then in providing weapons for an honorable for activity, it runs the risk of being found to be complicit. march and get round that risk by saying, oh, well, you can have these weapons, but you can only use them in certain circumstances. difficult. and we understand from the latest alleged provision of this by america is not using that guess how close. so yes, there is a real risk that a government providing alms to a party engaged in on the football fan could funding. so the compressor. and that's not very surprising. if you know your neighbor is about to commit a crime from all to gone and you have the gun, well of course you'll go to with the night, but you can't get out of it. so it's a, it's
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a big problem for governments in the spring in the children's academy is an associate professor that can tell universities, gulf studies sent to interesting comments by jeffrey. nice. that if you have a gun, it's a smoking gun, at least, and it comes off the back of major demonstrations this weekend where in copenhagen london, paris, and sit on the ballot and the public in europe is very aware of what their respective governments are doing. when it comes to israel, this british turn of events is very interesting. it's very important because the, the advice came from the policy, the government policy. so and know from they help with the jump party a, which means that they said that on the funding also within the government policy, that the government could be doing something that the strong i'm kind of have a future implications legally because of, for the u. k. government, i got to go, we're going to be the next lower ment. i mean, when the ekg establishes some apples, it's somebody come out to the country independent living with golden if that cause
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a lot of labor about the so of course is very, it's very probably monday, but it's even some brave hold on what can be done in the future, i mean close to that in the, the price that is mountain internationally. legally, there is some step that can be taken a, for instance, if this, the advice is finally en eh, to the government can, can, can be suited by others. because of that, we'd like to talk to south africa, visit the strength of the hands of the other european nations like spain island and belgium, who old parts of the you who are pushing the e. u for much stronger position up the volume and all these right on the way that certain countries within you are selling arms to his right. exactly. i mean, not only for you, okay, here, you know, for the united states as well. i mean we, we, we saw the other, the other day, the unit disapproved. an extra i mean the liberty of arms to the east. well, if it finally,
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the attitude proves up there. if i lose not proportionate in the war on to lease it . so spaces that they have committed, a general type for the companies that they are. so within guys 2 to 3 fairly with the when you sell the u. k. european congress, i've also had them at the state. so if the case was hot, any time you had a pretty high, we know that then of you know, they, if there is no enforcement of any of the law or decisions taken by this easy or the national single because of nothing can be done by the police, they a government's we p accounts over to their own people to the remote. there's. this is very important for in terms of enforcement. you know, we saw earlier this week, the even resolution, which talked about a c 5. it talks about a guessing and which hasn't happened as, as we're also witnessing on demonstrations on the streets of ton of even various cities across israel, protesting against these way the government. and now the government is sending that delegation again into egypt to the pressure is on the be, isn't it? the presses on the be on a yes,
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from the negation in think i was trying to gain time insight as well. i mean that the purpose of that they were having 2 separate gatherings, one uh, asking for a room, one of a natalia on the other of the funding that were use of the whole things. and now they are gathering together under the funding of the cost is they said that we are not getting easily anymore. we'd be monday the fall of anybody. it was so then. but if we start to feel the pressure inside that it's that and it seems a bit for me to have the hostages, they already realize that. and if i knew who decided to sacrifice the cost is um the main objective of the story. a how much is the only priority under the snow? nothing else which drives us again to bite the delegation is but it's a kind of to discuss about to discuss the finance over in the funds. it's up to you as of, of how there's something that it's very difficult to, to the, to, and on what, what you say is all for your kind offer to how much in order to to, to, to get that because he's released, if they keep saying rough operation,
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we continue, we are going to the store, you of me, but i'm going to have to push them through with this for you completely. so what can you spell for in exchange of the cost is another moving part that's quite interesting. over the last 6 months, we've seen the invested as the palestinian invested as to the united kingdom and the un security council being very vocal in, in, in the plight of the palestinians. and now we're seeing a new pilot standing also, it's a government form late to in the day on sunday with a new prime minister with the problems of gauze and the occupied westbank. do you think this is going to actually change the, the, the, the, the time scale of, of how far they couldn't get involved or not involved with the have any effect really. the problem is we keep hearing about the new or changes in the sale for the on the policy. we do other bodies. hopefully we'll take care of that. so and so far we know that the guess on people they don't want that to happen. even we have many comments or for me strategies or is the same that they don't want the policy out
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for the day because they are there for their phone getting different? what's happening to us as well. so it's contradicting what's a threat. it is a $650.00 what some of the companies have expected while the united states are expecting the sale for you to do more because they keep discussing that they after . when we don't know when is going to be that the, the, the after on how many people will remain that only which can be shows. i mean, if this, the out of a 4th of this so book it to propose of what i'm coming from east by the end of the day or the other coming from other countries. what if the for just to pacify the, the area to be temporarily. and then guaranteed the 8th, it's distributed for the we have what then? so the future role that again to find some young people, people want either gas on store or the people in the west bank. so it's hard to understand what they want to discuss. and we'll pick this uh, throughout the day as a news images for the name and to thanks very much chat and get you on into a car. thank you. a policy in christian's in gaza, all celebrating so under the shadow of israel's will.
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the dozens of worshippers attend to the east the vigil service of the church in garza city and dock this as the power supply to be the rustic since the war began, my colleagues was home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. the poles of opened into keels local elections. now the vote is being seen as a test present. richard sappho the ones popularity, the opposition is trying to value support is off to the to feet. and last as presidential unparliamentary elections, opposition held a symbol is a key battleground and the outcome could have major implications for the countries future. so that sort of correspondence and in consider whose life is out of polling station. and it's done both the morning as it had been interesting election in store, which really will give us an indication of
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a popularity and performance of both the government and the opposition. good morning. so have the as a exactly, and this is a, this is a mayoral election, but it feels like the general election, even during the whole campaign period since the new year. it's been like that. the reason for this is that in 2019, the rolling up far to last is so most of the main or position candidates except to my mostly accept him, all of the incumbent man who ran as a candidate for a 6 party opposition cooperation. and that was the time when the ruling got part is started to lose support, even in general elections. and after so many years after like 25 years, the all position had the chance it's wrong, a major city in to get. and that was also a hope for the position, and that's the time when we saw the incumbent made a come to me all the virus as an alternative political leader. because in the never
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2 rounds or 2 runs in 2019 a memo, the one that elections against his the not far to can to the former prime minister be i use it. i'm with $16000.00 votes, but they hired election board said that there was work in the election and the votes should be we wrong. and in the 2nd wrong, the, he won the election with a ton of thousands of votes of just and so this is the time where we live when we see it coming all the challenges the part about of course, this is in the past for the holding party, it's also for the off position because of the incumbent layer has also rise and as an alternative and natural neither of the main o position. but it's something that can like as well, in this stumble so far again in the capital on sarah, it's is the same. it's fees run by the off position since 2009, 2 cents when last year in 2020 is for you to care when for presidential and a general elections nationwide. presence our immediate after the election says that
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the next target is to win back to with culture in his words, assembled and cut off on kind of still seems like a it seems like a risk that the opposition is going to continue to cover. and according to the field information and the pull so far above. so it's a very tiny race between the company except the model and who the top part is candidates. we've got to put them who is the former environments, minnesota and who became very popular since last year's earthquake, because he was quick in building temporary shelters. and that's set from and is since he's an architect on the paper, he's a very strong c v and he's supporters. i also came by patience when, but as you have said, the main battle field, all this male election is assembled. not only because of politics, but also because of finance because assemble is the largest city with more than $16000000.00 population that it generates and nearly half of the national tax
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income and the industrial outputs faxed to you. so of course, we'll continue to follow evidence of polling throughout the day. thanks and let's join it, said the miller, they professed self political signs of skin investing towards us. now live from stumble, kentucky with this man on the program. just like to get your opinion really of how much you think this is that which is about gauging the support of the current active policy. i didn't turn full plus the other one. well, yeah, it's no good actions, but it's never local just no collections. and to again anyway, especially made play, no collections became a big deal for the opposition to challenge the government. 2023 elections were really heartbreaking for the opposition and political interest, especially among a position voters declined significantly after 2023 elections. i know a lot of the voters,
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but especially opposition. rotors are looking at election results to see if a position parties can reengage voters and re emerge from this disappointment that was experienced in 2023. how it was in the can i just jump in and how important is it in turkish politics? certainly from the opposition point of view to show a unified front we've seen in the past, the independent opposition groups, dental ways managed to maneuver and push the way to the front of the political field as a unified group. they do very well in 2019 they did very well in 2023. they didn't do very well. so we're going to see what's going to happen. no, but what's different now in 2024 is opposition. parties are not joining the elections in
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a unified front. so position candidates are trying to achieve unification or alliance at voters level because it did not take place at parties level position. parties could not agree to act together to coordinate and act together at this time . but the bills and assemble and in on colorado opposition meters, like he mumbled. and your gosh, seem like days have achieved to mobilize voters from different backgrounds, different parties, and not just a positional parties, even some of the incumbent motors look like they have united around these 2 leaders buttons. some of the now cut and that's, that's very significant. it's something that had not happened in 2000. i'm to industry elections so and it's really in these 2 cities opposition wins. we can expect to see some changes in national politics as well. it'd be interesting because getting unclear of this stuff,
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blah significant. certainly for the opposition and obvious reasons to gain full present. oh, do i mean his reputation to remain at the home of his party and government? will it be judged by these results? i mean, he's been in power if it was a problem in the store as a president for what? nearly 20 years. oh yeah. yeah. i mean, i've done made it very clear that this is also about him. and this is also about national politics. so he sent a very clear message to our capabilities or add on the sympathisers that they should go and vote of parties candidates and not just treat this just like local elections. and this is about national security. this is about showing loyalty to our don and everything. so, but, but i, i still do think that this message is not
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received that well, i'm on could some incumbent voters who are very unhappy, but continuing economic problems. and even if they like dawn, and even if they agree with all parties, you know, um several policies up to a party, they like to send a warning to our dog. and that's, that's a piece. and for many of them to vote for a position need us in addition candidates to sign and say re 61000000 people will vote in 81 provinces with 30 full political parties in the race. as far as you, as an analyst, where all the regions of the country that we should be keeping an eye on. what sort of changes will indicate to us that that is change about to happen if a tool across the took a as well, like the previous speaker mentioned and all that. cuz a lot of people are saying, really, it really should all be looking at the stumble. being okay is very important too,
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but it looks like an encore position has already won and looks like they're the they, they did a large margin opposition. kind of does a head is the media could be an interesting place to look at. but it's usually is, it is a city where opposition, secondary scoops are more active and more political. so position parties, secular supposition, parties have been winning, and this is meant for a very long time. but this time, the position parties are position leaders were not so good in co ordinating elections. and so i'm picking the most popular opposition candidates, so it is muted. today we may see a surprise, even default position, wait, and so it may be with a smaller margin. so that would indicate, for instance, opposition should work on picking the right to candidate and coordinating voters.
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but those are more like take a specific or oppositional politics related issues for the prospect of turkey's democratization to cause political economy is really about to stumble. whoever wins and assemble really has a good chance and winning presidential elections. assemble also is a host of urban read lender rents. so in the past, access to stumbles, precious land rents that was the way of party government sustained itself and its re distributive mechanisms. land rents were distributed among key voters. and this is why the government is trying to win. one of the main reasons why the government is so determined solely interested in winning a single back. and if this doesn't happen and stumble stays with the opposition for another term that will make to redistribute to mechanisms to political economy of
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the government. unsustainable to a large extensive this is the main reason why stumble. elections are so good to go . okay, we shall see what happens. certainly in the coming days as the results come in said the demo rep from the sky diversity types of joining us from stumbles. thank you. so head here on the out, is there a news out from london to a protest to those like israel's will and goes will help around the world and through is present. dina. velocity says that she will not step down the rates on a home as positive corruption inquiring the the hey, they're great to catch up. so here's the deal. it's raining in the south and it's
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feeling hot in the so let's pick up the story there. many spots could actually see their hot it's march day on record. that includes from painting is capital bucharest, number to beats sunday 29. and yep, we've got your pencil then for a height of 29 degrees that weren't sold. so through turkey, a, the bands and iraq as well, but different story for the other side with the med training check out with these weights, northwest, spain, we know off the coast in sun spots 1012 meter high waves out of the question and there is all that point rate is going to be bad and caused problems, southern spain, through the south of france, and it will chug along into central and eastern spain, with those torrential downpours to the northwest. we go. breeze off the north sea means temperatures knocked back a bit in london, and there's at once extending the roofs and russia 22 immense. let's go 16 in moscow to africa. we go. belts of heat shad nigeria between toko and gone to some spots pushing past 40 degrees, including child's capital engineering at 45. now to the south,
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we go some verse of rain around the vin took and remnants of a tropical cycling that were over madagascar are now moving over marissa. so downpours into forecast for you on sunday. the teams in the gaza strip as is continues. there is a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media and it needs to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes his readings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this kind of way. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing the best for reporting. so the options to have you have a great winning hearing the
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fact palestinian or arabic content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators. if president lucky, self reckoning the stability of the country, i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sensitive ponts at the store, the spoken about to the opposite when you saw with me. so rom, in the, in the hall reminder of all the top stories unit that says goals that feels like a coughing for children. do you and the child agencies description comes as don't just struggle to treat the malnourished. and this really falls as continue to
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disrupt 8 supplies. at least 17 palestinians waiting for humanitarian days. have been killed and attack on the quite round about in johnson city, the palestine, the red president society said 5 people were killed at st. intersection on friday. protests against these by the governments humbling of the war, involves and taking place in tel aviv families of the count as well amongst thousands of cabot to demand the resignation of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. it says october. israel has approved most documents on palestinian land and its a practice this taking place. the decades and days commemorated every year on march, the 30th on saturday. hundreds of palestinians varieties march through the atlanta in northern as well. the land, a subset of down the lake, with vigils and the planting of olive trees. it will say box to day in 1976, when his rabies pulse is killed, 6 palestinian is riley's, who are protesting against plans to seize that property. now raleigh was also held
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in robotics. commemorate those killed lucon was the, the launch a inhaler mom and the all that kind of thing is to come together. people and go to they take care of the company in golf, basic, and campaigns, the protecting every single ball is right in the memory. 19766. the short deadline is right inside the trial on the uprising every year. yes, but the land per creation is only in march. the motors were
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very hard to ride the finance minister. and now we take 10 of lawns here in the occupied west bank. most of that, and the settler person also seen last year, the announcement of the largest number on the west side in golden, exact case, if you could say that mom is out here, ramallah in the occupied west spine demonstrations calling for cease funding goals . that'd be held in many cities around the world, thousands of people to the streets of london pulling for an end to israel for it was the 11th riley in the capital since as well begun at school on the strength in october. we challenged spike to protest as of the event and felt among rain or shine these demonstrations that being taking place every other week in the pay now . so i'm a small and some like this one,
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a pretty long thousands of the streets of london demonstrations. i've had the disapproval in that time z out, what facilities of the government see the home secretary. so what a brought from and famous we call them hate marches. the government has changed 6 working definition of extremism, allowing it to label groups. and it doesn't, particularly like isaac stream is i'm, this is off the london police to come down on any boxes. so exhibit the services are not just going to the will and all right, so, i mean, it's really, it's a message. they say they're going to carry on until this month. i'm not sure whether we're winning it
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themselves. we're just going to keep them. no, we're not finding any way to try to get him an agent in the west and he's gone changing. well, obviously for the 1st time this week, the un security council voltage in favor of a c spot in gaza at the best time. it's gone that are increasingly that relied on the extension of the united states which easily beats are the 2nd thing you tell you, vice it in favor. sorry about huh. signs that won't. the launch is on these demonstrations . the cooling for western governments are considering voting for starting to aligned, or we challenge how does 0 there's also riley and the french kind of the more than
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2000 people march through the streets of paris to coal for sci fi in garza. and in new york in the us $107.00 spaces in time square. before heading them, they violate in front of the cities who of the into dizzy hundreds of people rallied in the couple of students to support the palace to these and garza. many gathered outside the french embassy condemning west and support the israel they've been. jordan demonstrate is what tools used by the embassy for the 7th consecutive day to denounce the will. embassy and the mind has long be the focus to protest is when israel began its assault on the goal is to strength at least half of children's population, or a palestinian all rich in the at least 7 people are being killed and mold in 20. we did in the bomb explosion in
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the laptop province in northern syria. the blast struck the middle of a busy markets in the town of as of the num, the buildings colt fine. and this is part of syria controlled by 2 key which regularly conducts rates on kind of responses in the area of the positive built into a revel health. now the countries being in the grid for the civil war, since 2011 somali as parliament has approve measures to change parts of the provisional constitution today, the whole electro system, the amendments grant, the president power to appoint and dismissed the prime minister involved the parliament smalley has a crime based in direct electoral system. the move is on good politicians and they said he will tell them a state of punk land, which says it will no longer recognize the federal government. now in southern africa, drought is putting millions at risk of food shortages. south africa is the reasons because the serial produces but persistence. heat is scorching crops, fueling price increases,
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and damaging livelihoods. lymphoma explains the difficulty that he's facing. my name is picking the table. i am a crop farmer from free state province, south africa. i've been find meaningful for genius as uh before that out. now everything looks good. that was not. why is showing the and this way in here we are now. i think just as just changed. i've never seen this kind of a put out the way we are going to help us nothing. and i mean nothing. in the past couple of years it was between 3 ton and 5 ton to my area. the heck the on mays. but this, yeah we, i like we are going to have is nothing about this effect that me financially that have employees. i need to maintain that from i need to maintain that mission, that
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a and i must expand this or do this conditions is going to be a big problem. and we will have one buy expect a criminal mist about the coming a nino. but we never expected this kind of damage. i have expressed this and you know before but the to us not this of this much the truth. yeah. i don't know the people being picked it by this route. so now people don't be afraid they'll pay more money to buy food too because of this, throughout the dive, opperation of resumed around the collapse, the baltimore bridge recovery emissions cooled off fairly easy to unsafe conditions . now the bridge was struck by a cargo ship last week, causing it to collapse. cruise on so here the process of removing debris and disentangling the vessel from the wreckage. not just about maryland.
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this is about our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment, more than any other port inside this country and at least 8000 workers. all my ducks have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse us through his presidency to belong to is describes a place right? although home as of a treat disproportionate and abusive, she's being investigated into corruption probably, but centers on jewelry with half a $1000000.00 of a son, she has to pull stuff from lima. says the forced. there we in the middle of the night, at least for the police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence that was president, may have been enriching herself while in office at the center of the probes, the jewelry and watches, the number of black thing. where's the judge waste, if no time in ordering the read for home and government offices,
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the task form the objectives discriminatory behavior? it's not been the case with other presidents. this measure is argued trinity that this proportion is and abuses its effect. the cover inability to 2 weeks ago media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different will next watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns. man, she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the price is harassing her a my, the watch case. i ask myself, since when does the sector of the press concern itself with what the president wears or not? i hope and i want to believe it's not a question of sexism or discrimination, or smart enough for the most part because he never knew what they came to power after former precedent visit castillo was ousted in 2020 to her 1st month to know if this were tarnished with violent protest. she's facing an investigation for the
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depths of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest the most peruvians disapprove of what this government . now her opponents in congress are commission signatures in a bid to impeach her use only that 4 days. but do i have to remain silent no way from the cameras instead of 60 and i would be attending as soon as possible before the prosecutor's office. to clarify the gorgeous case, i've always said i am an honest woman. i take office with clean hands and those i will retire from the presidency in 2026. what is over the weak government? me now use political allies, but she denies any wrong doing. and says she will not resign madana scientist, i just needed lima to rock. the drug addiction has been on the rise amongst the young people. a show to him in the taishan sentence has prompted some hospitals to
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launch their own recovery programs. as my load up there, i had to pull some from back to, to do the work out. so i'll post a very happy to show the process for these young man recovering from drug addiction to this hospital. and about that exercise and counseling. go hand in hand was the talk c 22 year old about could you describe the problem as a jew at any of resurrection and i'm gonna have to on i won't hold on it now. i started smoking crystal meeting 317. it destroyed my life. i'm in a different opinion level and turned into how stop person fighting in my family every day to give me money to buy it. used to keep me awake for 10 to 12 days. i don't, they don't know how to revise the patients from the southern and eastern regions of what you all call you, judy mentor. i'm such a many users addicted to this to me, that the speeds of the bodies nervous system causing the high. those from the west
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of northern regions tend to be users of kept to going pills which have a similar effect. because she almost had a corklin clermont that she could in this hospital alone, we to see between 60 and 70 cases every day, different cost started behavior. a nice relation of common met, ethics, usually expedients, and also deep breathing and office system dysfunction and hot and kidney failure to cover that, keep going over the and unemployment thought of major factors. doctors here say 3600 drug addicts had been seated at this hospital since the beginning of the year . about 90 percent of crystal meth addict. the drug used to be smuggled into the lot of narcotics, but it's now reported to the manufactured locally. according to the united nations office of drugs on claim crystal meth is considered the most dangerous and the way to spread drugs in iraq. d administered, he says, at least a 1000000 and
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a half tons of narcotics have been confiscated this year. the world of drug report shows drug trafficking now. so while it has been increasing you study since 2000, i see some networks reported. you have links to political parties and all the groups. lots of looking to head out a piece of a lot easier to do the diamond feeling. a lot of ours, we've disbanded dozens of drug trafficking networks, including cross motor network. i don't and apprehended mold in 1400 suspects since january. why some of them have been sentenced to death or life in prison and how the doc, they're also suspects working from a broad but some of these patients to themselves invalid, totally to seek treatment. others were brought to you by their families, doctor say through only a fraction of the number of drug addicts any lot, many more feeding social stigma isolate themselves from friends and family, and offering die alone. without the engines, your body still had hey,
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although just their melodies to lift the mood, one man and his daughter helping the children of golf. the in hebron boys breed and slide picture but then this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times, toss out an awesome restaurant. a delicately told tale fumed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on the jersey to the brutality of the response to the events of october. 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you
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have some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's world has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deeply corrupt materially on tomorrow lead a look at how the international news are being applied and ignored. and the israel goes to conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, the, [000:00:00;00] the, the turing, israel's will, and galls of thousands of palestinians are being buried under rubble of homes. notice estimated that at least $7000.00 the still the and then the counted full must be what can stick with that, that homes to find survivors is the story. have one boy who had
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a lucky escape in gauze the city, the. ringback get on the line after them, then the message display check on the the the, the to be do you those who
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coco coco, hardware football i like to do it at the dealership to let me check the they published an immunization is organizing chase full palestinian children displaced from the homes and the gaza strip, hips to bring joy in the middle of the wolf mussel. so that how's the story this palestinian children have survived some of the most brute to that text innocent. the most have lowest friends and relatives. musician meant that have bush and his dr. rima are trying to ease their suffering the
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and give them a chance to be a fee which is to be but desperately needed. these things. can you sort of move that is no human forgive, we want to promote this initiative and other shelters and camps will displace people that we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy a few moments away from the scenes of this destructive war. uh huh. that depends on mine as well. how to the full moon is being space as an un linked directed you can called lucy or incentive guys. it has become home to thousands of displaced by the senior. dina, yes of message says she hasn't seen her father in 6 months and wants to return home because she missed us here. and the i am from northern garza, i liked the music to music license doctrines, true war. we always hear the sound of showing and reads, but the music helps. i hope to go back to my house one day. perhaps i sent him the
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fund, henry is ready. i have 217000 children suits of target, and so many more are injured for orphans schools have been destroyed and education disrupt. i'm really happy and what, how do i continue forward on? i hope this will help immediately the problem. i want children to go back to this school, our normal life, and the daily activities. i want these children to improve the talents, enough misery, enough destruction. we've had enough to wait. i a while i live out by sort of this performance maybe over, but how much and he's the alter hope to return soon. if they survive is rather relentless attacks. just to save. this was just upset for me to hold while i'm in full. that's do, so i'll be back on the other side of the break with another full hop on to stay
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with us here on the as the world plunges into a climate disaster, we are a planetary class. this year, a new a punch series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth. a growth rising for as nothing inmate to growth griffith dying us coming soon. something around no size has family was one of the last to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to him, because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows every way, getting more than 20 from i need the speech day. people here come full
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health services, a close that comes off from the fact that the nation transit can in the town to bring new york i call says he was shot in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined. he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise, which are nice, like neil, the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know, what we are receiving. we have must have number of attorney and if you would need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited in the line to palestine. hope is then we reach out to and let the giving begin with. okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok,
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now let's also show you. we'll deliver it. so done the nights with confidence donates without kat foundation. with every packet of 19, with every press will bring it to light. a little love in palestine. we share the most and frail children and old and goals are all wasting away. don't to say that i'm unable to treat malnutrition without food and medicine, the whole rom, and this is all just their life headquarters here in the hall. also coming up


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