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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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let's also show you, we'll deliver it to so donates with confidence, donates with outcast foundation. with every packed of 19, with every press will bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share the damaged and frail children and old and goals are all wasting away. don't to say they've been able to treat malnutrition without food and medicine. the thoughts of robin this is all just their life. but headquarters here in the hall also coming up the hill while waiting for food. $22.00 palestinians di, into a tax doing a deliveries in garza city. plus the polls opened in high stakes local elections
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and took care with president edwin's policy and the opposition buying the control of major cities also proved present data belongs, he says that she will not step down after rates on the home as part of a corruption inquiry the welcome to the product i'm goals as children upfront in the cycle of suffering. and the strip feels like a coffin for children about. so holding on the you in children's agency, you'd assess talk to say they're unable to treat malnourished children, young people, because is ready for us as a whole, bring those a deliveries. i'll just revisited a children's hospital in northern garza to see the challenges of health work as a facing victoria gave them begins on coverage. janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition condolence. the whole
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body has the energy to tool some of the shows as jenna before. the jen is being able to come all at one hospital, the northern garza but its only partially functioning and stuff comp provide the specialist cogent and needed much to the dispatch of her mother the kids. they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where's the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait your car. so you chose seduce close by israel is located on a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weight. and the last 6 months, i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of
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me. and i can't do anything to help them help or to say that seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition. and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies, that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough, is also shown to oxygen and incubators as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive this well, victoria gates and b l g 0. these really minute trans maintaining is relentless ring. ground assault across the gulf has stripped from north to south singles,
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a city at least 17 people were killed while waiting for a few minutes, having a delivery as a major intersection. is there any troops of repeatedly talked in crowds of palestinians, of the quaint round about while they wait to receive much needed food parcels. meanwhile, the palestine red crescent society says 5 people were killed at the same. and the section on friday, the globalization says thousands of people waiting for trucks carrying flour and other basic supplies. witnesses said, warning shots were fined by those organizing the delivery. but it's really troops also a from fire trucks reporting event in people as they were trying to grab a packages around about links, southern gaza with the know whether you and as will the time it is taking hold. and then central gone. so it is rarely striking. the house has killed at least 3 people in the island because the refugee camp several people are still missing after the
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don't attack, emergency crews all working to rescue those under the daybreak. is there any types of killed moles and $32700.00 palestinians since october? 10, a couple of his names are correspondent and rough. uh, in southern garza. uh, another store. i come to quite a round about just bring us up to speed on what we know about the circumstances around what happened. yes, there is no. in fact, any loose hopping attacks that had been carried out on different areas in the gaza strip within the past 24 hours. one of the latest had been carried out to north weights around the balance where dozens of palestinians, if x has been killed and injured and a new type 18 seek isn't at the same time people who were working on securing the deliveries of a to the white house as well that to be distributed later couple of people on disparate families and other parts of jobs and that is the grand reality the from the ground in the news,
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people are suffering from high rates of mount nutrition. they are struggling each day to find only one meal in order to freak the 1st wave as to whose families and you use of force to go to go through each round about in order to wait for the humanitarian voice. despite the end of the belief that they might be targeted, who killed the once something to see the lights of the very deep shortage of food supplies being provided to the very desperate parts of another cause um its own going unaccompanied by these very forces. some of them have been chasing drops and the 8th being dropped by these very work lanes. at the same time, they have new options remain quite too good to go to these areas, waiting for humanitarian for boys to get to the noise. of course it does raise the questions of the targets, how 8 is as a going to get through safely as incidents of violence continue and malnutrition. and the stories of malnutrition increase across the whole of the goals district.
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well in fact, collapses, that curious is one of the main reasons why they're the majority of humanitarian organizations cannot really on a properly fund be functional on the ground and other parts of garza, they have been under intense bombardment and with the ongoing denial of humanitarian chromeboys to get to the northern parts of kansas trip as hundreds of humanitarian chromeboys ours. think should one mid stream across in a minute to chick point. that is what it has been recently established in the point that links that we've been north, the south waiting for the permission to get back to the another positive cause on here in the south, people did not really get what seemed to humanitarian supplies in terms of the high rates of population being evacuated here in the southern parts of the territory, but generally an ongoing caused by the international community for israel to the 8th. the restrictions being imposed on human humanitarian, homeboys deliveries and the gaza strip. as well as to just giving a cold chill was a for least a month and continues to
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a totally tenants regret in different areas. of course the gaza strip forcing people to leave from areas of bottles by using the weapon of the stuff i use until now. so help telecom posing that for us in southern gaza. thank you. now because the government major office says it is really full of kills. more than 400 people joining the siege on our ship. a hospital in garza city finality, 2 weeks now, troops of surround to the medical facility, which is the largest and the strip witnesses. he managed to please say that i'm the lenses all were unable to reach the area of bodies lying on the ground molding a 100 patients and 60 staff, a trapped in the complex with no medicine, food or water of thousands of israelis, of again, held on to government demonstrations calling for the removal of the prime minister benjamin netanyahu. families of captives holding garzo amongst those who protested in tennessee. they accuse nothing yahoo, of abandoning the relatives and not doing enough to secure the release. at least 16
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people were arrested. demonstrations also took place that the prime minister's residence in west jerusalem as well as in hyphen and other cities. and his really delegation is expected to hit the cairo on sunday to continue negotiations towards the release of captives. a palace sitting christiansen garza and celebrating east under the shadow of war. the dozens of worship as attend to the easter vigil. not the chechen garza sitting in douglas intensive is rarely types of made power supplies, erotic guns, residing to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. israel is also restrict the access to one of the holy is christian science and occupied east, jerusalem. and one constables to the patio is parade is actually entered here into the touch of the holy central god. but let me just show you around this is to normally this place would be completely packed out all the way into the courtyard
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that as well. and that was interesting because the parade itself was led by discounts, who would normally have drums, who would have musical instruments, and they'd be playing them really loudly to be a much more celebrated 3 atmosphere that isn't happening because of the christian community showing solidarity with the palestinians in because i know like i say normally this place will be packed full of conflicts coming from all over the world post or is that simply stayed away? but there is a community that does want to come out of a standing for students for me. ok. part westbank, but then not allowed to come in, the body is right. these, these readies are simply found them from even visiting one of the secret supposedly sites on one of the most important few days of you know, the western and eastern churches will be celebration. lisa over the next 4 or 5 weeks, but it's likely that the numbers are going to be incredibly, iran come out 0 test on the self,
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okay. occupied east jerusalem. the polls are now open and load selections into key. now though, just seen as a test to present rest of the top are the ones popularity. this temple is held by the opposition and is a major battle ground. the outcome could have major implications for the countries future. so you can see like a correspondent joins us now. from istanbul, it's a very interesting election sent him in store really it'll give us indication of the popularity of the performance of both the government and the opposition the main battlefield as assemble as the seduce. it was won by the rolling off party and it's, it's, it's assessed. 9 in 2019 mayor elections the holding off party after 25 years,
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most of the largest city of the country to the off position along with the capital one on colorado. so the following last year's president, you in general elections presence. i play fire down immediately after that, set that and now it's time to read, conquer, assemble, and on colorado. get back at those cities from the position. but of course, 2019 was a benchmark. it gave a whole to the off position that has been a off of the game for a long time, but it was the, it was a time when the rolling out parties, reputation is start to go down. but of course, it's a very important phrase. there are 6 to one unit, 6 to 1000000000 eligible voters across the country and nearly 16000000 of them are seniors and system. and early hours of this morning it was the senior motors that came to the balance boxes 1st. uh, but of course this right, and this is a tight space and full of surprises. and because there was also another determinant
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of this election, especially in this stumble, which are the curtis motors. the details are in our story. so head this way could be either a hello or a good bye to assemble for the city's mayor. after voiding ends on sunday. in the municipal elections, the opposition say should be parties. x from in my model is up against a rolling duck parties. former environment minister. well that's cool to extend his mandate for a 2nd 5 year term. the may is victorian 2019 held him to the 4 phone, both national politics and delta. both the president treasure of type dom and his ruling party had you know, we love our mail very much. he's fair and treats everyone equally to prevent corruption. he spends eastern was money on eastern booth. it is more than a little clock strip. some further that he will follow in adam's foot steps rising from is familiar to turkish president winning. major city is, is more of
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a deal for adult position. that's one. but also it means access to uh, for instance. um, it means having termination the links with both the economy, access and political access. if you are governing that a major global city, if news really you have visibility board in the international c. m. i'm old as rival neil, that's cool. them is a well known techno correct. he argues that a memo has not met, stumbles needs, particularly in preparing for natural disasters. a sensitive issue after the devastating earthquakes that affected 11 took the city's last year. what are the oh low for me? we're at. we waited for too long. he's not a liars, he's one of us and never offended us after the earthquake despite x. i mean, i'm all of his popularity. he has a harder battle this time due to a fragmented opposition alliance compared to 5 years ago. the curtis party boats
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recognized as the maker for the opposition in previous local elections are expected to flow to its own candidates, including assembled. whoever wins will have far reaching implications for circus politics. a my mold is big free, mike, letting him opposition leadership and presidential nomination in 2028 bucks on the big street. my tell prisons add on springs and his power base and repair his legacy, particularly the troubled economy and foreign affairs. soon after solo, elders are assembled at least 70 blood being killed and more than 20 wounded and a bomb explosion in elected province. in northern syria, the device went off in the middle of a busy market in the town of as us. so buildings quote, fine to reach it is controlled by to keep the regularly conduct rates on kurdish fighters in the area of the parts of northern civil health by rebels. the countries
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being in the grip of a civil war since 2011 bruce president dina belong to, is described to police right all the time. is all the train, disproportionate and abusive. she's being investigated into corruption, probably, but centers on jewelry west more than half a $1000000.00. i mean, the sanchez reports from lima says the forced the we in the middle of the night, at least 40 police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence that as president may have been enriching herself while in office at the center of the probe is the jewelry and watches the number of black thing, where's the judge waste no time in ordering the raid for home and government offices, the child's so last form, the object is discriminatory behavior. it's not been the case with other presidents . this measure is argued trinity that this proportion is an abusive effect, the cover and abilities in 2 weeks ago,
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media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different role next watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns, man, she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the press is harassing her. in my the which case i ask myself. since when does the sector of the press concern itself with what the president wears or not? i hope and i want to believe it's not a question of sexism or discrimination, a smoke and the most focusing of a lot that came to power after former precedent visit castillo was ousted in 2020 to her 1st month to know if this were tarnished with violent protests. she's facing an investigation for the depths of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest most peruvians disapprove, of what this government. now her opponents in congress are collecting signatures in
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a big dream. peach. are you telling me that for days, but do i have to remain silent no way from the cameras if that is still in the i would be attending as soon as possible before the pretty tutors office to clarify the watches case. i've already said i am on notice when i take office with clean hands and those i will retire from the presidency in 2026. a lot of this over the week government me now use political allies, but she denies any wrong doing and says she will not resign madonna census. i just needed lima. well, still i had, hey, on al jazeera melody's to look the mood one man and his daughter, the thing will they come to the children of gulls? the
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the hey there, here's the deal. we're likely to see some more flooding across spain before the day's out. so let me show you the heaviest of the pulses of rain will be in southern spain, creeping into central spain through to the east as well. and we can't rule out flooding through the south of france and also through central western areas of the country. is that pretty solid bands of rain move through there. otherwise is breeze off the north sea means the temperature in london and 14 degrees. they've got some showers in the mix today on sunday. the other big story is the heat in the east. i mean look at some of these temperatures getting pretty close to 30 degrees, including for service capital, bel, grade, the number to be 30. we got in for 30 and then april 1st we'll shake up the weather patterns of showers, wendy and your temperatures dropped down to 18 degrees. so we'll squeeze out one more warm day. nice across the turkey, a plenty of sun temperatures on the rise here. and to africa we go,
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engine mino just saw it's hot, his date of the year just yesterday temperature shot up to 46 degrees. and of course we've got a deluge coming for marissa. so this is the remnants of a tropical storm moving through this area. so the potential to see some flooding as well, and it's calm in south africa for now, but some showers and storms will get going for the eastern size of the country. on monday, as the why have american evangelicals become his real strongest back, or is us president joe finding right to stand with this really with no red line as long as us support continues? is there anything that can stop israel's assault on concept from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line. the investigating the use and abuse of power across the globe on al jazeera,
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the, [000:00:00;00] the book about to what field is there with me. so robin and the reminder volunteer new storage units that says the goal is that feels like a coffin for children. the you and the child agency use that description as don't just struggle to treat them all nourished. and it's very full say is continue to disrupt 8 supplies. at least 17 palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid has been killed in an attack of the coates round about in johnson city. the palestine red crescent society said 5 people were killed at the same inception on friday. and protest the gates he is ready to come to tempting off the boarding cause. i have
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taken place until the time leaves of the captives amongst the thousands of cabinets demands the resignation of the prime minister. benjamin netanyahu, as the british government has reported, he receives advice and lawyers suggesting that as well, has breached international humanitarian law in garza. but us fail to disclose this publicly according to the observe and use papers. such advice would mean that the united kingdom has to stop selling weapons to israel on wednesday, more than $130.00. i'm pete, you signed the elected to the foreign minister, david cameron saint tom's expos to israel with totally unacceptable. jeffrey, nice as a human rights lawyer, he says the u. k. risk being completed in international crimes. best will not pull surprise. the government would seek advice from as low as it would have to do so. as soon as it became public that many common types is low and pulled many people. you know, it's all to you in the united nations. where come,
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son about is rose, military attack, not being proportionate. proportionality is what's required for an attack to below full so they were bound to seek legal advice. this is a report which refers to an account of the advice that let's assume 1st of all, there would be an advice. would the advice deal with the question or from ocean ality and loss of this of the attack? yes it would. that is, it really is the advice licensee to host found that there could be or was lack of proportionality and therefore criminality. it certainly could reach that conclusion, given the majority opinion, among gro was not me. the people close to the wall and was real sar sheet from the united nations and elsewhere. beyond surprising is the advice gave that conclusion . if the advice good did give that conclusion, and if the government acted without regard to that advice that would be very
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concerning. not just to those who a lawyer is acting in an international environment, but it would be very concerning to the public. the public's interest in this war is being very substantially arrives. emotions nothing the motions of very valuable, but emotions are pretty high and the public because in talk we'd like to know and i would say is entitled to know, well, the advice this way. all that way. if any government has received clear advice, was happening by the competent policy is under the law. so then in providing weapons for an honorable for the activity, it runs the risk of being found to be complicit. march and get round that risk by saying, oh, well, you can have these weapons, but you can only use them in certain circumstances. difficult. and we understand from the latest alleged provision of this by america is not using that guess how
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close. so yes, there is a real risk that a government providing alms to a party engaged in on an awful lot of it could find itself compressor. and that's not very surprising. if you know your neighbor is about to commit a crime, i'm all to gun and you have the gun low cost, you'll go to with the night, but you can't get out of it. so it's a, it's a big problem for government. a does is october, as well as approval settlements on palestinian land. there's a practice that's taking place to decades and is commemorates that for you on march . the 30th on saturday, hundreds of palestinians is right. these monks who did honda in north and as well known as land hits observed emulate with vigils and the planting of all the trees. it'll say most the day in 1976, when his very forces killed 6, palestinian, his release were protesting against plans to seize that property valley was also held in ramallah to commemorate those killed laura. com is that the launch a inhaler,
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mom and the all that kind of thing is that come together or people in golf like a 6 year happening in golf. basic and campaign for protecting every single called is right in the memory. care of us because it's 19766 by it's right. by the name of pricing every year. yes, but the land cost per creation is own in march, the sponsors, but very hard to find some of the stuff i know taking 10 of lawns here in new york inside westbank. most of that. and
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i'll post that also seen last year. the announcement of the largest number of the legal documents and the on the west side in mold and exactly the deadline is out of here, ramallah and the occupied west. buying the you put in place of autumn is lensky is accusing russia of deliberately talking ukraine's energy in the structure. the national energy operates as, as the tax on sunday, have damaged high voltage facilities in the south fulton emergency electricity shut down. and it desa from the by several pod plans have been destroyed or damaged in recent weeks. and so let's deal so cold on western powers to provide mobility. hardware helps school rushes from boston or cc 30 students. as soon as flushing terrorists are now targeting file strikes to close the energy bleeding of
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any crane, we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems. to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, our other partners, everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows, courses. smally as parliament as a phrase measures to change parts of the professional constitution. today, the whole, the electoral system, the amendments grant, the president power to a point and dismissed the prime minister by the, the parliament smally. it has an actual system based on plans. now the move because i'm good politicians and they send me a ton of the state of poland to the governments of country and has withdrawn his recognition of confidence, of the federal government of somalia until there was a completed constitution which will someone, is there any agreements with land as a pos of the constitution of the printer and states, the governments of 10 plans will exercise the power of
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a full and independent states until the federal process starts, in which there is agreement and deals. the constitution that some of these accept you don't have all portions of resumed around the eclipse. bolton will bridge looking for emissions or a cold affiliated you to unsafe conditions. the bridge was struck by a cargo ship last week, causing it to collapse. cruise starting the process of removing debris and disentangling the vessel from the wreckage. not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment, more than any other port inside this country, and at least 8000 workers. on the docks have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse as far as items of others to put on some age blazer to that munition depot in indonesia, the fiber account on south today on the outskirts of chicago and closing
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a series of explosions. the military says it was fine because by unstable chemicals, a palestinian musician is organizing shows full palestinian children displaced from the homes of the gaza strip hoops to bring joy in the middle of full bustle. set the how's the details this palestinian children have survived some of the most due to the attacks innocent the most have lost friends and relatives position and then have bush and his dr. rima are trying to ease their suffering the and give them a chance to be a fee which is to be, but desperately needed these things. can you sort of move that is no human forgive, we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and camps will displace people that we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy


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