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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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whatever has been done before trying to be done even better, as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see. the vision is keywords. you to the, [000:00:00;00] the hello, i'm real about this and this is the use on line from doha. i'm coming up in the next 16 minutes. unicef issues. i've dialed warning. his doctor struggled treat mountain nurses, youngsters and gaza. the killed while waiting for foods 20 to kind of study and die in 2 separate attacks on a deliveries and guys as such as russia targets,
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ukraine's power. great. we're going to be alive from keepers. more infrastructure goes down in the southeast. first of all, things underway. in high stakes local elections and to keep the governing on policy . i'm the opposition, i'm fine for control of major cities. and for environmental coach thomas took all sides. the german title race is over. that's after they lose and buyer laboratories and went to move 13 points clear at the top of the table the the you in there just so you'd assess has issued a dire warning about the conditions in gaza saying it feels like a coffin for children. doctors say they're unable to treat malnourished youngsters because it's very forces or hampering a deliveries. i'll just say that has visited the children's hospital in northern garza to see how stuff and patients
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a coping. victoria gave to me as this report. janet is way sting away before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer hold. barely has the energy to talk some of the shows as jenna before. the jen is being proved to come all at one hospital, the northern garza but its only partially functioning and stuff. comp provide the specialist cogent and needed much to the dispatch of her mother. the kids, they asked me to take my daughter and go home wheres the conscience. what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do a way to go. a seed show seduce close by israel is located on a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weight,
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and the last 6 months. i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me, and i can't do anything to help them. health what to say, they're seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital. meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely what the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough, is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive. this will victoria gates and b l g 0 is really military
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is maintaining its relentless air and ground are sold across the gaza strip from north to side of in guys, a city at least to 17 people have been killed in a major intersection while they were waiting for humanity, we need to be delivered. is there any troops have repeatedly talking to tribes, the palestinians of detroit roundabout, where they wait to receive much needed food parcels? is the palestine red cross on society says and 5 people were killed at the same intersection. on friday, the, the organization is that there were among thousands waiting for trucks carrying flour and other essential supplies. witnesses said, organized as monitoring the safety of the tongue by far as wanting shots for this very troops also open fire also reports the trunks hit people upon the word trying to drive 8 parcels out of the south. for 11 people have been killed. and then there's run the attacks on civilians in the town of bodies for hello, you know,
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con eunice, more than 42700 palestinians have been killed since the war began. i'm tired of capitalism is joining us from or off a topic. i'm just hearing about a strike at all. ok, so hospital, what more can you tell us about that? the yes it is very minute treat has been around because it's military attacks. of course, the gods, a strict on at the latest, just a few minutes ago have a target to attend a 4 door to the inside the ox, the hospital in there, and find out where journalists usually go with that and work from these hospitals. as we are right now, working from the front of dell, quite to hospital in order to seek refuge and to be away from the east valley plumbing. but that's absolutely new. part of these very own govern get tax games. joining us to now, according to initial reports to palestinians have to report a cube. whilst some injuries among journalists have things recorded and they have
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to be transferred immediately to the inside the department of the hospital for medical treatment. as we can see it for out, the video is being obtained from the dictation of the targets in showing how the tent was completely destroyed, showing a collateral damage inside this area. and that must be at least protected by the principles of the international humanitarian life. i am, it's ongoing systematic military campaign against journalists who have been widely attacked since the beginning of this conflict in october. as garza's media office has immediately released a statement expressing the contamination for the attack against journalist who has been doing to their job in delivering victories to the international community as since they one of the fight to more than $130.00 palestinian total as have been killed sofa and talked meanwhile, as we were saying that you're ready to run about targeted again yet more attacks on palestinians waiting for 8
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yes, that's right out what types have been carried a 1000 guys, a city where the latest over noise has targets it. h seek is along with some palestinians who are responsible for securing the humanitarian voice that we're heating to the another at pontiff garza and to be late. so i also did an order with what houses in order to be distributed for desperate families in the northern parts of the gauze. training. according to an issue of reports, at least 17 palestinians have been reported. killed was 30 others being wanted in one of the areas that had been designated among palestinians as a desk trap where it has been most of the target to this area of tweets around about is one of the main central junction on. so i had dean road that links between the another part and the separate part of the gaza strip for palestinian. go to this point, which is considered to be the closest one to the, to the area where the majority of the humanitarian chromeboys recently go through. i'm from a to be another part of the gaza strip. this round about is also helping targeting, along with
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a level c round about and the costs to road of the gaza strip. um its a more expansion of the is really a tax 1. 8 seek is as a part of it is where the military campaign in light of the on getting city shortage of food items on the high rates of mount nutrition. and then other parts of gaza strip where yesterday a 10 year old boy that was sitting in the boy has the die because the ammonia christian and the hydration resulted from the ongoing restriction being imposed at humanitarian chromeboys delivery to the northern garza target. thanks very much and it should just explain before you go to our viewers, that the joining noise, but we can hear in the background is the constantine noise of is really monitoring drones, which i've used to gather intelligence from the guy. the guys are sitting topic. thank you very much indeed. i want to take you to find it in the system where the po process is delivering his east to sunday. address has been talking about gas and electricity in that area. the will have forgotten how to smile. with those eyes,
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they ask us why, why or this, dave and why or this distraction with? well, is always an upset at the same time that defeats the charlotte does not allow this trim pending winds of war to blow is one year old and the mediterranean. now let us not to you to the logic of weapons and re, i mean, not by peas. no, i never met with them. but with outs raise to have and up in hobbs. is that their lives? so his brother that fits though, do you mean that does not forget, sir? yeah. the, let's see. which for, for disney is she has suffered from the fix of a long and divest it will. do you see me so many debts and disappear as it is?
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so much of at the and destruction qualified his bones on the part of everyone handled the international community to me as one of the well my thoughts time today . and then special with the left button on it, which has for some time we experienced that new institutional impulse and that they've been in economic and social privacy is now aggravated by or still it deals under both with israel made the reason lord calling for the beloved live names, people and for them the entire country and it's location to be aligned of income and quite existence and quality of them. you know, i also think in particular, the region of the west and bulk of where a significant steps being taken to as integration in the project. manufacturing may, ethnic, cultural and professional differences, general gauss,
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and be not the cause of division, but try the if. so serve in richmond for all of europe and for the whole loud. but the main thing i like live in cottage, the discussion taking place between a man yeah and other by then. so that we the support of international communities, they can pursue a dialogue that i see is to the display of respect the oppressive or worship idea of the various very yes, confessions and alive as soon as possible at the definitive piece agreement piece. to make that revision christ up enabling a path to hop on it to all those in other parts of the road. a suffering from barnett and find conflict for the are you watching? i'll just say to bringing coverage. i'll poke fonts. this meeting has easter sunday mazda and some piece of square delivering his b a. r. b is known to the city and world a message. he was talking initially about
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a situation in guys and parts of the middle east. he said people in that area have forgotten how to smile. he said, let us, not a lot of the strengthening of war to blow in europe on the mediterranean piece is made with open arms and open hearts until pretty monday if you'll then see at least 3 is really so being injured and a starting attack in southern israel, the incident took place near the bus station in the sea, but is ready for the city attack. i was pronounced dead after being shot by an army officer on the scene. the british government has reportedly received legal advice, suggesting israel has breached international humanitarian law in gaza, but failed to disclose this publicly. according to the observing newspapers, such advice would mean that the u. k. has to stop selling weapons to israel and live in state more than a 130 m p 's signed the electron to funding this. so david cameron saying arms exports the israel all quote, totally unacceptable. jeffrey nicer human rights law and he says the u. k. risk is
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being complicit in international crimes. the rest of the tool surprised the government would seek advice from as low as it would have to do. so. as soon as it became public that many common types is more important. many people, you know, it's all to you in the united nations where come, son about is rose, military attack, not being proportionate. proportionality is locked regard for an attack to below full. so they were bound to seek legal advice. this is a report which refers to an account with the advice. let's just assume 1st of all, there would be an advice. would the advice deal with the question or from ocean ality and loss of this of the attack? yes, it would. is there is the advice like z to who's found that there could be or was lack of proportionality and therefore criminality. it certainly could reach that conclusion, given the majority opinion,
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among gro was not me. the people close to the wall and was real sorry, she from the united nations and elsewhere will be on surprising is the advice gave that conclusion. if the advice good did give that conclusion, and if the government acted without regard to that advice, that would be very concerning. not just to those who a lawyer is acting in an international environment, but it would be very concerning to the public. the public's interest in this war is being very substantially arrives. emotions, not the emotions of very valuable, but emotions are pretty high and the public is in talk. we'd like to know. and i would say is entitled to know, well, the advice this way, all that way, if any government has received clear advice, was happening by the competent policy is lawful. then in providing weapons for an honor roll for activity, it runs the risk of being found to be complicit. march and get round that risk by
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saying, oh, well, you can have these weapons, but you can only use them in certain circumstances. difficult. and we understand from the latest alleged provision of this by america is not using that guess how close. so yes, there is a real risk that a government providing alms to a party engaged in other off of welfare funding. so the compressor that's not very surprising. if you know your neighbor is about to commit a crime, months have gotten a new and the gum will, of course you'll go to with the night, but you can't get out of it. so it's a, it's a big problem for governments. negotiations towards the ceasefire and gaza are expected to resume in egypt, slates on sunday as well is confirmed that security and intelligence chiefs are part of the discussions of homicides. it's not sending a delegation to cairo while we're going to bring in luciano who caught him. he's an associate professor at country university's golf and studies center. thanks very much for being with us. as always,
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a lot of focus eyes. there always is when there is talk of talks anywhere in the world with regard to this. is it really egypt we should be looking at? should we be looking at elsewhere, particularly given the fact that the nature of the relationship between the us and israel has changed since the us abstained at the un security vote. what part of a different nation between the us on his right change, but most of my time, everybody keeps saying that the, that the, the problem was not that big on the over the may may, may, may be it, but i was just having the negotiations in in title, but this time the how much let me get you on this book, come in, are we still don't know what the, it's really the legation can do, or is we need to do. but we will have to pay attention to this conversation. but this going on between the u. s. i mean, sort of about the rough uh, a oh, brazen united states. keep saying that they don't want the basement to happen, but actually what they don't, one is more eh, 30000 more of that in the, in the accounting the,
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by the account. but they don't want either. you start to stop prosecuting or chasing the eh, how much open up if they want to kill them. we don't create that genocide, but it's going to be on, on the, on the, on their shoulders as well. so they may have been supposed to be out suggesting on some of the way to enter into rafa. we dollars in my safe keeping a boat in more keywords. it affects the competitive directly how muscle but at the without getting more people. so i assume that this is part of the negotiations or the conversations that you started. delegation going to washington is total loss care about the they the legal implications. and obviously i understand that, you know, coming out this when a legal standpoint, funds from uh, from the galaxy or further knowledge on the site is being committed. why is it that it has come to this point for the us on the you can utilize marketing advice that to israel could have committed to monetary and breaches of humanitarian rights,
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which affects whether or not it should be sending arms to israel. and why the concern is suddenly raised now when we get cut off of when it's $32700.00 standing is already being chilled. what's the implication for the u. s. u. k. and as well as other allies in the event that israel carries on its attacks on or off in the way that is, it has carried on. it is a tax and the rest of goes. what finally did you send that to you soon? and by the court of justice, the as a slightly screen to complete this dental type mode. so you'd have to say son. and then you can, we become to simple stuff. and regardless of how they are using. ready the weapons, if the width of the us is something that i use for that's a u k, a u. s. on other kinds of the we know we have no excuse on why they keep sending guns. if they said was already gone, then i have 4 comments in general, said that when he becomes companies. and so at this point that we have to do
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something else apart from completing up our from the mundane seats far they need to stop funding the war. they need to stop as something goes. and i'm this long term, of course, once they sort of, if, if the decision is taken by the i to g is probably gonna be the general sites that are be long term implications for the problem is fairly small to become an item. but just as easy, because the last part of that, regardless of other decisions by the court or by the end of the national security council, even 2016 in the us, both at the very bottom of the state. but both of the favor of finalizing the settlements, nothing happens if things up for a 7 and below that the base of the settlements are the worst publish, or the answer they were confiscated. the increase so to what extent is right we'd be of i do with basic g, a resolution unit, the national. so you with defensive resolution, i don't think they would have been doing the way to stop that. is that the stage that'd be a fund in the war, they would stop doing nothing. one of the things that is different, however,
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is the amount of pressure the benjamin netanyahu particularly but his, his coalition as well is facing at home. we've seen a significant number of people turning out on a regular basis and tell him even other parts of a visual to protest. not so much about the war itself, not so much, but farther not the war should be prosecuted against thomas. but about the way the benjamin netanyahu under coalition are handling this talk to us about your kind of assessment of how that is developing. exactly. they said they, the 2 different governments that they were professed in agents and then yeah, for one asking to something were on the other asking to read a to, to free the host is eh, yeah, no type in any more tip i will be together. it seems that the funding is of the house is already realized that the funding i hope, within very 2nd 2nd place that the host is released. and therefore, the person who is mounted in terms of how anybody who's dealing with the word the
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is focus mainly on the story and how much. but without focusing on because this issue is all the price is mountain. not, as you said, nothing that we know nothing to have in there. we're not really mean it's and how much, but in how they are dealing with the war, they want more. and i mean, if i mean effective action against how lost it, and of course not extending the work, but we keep listening to many of the things that they are planning, even the ports and another, another operations that they weren't suggest if they would take place in may or june. so the strategy is not to explore. i've listened funding program and it's not expected to finish. this one would take all the time sheets unit, which is a kind of we appreciated as always. thank you very much indeed. i mean christians and guys are celebrating east or under the shadow of war. the dozens of worshippers attended the eastern vigil to the church and gaza city in darkness. intensive is really
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a tax of made power supplies elastic guys home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world, as well as also restricting access to one of the holidays christian sites unoccupied. east jerusalem despite it'd be easter sunday. it won't con rewards. the patio is parade is actually entered into the church of the holy example god. but let me just show you around. this is to newly this place would be completely packed out all the way into the courtyard that as well. and that was interesting because the parade itself was led by discounts, who would normally have drums, who would have musical instruments, and they'd be playing them really loudly to be a much more celebrated 3 atmosphere that isn't happening because of the christian community showing solidarity with the palestinians in because now like i say, normally this place will be packed full of conflicts coming from all over the world post or is that simply stayed away? but there is a community that does want to come out of
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a standing for students for me. ok. part westbank, but then not allowed to come in, the body is right. these, these readies are simply found them from even visiting one of the secret supposedly sites on one of the most important key days of you know, the western and eastern churches will be celebration. lisa, over the next 4 or 5 weeks, but it's likely that the numbers are going to be incredibly, iran come out 0. there's a lot of the stuff okay. occupied is through us. the green president's going to be, as an industry is accusing russia of deliberately targeting ukraine's energy and infrastructure. but national energy operators as a tax on sunday have damage high voltage facilities in the south forcing emergency electricity, shutdowns of data, and nearby several power plants have been destroyed, or they've been done. roots of reeves, today's,
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he's also called in western parts to provide more military hardware to fights, russia, or cc throw, at least in the side of mitchell and instruction. terrorists are now targeting file strikes to cool the energy bleeding of new cream. we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems, to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows courses shortstop as lifeless, and your brains capitol takes a rush upon the targeting power infrastructure at multiple cities, probing with blackouts. johnny, the best right? this is the largest escalation rogue, that we've seen by russian forces in targeting energy infrastructure over the last couple of weeks. basically, since the winter of 20 to 23, where there was so many attacks, again, right, the way across the country. now,
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the ukraine's largest private energy company, a company called the tech, is saying that 5 of it, 6 clouds, have been damaged. 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made for those, those 6 palms, just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy parts energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that these attacks all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia, targeting their energy facilities on installations, for example. and that's something that interesting me is, is, might be the us on happy. of course, the us,
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ukraine's largest ally washington can so these attacks by ukraine on rushes, all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global oil prices, but he's been very interested in his unexcused response to these kind of complaints . in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself because basically ukraine is suffering such a deficit in a defenses. and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kind of attacks then russians you should to. and he also said that ukraine is using its own technology, its own weapon, re not supplied by the west to, to, to carry out these attacks deep inside russia. but yeah, as this escalation continues, it already highlights just once again how valuable ukraine is. 222 ruptures. attacks anywhere in ukraine at any time. it was just as you're talking there,
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there's a line that's coming from the largest news agency, just quoting a russian a news agency which is in turn, quoting the russian defense minister saying rush a has struck. you brings energy and infrastructure and gas production facilities. so it's confirming that those attacks have been counted as on behalf of russia. charles for not thank you very much indeed. ok, let's turn to key and our voting is underway in local elections. the polls seen as a test of presidents visit the tire power ones. popularity is just cost as by, like a few minutes ago, the opposition controls most of the big cities, including the economic, have a very stumble and a capital and cut on which the governing party is hoping to retake. some costello's driving and joining us now live from east on both. so there has been some violent scientist on and southern talk here. at least one person has been shot more. what do we know? the well are all very nearly every alexa smith special in the south has been part of the year. we see some violence,
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it's not either 5, it's sometimes a injuring one, a one of the other today in the are but the, and one of the districts just due to a fight between neighborhoods of local has the candidates. i mean there was a clash and they fired the non one is killed 114 inches and we are hearing all the reports coming from other se in city is that there are a fights between the local, have candidates, and also some of the position, mainly the proof for this opposition party claims that they have the officer is pressure the pro cartridge force, but this is not unusual situation when it comes to elections into kit, especially in the south se, let's put it aside a little bit. how are the 2 bigger races shaping up of
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the the feeling about the election is as if it is a general election because the main goal of presents as far as to, is to gain back assemble and the capital on. start off the capital on colorado. seems to be still staying under the opposition control according to the full service system before the election band. but when it comes to summer, it's an i can like face between the income and my ex. i'm in my model, the physicians candidates and the government authorities candidates and we've got to put them who's a former minister of environment on a, he's a public actor into here to especially the following last yourselves, the earthquakes that affect the 11 cities. but here is the thing about this election, least whoever wins is sambal is going to shape the future all circus politics, especially considering that there was a general and presidential election coming up in 2028. it's very important,
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especially for the income of man. i come to who has wise enough as a natural leader of the opposition party and 10 and who is also seen as an alternative to presidential candidates who may run against prisons are gone little . so if the government parties when they have different situations, because he may repair his legacy and he may, he may repair his image that has been on the line for the last couple of years due to the design and you called them. and so should i mess back to you soon, just as you're talking to us, we've just been seeing some live pictures of presidency. that's up to 5 and placing his vote in the voting booth and it's done. but we can see him is just taking a few minutes ago. we can see him walking in there in order to be able to meet officials and have a quick chat with them. obviously, getting his photograph taken as well before putting his name down or marking his voting paper on adam is the president of this argument strategies. it's
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a political risk and advisory firm is previously advised to several major turkish political parties and strategy, including the act party on the opposition, c h p, and he's joining us from assemble. good to have you with us. um, i want to ask you about the importance of assembled 1st of all because as i find a sided correctly at present, the other one has 7 sent at least 17 government ministers to campaign in this symbol, this seems that it's a very personal thing for president of the one, why is it so important for him? well 1st of all, he, uh he utilized all his ministers, whole secretaries to work in all corners of georgiana, just assemble. but this is actually going back to what the ad on said years ago, which was a very, very keen statement saying that full the that that who wins a stumble with what his stomach level of discharge here has that has that shows you the importance of, of of how out of the one,
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the emphasizes it assembled. also the fact that his political career started with winning disassembled his at least some of those certainly did the apple of his eye . and that he's actually known to be a very good local administrator. with his success from his, his stumble, mentorship they so there are a number of reasons why he stumbled the mansion of this symbol is very important for have dog. and he has made no secret about this during his entire political carrier. what he lost when his party last last time, it was kind of those stating to them because uh again the, the parties that he had besides on the local uh, administrations the local governance and assemble especially so this is very important for them. indeed. you say that it was devastating the last time that his, the party last assemble leslie lives at this time around. what does that mean for turkeys? took his political future and honestly,
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uh uh, one thing that i'm kind of liking right now with, with this uh, the, this election uh campaigning. and in the last couple of months, um, the opposition had had a great success. turning the last local elections into a almost a national campaign, it was all hit hit they, they, they made, they had great success. turning this into a world against avalon or the opposition. it was not, no, almost nothing was talked about in the, in the last, the mayor elections in regards to local governance, which is what it is all about. this time around i do see very clearly that people are somewhat setup with whomever, either the oppositional or the government. but it doesn't matter. turning the local elections into a national campaign, people want service. and i think if you look at, from the, from the up party size, from the, from the uh, government side that, uh, the portfolios of a model which has been criticized greatly over the,
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over the past 5 years, has even brought them down to make sure that these on the elections are for making sure they're in about the local service. they're about getting your garbage picked up. they're about to getting your, your roles, paid. it's about, you know, we're running a very good public transportation system and nothing else. and so i'm happy to see that i think both sides of the aisle are coming back to when it comes to local actions. actually talk about local problems, not national problems, which is worksheet, which has been working against a human mold in this race, as opposed to the race 5 years ago. and if i understand it correctly, i come and my mother who's facing a mode, i called them, they acted pots, and now she was one of the lead figures in the government's response for the, the deadly escalates that happened back in february 2023. 1 of the, the long standing for the systems that had been, wasn't the government's response to that was very slow and he was tied in with that respondents. how much of that is causing problems in this election for caught them?
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is unfortunately in turkish baltics for it and it has, this has been a long time. we never discuss issues over over facts. it's all about, you know, how people use the media. the social media and how much they are good to market themselves. if you look at the west side of the aisle, the government today absolutely bad, you know, in a terrible job in response with the, with the to an earthquakes. if you look at the other, the other side of the aisle the, the got, the government did a phenomenal job. so, but nobody talks about facts. i think the biggest uh, you know, quarter of the end result about if the government did a good job or not will be the will be the election results. and how do i, how do i, is known to be a very strong for the past several elections, very strong, a, c, h, b town. it's, it's a major problem city. and it's may or should have been elected if not for the,
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for the earthquakes. the 200 bucks should have been elected by a landslide, but the polls are showing us that for the 1st time in a long time, a party will gain that metropolitan city back. so that shows us directly from the horses mail directly from those people who are devastated during the the twin hodge quakes. whether i thought it did or did not do a good job has a who, the it what mr. crumbs administer back. that the mr. crim that was not you know, just wasn't a minister of environment. so he was also at municipal infrastructure. what was the number one guy, the number one secretary responsible of the area. so i'm, i'm, i'm really sad to say, unfortunately interprets politics again for a long time. we don't discuss things over facts. we just discussed things over uh, what is portrayed or what's marketed. but i think the best to answer to your question whether part is a good job. the government did a good job or not. what was the result of the race of municipality?
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they measured pots of misspelled to apply, which may come back to our party after a long time. we're going to be watching those votes as a common or not at them. we appreciate your giving us the benefit of your expertise in this. thank you very much indeed. a at least 7 people have been killed and more than 20 have been wounded in a bomb explosion in a level province in northern say. the device runs off in the middle of a market and the tunnel resides some buildings called fire. the region is controlled by talk in which regularly conducts rates and talk is code is fighters in the area all the parts of northern the city and held by rebels to start head on all the 0 sum money changes its constitution, empties, vote in favor of giving the president, a power to a point and dismiss a prime minister. time in sports ronaldo is the hop, shaquira once again for his side on not so the font is going to be here with the details
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the hey there, here's the deal. we're likely to see some more flooding across spain before the day's out. so let me show you the heaviest of the pulses of rain will be in southern spring, creeping into central spain through to the east as well. and we can't rule out flooding through the south of france and also through central western areas of the country is pretty solid bands of rain move through there. otherwise is breeze off the north sea means the temperature in london and 14 degrees. they've got some showers in the mix today on sunday. the other big story is the heat in the east. i mean look at some of these temperatures getting pretty close to 30 degrees, including for service capital, bel, grade, the number to be 30. we got in for 30 and then april 1st we'll shake off the weather patterns of showers, wendy and your temperatures dropped down to 18 degrees. so we'll squeeze out one more warm day. nice across the turkey ups, plenty of sun temperatures on the rise here. and to africa we go, engine mino just saw it's hot,
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his date of the year just yesterday temperature shot up to 46 degrees. and of course we've got a deluge coming for marissa. so this is the remnants of a tropical storm moving through this area. so the potential to see some flooding as well, and it's calm in south africa for now, but some showers and storms. so we'll get going for the eastern sides of the country. on monday, as the in april and boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times 12 thoughts. an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination discrepancy restricted the skies above, had brought a witness documentary on
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a jersey to the latest news. as it breaks 7 stories law ser remaining is really captive brought back from gaza and they want the broad back now with the 2 coverage posting and say that what areas did during his final words, free power stuff made them feel sense. and for that, he was saying before going from the home to the story, at least 9000 palestinian families are missing at least one loved ones. at the table the the the, the watching audra zeta. reminder of the top stories this of at least 2 palestinians have been killed and several have been injured. and then there's really air strikes, you know, lock,
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so hospital in central guys that initial reports to the attack was carried out on a trend for displaced people in the courtyard of the medical facilities unit such as gaza. feels like a coffin for children. the un children's agencies use that description is don't just struggle to treat them all, not extend as many forces to continue to disrupt 8 supplies. at least 17 palestinians waiting for humanitarian aid have been killed. and then the tax on the can wait around about and guys are sitting upon a sign, right? present society. you said 5 people were also killed at the same intersection on friday. or in fact us started supporters of the p t. i poxy of gerald former prime minister immune on tongue protesting in the city of charlotte against the results of a general election last month that i have both tracking election day was bought by immobile and internet outages. come, all hide is joining us live from charlotte. what, so, what does the peachy, i expect to achieve from these protests the,
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with the leader of the bpi and richard dim ron con, no progress on teddy can solve that be by turn, come out and the type of pop probably read. i am in large numbers, they have quotes are demanding the release of ron funds from prison debt also exacting pressure on the government, or do a recount on some of the fees raise the focus on said you can talk said was stolen . they said this is a stolen mandate, so if you'd like me to continue across the country by given the fact that there is drama don, we tend to be neighbors to see thousands of people to gather knowledge that day and age of that protection that get boxed by using heavy drivers, which makes it difficult for communication, but the strategy of the buckets on said you can solve is to gather and now the forge across the country. i do continue with this momentum with the protests which are likely to invade dr. ramadan,
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sofas just about the wrong time because he's not being light in jail or i think you pardon me, have quite high as opposed to being in joe, but he hasn't been allowed to take part in this election. how popular is he still with his supporters related popularity has skyrocketed and backed up the results of the election chart that you were reading most of the constituency, the am not taking part in the election. the independent candidate that took part in jim. what a good thing, good enough, but however, the dogs of the election were james, just all word off the parts of the reduced dr. coming in iran corner, usually popular when it comes to the paper, the b word to come out. and if they want to be at b and fed and they can again, they were reported, we don't want to attack my daughter,
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do popularity at certainly not going down and being in prison is seen by many to be a hero to mom. thank you very much. indeed come off either talking to us from per summer. somebody is parliament is approved measures to change parts of its provisional constitution and overall, the electro system, the ground, the president prior to applying to dismissed the prime minister rather than the parliament. somebody has an in direct electro system based on funds and the decision has angered politicians and the state of public say that will no longer recognize the federal government. millions of people involved. but you know, facing hunger as a drugs destroyed. most of the annual harvest in some areas, rain hasn't fallen for weeks, and many people are depending on financial assistance from united nations to survive. automotive reports from the capital hot on a this is a missed message. tell susan my bottle is. she's received monthly cash allowance
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come to you as well. so the program is being sent of honorable people in zimbabwe already struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me. that when a movie doesn't recognize the crowd in this field, i'm not looking good. many people may not have anything prizes of going up. i have to try to feed out, knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually go up. and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find my need to be able to purchase a menu to rural communities. hopes of a good harvest. updating this is maze. neal, a staple food in zimbabwe may seize a ground into a pallet or flour,
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a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain or falling in some areas. the u. n. c is the unlikely to face via food shortages this year. had them a task that i'll just cut out a dive operations of resumed or under collapsed baltimore bridge. a company emissions were called off earlier. judy, one safe conditions. the bridge was struck by a cargo ship last week, causing it to collapse. crews are starting the process of removing deborah. yeah. and disentangling the vessel from the wreckage, the still ahead on all the 0, the amenities to lift the mood high one mind with his daughter, i helping the children of guys. and in sports,
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this american player wins the biggest type level we ever supervise to retire the end of the season. details coming up the believes that you shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat. family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from the mother's ad. it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated. they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we should light the and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university,
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i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation, so let's be aware of the impact. so 5 actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm we don't tucked we do. we exploit the side of this board as far. rob, thank you so much. let's start in germany or byron unix coach thomas to go has conceded the bundles league a title raise, as after a home defeat endorsement, that buyer and 13 points behind the leaders buyer lever kits. and david stokes
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reports of the 7 games to play thomas to close as dependency gets hostile rice is already over after watching is so at least 2 notes of bursey adult and he will finish. congratulations to lead is by 11 cruise and he now believes co because after another 3 points, the 10 points we should not, we should not be unrealistic as this is a very, very likely level because it becomes jumping. of course is the 1st time in the decade that find the can be home by tillman and the game known as dick jessica. they've won the last 11, been to sneak of trophies, but no 13 points behind. it looks like i'll have to win the champions league to avoid that 1st tracy the season in 12 years. they face us know in the quarter finals. again, we are back a little bit back on square one. we saw to be overcome this. we had this too many times in the season and again, it happened to us and we got punished. deb accrues and had been in danger of suffering bad 1st defeat to the season. but too late goes against,
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often times acute them to come back, victory. chevy items, i sort of not last in the you know, in games and of the army and defeated side in europe and leave for sure. we are not position that we could, we could we need to but still few games to go for sure. today and the 3 points gave us after the international, the moment to keep going to start well. so yeah, it's, it's for sure it is, we will have a good chance, but it's not over until it's over. it's been speculation alone, so it could replace the outgoing to click buy it or you can call it is full of the club level pool. but the spend the it is confirmed. he's staying where he is next season. and the moment i it says right to be here, i'm really happy. i'm just you, i have the globe, he's great class are great. the players are unbelievable. so many reasons that'd occasion a bouncing on coast to break 12 is a boy and domination. then there are just 3 wins, a white nest, firstly title, baby steps,
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which is 0. to all the primary lead cattle race is definitely not over. and there was a massive game coming up later with leaders arsenal up against the manchester city . arsenal are top on gold difference the level on points with liver pool and one o 8 there games so far in 2024. what city are playing at home? and we'll go top if they, when they're looking to win the title for the 4th year in a row. and what would be their 6th trophy in 7 years. they have in the right for 7 or 8 years we what they've done and to everybody believes that they're going to do it again. they haven't given no reason to anybody else to saying that they cannot do it. so we have 2 different services that are done in the bus, in support, and live with the buses the best. so you have to, when i sent somebody in the next games and you will not be them thinking in the past where they have done it. so as a new day is a new life, you know,
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something like that. outside the top 3 is all about the race for a champion. sleep plate aston villa held on to 4th at the spot for the to know when over was. it means villa have now one as many games as they did and all of last sees buttons. * in them are putting a pressure on them in 5th, they thought from the bowl down, speak, newton to one with her, and then assign it, getting the winter in the 86 minutes. there are just 3 points behind zill out with a game in hand. matches united's chance usually hopes for dented with injury. time trauma at branford, least the mountains seem to have won it for united, with a goal in the 96 minutes. then christopher iser equalized in the 99 not leaves united in 6th place. 11 points behind the last and 8 behind in spring burst won't be lost on this one. no, to close. within 5 points of leaders round with red brazilian winger were feed yes for the only go with the game route,
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play athletic bill by later on sunday. no play bar start in l costco on april 21st and christian on rinaldo has scored his 2nd had trick of the season in the saturday pro li. latest help us here on mass, or a 51 victory over alti, and all 3 of the schools came in the last half hour, 39 year old. we're now there was leaks top score of the 26 schools overall on us to remain 2nd 12 points behind re add rival. well, 9 rounds remaining american, danielle collins, b delana, read the keynote when the mind me open titled the 30 year old defeated the world number 4 in st. fax. and just over 2 hours to seal her 1st masters, $1000.00 title, a former australia opened a runner oper announced in january that she would be quitting tennis at the end of the season. so focused on her family, koans is the 6 american women to be crowned in miami. yeah,
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it's just been amazing. i go out today and to have felt the energy that i felt from the fans. and i literally feel like i'm playing in front of thousands of my best friends, but that was just serial. i will never forget the stay because of that. and the and b a, the boss themselves could speak to new orleans, pelicans to snap to game losing streak jason taylor and led the way for the celtics with 23 points as austin pulled away in the 3rd quarter to beat house the pelican, a 10492, the celtics of security, the number one seed in the eastern conference and the race to clinch a playoff as 5 villains collie. ruben perez, closing in on the safari rally tenure of title the dental world champion, has almost a 2 minute lead over his toyota teammates. it depends how commode to catch. so overall championship liter, terry, new belgium is more than 11 minutes off the piece and horse racing is to buy
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a world calf was one vi lorell river from the saudi arabian owned judge montes stable with irish jockey. target shale on board laurel river won the race by a record 8 and a half length. the winters check was for $12000000.00. the 2nd only to be $20000000.00 up for grabs at the savvy count or. okay, that is all you support for now. back to you, rob. fine, thank you very much. indeed. now back to our top story, the war on guys upon us to musicians organizing shows for children who being forced out of their homes in the guise of strep. he says he hopes to bring young people some joy in the middle of one that is so sad or has the story. this palestinian children have survived some of the most brutal that tax innocent. the most have lost friends and relatives position and then have bush and his dr. rima are trying to ease their suffering
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the and give them a chance to be here for you and which is to be, but desperately need of these things. can you sort of move, that is no human for good. we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and camps will displace people that we want more children to think pond and be able to enjoy a few moments away from the scenes of this destructive war. uh huh. the if i don't mind as well as being space as an un linked directed, you can cool, let me see it out in central guys. it has the come home to thousands of displaced palestinian dina. yes, of message says she hasn't seen her father is 6 months and wants to return home
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because she misses him. and that's the i am from northern garza. i liked the music to music license doctrines, true war. we always hear the sounds of showing and reads, but the music helps. i hope to go back to my house one day. in the past, i sent him the fund, henry is really effects have chilled 17000 children. so a many more procedures for schools have been destroyed and education disrupt. i'm really happy and what, how do i continue forward on? i hope this will help immediately. and if i want children to go back to this school, our normal life and the daily activities. i want these children to improve the talents, enough misery, enough destruction. we've had another way. i a why live out by sort of this performance maybe over, but how much and he's the alter hope to return soon. if they survive is rather
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relentless attacks. this instead of this, i'll just do so hell is going to be here in a couple of minutes. i'm your mattress and stay with us all over the the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to have. no. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and morally. they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel cause a conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera in 2018, a journalist let 40 days of civic action against the on media and government. i'm president sockets. young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square and
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documentary photos. he's non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media's velvet revolution. on our end, 5 months of continuous funding, israel has destroyed nearly all of causes higher education system. 12 of 19 universities completely destroy 95 professors and ph. d holders, 231 teachers and administrators. all palestinians describe witnessing apparel and systematic, more on education designed to wipe out the cause of schools and universe. how it is an attempt to annihilate the policy and influence on the academic work, obvious attempts administrators and students say to silence peaceful protest at a century old institution with a history of fighting for free. oh, bully,
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campuses and activism. go ahead here and remo lights, no difference. this is exactly the kind of stay discharge israel's motives or clear rate campuses suppress students. fresh hopes for a better future by trying to deplete power. stein's greatest resource, it's people of the and it's really as like hits tens housing displays to palestinians as well as journalists outside of hospital in central garza to people it at 17 in just the salon. so robin, you'll what you'll have to say we're life headquarters here in the hall coming up in the next 30 minutes unit says choose


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