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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 4:00pm-5:01pm AST

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this camera lands best produces the best spaces, and those of the people that i rely on in order to be able to get that message out to the well the, [000:00:00;00] the hello i'm about to send, this is the news on life from don't have coming up in the next 60 minutes is where the air strikes in central jobs. i hit tends to be of a hospital sheltering despised palestinians and journalists at least 2 people. a deb, it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more
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than 6 months. right now. nowhere is kind of our target is rushed to target see frames, power grid bringing done more infrastructure in the southeast foster care as president storage. i have heard of on costs his balance and local elections seen as a major test of his popularity and sport. liverpool are facing brighton right now is the top 3 teams and the primary leak are all in action on sunday. all so far in the next coach says the germans, how ray is over after they lose. and buyer lever choosing. when some is 13 point clear after to the so we're going to be getting jobs or what are these 2 palestinians are being killed and several have been injured and is really air strikes. they're all ok. so hospital in dare of by the initial reports suggest the attack was carried out on 10 housing people forced from their homes as well as journalists in the cold yards of
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the medical facilities. and the hospitals. courtyard has been directly targeted hospitals and medical teams and all health sick. the workers must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded and displaced people are in the state of panic and hara, fearing that the is really plans. will it take the hospital again? so i went to say hello to my friends, the journalist and one of the tents. and some of the something fell to the ground and exploded. i felt extremely dizzy. and after a while i looked up and found like leaks lying everywhere in the ground. i just want to think along with my teeth for not being seriously injured together with the others during the showing. i'll just here is hand codley was the near the all likes the hospital and the attack happens. she sent this reports almost straight afterwards. we're currently in
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a locks hospital or that is where the air force is targeted to of the times we need to air strikes. this is an area where there are a lot of how dusting you seeking refuge. this is a mix test office for journalists to work inside the hospitals, where there are hundreds of thousands of how to send you currently seeking refuge. there has been dozens of protestant and injured. there have been higher flying scenes where that is really air strikes, damaged bodies of the palestinians who were targeted. here. we still don't know how many palestinians have been killed according to the eye witnesses and the part where they are saying that the air strikes severely damaged the bodies of the product to means that we're sitting here. they literally don't know how much the palestinians have been killed. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case and how
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does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes if tens, palestinians do not know where to go. this is in the godaddy data. alexa hospital, vetted by probably monday, which is the executive director of beans, national press institute, who's joining us live now from vienna. i'm good to have you with us. tell me your reaction 1st of all, to these latest strikes i'm it, i'm absolutely fine. if i that's again, generally subbing injured and possibly killed while working while revolting. get this absolutely difficult, if not impossible to believe that the insulated forces have no idea that this is a place where i enjoy messed with functioning and blocking. and this is adding to a told ultimately, is that in this conflict, which is higher than any other conflict that we have recorded industry business. absolutely horrific. i'm just reading here. there's a statement has come out from, is there any is military from the writers,
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news agencies coaching these really ministry saying that on sunday, and carried out an air strike against or come on center operations by the armed as long as you had group in the courtyard all in all like so. hospital in the gaza strip. it's sand deluxe. the hospital building was not damaged, its functioning wasn't effected. it was as they, they weren't struck precisely intended on minimizing home to uninvolved civilians. there are, of course protections given to journalist has by them as well as medical stuff when it comes to conflict areas like this. but this clearly doesn't seem to have applied in this case. i mean the journalist civilians on the whole the national. ready under the rules of will under the geneva convention journalist civilians and they have to be treated. ready as such, and it has to be protected even in times of holes and conflicts. and it's very difficult to believe that there was no understanding or knowledge that this while these, at least one of the times in the nearby area was being used by journalist as
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a working area. i mean, i don't know where i was, and people of the station this moment. we've seen, of course, this kind of situation before. we've had so many cases, particularly in this region for our journalists, have been targeted as an organization. what kind of advice or protection can you give to your members when they're going into a conflict area like this? i think this is a conflict like no other be i've ever seen of it normally you would tell journalists and i'm sure you have also done this kind of training. so in terms of working in conflict zones, invoice owns where you put on protective equipment. they tried to say stage where you tried to say in the areas where there is no fighting, but you uh, you know, clearly display the drum is. and what we have seen is that even when just clearly displayed the press symbol on that. how about so on this black jacket it's still killed the even targeted. there is clear evidence on
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a number of cases which i've been researched very clearly. the journalists have been targeted even though they haven't been displaying the pressed sides. so it's almost impossible to say to a journalist they cannot leave and i've been working with some of the other organizations or how we can allow certainly so we can find ways to john, it's totally even leave this saturday. i was, we are finding is that people have to pay a rent. so in order to lease the straight that this is just one of the most horrific situations that we have come across. it is of course, the case a many conflicts. that particular y'all just data has covered over the years that journalists are caught up in the fighting and are killed as a result of fighting which is going on in the area which they are reporting. are you noticing a change towards the actual targeting of journalists? my organization has not done the research but be,
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have seem to use that other organizations such as i miss the international such as before, does without voters have analyzed a number of cases a way jointly sweat talk because there was a very well known case of john listing something 1199 all the way just clear. and the evidence shows that journalist where team and visible the cause, but clearly marked as press the wedding, the present cigna. the drone was clean around the 1st 7 about this time. clearly see where they were before they were being attacked. there's also other cases of a strong this thing does, i mean we cannot investigate every single case because actually jeremy still not allowed to enter the causes of strength as well. so we're relying on to the full dingle of the journey, so the grow. but what we are seeing is there a number of cases where he has been show the janice where target is where clearly displaying the cigna as trying to explode. clearly working as germany school and
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not combat then split did not have weapons, were not strengthening, but there was still 2 as journalists. and this is something that we have seen in this conflict the number of times. but it's also recent be more and more complex. i see that janice of being targeted as john was for doing their work. so this is the stage to address this is one of the most horrific situations that we have seen. i think e mail very long time from all the image is the executive director of the international press institute. thank you very much indeed for being with us. let's go to the topic of all i assume in or off. i talked, i understand you've got an update on the box spring happening far as of the yes. so that's right. as uh, within the past few hours is where the military has targeted at the, at one of the 10s that belongs to don't list inside of the hospital endeavors. but off we're at least to palestinians. popular reports of killed wild,
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a police 10 others. the one that so now when do show have been the ones that are not receiving a treatment inside locks the hospital medical sources describing their medical condition to be critical. and now they have been receiving a much need that uh, the medical treatment that it's not the only time that hospitals have been bought that attack. so old areas where these, what it forces previously had operated, had destroyed and damaged the majority of hospitals and make it comes out of service. and right now they are attacking hospitals. doctor is considered to be one of the largest hospitals. that's providing medical treatment for hundreds of thousands of palestinians in the middle areas where there had been please damage being inflicted to the area of the bombing right now, as the attack has been widely condemned by the gauze of government media office describing the situation that to be really dangerous escalation as it has cooling the international community to peer it's responsibility to force as well. just get you back. it's been
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a treat uh campaign of course the gaza strip and that's absolutely terrifying. that student as another toys being attacked with new kinds of protection for this class of the palestinian communities are watching tirelessly in order to deliver oh, the latest updates on the ground here. and mainly right now they have been widely again targeted as since the beginning of the complex, more than 100 such a palestinian daughter. this being killed so far. tar. thank you very much indeed. try to call about zoom, talking to us from a roof on the power steering boys died just days after he was moved out of all shape a hospital because of his really a tax cut on cutoffs. mother sat beside the facility on monday after it's ready for his order patients and doctors believe she moved him to come out or had one hospital when he died. while receiving treatment for hepatitis. does the officials say, is there any troops of killed more than 400 people during nearly 2 weeks? seems at all she far more than
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a 100 patients and 60 stuff. i still trapped in the complex time. so the heck on the 7th day the doctor came to me and told me that i should go and that these really forces, once you enter the hospital and that i was putting my life in the life of my son in danger, he told me that i should go and told him that i wanted to get the boy out with me and i did. they told me to go out and take him with me. i went to alta and i put him in his tray and he felt and they started shooting. so i carried him on my shoulders, i held the tray and they were people behind me patients as well. they told us we ever can go out, they should be got our thank god. and once we got on all our bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and they should go right. and then they started shooting it as a game saying that this is not a safe area as well as we were in the middle of the road. and we didn't know what to do. they run agents and unicef has issued a dire warning about conditions in gaza. saying it feels like
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a coughing for children. dr. saved and unable to treat them all noticed youngsters because there's really forces hampering a deliveries. victoria engaged company visited a hospital in northern garza to see how staffing patients are coping. janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer walk, barely has the energy to talk some of the shows as jenna before. the jen is being brought to come all at one hospital in northern garza, but its only partially functioning and stuff comp provide the specialist cogent and lose as much to the dispatcher as i'm of the they all speak to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can we do at home with my very sick daughter? i want you to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do or wait your car. so you chose seduce close by israel is located on
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a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has little small bit of cool to of his body weight. and the last 6 months, i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me. and i can't do anything to help them. helpful to say that seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition. and they're appealing to, desperately needed medical supplies there's so many cases of mount nutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables, and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are ramping as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generations, but not nearly enough is also shown to oxygen and incubators as well as bad parts
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for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who were struggling to survive this. well. victoria gates and b l g 0 is the head of the catholic church. pope francis has delivered his traditional eastern message of the vatican and he's called for an immediate cease fire in gaza. he noticed that a futrell. i'm in the fellow. i feel the once again that access to human. if they're in a to be in short to garza and cold once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on october 7th and for an immediate ceasefire. this trip to 12, it is in palestinian christians and guys are celebrating east or under the shadow of war. the dozens of worshippers attended the eastern vigil at the church and guides the city in darkness. intensive is really a tax of a power supplies, erotic guys,
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home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world. israel is also restricting access to one of the holidays christian sites unoccupied, east jerusalem despite it being eastern sunday. and on con reports the patio is parade is actually entered here into the touch of the holy sample god. but let me just show you around. this is take, normally this place would be completely packed out all the way into the courtyard that as well. and that was interesting because the parade itself was led by discounts, who would normally have drums, who would have musical instruments, and they'd be playing them really loudly to be a much more a celebrated 3 atmosphere that isn't happening because of the christian community showing solidarity with the palestinians in because i know like i say normally this place would be packed full of conflicts coming from all over the world. place towards that simply stayed away. but there is a community that does want to come out of the new courses for me of the park west point, but then nor. 3 out to come in by the is right these,
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these readies are simply them from even visiting one of the secret supposedly sites on one of the most important few days of you know, the western and eastern churches will be celebration lisa over the next 4 or 5 weeks, but it's likely that the numbers are going to be incredibly wrong. come out 0 testimony set okay. occupied is through us. and let me take you back to our top story. at least for palestinians have been killed and several have been injured. and is there any error strikes on times me or the alex, the hospital in the bottle of the initial report suggest that the attack as we not into tens that have been housing, people who have been sheltering from the violence. i'm a journalist, we can join, i'll just go ahead and calder now live from the outlets. the hospital a comp time and i know you and the team have reported on many occasions from uh like the hospital. just bring us up to date with 1st of all, with what's been happening since this latest attack.
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it was the hardest siding incidents where at 12 p. m. today, the, is there any forces target to attend? a lot of at the hospital didn't didn't, but it's a tense surrounded by hundreds of other tents. at least 2 palestinians have been killed. 15 have been injured, including at least 5 during the list. this hospital is not only a hospice, and it's a shelter and a refuge for thousands of pilot sinews, who made and set up their tents. and there had been living here. i turned in as have been working from the hospital for months. now this is not only a hospice and it's a house and a home for hundreds of palestinians, especially under uh this uh, this placement conditions. i'm talking to a lot of people, a displaced here. they're saying that they're terrified that this incident is repeating its sense. were super hospice. it has been
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a talked in the previous months. i'm not sure hospital and palestinians are saying that they do not feel safe anywhere. and they don't know where they're going to go after the hospice in has been it directly targeted by the israeli forces. and we've had a statement from the reuters news agency, which is quoting israel's military, saying that it was targeting in calgary. that'd be as drugs targeting an area operated by what it's telling, the aunt is slamming jihad the group in the courtyard of the hospital. and can you tell me whether any way of distinguishing the tenants in which particularly the journalists were working? because as we can see, obviously you and your colleagues have press across your uh, the protective closing that you have there was the way, any way of making the tents for the journalist working more distinctive to show that it was pressed. that was working there of the west. i told
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you we have been living and coming to this hospital since november, we never witnessed any site of any military action in the hospital. my, my colleagues worked in the, in, in the 10th sticking to this sense. we had been also talking with other displaced people surrounding this and the person in the know the person that was killed inside this. and they said that he sounds best to both on a it's near the hospital and in the market. we never saw any military action. we'd never saw anything related to assignments you had in the hospitals. we come, but we come here every single day because we have been all at being displaced. and the hospital is the only place that provides a journalist with internet and electricity because there is a solar panel here. the hospital is also funded with distaste, be fun. and the, like, i believe, said this claim has been
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a justification to justify the targets of, of palestinians. and we have been seeing this ongoing for 6 months. right now. how does the new things targeted in you and shelters, and hospitals and schools, and always it's the same claim, military accident, it's not meant to have and some us, there's no approve that there has been any assignments you had in the hospice, in an, in the 10th targeted and thank you very much indeed. as you're talking to us, of course, we can hear the drone from the court comforters that are flying above you, which obviously obviously as we know, these really ministry use to monitor areas like that to be able to identify who is on the ground and hydrate. thank you very much and dates the the ok that's on to key and our voting is underway in local elections. the policy was attached to present as egypt tie
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a powder one's popularity. the opposition controls most of the big cities, including the economic hub of your, assembled the capital, incorrect, which the governing party is hoping to reach, sage and the other one is a professor of political science ability. university is joining us from a stumble. thank you very much. indeed for being with us. um i found out it sounded correctly present. um that allowed one has sent at least 17 government ministers into each town. but in order to campaign there, what does that tell us about how important this is for the ag party? this is very important for not by the end for add on himself. i don't was the lead it off to prove actually organizational say part the even stumble. he was the mayor . he always emphasize on his role in these fumble gloves. this don't really need to take a symbol buddy for. i don't then up by to do something simple. and if
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i can bring back assemble, he can easily say that, ok, you see that we are more successful than that make subjects that are the symbols, but it and it says the economy, but some of these very big yeah, it's going to is about 25 percent of doctors going to me it tell us more than 20 percent of folks population and me is all pretty for use and other people. and it is a huge budget local municipality to metropolitan despite the has a bunch of around kind to is on the can be as low as long as that that is true. and you can high more not trying to 1000 people. you mean it shows and the sweet and nice to, to do so with all these fos to your supporters. i mean is, is very active in sources, services where you can go as long as you can. hospitals and major is a huge network, as smart as on lawn space. you saw move to 1st from a symbolic, perfect of speaking for my very much,
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i was to 1st take him because he thinks it throughout the stumble before it be easy to win. again, the presidential election, acted the act parties, representative is mode. i caught them uh, in the a election for mayor of assemble, but he's, as i'll position his income and i'm all i know i want to ask you about what happens . give him the 5, the ex i'm in, i'm older. if i understand it correctly has been gathering quite a following. and for this contests, what happens if him, i'm all the managers to win the membership of a simple and i see, don't know. but as i see it, and there are too many speculations, but yeah, i email, will you a call to ask you a little scott, to me to accept it. cuz i was very successful in. he's got a district and he became such a so to be elected the if i was very difficult to be elected as the mayor. and now he's running against ad on that is that if you're a successful career,
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will be the next leader of the country. perhaps there's such a pro public at this we will be fully to think about that. if you lose this, he will pay like that because if you lose the small margin, not $10.00 pointed 1st, the point so suddenly back that even if you lose this, you lose a successful to patrick, it kind of go to college and people from other political parties who are working for nations by to use or whoever can solve coach by piece they, it seems that they really work for him to success when we're talking about because that's forgive me for interrupting you, but you're using a couple of interesting points and we're talking about this in the broader terms in terms of just yeah, itself on the part, political sort of future of took care. what about the voters themselves? what are the main criteria that the people themselves are going to be using when they decide who it is going to be that eventually takes and cut out and takes
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a symbol. i'm the i'm takes the leaderships of all those cities around. talk you the computers comfort diesel. almost half of huffman else do i did the concert, 50 percent for the 60 percent. yeah. a lot. squarely. sure. oh, also it is a national east but by our blog we don't position because each of them has a code between codes, nation those. ready and is there some other minor boxes and a sense, right? but the diesel pollution these with by so to do ok. but scored back almost same as he is 2017 piece to to po versus 48 the same score. it doesn't check the conser is equal to divide it. there's lot people are working according to peas. the distinction if they are from the go go 5 tablets, the photo got each they are from the position part. yeah. wasn't the, it is not easy to change these count because they, i, every day,
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every day we are getting some but i found, or this kind of symbol of classes to call say that this was true. but the most important issue is that at the shift side, we don't feel quite let them know in the last that is actually we used to have quite extra table of 6. and this question was supported by the content. i have to interrupt something and i do apologize because unfortunately time is against us. but we are course going to be watching the elections very closely in the coming us and my other one. we appreciate you giving us the benefit of your expertise in this . thank you very much indeed. have a nice for us to buy. meanwhile, one person has died. 11 were injured in violence in eastern took care. a dispute about the local election led to a fight between 2 groups. it happened in a rural district. the kidney jim, are you shipping deployed to restore order parts of eastern europe, boss skiing and record heat for march? is jeff with a check of the forecast,
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a supercharged temperatures in parts of europe. we'll get into those details in just one second, but for us we got to talk about this flood threat. there's been flooding in spain and in france, and now we see these heavy bands of rain cut across the germany into denmark. this will be particularly bad for a northern germany. hamburg could see one months rain in 24 hours and then again that weather also dances into denmark. so copenhagen, looking at a soaking as well. ok promised. we would talk about the heat of this 1st day of april, the temperature in bucharest, 30 degrees on the nose. oh yeah. a lot of what weather around, northern italy as well. and then i wanted to show you this, this brown looking layer here on the chart. that is the hard that's being dragged up from africa. so hazy and smartgate conditions for places like the check republic . so let's put in a bit of a cap on those temperatures. the turk, here we go, actually around the eastern mediterranean full on sunshine here a different story for the other side of the mediterranean, but there was intense bands of rain begin to peter out. but some disturbed weather
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here. same for the north west of africa. we saw there was winds, and bro bought pushed past baby kilometers power, but the heaviest of the ramble now wind down. but the rain is picking up a cross central and eastern parts of south africa for the 1st day of april, bye for now. so i had an order 0 the suppose is with jail farm. my problem is that, you know, in con, protest against the results of pocket stones recent general election plus i lied them with us that you know, that it is a lot of a crops a dying and they'll see is they will be street. so keep watching in sports, rinaldo is a hot truck here. once again for his i don't know so far is going to be here, but the details of the pod, he came into the use of the oil, c suffered casualties. we have not suffered to say, tyler,
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to use. thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us any, any one in particular. i said, all facing realities government seems here to whittle down democracy. if this is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era the, the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching, all just need a reminder of our top story is this, are these 2 thought a standing is have been killed and several have been injured in and is really air strikes, tail. ok,
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so hospital in central garza is accurate tens. husband people displaced as well as journalists and the culture of the medical facilities. israel claims that was talking what it calls a commodity center of the on the roof is one of your hon unit fast and says guys all feels like a coughing for children. the runs the children's agency use. that description is dr . struggled to treat them all nourished and is there any forces continued to disrupt? 8 suppliers, holdings under way into key is local elections the whole soon as a test of president plays up to about on popularity. the opposition controls most of the big cities, some of which the governing parties hoping to reach a negotiations towards the ceasefire and guns that are expected to resume in egypt later on sunday, as well as confirmed it. security and intelligence chiefs are part of the discussions. however, hama says it's not sending a delegation to kyra well, john is here in the studios. obviously it is a senior political analyst by one shot. i am to have one side present of the talks
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on top. the other side not to present, doesn't seem is always going to achieve very much. why do you think the israel's bothering to send a delegation to cairo if thomas is choosing not to be there to keep up appearances that there's interested. and i think, and i thoughts from the very beginning that the israeli government, there's not interested in the deal because at the end becomes an obstacle to the war. on guys though, it's spend the work for 5 months while your soldiers are in the midst of a hostile environment, is not exactly something based ready to jump to those wanted. and then the last one or 2 or $34.00 rounds, it was clear that these relatives consider each and every time us logical demand you could say to be outrageous or impractical or, or incredible. they were ridiculous or something like that. some of these vocabulary that's nathaniel has been using to describe how much is the responses
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which basically are just name couple of them to make the argument clear how much once in the end of this process. but the ceasefire becomes last thing or permanent, is why the fuses that is rad keeps continues to say bluntly, the once the, whatever the days or weeks of these far they going to continue to pound guys, are they going to continue to cut her mice militants and how much supporters they're going to continue with that, that costs. but those also point to that. in the past few sessions of the negotiations, these writers would not budge on the idea of allowing the citizens of garza to go back to their homes, spend 56 months or more. they've been displaced, even in an intense, you know, they've opt out and most of them anyway in march, then in the, in the midst of winter on so on, so forth. so it is really that big, quite adamant. and most importantly,
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refusing to allow the displays to go back to their homes, refused to leave a lot of important checkpoints that they created in the mid level garza and refusing to accept eventually a part of minutes. he's fine. is this the way you're describing this? and then we have discussed this before several occasions, but we're not so far down the line and, and in this more, we're not with the stage where as we're talking about that i told suspense will be happening in a room somewhere. but not everybody's involved. it appears to me, i thought there's a sense of buying time with this that there is, there's a sense of trying to push things, delay things to a lot of something else to happen in the logical thing to me and people watching from the outside liked me is it off on or off, used to be the negotiating of a leverage if you like that nothing yahoo and the coalition have, which also appears to be making the us and some of the other allies of the, of, of israel, extremely nervous. what's your assessment of where the relationship stands between
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the us, particularly and israel, given that the us is essentially the only one who's got any leverage over the israel look into words. um the united states and other allies have been for the past 6 months. buying is right at the time they've been buying a time. is there any time they hope that it will take 3 months? may be a bit more there never really bet. it's got to take 6 months and that's why they've become more nervous over the past 2 or 3 months, requiring this thing to wind down the one thing things to change, the nature of the war, the, the amount of civilian casualties and, and saw so far. but they have continuously bought at the time. i'm still part of it with the weapons. the united states only a couple of days ago approved another shipment of weapons states. right? you know,
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sometimes even though i am or have been involved in this for so many years, the idea that they're selling so many new 2000 pound bombs is right. i started 33000 civilians, maybe 40000. if you take all those on the rubber, i just spend one, they're still sending them the 2000 and found bumps. you know, you don't understand. there are more nuclear bunkers in gaza. fit on. even though if you, if you're not seeing that there's a lot of tunnels, right. and each time they've bumped them on the whatever the buildings are, they've kim dozens may be hundreds of people. so on an old uh the america. so now those continue to buy is there a time is or is that is using that time to destroy whatever is left of the car. so i brought up to it once many more months to finish the job. clearly there's a bit of frustration, but the sale of what that was done the last lot, you know,
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and the end of the day, they talk about what a certain way. but the action shows something completely different. and i wanna this move forward a little bit in that eventually the war will end. somebody has to be in control and goes up whatever condition it is. one of the things that has been most should all be fairly subtly has been some sort of fall and that the palestinian authority and i, we've seen the new policy need as far as the leadership being sworn in with the exception of course, mahmoud abbas, has remaining as president, there has been a suggestion that nothing essentially is going to change within this new policy in, in the 40. even though that our representatives in gaza. one of the key elements appears to be that it has been said that the only way that the palestinian authority could play any effective role in gaza is if there is some sort of involvement by hom, us, which is completely antithetical to what the us and israel and want that to me, seems like a deadline. what if it sounds like we are considering more of
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a same logic that's we just were just discussing the question of negotiations overseas 5, but the gap is too big nowadays. but then, you know, it is easter today, you know about some miracles, right? i mean if one believes in mother and a motor calls you know, rice from the dad and all of that. then we believe that maybe something got a given day. would it be a day after? right, and there would be some sourcing. but for the time being that's um, you know, uh, what's the word? let's keep our expectations moderate. right? so we have a new governor. this new government is in fact a government of academics and specialists and businessman and if you text them one by one compared to the bus to be administered. so these are the ministers, you would think that the senior government is 1st rate 1st war government and they say the government, this 3rd, the rates developing toward government, right? the sort of professional success,
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just something that takes and i'm really not that good. that's what they do and both otherwise i really spots academics and experience thinking across and what have. so that's a good thing. the 2nd thing is i'm like, these are the government. there are no a fascist on fed fanatics in the new. but assuming government, at least not 21 or 2223, that they are or media or enlightened individuals, if you will speak several languages on what. so that's the good. are they really an independence technical techno crowd governmental government to fix? no prospect acts according to just what the facts are and what they must do and their responsibilities. now i'm not sure it seems to be more about another guy in the month of our best aids. in that there are 3 that is meant to serve for the next phase to be pleasing to the united states and perhaps acceptable news, right? no one is always thank you very much. indeed my one shot and we appreciate it.
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thank you. the rush is confirmed. it's targeting you things, energy infrastructure, and a bit to disrupt it's war effort. ukraine's national energy offer razor says attacks on sunday damage high voltage facilities in the south forcing emergency electricity sometimes in odessa and nearby several power plants have been destroyed or damaged in recent weeks. if any and president luxury is that obviously also called western powers to provide more military hardware to fight russia or cc 30 steam. is that as mitchell and his russian terrorist are now targeting file strikes to close the energy bleeding of ukraine? we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems, to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, of our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from
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these blows course and control. stipends got more from cave, the ukraine's largest private energy company. a company called the tech is saying that 5 of it, 6 clouds, have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around the corner of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those low 6 pods. just a drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plants, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course, yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week also that these attacks all in, in the companies, woods, revenge, war tax, the ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, oil installations, for example. and that's something that interestingly, is, is,
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might be the us unhappy. of course, the us, ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on rushes, all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global oil prices. but it's been very interesting that his own ski responds to these kind of complaints. in the last couple of days, he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such a deficit in a defenses, and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kind of attacks then russians, you should, to this monitors parliament approved measures to change parts of his professional constitution. and overall, the electro system. they ground the president power to appoint and dismissed the prime minister, rather than allowing the parliament to do it. some monitors in un hasn't in direct
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electro system based on funds. the decisions angered politicians in the state of punchline to say that we're no longer recognize the federal government to face the governments of tempe. land has withdrawn its recognition and confidence of the federal government of somalia. until there is a complete constitution, which will someone is there any agreements with? put blonde is a pulse of the constitution of pen plan states. the government of finland will exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts in which there is agreements and deals. the constitution got some, all these accept to impact has done supporters of the p t. i positive jail to form a prime minister in the on congo protesting and the city of a shower against the results of a general election last month. the engine volkswagen election day was mazda by mobil and antoinette outages. opposition leaders in india are protesting in the capital, new dahlia against the rest of the states. chief minister, never choosing prime minister and not in the remote is government of use in federal
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agencies to target the opposition parties. head of next month's general election and is main financial crime investigation agency, arrested delhi chief minister often comes of all the 10 days ago. it also launched probes against, for all the chief ministers of opposition, ruled states, other family members. many of the people, as in bob, we are facing hunger as a drive. it has destroyed most of the annual harvest. in some areas. rain hasn't fallen for weeks. many people are depending on financial assistance from the united nations to survive out of much awesome reports from the capital harvey. this is a missed message tells susan, my bottle is she's received monthly cash allowance come to you as well as the program is being sent of honorable people ends involved. we already struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft from on me the movie. that's like,
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i'm not the cro in the feel. i'm not looking good. many people may not have this anything. prizes of going up. i have to go to see knob knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need of being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at low drain in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that claim was actually go up. and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find money to be able to purchase a menu to rural communities. hopes of a good harvest of fading. this is mays, neil, a staple food. in the above we may see the ground into a pallet of. busy flour a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases.
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the government said the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain or falling in some areas, the u. n. c is unlikely to face via food shortages this yeah. hi them a task that i'll just add. i'd still ahead on order 0. music breaking barriers to chicago immigrants orchestra tries to play the cities stuff. first of all, it's signed and support. this american player wins the biggest title of our career . she prefers to retire early in the season. details coming up the, the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to know. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to
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defend itself. it has that you sheet to defend. it is astonishing, just how deeply corrupt materially i'm tomorrow, the day i look at how the international news are being applied and acknowledged, and the israel goal is to conflict israel above the low on al jazeera, examining the headlines, is there any is hopefully today for the forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a globe, or would you want to create it welts for women, come and feel natural released that trauma and creates explore and abundance of world class programming on eligibility around
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the the support his fire. rob, thank you so much. well, let's start with a huge day in the primary lead title race with the top 3 all in action. leaders are small are up against manchester city. later on. and right now, liver for playing at home against brighton in the early take off. right and went ahead inside 90 seconds, the powerful, straight from danny. well back liverpool have pulled one back through louise. d as and it remains 11 approaching half time. the report went into the getting the 2nd in the table level on points with leaders arsenal behind on different now or so will travel to 3rd place man city later on having one o 8 of their games so far in 2020 form that city are playing at home and will go top if they, when they're looking to win the title for the 4th year in
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a row. and what would be their 6 at trophy in 7 years that they have in the right for 7 or 8 years we what they've done to everybody believes that they're going to do it again down given no reason to anybody else to saying that they cannot do it so we have 2 different services with the bus in the sport and live with the buses the past. so you have to, we assess them getting to the next games and you will not be them thinking in the past where they have done it. so as a new day is a new life, you know, something like that. now i would say the top 3, it's all about the race for a champions league place after villa held onto for a spot for the to know when over walls means villa have now one as many games as they did in all of last season by turning them or putting pressure on them in the 5th, they fought from a goal down to beat little to one with hon. been son getting the winner in the 86 minutes, or just
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a 3 points behind villa with again and have mentioned united champions league helps for dented with an injury. time and drama. at brentford mason mountain seem to have one and for united with a go in the 96 minutes. then chris for azure equalized in the 99. that leaves united in 6 place 11 points behind villa and 8 behind tottenham. now to germany were buyer liberties and have already won the bundles, legal according to barn unix coach thomas to call that's after home defeat to door to door man left the buyer and 13 points behind and the title race. david stokes reports was 7 games to play thomas 2 closest dependency. good title rice is already over after watching his site at least 2 notes of bursey adult and he will finish. congratulations to lead is by 11 cruise and he never leaves cold because after another 3 points, the 10 points we should not, we should not be unrealistic as this is a very, very likely level because it becomes jumping,
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of course is the 1st time in the decade that find the can be home by tillman and the game known as dick jessica. they've won the last 11, been to sneak of trophies, but no 13 points behind. it looks like i'll have to win the champions league to avoid that 1st tracy the season in 12 years. they face us know in the quarter finals. again, we are back a little bit back on square one. we saw to be overcome this. we had this too many times in the season and again it happened to us and we got punished. have occasion had been in danger of suffering bad 1st defeat to the sick was in the too late dozing and stuff in homes. acute them a come back victory. chevy alonzo. i sort of not last in the, you know, in games and the army and defeated side in europe and leave for sure. we are not position that we could, we could we need, but still few games to go for sure. today. and the 3 points gave us after the international, the, the moment to keep going to start. well. so yeah, it's,
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it's for sure it's is we will have a good chance, but it's not over until it's over. it's been speculation alone, so it could replace the outgoing to click buy it or you can call it is full mix up little pool. but the spend, the it is confirmed, he's staying where he is next season. and the moment i it says right to be here, i'm really happy. i'm just you, i have the globe, he's great. fine. so i rate the players are unbelievable. so many reasons. notification of bouncing on coast to break 12. he is a boy and domination. then there are just 3 wins, a white net firstly title david stokes, which is 0 in spain. barcelona every type of pressure on leaders around madrid and a leak and they beat less palm. this one l to close within 5 points, resilient and winger were seeing as for the only goal or the game. well, play athletics help out later on sunday. i know playing parsa in al class co on april 21st on christiana, rinaldo, his board,
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his 2nd hattrick of the season. this saturday. probably latest help. secure on now sir. a 51 victory over. i'll try and all 3 of his goals came in the last half hour . 39 year old rinaldo is leaks top score with 26 pools overall, but all nasa remains 2nd 12 points behind react. rivals all allow the 9 rounds remain american. danielle collins veto in arabic. united wouldn't mind me open that title. the 30 year old defeated the world number 4 in st sense. and just over 2 hours to seal her 1st masters, $1000.00 title, a former australia opened run a ra, pronounced in january, that she would be quitting tennis at the end of the season to focus on her family. collins is the 6th american woman to be crowned in miami. yeah, it's just been amazing to go out today and to have felt the energy that i felt from the fans and literally feel like i'm playing in front of thousands of my best
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friends. but that was just serial. i will never forget this day because of that. and the young be the boston celtics beat the new orleans pelicans to snap a 2 game losing streak jason tatum led the way for the celtics with $23.00 point. as last of all the way in the 3rd quarter to beat the house, pelican, 14092. the celtics had secured the number one seed in the eastern conference sitting there with the clinch player 5. finland's collie reuben para has won the safari rally tanya. the double roll champion finished more than a minute and a half ahead of toyota t made japan's talk. a moto cat. so overall championship leaders hiring new deals finished fit the but the belgian still extended his leading to $56.00 points. anniversary seems to buy world cap was won by laurel river from me. a savvy radian owned a jude monte stable with irish shockey cargo shea on board. moral river won the race by record 8 and
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a half length. the winners check was for 12000000 dollars that 2nd only to be $20000000.00 up for grabs at the savvy cat. okay, and that is all you support for now. back to you, rob defido, thank you very much. indeed. about 25 years ago, the us city of chicago launched a music group aimed at representing the city's diverse communities. it's called the chicago emigrant orchestra, and it showcases global music, hoping to solve as a model for unity in a defined in the world john henderson. as the story. as in a chicago studio, the mingled instruments and voices of the world plan into a global seems meaning the, the chicago immigrant orchestra is a rotating country, is up to 30 musicians, playing a unique blend of world music that combines persian vocals the mongolian,
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through the end instruments from around the world and each composition from a chinese rewan to and fro peruvian percussion, uniting sound in society. music is a ard, the $0.10 boarders, and it's, it's $0.10 pressure. this is and, and, and stereotypes and it's, it's, it's something that everybody can kind of experience collectively when he subaru are the groups, palestinian american co director plays the bazooka place in between notes that are not on the books. ok. or on the piano or on the guitar. if this style is hard to pinpoint, the music is from no single place, the instruments of the world together through the universal language of using co director for read hon. the chicago born son of a truly and mother and a pakistani father says instruments never played together before combined
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seamlessly more so he says than the nations they come from. one of the things about this group is we get along so well. and you would assume that they would be a lot of friction culturally, you know, but there isn't at all. it's more than music is nigerian american senior says it's an example for the city in the world. i think it's hope for a better, more unified world. right now, especially in chicago, it's a very segregated city. and so i think that is, it represents what life could be if we actually accept one another from each other as our immigrant experience, the, from the rehearsal studio, to the concert hall. the immigrant orchestra is a tapestry of global sales in the mid of, for, for the as the well plunged into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year. a new 8 pub series
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exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and meet the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing unite to growth. dying. coming soon, the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city. they have very good data on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, $1.00 and $3.00 it's children, is suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to the hydration. these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly
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divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right cycle, logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man. as a dentist, again, a has registered for possible military service if needed. look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do. this ukraine begins the 3rd year of this full scale. well, there was a growing awareness of the need from old military posts and now i do believe women have a high volume in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my mil command. so there is a place for each woman, but i understand also that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as to when it runs on, it's a decision, increasing numbers of women may be cooled on to make the latest news as it breaks. during her remarks, the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment,
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saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city. they have very good data on the grounds. the grades for the overt gauze and now from the house of the story, $1.00 and $3.00 it's children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition. and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to be hydration. the is video strikes and central goes a hit tends to be or a hospital sheltering the space palestinians, and journalists at least 2 people died. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified, seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now, nowhere it's kind of our target is
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the, i don't know about this and, and this is all just human life and go home also coming up


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