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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Wael Dahdouh  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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as the us ambassador made a curious and surprising comment, saying that the resolution would be non binding with detailed coverage in the hospital in garza city to have very good data on the grounds. the graves pulled over garza now from the house of the story. one in 3. its children is suffering from acute mountain nutrition and health officials are saying around $60000.00 of pregnant women are suffering to be hydration. the journalism at its core, is the pursuit of truth, the dissemination of information to the public, and holding power to accounts. in wars, those journalists faced immense challenges and dangers and reporting on the realities of war. they risk their lives to bring stories of conflict to the world. and israel's months long war on gosh, on journalists have played a critical role and reporting on the white scale devastation and suffering of
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palestinians, and have paid a high price. when notable seger is what and the death to a journalist, an al jazeera arabic, gaza bureau chief, who's been covering the conflict in his homeland for 25 years. and when israel last it's, we're on gaza in october, when it was once again on the ground covering the story, offering a window into the lives of those affected. but his dedication, as a journalist, came at a high personal costs. several members of his family were killed and is really air strikes. why and himself was injured in an attack that killed in al jazeera camera person. what the doctor swear it has inspired millions around the world's. we caught up with him in delphi, where he's been receiving medical treatment, while the death 2 talks to alger 0, the what and then the story journalist,
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elda zero's arabic bureau chief, and garza. thank you so much for joining us on your trip. long as you know, you left gaza in january when you see what people continue to go through the bombardment. in some cases, mass occurs as described by human rights organizations, starvation displacement even the world's top court ruling. that what is real is doing and gaza could amount to plausible genocide. what does that make you think? or how i got i've got because i am enough. god saw budget, then you can have some of the i'm of the 10 uh model i know, but the sure for but here's another question. well how, how would you get on a cop should i have? no, i didn't realize the model, but i didn't know if i'm just gather associate. i'll call them on quick definitely profile has that kind of microphone or kind of time does come in. i'll come and talk them kind of them can i need to know
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a knock on many of them. i can have that an account had because of that and a little bit and, and because of flooding was dish for the sure. had that a low up time, nothing more when them kinda had that, but i think the chevy and one of them was be to jeff has one a nice to just had a shot. the got that him. i'm quieter than somebody wilkes off when we were to them up on me i had missed if it is well, i can just see and couldn't flush out. and one of the room that was because you had one in this, but something about the glean napkin been higher had that who else had had my stuff on the horizon and was a totally how did that keep well, is that if none of the sort i'm in value as well as a him on top of the one in the head, the little for sapa lift. is that cool you what i oh see uh what else? uh, so the guy have, i would do
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a lot of tash has uh without move uh with the highly cool headed she has a decade to she has nothing to she has not been met the model on the job like in my less out of 10 which model after you've covered several more as on gaza. you started your career in journalism in 1998. you joined us as ita in 2004. so you've seen a lot to engage. so in terms of the is really response and the suffering of the people . we haven't seen anything on the scale before, correct me if i'm wrong here. why do you think that is really went so far this time and why now? what's that i how do you happen to see your mode with that? a napkin and a higher while the no, yeah, i knew this why a fee come, hasn't been around. fi come, has been yeah. any harlem and highlighted into come without coverage. i thought me
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knew how well, at least a deaf bobbin ask him a committee or not from that state of much to be in the state of mass just enough for saw in that community to see it on a pool of equipment where i at the moment like illiteracy, and i'll who us for them and as you know or 2nd. yeah, i'm in a lot of how do we spend money? i haven't been at how the seen a lot of what's the last? well, the death of the american new missouri, my dad, his step dad in the one with the had the most to ship the uh, the i bad massage nest feet. have a son it will. well, well the, i'm gonna need to, i look, be shit your full at the death in the saw a pet. they a full has a sad that meant october. so here, good enough though, a caught in knew it couldn't had and how they felt? well, he almost any, your family members, including your wife, your son hamza,
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your son, my fluids, your adults are some your grandson, adam, and extended family members were all killed by israel. our colleague, of course i met with doctor, i was also killed in the same attack that you were wounded in. so many people who saw you and who watched you around the world's wondered how you kept going and how you kept standing up in front of the camera and reporting after all the loss that you endured. here, you really paid a heavy price. how did you keep going? a land, a diamond, the gold and know a well then what else? he's not lots of hot out here. cool. i'm going to muscle panel with the model asylum in the field of the box. i'm bored tech and i'm now so the more literally at the amount of shesha a mamma coming back to godaddy like that that came to model us. i'm going to take back to you the feeling item above that in memphis. how i'm, i'm so i like ok out i and that's the end of the month estimates because another
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i'm to the, to the community for last month or a month in the, in the had you anybody that can so other than how many in new in the month and a half had sufficient need and when a man had sufficient, but i mean what i meant for you had said that you were just, i mean, why not for the deli and a queen twins will be done. it does have to have a lot of destiny yet. been new. mamma can attend at that age and them so, but in the shape? well also what with decades sofa estimate headed a shit. becky: then the met them must be a definite or not cause oh well no. can none of us i'm a no fema can come in. uh huh. and i can can module what can feed on see if we can see more for cost slightly and we spoke on the defense. but then in for this, the non 30, if the mission of the study will come up, you're talking about, of course, when you were wounded and our colleagues found that i would the co us can say, hey,
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i had a who a. yeah, i feel not going to know. so what does that mean? i'm up a lot a how to send that i would i get. okay, mine a comment that i'm in a few different and by then the most indeed, but if that's not the administrative with them understand that the left us to should why them felt fine. but then when i was a saba for that to me, like leland, and lacking just as you might way, how was an a home? well, we can quickly get into the whole not. so i've got to so fast that if one of the us and i left the button but decade on an account for ken calling the key and one sub in new case with the old minnesota of tiny a couple of an estimated be means in module which you are not lacking, it's not that heavy and above the we just didn't know. nothing is eas. could be a just the minute he had a sharpie. he while i'm as can fit in
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a hoops of salt and smoke of the ducky. if i'd like to know is a that might have that a bit, but that keeps sofa. i'm going to our special ed does not do that. so does alika johnny know that a i inside that i assembled widget to on the board? well, be in the field, i didn't know if a bunch of up to somebody i just have a button and for job wash it, it had been completed, which it in almost done the last of the and the and i'm with sob. wow. so then we can show you left of the with the him, the in to the level of so cool. i'll, yeah, and if i had this not enough, see a new has in here with everything you're saying. and the experiences that you've been through were trained as journalists to remove ourselves from the situation to not show any emotion to be impartial in the coverage as much as possible. how do you do that yourself?
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when you are living the story, when you are part of the fabric in that society, how do you find the way to balance the story has affected your credit and can you get those in? can no one of up. if you look around, you know, if you're a mechanic, danny savage and then alice the how fee and the cone beam is a lot in that of how much they have just done like in your stuff the how the with us. so that can in the point instead of book the was i looked nice a legit on that when mechanically willing to 3 with the i see with a bit for you the public fee is a could i ask where i'm at? well, um, why could it have the last yet, who i'm going to stop that can as of now, how can i have the hello that i just have to end the month listed as an add a one model? well, let's come over and stop on a lot with just have bob tough and welcomed on the opposite to you. as soon as i
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remember that coming up that can you had the show for look up the bad this in the head while i'm yet the mother had the be the decades. let me have to how you can my one of the sound of them yet. the, you know, do a little cause cool. has he had that now? but let me, i have to so now cannot but what, how do you yeah, i have a techie guy. la. quinta, money a quote in new. so have it for this, the me and i gotta manually mosley a ducked into a little he but i might know a lot on the time of cause a heavy how little he what a, what i'm saying. well, and yet no one to those buses must the top really, honey a while mobile, you left that edge. you that the, i, i, you shape? well, obama have the ability to have dia and let the 2 edge hoops to that is that you need a new and the laptop the i you will, but of them this, the definitely i know for now. yeah, i'm a let me, how many,
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many millions around the world see you as a hero? how do you see yourself on a little i buttons on the haile selassie for this the that they should have the month to come home do? i will let them out of the estimate, which yeah, because yes i know, but i have a phone bill a she at the quality that she for hey, i think we should be able to call you i feel we can be checking. uh yeah, i need what is it the hub in new quote in lyman, i commend would you have them about a little i'm gonna just see, oh, i'm an a lot uh believe me and a little bit about feel when i'm done at the moment. no heavy man that he hasn't had to send this and he will not be the one with this. so what that does you mean the bumps? yeah. what does that include them? i couldn't have them as easy. i need help. cut them. no mortgage. is it not special for come up and what kind of what was that you wanted him to jump on some more to. i'm not sure about data collection, other business, bailey had the them let me have the fee for the and a queen,
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a king. would you be where they still at the thought of me of worked with the few from that age of months when i take fiona, i don't want any mess cannot up of the a. but then other than that, you just look us on the desk. if you had an almost, unless you have a enough seat and send the id, so happy with that as well. so how for you let, can you have, i'm a little can see it way up the is can see it when we started the, the, the pay, i mean as little, you know, had the own item. when i can let me use media and mos on that to them. all right, fair double standards. do you think when it comes to the palestinians, what we see now, i mean the international community has various perspectives on the conflict. that's your report on we see a shift in the countries of the global self and when it comes to their support of palestinians, yet as you know, the governments of some of the western countries, the united states, the united kingdom, germany, others, they, they continue to support as real, do you think that there are double standards, how that works out of how you g by that to so the agenda, the line, i mean,
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you them or crime? yeah. fee as met the how about how model sci fi, the block was a cool, allow them to salon, cuz i was had a few minutes. i looked at it, i can sure she had it and sending it to assess the lucky uh, yeah. and the like, how many i had on the northbrook, on one inside a new home and i had that in 5th off as the issue. oh, uh no. not had it as defraud, highly, highly, highly, just think of when the item could look. yeah. i need uh, yeah, and has to be shipping over a 100 miles so that a lot of electricity behind. but the key is when would you like have you been this been in this manhattan in mohawk from the deposit? i can see it. i'm going to do a few minutes. i'll be alone. we'll set the alarm to see you if he has, you do as well. he to the for the walk this last time it, many of the students will not accept for obama. walcott fee for the lead fema
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shabba that can when i kind of called bob was saying that i'm gonna die. i'm at the home b one has at the level as well as why the let me move to october 7th. as a journalist, what was your 1st reaction on october 7th after you heard the time us had breach defense and, and how do you view these events? who and the quin uh so having no was i'm not so thin facilities. if it has that. yeah. would you bother swap minnesota, you, michigan, did you need to be with the jan behalf as opposed to the line and or let him know somebody if they need to be? yeah. that can sort the stomach for now that enough is that and they were just in the jazz. so all these lakes up at the gen waiting them at the deficit i as a start date in my lab as well, i'd like to know modal a sop with opposite then we'll see how this can be adjusted then that in my lab as
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well to a jack, i look forward to the black in the company and at the georgia beloved. so just to you and let me know that you and yet to hey, jo. auto bought a short minute how by the national, the district cabinet. and one of us will have the, the so what most of the cost $1.00 was a, a in know, for less than the definition. we still don't have to slightly, if you have the in monopoly, minnesota for this the kind of can we're not the should be or not most, but here's some lucia. have us fund come i don't have to add to the pilot. i missed them. it in us. well probably a lot. well had the i'm a new. yeah. i need oh, have the cooling. that's nice. i forgot to soften you lou calling us in the fee model can be huge than yeah. those i love to utilize them that i would that a he never knew shahid told me to come and i'm not going with the team in a couple of italy. so for the cool that's and let the tele, it can be, i did the lack in the cool it when i had to, well, not the low down
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a sub. i mean october when i thought about a oh my tele, who with ducky. but i felt a clue at the quiet with the so what are, what are you that did you expect the is really response to be this way? that's not the kind of in good. how can be a nice enough in and how to help a how to digital a swat and what do i bow, a solid and sort of the model of shot that what is the that fat when i slept or couldn't have the less. yeah. is more i bought the book, you know, for to what i'm looking for. a total buy a bunch of them that can the amount not let me look on the corn missiles heavy at the fussy. if you're going to total the surgical jonathan who will buy my product, because fremont office had the vehicle that was uh, what the quote on a female, not the mean really. how many of them are not the people who not? can you quoted funerals or why did a couple of bothered or selected from one of the collect at the out of the us will
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be what and, and this is the a has of can be around and committed the but that will how will that kind of will join other than one of the lucky i'm friends the when i can fema, not the should be. i mean i can at the moment and in the habit of them enough to have to put in with that with the jet capital. but kenneth moved with the highest let you see, i have another group on me. yeah. what has you been caught up? has you moved them up, doc? see multiple, let me. yeah. just that's, i mean, besides, if you hold it cuz he had a heavy in the middle of mobile telephone bill couldn't be yep, at the bottom. and that's the total cotton was like his book bag color book allen. and while i model our but i'm sure that's what miss mack willingness had. i had the i thought about when john and have thought about a few that we just some of the old them why the color and we just know that will come when adult fat has an a little bit fussing fuck with little quiet liquidity somewhat. that kind of how the car he of how did you feel like not only your
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reporting that you did from the ground, but the, the reporting that we still see coming out of gaza. do you think that it's making a difference uh up to the um, how the ottoman well had the one that had the seller and have been going for you or not. uh, well, uh, sorry to show that to you then. and then what mean, how many yet do you have? what do you have, what the the, how to see it. oh, i can put the like to highlight your son when i put in my entity, minnesota. yup. and i had to have that and this the cottage had the, i'll call it, had to come out. i'm always with that. so that can win. but the thumbs up to see i'm putting my energy has a, as the body when can yet and no can yet the cautious when can yet cause a how feed mode you. dean definitely was allowed to what out this up the new temple clean by you had the i keep and know my actually could be could be at the bottom.
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any kind of yeah, it's not why i'm kind of yes, laughing enough already. and now the way that the worst cover this, particularly the rise of social media journalist on the ground. how do you think that shaping the global narrative on gaza and palestine as a whole decade. yeah. and how the can look to see it with that. see as well, i'm backed up with one or more of the philadelphia to not collaborative about yet in north no fee. also the social media, if you also it's a half within walking with terry lange can the new kid has a daughter that the be and you'll see also the sort of guy. so the sort of social media that had. yeah. oh, clean and nice and that he think just i'm a chest, it's been says this, the house that they was, the less that that can a little by the how is that the heart that they're not gonna be phenomenal for so you gotta feed men's is no fee feet, feet for you, if you could a little for the data you can have the see and yes and the shuttle as well because
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he's, well, how the new can will and you have to, jo was the highlighted to golf. and so that'd be a, i'm a to feed him in a jim a heated mode with the fee. the miss an american would have had it many key or should have got to give it, according to the committee to protect journalists. they say that more than 95 journalists have been killed in this for making it the deadliest period for journalists. we've talked about to our colleagues, simon, who was targeted, and of course he was killed in that attack. how was the loss of many of our colleagues impacted your perspective on the role of journalists and conflicts? owens, if it has been displayed to lee shall see. and let me over your shape. i hope you've got a lot of that. i had this. i'm in know the joe is meal within that scene soften. and, and how does and can i have the and how well i have come and been mountain of have fees kelly, man. yeah. com solved him. all right. what are you with a look either,
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you know, consolidate a little up to you. he has a and with a look and you have to let me share fee, cooling total, beside the other murphy on who but i, let me, let me ask you how to, it's not, and it's the model of the why should he in the handbook the but then yes, quote, this has an ad unless somebody said, well not that it had the i'm gonna, i left side to shift. so let me tell you, we should know that a minute. i'm in fi about a half on that now on an x, then no fee. now you have to month off the pad, the maintenance, and that would be the whole the estimate. yes, it man, nothing but that for how the how do you cannot last differently? they will not valid to stop had the man, no, it has the other cetera. why not come up with the new had the cell phone is alixia, a cell that for now to sell it and sending it on. and how can this, and you'll see him clearly, i'll do it. i'll often walk out with daddy. yeah. and it has to have
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a piano with us to have an m. i looked us to have people who would was so what i would do, matt. what couldn't my jenna win is alika. yeah, i need a on a not clean the button so that'd be in my car. as my queen and a bottle of little comfortable doing thought, good, we'll see what the se had about the so she had or a homes on the la la fiesta in the um uh yeah, i need, um, i thought that either what kind of mountain imagine that on a side show, see then no kind of how does the out of town homes and before this, after a wafaa on a sofa, who will book the the most of the fatty gee at the pas. a couple of them said yeah . minus wu said, well hello, send the fuck up. because for the estimate, for the home and the other stuff that was done of the car,
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the plus fee and the funding comes up am. chanel comes at the end. the month to handle with us. we have to either have an the one that i could do that. um, well im getting done good when i look at it. um i thought of the bad the final uh out and alignment. will there be returning to garza because uh he uh, must of us. well yeah, i need a quote for shipping this up to the uh, hold on while i had then was a, i know, i know you have as well that can uh, national um fi, my kind of ledge or my last i found it myself has in my how well the and uh, so that's about it. no. unless the cut that for loss or damage in the home. i know when does that mean separately? i know in another how a study on in a clip officer,
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what's your advice to young journalists, and particularly the ones who want to be award correspondence and work from a, in a conflict zone and of them. and uh, what uh, the seller who has a young man that comes on the fuck on the cool. uh, when testing black. did you bundle of how heavy in, man, man, how do you cut them? you edge been to saw that how bad the man didn't know how to pull up, but he has had a check and we just let the wind them at the quote a few months because i want the car feed cuz he had a minute. and as a matter with this one little, so for the corner of hand with off until called this, and to get his acted in new menu g, about enough. so beside, aha. just put the on the old. now. oh that. what is that like?
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a saw humphrey and then no fee to add them above a sofie. and you can a new, any account who have not got them listed. but you may actually, well the union s, and they've been little mad if it may actually on a lot of the missing has in my mouth. it will be tell you who i'm coming play self up here was the for he and a simple of the for the fuck up in a home be have be a bill. i'm a club in a gentleman ship those when a ceasefire is announced. and guys, uh, how do you think people will even go back to their normal life? is it even possible with the level and the amount of destruction that we've seen learned hire length according to the when, how would the length of the be about 10 or i know when to and how to have no off. i'm in. no, i'm more expensive than nothing item above. and how do you feel do the feet?
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i have some of that one on. so being the, i mean, and as in the middle in the district has government oversight. can just, you know, select a 2nd over chicken jersey. when is that like a head a i need a new ad left me in this. let me add you to boot the home. oh, wow. i used to say i didn't use the app. as i look on the weekend, your lot has an at the me a had it it took me to the can be a yeah, the g less i know what is asked them in mcconnell had the in a thought i'd let him know how many yet add to that mouth sofa tucked him, well, we'll knock them on at twilight. actually. now, after that, i've been in this, in the systems that will be cut off and that if you see a few booth with enough, correct laugh meant in this or, i mean i'm home come of deed unless i mean is that heavy, he tells you that and can he and can you not to mode with the they set them can yet the cost of the town will not have the lock and then the height of how to be at the
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default the how you, how to. so for you, how did you that had checked it had that cannot be decade. so for the cool, a higher saba or walk, put them in ohio or so for tech would come up with no, no, i mean, and why i, how long have they said that i feel a file, that's where i can. i don't know how that shape sofa, cool, and so i get done. why the i'm gonna sofa. eval massey lens he has had enough bum uh sending but we'd like to sophia supposedly sending the stuff the to joe was jani as i'm not to let the hello. how do you, how, what us, how i'm a tough he doesn't use the map. how do you put in the address? so for the one, so for to to be the last, had a messy yet in this. i love to be, i could have shifted higher or lower than mine and higher. but these,
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you can have had them on the sofa formats and then see what the doctor or thank you for self themselves. as 0 sure can doesn't it is only from the rwandan genocide, the same as remembrance will burn in honor of the of 800000 lives to perished with mass graves still being found a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra in a world full of drunkenness, hope was so scarce donated. we deliver it in remedies and breaks. we've touched lives in you, in this holy month. the power of kindness, gray, in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all
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meant to share. for that, do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be the the no, i'm elizabeth put on him and this is the news on life from the coming out for the next 60 minutes. displays, palestinians under attack, is there any missiles target tense knew a hospital killing at least 2 people? children on the brink of starvation. unicef issues of dire warnings as not to struggle to treat severely mountain dollars to young people in gaza. as pressure
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mounts on as well as government funding to benjamin nothing else analysis, he'll undergo sonia surgery and and.


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