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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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we remember the blessings, so we all meant to share for that. do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfill all that can possibly be the the no, i'm elizabeth put on them and this is the new zone life from coming out for the next 16 minutes. it displays palestinians under attack. is there any muscles target tense near the hospital, killing at least 2 people? children on the brink of starvation unicef issues of dia, wondering as dr. struggled to treat severely mountain dollars to young people in gaza. as pressure amounts on israel government funding to benjamin netanyahu
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analysis here on the goal, setting a surgery and into a kid. polls are closed in local elections, seen as a test of present president, friendship time as long as popularity and his phone little full of might. the opening move on more could be a if it sold a in the english formulate and thoughtful rice. i'm as solid as far as caesar victor of the prices. manchester city and also facing each other in the next few minutes the . let's just pause 15 gmc, that's 5 pm and central gaza when it's ready as to like near locks, the hospital has killed at least 2 palestinians, an injured several. others initial report suggest the attack had attempt housing displaced people in the hospitals, coal, chad and that are below 10 holiday reports.
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this was the moment when is really her strike just meters from the interest to excell hospital in said to cause a top target to to 10 housing displaced policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and did but i well i know when i got here now and we were sitting in the tents, we're defensive civilians and displaced people from northern garza. suddenly the missile hit this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured palestinians were brought into the hospital. one of the few in gauze is to partially functioning, its accidents and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tents as a makeshift office. and they should be in the heat the time without any warning were a group of general us with no tourist. amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and
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all of a sudden the tent was hit. then everything went dock with the deputies and rock flying over a heads. the healthcare system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded, and the displace to be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's right the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is place. and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes us 10 palestinians do not know where to go. this is the, the data. alexa,
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hospital bed, but as well as military, he says it was tom is going to come on center of the islamic jihad. good. that's bringing home the son who's she's joining his life and won't divide east jerusalem . and is there any government saying what it usually does when it attacks hospice on some the israeli army releasing a statement saying that they have indeed attacked this 10 outside a bill also hospital. but they're claiming that it was a command center for policy, and it's not meant to have further thing and their statements that it's not going to have to offer names for the present at the time of the attack. now what we've been hearing from our own journalists on the ground that as a z to from source is on the ground, we do know that at least 2000 units were killed and nearly a 1000. others injured and among them or journalist b is rarely army has oftentimes use these kinds of claims without providing evidence that they are attacking people who are members of either from us or pals to need this number to has making these claims based on what they're calling direct
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intelligence, but never really clarifying or giving us that information. they're saying that this strike happened after a lengthy assessment and they're saying that it was full, precise and targeted to not try and harm the civilians in the surrounding areas. but we do know that that was simply not the case just given how many people were injured in this, the town. and how the, at this crucial time and of all when the is where the government is really military, is planning a ground defensive in the alpha when more than way around $1500000.00 displace palestinians a sheltering their reports upon this and nothing yahoo is going to undergo surgery today is really prime minister's office has confirmed that the premier will undergo surgery around 9 pm, a local time after was discovered, he had a hernia in a routine medical check. his office said that the injustice administer your re levin will be taking over in his place. it's not quite no and how long that's and
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you all hope is going to be out for. but this comes on the heels of plan demonstrations in west jerusalem outside of these really parliament building known as witnesses calling for netanyahu to resign, calling for the government to be overthrown. this is a 3 day demonstration in which protests are se if they're going to camp outside of israel's parliament in order to demand change. this has been a recurring theme among the government demonstrations. we've been following and covering and tell a view for the last couple of months, but these really prime minister himself is going to speak and a press conference at around 730 local time and then we'll go into a meeting with israel's war cabinet. and after all of that, his surgery will be a 9 pm level time for him to thank you very much for that. have a son who with an anxious, live unoccupied, east jerusalem. this is rob, has attacked hospitals across the gulf, has strep, including all shifflett, and the north one palestinian boy died just days off to being forced out of the
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facility like other attacks. cut them, cut out as mother says, they fled all shiver on monday off to is really full, says ordered patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come on as one hospital. he died there was even treatment for hepatitis officials and gaza. essays . why any troops have kills more than 400 people doing in the a 2 weeks age of all schiffer. more than a 100 patients and 60 stuff remain tracked inside the global sorta lock mark. suddenly they closed the doors and they were shooting. we said maybe there is a truce, we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get home us on where is how much they are all sick children and these know how much you need the medical stuff. and these children is this. how much would it this boy do to them? how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son, and i said,
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i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents lived all the injured children grow tired and doors, but they legs cut off some operations. would you late? there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for hospital. there's nothing. how much did one of that stuff? i carried him on my shoulders and how to cheat, and they were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. meanwhile, himself ongoing his waning phase around calling units of code, at least 16 civilians over 32700 palestinians have been killed since the world again. that's bringing on corresponding tiny muscle, which is joining us live from the in southern gaza. and it's really a tax continuing from the north to the south with a strip honey yes,
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that is been almost a week since the un security council posit resolution demanding at these fire and in an immediate c, inspire and more smooth delivery of humanitarian aid on has been almost a 3 days do the you i, that you're rolling off providing more, uh human. it's very and it, but we're seeing on the ground in quite the contrary of what the resolution of what the ruling have called for us version day or strikes. constance rated and defend drugs area where more people are being killed inside residential homes. 6 people from one family, another might as a refugee cameron. this is not the 1st time we're looking at the rep is you can accommodating the predecessors off power. so you know, we're, it displays back in 40 the particular refugee camp been targeted repeatedly, but those 6, including children and women were residing were shouldering in this residential
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home. but it was targeted and destroyed and paramedic describe who were evict situation as more people are still the usual aftermath of more people under the trap and missing under the revels. across hon unit city will look at the whole city from the border line. and the eastern part is there all the way to a mile off evacuations, or a supposedly safe area for the 1000 of this wave families who were literally told or evacuated and set up tens. they because it is, they ended up being under a tax. we're looking at 16 people that's been reported killed across hon. you in a city in multiple air strikes and artillery setting. maybe the wars the what's happened as a, as the over night attacks on and here is what people have been say in the pods of overnight, a toxin only to maximize the level of terror. and that the psychological torture as there isn't really much, can be done at night. no civil defense, the crew and of hammocks that's dangerous on the road. so people they get bombed
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inside these homes. they wait until they have the day breaks. so for paramedics, then civil defense drawing volunteers to help when it's too late to say. so more tax on homes on refugee camps and the attack on ox at unlocks the hospital. just the latest is rarely strikes on gentlest and garza honey. yes, this is also part of the psychological award for the fact that we're seeing public health care facilities or public facility in general across the gulf. family hospitals are being under deliberate attacks repeatedly just to do it. confirm what people have a believed so far and express press rate. there is in this thing, go safe to place. then these really attacks ongoing deliberate attack from these facilities confirm what people have been talking about. that there isn't any safe place. even hospitals and places of healing places for people to get better are now
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becoming death. the ones we're looking at least 2 people have been killed inside a tents and several other injuries on mainly from journalist inside the courtyard of a ship about a lot. so hospitably. what's important it to point out a lot of talked with as a mid size health care facility in defense, raleigh or it's the only one that's providing major healthcare services since the beginning of though are already over whelmed and exhausted within sufficient medical staff. and now it's turned into more of the refuge account because of the 1000 people are literally not at all and outside the court of the hospital. but inside it's a quarter, a doors a being shouldering since the beginning of these war and the search in the tax. now these really military issued a statement just defying the tax, but without providing any sort of special evidence whatsoever at all the same exact pattern. and we see in every attack on public health care facility across the gaza strip. honey, thank you very much for that. that is honey,
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my phones with the very latest live in alpha in southern gossum. but any of my colleagues will, mathis and spoke to from a model of that trumping international presence to choose a balance as well as targeting of jen this. he says, the strikes me all oxide is a tragedy that should never have happened. it is absolutely difficult. it's not impossible to believe that the inside forces had no idea that this was a place where i just missed the functioning and working. and this is, i think, to a toll of jim is that in this conflict, which is higher than any other conflict that we have recorded in history business. absolutely. course we've seen, of course, this kind of situation before. we've had so many cases, particularly in this region for our journalists, have been targeted as an organization. what kind of advice or protection can you give to your members when they're going into a conflict area like this?
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i think this is a conflict like no other be i've ever seen it normally, you would tell journalists, and i'm sure you have also done this kind of training. so in terms of working in conflicts, owns and goals, ons, where you put on protective equipment, but you tried to say stage where you tried to say in the areas where there is no fighting, but you uh, you know, clearly display the drums and what we have seen is that even when gymnast period display the press symbol on that, how that's on the flak jackets the steel killed to even target that there is the evidence on a number of cases which have been researched very clearly. the journalists have been targeted even though they have been displaying the press sides. so it's almost impossible to say to john if they cannot believe, i've been working with some of the other organizations or how we can allow jenny. so we can find ways to john is totally even leave this area and we are finding is
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that people have to pay around. so in order to leave the, the guy the straight that this is just one of the most horrific situations that we have come across this. but you an agency, eunice, the physician to die a warning about the conditions and gaza saying it feels like a coffin for children. don't to say they are unable to treat melner as youngsters because it's very false as a hampering a deliveries. i'll just hear a visitor to childrens hospital in northern gauze or to see how patients and staff are closing. victoria gave somebody has this report. janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer war. bailey has the energy to talk. some of the shows as jenna before the jen has been able to come all at one hospital in northern garza, but its only partially functioning stuff. comp provide the specialist college and a need much to the despair of some of the kids. they asked me to take
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my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do a way to car seat shows seduce close by israel is located on a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weights in the last 6 months. i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me, and i can't do anything to help them. help were to say that seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition, and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in
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the hospital. meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are ramping as hepatitis because of the water solutions. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generations, but not nearly enough. it also shows the oxygen and incubators, as well as the pots, the light saving medical equipment, the old basis, him during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive this. well. victoria gates and b l. g 0. negotiations towards the seas font and gaza are expected to resume in egypt later on sunday. as one has confirmed security and intelligence chiefs, a part of the discussions, but ha, says it isn't sending a delegation to kyra demonstrations a gathering and becoming l as in front of these really pile them into the west. jerusalem. then launching a 3 day protest pointing for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. they follow similar protests and kind of eve on saturday. the families of captives being
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held in gaza, or among the thousands who gather the, accusing him of a band and their loved ones. that's bringing our senior political analyst, milan shot of we'll start with the, with the sci fi negotiations. the doctor was human carter on sunday. why do use and come off isn't sending the delegation, my line, of course, with the rest of the scene. and exactly, we're to wait to hear from them, but i think they have found so far. the negotiation has to be fruitless because whenever they come back with suggestions or some form compromises that is right is have been rejecting them as a 3rd or unrealistic or some other words just to show um, you know, sort of, i despise uh for whatever. how much is coming up with and the end of the day? i think the main differences have been for quite some time now since i would say since christmas. and now with an easter, or is that how much once this,
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whatever that incorporations are, and wherever that 10 federal raise, it least, i put them in a ceasefire, just like the united nations security council. i suggested or demanded to they want the people to engage the who are displaced today to go back to their homes in the north, which again, you know, it's the most humanitarian and a normal thing to do. and so are they one's day? is there any, is just not putting out, right? yeah. eventually i know they have out as has given in, on the timeline on, on, on the calendar when exactly these things. what happened, but eventually they're going to have to happen. i mean that these are, these needs to give some sort of guarantees or assurances otherwise, what is being proposed is that they wouldn't be opposed and cease fire for about a few days, a few weeks to be at a june with major attack on drop a 100 or so southern guns, a desktop, acceptable. yeah. there was a time, you know, you were saying that how much notice that they had been fruitless recently, the negotiations. it was a time last year when sees find negotiations was successful. what's changed since
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then? what time has passed done continues to pass and apparently more captives are dying . and i think at the mere appearances that there are some serious negotiation going on buys as time. right, and pen provides this image that is there a serious about, assessed by one fact it's not see. so by suspect, the or cabinet the security cabin continuously talks about the need to defeat, how much continue with the war, hit guys and so on, so forth. was letting go, she is going on and being reported on as if they are the store. they are not, they are the side store, the reflection from the rear, from the good on you and i have been talking for 6 months. i have been skeptical now 4 or 5 months of them. i bought the idea of these 5 because a, it's clear that is read, might want to pause for a few days, maybe
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a couple of weeks, but not more than that. yeah. they've been saying so. but the united states and the me did, those are interested really interested then i thought of making good think some kind of a pause, moving to another pause lead, think eventually tough is better and it says fine. but as far as the how do you or the kinds of differences when one positive ones, the destruction of the other, the complete destruction the other? absolutely, and that's what time us has concluded, i don't really, but you much don't see them. go back to the any questions here because there's a lot of pressure on them. i mean, there aren't that many places now for how for them to go and start talking about making life a bit easier, a bit less intolerable for the people than guys they need to do that because they have responsibility as you know, with the people in gaza. now the americans have been serious about trying to wind down to or not, and wind it down and change that tactics and reach some kind of attempt that are
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supplements. so the captives are released. yeah. and so that the humanitarian assistance reaches some people so that they are playing some sort of productive blog. so the americans are trying to bridge the idea of a temporary force or a temporary cease fire, or choose yeah, into a more fundamental one and how they are doing it. this is the most important of all we're watching. that's why what happens in washington is just as important or have the title because they want to find some kind of formulation. we're out of district involved for the state and or far as it gets involved. what have mass is sidelined completely so that they start talking about the, the yeah, but at what point do you think that the americans, i'm not going to ask at what point are they going to put any real pressure? but how does, as well as plans for alpha, how did they factor in into the kind of pressure the americans put on as well at the moment? i think the negotiation was all 4 or 5 between that because of these are, it is and if you pay attention all the real negotiations in this region happening
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between these ranges and americans, not americans, an ad ups always rate is an out ups. i know it doesn't seem to be much of a negotiation between the americans and the is radius over how to do it off i. yes, that is over how over how to while i'm rough or if it is like your bomb it this way or that way you cause that many people or is that many people you cause that many people over that much time. so this is been negotiations right. how do you make the genocide humane? how do you may for crimes a bit less criminal in the eyes of the world? yeah. how do you execute a war with getting a bit few civilians making his eyes and a bit more acceptable to its future process where they started the ibm and others. so they might find a way and, and say you the way you would, meaning these varieties are conducting this war. it's a short sighted you by 20 minutes that i guess or 5, but you would lose strategically in palestine, adding them at least they would be far more to codes available for how much,
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how much would not be defeated because you invaded the fi or killed tens of thousands of more people, you need to find another way of doing it. and we, meaning that americans are proposing bringing that up, sampling of the policy, you know, sort of, again, bringing it sense into weight and heavy on this. but this really is i have not listening thus far. yeah. then that's a completely separate conversation that the rest of the world is trying to have it as well. the conversation between the americans and those res. my one, thank you. as always for your analysis, that is a senior political analyst model on the shadow the turning to to key and now in the polls enclosed and municipal elections, the verses seen as a test of president judge of 5 add ons functionality. the opposition controls most of took, he has major cities, they include the economic hub of this tumble and the capital on correct, that the governing party is hosting to retake and then go c o. and it has this
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update from this bundle as a 5 pm local across the church. yeah, the whole stations have been close and nearly 61000000 eligible voters tests their ballots. on sunday, among those motors, 16000000 are seniors. the main battle ground floor, the 2024 mail room election has been assembled, especially the following last year's general and presidential election present visit play 5, don't have to develop. so if somebody would be his next target, as he wanted to recall in care of the city, what, of course, the combs has so far, the rivalry so far has the horse between incumbents may or to come to my mother who represents the position and, and we're not to put on the former minister of environment for presenting the governments party. it has been a met him. the race during the $10.00 for just citizens are full of surprises when it comes to voting. and who will wait and see who's going to gauge the seas for the
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mayoral ship and assemble? seen on pistol? at least 7 people have been killed in more than 20 wounded and a bone explosion and a level of the province in northern sylvia. the device went off in the middle of a monk hatch in the town of all size, some buildings called fire. the region is controlled by 2 kid which regularly conducts rates on curtis finances in the area of the pots of northern sylvia held by rebels. the question has confirmed its targeting, you claims energy infrastructure to disrupt the country is worth it. you cranes. national energy operator says attacks on sunday damaged high voltage facilities in the south. they full emergency shutdowns of electricity facilities and around a desa will. several pals, fonts have been destroyed and damaged and recent waves. presidential autumn is landscape has proved on western powers to provide more military hardware to find
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the russia or cc 30 stand is that as mitsu and instruction terrorists are now targeting file strikes to cool the energy bleeding of any crane, we gave all the necessary signals to our partners all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems, to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows. course of child stratford has moved from key. the ukraine's largest private energy company, a company called the tech is saying that 5 of it, 6 plots have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss. to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those,
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those 6 plots just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plants, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that needs a tax all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, all installations, for example. and that's something that interesting me is, is, might be the us unhappy. of course, the us, ukraine's largest ally washington concerned these attacks by ukraine on rushes, all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global oil prices, but he's been very interesting to his own ski responds to these kind of complaints . in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such
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a deficit in a defenses. and he said that if you cravings or forced to suffer these kind of attacks, then russians, you should to up to the head on the news on the supporters of jail full upon minnesota in long con, purchased over the results of focused on the scanner. the elections class and the tests that you had added a couple of the die and they'll see is they will be sweet. so keep watching uninstalled the race to in the gym and the title has taken a decisive twist and they will be here with that. the hello, it's been a wash out in southern california, los angeles, scooping up
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a months worth of rain in 24 hours. still getting striped with a few showers in the forecast on sunday. but the worst of the rain is over. and once you shake the showers, we've got a pretty stellar stretch of weather. temperatures will shoot up across the western canada and the canadian prairies and the days to come. so something to look for there. but a pretty del forecasts across a great lakes in the us northeast with this cloud draped over and a few showers through the midwest. now i want to show you from the southern states . look what happens. we've got that warm breeze out of the gulf of mexico. it will eventually collide with cool. they're off the rockies, so you know, the name of the game that's going to sparks. storms, arkansas, missouri rate through to kentucky dark at the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling to central america. not much to report for you have a few showers and storms, but plenty of spells of sunshine to look forward to on sunday to south america, we go almost all of brazil under weather alerts for the thunder storms. and they've got to take you to the river play because we've got big storms bubbling up here and marching across, pushing into the southeast corner of brazil. these will likely dropped some hail,
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powerful winds, and severe lightning to be expected. here on sunday, let's go 21 degrees and month of the day of today on sunday, on the in 2018. a john this led, 40 days of civic action against the on the union government. i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to labor to square, and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet resolution. on the latest news, as the critics people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost are lies. vladimir putin has called the attack of bloody and barbaric app with
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detailed coverage. the more hours tonight to celebrate, perhaps a change for the typically people from around the world to abide says the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin a news the, the watching algebra me, elizabeth, put on and don't have a mind to about top stories for so the face to palestinians have been killed and several ended. and then as ready as troy, can it all off the hospital and central garza, the attack, hit tens, housing displays, people as well as journalists and the coal challenge of a medical facility is rarely prime minister benjamin netanyahu is set to undergo
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a hernia operation on sunday. nights deputy prime minister yacht of live in will take on his using small things on the anesthesia and was counting us on the way and touch you as calls columbus and local elections. the balance is widely seen as a test of college president treasure 5, as long as popularity, setting up a sample as a major, bashful ground, and focused on support as of the p t i policy of jail, formal prime minister and the non kind of protesting of the city of charlotte against the results of a general election last month. they allege, quote, freaking election day was march by motor bob and into that outages come on high that has moved on the protest as demands from charlotte. despite the fact that you're doing the rama don, most of the people that are blocked day, like the leader of the project on teddy again saw him wrong on or given a guard. that'd be furniture to come out in large numbers. and that type of thing.
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well, robin is a proven credit for the rep. suppose it is important to know that you enjoyed the board. yeah. one of the purpose of this particular project, if you guys are nice public supports, the focus on data can solve and been complaining a dead man. there, there had been stolen, there weren't that recall of the war. there weren't that fit to be there done. there also aren't there later on hunger be released from prison. we're here and protesting for the release of our leader, him on con, has been put behind bars without any reason. you have to be the one that i was on all your vision provider to watch the one these 6 guys who's been on the law, an artist with regions blue book. and that's what we're talking about. the microphone and the 2nd one. why is the president, what's the reason behind it?
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now it is ramadan, but despite that, we have seen thousands of people going up in bridge. drywall, author ramadan, the plan dodge where it's countrywide rotate. it is going to be unplugged in to see whether the government and board brings a bunker, learned the pressure they have caught them and add them, or that they will not give up their fall despite allegations of mazda rigid rigging . or it is expected at all for the month of ramadan, they will be more protest across the country. i like me to gain momentum. in the meantime, i've gone gone, remains in prison, and remains also. one of the most popular leaders in the country come on the data off for shotwell opposition, leaders in india, protesting in the capital in new delhi, against the rest of the regions, chief minister, their crews, and communist them. that ends in mouldings, governmental views and federal agencies to target all position policies ahead of
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a general election next month. indeed, financial crime investigation agency arrested out of engaging well, 10 days ago. it's also launched products against full all the chief ministers off oppositional states as well as some of the family members. as somebody is paula montez approve measures to change posit pots. so that's provisional constitution. and of a whole the electrical system. they want the president house at a point and dismissed the prime minister rather than the parliament. somalia has an indirect and actual system based on clans. the decision has ended politicians and the state of pun, plan, who say they will no longer recognize the federal government. the government of the template has withdrawn its recognition of confidence, of the federal government of somalia. until there is a completed constitution, which will someone, is there any agreements with land as a pos of the constitution of pen plan states. the governments of finland will
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exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts, in which there is agreements and deals. the constitution got some all these except to let's take a closer look at the region, portland as a northern somalia, which is resided as being more stable than the south. it's on to around 5000000 people. unlike its know, the name of the break away province of symbolic mand for implants is in seeking independence. instead, it's functioned as a semi autonomous region since 1998 match. brighton is it strategic advisor facade research. that's a think tank focusing on politics and security and the horn of africa, and he's joining us live from library. be very good to see you, mr. brighton. giving everyone a vote. doesn't sound like a bad idea and principles of why is putting land against it. as well, the land is against the fact that it hasn't been given a vote in the changes to the constitution and nor has most of the somalis. in fact,
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what we've seen is what's called a constitutional review process. which in fact has been a introduction of almost an entirely new constitution without widespread consultation, without the participation of the federal member states of somalia. it almost looks to many as though the federal government of somalia has hijacked the constitutional process. or at least that's what land is alleging, and has therefore opted out of this constitutional reform process and its outcome. and why would president house on check? well, how much do this as well, that's, you know, that's, that's really up for debate. and presumably present hasn't changed, he has a very good record. he's, he's known as a human rights activist at democracy activist. and he came into his 2nd term with excellent credentials for rebuilding the some of the state. so i think most
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observers expected him to observe the kinds of norms and processes that would be required to build consensus and bring some of these together. now why this process looks like it's been sort of rammed through parliament? and why that seems to be necessary is a bit of a mystery. and many of somebody's international partners have also queried the fact that the constitutional revery process has been done without transparency. it's not really clear why these reforms are required. they limit the number of political parties to 3. the president's proposal was to uh, they were initially intended to remove the parliamentary system and introduce a presidential system. and so they looked a lot like the centralized ation of power. yeah. in a, in a fairly autocratic system. and so there are questions about what the president's intentions are in this process. and what does it say this reform about the state
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that somebody a as in, from a security point of view, as you said, because it looks like it's an effort to centralize power. 12 centralizing, power in and of itself may not be a bad thing, although it contradicts the federal system. but some of it has been built on for the last more than a decade. but as you say, i mean with, with some modeling on that to acting as an independent state. it's important line now declaring its autonomy. the federal government controls less than half the country officially. and the house that it controls is actually mainly controlled by the militant group i wish above. so the federal government has very limited or far as the and the, the question now is whether any kind of constitutional review process, any kind of elections will be possible within its term of office. and or whether or
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not this will actually now emboldened the house above. yeah. to renew its offense against the government and i'm sick to take over power. yeah, i was just going to ask you, you know, how much of a headache will this best be for the president who's already struggling to sit authority over the break we're region of somali that to but it's going to be a huge headache. i mean, as long as the federal government involved issue has legitimacy and appears to be moving in the right direction. then i think much of the international community will feel that somalia is coming together as a, as a member of the international community as the unified state. now somali land has been acting independently for more than 30 years and with the federal government in trouble, even with them of destroy itself. without your bab on the offensive with point land breaking away on dishes claims to control over its own territory. never mind somali
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language functions is independent state is it is increasingly lacking in any kind of credibility. and i think be the agreement between e, c o, p, and some of the land that was signed at the beginning of this year, which might involve recognition of some of that as an independent state is, is looking like a real headache from a bishop, mr. broad and thank you very much for your expertise on this. we really appreciate it. that is match bride and of san research. joining us live from nairobi, thank you. sell millions of people in some bob way of facing hunger as a drought has destroyed most of the annual harvest and some areas rain hasn't for them for weeks. and many people have, depending on financial assistance from the united nations to survive, hadn't latasha reports from the capital had audi. so this is a missed message tells susan, my policy is received monthly cash allowance coming to you as well for the program
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is being sent of honorable people ends in bomb. we already struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me the not the cro in the feel. i'm not looking good. many people may not have is anything. price is going up. i have to try to feed out, knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually go up. and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i have been a this because they have to find money to be able to purchase a menu to rural communities. hopes of a good harvest, updating this is mays. neil: a staple food in, in by we may see the ground into a power to or flour
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a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain or falling in some areas, the un says the unlikely to face via food shortages this yeah. hi to my task that i'll just ash had. i was president. dina bought a lot that has described the police right on her home is arbitrary, disproportionate and abusive. she's being investigated in a corruption pro that senses on julie with half a $1000000.00. money out of sanchez reports from lima. as long as i was in the forest, there we in the middle of the night, at least 40 police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence that was
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president, may have been enriching herself while the office at the center of the probes, the jewelry and watches, the number of black thing, wares, and the judge waste no time in ordering the read for home and government offices, the task to allow for them to provide the objectives discriminatory behavior. it's not been the case with other presidents. this measure is argued trinity that this proportion is and abuses its effect slattich over inability to 2 weeks ago. media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different rolex watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns. now. she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the press is harassing her in my the which case i ask myself. since when does the sector of the press concern itself? what did president, where's or not? i hope, and i want to believe it's not
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a question of sexism or discrimination. the smoke and the most focusing of a lot that came to power after former precedent visit castillo was ousted in 2022, her 1st month to know if this were tarnished with violent protest. she's facing an investigation for the depth of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest most peruvians disapprove, of what this government. now her opponents in congress are collecting signatures in a bit between peach. are you telling me that for days, but do i have to remain silent no way from the cameras estate fcc and i would be attending as soon as possible before the prosecutor's office. to clarify the watches case. i've always said i am a notice to him and i take office with clean hands and those i will retire from the presidency in 2026. and a lot of this over the week government may now use political allies,
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but she denies any wrong doing. and says she will not resign my the in the front just, i just see that lima still ahead of the news. i'll take him to see a group of musicians from around the world, making music together. adams, full, for here from the american attendance plan is just one of the biggest, twice on the korea, the the call choose solutions that gives us no hope for future that we have to find creative solutions. not just turn our backs on the don't think that has a number, think about it as a person yourself and that person shoes. so as you can see for this is my us, my life, like at least in my life, those stages we want we want to break because the women in my country
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a good match sweet to us. we are not denies all of whom we are a few men being done. this has to be true or false. that's our ancestors. whatever has been done before can be done as long as a human being is doing it. you just have to keep pushing because no one else can see, the vision is keywords you to the time to search. now his ending, thank you so much. elizabeth full mohammed solid has found his teams that sort of
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the english premier league and what could be a pivots whole day in the talk with rice little pool. this is have to come from a goal down in my game against front and that i'm fail dining well by the putting the weight seem ahead of to just minutes. it is a level through the colombian for place he has. and then the 2nd now solace, need the winter of it to one of the final skills. and now his team of 3 points good on some of the tables for the games, a range and peace of mind, just a cynthia and also has just taken so the city point behind the 2nd place also party all the same, have 112 that passed 13 lee games against last don't put the exception. well that was a one know last year on the season late to scroll the to have it still sits. e new us new new. is it outside of the software installed button graceful h m pc size. next season asked that i held on to full screen with the sooner when
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over at was and still i have now one as many games as we did in full of last season . a sweet, sweet. so remember putting pressure on them in 5th, a full, some of the lambs written leases to send him and getting the when in the 8 to 6 minutes, i just 3 points behind zillow and they have a gaming monitor. so you know, it's a champions league hurts with density with an injury. time the goal, they're rented nice. mount seats has wanted to, you know, it's with the noise, the 6 minutes, but then print for the points and then let me see, 9th, that leads united in 6 place and 11 points behind villa h. behind the as a germany web. i let the keys and have already won the pool in this league, according to bon meanings. coach thomas table. that's after home to fate. 2 development left behind the scene points behind them in the possible rice. they would start triples with 7 games to play thomas, to close,
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as dependents. they get tied to the race is already over after watching is so at least 2 new to bursey. a dupont deal fit is congratulations to lead is by 11 cruise and he now believes co because after another 3 points, the 10 points we should not, we should not be unrealistic as this is a very, very likely that level because it becomes tempting, of course, is the 1st time in the decade that find the compete in the home by goldman in the game known as dick jessica. they went the last 11 been to seek a trophies, but no 13 points behind. it looks like they'll have to win the champions league to avoid the 1st trip to the season in 12 years. they face us know in the quarter finals. again, we are back a little bit background square one. we saw to be overcome this. we had this too many times in the season, and again, it happened to us and because punished education had been in dangerous sufferings, efforts to face of the season. but too late goes against oppenheim secured them to
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come back victory. sylvia alonzo, i sorry. i have not lost in 13, owing games into the army and defeated side in europe, at least for sure. we are not position that we could, we could we need to, but still few games to go for sure today. and the 3 points gave us after the international, the, the moment to keep going to start. well. so yeah it's, it's for sure it's a good chance, but it's not over anything. it's over. it's been speculation alone. so i could replace the outgoing to clint fine, or you can call it is for mcloud little pool, but the spending of this can fund he's staying where he is next season. and the moment i, it says right to be here, i'm really happy. i'm just you, i have the globe, he's great. fine. so i rate the players are unbelievable. so many reasons. laboratories in a bouncing on coast to break 12 is a boy and domination. then there are just 3 wins away from that. firstly, title david stokes, which is 0. this insane pulse alone,
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i have kept the pressure on the latest remo druid in league, if a page costs thomasville notes caused within any valleys choice visiting wing us for a fee. yeah. so now the goal of the game. well play us as we feel about lights are on sunday and they'll play boston in our classic. i want to be twins for stealing ronaldo. his school, his 2nd patrick of the season in the sound of probably the lights is helping myself . 51 picture of i'll site and we'll see this goes 3 more sophie, 13 on elder. now that was the leave slip score with 26, those overall but almost to remain 2nd, 12 police behind the rear driver's house allow 9 games left in the seas. americans, daniel collins beach elena root, became this when the miami opened it. so i told the failure all the, facing the world number 4 in straight sets to 6 of the biggest title of her career . that's pretty nice and run a rough announcement in january that should be twitching tennis at the end of the
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season. yeah, it's just been amazing to go out today and to have felt the energy that i felt from the fans and literally feel like i'm playing in front of thousands of my best friends. so that was just serial. i will never forget this day because of that. the fillings kind of romera has one beta safari, probably 10 you the double world champion, finishing moving in minutes and a half ahead of us toyota, tennessee made those coupons, cadillac su shrimp ship. lita sierra naples, he's finished 5th, but he still has the overall made round for the season. takes place in croatia, and we'll try seems to, by we'll cut was one by low river from the saudi arabian government stable are still keeps our show on bold and lower river winning this one bike a record 8 and a half length. the wind is check $12000000.00, not a 2nd on the speech. $20000000.00 that the graphs at the south. all right,
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that is how useful it is looking. i do not thank you very much for that. now finding this bulletin has been any 25 years since the city of chicago decided to establish a global music group representing its diverse community. today, the chicago and the good orchestra showcase is global music and to serve as a model for unity and then divided was on hand. one has a story from chicago. in in a chicago studio, the mingled instruments and voices of the world plan into a global since the chicago immigrant orchestra is a rotating country of up to 30 musicians, playing a unique blend of world music that combines persian vocal, the mongolian through the end instruments from around the world in each composition from a chinese rewan to and fro peruvian percussion,
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uniting sound in society. music is a ard, the $0.10 boarders. and it's, it's $0.10 pressure. this is and, and, and stereotypes and it's, it's, it's something that everybody can kind of experience collectively. when is the rule or the groups, palestinian american co director plays the bazooka place in between notes that are not on the suitcase or on the piano or on the guitar. if this style is hard to pinpoint the speakers, the music is from no single place. the instruments of the world together through the universal language of music. co director for recon, the chicago born son if a truly and mother and a pakistani father says instruments never played together before combined seamlessly more so he says the nations they come from one of the things about this group is we get along so well and you would assume that they would be
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a lot of friction culturally, you know, but there isn't at all. it's more than music this. nigerian american senior says it's an example for the city and the world. i think it's hope for a better, more unified world right now. especially in chicago is a very segregated city. and so i think that is, it represents what life could be if we actually accept one another and learn from each other as our immigrant experience the from the rehearsal studio, to the concert hall. the immigrant orchestra is a tapestry of global sales in the middle for, for the harmony. it hopes to symbolize for the nations from which those instruments have john henry l. u 0. chicago. stay with us on algebra. we will be back in just
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a couple of minutes with the maintenance developments on one of our top stories. thank you for watching the in the biggest the claim you out in history, the biggest democracy office on epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new port bought cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drops of the freedoms in india and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley, on those is either the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to know. there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. it's been while you have some western power supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to
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defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and morally. they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the israel cause of conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera, these people are practicing skills needed to save lives in the heat of battle. they are roughly divided equally between men and women. if a woman meets the physical criteria and has the right to cycle logical motivation, she can absolutely perform tasks at the level of any man as a dentist. again, a has registered for possible military service if needed, or look at my toll and someone will be hit as a person with a medical background, i have to know what to do is ukraine begins the 3rd year of his full scale rule. there was a growing awareness of the need from old military posts and now i do believe women have a high volume in the army. and for some positions they're more suitable even according to my middle command. so there is a place for each woman,
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but i understand else that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave the family. but as the we're trying zone, it's a decision. increasing numbers of women may be cooled on to make the display as the palestinians under attack is where the muscles target tens, neil, especially killing at least 2 people. hello, i'm elizabeth put on them, and this is alice's here on line from the also coming up on the brink of starvation . unicef issues of the warning is don't to struggle to treat some very mel large children and gaza as pressure mountains on israel's gum.


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