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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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the milk man, so there is a place for each woman, but i understand now is that that it should be very hard for mothers to leave that handling. because the, when it runs on, it's a decision increasing numbers of women may be called on to make. the display of the palestinians under attack is really missiles target tends to be a hospital killing at least 2 people. hello, i'm elizabeth autumn and this is alex is here on line from door. how also coming up on the brink of starvation uni says issues a warning is don't struggle for troops severely. mel lars, children and gaza as pressure mounts on israel's government. prime minister
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benjamin netanyahu announces cl hernia surgery and, and took a, a post clause, and loan collection seems attached to president in charge of 5 and the ones functionality we begin in central, gaza. we're on is really striking. the unlocks the hospital has killed at least 2 palestinians, an injured several others. initial report suggest the attack had attend housing, displaced people in the hospitals, co chat, and then out of the law in the holiday reports. this was the moment of an is read her strike just meters from the interest to x, a hospital in central glass with a top target to, to tens housing displays policy used in the courtyard of the medical facility and did, but i well i know when i got, you know, we were sitting in the tents, we're defenceless of millions and displaced people from northern garza. suddenly
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the missile hit this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain. targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured palestinians were brought into the hospital. one of the few in gauze as to partially functioning, its accidents and emergency departments is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the 10s as a makeshift office. and the issue that keep the time without any warning were a group of general us with no tourist. amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit. everything went dark with deputies and rock flying over our heads. the health care system has laps because of israel's bombardment and locate medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical
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teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded, and the display sp put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's way the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified, seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case . and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes if tens, palestinians do not know where to go. this is in the godaddy data. alexa hospital that is, but i'm homeless on who it has more from occupied east jerusalem. this is early army releasing a statement saying that they have indeed attacked this 10 outside the bill also hospital. but they're claiming that it was a command center for palestinian islamic jihad further saying in their statement that it's not right to have the operatives were present at the time of the attack.
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now what we've been hearing from our own journalist on the ground that says either from source is on the ground, we do know that it is to palestinians were killed and nearly a 1000. others injured and among them or journalist b is rarely army has often times use these kinds of claims without providing evidence that they are attacking people who are members of either from us or policy municipality has making these claims based on what they're calling direct intelligence. but never really clarifying or giving us that information. they're saying that this strike happened after a lengthy assessment. and they're saying that it was quote, precise and targeted to not try and harm the civilians in the surrounding areas. but we do know that that was simply not the case just given how many people were injured in this attack. any of my colleagues? well, matheson spoke to frame model of it from the international press institute. and he says, the strikes me unlock size, a tragedy that should never have happened. it is absolutely difficult, if not impossible, to believe that the inside forces had no idea that this was
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a place where jimmy swift functioning and blocking. and this is, i think, to a told of journalists that in this conflict, which is higher than any other conflict that we have recorded in history business, absolutely. culture. we've seen of course, this kind of situation before. we've had so many cases, particularly in this region for our journalists, have been targeted as an organization. what kind of advice or protection can you give to your members when they're going into a conflict area like this? i think this is a conflict like no other we have ever seen it normally, you would tell journalists, and i'm sure you have also done this kind of training. so in terms of working in conflict zones, in goals zones where you put on protective equipment, but you're trying to say, stay free to try to say in the areas where there is no fighting. but you, uh, you know, clearly display the drum is. and what we have seen is that even when gymnast
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clearly display the press symbol on that helmets on this black jackets, the steel killed even targeted. there is clear evidence on a number of cases which have been researched very clearly. the journalists have been targeted even though they have been displaying the press the sides. so it's almost impossible to say to john if they cannot believe. and i've been working with some of your other organizations or how we can allow jenny. so we can find ways to john is totally even leave this area and we are finding is that people have to pay around. so in order to leave the, the guy, the street, that this is just one of the most horrific situations that we have come across. is there any problem? and as the benjamin netanyahu is set to undergo a hernia operation on sunday night, while he's on the anesthesia, a deputy prime minister yacht of the vin will take on his duties as, as well, has attacked hospitals across the gaza strip,
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including all schiffer in the middle of a palestinian boy died just days off to being full still shall the facilitate by other attacks. cut them cut off as mother says, they said i'll shift on monday off to is really full. says ordered patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come out of the lawn hospital. he died in one of receiving treatment for hepatitis officials and gaza. say is really, troops have killed more than 400 people during a near 2 weeks. each of i'll ship a little than a 100 patients and 60 stuff were made trapped inside the global sorta lock mode. suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said, maybe there's a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get how much on where is how much they are all sick children. and these know how much the only the medical stuff and these children is this. how much would it this boy do today? and how about the, how going on? if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave
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the patients. they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents lived all the injured children grow tired and doors, but they legs cut off. some operations would you late? there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for hospital. there's nothing. how much did one of that stuff? i carried him on my shoulders and held that you and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do and of the south on going his way anyways, around calling unison code, at least 16 civilians. more than 32700 palestinians have been killed since the war began. on the maximum, what has the latest from alpha? it's been almost a week since the un security council posit resolution demanding
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a ceasefire. and in an and immediate c inspire and more smooth delivery of humanitarian aid. and it's been almost a 3 days do the you, i, that you're rolling off providing more, uh, human at $3.00 and $8.00. but we're seeing on the ground quite the contrary of what the resolution of what the ruling have called for a surgeon. they are strikes concentrated in defense rugs area where more people are being killed inside residential homes. 6 people from one family, another might as a refugee cameron. this is not the 1st time we're looking at the refugee camp, accommodating the predecessors off power. so you know, we're, it displays back in 40 the particular. 5 the g can been targeted repeatedly, but those 6, including children or women were residing and were children in this residential home. but it was targeted and destroyed and paramedic describe who were evict situation. as more people are still the usual aftermath of more people under the trap and missing under the revels,
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across hon unit city will look at the whole city from the border line. and the eastern part is there all the way to allow us evacuations or a supposedly safe area for the 1000 of displays. families who were literally told or evacuated and set up tens. they because it is, they ended up being under attacks. we're looking at 16 people have been reported killed across hon. you in a city in multiple air strikes and artillery setting. maybe the wars the what's happened as a, as the over night attack then. and here's what people have been say in the pods of overnight, a toxin only to maximize the level of terror and that the psychological torture as there isn't really much can be done at night. no civil defense, the crew and of hammocks that's dangerous on the road. so people, when they get bombed inside these homes, they wait until they have the daybreak. so for a parent at expense civil defense to go on volunteers to help when it's too late to save you an agency, yusef has issued a dia wondering about the conditions and gaza,
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saying it feels like a coffin for children. doctors say they're unable to treat them out lower as youngsters because it's very false. as a hampering a deliveries algio, i visited the childrens hospital in northern garza to see help patients and staff of clothing. victoria gates and b has this report. janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer war. bailey has the energy to talk some of the shows as jenna before the jen has been able to come all at one hospital in northern garza, but its only partially functioning stuff. comp provide the specialist college and a need much to the despair of her mother. the they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other
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girls. i don't know what to do or wait your car feature seduce caused by israel's blockade on a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has lost more than a quarter of his body weight, and the last 6 months. i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me and i can't do anything to help them. help were to say that seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition, and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital. meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely what the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are ramping as hepatitis because of the water pollution of the world health organization has provided the hospital with
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fuel for generation has been not nearly enough. is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive this. well, victoria gates and b l g 0. negotiations towards the seas. fine gods are expected to resume in egypt. nation on sunday as well has confirmed its security and intelligence chief, the part of the discussions. but i'm off says it isn't sending a delegation to kyra. meanwhile, demonstrations the gathering in the coming allison from disease randy parliament in west jerusalem the launching a 3 day protest quoted for prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. they follow similar protests and kind of eve on saturday. and families of captives being held in gaza or among the thousands who gather their accusing nothing yahoo, of abandoning their loved ones the
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tenant to turkey and now and paul was enclosed in municipal elections. the vote is seen as a test of presidents rigid fiber and blonds popularity. the opposition controls most of the big cities. they include the economic hub of assembled and the capital on korea. so the governing party is hoping to retake. so then close. the owner has this update from this donald as a 5 pm low across the church. yeah, the pulsations have been close and nearly 6 the 1000000, the eligible voters pass their ballots on sunday. among those motors, 16000000 are seniors. the main battle ground floor, the 2024 mail room election has been assembled, especially the following last year's and general and presidential election present was a place i don't have to point to the outside. if somebody would be his next target, as he wanted to recall in care of the city, what, of course, the cones has so far,
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the rivalry so far has the horse fits when the incumbents may come to my mother who represents the position and, and will that's put on the former minister of environment for presenting the government party. it has been raised during the 10 bucks purchased citizens are a little surprises when it comes to voting. and we will wait and see who's going to gain the seas for the mayoral ship and assemble seen on coastal at least 7 people have been killed and more than 20 wounded and a bomb explosion and left the province in northern syria. the device went off in the middle of the market and the town of as, as some buildings called fire. the region is controlled by tequila, which regularly conducts rates on kurdish fighters in the area of the pots of northern syria held by rebels. it's still a head on al jazeera and with us let you know that it is a lot of a crops a dying and they'll see is they will be sweet. so keep watching. i'll tell you what
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the brought to you by visit castle. there you're just in time for your weather report across asia, kicking it off in buckets, dawn and much pressure feel here after showers and storms rolled through. so temperatures went down, but it's a completely different story. in india, we've got weather alerts in play through time on that do and on for project stage, temperatures are crossing 40 degrees, that humidity really bumping in off. the bad thing call. now for india as far northeast we're talking to san states are natural per dash. we've got jolts and bolts here, some century downpours could see some hail mixed in there. so nice. the weather is also been that's the weather in southern china. look at the launch this. the windows are about to blow out, their powerful thunderstorms in nearby food. yeah. and providence,
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we saw those winds with up to a 100 kilometers per hour. so no surprises we could see more seems like that around one g, one dung, fuji on and to drunk profits is dark or the blue and the yellow with the more intense that rain is falling a disturbance in the pacific. it's going to kick back a few showers in tokyo at 19 degrees, and i'll tell you it's also feeling humid around the south china sea, northern vietnam and china is high. and then island with a humid exit will feel past 40 degrees hot as march night on record in jakarta, 28 degrees. but we've got some what weather is here, so you'll max out at 29. on monday, the weather brought to you by visit cuts on families and gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defends against injustice, and we've been in gaza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can
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provide value to support to those west effected because he met dulcie stella. your mercy, showing this brightest, gave mercy, now donate to day the the watching me elizabeth put ottoman to huh. a reminder of our top stories. the sound, at least 2 palestinians have been killed and several inch it is rarely a strikingly unlocks the hospital and central casa. the attack had tens housing displays. people as well as journalists and the quote you on the medical facility. demonstrations and launching a 3 day protest in western cooling for 5 minutes to benjamin. nothing. you all have to resign. nothing. yahoo was sent to undergo
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a hernia operation on sunday. deputy prime minister. yeah. decision will take on his uses policies on the anesthesia and votes calendar, because underway is poles close and took. he has to most of the mentions the ballot is widely seen as a test of college president. friendship type editor wants popularity. the city of hassan who is an age of bathroom broke. the russia has confirmed it's targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure to disrupt the country's war effort. declines. national energy operator says attacks on sunday damaged high voltage facilities in the south. they forced emergency shutdowns of electricity facilities and, and around a desa with several power plant and so being destroyed or damaged in recent weeks. presidents will automatically lensky has off the western powers to provide more military hardware to fight russia. or cc 30 stand is that has been shown as russian
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terrorists are now targeting file strikes to quote the energy bleeding of ukraine. we gave all the necessary signals to our partners all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems. the everyone who has the necessary missiles, america, europe, our other partners, everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows. for child stratford has moved from keith, the ukraine's largest private energy company. a company called the tech is saying that 5 of it, 6 plots have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is gonna take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those, those 6 plots just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plants, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes,
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they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that needs a tax all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, all installations, for example. and that's something that interesting me is, is, might be the us unhappy. of course, the us, ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on rushes, all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global. busy oil prices, but he's been very interesting to his own ski, responds to these kind of complaints in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such a deficit in a defenses. and he said that if you cravings or forced to suffer these kind of
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attacks, then russians, you should to, for somebody as parliament disapprove measures to change parts of its provisional constitution and of a whole. the electro system, they want the president power to appoint and dismissed upon minutes to rather than the parliament. somalia has an indirect an actual system based on clans, politicians, and the state of punk plan. so they'll no longer recognize the federal government to face the governments of timberland has withdrawn its recognition of confidence, of the federal governments of some on the way until there is a completed constitution which will someone is there any agreements with put blonde as a parts of the constitution of pen plan states the governments of finland will exercise the power of a full and independent states until the federal process starts in which there is agreement and deals. the constitution got some of these accept to let's take a closer look at the region in portland as a northern somalia,
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which is regarded as being most stable than the south. it's home to around 5000000 people. unlike its know, the name of the break away province of somebody land product land isn't seeking independence. instead it's functioned as a semi autonomous region since 1998 match. brighton from san research says regional authorities will angry that they hadn't been consulted on the changes. the land is against the fact that it hasn't been given a vote in the changes to the constitution and nor have most of the somalis. in fact, what we've seen is what's called a constitutional review process, which in fact has been a introduction of almost an entirely new constitution without widespread consultation without the participation of the federal in the states of somalia. and it almost looks to many as though the federal government of somalia has hijacked the constitutional process, or at least that's what land is alleging. and many of some of these international
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partners have also queried the fact that the constitutional review process has been done without transparency. it's not really clear why these reforms are required. they limit the number of political parties to 3. the president's proposal was to, uh, they were initially intended to remove the parliamentary system and introduce a presidential system. and so they looked a lot like the centralized ation of power in a, in a fairly autocratic system. and so there are questions about what the president's intentions are in this process. doesn't baldwin. now in many ends of people are facing hunger because the drought has destroyed most of the annual harvest. rain hasn't for them for weeks and some areas. many people are depending on financial assistance from the united nations ottoman tossed, the reports from the capital head out a this is
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a missed message tells susan, my policies receive monthly cash allowance coming to you as well for the program is being sent of honorable people ends in palm we all really struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me the not the cro in the feel. i'm not looking good. many people may not have this. anything. price is going up. i have to try to feed out, knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the who are you guys, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually go up. and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find money to be able to purchase a menu to rural communities. hopes of a good harvest, updating this is mays neil,
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a staple food ins. and bob, we may see the ground into a pallet or flour a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain or falling in some areas. the u. n. says the unlikely to face via food shortages this yeah. hi to my task that i'll just ash had outage, demolition crews have started the process of dismantling, and removing the debris from the baltimore bridge was struck by a congo ship last week, causing it to collapse. recovery emissions have resumed off to being cooled off due to unsafe conditions. not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. port handles more cars and more farm equipment. more than any
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other port inside this country, and at least a 1000 workers on the docks. have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse and pocket fonts of orders of the p t. i party of jail, the former prime minister, and ron connor, protesting of the city of charlotte against the results of a general election last month. they allege, vote frigging election day was mon, my mobile and antoinette outages. the head of the catholic church put fonts as has delivered his traditional is to message at the vatican. he called for an immediate cease fund, garza. he noticed that a function of them into a fellow by a bill once again that access to humanitarian aid to be in short, to garza and cole. once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on october 7th and for an immediate cease fire district or palestine in christians and
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gaza are celebrating a step under the shadow. the dozens of worship is attended, the eastern visual editor church and gaza and doc, this intensive asperity attacks and made power supplies, erratic, gaza is home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world as well as also restricting access to one of the holy is christian sites unoccupied, east jerusalem despite being nice to sunday. and one con reports the patio is parade is actually entered here into the church of the holy example god. but let me just show you around. this is to newly this place would be completely packed out all the way into the courtyard that as well. and that was interesting because the parade itself was led by the scouts who would normally have drums. you would have musical instruments and they'd be playing them really loudly to be a much more a celebrated 3 atmosphere that isn't happening because of the christian community
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showing solidarity with the palestinians in because now like i said, normally this place will be packed full of conflicts coming from all over the world post or is that simply stayed away, but there is a community that does want to come out of a standing person's for me, of the park west point, but then not allowed to come in. the body is right, these, these readings are simply found them from even visiting one of the site goods holy sites on one of the most important key days of you know, the west and on eastern charges will be celebration east to over the next 4 or 5 weeks, but it's likely that the numbers are going to be incredibly wrong. come out 0. there's finally several occupied is through us as being any $25.00. yes. the american city of chicago decided to establish a music group aimed at representing its diverse community. today, the chicago and the going to orchestra showcase is global music. pleasant to serve as a model for you to take and divided world john henry and has the story from chicago
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. a in a chicago studio, the meaning of instruments and voices of the world plan into a global since the chicago immigrant orchestra is a rotating country, is up to 30 musicians playing a unique blend of world music that combines persian vocal, the mongolian through the end instruments from around the world and each composition from a chinese rewan to and fro peruvian percussion, uniting sound in society. music is a ard, the $0.10 boarders. and it's, it's $0.10 pressure. this is and, and, and stereotypes and it's, it's, it's something that everybody can kind of experience collectively.


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