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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 8:00pm-8:30pm AST

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the seller add bed data. the displace palestinians under attack is really missiles target tends to be a special kind of at least 2 people, the federal law and the ottoman. this is elsie or life from door ha. also coming up on the brink of starvation, yulusef issues of donald warning, his doctor struggling to treat severely malnourished children and gaza thousands of his way these protest in west jerusalem to demand
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a resignation of prominence to benjamin. nothing. yeah. and, and took a post clothes and look to the next street and seen as a test of president frederick 5 of the wants of popularity. the lead again and central gaza. when is ready as troy can, the unlocks the hospital, it has killed at least 2 palestinians, an injured several others. initial report suggest the attack of 10000 displaced people in the hospitals, courtyard and data belong in the hold of the reports. and this was the moment when is really her strike just meters from the entrance to the actual hospital in central glass on the top target to to tens housing displays policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and data. but i, well, i know who i got, you know, we were sitting in the tents, we're defensive civilians and displaced people from northern gaza. suddenly the
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missile hit this tent and then there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured policy unions were brought into the hospital, one of the few in closets to partially functioning, its accidents, and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tense as a makeshift office at the time without any warning. we're a group of general us with no tourist amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit. everything went dark with deputies and rocks flying over our heads. the healthcare system has lapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and
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medical teams and all have sick to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection. the patients, the wounded and the displaced be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that those baby planes will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case. and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes if tens, palestinians do not know where to go. this isn't gonna hold any data. alexa hospital that's buff as well, has attacked hospitals across the gaza strip, including all shifflett and the north of palestine in boy died just days off to being forced out of the facility because of his rarity a tax cut them come out as mother says, they fled all shift on monday when it's ready for his audit patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come on as one hospital where he died was receiving
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treatment for hepatitis officials and gaza. say is really troops of code, more than 400 people during an almost 2 weeks. each of all schiffer more than a 100 patients and 60 stuff. a still trapped inside the global sorta lock mark. suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said maybe there's a truce, we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get home us. oh, where is how much they're all 6 children and these know how much the only the medical stuff and these children is this. how much would it this boy do today and how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients, they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents left all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations with the late. there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll ship a hospital. there's nothing. how much did what it accepted? i carried him on my shoulders and held the tray and there were people behind me
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patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. and in the south, on going this way, the rates around con, units of towed at least 16 civilians. more than 32700 palestinians have been code since the world again. that's bringing our correspondent honey mcclure, is joining us live from alpha in southern gaza. and honey is really a tax on homes on refugee cans. continuing from the move to the south of the strip the the yes, the best, more air strikes and more attacks across the gauze, us with causing further civilian casualties and more
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a great deal and to your level of destruction, to public facilities, residential homes, infrastructure and all means of live across the district, the city of hon. units up from over night attacks and are the hours of this morning is to get extended all the way to late hours after noon 610 people have been killed across the city in multiple air strikes and are chillers showing of the eastern part of the city a more concentrated air raids in the central part of pine nunez and the western part of, of the city itself. where on the last evacuation zone is located a very particular area, the people were ordered to evacuate. be good, is it? is they only to be killed in this particular area? they've been designated as a fav done to keep chattering, in a sense of safety for displace palestinians have been running for their life since the beginning of this war. more on the central area of width. what seems to be more concentrated the for the past few weeks then extended to this day on
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a lot of the refugee camps. and they've been part of their but i city were 6 people of from one family and children going to a residential home that was targeted and destroyed. and what we, what we learned so far from paramedics and civil defense, the crew is that there are more people to still under the rubble of the same exact after mass was the after the residential buildings are being targeted. but more people on the durable, more injuries arriving, don't really over well exhausted under attack, hold facility and did about expertise. and honey, once again underlining, well, you've been reporting for the last 6 months at no one and gaza is safe. the straw icon unlocks the hospital. that hens, upholstered on earlier in this bulletin is the latest attack on june list. some guys the, the, you know, the more we talk do to people. elizabeth then paramedics, the from the hospital, the medical staff to describe what's going on of the deliberate attacks and hills
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facility is part of the psychological warfare and intended to maximize the psychological torture that not even a health facility, a place of feeling a place for saving life is safe for display as then for the injuries and for the large the traumatized population. what we talk about right now is a direct attack on the court yard of the hospitality tens that was targeted and 2 people reported killed and did dozens of injuries. the vast majority of injuries happened to be from the journalist who are taking the courtyard of the hospital as of the sites for there were given that there is electricity going on, there is internet available, so can they can do their work. not even journal this, right and our safe, not even the hospital and it's chord courtyard given the significance of a health care facility. but after we seen what happened and not, not their hospital and all the hospitals in the northern part on gauze and city, it is not a surprise that a healthcare facility we have one more time is being
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a target. honey, thank you very much for that. that is, honey, my food was the latest live in alpha, the you an agency. unicef has issued a warning about the conditions and gaza saying it feels like a coffin for children. doctors say they are unable to treat a malnourished youngsters because it's very false as a hand for an aide deliveries out 0 visit to the children's hospital in northern garza to see how patients and staff are coping the toy gates and b has this report . janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer war. bailey has the energy to talk some of the shows as jenna before the jen is being brought to come all at one hospital. the news and garza but it's only partially functioning stuff. comp, provide the specialist college and a need. it's much to the despair of some of the kids. they asked me to
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take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can we do at home with my very sick daughter? i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait. your car. seat shows seduce close by israel is located on a truck, so leaving palestinian children malnourished at one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weight. and the last 6 months, i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me, and i can't do anything to help them. help were to say the seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition. and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies, that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital. meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with
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children's immune systems. infectious diseases are ramping as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generations, but not nearly enough. it also shows that oxygen and incubators, as well as that pots the live saving medical equipment. all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who were struggling to survive this. well, victoria gates and b l g 0. demonstrations the gathering in front of these really parliament and government buildings. these a live pictures from west to very for them. with who did i apologize? no. outside the can message, thousands of people are putting on departments to benjamin netanyahu to resign. this for you, my call is for the time the son who's, who's joining us from west jerusalem and honda. they have been many different protests since the war on gods and began to cuss through who's at this one. and why the cooling on the prime minister to resign?
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this is quite a large demonstration. we're talking about tens of thousands of his rallies, who's taken to the streets. and what they're saying is going to be a 4 day a demonstration in protests of israel government. initially there were protests for the release of his early captive. then there were protests against the government, nearly 4 months into the war, saying that they simply weren't doing it now. and now there are full blown anti government demonstrations against the government and calling for the release of is really captive just to show you a bit of the scene behind us. here. tens of thousands of is really to say are going to be camped out in tense. in the surrounding area, there are 3 closures all around the perimeter is of these rarely parliament building in west jerusalem. and all of this comes as there haven't really been any signs of the a deal to bring back. the remaining is really captive. so these protestors said in a memo earlier that they were quote,
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fed up with the state of politics within the state of israel, and that they're going to take matters into their opening and nothing else saying home. the combination of military pressure is something that he's maintained since the will began and flexibility and talks he said, would bring about the hostage release we have been hearing from him. what. what else has he been saying? on the survey points from the is rarely prime minister tonight. first he said that israel quote is showing flexibility in the talks, but that how much has demands that he says would not be good for the security of israel. additionally, he says that those who say that he is not working hard enough are simply incorrect . he also addressed the idea of israel's invasion into guns of southern most city dropbox, saying that these really army is prepared to both invade the city and evacuate the nearly one and a half 1000000 palestinians who are seeking refuge there and home the he also said that he expects to make
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a full and quick recovery from surgery he is going in for hunting a surgery on sunday. that's exactly right. these really prime minister's office announcing that you will undergo surgery this evening at 9 pm local time. he's expected to make a full recovery, but it's not exactly know and how long he will be out of work for israel's justice minister. uribe levin will be in his place for the time being. but he comes and meet the backdrop of these continued protests that will be ongoing outside of these really parliament from the thank you very much for that home. the son who would from that very large anti government protest taking place right now in west jerusalem. the turning to key and now in the post enclosed in the countries municipal elections the most seen as a test of president frederick 5 that belongs to popularity. the opposition controls
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most of the big cities, including the economic hub of a stumble and the capital. entre which the government parties hoping to retake, send them cool. c o 2 has this update from this donald as, as a 5 pm local across the church? yeah, the whole stations have been close and nearly 61000000 eligible voters pass their ballots on sundays. among those motors, 16000000 are seniors, the main battle ground floor. the 2024 mail room election has been assembled, especially the following last year's a general and presidential election present was a place i don't have to develop. so if someone would be his next target, as he wanted to recall in care of the city, what, of course, the cones has so far, the rivalry so far has the horse between incumbents made to come to my mother who represents the position and, and we're not to put on the former minister of environment for presenting the
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government party, it has been them they can not raise during the campaign by purchase, citizens are full of surprises when it comes to voting. and we will wait and see who's going to engage the seas for the mayoral sip and assemble, seen on personal to the head on knowledge of their dying. and they'll see is they will be street keep watching the critical debate. pony farmers are angry. people are starving and we actually have to experts all good because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments for addition to the highest level they've been using games for the political
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economy service to implement aid and course the rivals inside story on outages, era searching use only from the rwandan genocide, the same of remembered school bone in honor of the, of the 800000 lives to with my screen still being filing a mini rwandan still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra this is to took is the 1st country in the world to develop a comprehensive national, sustainable tourism program. partnership with the global, sustainable tourism comes this country homes more beauties than just those use looks like beaches. historical and cultural bureau, velo reach, and michelin, green star, restaurants come and discover the natural, historical and cultural beauties the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, the watching knowledge of the out of me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about top stories. the sounds that leads to palestinians have in code and several injured. and then as rarely attack the unlocks the hospital and central garza the s tri contents, housing displaced people as well as journalists, nicole child of the medical facility. most counting is underway, kentucky, as municipal elections. the balance is widely seen in protest of college president treasure 5, and the wants of popularity says you have a sancho as a major battle ground and is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu set to undergo a hernia operation on sunday night deputy prime minister yacht if event will take
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on his duties while he's on the anesthesia is rarely ami, says it's killed that has been to come on the in an s strike in southern lebanon. and his riley drawn targeted a car including killing one person as well. claims that was a smart ali, as a, a come on the in an anti tank unit has bella hasn't confirmed the death. let's say 7 people have been killed and more than 20 wounded and a bomb explosion and a level of province and northern sylvia. the device went off in the middle of a mock kitchen town. as of some buildings quote fire. the region is controlled by to kid, which regularly conducts raise on kurdish fighters in the area of the pots of northern syria held by rebels. the russia has confirmed that it's targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure and a bid to disrupt as warranted your claims national energy operations as
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a tax on sunday damaged high voltage facilities and the solve forcing emergency electricity shutdowns in odessa and nearby several power plants have been destroyed, damaged in recent weeks, you plant in president florida means a lensky has aust western powells to provide more military hardware to find the russia. or cc throw, at least in. it's not as much as russian terrorists are now targeting file strikes to quote the energy bleeding of ukraine. we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems. the everyone who has the necessary missiles, america, europe, our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows course child stress. so it has moved from keith, the ukraine's largest private energy company, a company called the tech is saying that 5 of its 6 clouds have been damaged and 80
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percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those, those 6 parts just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plots, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course, yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that needs a tax all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia, targeting their energy facilities, all installations, for example. and that's something that interestingly, is, is, might, the, the us on happy cost us ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on russia's all facilities could result in
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an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global. busy oil prices, but he's been very interesting to his own ski, responds to these kind of complaints in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such a deficit in a defenses, and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kind of attacks then russians, you should, to just above, when our millions of people are facing hunger as a drought has destroyed most of the annual harvest in some areas, rain hasn't for them for weeks, and many people have been pending on financial assistance from the united nations to survive. how do i tossed the reports from the capital head audi a this is a missed message tells susan my policies received monthly cash allowance coming to you as well for the program is being sent of honorable people in zimbabwe. oh,
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really struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me that when i'm old enough like i'm not the cro in the feel. i'm not looking good. many people may not have this anything prizes of going up. i have to do to feed out knock on to the people living in urban areas who can afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually cool . and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find my need to be able to purchase in many rural communities, hopes of a good harvest. updating this is mays. neil a staple food in zimbabwe may see the ground into a pallet or flour
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a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says the ins supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain at all falling in some areas. the u. n says the unlikely to face via food shortages. this you had them a task that i'll just cut out a demolition cruise and started the process of dismantling. and removing the debris from the baltimore bridge was struck by a colleague o ship last week, causing it to collapse, recover emissions have resumed off to being cooled off due to unsafe conditions. not just about maryland. this is about our nation's economy. the port handles more cars and more farm equipment, more than any other port inside this country,
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and at least 8000 workers on the docks. have jobs that had been directly affected by this collapse. there was president dana, but a lot of say, has declared a police rate on her home, arbitrary disproportionate and abusive. she's being investigated in the corruption pro that centers on julie was half a $1000000.00. money out of sanchez reports from lima. says the forced the we in the middle of the night, at least 40 police officers and prosecutors searching for evidence because president may have been enriching herself while the office at the center of the probes, the jewelry and watches, the number of black thing. where's the judge waste, if no time in ordering the read for home and government offices, the task for them to provide the objectives discriminatory behavior? it's not been the case with other presidents. this measure is argued trinity that
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this proportion is and abuses its effect. slattich over inability to 2 weeks ago, media reports revealed what has appeared wearing different will next watches. the attorney general summoned her to explain how she got them. she says she's worked since she was 18 years old to pay for what she owns. man, she's always prided herself of her humble origins and says the press is harassing her in my the which case i ask myself, since when does the sector of the press concern itself with what the president wears or not? i hope and i want to believe it's not a question of sexism or discrimination. a spark and not the most focused. he never liked it, came to power after former precedent visit castillo was ousted in 2020 to her 1st month. to know if this were tarnished with violent protest. she's facing an investigation for the depth of 49 peruvians killed by security forces. this new
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political crisis is unfolding when polls suggest most peruvians disapprove of what this government. now her opponents in congress are collecting signatures in a big dream pie chart junior. so we need that for days, but do i have to remain silent no way from the cameras instead of 50 and i would be attending as soon as possible before the prosecutor's office. to clarify the gorgeous case. i've always said i am an honest woman. i take office with clean hands and those i retire from the presidency in 2026. what is over the weak government? me now use political allies, but she denies any wrong doing and says she will not resign. madame ascentis, i just needed lima. finally, this bulletin, palestinian christians in gaza, a mocking east under the shadow of the dozens of worship, has attended the east to visual that
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a church in gauze and city in darkness. intensive is rarely a tax and made power supplies of rhetoric. and that's it. familiar, elizabeth put on them for this house. our news weather was next to the inside story . we'll look at where the ultra orthodox jews in israel will have to 7 some other tree. and if that could affect nothing. yeah. who's calling this the the hey, there is certainly it has been a stormy mix in the southwest of saudi arabia. so more scenes of flooding, we're starting to see this was in ask for providence torrential downpours here. copious amounts of rain still in the forecast on monday. now starting to creep into central saudi arabia, tell you what they'll have could catch a few drops as well. we've got you in for 32 degrees water. if you have them to leave shows us, most of the action is in saudi arabia around the red sea as well,
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pushing through the other side. so around the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and you put a looking to catch a few showers on monday to central asia. we go cooler, feel here at temperatures of lower it across pockets down with what, whether we've got some showers in the mix for 10 minutes stance. capital ask about at 17 degrees wall to wall sunshine, across the turkey, a looking good and assembled 90 degrees. look at cyprus, they could see a passing pushing past that 30 degrees threshold. and certainly we have had a lot of heat for chats capital engine. nina, that continues 44 unsettled still in the northwest. but the weather is starting to peter out for places like morocco, but the rain is picking up through the democratic republic of congo. if i take you to the south, get ready, south africa, we're seeing some activity flare up really for central and eastern portions of the country. on monday, the,
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the 1st and i saw that we see 3 of the victims themselves saw. there's a disconnect between what we are witnessing on social media versus what we're seeing on mainstream. it is always an attempt to frame a 2 sides of them, but there is no 2 sides to this. the western media does have a western bias. understand what they are looking to see out and raise. the listening post covers how the news is covered. it will also orthodox jews in israel serving its military. the government is undergoing pressure to end the decades of exemption that says calls the grateful groups to join the army is the rule right? is holding tarza, but couldn't lead to the collapse of benjamin nothing. y'all who's coalition this is inside story, the


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