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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  March 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:30pm AST

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most of this beautiful man, trust us with your messy, this rama, done. the displace palestinians on the attack is really miss solve target 10 smell. so coming at least 4 people, the kind of them are kyle, this is alan to 09 from tow. how also coming up on the brink of salvation. unicef issues a dime warning is talk to struggle to treat severely malnourished children in guns of thousands of his writings protests in west jerusalem to the mom. the resignation of prime minister benjamin netanyahu and crowds waiting for the final results of the kids. local elections. the opposition is on cost. to keep control of major
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cities, news may begin in central galls or what and it's really as strike that i likes the hospital, has killed at least full palestinians and injured several of those initial reports suggest the attack hit tense, housing displaced people in the hospitals, courtyard and the bala as well says it was top 10, a c'mon center of the islamic jihad on group and co diary reports. this was the moment when is read here, strike just meters from the interest to excell hospital in central cost. a top target to to tens housing displaced, policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and data. but i, well, i know when i got here and we were sitting in the tents, we are defensive civilians displaced people from northern gaza. suddenly the
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missile hit this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain. targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard, injured palestinians were brought into the hospital. one of the few causes to partially functioning, its accidents, and emergency department is over. well, journalist covering the war had also been using the tents as a makeshift office at the time without any warning were a group of general us with no tourist. amongst us. we were preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit that everything went dock with the deputies and rock flying over our heads. the health care system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the
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international community must provide such protection. the patients, the wounded and the space to be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's a, the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes us tense, palestinians do not know where to go. this is the data. alexa hospital that's buff, as well, has consistently attach health facilities across clauses. since the early days on the war including, i'll ship a hospital in the north. when palestinian boy has died just days off to being forced down to the facility because of his riley strikes. time cut out, his mother says they fled, i'll see for on monday when it's ready for us as would have patients and doctors to leave,
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she moved him to come out. and one hospital where he died was receiving treatment for hepatitis officials and gall. this is really troops have killed more than 400 people during almost 2 weeks. the age of l. c. for over a 100 patients and 60 start from main trucks inside the global, sorta lock mach. suddenly they closed the doors and they were shooting. we said maybe there's a truce, we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get how much on where is how much they are all sick children and these know how much i need the medical stuff. and these children is this. how much would it this boy do today? and how about the, how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents left all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late? there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll ship a hospital. there's nothing. how much did what it accepted?
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i carried him on my shoulders and held the cheese, and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. and then the south on going is there any raids around han units of killed at least 16 civilians. hold them 32700 palestinians have been killed since the war began. a little correspondent, honey. my lunch is and rossa in the south of gauze are you joins us now from the honey tubs, but more about is late. this is really a tax that we're hearing that the plans on homes and refugee comes from the north to the south of the kansas strep.
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yes, laura and the fact as more of it is happening, a 9 times is becoming a routine for already the traumatized displays population will look at the constant psychological torture of the ongoing, the lang and the ongoing bombing bombing resulting in further civilian casualties. the over a, not a tax and find you in a city on right now at this hour. and so what's been part of the city and central area where more people are being killed in more distraction cost a residential home. but in hon units, at least 16 people have been killed in these liberal attacks, the multiple airstrikes and they've been part of the city and the western part of it on the vicinity of, of nasir hospital. and were more uh, close to 20 people as confirmed by the gods. are you in a hospital of the injuries are arriving to the hospital, a very difficult conditions and in need of immediate, of proper medical care in the central area as well as the refugee com,
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the where one family inside a residential home of the 6 people were killed mostly with looking at again at children and women, as well as right now as moment that we are speaking, there are more of the air strikes taking place at the site on refugee cameron. we were told by an eye witness. the vast majority of the tax are targeting residential buildings and there is a clear, difficult before permitted for civil defense the crew members to get to these areas and did draw their wait until the uh, the morning hours. so they are able to move, at least with some safety to get to these targeted areas. it's also important to point out that not only people right now are dying of the ongoing dense bombing campaign, but we just learned from others one hospital that for more people just died because of that in full or is the high res, done in a starvation just bringing the number of people so far it goes that that whoever died because of the ongoing famine that is frightening everywhere in gaza. the
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northern part is too close to us for the 2 people now most who look at the children will suffer from acute mountain and nutrition. given that there is no human, it's very and had no food supplies, no medical supplies due to intervene and to help those who are struggling with the daily with the daily approach challenges of the spread of famine. okay. and thanks very much. honey mack went full, bringing us the very latest from across the gone. so of you an agency. unicef says gauze quotes feels like a coughing for children. don't to say they're unable to treat malnourished children because this really falls as a hampering a deliveries of service. and one hospital in northern gauze of see how stuff and patients are coping which i gave some be some of this report. jenna is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer will
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come, barely has the energy to talk. some of the shows as jenna before the jen is being proved to come all at one hospital, the northern garza but its only partially functioning and stuff comp provide the specialist cogent and needed much to the dispatch of her mother the kids. they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter? i want you to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do. wait your car. so you chose seduce close by israel is located on a truck, so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low, small bit a quote of his body weight and the last 6 months. i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me,
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and i can't do anything to help them. health what to say, they're seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of mount nutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital, meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely what the problems with children's immune system is. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of the water pollution. the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generations, but not nearly enough is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is enjoying the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive this. well. victoria gates and b l g 0. tens of thousands of demonstrations have got that in front of as rainy parliament and government
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buildings have lots of pre day protest unplugged the capacity cooling proprietors have benjamin netanyahu to resign. his handling of the october 7th, the tax, and subsequent will on garza, i'm to solve it. is that in west to a slim tens of thousands of demonstrators in west jerusalem gathering outside of israel's parliament known as the candidates in order to put pressure. they say on the is really government, they say they want to out these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say they're fed up with his policies. ones that have not seen the return of the remaining is really captives who are held in gaza. they say this will be a demonstration that will span over the course of a few days, and in that they will sleep in tents here in the city. these really prime ministers spoke this evening and addressed a wide variety of topics, saying that the military is ready to invade drop off to spike criticisms from allies like the united states. additionally, he touched on the fact that military pressure is still the only way to bring back
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the captive. all of this on the heels of nathan yahoo undergoing a surgical procedure this evening in which he expects to make a full recovery from within his place as rules, justice minister, your read levin. we'll assume that position as in term prime minister until he returns. but in the meantime, these protest demonstrate or say, will continue to central jersey to west jerusalem. the settings, the tech in and the manual position is on cost to retain pallet and some of the country's biggest cities. both accounting is still under way in the countries municipal elections. that is all the latest pictures from crow incumbents, man, man. so you have us has claimed victory. he's a member of the office vision with public and people's policy, which also controls economic help of stumble, elections of why they've been seen as popularity tests for the presidents. which up
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type of one on his ruling act fontaine. while the car and matter of it's done voters, the main opposition figure in these election says he's optimistic is shawnee to body that based on the numbers that we have so far, i can say that all citizens, the approval and belief in us has been demonstrated. we are still monitoring the results as well. correspondence to then go through joins us live from assemble and sentiment was expected to be a close race. the but the incumbent math problem, the all physician looking confidence. yeah, she said softly. adjustable, well yeah, those are the whole for the, for they'll actually a little bit closer raise that we were always saying that it was the way by the dogs to turn the back to the 2nd floor. uh that's the main o position party victory after so many of the case then it killed
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the for the sion long the set to be the sounds. a lot of people are with some some of the uh okay, and there'll be some changes here. roger behind me is the sample that proposed the piece of pollution in the waiting hoard incumbent mayor. celebrates is visual right, but the rise for his the board is yours. boucher has the hard to say candidates around the was also popular figures to 4 minutes through open bar the station. this is a surprise coming march and so far as soon as she needs to be a surprise, the opposition has a ruling up part about her of the enjoy the victory that they have way to today for decades and interest. yes,
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they are. as far as that expect to the other things as well, that wants to ask you about other cities and them and, and what the results look like elsewhere across to can or the courtesy when you look at the largest cities, including it's double on for, is to be able to use the other is the c h, prevail position part because it is a leading bi election results, even though it's not really originally a now yet. but on the other hand, when you go to the south central eastern region off today, you'll see the procured, the sam party leading the election results out there in the end of the city for us. and so i'll be about it was the word for his studies, or if i lost your service stating 1st way, it's the part that has always been very busy, but it is that well also included there are surprises,
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even though with the table itself is numbers might have more cities having over the election, the c h. c. it has really carried out this most stop, which is a brief for them and they are celebrating. but apparently the comics situation in to get declining versus currency. this is the purchasing power says is that is going down every day has affected please. and that's where it's this is because last year since you went to the general election and the woman your party that has a really last reputation with the last couple of years, receive a picture. you don't work for that expenses. apparently. this alex, we're just trying to give a message to the ruling gulf far to buy building for this is the made up of this is hard in municipal election box here. okay, fine for them for the joining us the from any celebrations and assemble or at least
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7 people have been killed, animals and 20 others wounded in a bomb explosion in the province in northern syria device went off in the middle of a market and the town of as, as some buildings, quote fine, region is controlled by took care which regularly conducts waves on curtis prices in the area. a slow head head on out as era. i'm hot and with us, and that is involve a crops a die, and the all is they will be sweet. so, keep watching the, the weather brought to you by visit cutoff. while we've seen some powerful storms roll across, southern china is where we begin this weather report in gwen done problems. look at the window is being blowing out there in nearby food. yeah. and providence, we saw those winds get pretty close to about a 100 kilometers prior. going to tell you more storms in the forecast from gwen g.
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gwen dung. food. yeah. and to do drunk provinces in southern china dark and the blue and the yellow is are the more intense rounds of rain thunder storms and powerful winds rolling through the disturbance and the pacific. it's gonna kick back a few showers into tokyo 19 degrees of cherry blossoms finally pluming there. so that could do knocks a few off the tree. is there quite a bit of humidity around the south china sea pumping into northern vietnam and china is kind of an island. excessive heat alerts in play for bang caught your temperature is gonna locked in to 3738 over the next little bit. speaking of heat, not just by day but night, indonesia is capital jakarta, dip and down to just 28. good enough for a march record of course, monday, 1st day of april, somewhat weather. so it's going to put a cap on your temperature to $29.00. and after a month of virtually no rain, some changes come in for melbourne. quite the so came rolling through here for australia as victoria state dropping down to test mania. so hope our could see one months worth of rain in 24 hours on tuesday. see you later the weather
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brought to you by visit castle is a bigger deal than that. i couldn't you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me screen of us to jan on a new full bought cd focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back to the independent media. being the other for fox, we all know is, is either the the
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plug in your what challenges, areas, reminder about top stories this hour, at least full palestinians have been killed and several others injured in this radio attack near a actual hospital in central casa, the strike hit tense, housing displaced people as well as journalists in the courtyards. the medical facilities demonstrations of protesting in front of you is really parliament and government buildings, according on the prime minister benjamin netanyahu to resign. that's now he was undergoing honey authoration on sunday nights. deputy appointments, so yeah, levine has taken on his duties, falls ness and yahoo is on the anesthesia and the may not. physician is on track to stay in power until the tech is biggest. cities for accounting is still underway in the countries mysql elections developed as why they've been seen as a tests for current preston, recept type, 3rd ones and popularity. the process has confirmed is targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure and
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a bit to disrupt as war effort. ukraine's national energy operates us as a tax on sunday. time is high voltage facilities in the south forcing emergency electricity shutdowns in odessa and nearby several power plants have been destroyed or damaged in recent weeks. and creating and present for them is the landscape also called on western pallets provide more ministry hardware to fight russia or cc throw. these thing is that as mitchell and his russian terrorists are now targeting file strikes to close the energy bleeding of the crane, we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all of a specific request to everyone with the necessary air defense systems to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, of our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows courses. but child stratford has more from team the ukraine's largest private energy company. a company called the tech is saying that 5 of its 6 clouds
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have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity. the tech says is loss to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those low 6 pots just to drop in the ocean, in relation to all the energy plots, energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course, yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that these attacks all in, in the companies, woods, revenge, war tax, the ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, oil installations, for example. and that's something that interestingly, is, is, might be the us unhappy co cus, ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on rushes,
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all vicinities, could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global. busy oil prices, but it's been very interesting that his own ski responds to these kind of complaints. in the last couple of days he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically ukraine is suffering, such a deck was said in a defenses, and he said the ukrainians are forced to suffer these kind of attacks then russians, you should to and pakistan supposes of the pci policy at the jail, full not prime minister and wrong con, have been protesting in the city of the show against the results of a general election last month. the legend vote rigging election day was not by move all and internet out today is from all high that has moved from push our despite the fact that it is the month of ramadan, the sun is shining. most of the people are far thing, but the leader of the progress on derek and stuff and gone gone. how's going to
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support the type of books and well proven where his father's supposed to come out and large numbers the road that i guess there isn't rigging of the election one of the minds of the party or so of course, the release of every non con, from prison. human just as far selves and now, so as your district, we are here in protesting for the release of all need it human con, towards put behind balls without any reason. you have to be the one. even though my god. oh, would you be seeing the order to watch the one these 6 guys was then on the law, an artist with regions blue book and that's what we're talking about. the microphone and the 2nd one. why is the present? what's the reason behind it? now it is ramadan, but despite that, we have seen thousands of people going up in bridge drywall, author ramadan,
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the plans are the way it's country wide rotate. it is going to be unplugged into see whether the government then fall or break the bunker, learned the pressure they have brought them in as a matter that they will not give up their fall off. despite allegations of massive rigid rigging. now you're just going to be involved in to see what happens within the next few months. but everyone had and focused on expecting more political uncertainty and the coming weeks and months. come on either address at all. it's all a small is paula means has approved measures to change pots has provisional constitution and over the whole electrical system, i go on the present power to a point in time dismissed. the prime minister involved the parliament. somalia has an indirect electro system based on plans or additions in the state of portland, say they will no longer recognize the federal government. let's take a closer look at the region. homeland is in northern somalia,
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which is would go on to this being most stable themselves as time to around $5000000.00 people. unlike us know the neighbor, the break way province of some of the land from the isn't seeking independence. instead, it's functioned as a semi autonomous region since 1998. not pricing from a 100 research says regional authorities, but angry that they have not been consulted on the changes. the land is against the fact that it hasn't been given a vote in the changes to the constitution and nor have most of the somalis. in fact, what we've seen is what's called a constitutional review process. which in fact has been a introduction of almost an entirely new constitution without widespread consultation, without the participation of the federal in the states of somalia. and it almost looks to many as though the federal government of somalia has hijacked the constitutional process. or at least that's what land is alleging. and many of some
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of these international partners have also queried the fact that the constitution revery process has been done without transparency. it's not really clear why these reforms are required. they limit the number of political parties to 3. the president's proposal was to uh, they were initially intended to remove the parliamentary system and introduce a presidential system. and so they looked a lot like the centralized ation of power in a, in a fairly autocratic system. and so there are questions about what the president's intentions are in this process. as millions of people in zimbabwe are facing food choices as a drought has destroyed most of the annual harvest. latasha reports from the capsule. her. all right. this is a missed message tells susan, my bottle is she's received monthly cash allowance come to you as well. reprogram
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is being sent of honorable people in zimbabwe already struggling with the high cost of living that's being listened by weeks of draft me. that when a movie doesn't recognize the crowd in this field, i'm not looking good. many people may not have this anything. prizes of going up, i have to try to feed out, knock on to the people living in urban areas who can't afford to buy what they need are being given $13.00 a month. whatever happens in the, in the rural areas, for example, days at no bring in, in the communities. what it means is that the price of that green was actually cool . and then the price of the dream goes up. it also affects the communities that i guess because they have to find my need to be able to purchase in many rural communities, hopes of a good harvest. updating this is mays. neil a staple food in zimbabwe may see the ground into a pallet of. busy flour
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a bad harvest will mean food shortages and price increases. the government says there are enough supplies was made to last until next year's harvest. the politicians are also urging people to conserve food and with no rain at all falling in some areas, the u. n says the unlikely to face via food shortages. this you had them a task that i'll just cut out a or demolition cruise have begun dismantling and removing deputy from a bridge in baltimore in the state of maryland at collapse last week on spring struck by congo, ship recovery emissions have resumed off to being cooled off due to unsafe conditions, as of a musician is organizing shows for children displace from the homes and the gaza strip. he hopes to bring young people some joy in the middle of war,
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as will set out as the story. this palestinian children have survived some of the most due to that text in a sense the most have lost friends and relatives. musician meant that have bush and his dr. rima are trying to ease their suffering the and give them a chance to be to your feet and head, which is to be, but desperately need of these things. in the human forgive, we want to promote this initiative in other shelters and the caps will displace people. we want more children to take part and be able to enjoy a few moments away from the scenes.


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