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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 3:00am-3:31am AST

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2024, starting march 1st. to may. 30 fast nominations i made on the award official website, w w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the on the and this riley s tri kits deluxe. the hospital compound and central guns are killing at least 4 people and injuring several of those including channels. the tell mccrae, this is helen just they're alive from also coming up. is rounds, deliberate blocking, evaluate, attends concert and some both think you enclose a coffin for children. we report from northern cause we're a man made famine as taking homes. i have 2 sons. both of them are
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sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me and i can't do anything to help them. the 10s of thousands of israelis protest outside parliament, demanding the prime minister, this resignation and the return of captives. it's the largest demonstration since the war began. and the political blitzer key is president. the may not position policy retains control of major cities, including his temple on sundays local elections. the we begin with breaking news out of southern israel, where the army says the suspect in trone. as at the red sea results, the city of a lot is around media reported that the try and landed on one of the military buildings, no injuries have been reported sofa mishma and a rocky group has taken responsibility for the attack. a
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grand central garza and is writing a strike has had a hospital compound, at least full palestinians had been killed and several others injured in the attack on the l ox. the hospital, several journalists were among the wounded. this try kit tens, housing displays. people in the hospital as quote you out in del paula israel says it was targeting to come on the center of the islamic jihad of the group and cut our reports. this was the moment when is really her strike just meters from the interest to excell hospital in said to cause a top target to to 10 housing displaced policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and did but well i know when i got here now we were sitting in the tents, we're defense, the civilians and displaced people from northern garza. suddenly the missile hit
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this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured palestinians were brought into the hospital. one of the few in gauze is to partially functioning, its accidents, and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tense as a makeshift office. and the issue that he the time without any warning were a group of general us with no tourist. amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit, then everything went dark with the deputies and rock flying over our heads. the health care system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have
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checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such put action, the patients, the wounded and the display. sp put on state of panic and feeling that there's right, the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified. seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right? now, nowhere is place in protest and use are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes if tens, palestinians do not know where to go. this is in the godaddy data. alexa hospital, that is, but israel has been attacking hospitals across the gallons. this trip since the beginning of its war along the hospital is the latest to be targets is up in the north is ready, forces have besieged el, she's the hospital for 2 weeks. officials and gaza site is ready. troops have killed more than 400 people. there, the situation in l shape is increasingly dia, none of the operating rooms are functioning to, to a lack of electricity. hold on 100 patients and 60 stop
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a trapped in the complex with no medicine, food, or water. one palestinian boy did manage to escape from al schafer, but he died just days out to being forced out crime. mcdonald's mother says they flayed as she fell on monday. we just rarely so i'll just hold it patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to come, i loved one hospital where he died of receiving treatment. they have a ties and the global sorta lock mark suddenly they closed the doors and they were shooting. we said, maybe there is a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get how much on where is how much they are all sick children and these know how much you need the medical stuff. and these children is this, how much would it this boy do to them? how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents lived,
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all the injured children grow tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late? there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for hospital. there's nothing. how much did one of that stuff that i carried him on my shoulders and how to cheat? and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. and in the south, on going it's ready rides in and around. con units have killed at least 16 civilians. more than 52700 pellets indians have been killed since the war began. hunting back made reports from neighboring ralph or in southern gaza. or learning it from our source in the central air that more for more people are being pulled from under the levels then that increase the number of people who were killed an
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overnight at tax and early hours of this morning going to a residential home. and on that as a refuge account to 10 people, the initial number was 6 field from one family. but there are 4 more people. there were on a different floor of the building it from another displace family in december, the venture building and just it took hours for the paramedics in the civil defense occurring the ground to be able to remove them. and the number has rates 10 people with several other injuries, all transferred to a lot of hospitals. hospital that was already exhausted and over whelmed with the number of injuries. and at the same time it was under attack . they went on a drone fire 2 missiles on a tent for displaced a palestinians inside the courtyard of the house. is that going to people already and a dozens of injuries. the vast majority of them are from the german order to our station . inside the courtyard of the hospital have been reported about the ongoing
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genocide of war and act on the palestinians. and this is not the 1st time we see in hospitals being on the 3rd attack. a journalist also being targeted deliberately by these really military, also in hon. you and is the entire city, was struck by multiple airstrikes, it from the eastern part of the central part of the city, as well as the western area. whereas in las evacuation zone is located where hundreds and hundreds of displays, families have been children because they were told to evacuated this area because it is a safe area. also, we're learning also from the source of ongoing airstrikes taking place right now at the western part of and they'll say that refugee camp, causing further civilian casualties, that grade level of this direction. and just given how difficult the situations are right now, very difficult for paramedics, for a civil, defense or crew for volunteers to get to the targeted sides to help removing levels
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and get people to the hospital, us and israel, tens of thousands of people gathered outside parliament and the largest anti government demonstration since the war began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation in closer, early elections than yahoo face as mounting and get from his riley's. we believe he has put his political survival ahead of the pro, to interest, solve the as rarely people. the protest is expected to last 3 days. it's the to the, the election. now by the way, the people with the menu from the government
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to find solutions to release or they also just simply dine there and the government, all you do the duty, but at least all of them is unable to do so. maybe someone else can do that. a problem in to send isn't yahoo, or had a hernia operation on sunday night speaking a hit of the procedure. he said he is doing court everything to bring the hostages han. you show me what should i do? you know, say i couldn't get anyone who says i'm not doing everything. i can't to bring back the hostages is wrong, and it's misleading. i mean, on to other knows the truth. i thought of this instead of repeating the sly, disclosing unnecessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flexed dispositions in the negotiations on how must harden's emotion, oh, despond isn't yeah. whose assertions protest is edmunds that he must ridge and deal to secure the release of captives. as homeless salut reports from west jerusalem. tens of thousands of demonstrators in west jerusalem gathering outside of israel's
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parliament, known as the can assist in order to put pressure. they say on the is really government, they say they want to out these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say they're fed up with his policies. ones that have not seen the return of the remaining is really captives who are held in gaza. they say this will be a demonstration that will span over the course of a few days, and in that they will sleep in tents here in the city. these really prime ministers spoke this evening and addressed a wide variety of topics, saying that the military is ready to invade drop off to spike criticisms from allies like the united states. additionally, he touched on the fact that military pressure is still the only way to bring back the captive. all of this on the heels of nathan yahoo undergoing a surgical procedure this evening in which he expects to make a full recovery from within his place. israel's justice administer your read levin . we'll assume that position as in term prime minister until he returns. but in the
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meantime, these protest demonstrate or say, will continue to central jersey to west jerusalem. meanwhile, israel has confirmed is security and intelligence chiefs are inquiry for negotiations over a possible c fine. but a mazda is it isn't sending a delegation at this point stanley's have kept his being held and does what among those who have taken to the streets criticising, as well as communist benjamin netanyahu. they are accusing him of abandoning the captives. the war and gaza has been underway for almost 6 months. we're 3 people have been interested in the suspect in stepping attack and as ro it happened at a more than the southern town of gun y'all's name, local official side. the attack was killed by police. some of the victims are in serious condition then your government of the palestinian authority has been sworn and it will be led by the new prime minister mohammed with stuff of the palestinian authority is bison from all or in the occupied with bank. but many of its new
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ministers understood to be from kansas full of prime minister. and mohammed's shot you and his government resigned in february, saying israel's war on gaza required new political arrangements. literally it is rarely ami, has killed his black, amanda, and is try, can self him living on and is ready try and target is a car in the town of can in his belie, has confirmed the attack. killed is mal ali outside israel claims as a was a commander of an empty tank unit. so far as well has cope. $270.00 is block members, including at least 3 commodities. this is ralph has also conducted as tribes and neighboring syria. at least 2 civilians have been interested in the outskirts of the capital damascus. on sunday. the defense ministry say this scientific research center was being target says it comes 2 days after is rarely strikes, killed thousands of syrians soldiers and large sizes in liver problem. the
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sticky is made all position. republican peoples policy has declared victory and local elections. it's me as an assembling and corrupt, say it's so big, wins and assemble met him and the model is being tipped as a potential candidates in the 2028 presidential side. as of now, presidents friendship type at one cannot run for another 10 degree. just check this, should you know this cd stumble but not people of assemble have again given me the monday, improving our accomplishments as well as our policies of inclusivity and unity. they gave us the mandate to invest more, build more, and spend taxpayers money wisely. today we ended the parts the policies read are 60000000 residents go to the southern coast sailor has more now from this sample, this local election has been a surprise for both the opposition and the ruling got far too,
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while the opposition, the main opposition for to c h p, a received a victory that it has them face that within the last few decades, the ruling of parties has a serious low even in its long holes. and there are some lessons for the ruling authority to learn. while there are so many responsibilities for the manual position, it may years right now to realize it. within the next 5 years, especially stumble was the target, the main battlefield. obviously it likes is and prisons are. john has always said, whoever wins assembled, wins to get in general, and apparently this is what happened except in the older one did. they are seed for the 2nd time and it, besides that's on colorado, is mid blue. so other than the other largest circus cities were won it by the main opposition party and prisons, as on the officer, the election,
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a sub that and whatever the result is. this is not a man for his really just party, which is also preparing for a presidential election in 2028 and is this is actually a turning point at 47. and he said they would respect the will of the nation seen him to so the elders are still well still a head here on the elders era the offensive from it on nights and the occupied with bank of the coming us thing of the past. the critical debate, pony farmers are angry, people have starving and we actually have 2 experts. oh wow. good. because we've money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day, the frank assessments politicians and made the ultimate in the highest level
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they've been using games for the policy. let me come out to him and dave, and course the rivals inside story on al jazeera in hebron boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces at times. 12 thoughts, an awesome arrested. a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination discrepancy, restricted disguise, above had brought a witness documentary on the jersey to the colleges. when the
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you're watching, i'll just hear a reminder about top stories. the ssl vs riley obviously is a suspected try and has at the ritz. the results of the, of a lot is around media reported that the drone cause damage to one of the military buildings, no injuries have been reported. so soccer and a rocky group has taken responsibility for the attack. tens of thousands of people gathered outside as well as condiments and the largest anti government demonstration since develop again. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation, and close to billy elections. at least full palestinians have been killed in and as for any attack on me, on ox, hospital compounds and central guns that the strong kid tends. housing displaced people as well as cumulus and the facilities courtyards. who are you in agency?
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judy smith says, guns of feels like a coffin, the children talk to say they are unable to treat milner, malnourished children because is really forces hampering deliveries, which is there a visited one hospital in northern cause of the see how stuff and patients of color thing. victoria guys and be has this report janet is wasting way before her mother's eyes. she's suffering from malnutrition can no longer war. bailey has the energy to talk some of the shows as jenna before. the gen is being able to come all at one hospital in northern garza, but its only partially functioning stuff comp provide the specialist college and a need much to the despair of her mother the they asked me to take my daughter and go home. where is the conscience? what can i do at home with my very sick daughter?
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i want her to be treated abroad. i want her to be able to choke and both like other girls. i don't know what to do or wait. your car seat shows seduce close by israel's blockade on a truck. so leaving palestinian children malnourished as one is suffering from a deficiency in potassium and sodium. the 2 and a half year old has low small than a quarter of his body weights in the last 6 months. i have 2 sons. both of them are sick. they're fighting for their lives in front of me, and i can't do anything to help them. health what to say, they're seeing more or more children every day suffering from malnutrition and they're appealing to desperately needed medical supplies. that they are so many cases of malnutrition that haven't been documented because of the lack of beds in the hospital. meat, eggs, vegetables and fruits aren't available. this is definitely let the problems with children's immune systems. infectious diseases are rampant as hepatitis because of
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the water pollution of the world health organization has provided the hospital with fuel for generation has been not nearly enough. is also shown to oxygen and incubators, as well as bad parts for life saving medical equipment. and all this is in, during the ability of health work is to treat severely malnourished patients who was struggling to survive. this will victoria gates and b l g 0. the prussia has confirmed its targeting ukraine's energy infrastructure and a bit too disruptive tool if it's your kinds national energy operators as a tax on sunday damaged high voltage facilities in the south forcing emergency electricity shutdowns in odessa and surrounding areas. several power plants have been destroyed or damaged in recent weeks. ukrainian prisons and below them is the landscape also called on western powers to provide more military hardware to find the russia or cc throw these things as not as much as russian terrorists are now
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targeting file strikes to cool the energy bleeding of any crane. we gave all the necessary signals to our partners, all the specific requests to everyone with the necessary air defense systems, to everyone who has the necessary missiles america, your, our other partners. everyone knows what we need, but everyone knows how important it is right now to help us protect ourselves from these blows courses. mattel's stratford has moved from cave, ukraine's largest private energy company. a company called the tech is saying that's 5 of it. 6 plots have been damaged and 80 percent of the generating capacity . the tech says is last to put that in context. the tech supplies around a quarter of the country with electricity, the tech saying that this is going to take potentially up to 18 months for those repairs to be made. but those, those 6 plots just to drop in the ocean in relation to all the energy plants,
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energy facilities that have been hit by russia in recent weeks. and of course yes, they're all rolling blackouts that are ongoing and various locations across the country. now the credit and it said in the last week or so that needs a tax all in, in the companies, woods, revenge for tax that ukraine to be making deep inside russia targeting their energy facilities, all installations, for example. and that's something that interesting me is, is, might be the us unhappy. of course, the us ukraine's largest ally washington concerned that these attacks by ukraine on russia's all facilities could result in an even greater escalation. and of course, that concerned about an increase in global oil prices. but it's been very interesting that his own ski responds to these kind of complaints. in the last couple of days, he spoke to the washington post. he said that it was ukraine's rights to defend itself. because basically, ukraine is suffering such a deficit in
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a defenses. and he said that if you cravings or forced to suffer these kind of attacks, then russians, you should to hope upfront. so this has called for an immediate cease fire and gaza during his easter sunday address. the points for speaking to a crowd all around 60000 people who had packed into some pieces square and vatican city. he also prayed for those who was suffering to today or when conflict right across the globe. as christians and gals are also attended estimates and that the ongoing for they took part in rituals at the holy family church in kansas city because it is hold onto one of the oldest christian communities in the world dining back to the 5th century. the strip is also hunter the food oldest church which was found in october. the palestinian city of nablus in the occupied with bank is usually full of lights and music during ramadan, bought with new not leaves, riley military rides as well as restrictions on movement. few people venturing out
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this year and to add to that most of the young palestinians who decorated the old city for the holy month, have either been killed or arrested. just there was lower con reports from nicholas a. 2 is all good, a wakeup, cool, before a day of fasting, the zip. now i'm on the phone, but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy was shot at we reminds people of what's happening in gaza to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is everywhere. the novelist is there, a forces have been rested after so many. 6 these other must have lost ease or dramas. they used to march through the old city before 2 on, but with an increase is right, the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying
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to bring joy to grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready, forces of kills more than 140 posting in in novelist during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling. like some loved ones that happens in every year. we put up decorations in clean the streets to observe realm of done these to be they didn't cause of what's happening in gaza and those who had been killed in annapolis. as daylight arrives at austin begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets are full of pluck, coats, images of young palestinians, killed by his ready forces and it's not just a lot of decorations. usually during ramadan, thousands of policies, the tourists will, for is the city often defies the federal suite. use of the law and the street.
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now look, it's easy to move around to see if the difference tucked away in a maze of alleyways. office suite shops treats the names, state data, tables and this will have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks that there are no decorations, we missed, the young man who were killed there all the time of the english to should i have man shops here. also note this cheesy does that connect the box with few customers . businesses are struggling. why? 16, somebody from the war and goes a change to situation and now we have 70 percent more business before. yeah. can no big situation is tough and the city is that people here say the who the month is even more significant this year, a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza, nor hung out is there a novelist in the occupied westbank? well that, so for me, tell them okay for the moment with
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a is coming up next in inside story will examine with an ultra orthodox jews and his ride will have to serve in this military. and if this could have fixed and then yeah, who's governments, i'll be back in the top of the out with more of the dies news. you know, so i find more information on our website to stay with us. the the hey there you're just in time for your weather report across asia, kicking it off in bucket stine and much pressure feel here after showers and storms rolled through. so temperatures went down, but it's a completely different story. in india, we've got weather alerts and play through time on that do and on for project stage, temperatures are crossing 40 degrees, that humidity really bumping in off the bay of been call. now for india as far northeast, we're talking to san states. our natural per dash, we've got jolts and bolts here. some century downpours could see some hail mixed in
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there. so nasty weather is also been that's the weather in southern china. look at the launch this. the windows are about to blow out their powerful thunderstorms in nearby for jam problems. we saw those wins with up to a 100 kilometers per hour. so no surprises. we could see more seems like that around one g, g, one done fuji on and to junk provinces. dark of the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling. a disturbance in the pacific is going to kick back a few showers in tokyo at 19 degrees, and i'll tell you it's also feeling humid around the south china sea, northern vietnam and china is high. and then island with a humid exit will feel past 40 degrees hot as march night on record in jakarta at 28 degrees. but we've got some what weather is here, so you'll max out at $29.00 on monday. the latest news as a people have been coming here all day to pay tribute to those who lost are lies.
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vladimir putin has called the attack a lady and barbaric asked with detailed coverage for hours tonight to celebrate perhaps a change for the typically people from around the world to abide and says, the federal government is committed to rebuilding it. there's no indication of when that process might even begin a will also orthodox jews in israel. so, and it's military, the government is on the growing pressure to end the decades low exemption that says cools, the growing for all groups to join the army is the roll rate is only donhauser could it leads the collapse of benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition this is inside story the hello that line james, but.


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