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tv   Witness Skies Above Hebron  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 4:00am-5:00am AST

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site w, w, w dot h t a dot q a forward slash e m. the until mckay. and uh, these are the top stories on elders are these rarely um uses a suspected trone has it the rid see result, city of a lot. is there any media reported that the drone cause damage to one of the military buildings? the injuries had been reported to sort of 5 sirens. for ag devices in the city and ambulances rushed to the sides. and the rocky group has taken responsibility for the attack, at least for palestinians have been killed and is ready attack on the isle. opposite hospital compounds and central garza this tri kits. tense housing displaced people as well as journalists in the facilities courtyards. israel claims it was targeting a c'mon center of the group as long as she has had the hospital's
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courtyard has been directly targeted hospitals and medical teams and all health sick. the workers must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded and displaced people are in a state of panic and horror. fearing that the is really planes will take the hospital again. up in the north is riley forces, have besieged, don't ship a hospital for 2 weeks. that would help organization, since at least 21 patients have died since then, officials and cause the site is rarely troops of kills more than 400 people since the siege began. for them one hundreds patients and 60 stuff, the trapped in the complex with no medicine, food or water, us and israel. tens of thousands of people gathered outside parliaments and the largest antique government demonstration since the war began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation and cause to early elections. didn't yahoo faces mounting and go from his riley to believe he has put his political survival ahead of the product
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interest. so the, it's rarely people of the, to the, the, and that's, you know, the way the, the people with the menu from the government to find solutions to release. or they also just simply dine there and the governments or the do the duty. but at least all of them is unable to do so. maybe someone else can do that. well, prime minister netanyahu has undergoing a hernia operation. speaking ahead of the procedure. prime minister benjamin
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netanyahu said he is doing court every thing to bring hostages on the show me have shown, you know, so cool. anyone who says, i'm not doing everything, i come to bring back the hostages is wrong, and it's misleading. i mean on to other knows the truth as artist. instead of repeating this lie, disclosing all necessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flexed dispositions in the negotiations on how must hobbins of motion look here. well 3 people have been injured in the staffing attack and the southern israel. it happened at a moment in the town of gone you off knee. this house speak to the palestinian men from hebron and the occupied westbank. he worked at the shopping center. local officials say he was killed by police. this is riley, i'm a, has killed a his but like amanda in an is try can sell them living on and is ready. drug and target has a car in the town of contain his belie, has confirmed the attack killed as mal ali, l sign is row claims. he was a commander of an empty tank. eunice,
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so far as round has kills $270.00 his beloved members, including at least 3 commodities. israel has also conducted as strikes and neighboring syria. at least 2 civilians have been injured in the outskirts of the kevin damascus. on sunday, the defense ministry say the scientific research sense of his target, his key is main opposition. republican peoples potty has declared victory and local elections. it's me is in his temple and, and crushed. it's a big wins. and this temple, the crm, and the motor is being tipped as a potential candidates. the 2020 i had presidential vice, as of now present at one cannot run for another to well, the is the headlines. the news continues here on al jazeera of to witness up next. the . ready ready ready
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the duncan got to come today and they have a complaint on the ends of it. her name is mckenzie. sperry must need a shut down office so they can see sort of c, t medina, the ones that are that you know, when asked us to dot net or something. i saw the language on the collision of the most expensive shed and the sub for and a half the
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issue a x of issue. and then obviously
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a to, to that single senior choose a national. so let's move to the stage where i had to invest me to how to use the, the, the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor, or international humanitarian law that has not been violated. then we have some western power supports of israel's actions. he's well has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing just how deep cleaning corrupt materially and tomorrow the they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignored, and the is real cause conflict. israel, a buffalo on al jazeera injustice for me k is the driving force of why i do this to
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show people what it's like to live in some of the most dangerous parts of the world to live in places where injustice is something you read in the news is something that happens to every single day. everyone, hey, is watching the news on the mobile phones. unlike your eyes, they don't watching, folding units, they watching that higher has been destroyed in real time. when you're on the ground, when you're showing people what's going on, whether it's a war or a natural disaster, whether it's political corruption, making sure they understand less simple language is absolutely crucial. but since he's already 50 percent evacuated, most those people actually left in the early days of the war. i couldn't do this job without the best camera man, best produces the best pictures and those of the people to ireland in order to be able to get that message out to the world. the,
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the ultimate try enter how these are the top stories on al jazeera is ready on me says the suspected trone has at the ritz. the results of the, of a lot is ready. media reported that to try and cause damage to one of the military buildings. no injuries have been reported so far. and a rocky group is taking responsibility for the attack. at least 4 pellets indians have been killed in his body attack on the logs. the hospital compounds in central garza, the strong kit, tens, housing displaced people as well as jen lists and the facilities courtyards is row claims that was targeting a c'mon center of the group islamic jihad up in the north is rarely forces had besieged a ship of hospitals the to the world health organization since at least 21 patients
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have died since then. officials in kansas say is ready. troops have killed more than 400 people since the siege began. hold on 100 patients and 60 stopped the trapped and the complex with no mid us and food, or water. and israel, tens of thousands of people gathered outside parliaments and the largest empty government demonstration since the war began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation and cold for early elections. then yahoo sizes mounting and get from his. randy's who believes he has put his political survival, a head of the product. so these riley people, 3 people have been interested in this staffing attack and southern israel. it happened to them all in the town has gone y'all's name, this of the city and men from hebron in the occupied westbank. he would at the shopping center. local officials say he was killed by police, his riley, he has killed his black, amanda, and is try can sell them living on and is ready try and target the car in the town
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to contain. his blah has consumed the attack killed as male ali al zine. this ro claim was mounted on an empty tank. eunice was around his also conducted districts and neighboring syria. at least 2 civilians had been interested in the outskirts of the capital damascus. on sunday. the defense ministry said the scientific research center was target has to key is made a position for public and people's policy has declared victory and local elections . it's me is an a sample and anchor upsets the big wins. and the sample met. equipment in the model is being tipped as a potential candidate and the 2028 presidential vote. as of now, president ed one cannot run for another 10. but as the headlines, the news continues here of to witness of next. on the,
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the surgeon general bed. what a deal should happen. let me see what the hell them ship to them. welding shop. okay . of
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the oh i the only, oh, how do we oh oh, i don't know. so the, the, but most of the, most of the, most of the most often there's about a minute suddenly on a certain amount of meaning sunday and on account of that and i am still left us alone says a whole is ish. but let me see, i don't wish you could leave us say, i mean, no matter how them though,
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as you deem for the month of the be i do. there are bunch of the and then for leading to the bedroom, selena venezuela dispute about she. so a issue so the, the . 2 2 2 2 2 the
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the course section for sure. what was your quick question with the the the, the the name of the oh well the
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the oh sure sure. who actually in the in the the the . ringback the you the let me know,
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i really causing this issue but in i assume the law i remember that the whole nation. now let me share and have a simply share value of each have an interest in for sure. that'll be fine. okay. so because we're concerned
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with the change front of this shouldn't have to be shy. that being said, i only have to do the
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uh the or
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the or devastating strikes follow quite their weak rescues
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because that's 1st responders. know the mission could be the last but until then the humanity drives one day with because the civil defense witness rescue mission because on a jersey the you're just in time for your weather report across the america is good to spend time with you because the storms marching across the river play likely to produce some hail. almost all the parkway is under a weather alerts for sunray, down ports. here. that's the forecast on monday. first day of april. and then by tuesday, this storm system on winds over patagonia, it's going to give us quite the. so came for a come a thought of we've a davia. torrential rain in the forecast here on tuesday. large parts of brazil dealing with showers and thunderstorms, especially around its amazon estates. so for its capital, now it's $29.00 degrees. copious amounts of rain here and to central america. we go
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and have a lot going on when the at times a few showers and storms but plenty of sunshine to go around. but as a result with that weren't breeze off the gulf of mexico is going to collide with cold air, brushing off the rockies. this happens on tuesday, so line of storms from texas, stretching up to tennessee and kentucky severe thunderstorms likely hear that weather pushes away from los angeles. he got a stellar stretch of weather coming up. you've deserved it. and to western canada, the canadian prairies, temperatures are in the double digits here. so quite a spell of wants to be expected. and we've got a round of rain moving from the midwest to the mid atlantic on monday. that's for updates. yeah. the or why have american evangelicals become this real strongest back, or is us president joe find the right to stand with israel with no red line as long as us support continues?
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is there anything that can stop is real, solve on concept, from going on in? definitely a quizzical look at us politics. the bottom line in 2018, a john the sledge, 40 days of civic action, against the all median government. i'm president, soc, is younger group on power. i'm going to live with this where and documentary follows he's non violent campaign to bring down a car off cream, tarnishing out with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet resolution on our reporting for the have you have a great winning hearing to fox? how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding the reality for these demonstrators? if president lucky, south reckoning the stability of the country,
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i'll just say was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store. the end is rarely as try catch deluxe, the hospital compound in central goals are killing at least 4 people and injuring several others, including journalists. the september cried this adult, is there a line from also coming up? is there any media reports? suspected drawing has talk is of the southern so the velocity imaging


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