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tv   The Bottom Line  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 6:30am-7:01am AST

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sound differently in nablus now lucy was shot it. we remind people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is empty, wedding up list is right. forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have all these old dramas. they used to march through the old city before to on, but with an increase is really military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready, forces of kids move at 140 posting and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling lights and loved ones. and every year we put up the corrections and clean the streets to observe rema done this year. we didn't because of what's happening in
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gaza. and those who had been killed in nablus as daylight arrives at fostering begins instead of traditional decorations. the streets are full of plot cods images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it is not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the city often defies the federal suite use of the law on the street. now look, it's easy to move around the ma, it'd be different. tucked away in a maze of alleyways, office suite shops, treats the names, stay on the data, tables. and this may have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks that there are no decorations, we missed, the young man who were killed there all the time on the english to should i have man shops here, also known to this cheesy. does that connect the box with few customers?
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businesses are struggling. why 16, somebody from me? warren gauze, a change to situation enough. listen, we have 70 percent more business before. yeah, can no big situation is tough and the city is that people here say the who the month is even more significant this year. a foster emphasized with those hungry and suffering in gaza, nor hung out is there a novelist in the occupied westbank that that's it for now and use it continues here on the 0 right off the we visits to bottom line for me to talk to mr. bye for now the
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hi, i'm steve clements and i have a question. as hunger spreads in garza and is really north a security council resolution calling for a ceasefire. where is this we're heading. let's get to the bottom line. the for months is really
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has been threatening to destroy the last palestinian city in the gaza strip. still standing and that's wrap up is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu did a u turn. after initially cancelling his delegations visit to washington and then rescheduling those meetings to discuss his plans for rafa. the reason for the cancellation is real, was angered when the by the administration didn't veto a un security council. rizelle listen, calling for a ceasefire during the month of ramadan, which is almost over and immediately after the resolution past the us said it wasn't binding any way. so when israel still talking about total victory, the daily killing continues and starvation of palestinians is widespread and would only bake prospects for temporary ceasefire. where is the war in god's headings? today we're talking with kenneth rock, the former head of human rights watch, and now visiting professor at princeton university. can it's great to see you. you've long been at the helm of i would call the contents of at least america and
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much of the world when it comes to looking at human rights violations and pointing the mountain shining a spotlight on them. what do you see in gaza today? well, it's a devastating situation, i think, as we all know. and you know, sadly this is not just an unfortunate consequence of war. this is a deliberate strategy on the part of the internet. we go. and what everybody's focusing on for most now is not trying yahoo, starvation strategy on that was the subject of the international court of justice is a new ruling this week. and you know what we seeing is that these really, governments, you know, let's in dribs and drabs today, i'm is trying to prevent large scale data, but it's not letting in anywhere near enough a, to prevent large scale. songbird starvation, and as a new un report is just found imminent stomach. and so, you know, that's of immediate concern, but of course, that's part of
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a larger strategy in which these really government seems to be collective to be punishing the civilian population of casa for the horrible times of some us on a 12 percent. and we've seen this in the, in discriminant bombardment, the, you know, that's a nation of broad neighborhoods in gaza. the disproportionate attacks going after, you know, what might be military target to be using things like 2000 pound bonds. that just utterly destroy neighborhoods in the end, so many civilians. so this has been you know, have how don't really work fine powder on that is what gave rise to the initial international court justices. boeing that they are possibly is genocide here. and order is to these really got ready to take steps to prevent that. and we're not seeing the kind of positive response to definitely wouldn't that be what approach to have in your lifetime? can have you ever seen anything like this in which so many members of
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a population have been dislodged since nearly the entire country? you have the entire northern part of guys to destroyed and flattened much of the rest uh is underway. you've had the swelling of the population of ross. i go from about 300000 people to over 1400000 people right now. and it's now very much in the, in the, in the gun here is if you will, of, uh, both is really and i need to add because i wanna ask you about it later. but american military planners, it may become a part of that action in rafa. uh and so i'm just wondering, have you seen something like this happen with cameras going with media reporting it and the world watching. i'm just it's, it's astounding me yes or no. i think we have to recognize that there are other militaries that have deliberately targeted. so don't you seen it? that's what the syrian and russian military stayed in syria. that's what proven did in chechnya, so we do have examples like that. we of course, you know,
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have the genocide or you know for that the genocide for wanda. what i think makes deposit exceptional and you are leading to this is both the speed of what has happened and the percentage of the population effect. because, you know, we, i would say what is that a quarter of 3 quarters of the population has been forcibly displaced. there is about a 3rd to say 35 percent of the buildings that have been damaged or destroyed. i mean, the magnitude and speed of what has happened here, i think, is that president, it's difficult to think back to you know, any times in a recent history or something comparable state complex. the international court of justice has now ordered is real to unblock the pathways for food and medical supplies. do you think is real will in any way and then to that order and what are the implications if it doesn't? well 1st let's look at what the court did because he's really saying was,
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we're not blocking a, you know, we're letting the aid and what are you talking about? and the court said, you know, you've got to be kidding. and they cited you and reports showing both the extent of discrimination and sense of purpose of putting people are just not getting what they need to eat. but they also cited reports, obviously, management groups that describe, you know, these blockades on the gas and border with egypt. and when we saw there, israel, and this has been, you know, why can be reported in the media where israel using these understaffed, slow inspection processing force trucks to wait, you know, 3 weeks before they can advert gossen they often meet, you know, find some tiny little item the claims to be used, it can be scissors, it could be, you know, whatever they find, which forces the truck to go back and start all over again. so you put this kind of bureaucratic obstruction together with this thing on this need. and yes, you know,
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they're letting it bits and pieces of a, but nowhere near what seats. and so the initial part of justice that we get an army reject your defense israel. we find that you are, you know, flag being original and type genocide worker. you're not reading the geometry and 80 and a half scale as the un security council. i have heard. we're gonna order you to do this again. now, you know the dressing right? question. what happens if they don't, and anybody's real it already a choose some of that for the explaining the core explaining genocide which you know, if there's any expectation taken quite serious. these really government, exploding palestinian civilians as a war crime method to try to fight for months on. so israel is given no indication that it's going to comply, even though in the international part of justice ruling is legally binding it back to the question who's gone and forced. and there is, you know, an official and unofficial answer at the official. the answer is un security
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council could order enforcement measures and post sanctions and like that requires getting passed the usb toe bite and has shown no indication of i'm allowing that they are really allowed earlier in the week i'm with the resolution, i think and security council was not a sanctions resolution, it was a, a state but in a sense and so on that route to the security council is probably going to be blocked. even though if the security council were to act, it really big is all going to come down to one person, joe biden. and joe biden does have the leverage to force natania who just stop the starvation to stop the bombing of civilians. and that leverage comes through the massive us military aid, $3800000000.00 annually. and the massive ongoing arms sales that permit is really military to continue bombing. the civilian population to continue enforcing the blockade and binding has shown 0. inclination to use that leverage.
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gee, you know, speaks of the game. he says, all the right things. he says, you know, stopped to start ration um, take better care to protect civilians. but he never enforces. and indeed, the state department just recently ruled, but his real is not committing work products, which is crazy. i mean, you know, nobody believes that. but it said that because that was a legal prerequisite to allow the arms sales to continue. so, you know, sadly it does come back to joe biden, and joe biden is willing to do the rhetorical right thing, but he's not willing to take action to, you know, enforce the national park just, it's rolling and forcing that security council resolutions. anything that would stop like showing in a starvation about the streets single. so what's going on with president by and recently there was a fundraiser in new york that fundraiser had been refreshing until bama, a former president clinton and joe biden. they are, they raised about $26000000.00,
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the democrats who was disrupted several times by pro palestine protesters. but during his talk there, he said, israel's very existence is at stake. i pay a lot of attention to president biden's comments, and it wasn't until a meeting with the king of jordan here in washington dc. king abdullah, the joe biden ever talked at length about palestinian victims. but here he's talking about is real a superpower. and wondering about its very existence, what are your thoughts? well, you know, it's hard to cycle have a life job. i mean it's worth noting that israel's existence as not at stake, it's incredibly powerful. october 7th, was from act because it's really students think that's from us that the capacity even a breach, it's part of a sort of we did get an enormous damage, but it was one days worth of damage. it never threatened that these are the state. oh, but i think it was fine and there are 2 things. one is personal. i think you very much identifies with israel. he still thinks that misery all from the early days.
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you know, this is where his age shows it when, when is, you know, why is really david against the client that the combined or of nations. and that's just not the current situation of that superpower, israel, that continues, you know, for decades to occupied balance, to meet our driver. but, you know, i think there also has been a political population in biden's part there. he's always been focused on the movable middle of a handful of independence that but like we decide november's presidential election and the, i think you kinda took for granted his base not the progressive side of the democratic party. big thing, you know, they're not gonna vote for trump, i don't have to worry about them. i'm just gonna focus on that, the middle and what he clearly didn't count on. and i, i think the michigan primary, the uncommitted vote there demonstrates this is that, you know, some progressive democrats are just so upset by, by the screen lighting of i've got 10. yeah. who's killing and start patient and gaza. that they may just abstain. you know, they're not gonna vote for trump, but they may just not vote, which is an effective boat for trump. and so, you know, bite is beginning to focus on that more. i think that's why she allowed the un
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security council resolution to pass earlier this week. but he then, you know, under cut himself and, and, you know, immediately isn't bassett or at the un devices how spokesperson said, oh, this is a non binding rest of? nope, that's legally true, but the real point is political. she's singling immediately even that time. yeah. who don't worry about this, you know, we, we had to do this for political reasons, but keep doing what you're doing. and, you know, that's early said. i think the hope that you know that his constituents, the progressives wouldn't really notice this technicality about whether a security council resolution is binding or now people just focus on the resolution that people are not that stupid. they see that, you know, this is just, you know, purchase signaling, but in fact, the reality is biting is still green lighting and worse, really getting in a penny. these were primes by continuing to provide the military aid in the arms. and in one sense, the question i have is whether or not america will have standing in the future to
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weigh in on human rights to weigh in on values to look at china and send john, look at various abuses it or is it? and it's a parent complicity with some of the arrangements now in this israel kind of thing . cause that has it last standing to be a human rights commentator versus other nations in the future as well? i think, you know, frankly, even before october 7th bite is human rights policy was just filled with the exceptions. and that is because even though we get up early in his terms, he said i'm going to be guided by human rights and democratic principles. in fact, you know, for the last year, a year and a half or more, she's been focused foremost and building global coalitions against china and rush. and in the process, he's been willing to just close his eyes to try to address it. so yeah, he's going to embraces this. i lead problem prints even though you know the cheese are only one person now. jim braces, egypt, president cc,
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even though he's presiding over the most repressive state. and he just modern history embraces, embody, even though he's shutting down a democracy in india, and so, you know, we've already seen elements. so i think that, you know, you kind of take a, just some cherry and reimbursed approach. you know, one possible way to get screwed abide is that if the continues, which i think you guys to care about the, the competition with china and russia, i think it used to care about ukraine. she is hurting himself by this unequivocal embrace at israel as it almost awesome. because, you know, governments of the global south, but he needs for things like united nations file churchman for sanctions. they're saying how about nothing to do with this? and if this has nothing to do with values, nothing to do with principles and it's just, it's, you know, political competition. i'm going to sit this one out. you know, what, why is it so important to, to defend you train? if you know the principles that are in the state there,
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you're just just sending them when it comes to goals. and so i think that there is a get a via list argument for why these values mattered because, you know, the nations of the world and i've done, they see through this a policy. and um, the lack of any principle, any even adherence to the so called will based order when it comes to israel is going to help us credibility on other things that washington cares about. or, you know, the un special rapid tour on human rights in the occupied palestinian territories. francesca albany has recently told the un human rights council that there were reasonable grounds to believe that israel is committing genocide with intent. very, very powerful statement from her. and it was a remarkable statement from the state. this book, department spokesman, matthew miller, let's listen to it. we have longs for longstanding i, for a long standing period of time to pose the mandate of this special rubber tour, which we believe is not productive. and when it comes to the individual who holds
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that position, i can't help but note history that i submitted comments that she has made. but with respect to the report itself, we have made clear that we believe that allegations of genocide are unfounded. but at the same time, we have are deeply concerned by the number of civilian casualties in gaza. and that's why we have a press the, the government of israel on multiple occasions do everything it can to minimize those civilian casualties. kind of, i would love to hear your reactions to matthew miller statement in your view and this kind of tension over classifying what we're seeing unfold on our tv screens as genocide or not as well. i think this is classic by the administration. double talk, you know, the one and they say, oh, we're concerned about spinning casting fees. on the other hand, they try to under caught any serious pressure on israel. the stop and the special rob statement is just the latest example of this. now, you know, there's
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a big debate about, you know, is this genocide or not? i should say 1st that i think this is a bit of a side show because a while ago genocide is a horrible concepts. the terrible prime. um, you know, many people think of it as the worst crime. but what crimes, a horrible crimes against humanity are horrible, and they are, it's pretty clear those are taking place. so, you know, the one problem with this focused on genocide is the tentative exculpate israel for the other times that it clearly is committed. now you don't use this genocide or not. um, it's really got to come down to a fairly technical argument of intent and others are 2 elements to the crime of genocide is defined by the convention. but the in or i for treaty. i'm one or a series of acts including i'm showing including rendering conditions of life, unbearable, intolerable, of the magnitude of what's happening in concept pretty clearly meets at act part of the standard. so it all comes down to intent to israel, acting with the intention to destroy in whole, or in part a national ethnic,
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racial or images. and in the inner support of justice said there's a plausible change to be made here. citing, you know, a series of statements by senior is really official to you know, president hertzog, who said there are no on involved civilians or defense minister. don't want to refer just human animal. so, you know, not just from us, but anybody affected by this, each, in other words, the entire civilian population of i have cause. so there are statements like that. and the other hand, you know, some generals are smart enough to say, you know, no, we're just trying to enforce matter in law. a lot of this intent argument is going to come down to their reading content from the actions, you know, from the indiscriminate bombardment from the district point to detach from the distribution strategy. and, you know, does this add up to intention of your apartment? it's going to come down to how the court in trowbridge stopped. if you look at genocide as a means to an end, that is to say, it'll just show off
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a nuff palestinians so that you chase them out of gas, which is what some of the far right ministers like ben to be here. and so rich, explicitly asked for, um, that's one you just, that was sort of what the myanmar army did to chase ro changed into bangladesh. another thing is i was just saying that, you know, genocide has to be only intent that can be a means to an end. it has to be just the final solution. and so anybody can get your hands off. and that, of course, you know, obviously if not what's going on and drops right now. so that's gonna come down to really how does the court view this? is that enough to see the intent as one of 2 or more? or does it have to be the soul intact? and, and the question is, if you decide this has been fairly conservative, if you look back at the probation for sort of the case, it seemed to apply that. the intent has to be so intense, which means it's not gonna find you on a site. but if israel continues to piss off the cord, is it's doing now by just loading it's orders. the court may feel comfortable. what
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i think would be a more sensible interpretation of all the, which is to say you're getting multiple attempts. one of them can be genocide, and if that's the standard israel's going to be found guilty, you can, or you heartened it all, by the ambivalence that young democrats and younger americans have about this conflict. and you can see it in the following poll numbers of joe biden with a lot of use you are. i'm gonna just be honest with you. you were on for a fellowship at harvard that that fellowship was rescinded. a lot of people look at it and worried it was your 4th right comments on this kind of crisis. and some of this reels actions that may have led to the rescission of that invitation to be at harvard. but i'm just watching within the political realm in the united states. young people don't have the same mindset towards this as president biden. we also see the black community softening and support for joe biden, because they look at this as a social and racial justice issue as well. and so i'm just interested, as you kind of look at the us political scene,
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are you heartened by some of the trends that we see today? the 1st just to go back to the hubbard thing just to kind of fill out the picture. i mean, i was explicitly rejected because of my criticism of israel, and then when there was a help ordering of protest, the dean refreshed itself and indeed i'm speaking to you today from her. so the fellowship was reinstated and i continue to hold it. now, as for your question, you know, there is a real shift among the younger generation which, you know, doesn't remember entitled israel all they've ever, natalie is the israel, of the occupation, israel of apartheid. these are all over, you know, periodic designation of, of, of, of the awesome. and so these are people who are becoming the democratic party and are clearly challenging this presumption that the democrats just let us know, do whatever they want. and i think that, you know, even within the american jewish community, we're seeing, you know, real shift, you still have, you know, a pack which you know, represents do whatever you, nothing now wants. you know, that's the kind of conservative part of the american jewish community. and that's
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what we open already, and what we're seeing is more and more americans, you say, this is not what my religion stands for. this is what i was, what i was brought up to value. and they recognize that there is a distinction between this far right is really government and israel, that's a distinction he doesn't want you to talk about. but that is the distinction that many democrats and many americans now make. now, interesting way, you know, that's how yahoo is basically given up. i mean, they're interesting and he's still, you know, embraces 8 pack. but when he looks to who his constituents are, their christian evangelicals, it's republican party. and i think he understands that the democratic party is not going to put out with the kind of far vide policies that he needs to pursue in order to stay in power. because, you know, he stopped and matter just got him. having a handful of our right ministers, those far right ministers, sold 11 boats and they can assets, you know,
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much more than than the margin of natural gas is majority. so she needs to play to start right in order to stay in power and avoid the corruption prosecution. that is underway. and so that is a, you know, a recipe for losing that democratic party and losing. and, you know, a good part of america is we're seeing the full show. so, you know, i suppose you can face hardening, i think the best, you know, blank check, but that's and yet who has tended to receive from the us government. that is not a view that he shared by the american people, joe biden hasn't come around well, and they're kind of thank you so much. princeton university, visiting professor and senior fellow at harvard university and former president human rights watch. kenneth ross, thank you so much for joining us today. thanks for having me. so what's the bottom line guys in the depths of an ongoing nightmare? and even more palestinians are gonna starve and die if there is no change soon in the politics and direction of this conflict,
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the world watches is one of the world's most important courts, monitoring human rights violations order. it is real to address the famine it is costing gaza. but let's face it is real can ignore pressure because it has been us running defense. us extension of the un security council might have been meant as a message, but we should all remain pretty skeptical. but israel's leadership can read the softball signals, stopping israel's war is going to take something bolder than an order from the world court or a resolution from the you. when the u. s. has to say it will not be part of a genocide. an order is real to stand down full stop. only that will really in this chapter of this complex. and that's the bottom line, the hey, liz seems in the gaza strip as easily as long. lots continues. there's a deliberate mission of posting and humanity in western media,
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and it needs to be questioned, sustain coverage, that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to kind of wait tracking those stories, examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here at the listing post. this is a region that is last week. we develop thing, but it's one or 2 that is afflicted by conflict. police perhaps. we try to balance the stories, the good, the bad. i've been asking the people allow us into their lives, dignity and democracy as detailed as stories in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history, the world's biggest democracy, off its own epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new ballpark cd, focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience as a journalist, you examine alarming drop of the freedoms in india and the future of india and back
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to an independent media being the other for foxley, on those is either the the the seller i bid is due to the
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of the 2 weeks, se just rarely falls this, it withdrawn from the owl ship and medical complex and golden guns, and leaving it its been ruined the on the clock. this is out 0 line from doha, also coming up. and it's really, as i can't see, i'm not in the hospital companion central because it can be at least 4 people and entering several others including john list the 10s of thousands of israelis protest outside parliament, demanding the prime ministers resignation and the return of captives. it is the largest.


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