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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 7:00am-7:31am AST

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of the, of the 2 weeks, se just really forces it withdrawn from the i'll ship of medical complex and northern guns and leaving it. it's been ruined the around the clock. this is out 0 line from doha, also coming out. and it's really, as i can see, i'm not into hospital companion central because it can be at least 4 people at entering several others. including john list the 10s of thousands of israelis protest outside parliament,
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demanding the prime ministers resignation and the return of captives. it is the largest demonstration since and will begun and a political life check in front of the main don't position party retains control of major cities including this done both of to sundays, local election news . so the 1st 2 living dogs, whereas, ready forces have started with drawing from l. c. for hospital off to 2 weeks of sees the world health organization says that 21 patients have died since he's really truth rated to come pump last month. more than 100 patients and 60 stuff with trapped inside with no medicine food or water. i'll send you an officials in gaza say is ready for it has killed more than 400 people in l. c. for hospital since it's cj begun. let's go straight away too much. colored to joins is on the
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phone, not from jamalia in northern gauze. most 1st of all, just to select a situation on the ground. as you know, it's, uh uh yes, nick to be is ready to call us is trying to get with the quote from us complex, of course, for the 2 weeks more than 2 weeks season couldn't arresting several years. eh, boss filtering inside of shouldn't chromebooks. and if it's a rodney or it should make a big, so if for, for more than 2 weeks, it'd be able to who are stuck inside a she for has been retained inside the human resources development building, which is the preferred a couple 20 to be for maybe kind of gets it. and now what we feel good now would be the fate of these people. i'm inside now comfortable inside of cuz i'd like us to do it. so it may be kind of sounds that the time to learn to it. we're heading to
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ship a complex to which could be a situation because it has a situation of these patients and they're moving to more than 102 than a single unit has been in the past week of i are. this is woke and using literature and the boxes from the, the for the stuff. i didn't know it got it easily from there or it should be called the concern mission. one more thing, one more thing click is people who wouldn't the couldn't so that a did bodies of sitting with the switch there because as it is uniform, so it's kind of more than 400. it was a, in the neighborhood of ship it from the inside. so now is that we will learn more as time goes on. but what about the facility itself,
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the destruction of all the medical equipment and so forth? do we know what the situation is that as, as, as we, so the 4 pages, the facility and the surgery, the buildings destroyed also the, the main building. so kind of just sort, so all the that had been negatively affected was what use of the inside it me because the uh, the uh, the total exam, you know, has been disabled by that is latest. okay. i'm uh, 20 with that for now. thanks very much for that update. uh, definitely by the northern gaza on the situation. i'll shift a hospital that most of the colored 14 well is read as being attacked, the hospitals across the strips and so will be done on sunday and is really struck here. the hospital compound and central gaza, at least for palestinians,
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were killed several others including jonas were injured in the attack on the alex. so the striped talk, the tents, housing displays, people in the hospitals, courtyard. the above israel says it was targeting a c'mon center of these limits. you had on group 10, could be met some of the survivors that so this was the moment when is read her strike just meters from the interest all x. a hospital in central causes a top target to 2 tens housing displays, policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and data. but i, well, i know when i got, you know, we were sitting in the tents, we're defense, the civilians and displaced people from northern gaza. suddenly the missile hit this tent. there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured policy unions were brought into the hospital, one of the few in closets to partially functioning. it's accidents and emergency
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department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tents as a microsoft office at the time without any warning. we're a group of journalists with no tourist amongst us. we're preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit. everything went dark with deputies and rocks flying over our heads. the healthcare system has collapsed because of is rose bombardment and locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded and the displace be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's right the planes will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified,
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seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is place. and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes us 10 similar palestinians do not know where to go? this is in the godaddy data. alexa, hospital of the bus, we go to turn to the airport by the israeli newspaper. how that said, they spent 2 officials in these ready ministry about the thousands of cycle terrorists. they claim to have killed in dallas or, and they talked to of kills angel combat. so these are invisible red lines in and around areas of fighting or is really ministry presence. if anyone who's not from these really ministry crosses those lines, they get shot or killed. that includes palestinian civilians in the front of this terrorist bias ready forces even if they've never health a gun in their lives. so it's not about what the person did, but where he was killed, according to the report that any crime they've reached, an invisible line drawn by the it's really ami. the revelations came off to out is,
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are obtained distressing video for a week ago, which showed the movements for on, on the palestinians were killed by and is really drunk. in con eunice, the attack reportedly took place in natalie february, seeing it was really officer told her that they were unarmed, didn't pose a danger to the forces in the area, which also missing last week out is here. obtain video showing is ready for the shooting. once again that to on, on the palestinians, a close range. one of the men repeatedly waved what appears to be a piece of white fabric to show that not a thread. this is an international symbol of surrender. the bodies at the to palestinians within, buried by an is randy bulldozer. let's take this on with the entity lowenstein. he is the author of the palestine of the bar tree, a book on these rails arms and surveillance industry joins us now live from sidney unto the thanks for joining us here is distressing to watch those videos,
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but these so called kills and you were familiar mode of operating this really all me on that they are disturbingly site because i've been floating on this issue around guys are in palestine for close to the 20 is and if you look good and pretty much every major guys are will, between these royal and her mouth seems pretty much, 2009. you see after those was these riley soldiers speak to well from the great, like into the silence, which is a news riley and g r. talking about what they did. and they regularly say the rules of engagement with loose beyond belief that killing civilians was normal. and it's, i think, really different just go to the rules of engagement but also to the tennessee culture within these, around the military way over the years. so if you saw this ever get prosecuted for any kind of serious crimes, this also applies to the west bank. so obviously this current situation is on a scale that we've never seen before in tell us time. but what we're saying is high rates reports, and i've been hearing also from my sources and sadly familiar tile. yeah,
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these ready argument is that involve lines of blood that you enter the zones and you will get killed. the point is people just don't know where the lines are to the i don't and didn't mean to see exactly what the us was saying in iraq and afghanistan after 911. when the us was killing huge amounts of civilians. and again, these invisible lines, the civilians don't know where that. yeah. and israel has a long track record long before this current paused october. the 70 environment, all killing. huge amounts of palestinian civilian being. dogs are in the west bank . and again, this i think, goes to the heart of a lot of international criminal court in the i c, j. looking very seriously at these kinds of examples because these kinds of quotes can intervene when domestic called multiple candidates. and it's pretty clear that he is the, is rarely quotes, having no interest to, frankly, in addressing these and know that these riley political establish an old and the, the, it's important to note that this kind of culture and his role estimate and he's living
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in palestine that the culture within these royalties riley media is not this tennessee, but the g mechanize is kind of funny. and so as we were saying since october 7, q 2 mountain series riley spell which is proudly posting on the internet. seek talking instagram themselves, dehumanizing palestinians, blowing up palestinian homes that i think is directly connected to these kinds of cases with so many postings to billions, including now you to a literally waving lot flags killed in cold blood. all the rules of operation in a of engaged rules of engagement, i should say in these radio operations, or are they just open to interpretation by whoever's commanding that patch of land, of all these really military costs. it is there. i know how rights are pulled. they claim that they have very strict rules of engagement. whenever there is a case, for example, to reason one of the i c j. israel says very clearly that the seller does must abide by certain rules. but what matters really is the reality on the ground and
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what the status is riley. so just talking to our it's in the last day or so that he is d as and he is you have is riley. so just talking about the idea that because they realize that there's no rule of punishment for killing palestinians, so enjoying them. there's lots of thing, guys that, that the west bank and east jerusalem in effect and military culture is the one that is laid from the top. i mean, you had it, these really defense minister and indeed many in these riley military establishment since october 7, distributing weekly leaflets, talking about how these relatives going into cleans they woods, palestinians. i mean, this is the culture that allows that kind of in he mind killing and it's tragic that over we know we were thinking now about what city 540000 palestinians killed since outside the 7. i'm boss, the vast majority them are not terrorist that palestinian civilians and yet israel keeps on claiming that about 9 to 10000 of those numbers
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a terrorist. when that figure is clearly massively inflated, that you would think that anybody walking in open line that they may well be suspects as far as these rate is concerned, could just be arrested rather than just blown up a full potentially. i mean that that's close to be the logical, humane outcome, but in the cases that are to 0 screen in the last couple of weeks, and that would bring many of those that are the major outlets have obtained. we see cases of palestinians in billings, just going to try to retrieve items from they destroy times or trying to get food. we're saying the various cases of israel targeting individuals that we're trying to get on the food, this thing drops by the americans or others or food trucks that have been brought in by rafa on the egyptian side. so you that wouldn't be the logical outcome. but again, there was no account inability for these kinds of killings and whether it's by drawing or quad coughed out or simply is rallies are getting fine. this is why
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international attention and international prosecution is so important. now we cannot simply wait and hope that these really millage fee or establishment will investigate this because history shows they will not. right. oh is that widespread content nation? but nothing ever seems to change. i just want to bring you back to a story, but i'll shift for these right is pulling out things really i'll be putting out of, i'll be, i'll ship a hospital complex where they have been for 2 weeks as you know, at leaving dreadful destruction behind us the 2nd time they've sold to the area talk, the hospitals of coal is prohibited under international law. but again, it is the way these ready on the offerings and it's important not that the 1st time they went in that a whole coverage was it that we're discovering ahead of us come on and control center, which was not found at all the 2nd time, even the last weeks they claim, i mean, the huge amounts of how most of these lemme g had fighters were in. now i haven't seen much evidence for that, frankly. but again, as you rightly said, it is illegal to essentially bombard, destroy an attack hospital with around thousands and thousands of palestinian
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civilians with a hospitals and gaza have already been completely destroyed in the last month. and it seems it again, we've had international intervention in the us and june me, the 2 biggest deal is the best selling weapons and give me my friends, threw his ro until that stops until that stops. i feel that before will continue the product, sending officials that said that hundreds of products and use it being killed in and around. i'll shoot for the over the past couple of weeks. what would account for that high rate of casualties you think for the fact that so many palestinians are sheltering in the hospitals? i mean, this has been the case since october 7. there was the hospitals have been targeted extensively by these riley's many civilians have nowhere else to go in because their homes have been destroyed. it's also not forget, it's winter still very cold. and many palestinians may be can obtain some medical care and hospitals. there's no way safe and guy submitted some way to go. and after these rallies pulled out of a ship for a few months ago, the hype was obviously
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a full size. but i'll shoot for wood remains to be a safe place of acrylic. it's knowledge and again the idea that these ro is not as bombing, but a striking areas around these hospitals. it's not just a breach of international law or, i mean i saw it as before. medicine some frontier in a safe retain only saying that their ions hanes are being tag. it doesn't mean this is kind of the actions of a rogue state. another of a circle of democracy which would save huge amounts of support from the west. and the leads to the state and to the appreciate that thank c o knowledge until lunchtime speak use that for me. thank you so well. area on sunday, tens of thousands of people gathered outside parliament and the largest antique government demonstration. since a will began. they demanded that the prime minister, benjamin netanyahu, his resignation, should come and cold for early elections. 50 all who faces mounted behind from his ratings to leave his put his political survival a head of the broad interest of these rarely people protest is expected to last 3
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days. the to the, the way the people with the menu, from the government to find solutions to release or they also just simply dine there and the governments all you do there, but at least all of them is unable to do so maybe someone else can do that but prime minister netanyahu had a hernia operation on sunday night. speaking ahead of the procedure,
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he said he is doing quotes everything to bring the hostages. how show me have shown, you know, so cool. anyone who says i'm not doing everything. i can't to bring back the hostages is wrong, and it's misleading. and whoever knows the truth is instead of repeating this lie, disclosing all necessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flex dispositions in the negotiations on how must harden's emotion look sure. well, despite that, you know, he's the sessions protest as a item in the t months reach and deal to secure the release of confidence as honda, civic reports now from western islam. tens of thousands of demonstrators in west jerusalem gathering outside of israel's parliament, known as quickness in order to put pressure. they say on the is really government. they say they want to out these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu. they say they're fed up with his policies, ones that have not seen the return of the remaining is really captives who are held in gaza. they say this will be a demonstration that will span over the course of a few days. and in that they will sleep in tents here in the city. these really
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prime ministers spoke this evening and addressed a wide variety of topics, saying that the military is ready to invade drop off, despite criticisms from allies like the united states. additionally, he touched on the fact that military pressure is still the only way to bring back the captive. all of this on the heels of nathan yahoo undergoing a surgical procedure this evening and which he expects to make a full recovery from within his place. israel's justice minister, your read levin, we'll assume that position as in term prime minister until he returns. but in the meantime, these protests, demonstrators say, we'll continue to central jersey to west jerusalem. these really on me says a suspected drone has hit the red sea results. they do have a lot is really media report that the trend cause damage to one of the ministry buildings. nobody is recent being the rocky. i'm grief has taken responsibility for the attack of 3 people have been injured in the stubby and in southern happened to
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my all of the time i've done. you have the suspects, the palestinian man from hebron, you know like west bank. he worked at shopping center, local officials say he was killed by police. some of the victims are in serious condition when any of these really all me killed a has bullock come on the in and asked or i can self 11 and is really true and talk to the car. and the times we need is by law has confirmed the attack killed the small alley of zane. israel claims understand was a commander of and 90 time, so far as well as killed $270.00 has put our members, including at least 3 commodities. so what is read is also conducted as strikes and neighboring syria. these 2 civilians have been injured in the outskirts of the syrian capital, damascus. as on sunday, defense ministry said a scientific research center. i see talks, it comes 2 days after his reading strikes, killed dozens of syrian soldiers and allied fighters in electric prophets to the
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head here. and i'll just arrow the pool farm. y festive around it at night. so we don't quite westbank of it coming together. the the, there is certainly it has been a stormy mix in the south west of saudi arabia. so more scenes of flooding, we're starting to see this was an ass or providence. torrential downpours here. copious amounts of rain still in the forecast on monday. now starting to creep into the central saudi arabia, tell you what though, how i could catch a few drops as well. we've got you in for 32 degrees water. if you have them to leave shows us. most of the action is in saudi arabia, around the red sea as well, pushing through the other side. so around the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and you put a looking to catch
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a few showers on monday to central asia. we go cooler, feel here. temperatures of lowered across pockets. done with wet weather. we've got some showers in the mix for it. took minutes. dance capital ask about at 17 degrees wall to wall sunshine, across the turkey, a looking good and assembled 90 degrees. look at cyprus, they could see a passing pushing past that 30 degrees threshold. and certainly we have had a lot of heat for chats capital engine. nina, that continues 44 unsettled spill in the northwest. but that wet weather is starting to peter out for places like morocco, but the rain is picking up through the democratic republic of congo. if i take you to the south, get ready south africa, we're seeing some activity flareups really for central and eastern portions of the country on monday. the brutality of the response to the events of october 7th had become impossible to make. no, there is no one nor of international humanities. heidi
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a lot that has not been violated. it's been one of some western power supports of, of israel's actions. he's well, it has the right to defend itself. it has the duty to defend its people. it is astonishing, just how deep cleaning corrupt materially, morally, they all look at how the international news are being applied and ignore. to me is ro cause a conflict. israel above the low on, out to 0, the the other day you watching out 0 mind about top stories is the end of the 14 days of siege. is there any forces have begun withdrawing from the hours she felt hospital complex and northern because of the past 2 weeks, 12 patients have died and is ready for the field. more than $400.00 people in and
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around for hospital compound earlier on sunday, at least 4 percent of students were killed in n, is rarely a truck coming out like some sort of hometown in central jobs are at destroy kids tense housing displays, people as well as gentleness and the facilities for tens of thousands of people gathered outside israel's went to the largest antique government demonstrations that demanded that the prime minister benjamin netanyahu should resign impulse with early election. so he has made opposition. republican people's party has declared victory of to sundays, local elections as meds and assemble. and in ankara, a set for wins then assembled man, excellent. and the model is being tipped as a potential candidates in the 2028 presidential vote. see then clearly reports now from them and historic moment as the main off was ition trials and stumbles may or election, it could have
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a mode of the republican people's party or c h p is set to serve the $16000000.00 residents of a symbol for 5 more years it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling of $40.00 and they more than 2 decades in power box shot, just as if somebody gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected to sub with respect to those who are elected as well as officials receive instructions from the nation. the periods of one men rule is over. as of today, it is done since july h be won by a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and cannot the top. a mobile is now considered the leading up position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores of 4 people, showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that fee did i now live again.
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we still have democracy and hope for the future present. sara john, acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his ruling of parties headquarters in the capital on. correct . all those, do not these images to days, not the end for us. it's actually turning point the, the toasters nation is complete. this message is to politicians by using the ballot box and this been selection certain, does it mean that the vote was viewed as a baro matter of air guns, popularity sold to reclaim control, important urban districts that to you have most of the all position in municipal elections 5 years ago, the c h. b is victories in on colorado and assemble in 2019 damaged our don's image of invincibility. the party has suffered
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a serious moving into the wrong co issue and the opposite would be the last thing. if the presidential election sets for 2028, the houses are this impact is done support as of the pci apology of jail, full of prime minister in runcle and protested in the city of the shell against the results of a general election last month. they allege by breaking election day was mob by mobile. internet outages come all hide as more from the show. despite the fact that the month of ramadan, the sun is shining, most of the people are far thing. but the leader of the focused on that it can stop and run con, guard supported into 5 of books and well proven where his father is reputable to come out in large numbers too broad. the, i guess there isn't rigging of the election. one of the demons of the party or so
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of course the release of every non kon from prison who weren't just as far sold and now. so i want your district. we are here in protesting for the release of bonita, you mind con, towards put behind balls without any reason. you have to be the number one, even though my god. oh, you're missing the order to watch. the one, the 6 guys who's been on the line items with regions blue book, and that's what we're talking about. the park of funds. and the 2nd one. why is the president what's the reason behind it? now it is ramadan, but despite that, we have seen thousands of people going up in bridge drywall up in ramadan. the plans are the way it's country wide rotate. it is going to be in florida interest. see where the government and board greg barker learned the pressure they have brought them in, as i meant that they will not give up their fall despite allegations of match the rigging. now it is going to be important to see what happens within the next few
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months. but everyone had and focused on expecting more political on certain date and the coming weeks and months. come on either address at all. it's all the crews have started to lift the 1st $200.00 ton, the trunk of the collapse, baltimore bridge from the water and the bridge has been cut off in preparation for its removal of the francis scott cambridge was destroyed last week by an out of control congress ship striking one of its support payments. so it is the muslim holy month of ramadan and the policy needed to do have not listed the occupied. westbank is usually full of lights. the music around this time with net nightly, as rarely ministry rates, as well as restrictions on movement. few people of venturing out this year or con reports now from numbers. 2 is all good, a wakeup, cool, before a day of fasting, the zip not on the fall,
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but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy was shot. it reminds people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is every wedding up list is right. forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have all these or dramas they use to march through the old city before to on bought with an increase is right, the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready for us. as of kids move in 140 posting and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling. like some loved ones that happens in every year. we put up the corrections and
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clean the streets to observe rama done this year. we didn't cause of what's happening in gaza and those with been killed in annapolis. the.


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