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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 8:00am-8:31am AST

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great in the joy of breaking falls and the footprint we remember the blessings we all meant to share. for that do a sacred play is now your duty to fulfil all that can possibly be. the tougher to weep. little sieges riley forces have completely withdrawn from the i'll shoot for medical complex involving daughter leaving dozens of parties in the way the around the clock. this is out 0 and live it from the also coming and is really strikes, hit see a lot. so hospital compound in central dogs acutely at least 4 people and entering several others, including john,
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the 10s of thousands of his race protest outside parliament, demanding the pride, minutes, his resignation, and the return of captives. it is a law just demonstration some, some will began and a political belief. it's a case presidents. the main opposition policy retains control of major cities, including a sample of to sundays linked to the next the . so yes, we'd be good in northern guns where is ready, forces have withdrawn from alice ship a hospital, a complex of to 2 weeks of siege. hundreds and parties are lying inside the complex and on the streets of the world. health organization says 21. patients have died since he's ready truths rated to compound last month. more than 100 patients and 60 stuff with trucks in the complex with no medicine food or water. palestinian officials in gaza say is there any forces killed more than 400 people in el cheapo
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hospitals. since it's sage begun. let's bring in that most of the crew to joins us now by skype. from charlotte in northern garza that much. what have you managed to glean as to the latest situation that's of shift? this is where the forces with a troll doctor, 2 weeks after spending 2 weeks of besieging and couldn't get her was thinks of only is a inside the ship and the, and the neighborhood of a ship all hospital. so after spending 2 weeks, a oh for ship, a complex, the is way the forces with a droll just said they not from that, it comes x now at the civil defense and the a, me, the kind of stuff hitting to uh, ship a complex to for recovery uh for kevin to book it until now. the confirmation over the confirm the news about the shipper come next. that
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as a the, the buildings are totally destroyed. a medical, uh, machines are totally destroyed. it did bodies in the street a, as you know, a more than 107 as, as the grid was declared by a media about us send you an, a government on media an office, a, they were a 107 patients, 107. eh, people list stuck inside the, at a development here with the social development building, which has nothing pretty bad at all for and, and maybe comes can. so that to be both of these variables, list stuck inside the building a where uh are using. uh, she will trigger 2 and 62 of them is uh r, i'm sorry, are uh, from the music kind of stuff. okay, so until now the, the divorce is divorced has withdrawn from shift the medical. busy busy stuff from
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canada unblocked, as with the sort of cover to walk the dead bodies in the street. this is a what, what do we got so far? i know as thanks for that update the most of click the report during the latest situation at our schiffer hospital well as well as being attacked in hospitals right across this trip since will gun on sunday and it's ready as truck hit, a hospital component and central draws at least full palestinians were killed, separate office and cleaning journalists. were injured in the attack on the all acts the hospital. let's try and talk to tense housing displays. people in the hospitals, courtyard and follow. israel says it was talking to a c'mon center, these land that you had on group in could 3 met some of the survivors. the as this was the moment when is really her strike just meters from the interest to excell hospital in said to cause
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a top target to to 10 housing displaced policy use in the courtyard of the medical facility and did but i well i know when i got here now and we were sitting in the tents, we're defensive civilians and displaced people from northern garza. suddenly the missile hit this tent and there isn't a single reason that could explain targeting display civilians in a hospital courtyard. injured palestinians were brought into the hospital. one of the few in gauze is to partially functioning, its accidents and emergency department is over. one journalist covering the war had also been using the tense as a makeshift office. and they should be in the heat, the time without any warning were a group of gentlest. with no tears. the monks just were preparing our cameras and all of a sudden the tent was hit. then everything went dark with the deputies and rock flying over a heads. the healthcare system has lapsed because of is rose bombardment and
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locate and medical supplies. medical facilities no longer have the capacity to treat this many seriously injured people. have the hospitals and medical teams and all have checked to work as must be protected. the international community must provide such protection the patients, the wounded, and the displace be put on state of panic and part of the feeling that there's a, the pains will attack the hospital again. it's horrifying. everyone is terrified seeking shelter in this hospital for more than 6 months. right now. nowhere is case . and how does the news are targeted in hospitals and schools and makes if tens, palestinians do not know where to go. this is the hold of the data. alexa, hospital bed, but as well that here on sunday, tens of thousands of people got them outside parliament and the largest on to government demonstration. since school began, they demanded that prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation,
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and cooled for early elections and nephew all who faces mounting anger from his res, you believe he has put his political survival, the head of the broad interest of the is really people protest is expect the last 3 days of the to the, the election. now by the way, the people with the menu, from the government to find solutions to release or they also just simply dine there. and the governments all you do the juicy, but at least one of them is unable to do so. maybe someone else can do that.
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well, the problem is that yahoo had a honey operation on sunday night to speak you ahead of the procedure. he said he is doing quite everything to bring the hostages home. you show me have shown, you know, so cool. anyone who says, i'm not doing everything. i come to bring back the hostages is wrong and it's misleading. and whoever knows the truth is instead of repeating this lie, disclosing all necessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flex dispositions in the negotiations on how must hardens emotion, look sure. meanwhile, israel has confirmed that security and intelligence jeeps are in cairo for negotiations over possible sees for, for the masses. it's not sending a delegation at this point. families have tompkins being held in garza or among those who take into the streets, criticized israel's prime minister. benjamin netanyahu are accusing him of abandoning the captives of warring dogs that has been on the way for almost 6 months. is ready. allow me such a suspect to drone his hit, the red sea result city of
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a lot is ready. media reported the trend cause damage to one of the ministry buildings. the injuries have been reported so far. sirens were activated in the city and ambulance has rushed to the sides and the rocky own group has taken responsibility for the attack. 3 people have been injured and they stop being attacked and subbing dogs that it happened that the mile in a ton of it. yeah and the gun yeah. and the suspect is a palestinian not from hebron notified westbank to what to the shopping center. local officials say he was killed by police. some of the victims are in a serious condition where they are, these really ami killed a has bullock come on, the in the strike in southern lebanon. and his ready drove and talking to the call in the town of cleaning his below has confirmed the attack killed a small, i would say is row claims i was in was a commander of a non to type unit. so if all is read his kill 270 has brought members duty at least 3 commodities. this is real,
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is also conducted as strikes and neighbors. syria, at least 2 civilians have been injured in the outskirts of the syrian capital, the damascus. that's on sunday. defense ministry said scientific research center was to talk to it comes to days of things ready strikes, killed, dozens of syrian soldiers and allied fighters in a left side from the tech has made no position. republican peoples policy has declared victory of to sundays, local elections, manage and assemble and incorrect set big wins, and that's double man, excellent and memorial is being taped as a potential candidates in the 2028 presidential faith. seen and culturally reports from symbol and historic moment as the main offers ition trials and stumbles may or election occurs in my mode of the republican people. his
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party or c h. p, is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling of $40.00 and they more than 2 decades in power box shot. just as if somebody gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected to sub with respect to those who are elected, as well as officials to receive instructions from the nation. the periods of one men rule is over. as of today, it is done since july th be won by a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and cannot the top. a mobile is now considered the leading goal position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores of 4 people, showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that fee did i now live again.
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we still have democracy and hope for the future did get you in the presence. i urge on acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his rolling of parties headquarters in the capital on, correct. all those, do not these images to days, not the end for us. it's actually turning point from the the turkish nation has called me this message is to petitions by using the ballot box and dismiss full election certain does it mean that the vote was viewed as a bar a matter of air guns, popularity sold to reclaim control important urban districts that he has most of the opposition in mental civil elections. 5 years ago. c, h b, 's victories in on colorado and assemble in 2019 damaged our don't image of invincibility. the party has suffered a serious moving into the wrong coal issue. and the opposite was the
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last thing if the presidential election that's for 2028, the houses there is a whole a. so the head here now the 0. the sub pool form. why 1st of ramadan knights in the west bank of the company, a thing of the past steadfast a report from germany? well, one of your most liberal kind of this last, how suggest they can affect everyone about 18 years old? can know both of us and small amounts of this plan. the, there is certainly it has been a stormy mix in the southwest of saudi arabia. so more scenes of flooding,
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we're starting to see this was an ask for providence torrential downpours here. copious amounts of rain still in the forecast on monday. now starting to creep into central saudi arabia, tell you what, they'll, how could catch a few drops as well. we've got you in for 32 degrees water. if you have them to leave shows us, most of the action is in saudi arabia around the red sea as well, pushing through the other side. so around the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and just put a looking to catch a few showers on monday to central asia. we go cooler, feel here at temperatures of lower to cross pockets down with what, whether we've got some showers in the mix for 10 minutes stance. capital ask about at 17 degrees wall to wall sunshine, across the turkey, a looking good and assembled 90 degrees. look at cyprus, they could see a passing pushing past that 30 degrees threshold. and certainly we have had a lot of heat for chats capital engine. nina, that continues 44 unsettled still in the northwest. but the weather is starting to peter out for places like morocco,
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but the rain is picking up through the democratic republic of congo. if i take you to the south, get ready, south africa, we're seeing some activity flare up really for central and eastern portions of the country on monday. in the bigger global that i couldn't yet in history, the world's biggest democracy office on epic showdown. join me screen of asking jan on a new full bought cd focusing on india. in this episode i go on my own experience of the agenda that you examined. alarming dropped, of the freedoms in india and the future of india. in fact, with independent media being the other for foxley, on august the, the, the
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other guy you watch eod 0 reminder about the top stories and up to 14 days of stages, really forces petroleum from the lc for all hospital complex and northern goza. hundreds of parties are lying inside the complex and on the streets of the past 2 weeks is really forces have killed more than 400 people in and around the hospital compound 12 patients of time. earlier on sunday, at least a full palestinians were killed and 9 is really tacked on the out. actual hospital compound in central draws a strong kit tons, housing displays people as well as john lives in the facilities court. tens of thousands people gathered outside israel's parliament to the longest antique government demonstration. since a will begun that demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu resigned and cooled full value elections to india,
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with thousands gathered as an opposition riley in the capital, new jersey to protest against prime minister and ranger moody is com. was just days officer and opposition need was arrested for alleged corruption critics. a moody is de railing company in the head of the country's general election, which begins in 3 weeks time to meet. you may have been thinking of this report. oh, they came from all over into opposition parties and thousands of the supporters in new delhi to condemn prime minister and that into a mode that i am good by the rest of this man. new delhi cheese minister of indication of all the countries antique corruption campaign has himself been accused of croft, but he's also an opposition leader and his arrest weeks before national elections has raised questions. no more than we are here to protest against the more the government which is discriminating gets all the people at his genes. arbin keith,
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steve, off for no reason. body and his party have no evidence, but he still g o. the casual isn't the only one targeted by the countries authorities. the main opposition national congress ponti. so its bank accounts frozen by tax inspect. this is wonderful and simon, 75 years in democracy is on the 11th shorting the position was to go on, your casuals wife is among those standing hand in hand against what they called, politically motivated arrests. me? yes, i'm not talking. they tended this passion well not working in the we will fight and we will, when of the prime minister in the multi hilda separate rally on sunday and brushed off the allegations against him. and his national
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democratic alliance, o n d a you know, in big m o, you know, right? yeah, this election is a fight between 2 blocks. on one side, there is the, in the 8th, which wants to remove the cut up. and on the other hand, there is another block that goes to protect hook up. now the people have to choose to press back. india's general elections will begin on april 19th and will last 44 days. opinion polls are showing moody is expected to win us the un office. but these protests to say the election will be fall from fast. to be to member then go out to 0 impact, his own supporters of the party of jail full. the prime minister, run con. i've been protesting in the city to show against the results of a general election last month. village. big written election day was marred by
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mobile and incident outages to more hide that has more now from the show. despite the fact that the month of ramadan, the sun is shining, most of the people are far thing. but the leader of the focused on that it can stop and run con has garnered support the type of books and well proven where his father is rep. supposed to come out in large numbers. the broad, the i guess there isn't rigging of the election. one of the demons of the party or so of course the release of every non kon from prison who weren't just as far sold and now. so i want your district. we are here in protesting for the release of bonita, you mind con, towards put behind balls without any reason. you have to be a number one, even the odd provisioning provider to watch the one these 6 guys full stand on the line items with regions blue book. and that's what we're talking about. the park of
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funds. and the 2nd one is the present. what's the reason behind it? now it is ramadan, but despite that, we have seen thousands of people going up in bridge. drywall, author ramadan, the plans are the wage countrywide rotate. it is going to be in florida interest. see where the government and board greg barker learned the pressure they have brought them in. i demand that they will not give up their fall despite allegations of match the rigging. now it is going to be important to see what happens within the next few months. but everyone had and focused on expecting more political on certain date and the coming weeks and months. commodity that address at all. it's all. a crews have started to lift the 1st $210.00 chunk of the collapse, baltimore bridge from the water. the bread spring cut off in preparation for its removal. the front cisco cambridge was destroyed last week by an out of control
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cargo ship striking one of the supports. it's been any 25 years since the city of chicago decided to establish a global music group representing his diverse community. today, the chicago and the orchestra showcases global music and serving as a model for unity that divide to 12 to 100 and has more. now, from chicago in a chicago studio, the mingled instruments and voices of the world plans into a global since the chicago immigrant orchestra is a rotating country of up to 30 musicians, playing a unique blend of world music that combines persian vocal, the mongolian through the end instruments from around the world in each composition from a chinese rewan to and fro peruvian percussion,
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uniting sound in society, music as the art of $0.10 borders. and it's $0.10 pressure. this is and, and uh, and stereotypes and it's, it's, it's something that everybody can kind of experience collectively. when is the rule or the groups, palestinian american co director plays the bazooka place in between notes that are not on the bus. ok. or on the piano or on the guitar. if this style is hard to pinpoint, because the music is from no single place, the instruments of the world together through the universal language in music, co director for read hon. the chicago born son, if a truly and mother and a pakistani father says instruments never played together before combined seamlessly more so he says the nations they come from one of the things about this group is we get along so well. and you would assume that they would be
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a lot of friction culturally, you know, but there isn't at all. it's more than music is nigerian american senior says it's an example for the city in the world. i think it's hope for a better, more unified world. right now, especially in chicago is a very segregated city. and so i think that is, it represents what life could be if we actually accept one another and learn from each other as our immigrant experience the, from the rehearsal studio, to the concert hall. the immigrant orchestra is a tapestry of global sound in the middle for, for the harmony. it hopes to symbolize for the nations from which those instruments have john henry l. g 0, chicago a for a low and heated debates. low legalizing kind of as and gemini is taking effect on
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monday for legislation, one of the most liberal in the european union allows adults to use possess in grove small amounts of drugs that fasten a story. it was a happy moment for those lab loan campaign to be criminalized, cannabis, active. it's got it. i believe it's kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament. the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pro solutions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public. and it'd be, it'd be, are you, really, you, it's really hard to consumers. opponents of the law call it irresponsible, exciting, dangerous health effects troubles of your dimension because even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so by the damaged, by drug abuse that because i've never found that way back into normal life and i've spoken to so many doctors you've wanted against going down this path. support to
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say the opposite is true. if adoption can be controlled. since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow. and so kind of best for medical use. the main indication where kind of as prescribed is chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational kind of is. so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be allowed to obtain my view, rhina rolling plans to gather every one in germany about 18 years old. come now possess 25 grams of kind of best and public 15 grams at home and throw 3 of these plans themselves, making the german kind of his policy even more liberal. i mean, countries like the netherlands where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized but produces worry that the government's main ink
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to crack down on the black market won't be a chief official says home growing cannabis, especially in the german climate isn't easy, and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's, that that's the truth for either the street or if you have a house issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control. the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now the lives in this bach and bullying won't lose all their business steadfast, and l g a 0000000000, a bronze. this is cool for an immediate cease fire in gaza during his easter sunday address. pontiff was speaking to a crowd of around 60000 people packed into st. pete, a square, and vatican city. he also prayed for those who was suffering due to war uncomfort across the glass panel. i can see i get on the tele passivity inside the i appealed once again that access to humanitarian aid. being sure to give us
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a call once more for the prompt release of the hostages seized on last october 7th, and for an immediate cease fire in the strip. let us not allow the current hostilities to continue to have gray repercussions on the civil population. by now at the limit of its endurance and above all, and the children, how much suffering we see in children's eyes. those children in that land of war have forgotten how to smile. what questions and gaza also attended the eastern mass submit the young gray will. they took part in rituals of the who need family, church, and concert. 60 groceries home to one of the oldest christian communities in the world 13 but to the 1st century. this trip is also home to be the oldest church which was bombed back in to, but has a he has in the thick of them as who we are, who we saw him, that we're not happy during the same stuff. this doesn't feel like a story is because we are head deprived of our homes, our belongings, our children and everything. we lost the family between those who fled,
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who stayed on, who were destroyed at all, right? so you have to be able to them onto the occupied westbank and east of mass was attended by a lead, thousands of people at the church going 50 in bethlehem where jesus is thought to be born. this is in sharp contrast to previous years when the church is usually packed with flushing clues and tours. palestinians should have nebulous in the white westbank is usually for the lights and music during ramadan. but with the nightly is really ministry rates as well as restrictions on movements. few people venturing out this year and to add to that most of the young palestinians who decorated the old city for the pony month, need to be killed or arrested sir. as laura con reports now from numbers. 2 is all good, a wakeup, cool, before day of fasting, that zip not on the fall, but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus.
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now lucy will show that we reminds people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is everywhere. the notice is there a forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have lost ease or dramas. they used to march through the old city before to on, but with an increase is right, the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready, forces of kills more than 140 posting. and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling. like some loved ones in every year. we put up decorations in clean the streets to observe rema.


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