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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 10:00am-11:00am AST

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which is era, the the hello i'm several venue, it's good to have you with us. this is the news though. light from bill coming up in the program today is really forces withdrawal from l. schiffer, hospital in gaza, city leaving a trail of destruction. witnesses say, hundreds of bodies of been found in and around the compound a buildings are burned and in ruins of courtyards, as in pull those dan gauze has biggest health facilities and we'll be looking at a report and it's really media and gaza, so called kill zones where everyone is as far
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as the district us. and finally on the 24th of february, 198327. people went back to india at home. i'll tell you what many families are still waiting for just the beginning. northern gaza. where is really forces have withdrawn from the ocean medical complex after 2 weeks siege, because a civil defense spokesman says these really army killed, more than 300 people in and around the medical complex during the rate. witnesses say bodies have been left lying on the ground outside the hospital buildings. the world health organization says 21. patients died during the military operation. buildings and medical equipment have been badly damaged houses here. where is my little girl was at the medical complex and got the city with these details. it definitely was how much the aqua ends have. what listed as well. now the inside
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i'll ship a has to be following the withdrawal of israeli forces and was after a 2 week minute freedom peroration. there is total destruction of any buildings in all departments have been bound to give me the structure of the complex has been damaged from the inside, which i'm says goes and even the rules are completely destroyed to them from what we can see trying. it appears the occupation forces deliberately target the health sector right and destroyed the largest medical complex and called the city. and in fact, in the whole strip of this complex used to provide cancer about 2000000 and 300000 people in all specialization. now it's demolished in and out of service, yet no one can repair what has left the american people are trying to salvage what they can from the room. and one with the hospital was also something of a shelter for displaced people. but now it's destroyed. there is no life, the complex is in ruins and cannot be revived as 9 or just for the stuff.
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so look at the before and after this is after the extent of the damage at l. schiffer right now, the court yard has been bull, those buildings burned in ruins. this is what's left of it right now. and this here is what it looked like before. does his largest medical complex? this was back in october in the 1st few days of the war. it was the strips most advanced hospital with specialized facilities for paediatrics off them, ology, obstetrics and gynecology, etc. let's talk about this with dr mats, gilbert, senior consulting professor of emergency medicine at the university university hospital in north. no way you have worked at hospitals in gaza, you're still in touch with teams on the ground. you are joining us from trump. so norway, i wanted to find out for us or what information you're getting from the people you know for in or around al, shift to well, good morning. we 1st got this very alarming report from the store motor on that was
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about 2 days ago, about a 107 critical patients. that'd be moved to an old part of the shift medical complex without water, without any medical supplies. not even having blows very alarming. and then we get this news this morning that these really occupation forces actually have completely destroyed the she thought medical complex. we do not know as of yet the destiny of the 107 critical patients that were moved to the 2 days ago and their stuff. but what we do know is that these really government and these really occupational forces this night as ended 7 to 8 years. i'm brain medical history because c 5 hospital and say from means the healing house. the house or healing was established in 1946. and what's the most important flagship hospital for the health care for the people i'm guys,
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are my 1st encounter and work in chief. i was in 1989 and i've been working through all these years with the brave staff and the excellent medical people in go. so this is such a sunday, i'm i, i've been weeping all morning actually. so you said we don't know what's become of the 107 patients were in in critical care. is that right? ok, well we don't know yet what has come of these 107 patients and i quote from the report from the total water one i was saw, the senior center and, and she from it says that most of them are a severe cases that have been in the ice, the u. n. 60 of the medical staff are being incarcerated in an old building in the hospital that does not have capacity dollars such as number of patients and has no equipment on the quote. so nobody knows the faith of these patients. but what we see from the video footage this morning, we see
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a massive amounts of people searching for corpses for this one for marketers. and they find and they find the most comfortable, decompose the corpses with the magnets coming out of them, the ice and, and, and i met a truly seen from bump as the inside of know. so to me i was last time in does not in see for a last summer. well hold on, can i can i jump in there? i want to ask you a question. i want to compare what these really military is saying to what you know actually happened to now shift that is really military say that during their operation, which they said was against, i'm us. and as long as you had arms fighters, they say that they gradually isolated the patients move them out of the fighting zone per se, moved into another building and even provided um, uh, water food and some level of medical assistance. i'm assuming medicines, but i don't actually know is that consistent with what you're hearing actually
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happened? absolutely not. and these relieves are known for being the most ardent lawyers. they lie about everything. so from this report that i'm reading from, the medical doctor says that there is absolutely nothing they don't even have blows . they use plastic bags to 10 to the inflicted wounds. and they don't have the needed equipment nor antibiotics nor nothing. and it's also another dramatic report on the negotiator from the medical team. and she for talking to these really come under, he has to address to his underwear is kept waiting for 2 hours and they come under, comes back without script and no answer. and so this is a combination of a whole mess and humanity and you shouldn't that just simply don't do to other people and you don't do it. the sick and one of the people for the head been sick. what is this going to stop? and now we hear from goes out that they are taking on election hospital and probably are planning to do the same with alexa as they've done. um,
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now we'd ship up. so i'm just asking, where is this world where, where is the world order? and the my goats that are creeping out of the corpses and ship hospital now are they the magnets coming out to the eyes of president 5, and then the leaders doing nothing to stop, please horrible part of the side, maj. we're looking at the pictures, the very latest pictures of the aftermath, right of this 2 weeks siege on i'll shift the buildings are completely burnt out, hollowed out. i see a bridge connecting buildings there that's destroyed to me when i look at this and i'm of course no expert on this. it looks to me like this can never be rebuilt. this was god's as largest hospital can you think of the future? this can be used again or, or is i'll shift a gone for good as well. i think you right, i've seen the same video set and i recognize that the skeleton sort of the buildings in particular with the brand new uh, medical surgical complex to the north of the complex,
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which was equipped that top level. um, i'm fine, i'm trying to day, bye bye. you're repeating countries. where are they today? i do not think this can be rebuilt. it's will be rebuilt because we will rebuild the site and go sauce health care. and i think one thing which is, you know, frankly overlooked by the media is that easy route is never count accountable and never, it has to pay more compensation. this endless. this absolutely endless. impunity for israel's, through 75 years, has made them a lot each and destroyed as much as they like without ever being held accountable. and in particular, not financially comfortable. actually, this database wrote should be sentenced to rebuild ship also and pay the full bill for their destructions. and so on one side, if i can jump in just to just to provide some context of yours because the benjamin netanyahu, these really prime minister did present a, a plan that was widely planned. i have to say
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a plan for postwar guys. that part of his plan was to have rebuilding paid for by the international community and specifically our country. he was robust but, but he's in his vision of it. he would have gulf countries in our country's generally paid for this rebuilding. i just wanted to complete your point there as yeah, thank you. and it's, it's showing that sydney's this moment is really government. i mean, this is, this is like talk to destruction of civil society in garza. this is the politics of illumination, well known from colonial politics all over the world. you killed the indigenous people, you destroy their social fabric, down their society, and you take over the line, you've wrapped a lot. so this is a politics, well known, i need scroll. actually, the politics of elimination. and this destruction of shape up to date is the lowest point to attain. and now when it comes to these really uh, occupational armies,
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destruction of hospitals, schools, universities, archaeological sites, archives, and museums. everything is part. yep. yep. mans can i, once again get you to, um, can i confront what the, these really version of events that i'll shift with what you know to have happen with your contacts on the ground. these really military said that they saw a large cluster of armed fighters from us and the islamic jihad, and they were fighting them and they were trying to sort out patients. this has been a big part of these really narrative on the i'll shoot for medical complex. they were trying to sort out patients from the fighters and target only the fighters. what do you know about who was in the hospital and about that fighting to what i know from the report says that there has been fighting around she foster and i consider for a moment yourself if your national most important flagship hospital was attacked by, in an invading army really had the intention of destroying the hospital and killing
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the people. want to defend it in the vicinity of the hospital. what it just seems that your army should defend your most important security hospital for the people. of course they have trying to defend it, but i have not heard any report all fighters inside the ship hospital. and don't forget, this is the 2nd seach obviously fall when they in the maintenance sheet for the 1st time, they had no proof of any military installations. they didn't find anything daily, paint their lice because they didn't need the slice to, to attack, call the other hospitals in gaza. you know, all the 35 hospitals, almost as pretty. one of them have been attacked even without the excuse of being a military command center. so this is, this is a lie. and this is beyond the point because what they are doing is destroying palestinian infrastructure their life and their society. don't forget that she felt at 700 bench and they host during the peak of the seats,
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they whole spent 7000 patients, the staff there. they really deserve the nobel peace prize for the heroic work to defend that the patients come trespass with the lice. are these really army, they have shown no proof of this must be in a military installation. it's actually a black reply and they have shown just as little evidence when they have been bombed in universities, schools and the other hospitals. so i think it's important now to, to understand that these is really not that this sounds serves the purpose of defending their case in the i c j investigation because they want to show that's all we want. oh, we put out some leaflets. always said they should be. there is no safe place in gaza. there is no water, there is no food. this is an all out of order that game stuff. people trying to survive and they take dogs. i have another question for you on the medical stuff
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and the latest that you know about the whereabouts and the wellbeing. that's not the right word, but how the medical staff at alpha for doing just before i get to that, another word of context on what you were saying, there's really providing proof. and these really is in their 1st assault on al, shift a rate on now shift for several months ago and said this is the home us command and control center. and to your point, the world never got proof of that. yes, there were some tunnels running through that area as under many areas of gaza, but of command and control center. the is really military did not demonstrate that that existed under i'll shift today, their argument for why they laid siege del schiffer and laid waste to this entire medical complex was that hundreds of on fighters were fighting there. again, if the proof is there, um you know, i think the world would like to see it. uh, some to my question medical stuff. what do you know about the doctors, nurses, and other medical teams who were operating and al shift and helping these 100 plus
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patients? let me 1st just come into your reasoning and i, i talked to last week. but if the goal was to, to, to fight down some hundreds of resistance fighters, palestinians want, why burn the hospital white burn this 1000000000 value is incredibly important institution for the, for the civilian population in gaza. while he's in the northern guys. and since the beginning, which was yeah, and, and large as far as the levels and northern part of the strip. so it has nothing to do. it has nothing to do with any military reasoning that we are going to fight down some, some fighters to all around. she felt like they're doing it to destroy palestine. that's the point. and what about the stuff inside? well, in this report from the wrong he says about um, the staff are left in the holding fee conditions on really exhausted
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and starting showing symptoms of fatigue and allergy. and if no solution is pursued as soon as possible, that place will turn into a graveyard of patients and stuff if it's not all release the case, unquote. so, so that's the, that's the fund news. we have heard nothing from the staff and a 107 patients. and i don't think these rallies care. i mean, they've been killing 30 for 40000 people now they keep on the killing. and when, when is this going to stop? are they going to bones? alexa hospital also, are they going to destroy a 100 percent of the problems getting in as an and who's next? israel is not stopped. what will happen to the health group in the west bank? what will happen to the hospital endorse caught him at geneva. i think tony and my cost at the hospital because each wrote this on a rampage to the occupied and take this land for and the okay. and that's the colonial process politics match gilbert speaking to us from norway. thank you for
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sharing that information that you had with us. we will follow up on the fate of these 107 patients were in critical care, as well as the medical teams that were caring for them will be speaking to our correspondent, reaching out to anyone we can to try and find out. now that the siege is over, what exactly is left in the building who is left in the facility math gilbert, thank you very much. i a thank you. so let's do just that now and let's bring in, was that past due to join us on the phone from? i'll shift the hospital in. uh guys, the city was, can you 1st give us your, your 1st impressions? you have just travelled from jamalia and the northern part of the gaza strip to the hospital facility. just your 1st impressions as you got there. oh uh actually i show the night so it will be yeah. i supposed to go up. i didn't know the street. the street is totally changed
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. everything here is a change when i so the door shift complex. i thought that i'm inside that training area on an inside the administrator can. so what does that mean? i think is, is this is totally destroyed then liberally off of trying to look for the cause in, on the who, who were buried in the full weeks of the season. got sick on them and there's no, there's still some drugs. so one more thing that i didn't see and cough and receive calls every cause here are totally destroyed, even the ambulance is even b s n g o the officer, or do i just get to to whom? so everything is still through this point. when i look around, but i look around and inside that and the outside of the questions are going to be
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in the neighborhood. if i should, it's totally destroyed. nothing is safe. everything is gone. is the best. most people told me that. busy a human go inside the street. there was, we've been killed at 2 weeks or 3 weeks ago because you know, the single didn't, didn't uh reach the so, oh yeah, just because you can, i make, can i, i want to make sure i'm understanding this correctly. do you, as you major way to i'll shift you telling me that you are still seeing bodies strewn around. uh that that haven't been recovered then but yes, yes, yes i'm, i'm of the, i know this is too hard to, to, to be a while i'm talking to you i'm, i'm,
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i'm looking at people who are looking for the cover that are using the back tools of the to, to, to session the ground. i did still have a good day that he, them all the, the, the, the, another tree a machine that has been bought those those i dont know but they are looking for them. and right now was the latest square footage. the latest footage shows people walking around a lot of people, palestinians walking around the whole area and the medical complex. are there no more? is really military forces there. have they completely withdrawn? i i come again i, i, the signal is too bad. are there any, is really soldiers in the area or have they all completely left? no, the completion of the drone token is from the area in this area. it will have been applause. now it's now the 25th i can with them belongs and i see thousands of people looking at around the see what they're seeing, what the, the, the,
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what the, what it is did inside the complex. and there was told, came too close to my mind that this call may be the biggest medical boys all over the guys of the store. how do you, what are you finding out was um, what are you finding out a lot about patients? we just spoke to somebody who told us that as of 2 days ago, there are a 107 patients in critical care. do you know if they're still in the facility? what have you heard? yeah, i know one of them. also a, b, b, b o, o, o, there actually daughter who will say was a evacuated and down the hospital to, to, to chick then eh, l pack. then they moved into us because. busy more. busy attention for the
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and then it is an issue. okay. alright. oh uh there was no one will say i have been told was the. 1 that there is a good mother there. mother. i was getting into a truck. okay. i got the right is on you know, a lot of that i need a husband up at. busy back so i'm, i'm gonna do the best. so was was i'm going to jump in and i'm going to interrupt you because it's becoming harder and harder to hear you. um we, we, it's an important story to tell. we will keeps telling it right now. i couldn't hear the last few things we're telling us, but we'll keep baffling you through the audio issues as much as we can to try and, and bring this less latest information out of causes. what was god's is largest medical facility. this is what it looks like now following a 2 week siege by the is really military. this al shift on medical complex was, i'll call, who would thank you very much for talking to us just now we'll reconnect with you
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a little later. is now one palestinian boy did leave el shifts a week ago, but he died just days after being forced out crown cut out, as mother says that they fled. when is really soldiers ordered patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to another hospital in northern garza where he died while receiving treatment for hepatitis. the sort of luck mock suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said maybe there's a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get how much on where is how much they are all sick children. and these know how much the only the medical stuff and these children is this. how much would it this boy do today and how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients, they told me to leave my son. and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents left all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late?
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there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll ship a hospital. there's nothing. how much is what it accepts it. i carried him on my shoulders and held the cheese and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do at target cowboys. enjoying just from rough a topic. it's good to talk to you. we have a heavy focus and emphasis on what's going on. it now shifted this morning, but that doesn't mean that there's nothing else going on across the strip. can you bring us up to speed with the latest as really strikes and gaza? yes, absolutely. the is where the minutes are you? in the past 24 hours has been it run be carpets military attacks across different areas in the gaza strip. and the main focus was directed towards the city of con
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eunice, whether it's valid 5 digits had talked to the number of residential houses, causing dozens of injuries that have been transported through different hospitals in the southern parts of the gaza strip spot. i witnessed the ssl and the ground have been also telling us that the situation is getting diet that these very forces are going on with their blowing operations of residential neighborhoods. one of tough. yeah. that, that's exactly what has been happening. industry felt hospital that has been on the is really full military seats for 2 weeks and all the night. uh, they have with the drug and from the medical facility, leaving behind mass on to destruction of it and tell you neighborhoods where dozens of residential houses have been completely reduced to the revel. while the facility itself has become out of service because of the clean destruction and that has been inflected to the buildings that had been set to the to the is very far. that also was completely dramatic, where a doses of palestinians bodies were found killed as
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a sign that is well, has carried out a number of a few executions against some palestinians whose bodies were found, decomposed, partially because of the long period that they have been left without any rescue, and this is an use like a nation being made by the is body forces on the ground in terms of hospitalized areas that they have operated and, and that's absolutely the drastic scenario and that mot to repeat it. for hospitals here in the south. there is going to be much more expands in a fight thing here to the southern parts of the gaza strip and rough off. yeah, and that's a point that our earlier guest mass gilbert was making that he fears that what just happened and i'll shift could be repeated at the last the hospital. there's something else that we want to ask you about this morning. power if we're hearing news of a maritime conroy a few minutes here in a about to arrive and i presume close now to the coast of there you go of the of the gaza strip. what do you know about that? yes uh, this is the 2nd uh now you time ship that will arrive to the gaza strip. since the
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previous one had been arrive to the territory on the supervision of the world. central kitchen and being late distributed to the desperate families in other parts of the gaza strip. the previous one in facts was loaded with 200 tons of basic and crucial humanitarian food items that are very, very important for the majority of palestinians. and then other parts of jobs that it has been distributed and a number of families have been receiving such h. i'm the next one that is predicted to reach now at any moment to the gaza strip . will be loaded according to the waltz into a kitchen was full 100 tons of humanitarian supplies. that also will be delivered through the new and recently you stopped miss mary. todd cory don't in the middle area of the gaza strip. i'm just sensually, besides arch complete, you seen parts of the city is as important and essential in order to help to alleviate that aggravates into your monetary crisis. but at the same time be considered to be on sufficient and terms and comparison with the evidence needs of
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cause on thursday, the mother and pause will have been cross of from life saving supplies for long time. and i'm on getting restrictions, being imposed by the is very mandatory in all flows. the humanitarian homeboys, the pro outlined whole region was unlocked. palestinians in fact have been coating full, is an expansion of more points and across things in order to receive more humanitarian aids that will help palestinians to route to deal with the consequences resulted from the ongoing is very military campaign. in fact, all right. tar covers whom reporting live from rough on the southern part of the strip. we were just seeing those live pictures of that maritime aid coming in. thank you very much. talk was really forces have arrested a 15 year old palestinian boy. this is in the occupied westbank during a raid near bethlehem. more than 7800 palestinians have been arrested in the west bank since october. the 7th us and the new government of the palestinian authority
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has been sworn in. it will be led by the new prime minister mohammed with stuff of the palestinian authority is based in ramallah in the occupied westbank. but many of his new ministers are from gaza. the former prime minister mohammed stay resigned in february, citing the escalating violence and the occupied west bank and gaza. let's talk about this with us on very professor of international affairs at guitar university . hassan. what, what do you, what do you make of this new governments? first of all and how significant a development is a water. first of all, the long awaited state is very important for the, for the american administration to push for a peace plan and right and, and the day after the war comes on and then guys have him and probably at this step is to satisfy the american demand because the americans were putting a lot of pressure on a bus with a pass to revitalize the whole government. and the initial idea is to have a government, a government that is not affiliated with either. how much know if i,
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to the, the, to be, to present this as if it's kind of at an old but this to me and, and government. but the reminder of you is how much time slots out to rival palace . the infection of this can bitterly split. they've been enemies. yes. 16. 17 years since some of the other says how much throw them out of guys in 2007 and his division there's been, i think, no co operation right between the 2. since then for thought running to westbank, come us running gaza while you know it is kind of funny that vehicle uh, how much is done in guys and such as time in the, in the west bank. and in order to send that must be that they are really not the same page. and one of them is and tires well and, and guys, uh, one of them is seen by the majority of the listing as being sub contracting for these radio on the newest bank. and to me, their security deposit for this reason that a lot of, uh, you know, the portal showing the lack of popularity of the back sensitive government is something, some of our viewers i think, may not recognize in,
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in the story that for talk cooperates with israel. to quite a large extent, the level of cooperation there, especially security cooperation is, is, i mean, it's pretty strong. hey, i would say for tech operate that would say the policy and authority to have a hard time because, you know, then a lot of at the number of this to really and type this kind of a right coordination. and they, and they've been very particular with that, but the p a is committed by agreements and shackled by these is both of those agreements as to cooperate with the with is really at to run the, the west bank because they want to give the money. they want to get this extra value from these writers, so they kind of give that. yeah. why did the same time is working against? there's right interest. this is the rushing out as advanced by those are close to most of us. yeah. so, but this government is, was supposed to have or old, and the after about time on his against and is ready to against by the way. it certainly does it. this new government you mentioned is supposed to be uh,
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that brings together the 2. the 2 factions, uh how most sense at the top and that's something to placate the americans. and this looks like something this is what is this? is this supposed to be embryonic of the embryonic version of what could run gaza off to this were a yeah, it could be look at talking to try to give her meant like made of different kind of that belong to either come as no effect at to be convincing for the palestinians and yes, the role is, you know, to do something and guys have a question here. what are the guys in sex of that? yeah, there's one thing, 2nd, the, what is right investigated that facilitated that? because we know that time us, i mean nothing. yeah. who has made it perfectly clear that he wouldn't be against any unity between the us bank and gaza now. all right, so i'm very, i have more questions for you. i have to leave it here for now. but we'll talk again. thank you very much sir. the
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. so moving on to the world news now as in bob way is set to hold public hearings into the killings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the google ravone. it happened in the early years of the nation's independence soldiers were accused of torture, rape in execution. however, with us, the reports from the district of charlotte short julia savannah was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia here in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived, you know who, the one to 5. i carry that to pay me to me every day. i have sleepless night. my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of zimbabwe, independence, part of a military operation. authorities named caroll, wendy, meaning the reins washing away the chess or work less garbage. we need to 1st
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acknowledge that the arrow doing was done. then we allow these victims to shit out through the experiences in the they will guide as on what do they need done? maybe the 20 and the portal should be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded a combined of cimbawe always full melita robertson. we got a declaimed political opponents, wanted to destabilize the newly independent government certificates of images. that was gaming. so when that guy, he is now as involved as president, the armed forces were hated by people who now have seen the government post. president manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close adopt check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders are skeptical, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the from the width cool,
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it was said it was going to be able to map ports, but do from the loop of things. this book downs is not knowing how many people were killed during the balance that affected some parts of the mat to be a lad and midlands provinces and the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this plaque or memorial is a reminder that people were killed here including a 7 month old baby. some ends and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. i those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on the task. so how does a lot of district zimbabwe is being intended reuben, to find out he's
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a writer for this in baldwin newspaper and works with the anti corruption trust of southern africa. you're joining us sir, from quick ways and bob way, it's good to have you on the program. this is about these hearings or about massacres. that took place 40 years ago. why is this resurfacing now? yes, thank you so much for having me on your program. and the thing is, the issue has to be more clear and contentious baldwin since the 19 ages were these . that topic is the comment that they never been to the bottom of the speaker. and they've shown us because there's lots of different add divided by, particularly because of the see should the site because the to not be that this and the monday. yes is all for nearly for the week. and yes, we're going to be in the government, especially the got there already. got it. and now with the kind of way that they did it, assume it or do i listen you,
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you should remember the site is still ongoing because they should not be to the meeting. but he fixed today talk the about the talk to us about the long term impact. yes. has had on on victims and defendants of the victims. yes. the low seventies is i pipes so much because you say, you know, some of these people we yeah, potter has about why steve, which are in front of there are some women with they must wait. they just expose the way, but be like these. nobody's other, they don't give a soft hit. babys pregnant women. make it out of yeah, we have the ability and then we also have the dog. and what's important is that both, it's one of those. what did they have? how does q inspection? yeah. yeah. there was no, it was never usually that is the father. yes. so there was no,
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this is good. so according to is it but no way a child to get it in the registration breast? they just nation national, biggest nation refund that has to be put in the father is not present or maybe the one that has to be a birth certificate. so we found that, did you find the your population of the car was born in 1980 to 1990 or no part of the nation on that much that i think is the yeah. okay. so you end up with this. so you end up with potentially thousands of people who don't exist from an administrative point of view because they can't get all the paperwork done and then go to school and it has, you know, a life lifelong implications for those people. i wonder are as a result of these hearings that are beginning today is compensation being considered for the victims or the descendants of the victim. you know,
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we have never was compensation. we use what we have seen so far. we just got to have the time to, to, to white wash the whole thing to grow up. but the whole thing to start off with the jeep, that the why, the problem is that they want, they tried to patient the defenses, costly and so they can use your compensation is never been mentioned from one to the conversation with the others. that something that happened some of the evening. so big government is what i did mention the items i saw the so we still comprised, oh, perfect, perfect. well, the dentist will precisely, precisely this is what i was going to bring up with you. how is report says the m, as in on god, what today is involved with president was security minister in the eighty's at the time of the massacre. so in that position, obviously that raises very serious questions about what his involvement was at the
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time. what do you know about that and what and also, what has he said about this? if you want to keep the site i time, so the way that it is involved in the obviously security to provide this meeting still security to provide that the standard. yes. and what they mean is the, some of the people, the government would meet at the bottom. that's not what, 10 minutes away minutes or so some of the people now maybe that say now position government, which is pretty good. so those people never want to be held accountable. so what does that? so they've decided to, to, not to, to, to really kind of guy is, this is a genocide, but we know that want to just is due to prevail based no way they didn't know besides this one more frequent finish. it is the same as what to be broadcasting up the lady i talked to, but i mean, that's a now. yeah,
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well so now say you want to the night of this call me the that to now the pieces by the side is all the side by the side. that's just the process. we need to do things according to the 1948 and conventional genocide as we saw in one that then it was a you, it's, i don't like what the top which was independence, which was i used to do that by the method. is it possible if it doesn't put those in, but the biggest city as a policy, they need to go to the latest research. they need to eat all the nice it, they said, and they said it's been, that's fine, you know, informational independence. i know. okay, that's a look into these things. yes. yeah. so that we need to, yes. what the, you know, what, what was the more know that what you said? what was that was the that's been on what really happened that the victims come up
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to what can be said when everyone of yes, the world was good. yes. the answer is also to to, to, to do okay. what i did and that has to be awesome. i, i have to run and get to the rest of the day's news, but i thank you very much for your time and, and also to add to your points as you use the word genocide multiple times. there is the international association of genocide scholars that has to your point recognized uh these uh, massacres in the eighty's against the inability community as genocide. thank you so much for joining us. it's a story we'll continue to follow on out for 0. thank you so much, i really appreciate it. this is still a head on alpha 0, the sub pool form why space? they've rema done nights in the occupied west bank or thing of the past, the
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supercharged temperatures in parts of europe. we'll get into those details in just one second, but for us we gotta talk about this flood threat. there's been flooding in spain and in france, and now we see these heavy bands of rain cut across the germany into denmark. this will be particularly bad for a northern germany. hamburg could see one months rain in 24 hours, and then again that weather, also dances into denmark. so copenhagen, looking at a so can as well. ok promised. we would talk about the heat of his 1st day of april, the temperature in bucharest, 30 degrees on the nose. oh yeah, a lot of wet weather around northern italy as well. and then i wanted to show you this, this brown looking layer here on the chart. that is the hard dots being dragged up from africa. so hazy and small the conditions for places like the check republic. so it's putting a bit of a cap on those temperatures. the turk, here we go,
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actually around the eastern mediterranean full lawn sunshine here, a different story for the other side of the mediterranean. but there was intense bands of rain began to peter out, but some disturbed weather here. same for the north west of africa we saw there was winds in bro bought, pushed past 80 kilometers power. but the heaviest of the rain will now wind down. but the rain is picking up the cross central and eastern parts of south africa for the 1st day of april, bye for now. on the as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in the planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth. a growth rising for as nothing in
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nature growth griffith dying a coming soon in 2018. a john this led 40 days of civic action against the all median government. i'm president soccer group on power. i'm going to live with this where and documentary follows he's non violent campaign to bring down a car off cream thing out with gun a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media is velvet resolution on the you're watching else. you're
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a reminder of our headlines is really forces have withdrawn from l, shift to a hospital and gaza city after 2 weeks each. the civil defense, as troops killed more than 300 people in and around the medical complex during the raid, buildings and medical equipment have been destroyed. and this is what causes largest medical complex look like back in october, in the 1st few days of no more. it was at the time the strips of most advanced hospital with specialized facilities for pdf, exhaustive, knology, and guided colors. tens of thousands of people gathered outside israel's parliament on sunday in the largest empty government demonstration. since the war began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu. his resignation and the cold for early elections. we turn now to report by these really newspaper i read it quotes military officials discussing the killing of thousands of so called terrorists israel says, is killed and goes to the article describes chosen ones or combat zones. and the
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strip, these are invisible lines around areas of fighting or is really military presence. the newspaper says a senior army officer confirmed that if anyone who's not from the army crosses those invisible lines, they are shot or killed. this includes palestinian civilians and they are branded as terrorist even if they are on those revelations coming out of town since they are obtained a video more than a week ago. this video showing the killing a for an armed palestinians buying is really drawn. this was an hon, eunice, southern gaza. the attack reportedly took place in early february, seniors really, officer told her reads the victims were unarmed and did not pose a danger to soldiers in the area. we saw similar scenes and got a city just last week, ounces 0. obtained footage of is really forces shooting to an armed palestinians at close range. one of the men repeatedly waved what appears to be a piece of white fabric as a sign of surrender. the bodies of the 2 palestinians were then bulldozed. here it
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is within bulldozed into the ground and run con reports from occupied east jerusalem. a few days ago out is there revolted, the existence of palestinian civilians who were walking into the north. they were unarmed, they were waving white flags, who were then executed by these right of me. and then the bodies were actually picked up by both those and buried in debt and in rubble. we showed that video to these radio me at the time he's ready and he said that these were 2 different incidents, 2 different videos, stitch together, and that they will be looking into all of this. then we've had this report in her rights confirming, apparently the existence of these kills lines. now that's very interesting because free access to the knolls palestinian civilians is a sticking points in this. the associations when the see spot between is ro and how
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mass mass is insisting that palestinians civilians be allowed to go back to that homes destroyed as they are. remember 70 percent garza is almost completely destroyed, is i'm livable. but those people would rather go back back then stay in a fun intent. so they, that's something that how mass has been negotiating for. so how about us? if we can draw a conclusion, must be aware of these kills ends, must be aware of these execution designs. and that's why it's part of the negotiations now. and with this code for the you in to investigate how mass is ramping up. the pressure on these role to do something about these executions as, as the palestinian city of novelist and the occupied westbank is usually full of lights and music during ramadan. but with near nightly is really military raids as well as restrictions on movement. few people have been trying out this year, and many of the young palestinians have decorated the old city for the fasting month will either be killed or rested. options here is laura han reports from
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nobliss is all good, a wakeup, cool, before the day of fasting. the zip, now i'm on the phone, but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy was shot out. we remind people of what's happening in gaza to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is every wedding notice is there a forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have had all these or dramas. they used to march through the old city before doing, but with an increase is right, the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready, forces of kills, moving 140 posting and in nablus during ramadan,
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the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling lights. and the loved ones that happens a year and every year we put up the corrections and clean the streets to observe realm of done this year. we didn't cause of what's happening in gaza and those who had been killed in nablus. as daylights arrives at, fostering begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets, a full of ply, coats, images of young palestinians, killed by his ready forces. it is not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will or is the city often defies the physical we used to be lost on the street. now look, it's easy to move around. the c ma could be different tucked away in a maze of alleyways. office suite shops treats the names, state data, tables. and this may have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks
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that there are no decorations. we missed the young man who were killed there all the time of the english to should i have man. shops here also know this cheesy does that connect the box with few customers. businesses are struggling. why? 16, somebody from the war in goal is to change the situation and now we have 70 percent more business before. yeah. can know big situation is tough and the city is that people here say the who the month is even more significant this year. a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza, a nor hung out is there a novelist in the occupied westbank. the turkeys main opposition to republican people's party has declared victory in sundays, local elections, opposition mayers,
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and assemble in ankara are set the big wins. in a stumble may or a credit memo, lewis being tipped as a potential presidential candidate for 2028, sent him considerably reports from his symbol and historic moment. as the main offers ition trials and stumbles may or election occurred in the republican people, his party or c h p, is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling of $40.00 in the more than 2 decades in power box shot. just as if somebody gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected to serve with respect to those who are elected as well. these officials receive instructions from the nation for the periods of woman rule is over. as of today, it is done said to learn h b one by
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a wide margin and took his largest city and he cannot accost. a mobile is now considered the leading up position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores, the 4 people showed the red cock to the government. the hopes that fee did go now live. again. we still have democracy and hope for the future. present charge on acknowledge the electoral set back in the speech delivered as his ruling of parties headquarters in the capital on correct. it also is there not these images to day is not the end for us. it's actually turning point from the detroit. this nation has called me this message is to petitions by using the ballot box. and this been selection setting does it relate to. the mode was viewed as a bar, a matter of air drones, popularity sold to reclaim control,
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important urban districts that to you have most of the all position in middle civil elections. 5 years ago. the c h. b is victories in on colorado and assemble in 2019 damaged our don's image of invincibility. the party has suffered a serious blow david into the wrong co issue and the opposite would be the last thing. if the presidential election that's for 2028, the now the south korean president union suck. jo has defended his government's plans to increase medical school admissions by 2000. the administration says more doctors are needed to address the countries rapidly aging population and low dr to patient ratio of thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february, saying that changes would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care.
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they are now facing potential license suspensions from where we do k as in the governments medical reform is to create an environment in which south korean people can get treatments wherever they live. so no matter what kind of diseases they have, by strengthening a central medical services and regional medical services. to do so, we need more doctors. if the country cannot increase the number of doctors without the doctors permission. they don't have to ask whether people's lives are worth only that much to them. it's a close head started to lift the 1st 200 ton chunk of a collapse the baltimore bridge from the water. we have life pictures here. they are the bridge is being cut up in preparation for its removal of 64 killed wendy frances scott, key bridge collapse just last week. an out of control cargo ship struck one of its support pillars. russian artists living in argentine, his capital, have tried to paint them euro,
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depicting the late russian opposition leader alex saying devonte, but they were stopped by police before it was finished. despite that dozens of supporters placed flowers at the sides in when aside, is divinely, died suddenly in prison in a remote penal colony. in february it'd be kremlin, says that he died of natural causes. but supporters of blame president vladimir putin for his death. okay, we're going to take a break and come back of the top of the hour with full round up of world news. uh, i do want to show you just before we break, once again the before, after pictures of god as largest hospital largest past tense. this was the al shift medical complex. and these are the latest pictures we are getting following a 2 week siege by the is really military. this is what it looked like in the early days of october, just after the war started. one that interest among the
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a pod. his aim intervenes as the aisle seat suffered casualties. we have not suff websites. pilots is thank goodness we did have injuries from a missile strike on a guest house. thought provoking on to who they to say no double standards to all of us. any, anyone in particular i said, all facing realities, government seems here to whittle down democracy. it is troubling for you. it's very, very painful here. the story on talk to how does era in the land of palestine hope is then we reach out to hand, let the giving begin with okay. foundation you donated with kindness. you showed you ok. now let's also show you. we'll deliver it so dominates, with confidence, donates without care. foundation with every packet of 19 with every press will
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bring it to light, a little love in palestine. we share to develop drugs for humans. scientists conduct the test on animals. monkeys are in high demand for the global associates has led to assuming black markets. one. 0, one east travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on i'll just say right now scientists say primates remain crucial for biomedical research. the but some of being given new lives beyond the bodies on the outskirts of virus is nothing is essentially for all kinds of fine to move, including those ones used in scientific research. the century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess, mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the
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1st lab funky to be given to you home at lot and yet of the is really forces lead behind a trail of bodies as they and the 2 week long siege of northern gauze is i'll ship a hospital, a burned down and destroyed beyond repair causes once biggest health facility is now in ruins, the several venue it's good to have you with us. this is alex, as you live from the also coming up this morning. we look at a report and is really media on guys a so called kill zones where.


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