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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 11:00am-11:31am AST

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the century houses 22 retired live monkeys from across europe. this female recess mcgarr cause can survive 19 years of experimentation in french labs. she was the 1st lab funky to be given a new home at lot then yet the is really forces lead behind a trail of bodies as they and the 2 week long siege of northern gauze is i'll shift the hospital, burned down and destroyed beyond repair, causes once biggest health facility is now in ruins, the several venue it's good to have you with us. this is alex, as you live from the full. so coming up this morning, we looked at a report and is really media on gather so called kill zones, where everyone is
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a torn apart and we tested to know to district to symbolically on the 24th of february, 198327. people were burned to death in their home. i'll tell you why many families are still waiting for just the beginning. northern garza where is really forces of withdrawn from the l shift on medical complex. after 2 weeks siege witnesses, a dozens of bodies have been left lying on the ground outside the hospital buildings. the world health organization says 21. patients died during the military operation. buildings and medical equipment have been very badly damaged because the health ministry says these really army killed more than 400 people during the rate of houses. here is my little girl, was that the medical complex and got the city earlier? she was his report. it definitely was how much the aqua ends have. what listed as
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we are now inside of chief a hospital following the withdrawal of israeli forces after a 2 week military operation. i mean, there is total destruction buildings in all departments having burned and the structure of the complex has been damaged from the inside near the stairs, doors and even the walls are completely destroyed. so from what we can see, it appears the occupation forces deliberately targeted to health sector and destroyed the largest medical complex in gases city. in fact, the whole strip, this complex used to provide care to about 2300000 people in all specializations. now it's demolished and out of service, and no one can repair what is left. people are trying to salvage what they can from the ruins. the hospital was also serving as a shelter for the space people, but now it's destroyed. there is no life here. the complex is in ruins and it cannot be revised, but i am. can you just to help me as bring in? was that a call? who would, who joins us live on the phone from l shift the hospital in gaza. city was you got
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there about an hour ago. what's happening there now? who is there and what are they doing here? what was, who is at the sides of the i'll shift the hospital now. hello . most can i just check that you can hear me. all right, we're, we're babbling through some audio issues. connectivity. connectivity is hard with northern guy said the best of times, we will try this again for now. the doctor mads gilbert is a senior consultant and professor of emergency medicine at the university hospital of north norway. i spoke to him a short while ago. he has worked in hospitals in gaza and has contacts there. he said his really forces have completely destroyed the hospital as we 1st got this very alarming report from the door and let it run up. we found out 2 days ago about
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a 107 critical patients who had been moved to an old part of the ship medical complex without the water, without any medical supplies, not even having clothes very alarming. and then we get this news this morning that these really occupation forces actually have completely destroyed the ship top medical complex. we do not know as of yet the destiny of the 107 critical patients that were moved to the 2 days ago. and they're stopped, but what we do know is that these really government and these really occupational forces this night as ended 7 to 8 years on brain medical history. because if i was to go and say from means the healing house, the house or healing was established in 1946. and what's the most important flagship hospital for the health care for the people? oh god. so my 1st encounter and work in chief, i was in 1989 and i've been working through all these years with the brave staff on
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the excellent medical people in go. so this is such a sides they, i'm, i, i've been weeping all morning. accurate. we don't know yet what has come of these 107 patients. and i quote from the report from dr. model one office of the senior center and, and she from it says that most of them are a severe cases that have been in the ice. the you and 60 of the medical staff are being incarcerated in an old building in the hospital that does not have capacity dollars such as number of patients and has no equipment on the quote. so nobody knows the fate of these patients. but what we see from the video footage this morning, we see a massive amounts of people searching for corpses for did one for mark years. and they find and they find the most probable, decompose the corpses as the one palestinian boy did leave out just
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a week ago. but he died just days after being forced out around that, as mother says that they fled when is really sold as order patients and doctors to leave. she moved him to another hospital also in northern garza. he then died while receiving treatment for hepatitis a level side o'clock mock. suddenly they close the doors and they were shooting. we said, maybe there's a truce. we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get how much on where is how much they are all sick children and these know how much the only the medical stuff and these children is this. how much would it this boy do to them? how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients. they told me to leave my son, and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents left all the injured children who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations would you late? there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for
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a hospital. there's nothing. how much did what it accepted? i carried him on my shoulders and held the tray and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on the bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area. and we should go right. and they started shooting at us a game saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do. police in southern israel say that they've arrested the sister of homeless political leader is my o. m. e a. and a joint statement, the police and the shouldn't bet intelligence agency accused somebody on the age of having contacts with homeless activists. they also said that they found documents and other belongings, reportedly showing her involvement in operations against israel. it is rarely army says a suspected drone has hit the red sea resort city of a lot is really media reported that the drone cause damage to one of the military buildings. no injuries have been reported so far. and the rocky arm group has taken
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responsibility for that attack. a tens of thousands of people gathered outside israel's parliaments to the largest anti government demonstration since the beginning of the war. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, whose resignation? emma called for early elections. protest is expected to last 3 more days through the wednesday. demonstrators say they will camp outside the message, the is really parliament. netanyahu is facing mounting criticism from people who believe that he has put his political survival ahead of the country's broad interest. the to the, the by the way,
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the people with the men from the government to find solutions to release, or they also just simply dine there. and the government ought to do the duty, but at least all of them is unable to do so. maybe someone else can do that, and meanwhile, is really prime minister benjamin netanyahu has been in the hospital as to what his doctor say was a successful hernia operation. his duties were briefly taken over by the deputy prime minister while he had surgery speaking ahead of the procedure on sunday night . yeah. who said that he was doing his best to bring home the is really captives the show and we have shown, you know, so cool. anyone who says i'm doing everything i come to bring back the hostages is wrong, and it's misleading. and whoever knows the truth is instead of repeating this lie, disclosing all necessary grief to the family of the hostages. the truth is that while israel has flex dispositions in the negotiations on how must hawkins of
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motion looks you, the china is headed back to the philippines after the president's ferdinand marco's junior ordered his government to strengthen its maritime security operations. marco said it was aimed at confronting quote, serious challenges to territorial integrity in the south china sea. while the chinese ministry of foreign affairs responded on monday, saying the move by the philippines will not impact its sovereignty in the region. the dispute between the 2 countries over territory in the resource rich south china sea has been escalating and recent weeks with multiple maritime stand offs which we have covered here on out for 0. so let's bring in a katrina you from aging. katrina, aging lays claim to that entire area of the south china sea. so it's not entirely surprising that they, we would be rebuffing the philippines as own claim. what are they saying and what
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are their arguments? the yes, that's exactly right. so bathing has claimed to manila entirely for these escalating tensions in the south. china say we have transformed ministry supports from monday to that, no matter what manila does, it will not affect trying this maritime right. and so renting, he's referring to the counter measures announced why that you need a macos last thursday. he's going to want to say that the philippines has made unreasonable, use ations against china. now to close the context, as you mentioned, is a trying to claims majority of the south trying to see despite those claims being already rubbish, by the international court of justice. now, what time is for mister spoke to us and went on to say that 25 years ago. he says that the cds from is to tow away this bullshit that has been stranded on what an a reset trying to refers to as read night are referred to by the groupings as the 2nd
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thomas show. and it's china says that the philippines has been the one acting in bad faith. betraying chime is trustworthy, not only refusing to remove this worship, but we're supplying it reinforcing it's we've posted now, as well as rebuilding it and says that millen now says it intends to make this face on the 2nd, on the show on the brand, i re submitted and this is what china is very, very angry about. so what we have seen in the past few months is escalating tensions run in between chinese and c. p post called vessels. many involving the use of rules of cabins from the chinese side. the most recent took place just last week. i'm not sure what you said, but we had another running by chinese who's got involved with a teen resupplied this. yeah, absolutely. and i remembered when we hear that footage, but the us is also waited and, and they always take the very keen interest on what's going on in the south china sea. how are they involved in this is right and well the
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reason in the us as involved as us has a security tracy with the philippines that we just had from us secretary of defense of general lloyd austin last week. who said that that security, tracy, between washington and manila was i implied, he also describes savings actions in the south china sea orbit. this recent over this worship as dangerous, not aging today, referred indirectly to the us who didn't mentioned us directly. but it did say that there were still forces being involved to influencing manila, meddling in this situation and making it was right. katrina, you're reporting from aging. thank you very much. katrina, it's our keys may not position republican people's party has made big gains and sundays. local elections, opposition matters are set to retain control of both a stumble and anchorage president read ship type bird one. described it as a sent back and says, this does not mean the end of the road for his party. send him concealed the
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reports from miss trumbull. and historic moment, as the main off was ition, trials and stumbles may or election occurs in my mode of the republican people. his party or c h. b is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling go $40.00 in the more than 2 decades in power box shot. just as if somebody gave us a historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected to sub with respect to those who are elected as well. these officials receive instructions from the nation. the periods of one men rule is over. as of today, it is done said to learn h b one by a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and cannot because
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a mobile is now considered the leading up position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores of 4 people, showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that fee did i now live again. we still have democracy and hope for the future. present search on acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his ruling of parties, headquarters in the capital on. correct. all those, do not these images 2 days, not the end for us. it's actually turning point most from the, the turkish nation has called me this message is to petitions by using the ballot box. inducements collection certain, does it mean that the vote was viewed as a bar a matter of air guns, popularity sold to reclaim control, important urban districts that he had most of the opposition in mental civil
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elections. 5 years ago, c h b 's victories in on colorado. and assemble in 2019 damaged our don't image of invincibility. the party has suffered a serious moving into the wrong whole issue. then the opposite celebrated. the last thing. if the presidential election that's for 2028, the now the, the still ahead on alpha 0 stuff last. so before then from germany we have one of your most liberal cannabis laws such as they can affect them. every one above 18 years old can now close us small amounts of this plan. the
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need out the month of march with the record breaking seats in parts of europe. hey everyone. let me show you the proof pollutants. capital warsaw. hot. it's march day on record. 25.3. of course now we're in the month of april. becky, off a degree to 20 for the record for april is much higher, but that being said, i think some spots in europe could see their hottest staple day, including romania is capital, bucharest. number to beat 32, got you in for 31. then blustery westerly winds will wipe out that heat's also been record breaking heat and parts of turkey at temperatures, pushing past 30 degrees. and here's that flooding trip. moving out of france into germany, especially northern germany, and then denmark. copenhagen could see one months worth of rain in 24 hours. there's intense bands of rain now beginning to peter out across iberia, and has been wet in morocco as well. robot seen half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours, but you too are drained off. and after that tropical storm rolled through ne madagascar leftovers over marissa is breeze off the indian ocean,
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is giving us more what, whether in these places where we did see that tropical cycle now in south africa for the northern cape, the eastern cape and the free state we've got some severe thunderstorms bubbling up here, and big waves off the coast of cape town on monday. that's a snapshot of your weather. the theme in the gaza strip as is continues. there's a deliberate emission, a posting in humanity, in western media, and it used to be questioned, sustains coverage that actively humanizes is ratings and actively humanizes palestinians. this is not the time for doing this to turn away. tracking those stories examining the journalism and the effect that news coverage can have on democracies everywhere. here, at the listing past, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the you're watching else is 0. reminder of our headlines this hour after 14 days a siege is really forces have withdrawn from the i'll shift the hospital complex in northern gaza. dozens of bodies are lying inside the complex and on the streets. tens of thousands of people gathered outside israel's parliament and the largest antique government demonstration since the war began. they demanded prime minister benjamin netanyahu, his resignation and cold for early elections. of smell turned to this report by the is really newspaper. i read said quotes military officials discussing the killing of thousands of so called terrorists. israel says it is killed in gaza. the article describes kill zones or combat zones in
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a strip. these are invisible lines around areas of fighting or is really military presence. and the newspaper says that a senior army officer confirmed that if anyone who's not from the army crosses those lines, then they are shot or killed. this includes the palestinian civilians and they are branded as terrorist even if they are unarmed. the revelations came after alger 0 obtained a video more than a week ago. here it is showing the killing of for an arm, palestinians by and is really drone in hon. eunice. this is in southern gaza. the attack reportedly took place in early fed relieves, edited out here at the moment of death, but they are struck by is really rockets, seniors really, officer told her rights that the victims here were unarmed and did not pose a danger to soldiers in the area. we saw similar scenes in gaza city just last week, houses 0, obtain footage of israeli forces shooting to an armed palestinians there. one of the men repeatedly waved what appears to be a piece of white fabric as
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a sign of surrender. the bodies of the 2 palestinians were then bold those into the ground and here is that moment. houses here is a wrong con reports now from occupied east jerusalem. a few days ago you're out, is there a revolted, the existence of palestinian civilians who were walking into the north. they were unarmed. they were waving white flags who were then executed by these riley army. and then the bodies were actually picked up by both those and buried in debt and in rubble. we showed that video to these radio me at the time he's ready. and he said that these were 2 different incidents to different videos fits together and that they will be looking into all of this. then we've had this report in her rights confirming, apparently the existence of these kills lines. now that's very interesting because free access to the no palestinian civilians is
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a sticking points in this the associations when the see spot between is row and how mass mass is insisting that palestinians civilians be allowed to go back to that homes destroyed as they are. remember 70 percent garza is almost completely destroyed, is i'm livable. but those people would rather go back back then stay in a fun intent. so they, that's something that how mass has been negotiating for. so how most, if we can draw a conclusion must be aware of these kills ends, must be aware of these execution designs. and that's why it's part of the negotiations now. and with this code for the you in to investigate how mass is ramping up. the pressure on these role to do something about these executions as is really forces have arrested a 15 year old palestinian and the occupied westbank during a raid near bethlehem. more than 7800 palestinians have been arrested in the west bank since october. the 7th and the palestinian city of nob list is usually full of
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lights and music during this period of ramadan. but with near nights lee is really military raids, as well as restrictions on movements. few people now are venturing out. many of the young palestinians who decorated the old city for the fasting month have either been killed or arrested houses here, as laura hod reports from numbers. 2 is all good, a wakeup, cool, before a day of fasting, the zip. now i'm on the phone, but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy was shot at we remind people of what's happening in gaza to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is every wedding notice is there a forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have had all these or dramas. they used to march through the old city before to on bought with an increase is right,
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the military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to grieving community. in the past 2 years, it's ready for us. as of kids move at $140.00 posting and in novelist during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling lights and the loved ones that happens in every year. we put up the corrections and clean the streets to observe realm of done this year. we didn't cause of what's happening in gaza and those who had been killed in nablus. as daylight arrives at boston begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets are full of cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it's not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies and tourists will for is the cities often devise the federal
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suite use of the law on the street. now look, it's easy to move around to see if the difference tucked away. the maze of alleyways, office suite shops treats through named state data tables. and this may have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks that there are no decorations. we missed the young man who were killed there all the time of the english to should i have man. shops here also know this cheesy does that connect the box with few customers. businesses are struggling. i was 16. somebody from me looked in the warren gauze of change the situation and now we had 70 percent more business before. yeah. can no big situation is tough and the city is people here say the hurting month is even more significant this year. a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza. nor hung out is there a novelist in the occupied westbank.
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the south korean president even sucky old, has defended his government's plans to increase medical school admissions by 2000 places. the administration says that more doctors are needed to address the countries rapidly aging population and low dr to patient ratio. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february saying that changes would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care. they are now facing potential license suspensions. a, as in bob way is set to hold public hearings into the killings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the google ravone. it happened in the early years of the nation's independence. soldiers are accused of torture, rape and execution. are on the task, the reports from the district of charlotte, julia van, that was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric savannah,
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was locked inside a house with other family members and the allies, julia hid in a nearby field and feels guilty. she survived the know who the one to 5 i carry that paid me to me every day. i if sleepless nights my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe, always independence, part of a military operation. authorities named who could all windy meaning, the reins washing away the chess or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that the only thing was done. then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide as on whether they meet, then maybe they'll turn 20 and the portal has to be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded, a combined of some bobbies for melinda robertson. we got a declaimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. so this security,
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vanessa was gaming. so when that guy, he is now as involved as president, the armed forces were headed by people who now have seen the government post. president manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully closed a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders are skeptical, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the, from the with cool, it was said it was going to be able to mop up points. but do, from the loop of things as dope downs is not knowing how many people were killed during the balance that affected some parts of the mat to be a lad and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happens here. this plaque on memorial is
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a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby. some ends in bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll. hard on my task out is a lot of district zimbabwe. after a long and a heated debate, germany has become the biggest in your country to legalize cannabis for personal use. the new law is one of the most liberal in europe, allowing adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug. step dawson report, kimberly it was a happy moment for those lab loan campaign to be criminalized, kind of is active. it's got a balance kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament,
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the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00, less across the oceans in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public. and it'd be, it'd be a huge, really huge relief. hard to consumers, opponents of the law call it. it was sponsible citing dangerous health effects troubles of you to mention, cause even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so bad the damaged by drug abuse. that because i've never found that way back into normal life. i've spoken to so many doctors you want against going down this path support to say the opposite is true if adoption can be controlled, since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow. and so kind of best for medical use, the main indications are kind of as, as prescribed as chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to
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control the supply of recreational kind of is so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be a lot to obtain model. you wanna write rolling plans to gather everyone in germany


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