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tv   Talk to Al Jazeera Wael Dahdouh  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 12:30pm-1:01pm AST

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the great, we like the challenge of hearing this thoughts, how is 10 or airbag content has been removed or restricted understanding? the reality for these demonstrators, it's presidents must be solved, reckoning the stability of the country. i'll just say it was teens of across the world. when you click sense to the fonts at the store, the journalism at its core, is the pursuit of truth, the dissemination of information to the public, and holding power to accounts. in words, those journalists face immense challenges and dangers and reporting on the realities of war. they risk their lives to bring stories of conflict to the worlds . and israel's months long war on gosh, on journalists have played a critical role and reporting on the wide scale devastation and suffering of
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palestinians, and have paid a high price. when notable, seger is what and the death to a journalist, an al jazeera arabic, gaza bureau chief, who's been covering the conflict in his homeland for 25 years. and when israel launched it's war on gaza in october, when it was once again on the ground covering the story, offering a window into the lives of those affected. but his dedication, as a journalist, came at a high personal costs. several members of his family were killed and is really airstrikes well and himself was injured in an attack that killed in al jazeera camera. person. one of the fewest work has inspired millions around the world. we caught up with him in delphi, where he's been receiving medical treatment. what and the depth 2 talks to alger 0, the what and the doctor. what journalist,
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elda zero's arabic bureau chief, and garza. thank you so much for joining us on your trip condos. the, you know, you left gaza in january when you see what people continue to go through the bombardment. in some cases mass occurs as described by human rights organizations, starvation displacement even the world's top court ruling. that what is real is doing and gaza could amount to plausible genocide. what does that make you think? what i got i've got because i'm enough. god saw budget, then you can have some of the i'm out of 10 model i know, but the sure for, but here's another question as well. so how would you get on the up? i should i know i had enough as well, what about the noise? i'm just gather associate, i'll call them on quick. simplifies that kinda in the microphone are kind of at the end. does come at all. come and talk them kind them, kenny,
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the new not come. many of them i can have that an account had because of that and little bit. and then because of flooding was dish for the sure. had that a low of time, nothing more. what them kind of had the yeah, i think the chevy and one of them was be to jeff has one. and this did you had a shot the got that him quarter to 10. so bonnie wilkes off when we were to them up on me. i had missed if it is, i'll just see you in queen special ed. and one of the woman was because you had one in this, but something about the gilead mac and been how you had the who are welfare and had my fiance and how do i just i'm and was a totally how did that keep? well, is that it's none of the sort. i'm in value of a him on top of the one in the head, the little sub lift. is that clue what i oh, see uh what else that so the guy have, i would do
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a lot of tash has uh without move uh with the highly clear headed that she has a decade to she has nothing to she has not been met. the model on the job. well, i can not less out of date in which month all that you've covered several more is on gaza. you started your career in journalism in 1998. you joined us as ita in 2004. so you've seen a lot to engage. so in terms of the is really response and the suffering of the people. we haven't seen anything on the scale before, correct me if i'm wrong here. why do you think that israel went so far this time and why now? host. uh huh. yep. and i see your mode with that. a napkin and a higher while the no, yeah, i knew this why a fee come, hasn't been around. fi come has been. yeah, any harlem and highlighted into um,
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without coverage. um i thought me knew how well at least a deaf bobbin us come a committee or not from that state of much to be in the state of mass just enough for saw in that community to see it on a pool of equipment where i at the moment like illiteracy, and i'll who us for them and as you know, or 2nd you, i'm in a with a lot of how to publish that model had been and how and the be seen a lot of what's the last walk said that the american new missouri my dad is the one with the guy that was to ship the uh, the i bad massage. nest feet have the front of the well well the, i'm gonna need a tie look. be uh, shit your full at the death in the saw a pet. they a full has a sad that meant to about so here. good enough that what caught in knew it couldn't had and how they felt. well, he almost any of your family members, including your wife, your son, hamza, your son, my fluids,
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your adults are some your grandson, adam, and extended family members were all killed by israel. our colleague, of course i met with doctor, i was also killed in the same attack that you were wounded in. so many people who saw you and who watched you around the world, wondered how you kept going and how you kept standing up in front of the camera and reporting after all the loss that you endured here, you really paid a heavy price. how did you keep going? a land, a diamond, the gold and know a well then what else? he's not lots of hot out here. cool. i'm in a muscle panel with the hana molar asylum in the field of bob. i'm bored tech and i'm actually more looking at the amount of shesha i'm i'm, i'm coming about to go to the left of that given model. so i'm going to take back to you the feeling item above that in memphis. how i'm, i'm so i like ok out. i didn't necessarily inbound estimate because another
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i'm to the yeah, that's what the community for last month or a month in the, in the had you on to the neck. and so under the how many in new in the month and a half had sufficiently, i mean when a man has with a show, but i mean what i meant for your husband, i use it. i mean, why not for the deli and clinton's will be that it doesn't have to have a lot of destiny yet. new mamma cannot in that, that age. and i'm so old, but in the shape also what with decades sofa estimate headed a shit. becky: then the met them must a definite or not cause oh hold on. well no can none of us i'm a no fema can come in. uh huh. and i can, can module can feet and see if we can see more of a slightly it was because the defense put that in for this. the non thought, if the mission of the study was how much you're talking about. of course, when you were wounded and our colleagues found that i would the color skin site. so
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i had the who uh yeah, i mean it feel, macklin. i know. so what does that mean? i'm up a lot a how to send that. i would i get, okay, and mine a comment that i'm in, if you defined by the most of the but if that's not, and then let them other states have with them. and that's the, that's the left us to should while and felt fine. but then it was a saba of that to me, like policeman, and like in a stage my wife, how was an a home? well, we can clearly to get into the whole not. so i have gotten so fast that if one up this one i left the little button but decade on an account for jen quarterly fee and when some new gift with the old minnesota of $20.00 a couple of an to me be minds in mind. you would, you are not lacking as not that heavy pop on about that we just didn't know nothing as eef can be. it's just the minute he had them. i shall be here while i'm asking
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for it in a hipaa setup solved. and most of the techie i've looked into is a, i might have that a bit, but techie and sofa, i moved to our special. that's not the mac. so does alika. yeah, i know that i inside that i assembled was to on the board web in the field at them and also a bunch of up to some office of a button and for job to us, yet it had been can be, it was it. and what was the, the last of the, of the and i'm a sub so that even control you left of the, with the, him the in to the level of so cool do i'll. yeah, and if i had the mfc in new has in here with everything you're saying and the experiences that you've been through were trained as journalists to remove ourselves from the situation to not show any emotion to be impartial in the coverage as much as possible. how do you do that yourself when you are living the
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story? when you are part of the fabric in that society? how do you find the way to balance the story? how this of the jo at am, can a year thought that and can no one of up if you look around, you know, if you a mechanic danny savage and then i last saw how fee a new cone beam is a lot in that of which side of the let can you stop the how the window a filled out and i can in the point instead of blocked the was i had a nice a legit on that when mechanically willing to 3 with the i feet with a bit feet the feet is a can i ask a man well, um, what could have had the last yet? who am in a sop that can as of now how can i have the hello the justin mattie at the end the month must that that's an n o one model. well, let's come over and not stop on a lot to would just have bought tough and welcomed on a all to 50 is a smooth anomaly coming up that can you had the show for look up the bad
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this in the head while i'm yet the mother had to be the decades. let me have to hire cabinet model. one of the center them you have the, you know, do a little cause a cool has he had that not, but let me the, the so now cannot but what, how do you yeah, i never techie. who do i la quinta, money. oh, cool. in know, so have it for this the me and i it manually. i'm old way. i'd locked in new. i've had a little he but i might know a lot of time. i'm so happy a little he what a, what i'm saying, what i'm just not the does, does it must the top really, honey a while mobile you left a lot that does you have to the i i u shaped? well, obama have the ability to have dia and lucky to add you to that is that you need a new and the laptop the i you but of the this, the definitely i know for now. yeah, i'm let me, honey,
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many millions around the world. see you as a hero, how do you see yourself on a little i bundle, highly sofie for this the, as they should have been a month to come home, the people left and i left them in which yeah, the precious and but how a phone bill. she at the quality that she had the we should be able to call a while, so we can be checking. uh yeah, i need what is it the hub, a new quote in lyman, i commend which the little i'm gonna just see. oh, i meant a lot of believe me in a little bit, but feel when i'm done at the moment. no heavy man. he definitely had a sense of this on the when i be the one with the so what that benjamin the bumps. yeah. but what does that equal bummer, according to have the disease? yeah. and it hello, cut the mortgage. is it not special? full come up on what kind of what was i just wanted him to jump out of some wood. where am i sure about that a collection of and this basically how that could them let me a little fearful and
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a queen, a king, would you be when are you still at the thought off? i'm in and work with kids in the us months. when i take fiona, i don't want any mess up of the other than other than language and look us on the difficulty. if you have them, i'm up. i'm not sure of a enough see inside the id. so happy with that as well. so how for you let, can you have, i'm a little can see it way up the guess here when we started the, the, the pay i'm in as little, you know, had the own island when i can use in india and mos on a to them or if they're double standards, do you think when it comes to the palestinians, what we see not, i mean the international community has various perspectives on the conflict that your report on. we see a shift in the countries of the global cells when it comes to their support of palestinians. yet as you know, the governments of some of the western countries, the united states, the united kingdom, germany, others, they, they continue to support as real. do you think that there are double standards, how that works out of how you g by that to so the gender, the line. i mean,
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i seen them are crying. yeah. fee. as met the how, how, how models you feed the blogs as a cool allow them to a lot of us had the few minutes. i'll be sure she had and sending it to assess the lucky yeah. and the like how many i had on the northbrook, on and sunny new. i mean i had that conflict with off as a yes. oh no, not kind of just the fraud. well, highly, highly, highly, just think of without them clue. yeah, i mean, uh, yeah. and has to be shipping over a 100 miles so that a lot of agenda be becky is were not what jacobean misput in this manhattan, the animal huck from that it has a to can see it. i'm going to do a few minutes. i'll look really. i am setting the alarm because he of he has, it was, well, he to the, for the most of that time it in many of the students will not accept for obama walcott fee for the lead, fema chava that can when that kind of
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a cause. bob was saying that i'm gonna tell you about the home b one has at 11, where this idea let me move to october 7th. as a journalist, what was your 1st reaction on october 7th after you heard the time us had breach defense and, and how do you view these events? who and the quin. uh so having no was i'm at so can somebody if it has that? yeah. who is you by the law swapped minnesota, you check individually with the jan behalf as opposed to the line and all that in most, all of these things you to be yes, that can sort the stomach for now that enough is that they were just in the jazz, so all these lakes have but the gen waiting them up to just add that for so that this is the date in my lab as well. the model of sop with labs and then we'll see how this can be as you're done that in my lab as well. to a jack,
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i look forward to black and companies and at the georgia beloved. so just to you and let me know you and you have to how jo, auto bought a short amount of how by the national, the district cabinet. and one of us will have to the. so what most of the cost to one was a, a new philosophy need definition, and we still don't have to slightly, if you have the in monopoly, let's say out for this, the kind of can, we're not the should be, well, not most. but here's some lucia, have us fund come? i don't have to add to the pilot. i missed a minute and i swiped by a lot. i'm a little jani. oh, have the cooling slice of a couple of so have you lou calling us in the fee model? could be huge than yeah, those i'd have to utilize them that i would that a he knew i had told me to come, i'm not going but the, the team and a couple of italy. so for the cool that's and let the tele, it can be, i did the lack in the cool it when i had to, well, not the low down
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a sub. i mean october when i thought about it, you know, my tele, who with ducky. but i felt a clue at the required what the so what are, what are you, did you expect the is really response to be this way? that's not the kind of in the good. how can be a nice enough in and how be of help of how to teach in the slaughtered motor. i bow a solid enough sort of the model of shot that what is the, the fat which that a couldn't have the less. yeah. is more than i bought it, but you know, for a total monthly for a total buy a bunch of them that can the amount not let me look on the corn, the missile heavy at the 1st seat. if you're going to total the surgical gun at the total amount of product, cuz fremont often had the vehicle. that was what the quote on a female, not the mean really. how many of the people who not can you call and feed was? why did i come by the, by the little side of that can, for my mouth is collect at the thought of a little us, which can be what and,
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and this is the a has of can be around and committed the but that will have well, that kind of will join element of the lucky i'm friends the, when i can fremont out the should be, i mean i kind of a momma and in the habit of them enough to have to put in was that with the jet capital. but kenneth moved with the highest let you see, i have another group on me. yeah. what has you been caught up? has you moved them up, doc? see multiple, let me. yeah. just i guess, i mean besides, if you hold it cuz he has the model a model color for bill couldn't the cut and the bought the nest, the cotton was like, he's booked alcohol. but alan and while i model our but i'm sure that's what miss mack willingness had. i had the i thought about when john and have thought about a few. we just some of the old them why the color and we just know that will come when it don't fet, had an i'm going to, but the 1st scene. fuck, i'll call it to a quiet laquita somewhat. that can of how the cock, he of how did you feel like not only your reporting that you did from the ground,
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but the, the reporting that we still see coming out of gaza. do you think that it's making a difference to the um, how the um and how the one that had the settings and have been quote for you or or not. uh well, uh sorry to show that to you then and um, what mean me yet? what, what the hell, what the the, how to see it. oh uh can. who do i have to have that you sign one up in may entity, minnesota? yeah, i know how to, how that, and this is a line of credit you had to include the, i'll call the i'm always with that. and so that can limit the thumbs up fee and put it in my attorney has a as the body when can you yet and can you add the cost? yes. when can yet not guess a how feed mode your dean? definitely. was that the what, what other stuff the duncan couldn't buy? i had the i keyed into my actually could be,
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could be at the bottom and kind of yeah, it's not why i'm kind of yes, laughing enough already. and even now the way that the worst cover this, particularly the rise of social media journalist on the ground. how do you think that shaping the global narrative on gaza and palestine as a whole decade yeah. and how the and you can look to see it with that see of the, well, i'm back the middle on it or more obviously to see it or not cuz i brought somebody yeah. to the north. no fee. also the social media. if you also, it's a half within walking with terry lange can the new kid has a daughter that the team and you'll also the sort of some sort of social media that i had. yeah. and oh, colleen, i'm in a nice and litigious m a chest. it's been fat and this house that they was the less that that can a little by the how is that the out that they're not going to be here for the i'm going to say you out a few months in for no fee feet feet for you frequent of little for the, the you can have the c o n yes. and the shuttle as well because he had the island
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you can and you have to, jo was the highlighted to golf. and so that'd be a, i'm a to feed them in a gym, a heated mode with the fee. the missing american would have to have the key or should he kept to give it, according to the committees to protect the journalists. they say that more than 95 journalists have been killed in this for making it the deadliest period for a journalist. we've talked about to our colleagues, simon, who is targeted, and of course he was killed in that attack. how was the loss of many of our colleagues impacted your perspective on the role of journalists and conflict zones? if it has been displayed to lee shall see. and let me over your shape. i'll keep up on that. i had this us and no the joe is meal with and that seems to have to not have us and cannot have the and how well i have come and even might not have fees. kelly, man. yeah. com solved him. all right. what are you with a walk either,
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you know, consolidate a little up to you. he has a and with a look, and you have to let me show him that fee, cooling total, beside the other murphy on hold. but i let me, let me ask you how to, it's not and it's the model of the why should he in the have talk even then yes, cool. this present had an assembly. you said, well not that it had the i'm going to, i left side of the show. so let me show you, we should know that a minute. i'm in fi, a thought us half of that now on an x, then no fee. now you have to month off the thought of pad the man. i know what the, what the estimate how he a saw it man, nothing but that for how the how do you cannot last differently they will. my valley to stop. has the mean? no, it has the center. when i come up with the new had the seller from is alixia. i said that from now to sell it and sending it. i'm in hop goodness. and you'll see him clearly. i'll do it. i'll often walk out with with daddy. yeah, and it has to have a piano with us to have an account with us to have people who would was so what i
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would do, matt, what couldn't my jenna win is alika. yeah, i need a, an a not clean the button, so that'd be in my clue. as my queen and a bottle of little comfortable doing thought good. we'll see what the se had about the special ed a me comes up a lot, a few us in the uh, yeah, i need, um, i thought the, the what kind of the mountain. imagine that on a side show. see then what kind of, how does the out of town homes and before this, after a walk on a sofa, who will book the, the most of the fatty gee for 5 as a couple of times that the amount of some being said, well kind of send the fuck up, because for the estimate, for the home and the other stuff i was still gonna try the best for you and for the
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funding comes up. i am trying to come set the piano with us for you to and i have another one that i couldn't add them. what would him get done? you wouldn't have to look at it. no, my thought of the bad. the final uh out in alignment. will there be returning to garza because uh he uh, must of us. well yeah, i need to ship in respect to the uh, hold on. why has and it has a uh no, i have as well that can uh, national um fi, my kind of ledge or my last i found it myself has in my how well the heading. uh so that's about it. no. unless the cut that for loss or damage in the home, i know what does that mean separately? i know in another how a study on interact with officer. what's your advice to young journalists and
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particularly the ones who want to be award correspondence and work from a in a conflict zone. and then uh, what would you say a new has in man that comes on the fuck. uh, the quote. uh, when does it blow as you bundle of how heavy and man, man, how do you put them as you, as you been to saw, that has to have had the man they know how to pull up the piano. can we ever had a check and we just let the wind the matter quoted few months because i want the car fee, i guess he had a minute. and as a matter with this one hope, so for the corner of him would off hell enter called this and to get his uh, started in new menu g about enough. so besides uh huh. just put the on the old now . oh that. what is that like a sofie and then no fee to add them above
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a sofie. and you can a new, a new quote who has not gotten less than they may already. well, they even monday evening. nothing. they've been puzzled. mad if it may actually out of out of the missing has in my mouth. it will be tell me who i'm coming. play self up here was the for he had a set to of the for the fuck up in a comb behalf. but i'm a club in a gentleman ship those when a ceasefire is announced. and guys, how do you think people will even go back to their normal life? is it even possible with the level and the amount of destruction that we've seen learned higher into quinn when i was the length of a well, i don't know. i know many to it how to have no off. i'm in. no, i'm most of the item above and how do you feel, do i have some of that when i'm subbing the i mean and then as in the middle in the
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district is coming over. so i can just, you know, select a 2nd over check. interesting. when is that like a, how do i need a new ad left me in this? let me add you to booth. oh wow. i used to say i didn't use the app. as i look on the weekend, your lot has an a to me a had it, it took me to the can be a yeah, the g less i know what it has to mean mcconnell had the in a thought i'd let him know how many yet had that in that month, so for tim will not come on, not to a few days after i left me in in this, in this items dad will be cut off and that ccm. c. booth with an up to that laugh. mean in this or in the, i'm home come of deed unless i mean is that heavy he tells you that and can you tell me how to mode with the they set them can yeah, the stuff the dow more than about how the walk had and then the height of how to be
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at the default, the height of how to so for your head, did you that had checked it had that cannot be decade. so for the cool, a higher saba or walk, put them in ohio, one sofa tech would come up with no, no, i mean, and why? and how long does they say that i fell off by a lot with i can, i don't have the shape, sofa, cold sob. get done. why the i'm going to sofa. yeah. the massy land fiesta having this problem a scene, but we like it so fast. doesn't really seem hot, and that's the, the, the joe was jani as i'm not to let the hello. how do you, how, what else to cut, how well, i'm a tough, he definitely moves them out. how do you put in the address? so for the f one, so for to to be the let had a must see yet in this i love to be, i could have shifted higher or lower than mine of higher my patients and had had
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them. i'm so fearful. imagine them see what the doctor or thank you for self themselves. as 0, sugarland has the it is only from the rwandan genocide, the same as remembrance will burn in honor of the of 800000 lives to perished with mess. grace still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra, over 30 years out at the sign houses, the real world tells the to follow the story of no ways and the oldest little coughs. let us salute the government of norway. horace, remarkable in nurturing this of the secret negotiations and why it's promised peace has remained unfulfilled,
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a strong decided terms of the negotiations. nobody could show or go home the price of also on notice here the, [000:00:00;00] the hello and robot this. and this is the news. our life from joe. how coming up in the next 60 minutes, once the hospital, now a waste land, is there any troops withdrawal off to bombarding? i'll shoot for medical complex for 2 weeks, leaving hundreds of bodies behind the modern ink. and in no way ms. hicks can tell me there's nothing on this. no, no,
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it's just the sending me plenty of minutes left him the names we're going to look


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