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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 1:00pm-2:01pm AST

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the unfulfilled, a strong decided tone sold in negotiations. nobody could show or go home. the price of also on notice here the the hello, i'm real about this and this is the news our life from jo. how coming up in the next 60 minutes, once the hospital, now a wasteland, is there any troops withdrawal off to bombarding? i'll shoot for medical complex for 2 weeks. leading hundreds of bodies behind the modern the ink in no way of mistakes. can you tell me there's nothing on this? no, no, it's just the sending me plenty of minutes left them the names. we're going to look
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at the reports of israel, so called kill zones in gaza, where everyone is that target plus the celebrations and the streets. it's a key or we're going to be alive from this down. bold officer, opposition leaders. when local elections there, i'm a 9 correct and somebody is constitutional crisis. the state of conklin stipends to leave the federal system after m. p. 's vote in favor of giving the president more powers. i'm in support around the trend manager carlo enchilada. he tells us players to step off ahead of next week's champions. lead time against manchester. city. italians comments. com after watching his side rail. take a step closer to clenching the league. a title is victory over athletic fields out the 10 g m t. and we're going to begin in gaza with the scale of is really kennings and
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destruction in the strips largest hospital as emerging hours of to the army ended it's 2 weeks siege. decomposing bodies of lying on the ground to the i'll shift medical complex in gaza. city buildings have been burned and critical. medical equipment has been destroyed. officials in gaza, city is really ami killed, at least 300 people joining is rain, friends and madison begins our coverage or once it was a place of healing and sanctuary. now gaza city's el cheapo hospital is nothing more than ruins. many palestinians have come here to see for themselves what little remains you know about come across the room. a medical facility serving civilians is totally destroyed, let into the ground. it was the central hospital for gaza. all the hospitals departments were destroyed, including the borrower, trees, radiology unit. many dead bodies have also been found. this is what else chief i looked like before the war. and as israel bomb the strip,
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thousands took refuge here. but is rarely forces have laid siege to the hospital for the past 2 weeks. buildings were burned and the courtyard was pulled over. when they withdrew, they left behind a trail of bodies across the compound gauze, the health ministry says hundreds were killed and it's really rate. and many patients died because they were deprived of medical care. the most agonizing moment is when these really soldiers shot dead civilian men before our own eyes. some are shot dead and the others were buried alive in ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by these re lease. i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded, thrown in a ditch and buried with sand. we witnessed it all. it happened before our own on now the vulnerable are being taken elsewhere. it's not the 1st time they've been forced to move. but as israel's war on gaza continues to expand,
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they may find that no worries, safe fence and monahan, i'll just the or how does it as my goal has been at the medical complex thing. as i said, he was more than the situation overnight. it definitely was how much the aqua ends have. what listed as we are now inside of chief a hospital following the withdrawal of israeli forces after a 2 weeks military operation. i mean there is total destruction. buildings in all departments. i think burned and the structure of the complex has been damaged from the inside and the stairs, doors and even the walls are completely destroyed. so from what we can see, it appears the occupation forces deliberately targeted the health sector and destroyed the largest medical complex in gases city. in fact, the whole strip of this complex used to provide care to about 2300000 people in all specializations. now it's demolished and out of service, and no one can repair. what is left. people are trying to salvage what they can from the ruins was the hospital was also serving as
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a shelter for the space people. but now it's destroyed. there is no life here. the complex is in ruins and it cannot be revived. i am. can you just to help me? one palestinian boy did leave all she the hospital a week ago, but he died just days after being forced out kind of cut out. his mother said they fled when is really sold as order patients, doctors to leave. she moved them to another hospital in northern garza, when he died, while receiving treatment for hepatitis. a couple of levels started lock mach suddenly they closed the doors and they were shooting. we said maybe there's a truce, we didn't know about it. the doctors and nurses were screaming and saying these ratings besieged us outside. they started shooting at the doors, get home us. oh, where is, how much are all sick children and these know how much the only the medical stuff and these children is this, how much would it this boy do today and how going on if a lot of the they said that they want to evacuate the families of patients and leave the patients, they told me to leave my son and i said, i will not go and leave him. i stayed and the parents left all the injured children
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who are tired and doors with a legs cut off. some operations were delayed. there's no medical equipment or medicine and i'll shoot for a hospital. there's nothing must is what is accepted. i carried him on my shoulders and held the cheese and there were people behind me patients as well. they told us who ever can get out should go and we got out. thank god. and once we were on a bus road, they started shooting at us again, telling us this is not a safe area. and we should go right. and they started shooting at us again saying this is not a safe area as well. we were in the middle of the road and we didn't know what to do this. otherwise, by damage, it goes as large as hospital is the latest example of israel's campaign of destruction. i'll shape a hospital and much of guys of cities being reduced to rubble leaving the region without any hope of a functioning medical center. any time soon. l squared across the strip is ready, bombardments, level the entire neighborhoods. it's estimated the more than 70 percent of homes in gaza. and i've been the sort and destroyed while husband but out he's joining me
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now is a professor of international affairs at contact university. good to have you with us. let's talk about this level of destruction that we're seeing in garza. this appears to have been a situation of policy if you like that the is really military has been engaged and from the start of the conflict. at the same time that has been negotiation or at least discussion about who is going to pay for the rebuilding of gaza at this rate . the entirety of joshua is likely to be rebuilt. talk to us about your assessment, your analysis of how israel's policy, israel's push is playing into those discussions. well, 1st of all, we have to look at one, what is happening of this if house presented and abroad, the strategy of those right is which is making the whole or a huge part of guys as uninhabitable. and that's why the systematic destruction is, have been going on and checked for like 6 months now. adding to this, the fact that the ship, it was seen as a kind of a symbol of resistance,
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a symbol of a state fastness and resilience. so they want to actually break this and they equate this to the postilion. well, this is a part of the story, but the more important one, i think, as you know, you know, question who's going to be for that? the reconstruction is a contest additional. uh now the days wait, it out saying that they're not going to pay $1.00 penny because they're defending themselves, you know? and then secondly, who's going to do that? and so the reveal united, the merits, maybe european union. but also the many statements came from your opinion. you're saying that they wouldn't do something that is way to with the saw it again as they did it before. and they paid for uh, some destruction and only to be distracted again. and so i think the 1st thing that we need to think of is like, we need to put that into the war. and then we need to think of reconstruction of, of those guys. and because it's, it's maybe takes $20.00 to $25000000.00. so it's not like a $100000000.02 to money,
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and i didn't think that these money available funding went out and voted in a conflict. and i mean, just looking at the pictures that we're seeing on the screen at the moment, i mean that the, it isn't the, it's on the table, the vast tracts of gaza have been absolutely fucking and rebuilding it is going to be from the grand off. it's not just about cost as it, it's about time as well because we're talking about palestinians who are still in guys who have nowhere to go on. so many of them are chopped in rough as we've been reporting over the last several weeks. and yet, even if they choose to return those, actually going by those pictures a little for them to go back to the subject to the point is uninhabitable. and, and that i deliberately, this act is deliberately and is really one in order to make the point of seem to leave. and if you remember the beginning of the concept, there were many statements came from the senior officers and there's really government energy independent seems to leave with the whole together. so the idea and the notion of expelling defined a scene is in great in their,
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in their statements and policies. and this is one of them is just to make the whole area uninhabitable. so the senior would be looking for something for another as tentative. and this as tentative as outside guys a and this health is lady realizes in the game and then and just contact me, one of the other things that would be being reporting over the last several weeks is the fact that members of say the they, the police force and gaza are being deliberately our future being deliberately targeted by israel because that is real regards them as part of the state, the homeless infrastructure. now, again, one would imagine that if you remove any element of security or sadly element of control within any region in the world, there is always the risk that is going to be an uptick in a criminal activity and gang activity. it's something we've seen on many occasions when we've covered stories around the world, what do you think the risk is that that could happen in garza and how could again, how could that play into the scenario that you're talking about with is gonna do?
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it all depends on whether they're going to dictate how much i'm not with it, whether they're gonna have this month and how much on that if they succeeded in that. and at the same time, the target all these security forces, i think we're gonna end up with the met him and he has a but from these really perspective of this may have is controlled by the way a asap period was it uh for and our involvement in the conference, so an attorney i was trying to do is to get the jordanians, egyptian, and work in forces to get involved. and then a lot of talks about this. now, what did they do? they need to get accept that or the option and work on the still remains to be seen, but at the same. but with what any, what we need to learn from this is danielle is not even looking for you put a student for us to get into a stip and, and, and do the, the order there. so they want something from outside because it fits in his on saturday that they put a saying should not be in any position to or control guys a because he went to dc, somebody them as a partner for peace talks in, in, in the, in months to come and talk somebody will be appreciate your analysis as always.
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thank you very much indeed. thank you for as we mentioned, actually if i is guys as largest and most advanced health care facility, or at least it was israel claims as homeless main come on center, but it hasn't provided conclusive evidence. hospital has specialized facilities for surgical internal medicine, instruct tricks and gynecology the full the siege. the more than 300 patients, including 35 permit your babies. and the facility guys has ministry of health set about 30000 people including medical stuff, patients and people forced out of their homes have been sheltering in and around the hospital complex. we're going to bring in right on m. c. 's a spokesperson for the palestinian red crescent, and garza is joining me on the phone. we're going to be talking through a single penny is translation right. to thank you very much indeed for being with us on. i'll just see it. i hope you can hear me clearly. i want to ask you, 1st of all, israel says that the reason that it has been attacking i'll shape a hospital is because on groups have been operating there. have you and your teams
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got any suggestions or any evidence to show that armed fighters have been in and around the hospital is the sugarland on the thank you for having me on the we know what to the is it is stating on or me it lies my basis groundless and without evidence, this is i meant the can facility of hospitality catering to patients and the one that is mainly providing health services to civilians is a, is not a pro big thing. these lies cause us as a pretext to store my destroy the hospitality that is gross and it's a violation of hold into the last and the lowest one and convinces the is
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a good patient for says odd intentionally and purposefully destroying on medical facilities. this throwing the thing and the fake, whatever comes on their way, can you tell me for your teams who have been in and around and obviously the hospitals are telling you about the certain, the situation there at the moment or the mole. so they pull to the sea for almost if a hoss does where a really shocking the entire hospital was totally destroyed. it is totally out of all places. many of the departments where the sense on 5, apart from that many, they bought these artists then lying in that around in the hospital above that many civilians are astellas, threatened to the situation is i add the medical staff where some of them would
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have killed me other thoughts, right? the detained kind of old. they have been received for 2 weeks without with any medical supplies or even with food or water. the 7th, the defense themes were not even allowed to put the fire. there's a 4th is set that within the hospital to put them outside you, that that's why there is a s o is cold and that p to bring all these violates is to an end. so can you tell me your thoughts if any facilities are still functioning at the hospital and if there's any chance that the hospital might be able to start operating again? the advertisement of um uh, according to the reports, there does not. there is not a single unit or the department,
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they'll place them in the hospital. this was the date today did via my says, from the hens ministry here. i would like to mention that for the old the hospitality attacked by the ladies. we did our best in order to restore them and bring him back into our places. however, it is late. if you'll please, our forces once again come to attack these hospital. this was the case with the law said hospitality. the it'll be in hospital and is, are daniel hospitality includes he's also at the tip of hospitality. we help all these violations come to an end of the month. we know that's more than 350000 of patients with chronic diseases in addition to the wounded, the civilians who are in a dire need for medical assistance. and so can you tell me what has happened to the
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patients and the people who were sheltering there as well as the remaining medical stuff? we're all the now a yeah, no not, not the the, as i said the way out instead of the receiving somebody pause. however, according to eye witnesses that counts on either office or report, just reports the dandy many of the civilians where executed they will kill the by then. so they look for a patient close to include the medical staff, doctors, and nurses, they wear therapist fully executed by the 80 soldiers. we do not have a fight and then they go to see it. but there is no doubt it is confirmed that many were tenants either directly by this lady to book the patient forces or those starved to death in addition to those thoughts and detained by them. they are officials in guys, as we mentioned before,
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is saying that the as were in the army killed at least 300 people joining the raid . but obviously those figures are likely to change as the, the numbers change over the coming days. so can you tell me what medical facilities are left in guys as a whole, to be able to treat people who are sick and injured, a walker will not go to him instead of english. as a matter of fact, i was of 36 hospitals inside guys this to be my sanity of the whole price. and in addition to the 45 prime can maybe get it sent as this is that is that the, the repeated attacks by these really cool patient forces. the only view hospitality patient is not able to cater to the dire need, especially that they are out of bought out of electricity out out of fuel.
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and with that also out of medical supplies. and in addition to that, many civilians are taken center within these facilities and above all, they make that kind of stuff is sold to, many of them were killed either detain. and that's why this situation is really violate is beyond description. right down times, we appreciate you joining us on all of the data. thank you very much. indeed. that's our town to our reports by the is really newspaper hot. it's a quotes military officials discussing the kenning of fires as a so called terrorist israel says it's killed in gaza. the article describes kill zones or combat zones in the stripe. these are set to be invisible lines around areas of fighting or is really military presence. newspapers as a senior army officer has confirmed that if anyone who's not from the army crosses those lines, they are shot or killed. this includes palestinian civilians there branded as
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terrorist, even if they're on homes and on concrete points from occupied east jerusalem. in a few days ago, you're out is there revolted, the existence of palestinian civilians who were walking into the north. they were unarmed. they were waving white flags who were then executed by these writing me and then the bodies. what actually picked up by both those buried in that and in rubble. we showed that video to these radio me at the time he's ready and he said that these were 2 different incidents to different videos fits together and that they will be looking into all of this. then we've had this report in her rights confirming, apparently the existence of all of these kills lines. now that's very interesting because free access to the knolls for palestinian civilians is a sticking point. in this, the associations when the see spot between is ro and a mass mass is insisting that palestinians civilians be allowed to go back to that
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homes destroyed as they are. remember, 70 percent garza is almost completely destroyed is unbelievable. but those people would rather go by fast, then stay in intent. so they, that's something that how mass has been negotiating for. so how about us, if we can draw a conclusion, must be aware of these kills ends. must be aware of these execution designs. and that's why it's part of the negotiations now. and with this cold for the u. n. to investigate a mass is ramping up the pressure on these roads to do something about these executions as the place in southern israel as the rest of the system of homeless politically the is male from their joint statement. the police on the shouldn't, that intelligence agency accused a saw behind me. yeah, of having contracts with homeless actors. they also said they found documents and other belongings, reportedly showing her involved into an operations against israel. the
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took it, as may know, position republican people's party has had some big winners and sundays local elections. so i'll position there's a central between control of assemble and cut off, present as a jump tie up. how do i describe it as a set back? it says it doesn't mean the end of the road for his politics. and of course, the other reports from stumble and historic moment as the main office vision triumphs and stumbles may or election occurs in the republican people's party or c h. b is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling off $40.00 in the more than 2 decades in power box shot. just as if somebody gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given
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by the nation is that those who are elected to sub with respect to those who are elected as well as officials receive instructions from the nation. the periods of one man rule is over. as of today, it is done said to learn h b one by a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and to can on the top, the mobile is now considered the leading up position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the pores of 4 people showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that so you don't now live again. we still have democracy and hope for the future. good. i did get you in the presence. i urge on acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his rolling of parties headquarters in the capital on, correct. all those do not. these images today is not the end for us. it's actually turning point from the,
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the toasters nation is complete. this message is to petitions by using the ballot box. inducements collection certain does it relate to. the mode was viewed as a borrow matter of air drones, popularity sold to reclaim control, important urban districts. that to you have most of the all position in municipal elections. 5 years ago, the c h. b is victories in on colorado and a stumble in 2019 damaged our don's image of invincibility. the party has suffered a serious blowing david into the wrong co issue and the opposite was the last thing. if the presidential election that's for 2028, the houses are going to bring him in. sorry, our trip and she's an associate professor of international relations at a stand bow monthly that university. she's joining us from istanbul. thank you very
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much indeed for being with us. and this of course, was billed as a local elections which they why, but all allies of course, will be on the presidential elections in the 2028. i want to get your impression. first of all, all the way that this election turned on. what's your assessment of where it took is politics, no stand. it was just one or 2. you had been receiving on it since the last day to the course of action for the nations as well as the documentations, but it's very happy for all of us to see that the most receive the police people in democracy, vox was so strong. things are on the streets, the, the, the, the park street think the elections are so high. i think this is the most important part of these are nations. the extra, most most important part of the issue, inter cheap. if a president are the ones i can party, have one in east angle,
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particularly um and of course anchored as well. how do you think that would have affected his approach to the elections in 2028. he has said that this, these would be his last elections that he's going to stand on after 2028. but what do you have done? so on the i think it was fine, but at least the, the message to the subside expedition to, to the park. walters, the decencies, lot of interest and that he made for the support of the to the, to the options to explore options. so you didn't have the necessary service. i was expecting the for that. but i think the most important part of the issue is, is the sell. it was a very similar to city as the last talk. she's all to come join me installed. i have the main office to speak to me. it's the beek mentor for 16000000 people living together. i think she has always, he has attached to a very significant
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a well you to be and actions in stumble to the minister quality elections and install installed for that trace. and i think it was a significant change that he received lots to the last night at the very present mc dark. and maybe he gave the message to society to the on, to a support to this back to the office. this is not the and this is just the big thing. so my point of view just for the colleges, talk systems, i figured it was a she is coming to the home to come life and she's trying to give it another strongly name to the also pebble since. but unfortunately, at the moment they please, because most of the elections you see that doesn't have a name which is important as strong as long. i think this is the weakest point. oh, for the moving costs. yes. development it because on the other side of deals position, this is a very big morales there. because the office, too many years since 1977 and j a c h,
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b party domino position party to, to didn't have that big model thoughts. so this, they more of those 3rd for, for the position supporters, let's say at the moment teaching, they responded to all, to solve the big message for the next turn of the elections for, for the presidential credentials as well. and i think the last 5 elections that su, position parties, candidates for the uninstall, it will be the store to attend the dates for the next presidential election. that sounds is okay. is going to be fine some, some very interesting years until 2028. and we're gonna be looking forward to covering those elections and political changes. i haven't started to add some, we appreciate it. thank you very much. indeed. the still ahead on all of the 0. i'm hard on with us a lot of districts and finally, on the 24th of february, 198327 people went back to this in their home. i'll tell you why many families are
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still waiting for just gotten in sports and off nice. and my site is fine, still going to because the bible is collide. that story. i'm all coming up. the end of the month of march with the record breaking seats and parts of europe. hey everyone. let me show the proof pollutants. capital warsaw, hot. it's march day on record 25.3. of course. now we're in the month of april. we'll back you off a degree to 24. the record for april is much higher, but that being said, i think some spots in europe could see their hottest stapled, including romania is capital bucharest. number to beat 32. got you in for 31. then blustery westerly winds will wipe out that heats also. been record breaking heat
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and parts of turkey, high temperatures, pushing past 30 degrees. and here is that flooding trek movie and out of france into germany, especially northern germany and then denmark. copenhagen could see one months worth of rain in 24 hours. there's intense bands of rain now beginning to peter out across the bay area and has been wet in morocco as well. robotics in half a month's worth of rain in 24 hours, but you too are drawing off. and after that tropical storm rolled through ne madagascar leftovers over, marissa is breeze off the indian ocean is giving us more wet weather. and these places where we did see that tropical cycle now in south africa for the northern cape, the eastern cape and the free state. we've got some severe thunderstorms bubbling up here, and big waves off the coast of cape town on monday. that's a snapshot of your weather. as the world plunges into a climate disaster, we are in the planetary class. this year,
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a new 8 pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth cut rising for as nothing inmate to growth dying coming soon. huge reserves of alysia used in electric batteries and find to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels live, be nice to vast idea of the salt lake, a unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower awesome. is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on it, just the
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george and i'll just say that remind them i told stories, this are, is there any forces have withdrawn from all she the hospital and guys the city of to a 2 week siege. the civil defense says troops killed more than 300 people in and around the medical complex during the rate, buildings and medical equipment to bring the story. and this is what you guys largest medical complex looked like in the tobar in the 1st few days of the war. it was districts and most advanced hospitals. specialized facilities for pediatric supplement logy, and gynecology. a lot of settings in the area around actually from medical hospital have been describing what they've seen them on the ink and know in the check. nothing but destruction, not even nuclear weapons do that. we're peaceful people. all we want to do is live
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our lives. why this is a hospital for the sick and wondered where do we go? we are set fast despite what we were exposed to. my husband and son are dead. i lost my home. every time i moved to an area i am subject to to see. i am stuck fast, i will not leave my country. we have guard only, maybe this will help you talk to him months ago, but as a senior consultant, professor of emergency medicine at the university hospital of north norway. but he's worked in hospitals in gaza and he's told us more about the conditions during this age when we 1st got this very alarming report from the store tomorrow. and that was about 2 days ago, about a 107 critical patients who had been moved to an old part of the ship medical complex without the water, without any medical supplies, not even having blows very alarming. and then we get this news this morning that these really occupation forces actually have completely destroyed the she felt
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medical complex. we do not know as of yet the destiny of the 107 critical patients that were moved to the 2 days ago. and they're stopped, but what we do know is that these really government and these really occupational forces this night as ended 7 to 8 years. i'm brain medical history. because if i was to go and say from means the healing house, the house or healing was established in 1946. and what's the most important flagship hospital for the health care for the people? oh god. so my 1st encounter and work in chief, i was in 1989 and i've been working through all these years with the braves fast on the excellence medical people in go. so this is such a sides they, i'm, i, i've been weeping all morning actually we don't know yet what has come of these 107 patients. and i quote from the report from the model,
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one office of the senior center and, and she from it says that most of them are severe cases that have been in the i, c, u, and 6. the of the medical staff are being incarcerated in an old building in the hospital that does not have capacity dollars such number of patients and has no equipment on the quote. so nobody knows the faith of these patients. but what we see from the video footage this morning, we see a massive amounts of people searching for corpses for did one for mark years. and they find and they find the most comfortable. decompose the corpses. it is rarely minutes is carried out a series of air strikes on the southern 11 on pitts talking to the outskirts of the time of last year for call. and it comes after israel's had been killed. a senior has molar come on and it's not as saying on sunday israel, and because of all i have exchanged fire regularly since the warning goes up again in october
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the bob boy, you said to hold public hearings into the kennings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the go hold on honey, it happened in the early years of nations independence soldiers that accused of torture, rape, and execution of montage. the reports from the district of china. laura julia samantha, was a young woman in 1983. her father shuddered. savannah was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia here in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived. we know who the one to 5. i carry that to pay me to me every day. i have sleepless night, my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of zimbabwe, independence, part of a military operation authorities named crown wendy,
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meaning the reins washing away the chest or worthless garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that arrow doing was done. then we allow the victims to share our to the experiences in the they will guide as on what do they need done . maybe the 20 and the portal has to be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded a combined of some bobby's for melita robertson guy they, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security vanessa was game assuming that guy, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have senior government posts. president manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the,
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from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to map of ports. but do from the look of things this book downs, it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the mat to be a lad and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this black on memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby. some ends and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on my task. so i'll just
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a lot of district zimbabwe dive open both on is a writer of others and probably a newspaper. he says, and bob, buddy has so far failed to address past atrocities. and the thing is, the issue has to be in boxes and contentious baldwin since the 1980 for these that topic is to commit to there's never been peace into bob. but the speaker and they've shown us because there's lots to divide it by particularly because of these issues. they really didn't say because we did not mean that this and the monday. yes it. ready for nearly floor. yes, that'll be as i've been with the i'm it and now with the kind of they do it all. so i guess this is the man by the go around, the dental site is still ongoing because they showed me no big key from that
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dentist. i think the effective date we have never was compensation the use, watch this thing. so why would this be try to, to, to white wash the whole thing to most, all but the whole thing to start off with the knowledge that the why these, why is that is it was they tried to pay for the defensive side of the cost today? and so they will issue a compensation. it's never been mentioned from one of the patients. it's just the whole motors that something can happen. something email. so the government is what i did mention in the 4th battles taskbar. the government is always to comprise, oh, perfect. okay, well that's a big deal, sir. well, the to the somebody send me a ton of a state of punchline, has rejected parliament's approval of a plan to overhaul the electoral process and replaces an indirect electro system
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based on plans with one person. one vote that proposal also run some of the as president to the power to appoint and dismiss the prime minister. that part was previously with parliament punting politicians. no say they're no longer going to recognize federal institutions. wanna show you the region we're talking about here . portland is in northern somalia, the regions generally regarded as being more stable and the side of that it told him to run 5000000 people. unlike its neighbors. the break away province of smaller land fund land isn't seeking independence. instead, it's functioned as a semi autonomous region since 1998, we're going to bring in my home and outdoor. how do you have solid done yet? it is the minister of agriculture and education for somebody is punch on state. and he's joining us from good, always thank you very much indeed for being with us. what are your objections to these changes and thank you for having the results and then also thank you for just see it out for giving us about this opportunity to add our concerns and what is happening in the country. and basically,
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what it has we have for me to stay on saturday was actually the adoption of a new constitution. and i'm, and i'm disregarding the constitution. this was decreased and adopted on the 1st of august of 2012 which also my lease has signed up to it. and, and what we actually objecting is that the process that actually that uh this uh, the form of the process has taken place. so the plan has never, as always, been supportive of the finalization of the constitution. the remain things articles which will actually basically includes the status of the capital city. but the division of power between the, the federal institutions and the member for the month of the states at the fiscal. further out of the national security to architecture. there's companies ation offer
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constitutional, a quote, the teacher or the traditional and a model. as well as a resource and the revenue sharing. so this is actually the uptick list that should finalize the professional constitution that was adopted back in 2012. however, what we have witnessed in the, in the past few months and weeks and days is adapt to a new constitution. and therefore, that even the constitution stipulates the process, how it should be conducted, which means consultation with the federal member states as well as the company. let me ask you about that part forgiveness sort of interrupting you. but i do want to ask you about that because the process is that if i understand correctly, it's been debated in federal parliament for weeks and it's been been passed. i understand. the speaker of the lower house is quoted as saying that there was
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a significant majority of members who are in favor of amending the constitution. but this is therefore a part of the process that you're describing. and therefore, it may not be the weight to have turned out the way the bundling would like. but it does seem to have gone through some sort of process in order to be voted on. no, absolutely not. not what, how susan, i would like to see. basically what happened is that they have changed. 4045 bicycles, 95195. some articles introduced to 19 new articles as well as 994. some articles this close to treat this as a whole new constitution is not as a review process. so one has always supportive in finalizing the profession. off the solution has to shift my mood and he's team deliberately decided to pursue a boss of on construction of the meaning of the vertical progress that has been made. the last 24 years, politically and socially,
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which causes unnecessary political attention authorization. as soon as these terms of power, the focus should have been strengthening the country security and inter decatur indication of the type of groups that was actually was supposed to be and put it on has always be supporting the process. and we always question the process that should be done, but what that position is be consistent and which means that we support the finalization of the constitution. however, as i indicated, the areas that remains was actually clear that has not be done. the press, the passage ship has put these all efforts to subsets the independence suitable institution and established a system that suits his personal ambitious. and that is something that land has consistency over the last 25 years is to to defend the unity of country to remains and not as we go back to dictate to ship in infection. the baby fights to sixties and seventies and eighties mohammed up the assault on the on a,
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please forgive me for interrupting you. i'm afraid we are out of time, but i am very grateful to you for being with us and i'll just, you know, thank you very much indeed. instead of heading out to 0 in sports or another game or another record set for basketball. so and the role james actions and the n b a coming up later in the program. the business latest is sponsored by intellect, global, your real estate destination in due by the
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business leaders to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in due by the stipends for his, for rob. thank you so much carlo and to audi has called on his round the druid players to raise their game ahead of their champions league quarter final showdown
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against manchester city. next week, all splunk was moved, 8 points, cleared bar, slowing up the top of the lead on sunday routes presently in forward. right? re grows for phone calls and it's, you know, when over athletic, they'll bow file host the 1st leg of their ty against city on april the 9th. so the be from $51.00 on aggregate. and last season's assembly fine. little this of course, as much as the city have a more complicated kind of enough, but this is more than football. of course we have a small advantage, but that won't be decisive for the result being on this, we have good time to prepare for the match. and also we will hopefully play better . because today i think we played a good match. we controlled the match, but we lacked some intensity because of the match, did not need it in toronto scored. and then to return with our against route, that has to continue their push towards a champions league football next season. to run a winning this game 3 to they sit. 3rd in the table and the french league power,
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seizure man, or 12 points clear at the top. they beat spears rivals mercedes fighting down to 10 men for much of the game. because that i'll do, given a straight read for that. a challenge. see if she's for twice and the 2nd half. on salo ramos with number 2 teams are also in champions league contention, and they'll be playing far as blown out in the port. a final deliverable manager, you can swap is there's 2 side to remain positive after moving ahead of arsenal in manchester city and the premier league title race never pull thought from gold down . so when she was on at home against brighton, were taking the lead of 84 seconds mohammed solace for the winning goal at anfield living pool have now $17.00 league games this season after conceding 1st. and they were house by the other 2 contenders, playing out a goal withdrawn. they weren't that many chances for either side, but it was still a decent result for arsenal with loss. their previous 8 trips to the it's yeah.
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stadium reading champions, man city have still failed to beat aside in the top slides so far it just seems there's no other right in rise of tennis player younique's center continues. the italian has won the miami open center of class ball. gary is greek or demetrius in the funnel dropping just for games on his way to the streets that victory. the $22.00, i was the one the 1st from some title of the year in australia and he's only lost one match so far the season. that was against carlos alvarez, 2 weeks ago at indian wells, is effort new scenario to number 2 in the world rankings above elk grove roll number one, know that junk ridge is now in big number 2. it's it's, it's an amazing feeling and i never thought to, to come to just find that come from a very normal family and my, my dad is still working. that's my mom do is so been, oh it's for me. it's it's and i'll sport is one thing and,
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and then life is different. so i'm, i'm, i'm very happy to be in this position. i'm just enjoying every moment. the golf and well, number one, nelly court corda has now 13 tournaments in a row on the lpga tour, the latest coming out to for championship in arizona, as david stokes report. it's the end of the week. i know the trophy phonetic, told the world number one when the food championship by 2 shots. and in doing so, i became the 1st woman to rack up 3 winds and 3 starts since thailand or we get you to not getting in 2016. she's the 1st american to do it since nancy lopez in 1978. but what's the secret to his success? i don't really know. just really enjoying myself out there. but i mean, i love golf. i've always loved golf. i mean, sometimes it's harder than other days. last year was definitely one of the harder years. i never really got any momentum going with injuries and such 25 year old
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code that comes from a very sporty family. my sister jessica also plays on so i brought this the best in the pro tennis player as well. have parents, the father pensacola, when the 1998 australian open. natalie, one last week in california and on the previous appearance in florida in late january. she says taking a 7 week break in between really helps i really enjoyed my time off spend a lot of time with my family when dr. prague enjoyed kinda life outside of golf a little just disconnected. and to me that, that was just like the perfect research going into this, like busy schedule. australia is here in a bead finish, 2nd behind quarter, making just a 2nd to her parents who run is up. check for $270000.00 is more than she does in the past 4 years combined. i mean,
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she's an amazing player and to share the stage with her is, is a really and on us. so. yeah, yeah, it was, it isn't great today, but just felt sure. but again, it's an experience. so we move on. kuda is right. $71000000.00 in prize money with a $3.00 straight wins. she now has a and victories on to to go with the olympic gold. she went in tokyo in 2021. next up she'll be looking to make it full wins in arrived this week. so much play in las vegas. david stokes, which is eric lebron james gord, 40 points, and the lakers when it gets to brooklyn. that's the 39 year old now hold to the record for the most 30 point games and the history. james also matched to create high 93 pointers in the game, leading lakers 21162104 and victory over the next. james joins. michael jordan as the only player in the league history with multiple 40 pointing after the age of $39.00. the lakers 6 when and 7 games moved up to 9 in the western conference.
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me know, i play with them. i've seen it. i've been watching for a long time now i'm alongside. so it's hard to be impressed and almost just look normal at this point. so for him to continue and you can keep inspiring a youth and giving a gas on the pedal and the shot from lucre dogshit, she was the highlight of this performance for the dallas mavericks. as he scored 47 points in total leading is dallas 5 and 125107 went against his eastern rock as the victory expense and mom's winning street to stop and get here. and now the stair down 3 and show a, a tiny spark. the revival in the la dodgers game against the saint louis cardinals . on sunday, the dodgers were trailing for nothing in the 6th ending jap and started scored a run in what was the beginning of a turn around to the dodgers who went on to win 5 for clinching their home opening
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series, 3 games to one. the dodgers host rod all the san francisco giants. okay, and that is where you support for now back to you. all right, thank you very much indeed. you know, after a long heated debate, gemini has become the biggest you country to legalize calibus for personal use. the new law is one of the most liberal in europe, a loving adults academy, and cultivate small amounts of the drug, survosity reports and balance. it was a happy moment for those lead loan campaign to be criminalized, kind of is active. it's got a balance kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament, the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pro solutions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public and it'd be, it'd be, uh you really, you, it's really hard to consumers,
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opponents of the law call it irresponsible, exciting, dangerous health effects troubles of feeling mentioned because even i've seen so many people become so seriously ill, so badly damaged by drug abuse, that because i've never found that way back into normal life. and i've spoken to so many doctors who won't against going down this path. support to say the opposite is true if adoption can be controlled, since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow. and so kind of best for medical use, the main indication where kind of as, as prescribed is chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational kind of is. so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be allowed to obtain my view. rhina rolling plans to gather every one in germany about 18 years olds come now possess 25 grams of kind of best and
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public 15 grams at home. and 4, o 3 of these plants themselves, making the german cannabis policy even more liberal countries like the netherlands . where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized, but produces worry that the government's main ink to crack down on the black market won't be a chief. official says home growing cannabis, especially in the german climate, isn't easy. and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's, that that's the truth for either the street or if you have a house issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control. the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now the lives in this bach and bullying won't lose all their business stuff fast. and l g a 0000000000. so it was going to be here in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories. don't forget the website,
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of course, i'll just 0, don't com and all the bathrooms and stay with us on, on the unique perspective, everything is political. you must be out of college and everything is a feminist issue to on heard voices. we see our literacy destroying the ability to have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life in his web connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there. it is home us. it's right here and right now, the stream on our and hi braun boys bri ethan slide picture button. this occupied palestinian city boys are also close to watch. price really forces time stuff on an awesome arrested.
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a delicately told tale filmed over 5 years of a coming of age and a place where even a child's imagination separately restricted the skies above had brought a witness documentary on that jersey to the group of poland. to search for clues. this dusk falls in eastern time and the targets a. how does a suppose then you might think these are the lesson hunters wild elephants here. have a dept hiding and sleeping in the day foraging at night. there are numerous appetites, true in the mass of the forest, and onto the phones while they trying to avoid contact with humans. when they do meet, the result can be disastrous. my neighbor was working that night and came across the elephant and couldn't get away in time. the elephant ended up stopping him to death in a report from the villages of a disturbance on the edge of the community for several imaging, try and take. so, 2 distinct shapes. the elephants with just a 150 meters down the track,
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we can have them still a thing in the darkness is the volunteer of shining lights that attend and they move away. but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food. and the medicine never forgets the ones that hospital. now a waste land is really troops withdrawal after bombarding all shifts of medical complex for 2 weeks, leaving behind hundreds of bodies the times the role of any age group to have you with us. this is alice's 0 lives from the also coming up. we looked at reports of israel's so called kill zones and gaza, where everyone's at target. the.


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