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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm AST

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the 2 distinct shapes, the elephants will adjust a 150 meters down the track. we can have them still a thing in the darkness. as the volunteers showing the lights that attend them, they move away, but they'll be back. they frequently return to places they know they'll find food, and the medicine never forgets the ones the hospital. now a waste land is really troops withdrawal. after bombarding l shift medical complex for 2 weeks, leaving behind hundreds of bodies. the single venue is good to have you with us. this is alex as 0 lives from the also coming up. we look at reports of israel's so called kill zones and gaza, where everyone's at target,
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the celebrations and the streets of turkey. a will be life from a stumble after opposition leaders when local elections there. and in ankara, i've had them with us and to know to district, to symbolically on the 24th of february, 198327. people were burned to death in their home. i'll tell you what many families are still waiting for just the so we begin in gaza this hour where the scale of is really killings and destruction in the strips largest hospital. this emerging ourselves to the army ended. it's 2 weeks siege. decomposing bodies are lying on the ground at the hour shifts and medical complex in gaza. city officials and gaza safety is really army killed at least $300.00 people during his raid pins and monahan begins our coverage
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a once. it was a place of healing and sanctuary. now gaza cities, el cheapo hospital does nothing more than ruins. many palestinians have come here to see for themselves what little remains you know about come across the room. a medical facility serving civilians is totally destroyed, let into the ground. it was the central hospital forgot. all the hospitals departments were destroyed, including the borrower trace radiology unit. many dead bodies have also been found . this is what else chief i looked like before the war. and as the israel bomb the strip, thousands took refuge here but is rarely forced as of late siege to the hospital. for the past 2 weeks, buildings were burned and the court yard was built. when they withdrew, they left behind a trail of bodies across the compound. it just goes to the health ministry says hundreds were killed is really rate and many patients died because they were deprived of medical care. now the vulnerable are being taken elsewhere. it's not
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the 1st time they've been forced to move, but as israel's war on gaza continues to expand, they may find that no worries, safe vent and monahan l just sierra houses 0 is my little girl has been at the medical complex and goes to city overnights and he sent us this report, the definitely was how much the aqua ends to have. what did, as we are now inside of chief, a hospital following the withdrawal of israeli forces after a 2 weeks military operation. i mean there is total destruction buildings in all departments. having burned and the structure of the complex has been damaged from the inside near the stairs, doors and even the walls are completely destroyed. from what we can see, it appears the occupation forces deliberately targeted to health sector and destroyed the largest medical complex in gaza. city, in fact, the whole strip, which i'm this complex used to provide care to about 2300000 people in all
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specializations. now it's demolished and out of service, and no one can repair what is left. people are trying to salvage what they can from the ruins. the hospital was also serving as a shelter for the space people, but now it's destroyed. there is no life here. the complex is in ruins and it cannot be revived. as we mentioned, al shift size goes as largest and most advanced health care facility. israel claims it's homeless as main command center, but hasn't provided conclusive evidence. the hospital has specialized facilities, surgical, internal medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology. and before the siege, there were more than 300 patients, including 35 premature babies in the facility. as ministry of health said about 30000 people, including medical staff, patients and people forced out of their homes earlier in the conflict, had been sheltering in and around the hospital complex right on them as, as a spokes person for the palestinian red crescent in gaza. and he believes israel's
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claim, the arm groups have been operating at the hospital are entre a lot of the so we use the was to the is of 8 is stating on or me. it lies my basis groundless. and without evidence, this is i menda can facility hospitality, catering to patients and the wounded beatrice. a is mainly providing health services to civilians is 8 is out of pro, but gate thing. these lies cause us as a pretext to store my destroy the hospitality. it is a gross and it's a violation of hold into the last and the lowest and convinces the is a patient for say, is odd, intentionally and purposefully this throwing on medical facilities, this throwing the thing and the fake, whatever comes on their way,
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you're not the whole, so they pull to receive from mazda for hosp does. where are the lead something? the entire hospital was totally destroyed. it is totally out of patience. many of the departments where to sit on 5 apart from that many dead bodies. oddest. then lying in that around in the hospital above that many civilians are a status threatened to the situation is i had the medical staff where some of them would've killed me. other thoughts don't. right. the detained kind of old. they have been received for 2 weeks without, with any medical supplies or even less food or holster, the 7th defense team. so we're not even allowed to put the fire. there's a for says set that within the hospital to put them outside to that. that's why
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that is l s o is cold and that p to bring all these violations to an end. let's turn out a report by the israeli newspaper. i read said quotes military officials discussing the killing of thousands of so called terrorist israel says it has killed in gaza. the article describes kill zones or combat zones in the strip. these are invisible lines around areas of fighting or is really military presence. the newspaper says a senior army officer confirmed that if anyone who's not from the army cross as low as those lines, they are shot or killed, including palestinian civilians. and they're branded as a terrorist even if they're on arm off a 0 zimmerman. con reports from occupied eastern with for a few days ago. how does that are reported? the existence of palestinian civilians who were walking into the north, they were unarmed. they were waving white flags, who were then executed by these riley me. and then the bodies were actually picked
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up by both those buried in death and in rubble. we showed that video to these radio me at the time he's ready and he said that these were 2 different incidents, 2 different videos fits together and that they will be looking into all of this. then we've had this report in her rights confirming, apparently the existence of all of these kills lines. now that's very interesting because free access to the knolls palestinian civilians is a sticking points in this. the associations when the see spot between is ro and a mass mass is insisting that palestinians civilians be allowed to go back to that homes destroyed as they are. remember 70 percent garza is almost completely destroyed, is i'm livable. but those people would rather go back back then stay in alpha in 10 . so they, that's something that how mass has been negotiating for. so how about us? if we can draw a conclusion, must be aware of these kills ends, must be aware of these execution designs. and that's why it's part of the
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negotiations now. and with this code for the un to investigate how mass is ramping up, the pressure on these role to do something about these executions as a police in southern israel say that they've arrested the sister of homeless political leader is male honey. a. in a joint statement, the police and the sion but intelligence agency accused silva and the a of having contacts with homeless activists. they also said that they found documents and other belongings reported me showing her involvement in operations against israel to the is really military has carried out the series of air strikes on southern lebanon, and it targeted the outskirts of the town or of russia who car this comes after israel said that they had killed a senior, his block commander is miles ane on sunday israel and has belonged to exchange by a regularly since the war and gossip began in october. the
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for keys, main opposition. republican people's party has had some big wins and sundays local elections, opposition mayers are set to retain control of both a symbol and incorrect president read ship type, or the one describe did as a set back, but he says it's not the end of the roads that his party sent him go see all the reports for me stumble. and it's sort moment as the main off was ition. trials and stumbles may or election occurs in mobile, the republican people's party or c h p, is set to serve the 16000000 residents of a symbol for 5 more years. it marks the words, the fees for prison visit sites are drawn and is rolling. go 40 in the more than 2 decades in power box shot, just as a stumble gave us the historical message this evening. it also gave it to the government officials instruction given by the nation is that those who are elected
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to serve with respect to those who are elected as well as the officials receive instructions from the nation for the periods of one man. rule is over. as of today, it is done said to learn h b one by a wide margin and 2 kids largest city and economic hub. a mobile is now considered the leading well position figure likely to run in the next presidential race. this is the victory of the poor, the poor people showed the red cock to the government in the hopes that fee did and now live again. we still have democracy and hope for the future. present search on acknowledge the electoral set back in a speech delivered at his ruling of parties, headquarters in the capital on. correct. all those do not these images to day is not the end for us. it's actually turning point from the, the turkish nation has called me this message is to petitions by using the ballot
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box. inducements collection certain, does it mean that the vote was viewed as a borrow matter of air guns, popularity sold to reclaim control, important urban districts that he has most of the opposition in men or simple elections. 5 years ago. the c h. b 's victories in on colorado and a stumble in 2019 damaged. our don's image of invincibility. the warranty has suffered a serious long day for the whole issue. then the opposite was the last thing. if the presidential election that's for 2028, the houses are, are all right, sit and joins us live now from assemble. sit and thank you very much that, that report that we just watch. so turkey is 2 largest cities are now controlled. we're already, but they've been re elected,
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controlled by the opposition. where does this leave the balance of turkish politics? it's not only the 2 major cities, but most of the cities across through here are now controlled by the main or positions may are. this is, this is the reality and this was to the ruling of clark in may new for present, but just say part i'm because the prison following lot series of presence from general elections a housing spring, a right after that he said that now yes, we received a great victory, which was also unexpectedly, the opposition will be expected to be stronger. he said all next stars, it is winning by assemble and on cut off from the opposition. the difference is not only a $23.00 or 5 per cent involved in this cell. move with the friends is nearly 11 percent in ankara. the, the amount of the volts that they may know position may or receives compared to the
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party. candidates is nearly all to that. so this is a big blow. there are disappointments. this seems like a change in turkish political architecture, especially ahead of 2028 a presidential elections. and we are seeing that the may know position far to c h. b, a is as long after that case after so many years, and the supporters are very happy about that. then this is actually a message by the turkish left, right. who gave the victory to present as on last year to say want changes and they are not happy with some of the policies the some of the 0 for a season that this is mainly about the cold. i me and also the senior voters who are around 16000000 people are close to here. they were expecting a raise and they didn't receive it, which was also published by the senior voters as well. but of course, this is about liberty's democracy as are you calling on man? everything to send him causality reporting some symbol. thank you very much than
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him and still ahead on alpha 0 the the sub pool form wife, festive ramadan nights in the occupied west bank or becoming a thing of the past. the critical debate. pony farmers are angry, people are starving, and we actually have to exports all goods because we need money to buy informed opinions. the relevance of the security council is diminishing with every passing day. frank assessments politicians and may be often in the highest level have been using games for the policy to implement ave, and course the arrivals inside story on al jazeera to develop drugs for humans. scientists conduct test on animals. monkeys are in high demand, was
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a global associates have led to assuming black markets. 101 east travels to cambodia, whistle blowers excludes electrical government involvement in smuggling monkey based on our examining the headlines is there is hopefully today for the forms of life and unflinching journalism. awesome. every interview, just like the war sharing personal stories with a deliver or do you want to create a world where women come and feel natural released the trauma and creates explore an abundance of world class programming on eligibility around the the, [000:00:00;00]
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the, you're watching else a 0 a reminder of our headlines this hour is really forces have withdrawn from l, shift the hospital and gaza city after 2 weeks siege. the civil defense says troops killed more than 300 people in and around the medical complex spring rate. buildings and medical equipments have been destroyed and this is what the gas is largest medical complex looked like in october and the 1st 2 days at the war was the strips most advanced hospital with specialized facilities for pediatrics. dr. knology and gwinnett college palestinians in the area around l shift and medical complex have been describing what they see them on the ink and know in ms. hick, nothing but destruction. not even nuclear weapons do that. we're peaceful people. all we want to do is live our lives. why? this is a hospital for the sick and wondered where do we go?
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we are set fast despite what we were exposed to. my husband and son are dead. i lost my home. every time i moved to an area i am subjected to see. i am stuck fast, i will not leave my country. we have, god only knows me. this will help you, but winter is really forces have arrested a 15 year old palestinian and the occupied west bank during a raid near bethlehem. within 7800 palestinians have been arrested in the west bank since october. the 7th. and the new government of the palestinian authority has been sworn and it will be led by prime minister mohammed. the stuff of the palestinian authority is based in ramallah in the west bank, but many of its new ministers are from gaza. mohammed stay resigned as prime minister in february, citing the escalating violence in the occupied west bank and gaza. of the palestinian city of novelist in the occupied westbank is usually full of lights and music during ramadan. the with near nightly is really military rates as well as restrictions on movement. few people are venturing out this year and many of the
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young palestinians who decorated the old city for the fasting month of. i'd have been killed or arrested houses here. as laura han reports from novelist is all good, a wakeup, cool, before a day of fasting that zip knob on the phone. but this rama down the centuries old tradition brings out differently in nablus. now lucy will show that we remind people of what's happening in does have to remember they sleep without breakfast, without homes, without anything is on the feed is everywhere. the notice is there a forces have arrested after so many. 6 these other must have lost ease or dramas. they used to march through the old city before to on, but with an increase is really military presence. it's too dangerous. so they remain on the outskirts trying to bring joy to a grieving community. in the past 2 years is ready,
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forces of kills more than 140 posting. and in nablus during ramadan, the old city is famous across the occupied westbank for thousands of twinkling. like some loved ones that happens in every year. we put up the corrections and clean the streets to observe rama done this year. we didn't cause of what's happening in gaza and those who had been killed in nablus. as daylight arrives at boston begins instead of traditional decorations, the streets are full of plot cods, images of young palestinians killed by his ready forces. it is not just a lot of decorations, usually during ramadan, thousands of policies, the tourists will for is the city often defies the federal suite. use of the law on the street. it's easy to move around. the c ma could be different
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tucked away in a maze of alleyways. office suite shops treats the names, stay on the data, tables. and this will have been here for more than 50 years. but now this page looks that there are no decorations. we missed a young man who were killed. they're all family english to should i have man shops here, also known this cheesy did that can after bought with few customers, businesses are struggling. i was 16. somebody from me, warren gauze, a change to situation in that list. we have 70 percent more business before. yeah. can know big situation is tough and the city is people here say the hurting month is even more significant this year. a foster and besides with those hungry and suffering in gaza. nor hung out is there a novelist in the occupied westbank. the,
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as in bob way is set to hold public hearings into the killings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the google ra, who indeed it happened in the early years of the nation's independence. soldiers were accused of torture, rape and execution. i wrote with also reports from the district of cholesterol julia, samantha was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members and then allies julia hits in a nearby field and feels guilty. she survived. we know who the one to 5. i carry that to pay me to meet every day. i have sleepless night. my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe, always independence pauses of a military operation. authorities named who could all windy meaning, the reins washing away the chess or worthless garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge
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that the arrow doing was done. then we allow the victims to share our to the experiences in the they will guide as on what do they need done, maybe the 20 and our portal is to beat us on that. i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was filed as a combined doves and bobby's full melita robertson guy. they, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. the security vanessa was game assuming that guy, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have senior government post presidents manenda. what has us traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go, is not going to bite us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the, from the with cool because they did was going to be able to map of ports. but do from the look of things this book downs,
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it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the matter be allowed and midlands preferences in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this plaque on memorial is a reminder that people were killed here including a 7 month old baby. some ends and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have concerns about calling the killings a genocide that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on my task. so how does a lot of district zimbabwe, the somali sent me it's on a mistake of putting plan, has rejected the parliament approval of
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a plan to overhaul the electoral process. it replaces an indirect electoral system based on clans with one person, one vote. the proposal also grant somalia as president the power to appoint them dismissed a prime minister rather than parliament. parkland politicians say that they would no longer recognize federal institutions as the foreign ministers of china and france. i have met in beijing to mark 60 years of diplomatic relations during a joint news conference one. he said china intends to increase imports of high quality products from france in return. he hopes france will provide a fair business environment for chinese firms. offices here as katrina, you has more on this from badging, francis for ministers to funds this room is engaging for one day visit, attending events, celebration 60 years of diplomatic ties between the 2 countries. use the 2nd foreign minister to visit aging in less than 6 months. and trade is high on the agenda. now this appears to be a bit of a sticking point between the 2 countries. france has said that intends to reduce
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what it considers to be an excessive or the reliance on the supply change. so he went on monday, you said that francis undertakes some economic re balancing in gold if it is trading relationships to remain sustainable. now, one in china is for me to sit in response to that, went against any protectionist measures. and he said that the aging should be considered as noted, arrival or risk. but as of which unity badging announced that it will increase its impulsive french products. expand visa, free measures, french nationals, and in return it floats that terraces present a level of the playing field for chinese companies or racing in front. now another ice and behind the agenda was to train with just on says you on saying that it expects a staging to send very clear messages to russia over its invasion crane of aging. of course, before the declared a nor limits partnership with moscow in the front is clearly
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a indication that it's aware of the special relationship that she think has person also fronts express was the concern of a new 3 is sending of weapons to age and brushes. will edit in the parade. so also making a point that is expects that they would use also if it's for to with them. yes. to influence uh, what is happening that overall the both sides and said they intend to expand the relationship, the trading relationships, especially, which is now with $80000000000.00 us dollars and officials, unofficially, french officials have said that this is also paid in the way for a possible visit of chinese presidency to thank you. from ne, the staging has done this. katrina, you out. a 0 agent, russian artist living in argentina is capital. have tried to paint the mural depicting the late russian opposition leader. i'll explain of only, but they were stopped by police before they could finish it. despite that dozens of
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supporters placed flowers at the sites and went aside. devonte died suddenly in prison in a remote penal colony in february, and the kremlin says that he died of natural causes, but supporters have blamed president vladimir putin for his day as it for me 0 then yay! next inside story looks at whether ultra or ultra orthodox jews in israel will have to serve. and it's ministry to stay with us on the in the walk. and so you're good to see you. so still starting the name of the game across northern country and going down provinces and southern china here, just the blue and the yellow. the more intense that rain is falling. it's pressing up against the yangtze river valley, but will tell you what this is shooting out over these, trying to see eventually pouring into the korean peninsula in japan. so let me put this a head to wednesday,
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blanket it in rain here. japan's being island to punch you, weather alerts and play for this deluge that you're about to see. it's also been a star mean that's really in southwest, saudi arabia, looking at this hail storm here, powerful wins. lot of rain people getting stuck in that hail just how much we saw. and still the bulk of this activity on tuesday will be asked for providence making provenance, medina, providence rates through to the book. big down ports here count rule that would some more hail storms. know what a view of the middle east shows us. it's starting to see something circulated around the bottom end of the red sea. so showers and storms for the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and booty in time. it's freshened up in buckets done with the store instead of rolled through here. so temperature is of lowered, especially in the 4 at $29.00, but still pumping in that heat. and humidity of the baseband goal, especially for additional state where sun spots are pushing past 40 degrees c a
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later in 2018. a john listed 40 days of civic action against the on median government. i'm president sockets young's group on power. i'm going to labor to square and documentary photos. he's non violent campaign to bring down to corrupt regime, tarnishing out really good, a democratic revolution. i am not alone on media as velvet revolution on our also orthodox jews in israel sub and its military. the government is undergoing pressure to end the decades of exemption. that's as close a drawing for old groups to join the army as the rule rights is only garza but couldn't leads the collapse of benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition is inside story,
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the hello there. i am james bays is a controversial issue that's been brewing and israel for years should ultra orthodox jews and the bill of trade for generations. the community has been exempt


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