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tv   Inside Story  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 2:30pm-3:01pm AST

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civic action against the armenian government. i'm president sockets. young's group on power i'm going to labor to square. and documentary photos is non violent campaign to bring down a corrupt regime, tarnishing out a democratic revolution. i am not alone on the news velvet resolution on our oaks orthodox jews in israel so that it's military. the government is on the growing pressure to end the decades. when we exemption that says cools, the growing for all groups to join the army is the roll. rate is only garza, but could it leads to the collapse of benjamin netanyahu, whose coalition is inside story. the hello that on james bays is
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a controversial issue that's been brewing and israel for years should ultra orthodox jews and the military for generations that community has been exempt, but a court order can change that. prime minister benjamin netanyahu has filed the last minute application to the supreme court for it to be at the foot for 30 days. but the control vesee isn't going any way. israel's war on gauze is feeling a sense of urgency and anger among those required to sign up. so how much of a threat does this pose to prime minister netanyahu and his coalition? and what is government survive the full out from such a change in policy? what it smell, all these issues with all kind of guessing a moment. but 1st this report from capture lopez hold a young also orthodox jews have always been exempt from israel's mandatory military service. that is set to change, but not without a fight. those protesting say as religious jews joining the army contradicts their traditions and lifestyle. dying the
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along with military exemptions, the ultra orthodox also receive a government subsidy. if they study the tora full time and religious institutions, israel supreme court has ordered the government to stop payments for those who defy the draft, comes and growing resentment among those called to him list. i don't know what we won't be ultra orthodox in the army now, no delays, no politics, and no tricks. the issue is a challenge for benjamin that's a yahoo! the could wreck his coalition and he built in alliance with right claim groups to secure his term is prime minister and overseeing an end to the military exemption could be seen as political betrayal. anybody talks any time as it goes there? i am sure we can get disagreements with the majority and the canals that i would also. one thing is clear to me. it's impossible to obtain a total consensus. it's been a controversial issue for years,
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but the war and garza has turned it into an urgent one. military leaders say they need more people to lose it, more people on the ground in gaza. so ministers say they're ready to resign. if the exemption continues a little, what actually mean destination cannot accept and it should not be approved. my colleagues and i will not be members at the emergency government, a such legislation policies. and if it enters the little books of these royal, this is the issue is controversial. and could mark a significant shift and is really society one that could extend well beyond israel's hor, on cause that's here. look this up again. now is a 0 for insights story. the, the was the significance of oldest full, these riley people and the war on gauze. i'm beyond the question for today's panel in west jerusalem ephraim inbox,
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the president of the jerusalem institute for strategy and security. that aims to advise, as well as leaders in defense and diplomatic masses in london, you'll see medical book is the associate fellow at chatham house, specializing in the politics of israel, in the middle east, unintelligent. you've met on the rubber pool, is the editor of local coal, the hebrew language news site advancing, citizen journalism on an independent media site to all of you for joining us. i'd like to get to the ultra ultra orthodox for us, but there are lots of countries around the world, but don't have what something called the draw. so let's get to the basic system. first. if i can, do you a from just explained what the basic rule is for his riley's as i understand it, with some exceptions, every one of the a 2 by 18, most of and you'll select zillow, is that everybody is being listed. so i'll exceptions that domain exceptions. why is the out of these wayllace? uh, we really failed not, not to put them in a difficult to position to fight,
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save a cousins literally the government says sometimes and also the adult adults that the fully salt lake reasons do not serve and actually eh, ones, the state was a study. so it was a political agreement between the davy thing, leon and any of those people was able to act or orthodox to. it allows him to, lends a legitimacy to send us that we stayed and say agreement was to allow our if you on the form that i believe at the boys in the you, she ran the scores, ohio with jewish learning to be exempt from service. this is how we stop. you will . okay, so i think the, let me bring in a better on, on this because before again, before we go to the specific area of the altar oath adults just explain it to be a little bit more if, if, if you are 18 years old on, for example,
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you object to the current conflict that's taking place in gaza on political grounds . if for example, you believe that israel is not doing enough to get a nose, the international court of justice says, or if you believe it should be a c spa, now is the un security council says, is there an exemption for you that if you, if you if you have political disagreements with the will that israel is involved in, you know, essentially no, uh there are, there is, uh, you could be expensive on the, on the consent to uh, reasons, but that is very, very difficult to obtain. uh, uterus. so, you know, kind of gray arrangement in which, uh, you know, yeah, and uh, people who do not want to, so find, you know, kind of codes problems. you know, they're not so so, but if you say that you don't want to, so because you disagree with that with the but it policies off the government,
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okie dokie patients. oh you name it. you go to prison. okay, you'll see, let's now turns to the specific subject area here, which is the cultural also adults community. let's 1st the account exactly who these people are. if you could give us a little bit of a history lesson, i mean these are the jewish communities that were traditional clothing and brace, tradition, oppose building values and practices. just explain to me who these communities are and where they came to as well from. it was many of those thoughts of the game for formation to your will, though. nowadays you have all call to don't start. i'd be all talk to ducks. when they pick on speed, politically speaking, they have to piloting the in, in the connected shots and they have with that the side. and i think it's of reminding audience and the view is that's many of them actually oppose design east idea. they also said this is pretty, i'm thing that messiah. so the idea off establishing
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a state went against the 13th and they so designed this movement as a sexual one. many of them were socially so liberal, and they were full of state. so the phenomena of them moving many of them, you know, you have all thought adults that actually live for hundreds. sophia's in the, in, in what's known this added society. and then the phase of but many of them as i've talked to of 1945 in off the coast. and the tendency to begin was to stay out of politics by realize that by staying out to fund it takes. there is a heavy price in terms of, of being close to the power and what the power comes with. now one of the things that defy you mentioned earlier, and that'll be days of falls that come through the 1st 5 minutes that exempt that on full on those of them for themselves in your, in, in, in the, in the military. and the idea of, and i think the 2 pillows to this exemption,
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one is, is i think there's some of the most extra, the soft spots to most of those will dedicate their life. it's a start the day joyce shifting elegy. and i think also that is some of which become moving, moving forward. and as we come to, the topics today is the needs to follow with the needs of them all set to allow policies, whether it's in the past label only codes and nowadays. so they're supposed to know the performing coordination without paying stuff, and they do a logic of a price when it comes to the issue with the palestinians. a from then if you can bring us up to date, you said earlier, you store the, the estimate was about 41948. how many now and how politically powerful of this group i was, i'd say is how simple. oh, hold each go. it's it will not the listing and up to a certain day, just the whole says only doesn't call you. so we are talking about the close to
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$70000.00. and the youngsters between age of 18 and 2425. that could be called into service. but that exempt this is a quite the number is the political, all the adults. and so you'll see as mention, yeah, is increased over time because they are not the left o, y a. but things are made to politically in the, in modeling terms. and they basically can join any coordination and the sales sol as they can maneuver the politically much better. and as a result of that, the is a get a lot of, uh, the, all of the benefits of the states. and the recently, in the past maybe 20 deals, they have become paul, also liked we blog, making a quotation was done, you know, it also enjoys that land was, uh,
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was on that of that. let me explain minutes though, and uh this uh, what it should is now go slipping by is the issue over in this matter. and then let's, let's bring it right up to date and why it's become such a huge issue now. seems to me there are 2 aspects. one is the conflict and goals are in to there's been a long running costs process, but seems to be coming to a head 1st in terms of the war on gauze a how the fact that this community does not, i believe there are some the developments here to fight, but doesn't send soldiers at this time when his route is at war. how does the rest of the country feel about that? that says, always being the sensitive used to the fact that the suction dodge communicate, that is going to be good because the birth rate is, is twice so even to add 3 times higher than in the same the regular in the rest of
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the population. so the tension that uh such a large number of young people do not so has always been the sensitivity issue. so typically often there'd be no the shop of october 7 and the oil and gas. and the fact that the diesel loves the more than $650.00. so joe, that's a whole 3 gay the most. that's what killed 3000 where wounded uh, soldiers. so the army really needs. and these kind of have the prospect is of a prolonged war in guys that and may be in the and we don't know where else so, so uh the, the, all, he really needs more so just talking about the thing you need at least uh more 7 townsend soldiers, new soldiers in the, in the drafting,
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the regular draft. and that's, uh, that's something that, uh, put smoke pressure on the, on to develop something on the, on this tension between the secular side. the fee is low and the, the old trotted up it's has to be added as a fine. so i think the last, i would say 15 years viewing products a go to to go to become major los sounding a part of it. them. yeah, i was calling diction describing coalition, right, doing bill. and therefore boeing against me can. yeah. when i add the secular, what use quote and that would be the campaign in, in that you. so he's going to against i can now he's also aiming at bill to auto docs to be to because because this is the weakest, i would say part of the chain of the, of the, of the, of the writing book. because they're not liked by disagree loans that don't really
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liked by using the religious, the bachelors, religious, the set of those that outright buy them. because the 2nd is go to the army and the hotel it looks don't, don't know the zionist, as, as you'll see, mentioned or not, the crowds are nice. so there is tension down the weakest. a part of the right we can dump can doable when deliberate or can attack and they are also an easier target. as i said there's, you'll see a been a long running court proceedings going on here. very long running, just to bring us up to speed of where we are now, because that has come to a head as well at this time when israel is it, will the yes, because the many issues be owned actually the military service says,
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i think with the the fact that the voting pattern will talk to adults that tells you almost, you know, in advance. so from the election, how many member of they said they'll going to, it's how many seats they'll going to gain and they can become king's make heels with this also cub that there, once i do a logically between forces more and more religious loads and moving towards more elastic states which upsets that, the more when we put that in mind that then on top of feet, what upsets menu of, of the, of the sexual does the 7 though, mean that those a lot of going to them adults, all adults at the age of 18, they actually are paid by the government. so the bunny consuming knows it's what i mentioned earlier. i basically spun so by dollars or later, you know, fill 7, dial me, then a going to to work in something bits in jobs that generates well as in the society and pay for those daughter. a don't self in down me be study in this of
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a bunny consuming those topics and issues. mainly it's, it's joyce job a split and send and scholarly that's not going to attend the candidates with what smell decides across of justice. says that if they don't a set of endowment, then also that this money from the public pills shouldn't be big. it'd be paid to the so button because same, even though it's, it's enough time to actually to create some equality. we've seen the building that to you, i think natalie society who actually does caroline the building, whether it's in this case, minutes, other service eh, today think it possible this economy and all of the one that actually if you look at this that this fixing these then those all adults pay $19.00, so when it comes to taxes towards to what the sexual 0 $1.00. 0, at least the $611.00. those all not say oh, tall to those religious does not to tall to those. and that's what the kind of what,
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you know, the pin so that i call to justice and the decision by daylight eyes quote of justice is starting to work define of ephraim this kind of headache. so probably minister netanyahu has, as we heard, comes from the justice system. and of course the back dropped this over the last year. is that the prime minister was having a battle about changing that system. well, i think this is some things that happened so many god is a all the is a divisional follow betweens. a problem. it is a supreme court of justice. so we see you can say, and i could say to many of the democratic countries, i felt similarly a favor, you know, limit things. apollo as far as the so think of of just sense that the bose and it says the values on the list of the site is such a decision should be made by based upon them in this model juncture. and, but i think the issue is, is different. i think the 2nd bill and population is by to
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buy it from the dealer. hey dulce, the all settled daltons, and even this demographic branch continues a and naturally to continue because it can be somehow managed a, it will make the secular, at least a neighbor, the smaller of, uh, you know, and uh, you know, as a, is very society as uh is not tobacco, don't make it as an adult adults national religious mother and orthodox people and a loud spot adult with tradition. and then i use and the secondary side to let me know if they have been, you know, is the founding elements of the old days lately, state. and does they become maybe, you know, the ends it's, it's a start, the full follow. and those calls, you know, he's not,
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the only is the 2nd that he's what is happening with a so is that it was a minute ago. so it was, it was all don't adopt. so in this space, so you can find the alex and mom got the elements of the population. you know, a little bit of a, to bring a change in the habits of said with adults may be of both things and to some extent into modernizing and becoming both all their mother and economy and sale by changing someone of good views and limiting. so the political influence you'll see if i can ask you to take a look inside prime minister netanyahu, whose coalition and just explain to us how divided the cabinet is on this and how much of a problem it is for the prime minister, who in the past in building cabinets has been described by some is a bit of a political houdini. how's it going to get out of this one? a while it's it's, it's
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a task fun because they say is losing the overall to adults. if they're leaving the correlation, he has no correlation because it would be photo though, so most probably by, by people like here benny guns and, and, and i, or ice and cold, the joint only because of, of, of the wall. and they are due to leave at the correlation. and for the little to the, this is one of the major issue. it's one of the source of the supporting them is because they, the one that puts pressure on any correlation on any government's environment. they still to exempt and from from a minute the military service, the 6 the delta scripts, and i don't, i think it's, it's the question here if they can legislate because all of this for legislation that can change the decision by the court of justice in the way that it's, you know, then that's why it's so important to resist. what's nathaniel quoted the phones because whether it's isn't and i, and, and most,
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most paper in the newsletter thing that's exempting adults. all adults he's on that isn't but, but the ways to reserve, he doesn't mean that symbol window or door tall to dogs, which at the age of military service should be a, should be mobilized into the me, the wasted result of a. so some of them that want to join down may be mobilized by reducing the financial support of full body consuming. now maybe taxation of those that don't self and incentivize those who want a to want to solving down me. but this needs to really emission the discussion along this issue because it's divides the country that are on the picking up on that point. i mean, if they were forced to serve all these ultra orthodox, how exactly would that work? would they be willing sold just would they serve in front line, come back units, would they work cohesively in the military? what's your, what's your view of life?
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and i think this is very far away. so though, uh, typically you phone tomorrow. ready 2 uh the, the, the low is abolished below that it allows them to not to serve, isn't published and they should so, and funding from the government to stop today if she goes to the, the band co sending us should stop tomorrow. i think the chances that this will happen over the saline uh they may uh, refuse to serve. uh and if we're talking about tens of thousands, i think it would be impossible for, for, for the army. uh, 222, dot com. uh, thousands and thousands of usually the buffers. uh, a 2 not happened. uh the army is completely unprepared to to,
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to get them day. you'll have to understand that they come also with very limited to can you cation, general education. they don't know english, for example. they don't, uh, they don't have lo, method methics. it would be extremely difficult to induce them. uh, you wouldn't have to change the all be in order to, to give them to opportunities for a culture, a meals and culture training given. meaning that they read notes, training with women and yeah, so it's very, very complicated. i think the issues to allow is small party to code. i think nothing. yeah, we use it in a very weeks point i we going to, i think that the tension we ease on camp. i'm not talking to even the general public with the is own care of growing uh to allow for
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uh, oldest still go to the doctor. so its not accepted as a side by the settlers for itself. okay, let me, let me, let me bring a frame in on that point. i mean, how difficult a moment is this for the prime minister netanyahu not just this issue, but that is the failure to free. the captive still being held by him, asked as growing tensions between the us and israel, particularly over the plan. rafa offensive says you got a un security council resolution to set so international court of justice provisional measures making israel some would say i'm getting more of a prostate just how difficult is this now for the prime minister? obviously, the always in a very difficult position and because of the domestic problems and international blood pressure is waiting so long way change as something. and this means a defined, to some extent is it united states on zola. so we share the same goal of different
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things from us, wins that was ignited states as well as many other companies a and a he will try to find a compromise on say, the docs in the spring. because this issue becomes sent to the ends of next election. it would be politically. so actually i, well they felt strongly about it. you'll see um if we just look at this, if, if nothing yahoo was to full over this. i mean, in the middle of israel still involved in a conflict in ga. so what then happens? i assume you have new elections and then he stays on this to kind of take the probably minister doesn't deep about. it takes a long time from my experience of tokenize elections in israel. he could still be probably minister, quite a long time, even if he was topples as well. if the, if the, if you believe public opinion posing the quite a no, continuously consistent that the public wants nathaniel out and not surprisingly so,
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so what these are needs is, is election manual paper that supported the nathaniel and includes father and the last election say outside that they don't want to see nathaniel anymore was 5 minutes. still not even the quote, because info. they're looking for something at the end of the day. what are we seeing is a domestic and until nationally, the mess that these are these like know in the name of nathaniel, always all the, it's where the foaming the most that i twink and incompetent government in the country is a story not being for the panels. folks, toville 7 at the, the judicial, the traditions this sort of the tradition a on the independence of the tradition of a, what we've seen always door to the, to those this or because that then, you know, he's facing corruption tied. the stain is trying to stay indifferently as 5 minutes to know though, also to stay possibly out of jail, and easily have to move forward. only if and when it's on the always out. you'll
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see thank you very much and thanks to all our guests today, e from inbox you'll see medical book and metro and wrap a pool. and thanks to you for watching, if perhaps you didn't catch the whole program, you can always watch this in any of the shows any time on a website, which is their adult calm. we'd like to hear your thoughts on this subject to go to our facebook page. that's facebook dot com, forward slash a j inside story. or you can find this on the x, y at a j inside story from all the team here. and though hopefully stay safe. i'll see you back here. very soon. bye for now. the in the biggest the claim you out in history, the world's biggest democracy, posted on epic showdown. join me screen of awesome jan on a new port bought cd,
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focusing on india. in this episode, i go on my own experience of the agenda that you examined. alarming dropped off the freedoms in india and the future of india and fabulous independent media. being the other for foxley, on august the as the sunsets individuals within the occupied with bang, the bit of multi family is getting the dinner table ready to break their dainty fast. but the buzz around the table is missing. the woman who used to put it all together in that, but lucy was the rest of the week before the start. this is really officials have not given a reason yet for detaining her during, at 8 of the home. if you could on that, there's a way in the look at the house. one is not missing 12, or even see members of his property 5 in the occupied west bank, at least 9000 listed in families are missing at least one loved one at the start
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table, african narratives from africans perspective, nature has always been this some way my child to short documentary spine, african filmmakers looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at from what is key a is that is part of our history that couple from nigeria. and we writing libraries from africa direct on. i'll just the phone counseling the cost, the world's population is shrinking rapidly. how will that affect the global economy regulations on both sides of the atlantic cracking down, take monopolies, plus the june the gas and take jones's narrowing. but when will it be? what doubts counting the cost on al jazeera, the
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challenges with the robot to send in doha detailed stories on all the 0. the scale of is really kennings and destruction and guys as largest hospital as emerging ours off to the army. and it's 2 weeks, each decomposing body is just had to been lying on the ground, or they all ship on medical complex, in gaza, city officials in garza city. is there any army killed at least 300 people joining? that's right. all just need additional. i'll hold was that the medical complex and guys assisting definitely was how much the outlines have what they did out. we are now inside of chief austin.


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