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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 4:00pm-5:00pm AST

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calling the bottom line, the the hello, i'm about this, and this is the news are life from jo ha reports or emerging of her risk executions during israel sees of guys is our chief of hospitals that could constitute war crimes from the rubble of gods as one is the biggest hospital that i witnessed a cons, so people with their hands phones and probably to live. also, i had a political set back for the turkish prize that i'm joshua opposition leaders when local elections and the 2 main cities and cut off on their stumble, thoughts. i've had them latasha to know to district, to symbolically on the 24th of february, 198327 people were burned to death in their home. i'll tell you why many families
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are still waiting for justice and support from the ones he was faced owner. liberty media has announced a takeover and note of g. p also and football barometer. it takes that closer to clinching the spanish link title with victory over athletic film about the votes or emerging of his really atrocities during a siege on garza's. our chief, a hospital that if proven, would constitute the most heinous of war crimes. according to a statement released by homeless and based on witness accounts is ready. troops counted out our roof executions of civilians. dozens of decomposing bodies have been fund and the medical compound, local official say around 300 palestinians were killed. there are reports and i've got to stress that these are on confirmed that this time some of the victims have
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their hands tied, and they were buried alive. and others, according to eye witness accounts were crushed with tying some what appears to be an attempt to comfort off evidence of the most agonizing moment. this one is really sore. just showed that civilian men before our own eyes, some were shot dead. others were buried alive. and ditches, most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is really so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded thrown in the ditch and breeds was said, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes talked about was ins. joining us from profit and southern gaza, so we're getting reports emerging consistently about what's been happening at all shape a hospital. how is this tying in with what you. busy hearing on the drum and toner, the yes rob of to the these very with the trouble from a she felt hospitality is very bombardment. of course the gaza strip, in fact, did not stop where the past few hours at wharton is actually
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a escalation miniature attacks. one of the latest had targeted a civil call in the midst of the rock refugee camp that had killed 2 palestinians with intact incidents. and also the attacks have continued to the middle areas where residential house in the area was completely targeted. i'm of the more ongoing efforts by the civil defense team said what it says and to recover the entries from onto the rustle of the destroyed and targeted house. but perfectly we, we can clearly hear mobile abutment from the southern part of the city of con eunice as we can see. the river peroration of these ongoing military bombardments of residential houses in that area which had been a theater for these very miniature operation. within the past few weeks, as a gauze was health ministry had been stating that more than 60 palestinians have to report the tools as low as also more than 90. others being the ones that within the past 24 hours. well, the fine with the people we've been talking through over the last few years or so is more of a, a, a reports have been emerging from all i'll see for i've been seeing that there is
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pretty much no chance that this hospitalized ever going to be able to offer it again that parts of it are simply that most of it, in fact, is simply being destroyed and wiped out, talk to us about the depressions that there are on the existing medical facilities . and i think there are only maybe 6 remaining in gaza out of a total of $36.00 in ferry when it comes to trying to treat people who have been sick and injured. yes, let's be gladly a of us to call about this. let's be glad to know you called about this issue. in fact, trump as completely the is very forces had destroyed the majority of hospitals in areas of confrontations and battles on behalf of the rates. it's, and we can talk to that, you know, with the destruction of, as you felt hospitalized, the majority of the departments have been completely destroyed because of the, especially operation stuff. that means that there's going to be much more expands
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and a fine thing here in the south where only for hospitals are still remaining function over here with the very minimum capabilities, we're talking about 4 hospitals that are providing medical treatments for more than 85 percent of kansas population, it means that there's going to be much more medical pressure on these hospitals got right now, or functional at 3 times it's official abilities and to get abilities. and we can also see for medical sources in the ground that they are suffering from save you shortage of medical supplies as there are some sort of drugs and medication. and the majority of pharmacies in these hospitals have completely run out without the guarantee to set the flow medical supplies to this area. and that's absolutely terrifying. is specifically with the ongoing warning and also threat to being imposed by the is very prime minister benjamin netanyahu to possibly invite drop off in the foreseeable future as a part of the military campaign. and that's absolutely reflects a certain reality that these hospitals might be targets as what happened to familiar hospitalization. separate areas where the is where the operation with is
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reparations, in fact, has taken place, which gives a key sign that there's going to be a full collapse with the medical sector inside the gaza cert. and which means that more than 1900000 palestinians would be deprived from receiving prop up medical treatments. sorry, thank you very much. indeed. telecom was him talking to some of the off in southern guys that were going to bringing home to soho cheese, unoccupied, east jerusalem. what's the, being the reaction from the is ready sight to this is really army releasing a statement saying that they have killed at least 200 palestinians out to the ship . a hospital in the rain spanning over the course of 2 weeks. they've also said they've arrested 500 other palestinians. we do know that in the gaining of this military incursion into the medical facility, journalists were among those who are detained. these really army is also claiming they have found weapons and other materials inside them ship
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a hospital as it now stands in ruins. we have also inquired with these rarely military about the claims and executions of civilians on the hospital grounds, but they have not yet gotten back to us. and i thank you very much indeed. 100. so who knows you 5 east jerusalem i'm it out. before is an international level. we're going to go to our white house correspondent kennedy hawk. it in washington, d. c. company. those virtual meeting today between israel and the us on golf. i would we expect, obviously for me to come up there's no question that that will come up is going to be on a variety of topics. and you have to remember that this whole meeting itself was one that was initially scheduled for late last week. what was abruptly castle though by the israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu following that un security council vote one week ago when the united states chose to abstain rather than veto,
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as it has in the past. given the fact that this was a resolution calling for a temporary cease fire for the duration of ramadan. now this meeting was rescheduled, but it is no longer an in person meeting as has and had, has as had initially been planned. it's now going to be virtual, as we are told. what we also know is that it's going to be with defense as well as intelligence officials. we know that the national security advisor from the united states, jake sullivan, will be leaving this meeting, but is also going to be in coordination with the is really minister for strategic affairs. ron termer, who we know has extensive ties to the united states, given the fact that he was of these really in bassett, or to the united states for some time. so this is a meeting that the united states hopes will look not only at the issue of else certificate, but also at the military campaign that has been planned for many,
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many weeks now. for going into ross by the united states believes that this is a mistake, is hoping to look at alternatives, given the fact that there are more than a 1000000 palestinian sheltering there. and there is in the eyes of the united states, a need for an alternative. in terms of the people that are sheltering their and what they can uh where they can go and, and a viable plan for doing so. kimberly, this seems to be a public, a degree of a shift in jo biden's approach presidential bindings approach towards it's externally benjamin netanyahu. but certainly the situation in israel. we also saw the us of extension of the un security council meeting recently about the resolution for us these 5 for the remainder of guys at all. we actually seeing a significant shift. do you think in the present the, the situation though they approach the job. i have mistaken there's no question that there has been a bit of a shift even as the national security council spokesperson,
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john kirby is saying there has been no shift in policy. and that's something that following that to vote at the united nations of what we can go. john kirby came out and said to reporters, flat house, there's been no shift in policy, but it's clear that there has and that is something that these really prime minister immediately accused the united states of saying that the united states had typically a vetoed at the un security council and last week of stain. so what we can see here is the united states, and we've seen this also in the rhetoric and language becoming increasingly sympathetic. given the fact that there is increasing pressure within the president's own democratic party to the fact that there are mounting palestinian casualties. there is a push inside the democratic party for there to be the military aid that is contingent on the conditions if you will. at the fact is that the united states
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gives 3800000000, an annual military aid to israel. many democrats say that that should be conditional aid and there is a growing movement within that something in the election year of the us president as a under pressure to listen to. kimberly, thank you very much indeed to kimberly halted our white white house correspondent. i'm gonna bring in the day before he's an international lawyer and advocacy office, out of the hockins, the human rights organization. he's joining us not from the hague. thank you very much indeed for being with us. so there are allegations at the moment that there have been the success of executions of civilians by his ready troops, dozens of decomposing bodies such as being fond of the medical compound. there are also reports and we should stress that these, that on confirmed at this time that some of the victims have had their hands tied and buried alive if these allegations are fund to have been proved, what charges could be brought so thank you for having me these are absolutely of
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the world crimes and, and i don't only speak about what we saw on the news we, i speak on behalf of hawk a human rights organization to have access on the ground. and we have made this position a clear for long now that the international criminal court have enough evidence to start a showing a response. we have documented several for these crimes in the past. and our staff are working to, to commit more of these crimes that are being committed now. the, the, the scene from, from a ship for the footage that reaches is perfect. and these are apparent work crimes that are being committed against civilians and civilian infrastructure. the targeting of hospitals is absolutely prohibited under international law. his role has been lying from the very beginning about the use issue of hospitals for military purposes, which were refused to lie after another. and at once again it's,
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it's quite disgraceful that until this very moment, the prosecutor of the international criminal court still drags his his feet and not issuing a response. it's important to mention the reason that we have a such disregard of international law and human life. and because this trip is the impunity that israel has enjoyed done, this ministry has enjoyed for, for decades. and then by dragging his feet, the persecutor of the international criminal court is ensuring that immunity, so they feel untouchable. they feel that they can commit this crimes and no one will hold that accountable. had the international criminal court issued a response. not even from the beginning of this genocide, even even way lower before that we might not have been here today. and so it's important that we start seeing these response being issued. and it's important that at this infiniti and part of that process of a risk of organizing, a risk board is our ultimate, the leading to arrest warrants is obviously to gather evidence. now the i, c, j,
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the international court of justice had instructed israel to make sure that no evidence was going to be uncovered, that it wasn't going to be disturbed that it could ultimately the job. and you mentioned documentation there. how difficult is it in the circumstance like this to actually gather the evidence when you are in the middle of a was a to it's, it's becoming extremely difficult. and the just to explain the situation says the and the since our establishment as a hawk in 1979. and we are the oldest humorist organization not only in palestine, but in the region. and we never had done now is as we did in this genocide, we're unable to cover the situation on the ground proper. me um, um, but there is a good level of coordination between and human rights organizations and goes on throughout the policy and a territory. so our staff, so do their best to document and these crimes, but particularly in the north,
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it's becoming extremely difficult. israel has been and deliberately attempting to timber with evidence and destroying and the evidence of, of its crime. so, and we're unable to documented and this history has the something that in every genocide there and every armed conflict, when there are no human rights defend this underground heart. documenting these primes, this often emboldens and encourages the perpetrators to commit war, especially in a situation like this, where the only the enjoy absolute impunity and, and we have the, the wards, criminal court is dragging its feet and you have to issue a response. so we're in a very dangerous situation, and the other thing that let me what we're talking about, you mentioned the international criminal court a couple of times. and i want to talk to you about that. you refer to the 5 that they are as you put, dragging their feet given as you suggest that had to arrest warrants being or at least the case has been brought much earlier. we would not be in the situation that we're in. now this is the phrasing that,
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that you've used. why do you think it is that the icpc is appealing to take its time about processing cases as well? that's, that's the question for the international criminal courts persecutor himself. but the behavior of the court before has shown us that they can deter the commission of crimes. i can refer to specific incidents. for example, one is wrong. how to glance to the to demolition, cadillac, martin, the west bank, the previous prosecute or federal been through the issue, the statement called preventative statement. the feeling these right is that this would be a work crime and admittedly by his right 84 minutes, uh the time. and he mentioned that they stopped this plan after fear of an investigation by the court. so you, you see that even when the court is vocal speaking about the fact that these may, i'm out to crime that the court would investigate this can provide the required deterrents to prevent these crimes. the question is why the court has been
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absolutely side those 4 years before this genocide, why the court hasn't that issue their response for the numerous war crimes and crimes against humanity that had been committed before and as well as during this genocide it seems and many have suggested, and there might be some truth to that, that the court is an enduring, immense political pressure. let me ask you about that then, because you're talking about they, they, as you proceed with the slowness of the icpc. we've also talked about the fact that israel does not seem to be influenced at all by readings from the international court of justice. it also appears to be ignoring resolutions that are being brought by the un security council. is there any confidence in the ability of the international justice system to actually bring any cases when faced with a degree of evidence such as we appear to be sitting on our springs at the moment? whether this is the litmus test for the whole international or just the system,
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but also for the whole so called a rules based order. as you mentioned, that there's enough evidence and that speak a was confidence because we know we have communicated this and evidence on multiple occasions to the international criminal court. so on behalf of our hearts, we stand behind every word we say we know the persecutor eventually from the court has enough evidence. we know that and the international criminal court needs probably this time as much as the policy is needed, the court. this is the litmus test and if the, if the icpc fails, the policy has been, i think it will have no no reason to exist. it will just confirm the allegations. it is just a tool by powerful states and by the west. and that is, it is a strong sword on a half and country and the african continent and other parts of the war, but not on allies of the west. so again, this is village, mist us for the whole international rules based order on that before we appreciate
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you being with us. thank you very much indeed for your time. i wanna bring in and talk to him. mohammed abo, off i, she's director of the palestinian medical release society, he's joining us from the site of the all chief a hospital in guys what city were going to be talking to him through a translator. so thank you very much indeed for being with us on audra 0. hope you can hear me. ok. can you describe to our viewers? first of all, what it is you can see i'm here and possibly smell as well because that is the same stuff. people kind of get watching on tv shows, and this was the 1st of all, thank you for having me on. i just see it. uh uh, yeah. and uh, palestinian citizen. uh you live through this floor. so and even if false positive what happens at the hospital is beyond description. the implication of forces sold
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a civilian hospitality method, can facilitate catering to the civilian population. we check in the as late a month, so it does suggest to the hospital and i'll paint file indiscriminately on all of those inside the hospital. this is a war cry. this is unprecedented in history that there's a button to push on for yes, it is fire executing, educating patients. the one didn't even admit that kind of stuff. this kind of confused or crimes punishable of those dates are next to the law and that he but attorney in law. and as i said, the medical stuff where you also say that this is highly condemned
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by the entire medical stuff. and this is the 1st time this lady to patient forces trouble. so me, are you hosted with them before they totally destroyed 7 hospitals and medical center all across the same coast, namely here in the middle part of guys. so can i interrupt you there? i'd like to get your opinion please on what it is that you are seeing. and here in our see for hospital file you there, and i'm sorry, say i hope you can hear me. it's rob madison in causes 0. do you have the name of as i say that's we as the style the has been a 3 and it comes as though we couldn't den these crimes committed by the police and
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forces. so could i ask you, please, there are reports which have not yet been confirmed that some of the victims had their hands tied and they were buried alive. have you seen any evidence of that? well hang on a creep most or a little bit that so the from a sort of digital i was present at 6 am this morning my lady said it was some missing some victims on the line for the aid in the hospital, the waiting fountain does is on data, but it's all of them where hands got behind and then back and blindfolded the way. and i told her, well,
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drives these unprecedented through our test the we have never seen anything like this in any other role. so we have hired reports that the where i times might be, is rarely troops to cover up the evidence by using tanks and bulldozers to cover over the ground. have you seen any evidence of that to yourself? as far as the new of their own house all was fresh. so that's why that's around the lot of the living evidence. so they say that they have plate by default to the entire hospital costs out for 15 days for the building. and based on the time they have bands, right to cover all the crimes, they have no, no totems and. 1 some of the medical staff we
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haven't spoken to many of the bible, they, they sense with the eyes that they have when they. 1 bought it many young to ben, a city is being executed, including on the lease as well. another living soul is renewal of base before the hospital was seats, we had the big notice of the total number of patients off the seats. this, this number has dropped so can you tell me what has happened to the people who had been sheltering at the hospital and the remaining medical stuff as well? because that's what i looked such from the font. and i did well, many of the medical stuff where the pain, some of them will release. notice the x as to the patients
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also as i say that the base since before the seat of this excess one. huh. on the now 187 where they say how many of the patients would execute manny the tell us that where execute others pay. mm hm. that as well, it really wasn't even the yes to say that within the whole time whether the subject to the same way, maybe one of the store thoughts and that was but at least we have seen pictures of the level of destruction that has happened at all shape a hospital, can you give us an indication of anything that is remaining or is the entire
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hospital? no, not working. is that something should be brought? are some not, i don't know con you 1st in a say i didn't get it to say, what do you have? witnesses is only a table device, but the side of the house is that the best thing size and the plain. but you did love the what's inside of the music and lance, it's all of the medical equipment or the medical supplies. when the card destroyed and fed by him on the by this lady of your patience of those to the hospitality in its entirety, is our mission and the out of service. one moment we are appealing to the international community headed out again in the states as am and rides are going to do the interview that was swiftly in order to save the lives of
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those patients here, whoa, is lives hanging by as today as you know, this hospitality was good to the people of the law and that is uh dr. mohammed, out of how she was the director of the college study and medical release society who's been talking to us from the sites of the all shape a hospital in gaza city. where is ready, troops have had been holding it under siege for about 2 weeks, and i have only withdrawn within the last few hours. dr. mohammed, thank you very much. and it is a more flooding in west inside the area and the storms right, isn't over yet. he is jeff with a check of the weather. hello, there's been more active weather and southwest saudi arabia. so let me show you a severe flooding once again and ask for profits. there's also been severe hailstorm, some saying his story. but i mean, look at his flooding here,
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people waiting through the flood waters and it's not over yet. so let me show you the forecast. it's really that western side of saudi arabia, once again, we see this energy flare up now pushing into real problems. as we look toward tuesday and some of this is also kicking back over the other side of the red sea. so for the red sea coast of sudan, eritrea and you booty, showers, and storms blakely and the potential to see some flooding. a few showers, touching a few drops and call that 15 degrees on tuesday. and we've seen some record breaking heat in parts of the turkey a full on sunshine and forecasts for you on tuesday. pretty picture perfect there. belts of heat extending from chad new share. that's also pushing into per keynote fast. so we've been sitting records there for just how hot it's been. and i gotta show you all this rain coming into. you've gone to rwanda and burundi. could see some flooding. there's been more flooding in nairobi and to the south, we go there. showers and storms begins to peter out across south africa, so not a bad day, including in cape town and the western cape province. let's go 22 degrees for you
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on tuesday. enjoy say later, still ahead on this, i'll just even use our water crisis and one of the world's biggest cities. we're going to tell you what the people of mexico's capital are doing to cope fuss. and suppose another game of a record set for basketball started the bone james action from the n b a coming up later. because the ask like a narrative from africans perspective, nature has always been there some way. my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is key a is that it's part of our history that couple from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on. i'll just the right. now let me tell you
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almost suffice. the cold results, the 1st of its kind in west africa, we were surrounded by a wild life. from the moment we entered a coupon. occupied right now able to practice what the now be used. only look, just very close here, like common here, sits on to a large stairs place with a look in my private now. thanks royal. i can also somebody probably equal, restored to being gone, the the, [000:00:00;00] the merchant,
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i'll just say to remind you of ourselves stories this report. so imagine that his reading soups, executed civilians and crushed the bodies. websites during this change of ownership of hospital in garza, some of them were phoned and buried alive according to witnesses out of state funds released by homeless officials and guys, i say is ready. troops killed around 300 people in and around and the medical complex buildings were burned and critical. medical equipment was destroyed, leaving the hospital completely out of service. them on the ink and now are we sick? nothing but destruction, not even nuclear weapons. do that. we're peaceful people. all we want to do is live our lives. why this is a hospital for the sick and wondered where do we go? we are set fast despite what we were exposed to. my husband and son are dead. i lost my home. every time i moved to an area i am subjected to see. i am stuck fast, i will not leave my country. we have guard only needs me to okay is main opposition?
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republic and people's party has had some big wins and sundays local elections. president of the division of child abroad one describes it as a set back. but he says it's not the end of the road for his party. so costello spoke to voters on the streets of assembled one day after 2 case, highly competitive local election raised. the majority of the male, you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the made a position republican party, the c h p. this is the victory for the main, a position who has been far from this this majority of governing for more than the case, but also it is of the 5th or the on golf course. events has silver and cities like assemble for more than 20 years. that our appreciation that i'm 60 years old, that i have both of the c h b for the 1st time, but i do with a gain, look at the prices and remember the change. so it's important to vote for the one who works on nothing. act parties supported by voted for its candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him
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a molar in the stumble. this may or election dave, a clear message to the golf far to enter. the wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the off position. now he's disappointed, then he said that's he received the message given by the citizens, but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028 . economy is a major problems, and this is why people mostly voted us for the opposition cnn, because solar elders are assembled. okay, we're going to bring in or say again she, she's a visiting fellow at the middle east consul in global affairs. she's joining us here in doha. good to have you with us. um, so we heard incentives report that she was saying that this was a clear message to the party. what's your assessment of what's been going on, as well as the municipal election yesterday and turkey. the fact that the significant desire for a cover balance against the government, particularly due to the monopoly of color on the presidential system on the uh,
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in effect. and this helps the parliamentary checks and balances of the this, the victory office teach the candidates of charl case those. uh, those teach these uh, broadening teach the candidates local, municipal candidates for needing support. uh, the own favorite parts needs to be on stage these traditional base and the victories also attributes or to apply to voters who in direct we support that the retail sage be candidates, not necessarily speech the policies. and i do all the g by, i'd say anything from both and contributing to a lower overall turn off in the election compared to the eviction at the local election. in 2019, the addiction turned out dropped from 48 to 4 percent to 7. to 8 for the 6 percent yesterday, i need i p s h these efforts to reach out to our parts to dish the communities
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and conservatives, the real just segment of the society. like the economy concerns like uh, the rising cost of the rising cost of living and the parties of the states and the can to can, to the selection on the i'm also the prominent presence of ministers on the campaign stage projecting an image of the welding power i further sold the fight support for the, for the vision. i mean, i know these were being billed as local elections. that was certainly something that the ag policy but what was trying to make very clear, but never the less of course, the focus has been on the presidential elections in 2028. what's gonna happen within those 4 years? i want to ask you something. i mean, the president, the other one had said that he was going to step down off to the 2028 elections because that's essentially his hot last time. if the party had one is stumble, i'm dying, correct. do you think things would have changed?
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i might say a thing, so overall it, when it comes to the question of whether it's will be our don't last election, whether it needs a stepping down. um is a question mark, it has been discussed a lot in turkey as oh, but then uh we are, we have heard from him and national. the satellite image may be there. they left off to the firming, but i don't want it in not replaceable he's not going anywhere on his feet. i mean, he wants to, oh, i need to add on for there. and these are the constitutional changes. expect the to see your turkey towards more towards the more lonely past. i would say. um, so uh, i think a huge box. uh, he's not going anywhere. um and uh, i think it's for, don't have changed. um anyways, i mean like the stop depending on the victory or defeat or i don't
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party collection truly interesting to get your thoughts on this and we appreciate it. i'll say again, just thank you very much indeed for your time. and by the way, you're set to hold public hearings into the kennings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the google over on whom they it happened in the early years of nations independence soldiers that accused of torture, rape at execution, panama tasha reports julia savannah was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia here in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived, you know who the one to 5. i carry that, paid me to me every day. i have sleepless nights. my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years of cimbawe, always independence. part of
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a military authoration authorities named who could all windy meaning the reins washing away the task or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that arrow doing was done. then we allow these victims to ship out to the experiences in the they will guide as on whether they need done, maybe the 20 and the port or should be test on that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was funded a combined of some bobbies for melita roberts and we got a, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security has been established game assuming that god, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now have seen the government post. president manenda. what has asked traditionally does to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders, us get to go,
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is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the, from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to mop up ports. but do from the look of things, this book downs is not knowing how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the match to be a lad and midlands provinces and the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened to this plaque or memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby or some in zimbabwe. don't believe though it would be any reconciliation. others have concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man, god, will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still role. hot and we talked to l just
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a lot of district zimbabwe. south korean president, joseph joel has defended his government's plans to increase medical school. the admissions by 2 fighters and the administration says more doctors that needed to address the countries rapidly aging population and low dr. to population ratio, thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february saying that changes would drive down wages and compromise the standard of care that no facing potential license suspensions. where we do k as in the governments medical reform is to create an environment in which south korean people can get treatments wherever they live. so no matter what kind of diseases they have, by strengthening essential medical services and regional medical services. to do so, we need more doctors if the country cannot increase the number of doctors without the doctors permission and only have to ask where the people's lives are worth only that much to them. please. one of the was largest cities may be just months away
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from running out of water. a mexico surgery, the lack of steady water supply as already reached crisis levels, a combination of climate change, oven planning and aging facilities are contributing to taps, running dry engine. we've got you all know reports from the mexican capital. it's 8 am, and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day soviet the import. once the years ago we had water all the time, even at night. not now though. last month we received no water for 15 days. get angelica is actually among the lucky ones, any stop by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor as district. hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach and paying for
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a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical waters shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full, mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here and stuff like that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown and regularly over the years. what are sort of just are nothing new. but the reason crisis and the realization things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the brain where they want. that name is the last for long as you've been out of the labors get together and took the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. this double flood is this job has become
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increasingly dangerous as the water has become more scarce. demand far of waste supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive. with time's ticking before the task goes dry again and jellies of rushes to watch dirty laundry. in which the around us seems the floor having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica feels the situation would be coming on sustainable for the medicine. i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it. to ago, the,
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i know i'll just sierra mexico city russian largest living in argentina is capital . have tried to paint a mural depicting the late russian opposition leader alexi, nevada ne bucks. they've been stopped by police before it was finished to despite that dozens of support as to when to place flowers of the sites and point of service that only died suddenly in the russian prison. in february. the kremlin says he died of natural causes, but supporters of blame as president not to be a person for his death instead of head and all, does it have a sport a rough night and must say his friends football team, they use why those combined that story on or something on
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the surface potent here's far a, rob, thank you so much. or the ones us base down or liberty media has announced a deal to take over motor g p. the company is set to pay more than $4500000000.00 to complete the purchase of and notified championships. parent company during the deal is expected to be finalized by the end of this year. liberty had previously bought f one in 2017. 0, for more on this story we're doing by moto g p, journalists, simon patterson. simon, this take over isn't a done deal. yeah. it's what still needs to happen to what we need to see next is whether the competition regulators in a, in a couple of key markets will approach this decision or not. we noticed that the last time that a similar deed was uh, was pushed through,
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was back in 2006. when the british investment term cdc partners bought a, a controlling share of the formula one championship. and we're actually forced to sell what they then owned at that time of stored as a parent company, what a g p. so we're excited to see some sort of a similar process follow this timeline. though the, we've already spoken to some people from liberty media this morning and they just, they reassured us that the process they believe will be an easier one this time around. both because of the way that they plan to operate the 2 businesses separately. because of the way that they're dealings with broadcasters on the teams and both the championships are structured to keep things separately. and because they put a little bit more time this type or i to make that happen rather than whatever, cvc, what kind of put on the spot in the have to rush the a purchase quite quickly. and essentially, except to the monopolies commissioner told them to do the back of the time. what does a f one a potentially gain from acquiring moto g p?
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i think it's less about what f one can gain more about what liberty media as a company can gain because what we've repeatedly heard over the years is that why don't you be in a championship with, with change moving figures with a really diverse global audience has been really undervalued it's, it's not being well promoted. and as a result, it's just kind of the on the one of motors for to an extent did sure, and f $15.00. if you went up to this new crop, the funds have been converted to f one by the sheet. success is like, uh, the netflix document to drive to survive. so they've coming here they, they bought a property that they see is being quite low valued. and with the experience of what we send them to an f one, they very much believe that they can expand this into something much bigger and much more side of commercially viable for them. well just off the back of this, if this deal does go through which it sounds like it, well would it be a good thing for motor gp? i'm what our fans saying about that right now there's a little bit of apprehension from the front of the slides, pete, because the,
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the takeover of, of me to one by liberally has an exact and be a smooth process at a to it is offended. there's a little bit of the purest fun bestbuy opening it up to sports in your audience. there's a little bit of worry and but a g p right now is that something similar is gonna happen. but at the same time that it's good for the sport to sing, you funds come into it, it'll be nice to have a little bit more financial stability to some of the teams in the championships. and it'll be really, really good to, to hopefully see, let's go to some of the audiences. it's being repeatedly highlighted this morning test. there's a huge opportunity in north america for this part to expand there because of various things. but you know, the way that our race is wrong with with shore tie intensity races of 45 minutes. so i think as a little it's going to be a good fit for global science about a gp and a good 5 things a global finds about sports. all right, well it's definitely something to watch as simon patterson. thank you so much for your time. thank you. to football now, when caro enchilada has called on his around the trip players to raise their game,
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i had them their champions lead quarter final showdown against manchester city. next week was walkers moved a points clear and bar sloane at the top of the lead. on sunday, roused brazilian ford, rodrigo squared both goals and the 2 now went over athletic built the home route, host the 1st like and their tie again. city on april 9th to the be from $51.00 on aggregate and last seasons. a semi finals in zillow, of course, as much as the city have a more complicated calendar than us. but this is more than football. of course we have a small advantage, but that won't be decisive for the results being on this, we have good time to prepare for the match. and also we will hopefully play a bit of it. but because today i think we played a good match. we controlled the match, but we lacked some intensity because of the match, did not need them. and the french late powered spanish around are 12 points clear at the top of the table. they beat affairs. rivals mar saves by thing down to 10 men for much of the game. lucas better although given
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a straight read for that challenge. b as she score twice and the 2nd half gone salo ramos with number 2. the teams are also in champions lead to attention. they'll be pulling barcelona in the quarter finals of the rise and rise of tennis player younique's center continues the tale and has won the miami open scenario class bowl . gary is gregory demitra in the final and dropping just 4 games on his way to a straight fence victory. a 22 year old also won the 1st from some title of the on australia and he's only lost one match. so for the season that was against carlos alvarez 2 weeks ago, i didn't even well the separate move center to number 2 in the world rankings above alvarez. well, number one know by jock, that is now in his sight. the goals and world number one nally corda has now 13 tournaments in a row on the lpga tour light is coming up for 2 being shipped in arizona,
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as david stokes reports another week, another trophy phonetic told the world number one when the food championship by 2 shots, and in doing so, i became the 1st woman to rack up 3 wins, and 3 starts since thailand's a re a to, to now getting in 2016. she's the 1st american to do it since nancy lopez in 1978. what's the secret to his success? i don't really know. just really enjoying myself out there. but i mean, i love golf. i've always loved golf. i mean, sometimes it's harder than other days. last year was definitely one of the harder years. i never really got any momentum going with injuries and such a 25 year old code that comes from a very sporty family. assess the jessica also plays on. so i brought this the best you into the pro tennis player as well. had parents the father pensacola, when the 1998 australian open natalie,
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one last week in california and on the previous appearance in florida in late january. she says taking a 7 week break in between really helps i really enjoyed my time off. spend a lot of time with my family. i went back to prague. enjoy to kinda live outside of golf a little just disconnected. and to me that, that was just like the perfect research going into this, like busy schedule. australia is here in the feed for the 2nd behind quarter, making just a 2nd to her parents who run is up. check the $270000.00 is more than she does in the past 4 years combined. i mean, she's an amazing player and to share the stage with her is, is a really and on us. so. yeah, yeah, it was, it was a great day, but just felt sure, but again, it's an experience. so we move on. kuda is wrapped up. maybe $1000000.00 as in prize money with a $3.00 straight wins. she now has 11 victories. i'm told to go with the olympic
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gold. she went and took care in 2021. next up, she'll be looking to make it full. when's it arrive? this week's much play in las vegas. david stokes would you say were, were on james square to 40 points in the hallway, lakers went against brooklyn. that's be a 39 year old now. holds the record for the most 30 point games and the history. james also match the career high, 9 free pointers in the game, leading lakers to 116 to a 104 victory over that. james joins michael jordan as the only player in league history. the last 440 point things after the age of 39, the lakers 6 when in 7 game music up to 9 in the western conference, lot of fun they played well except for the yeah they, they to look at has done this to shot from lucca don't judge was the highlight of his performance for the dallas mavericks assisting score and $47.00 points in total . leading his side, dallas to
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a 125 to 107 when against the houston rockets victor expense and now is winning streak to 70 stared down 3. okay. that is all you support from them back to you rock. finally, thank you very much. indeed, not after a long and heated debates, gemini has become the biggest you country to legalize kind of, as for personal use, the new law is one of the most liberal in europe, alarming adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug stuff. awesome and thoughts from valid it was a happy moment for those lab long campaign to be criminalized. cannabis, active. it's got it. i believe it's kind of his museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament. the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pros emotions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public. and it'd be, it'd be a huge,
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really huge relief for the consumer's opponents of the law called in responsible citing dangerous health effects troubles of you to mention because even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so bad, the damage by drug abuse. because i've never found that way back into normal life. i've spoken to so many doctors you want against during time, as part of child support to say the opposite is true. if adoption can be controlled . since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow and sell kind of best for medical use. the main indications are kind of as prescribed as point of pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational cannabis. so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be allowed to stay minor. you wanna write rolling plans to gather everyone in germany about 18 years old. come now possess 25 grams of cannabis and
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public 50 grams at home and grow 3 of these plants themselves, making the german kind of his policy even more liberal. and in countries like the netherlands, where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized, but produces worried that the government's main aim to crack down on the black market won't be a chief official says home going cannabis, especially in the german climates isn't easy, and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's a, that's the truth for either go from the street. or if you have a health issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now, dealers in this bach and bullying won't lose all their business steadfast and algebra, bullying. i'm going to be back in a couple of minutes with more and all these stories on robots and stay but
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the in an increasingly complex world, it's paramount to be direct capture. what there should move in international law is vehicle b, this model on sort of discussions, the customer, the noise is real, operates under climate of absolute infinity. we challenge conventional wisdom. how does it affect you? how does it affect the community? a sense that message that and the out of bigotry that a sama fob. yeah. but these are acceptable forms of, of hates upfront. what, how does your system a little booth is a mechanic or even that self driving train the vehicle. but android today can be really humanoid robots, like me, will be everywhere else, your 0 documentary, which to the lead on the weird and wonderful world of learn think and even trust.
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i feel like i'm a life, but i know i on the machine origins of this, which is how believes that shouldn't underestimate the consequences of snatching out and move from their natural habitat . family groups are separated, and infants and juveniles are separated from their mothers. and it causes a tremendous amount of social disturbance in these populations, which we just don't think about. i mean, know how come here to be in behaviorally sophisticated they are how complex they are. and yet to put them into a gauge doctor, we shouldn't like big and keep them all their lives. he also believes that science isn't the only factor to consider ricky thinking, that if i have a degree, if i look in the research institution or a university, i'm best place to understand the macbooks. and so if we don't continue with animal experimentation,
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so let's be aware of the impact so far. the actions. let us don't mean that we don't harm. we don't touch we do. we exploit the reports that emerging of horrific executions during israel's siege of jobs as our chief a hospital. the truth constituted war crimes from the rubble of gases. one's biggest hospital, the witness a tons of people with their hands phoned and buried alive. also i had the time about this and this is obviously a lie from don't have also coming up


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