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tv   The India Report Indias Media - Captured Cowed Censored  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm AST

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was given jelly is actually among the lucky ones and the stuff by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor as district hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach and paying for a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical of water shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here in a step by that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown or regularly over the years. water sort of just are nothing new. but the recent crisis and the realization things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the brakes where they want the neighbors to last for long as you've been out of the neighbors get together and took the tanks by force
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essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. we'll stop a flo. does this job has become increasingly dangerous as the water has become more scarce. demand far of waste supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive. with time's ticking before the task goes dry again, angelica rushes to washed, dirty laundry, and with the run of names, the floor. having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica feels the situation could be coming on casino both the medicine, i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politic the popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year this year,
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is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it to ago, the, i know i'll just sierra mexico city russian offices living in argentina is capital of tried to paint a mural depicting the late russian opposition leader alexi new volley bucks. police are stopped from before it was finished. does is as opposed to being placed in flows of the sites and one a series of only died suddenly in a russian prison february. the kremlin the study died of national causes as pauses of blame, the president vladimir putin instead. india a report is next. i'm robots and stay with us on the such a use only from the rwandan genocide, the same as remembrance will burn in honor of the over at 800000 lives to perished
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with mess. grace still being from a many ruined and still displaced to reconcile this the nation. the anniversary of the rwandan genocide on out to sierra within the midst of national elections. it's news media isn't shop focused. the country has arguably one of the biggest media i will systems in the world over 400 news channels. 800000 newspapers, assuming online digital ecosystem under recently, is believe that that should diversity and insured for its media, a degree of independence. but today, many believe that, but it's really all rings of the media, being honest, just of interest in varying degrees of priming to send that into the movie n. as in the nationalist b, j, p. i use the private as it was. but i was going to scrutinize the most, he's not giving us the best confidence. how is he being scrutinized?
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i think the press confidence as what it means to me, i think has kind of become better, not the media and many believe quickly. russo is role and enjoying a a success is done for me is the movie. how does the media get you and i'll just fill bases there for media that's big to to follow those megabytes of outside of the big. yeah. yeah, hold on. so it's me to get, keeps me care. i'm lucky such a lot. i'm john to take the items in this episode of being the port i will take you inside the world of india. kept doing media, starting with a place where i work for close to the and the tv on new daily television. once considered in the last, unbiased broadcast. the so nearly took the dis, outwardly on remarkable building, a new daily headquarters to be in the tv news network was my place of what i did.
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2023. it was seen as the last 4000 and tv news. not afraid to speak truth to power . some of these not been in fall for new to yours. so where, where, where to rid of those jobs going, which were promised like me to be. you just found that for decades appears at most into propagandist for the more the government. and some of the funds by prime minister, not in the head of the 2024 model of the prime minister, has wished all the off position many and become willing loads. because what i can do right, thing i do. all of it gets really bought the bought up. but what's the name of the? let me let me say that somebody else does it done. somebody at the hot if that he gets a sick doing just take it from me. my study of brain time shows on 7 prominent indian networks getting 2022 fios into more. these 2nd phones that with the exception of in the tv, the largest amount of time was spent targeting the bunk beds of the link. but the
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muslims focused on, on the beach, a piece of political drive, of only a fraction of the time spent on more pressing concerns like inflation, unemployment that we use, combined with a colleague for the better part of took the mike com default on in the tv in the channels we have top it, that'd be part of the thing. definitely media. how somebody got to be looked. i got a got a good tune to put, you know, if you didn't like by night after night, you did what the media meant to do. all the governments do account. i mean it got me washington post buckeye dog didn't think inside. get us with the company. the normative metrowood was part of maybe you see that as a joke. did you meet the horse or 50? my go to jo. gimme a call. we'll see given. didn't think it a game for taking a critical 0 generalist like visual label, pressed it to, it's by multi support test done through government news networks scheme to be called go the media go the means lap. and he'd be the idea that these channels that
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importing from the lack of the government the doing part on in 2020, when to government networks and then to cover pharma for this thing, the more the administration of new laws with farmers believes of the comprehensive it will take good with the the is good, i can be up none the go, the media equal me, right? if i can the, you know, i've been, if you any idea you can confirm, i may need to get some is these guys to my government and uh, so i'm a non pulled out that the guy guy is he started say, yeah, be my guy. if you go to the media, if you'll be, will stay up in a garlic on the top, if not affecting to be uh you dog water gets a minute and bigger unit is a maya or was skunk way. he needed a bad little board. mean, i'm within the rocking good. these are the that, that to be good. the may fall to be. i got the, the pleasant. what do you say,
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ryan baker? by jesse event, but he worked on all these digital campaigns. when will the 1st band for prime minister? he went on to become see your press on hockey, the company that runs in guest public broadcast from an earlier time when the government was able to be headed to account, much more predicts much more to now with largely the government gets away, you don't see any any time to shift and one is that the other is, as i mentioned, the general, essentially furthering the routing parties into 1st i going to do a night after night. essentially target might not have these, you know, have division of debates. even spread hit. you don't do that, you don't see that you may 1st of uh, you know, the point that the united, the government not being criticized or not. i don't agree with that because if you look at some really big policy decisions, rather the government knows how to take
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a step back. i'd be in the land acquisition and maybe the farm, but it's like, uh the it is not because you know that when i checked the different, obviously the strong voice of the government recognize that, you know, within a lot of those cases that meets the media, allows you to the government site, they actually ended up targeting the port testers and, and describing all kinds of agenda. so i'm coming to the 2nd part of this phenomenon, which is last me, 7 pm to 10 pm perhaps, or maybe less than pm on certain standards. i think it is, it has less to do with government and propagation and it has multiple with the manner in which view the, they think system as kind of becomes which it is that a certain format of the content has, you know, clear to this site to apply the you'll see that the other things are going on because someone is very loud and someone is very well known as of that argument and hands you'll see what has been happening,
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but i don't think it extends to pull it out of deal the last point is arguably, while india has an impressive number of media outlets in the past, vicki, the editorial sloan defend over when the majority of them has shifted in favor of some of the government. those outlets that didn't fall in line like in the tv, have to pay the price. within 3 years of movie coming to bar entity, these phone does what they did on charge of the financial fraud. a temper, the ban on their leaving, the country was later overturned in court. and then in 2023 with national elections a year we came the in the game. and the tv was bought out by the a dining room run by a 1000000000 sci cool. considered as close to the prime minister at the global that made global headline as a tipping point. in the decline of being gaz, press freedoms, the w i n a plus your father journalist design. so enough to a,
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i always wanted to ask you this, the, the news i do you that i need group is taking what and the tv will suck menu with whom it? huh. it'll be a lot of fun because i didn't method i up, man, i've got a message. you see the code of the company. they may, you need to cut out their bind and get it put in good rock of apo. and then they'll say, i'm going to say i'm going to go to the code. sorry for 93 x one. go time and document . keep recording. got it on the bottom of the number 12. are those megabytes of outside of the big yeah. up. yeah, hold on. so uh yeah, um the set your to meet the man, the credit pay or the $1.00 cover on contract. got it. okay. i'm a little too. i think we can see, but the konica for me to come with me, but uh get upset, but i'm going back to the easy because he did coming back to me cuz he did took i didn't did that on the switch me to get k p k i mean, lucky such a lot. i'm john 50. i'm not going to give you exist. good night. is this up?
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some of me on the what's that same with him on the longest so that it's that i mean, right here, john 30 uh yeah. so hold on, uh, looking uh, does the 1000 a couple of times a year after the change of management entity vps to have joined designs of pro government media with programming like this $9.00 tvs to month 9 years of the more the government a strong leader comfortable and confident in the presence of the most popular leaders, the one i got up of government on good support, se about that can give will continue to be a good the media phenomenon, nanny up of made it is it, but the v b slips. i've got to get them to get a good bit of what he a beach, a lot of ways that it's about. they've got a thing when they look back is the leaving it behind them. halligan. yeah. and because some sort of the, the kid was that product it barely assigning,
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tugging medium a when you bought it, or do you have a member the young and the community that can do has that it's all that the bod media got looked at it, but i have a look of the name v and goodies, but i say ok, uh now 5 months school college, sony that it is. and then you get the, uh, uh, somebody's got a new, valuable gang and then you get caught someone's going to name it was on the national. and i'm assuming it was that the national denied on big news. me for a lot, the opposition good. just that as a bad life man, i'm gonna shut the cannot be known as good enough, or the mean gardener. democracy can different different institutions. school getting in, getting media and of me. and dad has the make of the media. is that old media give you kind of puts a little upset of gotta say aligned with that a hit close with that a yes. some of those that are, are leaking doors are to throw that the bob got with nature would be cool. in the years press freedom has limited dramatically in god's renting of the 2023 was breast feed him,
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index has slipped. 161 out of 180 countries the lowest india has ever been on the index. the pattern of media captured in movies. india is drawing competitive and still are the ones that key or big data or bonds hungry censorship. intimidation. janet is willing to play a game cheerly, this pleasing serious questions about the role that the media explain it in the us democracy today. they will event, but the, the government supported disagrees. he says the rising site of pro, movie induced and fig programming is a vector vacation of a long and drenched liberal bias on the, on the images and act. and i, i think that is an important connection which had to happen because you had a sort of english speaking elite, who are, you know, disproportionate influence on the editorial perspective, there was emerging auto and i think that is being collected now because in, yeah, uh, as far more uh, you know, uh, identity content. so go to, uh, you know,
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traditions, an identity is different from islam, a phobia and bigotry and spitting hate. which is essentially a lot of what the media as the way the courts have cautioned them. it's not necessarily made a difference, isn't that some sudden? yes, again, no, i wouldn't link that to another phenomenon, which is perhaps the last few years or where social media has started to have a disproportionate influence on new york mainstream media. so what was happening is you have these items with use which of finding their way to, you know, mainstream media and, and, and that cycle of just reading it sense. okay. but i think be one way to look at it is to activate all the blame on, you know, what is happening with the government a state and, and that's why on this happening. i think that's already my hope, equity chart, limited way of looking. however, if one looks at the trend and in getting media, the problem will be shifting so much of the programming and pointing to the b g p,
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as influence doesn't seem to mildly there's been an alarming rise in vains and media networks. and the last, the increasing pressure on media owners, and you'd want to take a federal government like to opt out of this. you say you to shift away the say, what's the coward you will see it go 1st of all the heck you still got enough. what i have was good boss, existence guy, get. i gotta say this exist goodnight and the pro more these when they get a lot of up with john's name. it's not just the national media in the government's crosses. in the south indian state of canada, we meet the promo of drama, the edited of the media. one news network in 2020 is channels which broadcasts and the locals money out of them language was abruptly taken off a by the government. douglas? no, but that's all and it started out of the blue i'll just and the geno just went off at the tentative vento payable shutdown was too good by the channels reporting on
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anti muslim riots in daily, in february 2020. according to the notice, some of the information ministry, media ones coverage was biased and critical of the rule of the daily police. and if a hindu nationalist outfit, the artist, this big problem was, uh, some things to go get out of reporting on video guides and then media ones that are holding our daily lives. because of many of those with this, the reporting on the, on the pretty funny the event into the event in the delightful people are all, all for what of who are suffering from this right now because of the content of the story was not in line with the work out as well, so i'll say no that that was the reason the band will soon give us the channel back on it. but the signal is clear, phone in line or that even the funding press is not exempt. this the least is the story of newton's new movies,
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probably relationship with india's listings. in february 2022, the bbc added, documented critical of that and remove these roland drive. that's it. up to the western state of good job in 2002 of the times movie was chief minister of the region. did the police under your come on to enough to stop the ride? not on the net, but excellent web builder. the bbc had text and the, the documents he was denounced. let me just make it really clear. we think this is a propaganda piece designed to push a particular discredited medic. online streaming of the pin was blocked, and indian tax officials swooped down on the dairy headquarters of the broad gusta . the leads with the stock is to manifestation of the intensifying pressure is on the button pressed in movies india. amy jasmine was based in danny for 13 years at the southeast bureau chief of the finances die is newspaper ti experiences firsthand via those of press freedoms. since even before the bbc date things didn't
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change a lot over on the from the time that the loading was 1st selected, one of the very significant changes was that large parts of the country essentially became of limits to foreign correspondents to actually visits in the past 4 in general is generally had fairly free range of movements within india, including to places like kashmir demo, and ne, at a certain point in time, the foreign ministry suddenly sent out a letter which said that in order to visit these areas, you needed official government permission not long before these rules weren't forced there, it's been a lot of interest in cust mirror and there is a lot of very intense coverage. and i think that these rules were reimpose and reinforced as a way of kind of trying to limit this kind of on the flattering coverage
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piece deputy this. yeah. st. generalist vanessa junior. the longest, subbing for the engine list in india. less but dunphy also the government checked into expense. the official reasons for the fact were doing the ext port malicious reporting and traveling through district today. it is without permission to react has denied the allegations. we've seen grades on the bbc, we've had statements from the committee to protect journalists, which says that foreign correspondents in india. and they have faced increasing visa uncertainties. restricted access to simulate as of the country, even types of the population in the database. and for critical reporting in recent years, that's what we're basing it right, that that'd be the same document. nothing new to those produced. and some very, very obvious letting mistakes that that was, what was that justification then for reading, know if you look at what exactly happened was because there are certain facts
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issues. and then the baby's, the face that there enough that screwed them even though you're not good enough. or if you are so particular about, you know, the, a little slow, but you have to, you know, all of my life for the, for me and, and then india, if you want to put it on in your, your word front of the, what is the learning and then what is the really shows with the effects compliance india's mainstream media brought in like the following this committee to is there any space left for critical journalism in india? india has an estimated 460000000 youtube gives us the most and the was edged out by networks reluctant to take on the government. dozens of independent might agenda list, and commentators have tried the streaming platform alongside a handful of lucky digital new sites. they've been listed as the last output, the publics, but it, it generally isn't. in india, the unity office may not go to was a former means being journalist recalls perfect youtube general setup to be usable
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platform report stories of oppression fees by a community. that is a marginalized people at the bottom of clicking due process system making made about cutting. so why don't we have will be doesn't media and the yeah the but i, we here. but anybody movie i but it, but agenda this time will the cost to become the deputy in the i guess i dish have i don't think i said they had to have both got fed up with odds. good. or maybe the c name is nice when i say that people gosh, for boss goods. okay. a little because of ticket costs get larger. what do you have or gaskets? um, where does the best time you want me? because how do i speak to him? come on the aspect of honey i had to stay with the cost to be with you. so what's the physical don't mean to homework stuff make it was easy was conducting with the same engine. would that is competitive with the same engine who got the guessing? probably they call it i just con, which what does it, what to model? yeah, that's because me finding a lot to our company to follow up with us. what's going on here?
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yeah. because of what truly finding components when they go with this other model, the available golf stop. so today the studio is, i me just as election is the government's digital push back is when a new way the move, the government is roofing, and scores of online influenza is to push its not at it like a youtube who goes by the hand of bill biceps, with those to $7000000.00 subscribers, was bios, is that via by 50, started off of the fitness and fashion and youtube, but as elections there is. the timeline is crowded with interviews with highlighting, well, the government ministers, typical questions like this. are you happy in life? yeah, what's the best and worst things about doing that? you just leave a moment nor does even moments. i don't know, but i just assumed that i might be one. i'm a 100 percent. sure. that even on a geopolitical scale, that is all of your 6th sense. i'm sure. i'll be there to get away. some of my name
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is to have some really good my good coverage. certain books are better than the bios. the interviews attending details. some of these recordings are in quotes, collaboration with mike got a government agency. in addition to pushing his own narrative, the government is also collecting down on critical voices in the name of fighting this information. it is introduced to cd the stringent new laws, including the setting up of an official fact jacob, which was bet online journalism about the government. any force that i found to be fake news will have to be taken down. come to the government fact take information about it says, surely that's a conflict of interest. so was most the, what is the government saying they're saying that if you haven't reported something wrong, right. and then it has a certain consequence, i'm level as intermediary to get ahold of that and then you'll still have to be
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close to the courts, the boy. and if you've seen the on the wrong, i'm going to go to the next. but that is effectively the, the definition of temperature that the government then becomes judge judy and executioner. and they're getting on. yes, you can dial in which the internet is wrong or false. now it is the media housemate, is it the they may feel that this is less than what? yeah, but we have a history here in india and that information is video will be missing, but it and misrepresented and i mean the public office. so i know how to do things, what is elections name? the cheer leading on that end of the movie has these to fit on in dest, primetime use for the prime minister himself has remained loose from questioning the hallmark of his lopsided relationship with the news media in his decade in office. he is not at this to sing the best confidence they called for an indian prime minister. instead he professed softball interviews to select 10 goods, including to funding food stuff. i'm ready for them to be copied. you have
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got a good opportunity, give me about a set of thinking mindset i think of, but do i just give that back to you mean i'd be in the energy of guessing they cut out the visuals of the beam which come in the form of slicking edited videos, i'm only teasing you provided by the government, all the ruling party doing and questioning media. but my content is that, and i think he's the prime minister was, but i was going to scrutinize the most practically you and them. and when he's not the best confidence, how does he mean scrutinized every day with this? but i was asking him questions that i had on social media on was that's very different to actually being able to austin face to face with you shortly and bought into the democracy. but i don't say the manner in which, which he communicates right when he's communicating directly with the people to to,
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to it or to facebook various more. and so i to hear that part. so yes, i think the, the press confidence as the main store, i think has kind of become better not. you see me this evening is that the boss is not going to be good enough thought i'd journalist if not side on news and good if last are editor. it's not, not on media. com malick this. even if i could use this, get the asked me vx upcoming, correct. but not with the bodies. if we did the new one, but it keep ave keeping and get to meet when you get body met and it really take your skin. bob, be of them. will be good. okay. uh yeah, i'm going to take a simple go to that and go in the media and go view favorable to the governor's need. yeah. so he's done with love oper, oper as a just simply on how to even guys can move the supporter, say his performance minutes. the glowing coveted heated seats. by virtually every metric, though it's evident that the indian media landscape has largely been captured by the b j. b,
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and i'm questioning compromise. the assembly line of journalists are doing spaces today to just children, eyes, the government, and it scream a put that in the movie event and vba position as a mix of it. what a fucked up. as prime minister the biggest over the election, yet in history, the biggest democracy, both its own epic showdown in this final episode of feeding the port. finally off the prime minister and the movie elevated india global baez's file. the 4th will be, take a long room under the microscope with them and how much is facts? and how much is fiction to be in the port fox for? oh, no. does he done with every donation given with every hearts that can so we are changing lives in palestine showing that's loved the days you donated,
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we deliver to a partnership we'll be in bringing you husband love to palestine for all to see so donates, with confidence, donates with outcast foundation, we are in palestine together. we are changing the world. one hawks that's time. huge reserves of alysia used in electric batteries and find to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels live be nice to vast audience. salt lake. a unique ecosystem. the contention is communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower. awesome. is it possible to extract the mental without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on it just one day i might be covering politics like post office a from serbia. it's a 100. what's most important to me is talking to people understanding what they are
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going through so that i can convey the headlines from the most human way possible. here we believe everyone has a story worth hearing, the the hello on elizabeth put on them, and this is the news, allan life from dough hawk coming off in the next 16 minutes scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of causes on ship a hospital report so imagine that this really someone is committing atrocities that could constitute new crimes. witnesses talent as the palestinians were executed to israel's siege of a facility. some shots, others is said to have been buried and.


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