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tv   NEWSHOUR  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 6:00pm-7:01pm AST

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worth hearing the . ready the low on elizabeth put on them, and this is the news, allan life from doha, coming off in the next 16 minutes scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of causes all ship a hospital report. so imagine that this really someone is committing atrocities that could constitute new crimes. witnesses talent, as the palestinians were executed to israel's siege of the facility. some shots, others have said to have been buried alive. we hear from launches into chaos. the opposition candidates when big in sundays local elections plus the
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$500.00 which has been to know to district to zimbabwe. on the 24th of february 1918, 27 people were sent to this incident. i'll tell you what many families are still waiting for just in school for me. that one's owners are set to buy most o g p and a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american liberty media group. it says it wants to take the most of like, serious to a why the global audience. the report so imagine of is rarely a truck that you use during its 2 weeks. the age of golf is also a whole special that of proven would constitute the most heinous of all crimes. according to a statement released by him off and based on witness accounts is where the troops carried out risk executions of civilians. dozens of decomposing bodies have been found in the medical compound, and local officials say around 300 palestinians were killed. there were reports and
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we must rest unconcerned at this time, that some of the victims had their hands tied and were buried alive. others, according to witness accounts, will crushed with tax and what appears to be an attempt to cover up the evidence. so the, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, somewhere shot dead. others were buried alive and ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is ready. so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded through the throne in the ditch and buried was sent up, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes, like in august, while we found the entire dialysis department burned down, these really soldiers set it on fire. we were taking shelter in the hospital. god have mercy on our souls. we cannot even find our dead. we can not even find all those killed here in the hospital. my husband was being treated here,
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he died in the hospital, they starved him to death. but most of all ship a hospital has now been reduced to rubble. fenton monahan begins our coverage once it was a place of healing and sanctuary. now gauze and cities, el cheapo hospital does nothing more than ruins. many palestinians have come here to see for themselves what little remains you know about come across the room. a medical facility serving civilians is totally destroyed, let into the ground. it was the central hospital for garza. all the hospitals departments were destroyed, including the borrower trades, radiology unit. many dead bodies have also been found. this is what else chief i looked like before the war and as israel bomb the strip, thousands took refuge here. but is rarely forces have laid siege to the hospital for the past 2 weeks. buildings were burned and the court yard was pulled over.
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when they withdrew, they left behind a trail of bodies across the compound gauze. the health ministry says hundreds were killed and is really rate. and many patients died because they were deprived of medical care. now the vulnerable are being taken elsewhere. it's not the 1st time they've been forced to move. but as israel's foreign gauze, it continues to expand. they may find that know where it's safe vented monahan, i'll just hear us. any of we spoke and talked to him of how much of a law flush at all ship, a hospice with them. he described what he witnessed there as a group mosley. i was present at the 6 am this morning. my lady said it was a victim of the home. i had to call you behind the line for the aide into the hospital. the cna we found the data,
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but it's all of them were handcuffed behind the back and blindfolded the well enough to drive these unprecedented throughout the we have never seen anything like that. and any other role they have place, i see the entire hall or the coast house for 15 days. during this time they have been right. they'll cover all the pride they have to go to. and some of the we haven't spoken to many of the bible, davidson with new for the own eyes that they had with many to benefit is being executed, including the wage as well. another living, throw a know the basic route before the hospital with the
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we had the big a uh, the total number of patients after the fees this number had dropped to that's bringing our correspondent hunting muscle. if he's joining us life on the outside in southern gaza and honey, it's difficult to process information we receiving and seeing from i'll shift a what is the basis that you're hearing and how people's feeling about the complete destruction of causes largest? what was causes largest most advanced medical facility? yes, elizabeth will this is, this is part of the psychological and or if they are going on across the gaza strip that had been a fair, widely perceived by people across the gaza strip as part of the of the psychological portrait. the not even hospitals are safe and not even those
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evacuated inside the hospital, largely civilian injuries and, and patients that an elderly medical is that no one is safe inside a place that's supposed to be a place of feeling, a place to save lives and to protect people. busy from all the time, but right now what we say is shocking. trauma has to be taught. and by the way down doing just this is going to get those who have been injured in just an attack within the past half an hour. and he threw up on that, he just created a k as around the house, but those 6 people remoted killed so far that more of the brand it is. keep on holding it from a promise you've been hospitalized. we're looking at close to 400 people have been killed and executed inside the hospital. or there are evidence of being executed at either being tied up and then buried or buried alive. either the rubble, then the and turning the ground, destroying facilities across inside the complex that we're looking at least as all
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the medical supplies were houses were destroyed inside the hosp to the 800 bids a medical bid been destroyed and severely damaged and ha, almost a 100, they alice's machines that being also destroyed and severely damaged. an entire health facility is the largest that represents 3rd of health care service across the gods through is completely now 100 percent out of service. that is really monetary. describe what happened at the hospital inside the conflict as a limited and a 1st size operation. but after close to 3 weeks, what we're looking at is more about atrocities. atrocious ox took place inside the hospital with the mass. the rest of almost 500 people and the large number of people have been killed. and despite the allegations made by those really military, those are being killed. our for our operatives are how most elements or other palestinian fight a group. when we look at this morning and heard families remaining family members,
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this fact thing, the destruction are looking for family members inside the hospitals. the shot that the vast majority of what we heard about their names and there were about all civilians who were children inside a ship, a hospital where it's acute it and cold a lot. yeah, honey, it's interesting. you know, you mentioned all of the equipment that has been destroyed and i'll shift you said a 100 dialysis machines destroyed. and i know that there are around 500 people in gaza who needs dialysis. so just once again, highlighting what the complete destruction of gauze hospitals has on people, not just those has been ended, but with pre existing conditions. news of all schiffer has of course being the focus today, hunting but not for those who are being attacked by israel elsewhere. and gaza. you mentioned the ambulance behind you earlier was going to an attack that's just taking place in java.
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yes, just half an hour ago. a drawn fire that leaves 2 missiles on a group of people at dates are in part of rough. actually. now i'm familiar with that area because i pads and whenever i go pick it up, food supplies i passed by that area. it's very crowded. they are a mazda, there are so many tents around the area and just hearing about the number of people who have been brought to the community hospital here, those who are being killed sick people. i understand why it is a very crowded area with lots of children and people displace families in the area . now they've talked on rough here just within the past half an hour is not the. the 1st one is not the only ones that today, but the center of the area was also a major size. so ongoing constant artillery selling, as well as massive air strikes these on refuge account, the raise refuge account by the gap with more people reported injured. and killed all the transferred to a locks the hospital,
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the only the my function. and right now we are, we can simply say it's, it's pointed at the lowest capacity possible or not with, with the ship completely out of service. we're looking at only a hospital here in the central area, $1.00 and $2.00 hospitals here in and drop off city and their junk way to also the are still operation out. but again, at the very lowest capacity possible. honey, thank you very much for that. that's not correspondent, honey. my with the latest live in alpha in southern gaza. that's bringing home the son who's now she's joining us live from occupied east jerusalem. and what is israel saying about should siege from that we must remember that none of its previous claims about fights is using hospitals have ever been proven. of the most notably back in november and the is rarely army head claims from us was using the hospital as a military command center. and headquarters claims that have never been proven to
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this day. and in fact, there were several raids on not only on the ship, a hospital, but other medical facilities for the same type of claims. this is the 4th raid and sage on the largest medical complex inside of gaza. and after a 2 week attack by these really are we, they said that they have concluded what they call the precise and targeted operation. though that could be up for debate, given the devastation of destruction that was left behind in the hospital. these really army also says they've arrested at $500.00 fighters. we do know that in the beginning of the siege, there were journalists who were among those who were detained by these really forces. additionally, they say they have killed 200 fighters. witnesses and other sources on the ground have told the data that civilians were among them. we have reached out to these really army about the claims of civilians being executed at the hospital. and we have not yet heard back. yeah, it's really important to remember how the isn't it that the earlier siege on all
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ship a hospital and event the human rights watch said that they couldn't cooperate, as well as claim that the hospital was being used by him. awesome. washington posted in detailed analysis and said the same thing as well. that is where the government is going to come under increasing pressure increase and condemnation. the pressure is also continuing on less than younger from would then as well as attendance the 2nd evening of anti government protests in west jerusalem. jews has stopped soon. the pressure has been mounting on the is really prime minister on all fronts who have international ways from israel's biggest ally, the united states. but then you have the pressure that's been turning up internally . buying doesn't yahoo own constituents, his own population, who said that he needs to be not only rules from office, but quote, overthrown. they're saying that this demonstration that's happening in west jerusalem is the 2nd of a 3 day pro test. and in fact,
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a lot of demonstrators have constructed a 10 city outside of these really parliament. there are several road closures because of this. and in fact, yesterday organized our sense that there were around a $100000.00 protesters in attendance outside of the class that's building. and this comes as they say, there needs to be a lot more that's done to bring back. the remaining is really captive. there needs to be a new outlook politically when it comes to how this works is going to end. and this is the largest show of hands and government demonstrations. we've seen since the war began on october 7th from the thank you very much for that. that's how i'm the son who is joining us live from occupied east jerusalem is really and us officials are set to hold a virtual meeting this afternoon. let's bring in a white house correspondent the company. how could she's running his life from washington? dc is reported that these talks will be focused on at alpha kimberly, but given the severity of the reports coming from gaza today could all ship
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a come up is yeah, there's no question that i'll shift a will come up. this is always of when the 2 governments meet a wide range of topics that are discussed. so we know that this will be the topics that will be discussed in addition to rafa. but it's important to know that this meeting itself almost didn't take place, given the fact that it was a roughly cancel, just one. we could go by these really prime minister benjamin netanyahu following the un security council vote on resolution for a temporary cease fire during ramadan. and this was eventually rescheduled, but what had initially been an in person meeting as you point out is now a virtual meeting which is going to make discussion somewhat more challenging. we know that in addition to l shift uh, what will also be discussed are the plans by the is really government for
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a potential military ground operation into rafa. one that the united states is opposed to, given the fact that there are more than a 1000000 palestinians sheltering, they're told that they would be safe there. and now that is no longer the case. so the united states is looking at perhaps viable alternatives. and this is something that we know they are encouraging the is really government to do so if president will be the national security advisor, jake sullivan, who will be leaving this meeting along with the minister for a strategic affairs and these really side ronda or you have to be really interesting to see what comes out of that missing given just how much is at stake for the some 1.4 or 5000000 people sheltering in alpha. kimberly, they're a constant reports about the bottom administrations frustration with the israeli government. but why hasn't that materialized to any real policy change? so yeah, and you're seeing that frustration not only outside the united states,
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but inside the united states, even within the democratic party, which is the president's own party. oh, as recently as just a few days ago, a very senior democratic senator, bernie sanders was a tweeting that he was frustrated by the latest arms package to israel saying, but the united states cannot beg, nothing yahoo to stop sobbing civilians one day and then sending him thousands more bonds that can level entire city blocks, referencing the bombs and fighter jets package that was sent by the united states at the bottom line. and all of this is that there is some recognition by joe biden . as recently as a few days ago about the suffering that at the same time, what has happened is that these arms packages have been previously authorized in the case of just a few days ago. that was part of an authorization from 20082009. so some of this is
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the wheels of government already in motion, as so the us president. in some cases his hands are tied, but in other cases this is a position of the us president and his stop support of israel committee. thank you very much for that. that's on white house correspondents, live in washington dc. some background on all ship a hospital now it was gauze as largest and most advanced healthcare facility. is there a claim that was him off his main come on center, but didn't provide conclusive evidence. the hospital had specialized facilities, surgical, internal medicine, obstetrics, and gynecology. before the siege, the more than $300.00 patients, including $35.00 premature babies and the facility dollars, health ministry said about $30000.00 people that includes medical style, patients and people, fist from the homeless had been sheltering in and around the complex. it's tanya hodge hudson is a pediatric intensive care physician who works with
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a doctors without borders. she was just in garza with a child of a cold medical aid for palestinians who k and she's joining us live from the jordanian capital. i'm on dr. hodge. awesome. thank you very much for your time today. so sweet. what is your reaction to what we're seeing from? i'll shift a someone who's worked in health care in gaza. yeah, i'm, i'm utterly speechless. and this comes, this forensic footage is released only 24 hours after i lost the hospital, the hospital where i was based that for 2 weeks, it was also bombs just outside the hospital in the, the, the tents that sit across from the emergency department entrance. this has been a very fast, a labs slide to a demise of all of the rules and laws that protect the health care we have watched and she's gonna get besieged bombed at read it. in the past we, we,
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we found no conclusion, conclusive evidence of any of the accusations that were being thrown away around. and regardless what we have known all along is that as ship, all hospital has been desperately trying to to, to treat the patients in the north of gaza and has been functioning as a health facilities. i know that for a fact and many of my colleagues were there and treating patients when the hospital was seized 2 weeks ago. they weren't, they described being forced out of the hospital after being besieged without food or water. the men were stripped naked. they describe abuse and torture, and those that were released and fled, we have been able to communicate with the rest that have to have disappeared. we know that they've been detained, and this comes after a, a, you know, of a series or a pattern of these unlawful the tensions of health care workers. and many of them we, we haven't heard back from. and this is just an element of what was happening on
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shift. so the private of food, water access to all the things that the patients and health care workers inside the facility need a need for life. and then ultimately a rating of the hospital at mass executions of people inside the hospital and stripping of people outside the hospital. and then i'm sure you've heard a lot of the other horrific stories. and then finally, today, these photographs of the hospital in, in ruins. can you tell us about what to ship? it's the beating heart of gauze is health care system. that's how it was described to me by one of the senior doctors there. and that is exactly how we've experienced it when we've gone to the casa in the past. it is the main and the largest hospital in the gaza strip. and if you want to take down a health care system, you take down its largest hospitals and that is exactly the pattern that we've been seeing all along. and i worry now with this blog that's hitch sell side of adults, the hospital that this is going to be an ongoing pattern in the rest of the
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hospitals. i am utterly speech with. we have been screaming about attacks, direct attacks and targeting of health care. since the very beginning. we have watched security council resolution and now multiple preliminary measures from the international court of justice, stating that there are concerns for plausible genocide. and yet there is no atrocity that will prompt governments to act against israel. what is left? there has been a systematic targeting of everything indispensable for life and obliteration. and i know i lation of a, of a desperate populations health care system and a use of starvation as a weapon of war. amongst many of the other crimes against humanity that we've been witness is from the very start. it is so many as you met, humanitarian organizations have said that, as well as using starvation as a weapon of war. again, as someone who has spent so much time treating people in gaza,
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you hopeful that they will be justice for people in gaza or more immediately what kind of access are they going to have to medical care now? so to answer your 1st question 1st, i think just this is an important word here because what we're seeing is an unbearable injustice. seeing myself experiencing in the emergency department. multiple family members who come in searching for their loved ones only to find out cover it in rubble. having been caught in the bottom of self searching for their loved ones only to find out that they are the only surviving member of their family, or that they have one surviving number less. who is in critical in a critical state from from being means bern, dismembered by the indiscriminate bombardment. um, so i do hope there will be justice. that's why we have international courts of justice. that way, that's why we have lots in place to address the massacres of civilian populations
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to address john to slides. and so that's to answer your question. i am hopeful because i if i give off on humanity and i give up on the ultimate justice and then there's no point there, there is no point for any of the work that i've committed my life to. and so yes i do. i am hopeful that there is justice, i'm choosing to have faith and whatever humanity we have left or to answer your 2nd question. what does the gaza population have left in terms of health care? i will tell you that the health care providers who have been besieged, starved, tortured, and then released have been subsequently found the nearest hospital and started working. or again, these are some of the most committed health care providers. i have ever had the privilege of meeting in my life and they have been committed since day one towards their oath. and so i know that they will then move and find some other way to treat
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patients and guys that because that is that that is the commitment they, they need. and, and that is the sense of humanity that i'm, i'm going to do a so much the world as lot lacking. and i do hope the global medical community steps up. and um yeah, yeah, because it's actually the only doing that without with such limited resources. dr. tania hodge house and we have run out of time, but we thank you very much for your time on those that is dr. tanya hodge hudson. and i'm on a thank you. the thing on to other news now and took, he has main opposition, republican people, scotty has had some big wins and sundays low for the elections president, if i should. 5 avalon court of the set back. but said it's not the end of the road
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for his potty said i'm close to on his foot devices on the streets of a stumble. one day after 2 kids highly competitive, local election raised, the majority of the male, you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the made up position. republican party, the c h p. this is the victory for the main. a position who has been far from this, this majority of governing for more than the case, but also it is of the fees for the course of up have silver and city is like is some move for more than 20 years. that opposition that i'm 60 years old and i voted for the c h b for the 1st time, but i do with a game, look at the prices. and remember, the change of it's important to vote for the one who works on nothing at parties supported by voted for its candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him a molar in the stumble. this may or election dave, a clear message to the golf far to enter hundreds of safe drawn,
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wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition, always disappointed. then he said that he received the message given by the citizens, but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028 . calling on me is a major problems. and this is why people mostly voted us for the opposition cnn, because solar elders are a simple to the head on the news. our a lot of prices and one of the world's biggest cities will tell you what the people of mexico is comfortable doing to college. and his poetry on the trends move with inside the spanish, the title, some other behave of action from the laces twins. the
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some big storms come in for the southern states in the us. hey everyone. so here's what's going on. we're getting this one feet off the gulf of mexico pumps up the temperature in houston to nearly 30 cool there will slide off the rockies. so in tuesday, we're in the thick of this stretching from texas to kentucky. up to the ohio valley winds will easily push past a 110 kilometers per hour. and this so torrential downpours. the barge hale and tornadoes possible again from texas right through to the ohio valley. get back to the here and now it's still a few showers ago in los angeles. once we shake them, the sun popes out and temperatures will shoot out. the temperature is also shooting up across the canadian prize is born breeze off the rockies. here alberta prophets is capital admin to you're going to surpass 20 degrees on tuesday whether slug of rain from ohio to west virginia. so we've got some flood alerts in play that will shoot out to the mid atlantic and for central america. some of these eastern caribbean islands going to get dose with rain. so get ready for barbados. that includes you have seen copious amounts of rain for the northeast of brazil. there's
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been funding on the streets there and some more storms marching across the river plate region. this could produce some flooding for eric raise capital. months of the day of today on monday, be careful out there. we'll see you soon. take care the as the well plunges into a climate disaster. we are in planetary class. this year, a new a pub series exposes the reality of the global emergency. there will come a time where no amount of dollars will be able to make up for what is broken and makes the people trying to make a difference. it was endless economic growth, a growth rising for as nothing in nature growth, griffin, dying us coming soon. unique perspective, everything is political. you cannot stay out of politics and everything is a feminist issue to on hud voices. we see our leadership destroying the ability to
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have a normal life in god. and that the stories that really feel us having a normal life. elizabeth connects with our community and tap into conversations you weren't find elsewhere. there is no over there and it's all about it right here. and right now, the stream on out to the around. it's the, [000:00:00;00] the, you're watching the news out of me, elizabeth put on it. and uh huh. a reminder about stories. the sour reports of emerging that is, riley troops executed civilians and crushed the bodies of tags during the siege of
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all ship a hospital and gaza. some of them were found were bound and buried alive, according to witnesses and the statement released by hans officials and also stays rarely, troops killed around 300 people in and around the medical complex buildings with the and, and critics and medical equipment, the stores leaving the hospital completely active service to k is made opposition. republican peoples policy has had some wins and sundays locked in elections. president george of 5 out of the lawn, described it as such back as said, it's not the end of the road. so his causing a ship believe to be delivered in humanitarian aid has been sponsored off the coast of gaza as a correspondent, him the holiday report. if not it can't clear how and when the age would make it to show the distribution. and we still don't know if this foods and aids is going to be 600000 palestinians that are currently going under
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severe simon, according to the world's central kitchen, who are organizing this fluids a. this convoy has 400 tons of food and other supplies for gardens. they said that it has enough food to free for more than 1000000 meals. it has items such as rice has sauce while we're 10 best tools and proceeds. but it's still not clear how this food is going to be distributed. we also see the poor that has been built by the world central kitchen. we can treat that area. it's very dangerous for us to read stuff area. this is the last point where we can reach this isn't gonna hold the odyssey that i received the street garza so we, in stage media is reporting that and that's really as try cuz tom does it the vonny
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and consulate building in damascus. 8 people that reported to have been killed in the attack arose as news agencies as a senior come on the of the iranian revolution regard, cool, well homeland today's as a havi is among those count. the, as in bob was said to hold public hearings into the kennings of tens of thousands of people in the 1980s known as the dakota home. that he had happened to the early years of the nations independence. soldiers are accused of torture rate and execution. how did with us a report from the district of charlotte? your julia savannah was a young woman in 1983 her father, cedric c binder was locked inside a house with other family members and the and allies julia hits in the nearby field and feels guilty. she survived. we know who the one to 5. i carry that,
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paid me to me every day. i if sleepless nights my heart is too full. the killings and other atrocities were carried out during the 1st years and bobby's independence part of a military operation. authorities named caroll windy meaning the reins washing away the chess or work less garbage. we need to 1st acknowledge that the only thing was done. then we allow these victims to shit out to the experiences in the they will guide as on. what did they need done? maybe the 20 and the portal should be test one that i can relate to me. the north korean trained 5th grade was find is a combined of some bobbies for many to robert. some guy they, he claimed political opponents wanted to destabilize a newly independent government. this security benefit was game assuming that god, he is now as involved as president. the armed forces were headed by people who now
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have seen the government post. president manenda. what has asked additional leaders to hold public hearings to allow the victims to speak out and hopefully close a dock check tubs and bobby's history. but some traditional leaders are skeptical, is not owned by us, is to we what it's already given what to do. because the from the width cool, it was said it was going to be able to modify ports. but do from the look of things, this book down is it is not known how many people were killed during the violence that affected some parts of the mat to be a lad and midlands provinces in the 1980s. but some organizations estimate up to tens of thousands for decades. many people that be too frightened to talk elders in the community, don't want people to forget about what happened here. this plaque on memorial is a reminder that people were killed here, including a 7 month old baby, some ins and bobby don't believe that it would be any reconciliation. those have
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concerns about calling the killings a genocide. that could be determined off to the hearings when president, man, and guy will receive the final report. what's clear is that the trauma and pain of the victims is still roll hard on the tasks out as a lot of district zimbabwe. one of the world's largest cities, maybe just months away from running out of wolf and mexico associated the lack of a steady water supply has already reached crisis levels. a combination of climate change and adequate planning, an aging facilities, a contributing to taps, running dry julie valley on a report from the mexican capital. so it's 8 am. and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an
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entire day. soviet the import once the years ago we had water all the time, even at night. not now though. last month we received no water for 15 days. getting jessica, it's actually among the lucky ones, and he stopped by lava mexico, cities largest and poor as district hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government motor tankers to reach and paying for a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical waters shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water here and stuff like that. but i didn't many other neighborhoods like it across the mexico city that have grown and regularly over the years. water shortages are nothing new, but the recent crisis and the reality, things are likely to get much worse before they get better,
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is driving some residents to the brakes where they want that navy, for long as the, you know, the neighbors get together and took the tanks by force, essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. stop of load is his job has become increasingly dangerous as the water has become more scarce. demand far away supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive with times, taking before the task goes dry again and jellies of rushes to washed dirty laundry in which the runoff swings the floor. having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica feels the situation would be coming on sustainable. the medicine, i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all.
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the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it to ago, the i know i'll just sierra mexico city south korean president, june, so fuel and has defended his government's plans to increase medical school with admissions. the administration says more doctors and needed to address the countries and rapidly aging population and low dr to population ratios. thousands of training doctors walked off the job in february saying the changes would drive down wages and compromised the standard of care that now facing potential license suspensions. with we do k as in the governments medical reform is to create an environment in which south korean people can get treatments wherever they live. so no matter what kind of diseases they have,
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by strengthening essential medical services and regional medical services. to do so, we need more doctors if the country cannot increase the number of doctors without the doctor's permission. i only have to ask whether people's lives are worth only that much to the, to the foreign ministers of china and funds have met in badging to mock 60 years of diplomatic relations during the joint news conference. wong g said china and tends to increase some ports of high quality products from phones and the to and he hopes funds will provide a fed business environment for chinese funds. europe has been working on reducing dependency on china to maintain its industrial competitiveness. katrina, who has moved from badging. francis for minnesota to funds as your own, is engaging for one day visits, attending events, celebrations. 60 years of diplomatic plays between the 2 countries. use the 2nd foreign minister to visit aging in less than 6 months and trade is high on the agenda. now this appears to be a bit of
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a sticking point between the 2 countries. france has said that intends to reduce what it considers to be an excessive or the reliance on chinese supply chains. so he went on monday. he said that francis undertake some economic re balancing in gold, if it is trading relationships, to remain sustainable. now, one in china is foreign minister in response to that, went against any protectionist measures. and he said that the aging should be considered as no reliable or a risk. but as of the community being announced, that it will increase its impulsive french products. expand visa, free measures, french nationals, and in return it floats that terraces present a level of the playing field for chinese companies or racing in front. now another ice and behind the agenda was the train with just on says you on saying that it expects a staging to send very clear messages to russia over its invasion crane of aging. of course,
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the full eclipse ignore limits. partnership with moscow in the front is clearly indication that it's aware of the special relationship that she think has person also fronts expressed was a concern of a no 3 is sending of weapons to age and brushes. well, if it's in the price, so also make you a point that is expects that agent would use also if it's friendship with p. m. yes, to influence uh, what is happening is that overall the both sides and said they intend to expand the relationship, the trading relationships, especially, which is now with $80000000000.00 us dollars and officials, unofficially, french officials have said that this is also paving the way for a possible visit of chinese presidency. do think 2 fronts in may. the aging has katrina you out to 0 agent to the u. s. coast guard is preparing an alternate channels with vessels stuck in the port of baltimore after last week's bridge. come
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that cruise of the gun went to remove the 1st chunk of the bridge from the wilka. 6 people killed them. the incident when a condo ship lost power has hang one of its supposed colors that's broken on correspondence. she has a tunzia who's joining us live from baltimore. so how the clean up operations going she, how really is that a just beginning actually you should be able to see what remains of the style of the process for the bridge behind me. as you mentioned, they did remove the 1st section sofa of i believe it was about 200 tons worth of a bridge that are full of them into the river. it was removed by cray and put on a barge and i'm taken away, but it's something that he stays. we're not really getting any real estimates of how long that's not effort. we'll take, as you say, i think now the main concern is trying to are, but at least some, some means of transport on the river. so the time is to have at least one traveler
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for the next few days. the thing on the northeast of the main channel, which small vessels can use a critical vessel. so that for the operation of a, for as well as just vessels ordered all of them to solve with operation. and then with further travels, we're putting beyond that, but really not much of really a problem title. and so there's a really big items themselves also that they've been dead as they were killed in this to be, to disrupt you. as a result of all these are the top a to a phase for bodies remain missing, but because it's raining and just because of the day be in the channel, it's um, it's too difficult for type of selection to go down and try and recover those bodies a lot of questions back off of the so those are interested in and, and walk as rights. labor rights are as to why these non unionized as non union company who was steering construction on the bridge at the time. i didn't give these was any means if you need to cation, pruitt fives. they should have been warned, as well as the drivers on either side of the bridge as just before, just before gloves. and she have, as just saying,
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it's literally in the early stages of the clean up operation. so what does that mean for the potential economic impact of this accident? it seems like we're be economic impact that will be mainly regional right now. the quote is still open or so the freight shipping containers to be processed. but sculpture, that's normal kind of game. so the question is, what happens to be $8.00 to $15000.00 block? is it directly with a quote once that freight stops, once the price? that's the thing is of a function of medicine. lovely from a 175000 workers to rely on the porch for their livelihoods. i've got this that's uh, the other, i'm silly reaffirmation does. what does this rate so in, in the area, that's a big focus of various reasons today. it's like, doesn't need to just think of a longshoremen's union not too far away from there about what happens,
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what happens all about. but actually where every nationally, it doesn't seem like a huge impact because the full port, somebody east coast of kentucky's mega containers. it's sort of a free all those multiple ones, the 3, all those what a new york one in new jersey, one in virginia or at store will be able to handle the excess capacity. but that's actually another issue, potentially for long term damage for multiple. because the question is, once there's, there's companies of yours multiple for freights to us for letting me in the range of, you know, a bell bell. but we come back once the forward is very open for about those companies that are actually importing phrase for distribution around the country. once they've actually got new infrastructure in these other thoughts. will they come back to? that's another issue which is on the minds of i've had another reason why they want to get this for running again as soon as possible. she has sent you very much, is that she has her times of joining us live from baltimore. still ahead on the news stuff last reporting from jeremy. well,
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one of your it was most liberal kind of this last suggest taken effect on everyone about 18 years old and now small amounts of this plan. and so there's another for basketball style abroad. james action from the n b a coming out in some of the business, latest sponsored by intellect, global your real estate destination in due by
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the business lasers to sponsored by him to like global your real estate destination in dubai. the top of course, now he's on a think very much as well. formula one's own as are set to buy moto jeep and a full $1000000000.00 deal. the american liberty media group says it wants to take
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the most of bikes here as to why the global audience. the deal is expected to be finalized that by the end of this year, the g. p. a has been owned by spanish company during a sports for more than 3 decades. we've been talking to most o g p during this time and has some about what this takeover could mean for the support. what we've repeatedly heard over the years is the g. p. a championship with, with change, we're going fingers with a really diverse global audience. as being really undervalued it's, it's not being well promoted. and as a result, it's, it's kind of the, on the wonder of orders for 10 expenditure and f one, find it to one of this new couple funds to be converted to f one by the sheet. success is like uh, netflix documented drive to survive. so they've come in here they, they bought a properties and they see is being quite low valued. and with the experience and what we send them to an f one, they very much believe that they can expand this into something much bigger and much more sort of commercially viable for them. it will be really, really good to,
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to hopefully see us go to some of the audiences. it's being repeatedly highlighted at this point. it is that there's a huge opportunity in north america for the sport to expand there because of various things. but you know, the way that our wrist is wrong with, with short, tiny intensity races of 45 minutes. so i think as well, it's going to be a good fit for global science about a g p and a good fight thing for global science of order sports or color and tell us he says his real madrid team have a slight advantage heading into the tap is equal to final guess mass just as to, to next week. we're almost 8 points clear at the top of this fun to sleep with a to know when over technical bell l'oreal now have a week long break. and since you have to leave games today before the european fixture to c, b 3, all 51 on i go to in the last season's has scarcely got here. yeah, really? oh yeah, of course, as much as the city have a more complicated calendar than us,
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but this is more than football. of course we have a small advantage, but that won't be decisive for the result being on this, we have good time to prepare for the match. and also we will hopefully play a bit of it. but because today i think we played a good match. we controlled the match, but we lacked some intensity because the match did not need it, but then the rise and rise of tennis play and it gets sent continues to tighten. has one be mind me open. then i'll class bull guy is a good guard to meet at all for in the final and dropping just full games on his way to a straight set 5th street for 2 year old, also one that says my son title be in australia, and he's only loved one not so far this season that was against kind of such that as 2 weeks ago at indian wells, this as it moves sooner to number 2 in the world ranking above and kind of well number one goals and any core there has now once we tournaments in a role on the as the g tool,
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the lays is coming at the full championship in arizona as david stokes report. the, the end of the week and the trophy finale told the world number one with the food championship by 2 shots. and in doing so, i became the 1st woman to rack up 3 winds, and 3 starts since thailand's a re a to, to now getting in 2016. she's the 1st american to do it since nancy lopez in 1978. but what's the secret to his success? i don't really know. just really enjoying myself out there. and i mean, i love golf. i've always loved golf. i mean, sometimes it's harder than other days. last year was definitely one of the harder years. i never really got any momentum going with injuries and such 25 year old code that comes from a very supporting family. my sister jessica also plays on so i brought this the best in the pro tennis player as well. have parents the father pensacola,
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when the 1998 australian open natalie, one last week in california and on the previous appearance in florida in late january. she says taking a 7 week break in between really helps i really enjoyed my time off. spend a lot of time with my family. i went back to prague and joy to kinda live outside of golf a little just disconnected. and to me that, that was just like the perfect research going into this, like busy schedule. australia is hearing that feed finish 2nd behind quarter, making just a 2nd to her parents who run is up check for $270000.00 is more than she does in the past 4 years combined. i mean, she's an amazing player and to share the stage with her is, is a really and on us. so yeah, yeah, it was, it was a great day but just fell short. but again, it's an experience. so we move on. kuta is right. $71000000.00 in prize money with
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a $3.00 straight wins. she now has 11 carries on to to go with the olympic gold. c one in tokyo, in 2021. next up, she'll be looking to make it full, wins. it arrive. this week's matched play in las vegas, david stokes, which is 0. the going to in schooled 40 points for the any lakers and the when it gets to brooklyn, that's a to break another and be a record. he now has the most effective 20th extremes in the history. james also joined michael jordan as the only play with multiple 40 point games off to the age of $39.00. laces are up to 9th in the western conference. and soho tiny spark. the revival for the n a. 1 as in the game against his son, who is cardinals, the dodges were training for nothing until the japanese. so got his team going with this hit. it was his thoughts,
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all the turn around that saw the dog is going to win the game 5 for that. so for me is thank you very much, donna. now, finding this bulletin after a long and he's of debate. germany has become the biggest you countries and legalize kind of us for personal use. the new law is one of the most liberal and in europe, allowing adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug, set, voss and reports from the then it was a happy moment for those lab long campaign to decriminalize kind of boost activists . get it at berlin's kind of as museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament, the director of the museum himself spend time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00, less across the oceans in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public and it'd be, it'd be, uh you really, you, it's really hard to consumers. opponents of the law call it. it was sponsible
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citing dangerous health effects troubles of you to mention, cause even i've seen so many people become so serious the l. so bad, the damage by drug abuse. that because i've never found that way back into normal life, i've spoken to so many doctors you want against occurring time as part of child support to say the opposite is true. if adoption can be controlled. since 2017 does, german company has been allowed to grow. and so kind of best for medical use, the main indications are kind of as, as prescribed as chronic pain. and that's also a lot of people report and studies that they experience a lot of relief. but the legal notation is only partial. the government wants to control the supply of recreational kind of is. so only members of circles kind of as clumps will be a lot to obtain model. you wanna write rolling plans to gather everyone in germany about 18 years old. come now possess 25 grams of kind of best and public 15 grams at home. and 4 o, 3 of these plans themselves,
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making the german kind of his policy even more liberal countries like the netherlands. where despite the presence of coffee shops kind of assessing that for been legalized, but produces worry that the government's main ink to crack down on the black market won't be a chief. official says home growing cannabis, especially in the german climate, isn't easy. and if done properly can be costly. he predicts many will continue to buy from the less. yeah, that's unfortunately, that's it. that's the truth for either street. or if you have a house issue, then go to the pharmacy and get something to control the government plans to legalize supply in the future as well. but for now, dealers in this bach and bullying won't lose all their business steadfast. and l g a 0 fell in. it will stay with us on the calendar 0. we will be back in just a couple of minutes for the organizations. developments on top stories. thank you for watching.
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the a huge reserves of lucio used an electric battery, some fine to for reducing over reliance on fossil fuels. fly, be nice. can fast ideas so player or unique ecosystem that indigenous communities are desperate to protect from a mining people empower? asks, is it possible to extract the metal without causing an environmental catastrophe? argentina's white goals on that just the time around. no size have family was one of the sauce to leave neighborhood nancy dunn's capital cost to because they couldn't afford to leave earlier when the will reached us. the web them shows everywhere, getting more than 20 of my neighbors each day. people here come nice to full health services,
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a close that comes off from the fact that the nation transit can in the town to bring new york i called says he was shot in his stomach more than 2 months ago. he's joined, he's been getting for months it's been receiving south sea, denise, which are nice, like milk, the u. n. rush agency built it for about 3000. now there are more than 5 times that it's not a, you know what we are receiving. we have must have number of attorney and if you will need assistance. but our capacity and funds are very limited. african narratives from african perspectives. nature has always been there some way . my child to short documentary spine african film make is looking at the archives that we have sometimes quite heartbreaking to look for what is key is that
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it's part of our history that couple from nigeria and re writing libraries from africa direct on i'll just or the story in stage media says it is really as to like, has hit the iranian embassy compound to damascus. several people have been killed, the kind of warm elizabeth put on them, and this is out of your life from dell ha, also coming up scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of gauze is i'll ship a hospital report. so imagine of as riley soldiers committing atrocities the cooks constituted. will crimes, witnesses tell knowledge a 0 balance to needed to execute during israel seizure of the facility. some of the


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