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tv   NEWS 30min  Al Jazeera  April 1, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm AST

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are sometimes quite heartbreaking to look at what is p a is that is part of our history that coupled from nigeria and we writing libraries from canyon africa direct on, i'll just the, the story in stage media says it is ready as to like, has hit the iranian embassy compound of damascus. several people have been killed. the kind of woman is a put on them, and this is all just the online from dough ha. also coming up scenes of death and destruction among the ruins of gauze as i'll ship a hospital report. so imagine of as riley soldiers committing atrocities that could constitute will crimes. witnesses town alger 0 balance to indians will execute
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during israel seizure facility. some of the shots are, those are set to have been buried in life. i've had and we talked to to know to district, to symbolically on the 24th of february, 198327. people have been to this in their house. i'll tell you why many families are still waiting for just the we'll begin with a rapidly developing story out of sylvia ronnie on stage media is reporting that is really as to like, has targeted the iranian embassy compound in damascus. several diplomats were report for the code of the attack versus news agency says a senior come on the of the iranian revolution. we've gone cool. how much it is as a heavy is among the dead that spring in a correspondence saying a whole other issues. joining us live from a route and this is just happened in the last few hours zayna. but what are you
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hearing? what more are you hearing about the attack and any reaction to it? well, this is very much a developing story. like you mentioned siri and state television as well as the media are reporting that the iranian consulate was the targets of an apparent is really strikes in the hearts of damascus videos from the syrian capital show a building right next to the on. so lets completely destroyed and you do see as well and rodney and flag. so this in itself is very significant and could have serious implications targeting a diplomatic mission which is supposed to be protected under international law. now iranian state television is saying that the 2 months were killed in that strikes. but security sources have been quoted as saying that
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a top rank could this force commander and iranian commander of the revolutionary guards mohammed visit the heavy was killed in that strike. he wouldn't, he won't be the 1st iranian commander or general to have been killed in recent months as well. has carried out numerous assassinations in recent months. targeting a run in the commanders as well as those of commanders the allied with a run. but no doubt, the location, the fact that the syrian stake media and iranian media are saying that a diplomatic mission was targeted, there is still no reaction really from it. there's still no confirmation if you'd like from iran on, on whether or not to how much it's a, it's a heavy was killed. but this is definitely another blow for a run in recent. absolutely zayna and as you've been saying and as well being
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the pushing for assessing the sense of long gaza began for years before that the israeli government and military have carried out assassinations have to the senior members of the iranian revolution. regard. cool that have they ever carried out an attack such as this on an embassy building? this is what is significant about striking. this is why it could have serious implications. it really crosses red line. now, how will be run react? many have said that israel has been acting with little restraint crossing red lines because your rounds response has been restrained. whether it's a run or whether it's allies in the region. you mention that israel has been hitting a run in and they run the ending targets in syria for years. now preventing them from entrenching themselves militarily. but since october since the war on garza
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and since the groups and the parts of the, the network of the so called excess of resistance, which is led by a run open front against is really forces to help palestinians in gaza. then we've seen an uptick of is really strikes in syria going after commanders warehouses, the really trying to degrade their operational capabilities. and when you take out the commanders again, it's like, like if indeed this is confirm how much is a, is a heavy then what you're doing is you're taking out liaison officers, the people who link up all these groups together. now if you talk to anybody in israel, what they will say is that they believe that you run use is and it's diplomatic missions whether invaded with whether in damascus or elsewhere. a for meetings, for planning meetings, they use it as some sort of a headquarters. so they, in one way or another, trying to justify a to, you know, targeting, targeting this building. but no doubt, this is
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a serious tensions across the region, triggered by the war on how will re run react. if it does not react, then there will be no de terrace. and this could continue and, and israel will feel that it is able to take out it whether commanders in syria or 11. not just yesterday. there was another target to this house, the nation in the south of the country as a member of hezbollah, killed in that strike. and so they're loved or not. that's rise zayna. and just as you were saying, you know, one of the biggest questions now is how is around going to respond. they have said many times june, since the one guys have began. and while members have been involved, divani and revolution regard for have been case that they will respond just how difficult a physician does this massive escalation put iran in. and how much more
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dangerous does this make the entire conflict spilling of a guy who has board is an enter the region. well, no doubt. if they do not react and you know, do not respond, then there will be no de terence and as well, we'll continue to carry out these target to assess the nations. but you know, they're very difficult choices here. let me give you just one example. the front, the south lebanon, northern israel, front has but law opens a front to help palestinians in garza and it is targeting military positions of this way. the army in the north is the country. it feels that it is putting a lot of pressure on the government because tens of thousands of people were forced to leave their homes in, in northern israel. so this is added pressure on the israeli government. no, but it has the law where to fire rockets and it's can, it has the capabilities to do so. thousands of raw fits on
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a daily basis and hit tel aviv and hit tape, but then as well, but also his favorites. it's also hits hezbollah, you know, areas where as well as supporters live, leaving hundreds of thousands of people without homes. so these are very difficult choices for has been the, or for a run that to, to make, because there's massive destruction on both sides. but again, there is, there is this need for the to the, to the parents in order for these targets it, this aspirations to stop. what we're seeing really isn't up to him is radius tri city, syria becoming more frequent. that was a strike yesterday. there was a strike 2 days ago or 3 days ago in a level more than 50 were killed in syria. many of them were syria and military personnel, and at least 7 of them were members of the lebanese arms group has the law. so it seems to be to try to de great, and we can their enemies, whether it isn't syria,
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whether it is 11 on whether it's involves a targeting commanders, whether it's in falls, targeting what it says are military assets warehouses. so this conflict really is on a dangerous and slippery slope, a conflict of you know, regional tensions that have been triggered by the war on garza. and as long as that work continues, the end, the tensions will only escalate and there will be no way to de escalate this conflict because for example, here 11 on has well, it has made it clear they will not talk the fighting until the war on gaza and say no, thank you very much for that. that's a correspondence. dana, for the joining of my from be root with what we know so far and would your now by all the vice he's director of the, of on project at the international prices group. and he's joining us live from washington dc. thank you very much for your time. from what we know so far, what you're hearing so far. what do you make of this attack on a building,
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in the iranian embassy compound of the syrian capital, damascus as well. it is possible that this was a response to an attack yesterday on a is really naval facility in the city of any out of by potentially iranian back to iraq. you for your munitions. but even if that was the case, this seems to be a disproportionate the response. because targeting a diplomatic facility is a can to targeting another country on its own story. and having killed sooner and senior commanders there as well as iranian diplomats, it seems to be a major propagation. yeah, that's exactly what i was going to say when you mentioned the naval facility and i like the naval is the military installation. this is a diplomatic facilities of correspondence. dana was talking about how this conflict is on a dangerous and slippery slope. just how much more dangerous has this situation
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become off to the slightest attack? a look over all of the seems to still be a low center regional war. it's not yet and the all out regional conflict. but it does appear that israel is trying to do everything in his power to expand the complex, or at least there are some elements in israel who see benefits, political benefits, possibly from expanding and prolonging this conflict by dragging iran and hezbollah into it. this is at the same time putting israel in a really win win situation because israel knows iran doesn't want to get dragged into a regional war. and so if it's escalates its attacks against iranian assets and personnel in syria, it probably would be cost free. and if iran does respond and retaliate, then it becomes a justified pretext, or expanding the the war. yeah, i mean,
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you say that israel notice that the wrong doesn't want to expand this conflict, but it has to respond doesn't fit several members of its iranian revolution regard have been co since the wall and gaza began. and now this attack. and that's right. and we have come a long way from the time that is, is really want to time targeted running assets in syria. it would actually give some warning through the russians so that there will be no iranian casualties or fatalities. now we're seeing that not only israel is almost on weekly basis targeting iranian assets, but is actually targeting to kill and now is, has escalated a significantly by and targeting a diplomatic facility. but the look iran again has plenty of experience with these kind of complex uh and right now its strategic interest seems to be in trying to prevent falling into this trap that it believes as real has laid for it. and so,
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if i wanted to bet, i would bet the likely vanya responses is going to come through uh, its proxies uh or its partners in the region. we might see a tax on is really vessels in the red sea by the who with these or we might see resumption of attacks by stream and it shows in iraq in syria on us facilities. but it's very unlikely that iran would respond directly. you said that in the past, that as well, you would give warnings, you know, through russia before carrying out such attacks on iranian installations on iranian assets. and sylvia, why isn't that happening now? and does it have anything to do with the fact that russia has been very outspoken against israel's war on gaza? or well, the rest of the relationship with is where it has suffered since the gods award. there is no doubt about it. uh and uh, there seems to be less confliction and coordination between these readers and the russians. but this has more to do with israel's own interest and trying to use the
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father of war and gaza to we can iran and its allies in the region as well. but also again, this seems to be that the gloves are off right now because israel believes that in any scenario, whether around responds or doesn't respond is real stance the game. and lastly, mr. via, as we've heard a lot from the united states, as well as the biggest ally of quotes about not wanting this conflict to expand. do you see the united states responding to this latest attack in any way? look us position is that if is real, provokes it more with has well, or with iran, it's on its own. but if iran in his blood would target israel in an unprovoked manner, then us will come into the conflict to support israel. the question right now is
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whether this was a line is, has been crossed through the recent attack, which again, as i said, constitutes a major publication. that's all the volumes of the international crisis group. thank you for your time. thanks us. and still ahead on knowledge a 0, a lot of causes and one of the wills, biggest cities will tell you what the people of mexico's capital, the doing to code stuff. fossil reports in from germany, where one of your it was most liberal, cannabis last suggest they can affect them. everyone about 18 years old can now process. i'm small amounts of this plan, the testing time for your weather report across asia and read off the bad check out this video of this intense hillstone in bunker dash like the size of these hills
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storms here. just pounding the pavement. people putting their vehicles a way to avoid any damage that energy also shifted over the other side of the border in india is a solid state to branch will down pause there. but it does turn much quieter on tuesday, out of humidity, still being pumped in off the bay of been golf for html. now do dishes states. it's feeling past 40 degrees. when you factor in the committee, there's also been big storms in china. northern quite in g, one done providence, there's shifting up against the yangtze river valley. these will be quite intense on to stay powerful wins and more hail to be expected. then that energy slides out over these, trying to see it's going to pour into korea and japan. so ahead of this disturbance, most of japan is under heavy rainfall alerts, lot of humidity, bumping in off the south. china sea for china is hand an island, whether it's in play, their northern vietnam. so let me show you a noise feeling about 45 when you factor in that humidity. meantime, for indonesia biggest burst of rainbow beat southwest on sumatra. island of atlanta
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in buckhead started to much pressure fuel after the storms rolled through. let's go $29.00 in the 4 of the families in gaza, facing unimaginable hardships during times of crisis. solidarity is a strong this defense against injustice. and we've been in garza since 1991 doing life saving look. your generosity can provide value to support to those west effected because he met dr. stella, you'll see showing this brightest, gave mercy. now tonight, today the, the,
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[000:00:00;00] the, you watching all, just bear with me, elizabeth put on and don't have a mind to about top stories. the solid yvonne in stage media is reporting that it is really as talk, has targeted the iranian embassy compound to the syrian capital, damascus. several diplomat supposedly killed him the attack senior commander of the iranian revolution. regard core mohammed, it is as a hobby, is set to be among the dead bolt. so imagine as rarely, atrocities doing it. siege of gauze as all ship a whole special that if proven, would constitute the most heinous of all crimes. according to a statement released by him off and based on witness accounts is rarely troops carried out rustic executions of civilians. dozens of the composing bodies have been found in the medical compound and local officials say around 300 palestinians
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were killed. there are reports and we must trust unconfirmed at this time, that some of the victims had their hands tied and were buried alive. others according to witness accounts, crushed with tags and what appears to be an attempt to cover up the evidence. the whole, the most agonizing moment is when the is really soldiers showed that civilian men before our own eyes, some were shot dead, others were buried alive and ditches. most of the dead bodies were bulldozed and buried by the is ready. so when i saw many young men handcuffed and blindfolded, thrown in the ditch and breeds was sent up, we witnessed it all. it happened before our own eyes. like in august, while we found the entire dialysis department burned down, these rarely soldiers set it on fire. we were taking shelter in the hospital. god have mercy on our souls. we cannot even find our dead. we can not even find all those killed here in the hospital. my husband was being treated here,
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he died in the hospital. they starved him to death. well, most of gauze is largest, and most advanced hospital has now been reduced to rubble into them on a hand to pulse once it was a place of healing and sanctuary. now gauze and cities, el cheapo hospital does nothing more than ruins. many palestinians have come here to see for themselves what little remains you know about come across the room. a medical facility serving civilians is totally destroyed, let into the ground. it was the central hospital, forgot. all the hospitals departments were destroyed, including the borrower trace radiology unit. many dead bodies have also been found . this is what else chief i looked like before the war. and as the israel bomb the strip, thousands took refuge here but is rarely forced as of late siege to the hospital. for the past 2 weeks, buildings were burned and the court yard was built. when they withdrew,
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they left behind a trail of bodies across the compound, gauze, at the health ministry says hundreds were killed is really rate. and many patients died because they were deprived of medical care. now the vulnerable are being taken elsewhere. it's not the 1st time they've been forced to move. but as israel's war and gaza continues to expand, they may find that no worries safe sense and monahan, i'll just the or any of you spoke to not demo how much of flash it all ship a hospital. then he described what he witnessed there on a creep mosley. i was present at the c a in the morning. my lady said it was the victim of the home, the behind the line for the aid into the house,
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but the dizzy. and we found that the data, but it's, all of them were handcuffed behind the back and blindfolded the well enough to drive these unprecedented throughout the we have never seen anything like that. and any other role they have played by see the entire hard the calls out for 15 days during this time they have been right, they'll cover all the pride they have to go to and some of the major kind of stuff we haven't spoken to. many of the bible they, they said with new for the own live that they have many to benefit is being executed, including the wage as well. another living room, a know
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a basic route before the hospital with the we had the big a the number of patients after the fees this number had dropped on the son who is an occupied east. most of them are more on what israel has saying about the siege a back in november, the is really army head claim to last was using the hospital as a military command center and headquarters claims that have never been proven to this day. and in fact, there were several raids on not only on ship a hospital, but other medical facilities for the same type of claims. this is the 4th raid and siege on the largest medical complex inside of gaza. and after a 2 week attack by these early army, they say that they have concluded what they call the precise and targeted operation, though that could be afford to pay, given the devastation of destruction that was left behind in the hospital. these really army also says they have
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a rest state at 500 fighters. we do know that in the beginning of the seas, there were journalists who were among those who were detained by these really forces. additionally, they say they have killed 200 fighters. witnesses and other sources on the ground have told us just the to that civilians were among them. we have reached out to these really army about the claims of civilians being executed at the hospital. and we have not yet heard back. meanwhile, as one has called us 2 weeks operation and i'll ship a hospital exemplary saying it will become the gold standard for urban warfare. moving on to the situation of the ship, a hospital, i believe that the terrace take over of schieffer and the subsequent special forces operation to clear the hospital of terrace will be studied by future generations of military strategist at west points and san host. as the gold standard
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of been wolfe at the prime minister confirms and di quotes, the officers operated that in exec, in an exemplary fashion. she finds, become a main tears and come on the sense of how much the surprise action by our forces was precise and surgical to all the news now and took a is made opposition. republican people's party had some big ones and sundays local elections. president treasure 5 ed long described it as a set back, but he says it's not the end of the road for his potty said, i'm close the oldest books of oceans on the streets of his bundles. one day after 2 case, highly competitive local election raised the majority of the male, you'll see it's across the country are now governed by the made up position republican party, the c h p. this is a victory for the main, a position who has been far from this this majority of coverage for more than the case. but also it says that the fees for the home in golf course of up have silver and city is like,
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is some move for more than 20 years. that appreciation that i'm 60 years old, that i voted for the c h b for the 1st time. but i do with a gain, look at the prices and the change. so it's important to vote for the one who works on north an act of parties supported by voted for its candidates in the city i live in. i understand why people voted for him a molar in the stumble. this may or election gave a clear message to the golf far to enter hundreds of safe drawn, wasn't very keen to retake, assemble, and on cut off from the opposition. how he's disappointed, then he said that he received the message given by the citizens, but there are so many issues to be repaired onto the presidential election in 2028 . economy is a major problems, and this is why people mostly vote us for the opposition seen up to solar elders are a simple one of the well as largest cities may be just months away from running out of lucia and mexico associated the lack of steady water supply has already reached
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crisis levels. a combination of climate change and adequate urban planning and aging facilities are contributing to taps, running dry julia gaudy on a report from the mexican capital. as it's 8 am. and angelica is waiting for the 1st trickle of water to flow through the only tap with running water in her house. when it does finally come, she will have about 4 hours to fill enough containers to get her family of 7 to an entire day to serve you at the import. once the years ago we had water all the time, even at night. not now though, last month we receive no water for 15 days. get angelica, it's actually among the lucky ones and the stuff by law, mexico, cities, largest and poor as district hundreds of thousands of residents don't get any water at home and have to either line up for hours a day or wait for government water tankers to reach and paying for
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a private one is too expensive for most families. here. lexical city, a sprawling metropolis of 22000000 people is experiencing its most critical water shortage. ever. a crushing combination of low rain, full, mismanagement of water supplies, an uncontrolled city growth as citizens and scientists worried about the short term access to water. here in a step by that, but i didn't many other neighborhoods liked it across the mexico city that have grown and regularly over the years. water shortages are nothing new. but the reason crisis and the realization things are likely to get much worse before they get better, is driving some residents to the brain where they want the neighbors to last for long as he been out of the neighbors get together and took the tanks by force essentially hijacked them so that we will fill their water tanks. some people take their guns out on us to get water, but this situation is not our fault. we'll stop a flo. does this job has become increasingly dangerous as the water has become more
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scarce. demand far of waste supplies when it comes to water tanks and residents are often left waiting for days on end for then to arrive. with time's ticking before the task goes dry again, angelica rushes to watch dirty laundry, in which the runoff streams the floor. having lived in this house for over 40 years, angelica fuel situation could be coming on casino, both the medicine, i am resigned. i am now used to this routine every day, but i also think about the fact that one day there just won't be any water at all. the long term solution requires a broader debate about whether the city can continue to grow, but water is not a politically popular issue in mexico, especially in an election year. this year is that access to water in the city will go from being a human rights to a luxury available only to those that can pay for it. do it all? yeah, i know. i'll just sierra mexico city findings as well as an after long and hate of
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debate. germany has become the biggest you country to legalize kind of as for personal use, the new law is one of the most liberal in europe, allowing adults to carry and cultivate small amounts of the drug. step loss and the quote from the and then it was a happy moment for those lab long campaign to criminalize kind of boost activists get it at berlin's cannabis museum to watch. the law finally passed the last hurdle in parliament. the director of the museum himself spent time in prison for smoking marijuana. this will be a $180000.00 less pro solutions in germany next year. and it will be a normalization of kind of as use in the public and to be a be, are you really you which relief for the consumers? opponents of the law call it. it was sponsible citing dangerous health effects. was a few to mention because even i've seen so many people become so seriously ill, so badly damaged by drug abuse. that because i've never found that way back into


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